-1 DIKU~
.                    Original game idea, concept, and design:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

Developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science
                      at the University of Copenhagen.


Ghost Dancer's economy is based on gold and silver coinage (and the lowly copper,
which you as an adventurer are far too proud to carry).  Gold coins are worth
100 silver coins, but are also four times as heavy (25 to the pound, as 
opposed to 100 to the pound for silver). Gems can be bought to alleviate weight problems
from the Shadow Dancer's jeweller, he charges a mere 10% more than they are worth.
10 gems weigh one pound, and they can be worth more than 100 gold pieces for
the highest quality stones.

Brief and compact help set your display options for the game. Typing brief
toggles on and off the showing of room descriptions when you move around
(considerably reducing the text to be processed), and typing compact 
removes the extra blank line before your prompt.

-1 DEAF~
The deaf toggle turns off incoming tells, helpfull if you are being bombarded
by messages from other players.  You can still use reply (see 'help reply') to
reply to people who were telling you before you went deaf, although you
cannot reply to a deaf person unless you or they are a diety (it's mostly 
useful for sending a quick "I'm being spammed so I went deaf" message to
a person).

-1 AFK~
Typing AFK puts your character in a tell-saving mode as follows: any tell
to you is stored in a special buffer, and can be seen later by typing
recall.  This is useful when you need to leave the mud for 5 or 10 minutes,
but don't want to miss tells.  AFK shows up in your prompt until it is
turned off.

Tells to link-dead players are stored in a similar fashion, and can also be
seen by typing replay (unless, of course, the character logs off before
reading them).

Syntax: prompt
Syntax: prompt all
Syntax: prompt <%*>
PROMPT with out an argument will turn your prompt on or off.
PROMPT ALL will give you the standard "<hits mana moves>" prompt.
PROMPT <%*> where the %* are the various variables you may set yourself.
        {W%h {M:  {GDisplay your current hits{x
        {W%H {M:  {GDisplay your maximum hits{x
        {W%m {M:  {GDisplay your current mana{x
        {W%M {M:  {GDisplay your maximum mana{x
        {W%v {M:  {GDisplay your current moves{x
        {W%V {M:  {GDisplay your maximum moves{x
        {W%x {M:  {GDisplay your current experience{x
        {W%X {M:  {GDisplay experience to level{x
        {W%g {M:  {GDisplay your gold held{x
        {W%s {M:  {GDisplay silver carried{x
        {W%a {M:  {GDisplay your alignment{x
        {W%r {M:  {GDisplay the room name you are in{x
        {W%e {M:  {GDisplay the exits from the room in NESWDU style{x
        {W%c {M:  {GDisplay a carriage return (useful for multi-line prompts){x
	{B *** Prompts by Taka *** {x
        {W%O {M:  {GDisplay your current hits in Percentage form{x
        {W%P {M:  {GDisplay your current mana in Percentage form{x
        {W%Q {M:  {GDisplay your current moves in Percentage form{x
        {W%S {M:  {GDisplay the current Stock value.{x
	{R *** Battle Prompts by Gothar *** {x
        {W%b {M:  {GDisplay enemy health in graphical form.{x
        {W%B {M:  {GDisplay enemy health in percentage form.{x
	{D *** Immortal Prompts Only *** {x
        {W%R {M:  {GDisplay the vnum you are in (IMMORTAL ONLY){x
        {W%z {M:  {GDisplay the area name you are in (IMMORTAL ONLY){x
Example:  PROMPT <%hhp %mm %vmv>
Will set your prompt to "<10hp 100m 100mv>"
{WMOVEMENT                            GROUP{x
{Gnorth south east west up down       follow group gtell split{x
{Gexits recall{x
{Gsleep wake rest stand{x

{WOBJECTS                             INFORMATION / COMMUNICATION{x
{Gget put drop give sacrifice         help credits commands areas{x
{Gwear wield hold                     report score time weather where who{x
{Grecite quaff zap brandish           description password title{x
{Glock unlock open close pick         bug idea typo{x
{Ginventory equipment look compare    gossip cgossip say shout tell yell{x
{Geat drink fill                      emote pose{x
{Glist buy sell value                 note{x
{Gauto autoall				  gsoc{x

{WCOMBAT                              OTHER{x
{Gkill flee kick rescue disarm        ! save quit{x
{Gbackstab cast wimpy                 practice train{x

{WNEW						  BANKING - bank subcommands listed below{x
{Gremort unremort knock			  deposit sdeposit withdraw swithdraw{x
{Gconsume scan				  check balance transfer buy1 buy2 buy3{x
{G						  buy4 sell1 sell2 sell3 sell4 convert{x

For more help, type 'help <topic>' for any command, skill, or spell.


When you're in combat, and your opponent is hitting you enough, at some point
your health/hitpoints will run out. You will die then.

When your character dies, you are reincarnated in the morgue. You will find 
your corpse at your feet. It holds all the equipment you had when you died.

Any spells which were affecting you are canceled by death.

Following and groups are not affected by death.

You lose experience points for dying.  The amount you lose is two-thirds of 
the way back to the beginning of your level.

Corpses decay after time, and the objects inside corpses decay with them.
Player corpses last *roughly* 30 hours of game time (15 minutes of real time).
Only the player who died, or someone in the same group, can retrieve objects
from a player's corpse.


