(these are in addition to the standard credits listed for the
diku dev team, the merc dev team and ROM dev team)

The following people contributed to the GhostMud flavor of the merc/ROM base code:

Socials --
Beta testing --
	Taka        The Wolf                    Head Coder, Builder
	Cormac      Sexy Thing                  Head Builder
	Vincent     Biggest Dwarf on the block  Chief of Ideas, Builder
	Roxie       Mistress of dreamers        Graphics Ideas, Web Design
	myndzi      Magic Man                   Spells/Skills Testing and
	              myndzi@hotmail.com          balancing, Q&A, Ideas
	Pyrox       The fantastic AaronMan      King of thieves and ideas,
	              pyrox311@hotmail.com        Quality assurance, Play testing
	Kira        Crystal lady                Writting and advertising

Bug reports --
    Thanks to Pyrox, Garin, myndzi, Vincent, Rahvin, Darkmist, and Aries.

GhostMud 3.0 was developed by the GhostMud Project Team. Much
work has gone into this project and it is destributed to you under
the agreement you will honour the license and registration of Ghost.
Please email me Taka at a_ghost_dancer@excite.com and let me know
you are using our work it will encourage future releases.

The new feautures in Ghost are modeled after some of the features we have 
seen on other muds. A few snippets have been used they are as follows.
Omni command snippet!
	Immortal command OMNI was added through a code snippet downloaded
	from a rom code site.
	Author: -Prism snazzy@ssnlink.net>
	* IMPROVEMENTS to this snippet
	  1) List is now sorted in level order highest to lowest
	  2) It has been colorized
	  3) I have added trust level to be seen for mortals
critical strike snippet!
	Added rom code snippet from a rom code page.
	Author: Brian Babey (aka Varen) [bribe@erols.com]  
circle snippet!
	Added rom code snippet from a rom code page.
	Author: morning glory <mocat@hooked.net>  
battle prompts!
	Battle prompts were a snippet but they were slow and not very accurate.
	- Improved battle prompts display to be accurate to 5%
	- Improved overall battle prompts performance by nearly 20%
	Author: Ian McCormick (aka Gothar)  mcco0055@algonquinc.on.ca 
		** These prompts have been improved for accuracy to 5% and
		i increaded the speed and performance!
remort snippet!
	remort code left out some vital pieces. IE: pcrace table entiers
	being the most important.
	Author: ataprocter@mail.coin.missouri.edu --Dribble
	Had to make some adjustments but the code is very nice once debugged!
	* IMPROVEMENTS to this snippet
	  1) created and UNREMORT command
	  2) allows for multi-level remort process now
	  3) remort bonuses are now in place IE more trains and practice
	     also more hp/mana/move according to remort level
Color snippet!
	- Color was added using Lope Color. It is a snippet downloaded from
	  a code code site.

Too many changes to list here have gone into this code.