This is the only real file that I did myself, I'm not asking any real credit for this, most of the work was done by TAKA and her Ghostmud team (gives a round of applause) and the real credit lies there, as well as the original Diku and Rom teams. I just added some of my own ideas, tossed in some more snippets, and got it to compile under Cygwin. I left alot of loose ends in the code (only progs and the rage.c file), I was in the middle of rewriting the combat system. The only thing I do recall messing up is Copyover.. and my attempts to fix it for Cygwin. The mud is still stable, at least on my machine. Oh, and something is weird with oprogs/rprogs/mprogs, didn't have time to find out..

    By using this code, you agree that I (Tyler Ross, AKA Xeric or Shadus) am not responsible for anything that happens to the end user (You) by use of this mud code, area files etc... in other words, don't blame me if your computer blows up, pushing the moon out of alignment, causing everyone in south-east asia to go insane. And don't violate the licenses included in the DOCS folder! (yeah, you gotta read those to)

    That's basically it... I don't do tech support.. so don't whine to me. 
    Anything else can be sent to:
    The reason I stopped coding on this mud can be seen at--------