Your boby upon death is sent to the morge.
This is an optional function on Ghost and on various muds will very.

Your character advances in power by gaining experience.  You need a set 
amount of experience points for each level based on your creation points.

You gain experience by:

    being part of a group that kills a monster

You lose experience by:

   - fleeing from combat
   - recalling out of combat
   - being the target of certain spells
   - dying

The experience you get from a kill depends on several things: how many players
are in your group; your level versus the level of the monster; your alignment
versus the monster's alignment; how many of this monster have been killed
lately; and some random variation.

AS a mortal you can reach a maximum of 251 levels, and there are a total of 260
levels in all.

Also, when you level, you will receive an autorestore, which will do two things. 
It removes any negative affects you might have suffered (ie. blind, plague, 
poison). And it restores your hp/mana/moves.


You can buy pets in the pet shop.  You may own only one pet at a time, after 
the old one dies you may purchase a replacement.

New pets are planned for a shop in New Thalos.


Many of the game actions are based upon interval timers, including combat,
most autonomous monster actions, hp/mana/move regeneration, spell duration,
weather, and area resetting.

Of these timers, the hp/mana/move regeneration timer is popularly called the
'tick'.  Ticks on this mud average 30 seconds of real time, but the actual
amount varies randomly from 15 seconds to 45 seconds.

Area resetting happens roughly every 3 minutes if no one is in the area; less
often (15 minutes) if some one is.  Also note that objects lying on the ground
will not be regenerated if anyone is in the area when it resets.


0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.


Syntax: north
Syntax: south
Syntax: east
Syntax: west
Syntax: up
Syntax: down

Use these commands to walk in a particular direction.


Syntax: cast <spell> <target>

Before you can cast a spell, you have to practice it.  The more you practice,
the higher chance you have of success when casting.  Casting spells costs mana.
The mana cost decreases as your level increases.

The <target> is optional.  Many spells which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the spell name is more than one word, then you must quote the spell name.
Example: cast 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word spells.
You can abbreviate the spell name.

When you cast an offensive spell, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the spell is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual spells.


Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

Syntax: drop <object>
Syntax: drop <amount> coins
Syntax: get  <object>
Syntax: get  <object> <container>
Syntax: give <object> <character>
Syntax: give <amount> coins <character>
Syntax: put  <object> <container>

DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.

GET gets an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or even
from a corpse.  TAKE is a synonym for get.

GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.

PUT puts an object into a container.

DROP, GET and PUT understand the object names 'ALL' for all objects and
'ALL.object' for all objects with the same name.

You can drop/get/give/put/take multiple items by typing <action> <number>*<item>

Syntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.


Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>
COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.
COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.
COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.


Syntax: flee
Syntax: rescue <character>

Once you start a fight, you can't just walk away from it.  If the fight
is not going well, you can attempt to FLEE, or another character can
RESCUE you.  (You can also RECALL, but this is less likely to work,
and costs more experience points, then fleeing).

If you lose your link during a fight, then your character will keep
fighting, and will attempt to RECALL from time to time.  Your chances
of making the recall are reduced, and you will lose much more experience.


Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.


Syntax: order <character> command
Syntax: order all command

ORDER orders one or all of your charmed followers (including pets) to
perform any command.  The command may have arguments.  You are responsible
for the actions of your followers, and others who attack your followers
will incur the same penalty as if they attacked you directly.

Most charmed creatures lose their aggresive nature (while charmed).

If your charmed creature engages in combat, that will break the charm.


Syntax: rest
Syntax: sleep
Syntax: stand
Syntax: wake

These commands change your position.  When you REST or SLEEP, you 
regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement points faster.
However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you SLEEP,
you won't hear many things happen.

Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.  You can
also WAKE other sleeping characters.


                            ==(W{==========-      /===-
                              ||  (.--.)        /===-_------------------____
                              | \_,|**|,__      |==---___                _,-'`
                 -==\\        `\ ' `--'   ),    `//=\\   ----`---.___.---
             ______-==|        /`\_. .__/\ \    | |  \\           _--`
       __-----  ,-/-==\\      (   | .  |----|   | |   `\        ,'
    _--       /'    |  \\     )__/==0==-\<>/   / /      \      /
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/-'-    --------__  |     --/-         ( )   /'        _---`
                  \_|      /        _) | ;  ),   __----
                    '----_/      _--/- |/ \   '-- \
                   {\__--_/}    / \\_>-|)<__\      \
                   /'   (_/  _--  | |__>--<__|      |
                  |   _/) )--     | |__>--<__|      |
                  / /- ,_/       / /__>---<__/      |
                 o-o _//        /--_>---<__--      /
                 (^(-          /-_>---<__-      _--
                ,/|           /__>--<__/     _--
             ,//('(          |__>--<__|     /                  .----_
            ( ( '))          |__>--<__|    |                 /' _---_-\
         `-)) )) (           |__>--<__|    | -Tua Xiong    /' /      -\`\
        ,/,'//( (             \__>--<__\    \            /'  //        ||
      ,( ( ((, ))              --__>--<_--_  ---____----' _/'/        /'
    `-/  )` ) ,/|                 --_->--<_/-__       __-- _/
  ._--//( )/ )) `                    ---'_/_/ /-------__---
   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              ----------
  ' ') '( (/
    '   '  `

Syntax: gtell <message>
Syntax: say   <message>
Syntax: tell  <character> <message>

All of these commands send messages to other players.  GTELL sends a message to
all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they are
sleeping or stunned or dying.  ';' is a synonym for GTELL.

SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''
is a synonym for SAY.

TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world.

REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work
even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This
is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.


The notes on ROM replace the bulletin boards and mail systems found on many
other mud.  The following options are usable:

reading notes:
note list	: show all notes (unread notes are marked with an N)
note read	: either by number, or read next to read unread notes
note remove	: removes a note that you wrote or are the target of
note catchup	: markes all notes as read

writing new notes:
note to		: sets the to line (playername, clanname, immortal, or all)
note subject	: sets the subject for a new note
note +		: adds a line to a new note (i.e. note + hi guys!)
note -		: remove a line from a note in progress
note clear	: erase a note in progress
note show	: shows the note you are working on
note post	: posts a new note. This MUST be done to post a note.

When you log in, you will be informed if there are unread notes waiting. Type
note read to scroll through them one at a time.

Four other note directories exist, these are ideas, news, changes, and 
penalties (gods only).  They are used the exact same way, for example
idea read 5 will read idea #5.  Posting to the news and changes boards is
restricted. The 'unread' command can be used to show your unread notes on
all the note spools.


Syntax: <channel> <message>

Available channels:
gossip		auction		music	Q/A           
Quote		grats		shouts  tell         

quiet mode 

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive
shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.

GOSSIP is a variant of SHOUT (without the delay).  '.' is a 
synonym for GOSSIP.

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

TELL is used to send a private message to a specific player. 
Syntax TELL <player> <message>

MUSIC This channel can be used to express your musical needs, if you feel
the need to burst into song, you can do it here.

ACTION is the channel to use if you want to sell something to other players.

Q/A is a two part channel, specifically for asking and answering questions.
Use ASK if you want to ask something, ANSWER if you know the answer.

QUOTE is the channel to use if you have a need to quote something or someone.

SAY is the channel to use if you want only the people that are in the same room as
you to hear you.

Type a channel name by itself to turn it off.

QUIET MODE turns off all channels except SAY, it allso allows you to see emotes

Syntax: emote <action>
Syntax: pose

EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions.  Besides EMOTE, there are
a lot of built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK
(type socials or help socials for a listing).

PMOTE is similar to emote, but will substitute you and your for a target's
name (i.e. pmote bonks Alander will be read as bonks you by Alander, and
as bonks Alander by everyone else).

POSE produces a random message depending on your class and level.

SOCIAL commands are preformatted mud-commands, they can be used to enhance
your interaction with other players. Related to this is GSOCIAL.


102 SMOTE~
Syntax: smote <action>

Smote works exactly like pmote, except you must place your name somewhere in
the string, and it will show that string to everyone in the room.


Syntax: hold   <object>
Syntax: remove <object>
Syntax: wear   <object>
Syntax: wear   all
Syntax: wield  <object>

Three of these commands will take an object from your inventory and start using
it as equipment.  HOLD is for light sources, wands, and staves.  WEAR is for
armor.  WIELD is for weapons.

WEAR ALL will attempt to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD each suitable item in your

You may not be able to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD an item if its alignment does not
match yours, if it is too heavy for you, or if you are not experienced enough
to use it properly.

REMOVE will take any object from your equipment and put it back into your


Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.


Syntax: credits

This command shows the list of the original Diku Mud implementors.

The following is a list of help entries derived from another mud called
Amaron. www.amaron.mudservices.com

Polearm, Poleaxe, Glaive, Guisarme, Halberd, Pike, Lance, Ranseur,
Bardiche, Spear, History, Dragon Breath Spells, Pardon, Violate, Bonus,
Mpstat, Mpdump, Lore, Circle, Hitroll, Damroll, Thaco/Thac0, Strength,
Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution.

These entries are believed to be all the help entries taken in part or
in total from Amaron. 

Felix the Imp of Amaron has granted permission to use these entries provided
this help block remains. To reach Felix: irsmith@telusplanet.net

Also the standard help entries found in ROM 2.4b6 are still inplace.

Syntax: areas
Syntax: commands
Syntax: report
Syntax: score
Syntax: time
Syntax: weather

AREAS shows you a list of areas in the game.

COMMANDS shows you all the commands in the game.

REPORT shows your current statistics to you and also announces them to other
players in the room.  SCORE shows much more detailed statistics to you only.
Your ability scores are shown as true value(current value), so for example
Str: 15(23) means you have a 15 strength from training, but a 23 strength
from other factors (spells or items).

TIME shows the game time, as well as the time the mud was last started,
and the current local time for the host computer.

WEATHER shows the current game weather.


-1 WHO~
Syntax: who
Syntax: who <level-range>
Syntax: who <class or race>
Syntax: who <clan name>
Syntax: who <class or race> <level-range> <clan name>

WHO shows the people currently in the game.  Some people may choose to
remain unseen and won't appear on the WHO
WHO without any arguments shows all of the (visible) people currently playing.

With arguments, WHO can show players of certain classes or levels.
For example:
who 10          lists all players of level 10 or above
who 15 20       lists all players between level 15 and 20
who cleric      lists all clerics playing
who immortal    lists all immortals playing
who cleric 1 5  lists all clerics between levels 1 and 5
who elf cleric  lists all elven clerics
who demise e m  lists all elven mages in Demise (hi Alander!)

Classes and races may be abbreviated.


Syntax: whois <name>
The whois command identifies any user who matches the name given. For
example, 'whois a' shows all characters whose name begins with A.

This command works for both online and offline players.

Syntax: where
Syntax: where <character>

WHERE without an argument tells you the location of visible players in the same
area as you are.

WHERE with an argument tells you the location of one character with that name
within your area, including monsters.


Syntax: help
Syntax: help <keyword>

HELP without any arguments shows a one-page command summary.

HELP <keyword> shows a page of help on that keyword.  The keywords include
all the commands, spells, and skills listed in the game.


Syntax: description <string>
Syntax: description + <string>
Syntax: description - 

Sets your long description to the given string.  If the description string
starts with a '+', the part after the '+' is appended to your current
description, so that you can make multi-line descriptions. You can delete
lines by uses description -.


Syntax: password <old-password> <new-password>

PASSWORD changes your character's password.  The first argument must be
your old password.  The second argument is your new password.

The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged.


Syntax: title <string>

Sets your title to a given string.

The game supplies a title when your character is created and when you
advance a level.  You can use TITLE to set your title to something else.


Syntax: wimpy
Syntax: wimpy <number>

WIMPY sets your wimpy value.  When your character takes damage that reduces
your hit points below your wimpy value, you will automatically attempt to flee.
You will only flee if your character is not in a wait state -- i.e. has not
been using combat commands like cast, trip and bash, and has not been
tripped or bash by an enemy.

WIMPY with no argument sets your wimpy value to 20% of your maximum hit points.

Some monsters are wimpy.


Syntax: open   <object|direction>
Syntax: close  <object|direction>
Syntax: lock   <object|direction>
Syntax: unlock <object|direction>
Syntax: pick   <object|direction>

OPEN and CLOSE open and close an object or a door.

LOCK and UNLOCK lock and unlock a closed object or door.  You must have
the requisite key to LOCK or UNLOCK.

PICK can open a lock without having the key.  In order to PICK successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.


Syntax: drink <object>
Syntax: eat   <object>
Syntax: fill  <object>
Syntax: pour  <object> out
Syntax: pour  <object> <object>
Syntax: pour  <object> <character>

When you are thirsty, DRINK something.

When you are hungry, EAT something.

FILL fills a drink container with water.

POUR transfers a liquid to a container, or empties one.
You can also pour from an object into something a character is holding.


Syntax: buy   <object>
Syntax: list
Syntax: sell  <object>
Syntax: value <object>

BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.
When multiple items of the same name are listed, type 'buy n.item', where n
is the position of the item in a list of that name.  So if there are two
swords, buy 2.sword will buy the second. If you want to buy multiples of
an item, use an * (buy 5*pie will buy 5 pies).  These can be combined into
(for example) buy 2*2.shield, as long as the * is first.  

LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.
List <name> shows you only objects of that name.

SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.

VALUE asks the shop keeper how much he, she, or it will buy the item for.


Syntax: sacrifice <object>
	sacrifice <all>

SACRIFICE offers an object to makoce, who may reward you.
The nature of the reward depends upon the type of object.

Be very carefull with the "Sacrifice all" though, it will
sacrifice all the items and corpses in a room.

Syntax: scroll
Syntax: scroll <number>

This command changes the number of lines the mud sends you in a page (the 
default is 24 lines).  Change this to a higher number for larger screen
sizes, or to 0 to disabling paging.


Syntax: brandish
Syntax: quaff    <potion>
Syntax: recite   <scroll> <target>
Syntax: zap      <target>
Syntax: zap

BRANDISH brandishes a magical staff.  QUAFF quaffs a magical potion (as opposed
to DRINK, which drinks mundane liquids).  RECITE recites a magical scroll; the
<target> is optional, depending on the nature of the scroll.  ZAP zaps a
magical wand at a target.  If the target is not specified, and you are fighting
someone, then that character is used for a target.

You must HOLD a wand or a staff before using BRANDISH or ZAP.

All of these commands use up their objects.  Potions and scrolls have a single
charge.  Wands and staves have multiple charges.  When a magical object has no
more charges, it will be consumed.

These commands may require an item skill to be succesful, see the help entries
on the skills scrolls, staves, and wands for more information.


Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character.
Of course, it's only a rough estimate.


Syntax: follow <character>
Syntax: group
Syntax: group <character>

FOLLOW starts you following another character.  To stop following anyone else,
just FOLLOW <yourself>.

GROUP <character> makes someone who is following you a member of your group.
Group members share experience points from kills and may use the GTELL and
SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will automatically
join the fight.

If the <character> is already a member of your group, then GROUP will
kick out the <character> from your group.  Characters can also leave your
group by using a FOLLOW command to stop following you.

GROUP with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.

You may FOLLOW and GROUP only with characters who are within five levels of
your own.


VISIBLE cancels your hiding and sneaking, as well as any invisibility,
making you visible again.


Syntax: QUIT
Syntax: SAVE

SAVE saves your character and object.  The game saves your character every
15 minutes regardless, and is the preferred method of saving.  Typing save
will block all other command for about 20 seconds, so use it sparingly.
(90+ players all typing save every 30 seconds just generated too much lag)

Some objects, such as keys and potions, may not be saved.

You will not be able to save your char before reaching level 2.

QUIT leaves the game.  You may QUIT anywhere.  When you re-enter the game 
you will be back in the same room.

QUIT automatically does a SAVE, so you can safely leave the game with just one
command.  Nevertheless it's a good idea to SAVE before QUIT.  If you get into
the habit of using QUIT without SAVE, and then you play some other mud that
doesn't save before quitting, you're going to regret it.


Syntax: RECALL
RECALL prays to makoce for miraculous transportation from where you are
back to the Temple of Taka.  '/' is a synonym for RECALL.

If you RECALL during combat, you will lose experience (more than for fleeing),
and you will have a chance of failing (again, more than for fleeing).  This
chance is based on your recall skill, although a 100% recall does not 
insure success.

RECALL costs half of your movement points.

RECALL doesn't work in certain god-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by a
curse may not recall at all.

Hrecall allows you to set a chosen recall spot. By entering HRECALL set, the current
location is set as target for HRECALL.

Syntax: SPLIT <silver> <gold>

SPLIT splits some coins  between you and all the members of your
group who are in the same room as you.  It's customary to SPLIT
the loot after a kill.  The first argument is the amount of silver
the split (0 is acceptable), and the second gold (optional).
split 30 	--> split 30 silver
split 20 50	--> split 20 silver, 50 gold
split  0 10	--> split 10 gold


Syntax: STEAL coins <character>
Syntax: STEAL <object> <character>

STEAL attempts to steal coins, or an object, from a character.

There are penalties for using STEAL on other players.

In order to STEAL successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.


Syntax: PRACTICE <skill|spell>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability level in all
the skills and spells available to you.  You can check this anywhere.

PRACTICE with an argument practice that skill or spell.  Your learning
percentage varies from 0% (unlearned) to a some maximum between 80% and 100%,
depending on your class.  You must be at a guild master to practice.

The higher your intelligence, the more you will learn at each practice
session.  The higher your wisdom, the more practice sessions you will
have each time you gain a level.  Unused sessions are saved until you
do use them.


Syntax: train <str int wis dex con hp mana>

TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game, your
character has standard attributes based on your class, and several
initial training sessions.  You can increase your attributes by
using these sessions at a trainer (there are several in town).

It takes one training session to improve an attribute, or to increase
move, mana or hp by 10.  You receive one session per level.

The best attributes to train first are WIS and CON.  WIS gives you more
practice when you gain a level.  CON gives you more hit points.
In the long run, your character will be most powerful if you train
WIS and CON both to 18 before practising or training anything else.


Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.


110 TRUST~
Syntax: trust <character> <level>

TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their
natural level.

A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.


Syntax: allow   <site>
	ban     <site> <newbies|all|permit>

BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.  BAN with
no arguments lists the banned sites.  ALLOW <site> removes a site from
the ban list, if the remover is of equal or higher level than the banner.

A site may have all players, new players, or non-permitted players (set
by editing the player file) banned, by changing the argument after the site.
*s may be used to ban either by suffix (*.edu), prefix (labmac*), or 
content (*andrews*), but be careful not to accidently lock out too many
sites with a wildcard.  Bans do not save unless the permban command is used.


Syntax: reboot

Reboot shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used
to control the server, a delay of fifteen seconds will ensue (to allow
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

Shutdown shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script
from restarting it.


Syntax: wizlock

Wizlock and newlock both block login attempts to ROM. Wizlock locks
out all non-gods (i.e. level less than 51), except for link-dead players who
are returning.  Newlock only locks out new character generation, typically
used for preventing a spammer from returning.  Wizlocking should be avoided,
and newlocking should be accompanied by mail or a note to the imps.

A god must be at least Supreme level to wizlock the game.


109 DENY~
Syntax: deny <name>

Deny locks a character out of a game permanently, rendering their character
name unusable.  It may only be removed by editing the file, for this reason
freeze is usually preferred.


Syntax: disconnect <name>

Disconnect breaks a player's link to the game, dumping them back to the telnet
prompt.  This is a non-lethal way of getting rid of spammers and annoying


Syntax: freeze <name>

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all. It can be removed from within the game, so freezing a 
troublemaker is usually a better option than the deny command.


103 FORCE~
Syntax: force <character> <command>
Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character to execute a command, except of course delete.

Below level 257 (Deity) force can only be used on mobiles, and force all is
unavailable.  You also cannot 'force orc murder hugo', for example. 

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.
This is typically used for 'force all save'.


Syntax: sockets
	sockets <name> 

SOCKETS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including 
users in the process of logging in.  The two numbers inside brackets are the 
channel number and the 'connected' state.  The 'connected' states are listed in 
merc.h: 0 is CON_PLAYING; non-zero values are various states of logging in.

The optional name argument shows the site of a player, or optional can be used
to identify switched gods (i.e. socket orc shows the name of anyone switched
into an orc).


106 LOAD~
Syntax: load mob <vnum>
	load obj <vnum> <level>

The load command is used to load new objects or mobiles (use clone to 
duplicate strung items and mobs).  The vnums can be found with the vnum
command, or by stat'ing an existing mob or object.

Load puts objects in inventory if they can be carried, otherwise they are
put in the room.  Mobiles are always put into the same room as the god. Old
format objects must be given a level argument to determine their power, new
format objects have a preset level that cannot be changed without set.
(see also clone, vnum, stat)


108 SET~
Syntax: set mob   <mobile> <field> <value>
	set obj   <object> <field> <value>
	set room  <number> <field> <value>
	set skill <char>   <name>  <rating>
	set skill <char>   all     <rating>

The set command is used to change the numerical values of the various data
structures. Type set <class> without an argument to see a listing of options.
Set skill all (pc's only) will set all the character's skills to the value
given.  Use string to change the strings on an object or mobile.
(see also string, stat)


Syntax: string obj <field> <string>
	string mob <field> <string>

The string command changes the various strings associated with an object or
mobile.  A full list of fields can be viewed by typing string obj or string
mob.  Sorry, multi-line strings are not yet supported.


Syntax: nochannel <character>
	noemote   <character>
	noshout   <character>
	notell    <character>

Noemote, noshout, and notell are used to muffle other characters, by
preventing them from emoting, shouting, and telling, respectively.
Characters who are noshout'ed or no'telled will also not receive those
forms of communication.

The nochannel command is similar, but more drastic. It prevents the victim
from using any of the channels (gossip, cgossip, Q/A, music) on the game.
Nochannels usually result from swearing or spamming on public channels.


106 PURGE~
Syntax: purge
        purge <character>

Purge is used to clean up the world.  Purge with no arguments removes all the
NPC's and objects in the current room.  Purge with an argument purges one
character from anywhere in the world.

Purge will not get rid of PC's, or objects or mobiles with a NOPURGE flag
set (i.e. the pit, the fountain, shopkeepers).  Mobiles may be purged if they are 
called directly by name.


Syntax: restore <character>
        restore room
        restore all

Restore restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the
target character.  It also heals poison, plague, and blindness.

Restore room (or restore with no argument) performs a restore on every player
in the room, restore all does the same for all connected players. Restore all
is only usable by creators and implementors.  Restore should be used sparingly
or not at all.


{GSyntax: {Rslay {W<character>{x

{GSlay kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.  Best not to use this{x
{Gcommand on players if you enjoy being a god.{x
{M** Only works in the same room{x

{GSyntax: {Rslay {W<character> !{x

{GSlays the character anywhere in the world in cold blood. There is no saving{x
{Gthrow. Becareful with this command!{x
{M** Works anywhere in the world. {RBE CAREFUL WITH THIS COMMAND!{x

{GSyntax: {Rgslay {W<character>{x

{GSlay kills a character in cold blood, for breaking the rules.  Best not to {x
{Guse this command on players who do not deserve it if you enjoy being a god.{x
{GThe gslay command presents a global warning and forces the victim to read{x
{Gthe rules. {x
{M** Idea by Pyrox of the Ghost Dancer MUD Project.{x

{GSyntax: {Rmslay {W<mob>{x

{GSlay kills a mob in cold blood, no saving throw.  


Syntax: transfer <character>
	transfer all
	transfer <character> <location>
	transfer all <location>

Transfer transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,
to your current location (default) or to a specified location. Trans all 
should almost never be used, as 100 players popping into one room can have
horrible effects on slow links. Teleport is a synonym for transfer. 


104 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

At executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile, or as the name of an object.

At works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your


Syntax: echo  <message>
	gecho <message>
	pecho <character> <message>

These commands all perform similar functions.  Echo sends the message to
all characters in the same room as the user, with no indication of who sent
it.  Gecho does the same for all players connected to the game, and pecho
sends the message to the player specified as the target.  Any higher-level
god will see a prompt in front of your message, informing him or her that it
is an echo.


102 GOTO~
Syntax: goto <location>

Goto takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

You may not Goto a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present. Some other rooms are barred to players below a certain
god level.

Implementors can use the violate command to get into private rooms.


Syntax: holylight
        wiznvis <level>

Holylight is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

Wizinvis takes a level argument, and will make you invisible to all players of
a lower level than your invisibility level.  It defaults to the maximum
(your level) if no argument is given.  Wizi 260 characters are totally 


Toggling your incognito status will hide your presence from people outside the
room you are in, but leave you visible to those who are with you.  It takes
a level argument similar to wizinvis, people at that level or higher can see
you regarless of location.


Syntax: memory

Memory reports the size of your mud.

The 'Mobs' and 'Objs' lines report the number of types of mobiles and objects,
not the number of instances currently in the game.

The 'Strings' line shows memory used by area-file strings.  These strings have
a maximum limit, which is also shown.

The 'Perms' line shows permanently allocated memory blocks.  There is no limit
on the number and size of these blocks.


106 VNUM~
Syntax: vnum <name>
        vnum <obj or mob> <name>
        vnum skill <name>

Vnum finds all objects and mobiles with a particular name, and prints out
the results.  Use vnum obj or vnum mob to limit the search.  This vnum is
very useful for loading. Vnum skill returns the skill number (for set) and
the slot number (for making new zones) of a skill name.
(see also load)


103 STAT~
Syntax: stat <name>
        stat mob  <name>
        stat obj  <name>
        stat room <number>

The stat command gives you detailed information on an object, mobile, or room
within the game.  Without a class argument, the command will return a object
(if found), a mobile (if no object exists, but a mobile does), or a room 
(if a number is  given).  Stat room with no argument stats the room you are
standing in.  Stat can be used to find room vnums for goto.
(see also goto, transfer)


Syntax: mwhere <name>
		owhere <name>
Mwhere shows you the locations of all mobiles with a particular name.
Owhere shows you the locations of all objects with a particular name.

Syntax: peace
Peace causes all characters in a room to stop fighting. It also strips the
AGGRESSIVE bit from mobiles.

Wpeace, or world peace, stops ALL fighting, and that means literally everywhere
on the mud.

Syntax: poofin  <message>
Syntax: poofout <message>

The standard messages for goto are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the poofin and poofout commands.  These messages
must include your name somewhere in the string.

Poofin and poofout only show to characters who can see you.
(see also goto)


Syntax: protect <character>

Protect is used to protect a character from unwanted snooping.  Removing 
protected status from a character WILL be seen by that character.


Syntax: log   <character>
	log   all
	snoop <character>

Log <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into
the server's log file.  Like Freeze, it is a permanent character toggle.
Logs may only be used by creators and implementors, and should be accompanied
by mail to the implementors.

Certain commands (Password) are protected against log.  Conversely, certain
commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.

Log all logs all character commands.  It is a server-wide toggle; it does not
persist across reboots. Please do not use this unless you tell the imps.

Snoop shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.
The character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one
character at a time. Try to respect privacy.

Snoop yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.


Syntax: switch <character>

Switch switches you into the body of another character (who must not
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC). You also cannot
switch into link-dead PCs.

Return returns you to your original body.


102 IMMTALK :~
Syntax: immtalk <message>

Immtalk sends a message to all immortals.  : is a synonym for immtalk.
Using this command with no argument turns off the immortal channel (or
turns it back on).


Syntax: wiznet on/off
        wiznet <field>

Wiznet is sort of an immortal news service, to show important events to
the wiznetted immoral.  Wiznet on/off turns wiznet on and off, 
wiznet lists all settable flags (they are not detailed here), 
Wiznet <field> toggles a field on and off.  The events should be 
self-explanatory, if they are not, fiddle with them a while.  More 
events are available at higher levels.

Syntax: wizhelp

Wizhelp provides a list of all the immortal commands.


Syntax: cast armor <character>

This spell created a magical armor that surrounds you.

This spell decreases (improves) the armor class of the target character
by 20 points.


Syntax: cast 'acid blast' <victim>

This spell inflicts damage on the victim.


Syntax: cast 'call lightning'

This spell works only out of doors, and only when the weather is bad.
It calls down lightning bolts from makoce.


Syntax: cast 'change sex' <victim>

This spell changes the sex of the victim (temporarily).


Syntax: cast 'charm person' <victim>

This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take orders
from you.  Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.


Syntax: cast 'continual light'
Syntax: cast 'continual light' <object>

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold as a light source.
The ball of light will last indefinitely. It may also be used on an object
to give it an enchanted glow.


Syntax: cast 'create food'

This spell creates a Magic Mushroom, which you or anyone else can eat.


Syntax: cast 'create spring'

This spell brings forth a magical spring from the ground, which has the
same properties as a fountain.


Syntax: cast 'create water' <drink-container>

This spell replenishes a drink container with water.


Syntax: cast 'cure light'    <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure serious'  <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure critical' <character>
Syntax: cast 'heal'          <character>

These spells cure damage on the target character.  The higher-level spells
heal more damage.

(see 'help healer' for details on the heal command)


Syntax: cast 'detect hidden'

This spell enables the caster to detect hidden creatures.


Syntax: cast 'detect invis'

This spell enables the caster to detect invisible objects and characters.


Syntax: cast 'detect magic'

This spell enables the caster to detect magical objects.


Syntax: cast 'detect poison' <object>

This spell detects the presence of poison in food or drink.


Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>

This spell magically enchants a weapon, increasing its to-hit and to-dam
bonuses by one or two points.  Multiple enchants may be cast, but as the
weapon grows more and more powerful, it is more likely to be drained or
destroyed by the magic.  Also, every successful enchant increases the level
of the weapon by one...and there is no turning back.


The enchant armor spell imbues armor with powerful protective magics. It is
not nearly as reliable as enchant weapon, being far more prone to destructive
effects.  Each succesful enchant increases the plus of the armor by 1 or 2
points, and raises its level by one.


Syntax: cast 'faerie fire' <victim>

This spell increases (makes worse) the armor class of its victim.  For each
level of the caster, the victim's armor class is increased by two points.


Syntax: cast identify <object>

This spell reveals information about the object.


Syntax: cast infravision <character>

This spell enables the target character to see warm-blooded creatures even
while in the dark, and exits of a room as well.


Syntax: cast 'invisibility' <character>
Syntax: cast 'invisibility' <object>
Syntax: cast 'mass invis'

The INVIS spell makes the target character invisible.  Invisible characters
will become visible when they attack. It may also be cast on an object
to render the object invisible.

The MASS INVIS spell makes all characters in the caster's group invisible,
	including the caster.


Syntax: cast 'know alignment' <character>

This spell reveals the alignment of the target character.


Syntax: cast 'locate object' <name>

This spell reveals the location of all locatable objects with the given name.


Syntax: cast poison <victim>
Syntax: cast poison <object>

This spell reduces the strength of the victim by two, as well as reducing the
victim's regeneration rate. It may also be used to poison food, drink, or
a weapon in a fashion similar to envenom ('help envenom'), but with 
drastically reduced effectiveness.


Syntax: cast sleep <victim>

This spell puts its victim to sleep.


Syntax: cast ventriloquate <speaker> <message>

This spell throws your voice, making it appear that some other object or
character in the room is saying your message.  Victims who make their saving
throw will know that someone is using ventriloquism, but not who.  Victims who
fail their saving throw will think that the object or character really did say
your message.


{G[G] 			Glowing{x
{D[I] 			Invisible{x
{M[M] 			Magical{x
{Y[H] 			Humming{x
{D[H] 			Hide{x
{C[W] 			Wizi (immortal only){x
{G[C] 			Charmed{x
{M(Pink Aura) 		Fearie Fire{x
{w(Translucent) 	Translucent{x
{R(Red Aura) 		Evil Alignment{x
{Y[AFK] 		Away From Keyboard{x
{Y(Golden Aura) 	Good Alignment{x
{W(White Aura) 		Sanctuary{x
{r(KILLER) 		Player is a killer{x
{r(THIEF) 		Player is a Thief{x


Syntax: NOCAST <player>

An imm command that allows the immortal to prevent a player from casting spells.


Syntax: NOTITLE <player>

This command allows immortals to prevent players from changing their title
This might be usefull in case of offensive titles from the player, or as a means of
showing punishment by the imm.


104 NOEXP~
Syntax: NOEXP <player>

This command allows an imm to stop players from gaining experience points


Syntax: SETLAG <player> <argument>

This command allows imm's to place a player under lag, where the <argument> 
is a time index in seconds, ranging between 10 seconds and 200 seconds.



A skill allowing the user to pahse out of existance making them immune to 
physical damage for a brief period of time.

0 axe dagger flail mace polearm spear sword whip~

The ability to use a weapon of this type.


0 shield block~

Shield block is a rather fancy name for the art of parrying with a shield.
Characters with no shield block skill will not be able to defend themselves
well with a shield.  Only the thief, warrior, ranger, paladin and assassin
classes may learn shield block. Beware, flails ignore shield blocking
attempts, and whips have an easier time getting around them.  Axes may split
shields in two.

0 bash~

The bash skill is a warrior talent, a brute-force attack designed to knock
your foe to his knees.  Its success depends on many factors, including the
bash rating, your weight, and the size of your opponent.  Bashing a dragon
is not generally a wise idea.


0 enhanced damage~

This skill allows you to do more damage with an attack. It depends on your 
weapon skill and your skill in enhanced damage what the actual increase in damage is.
This skill does not require activation, if you have the skill, you use it.

0 parry~

If at first you fail to dodge, block it.  Parry is useful for deflecting
attacks and is successful more often than dodge.  Parry requires a weapon
for full success, the hand-to-hand skill may also be used, but results in
reduced damage instead of no damage.  The best chance of parrying occurs
when the defender is skilled in both his own and the opponent's weapon


0 rescue~

A friend in need is a friend indeed.  And when in combat, a warrior
with the rescue skill is just the friend you need.  Rescue allows you
to intercede in combat, protecting weaker characters from bodily harm.
Hopefully the favor will be returned.  Success in rescuing depends on
the skill rating, as well as a comparison of level, dexterity, and
speed between the character and the target. 
(note: you rescue a friend, not the monster).


0 recall~

Syntax: RECALL
Syntax: /

RECALL prays to the god Pelor for miraculous transportation from
where you are back to the temple in your hometown.  / is a synonym

If you RECALL during combat, you will lose experience (more than for
fleeing), and you will have a chance of failing (again, more than for
fleeing). RECALL costs half of your movement points.

RECALL doesn't work in certain god-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by
a curse may not recall at all.


0 butcher~

What to do with a corpse after you're done? Why not make use of it and get a few juicy steaks for your effort?

With this skill you can turn corpses into food.


0 dirt kicking~

Considered by some to be a cowardly skill, dirt kicking gives the clever
combatant a chance to blind his opponent by casting dirt into his eyes.
The blindness does not last long, but can provide an edge in combat.
Dexterity helps in hitting or avoiding a dirt kick. 


0 second attack~

Training in second attack allows the character a chance at additional
strikes in combat, however, a 100% second attack skill does NOT guarantee
2 attacks every round. 


0 hand to hand~

Hand to hand combat is a rare skill. Learning this style of fighting gives
the player a weapon even when disarmed -- his or her bare hands. Trained
hand to hand experts are far more effective than many swordsmen.


0 Fast healing~

The fast healing skill improves wound healing rates, whether walking,
resting, or sleeping. It represents knowledge of healing herbs or just
general toughness and stamina.  Fast healing is checked every tick, and
it is possible for it to fail.


0 kick~

Kicking allows the adventurer to receive an extra attack in combat, a
powerful kick. However, a failed kick may throw an unwary fighter off
balance.  If a player becomes a master at this skill, he/she will be
able to do more damage with the roundhouse attack.


0 hide sneak~

Hide and sneak are similar skills, both related to remaining undetected.
Hide has a very high chance of success, but only works for as long as the
character remains stationary. 

Sneak may be used when moving (including to sneak by monsters), but has a
lower chance of success.


0 disarm~

Disarm is a somewhat showy and unreliable skill, designed to relieve your
opponent of his weapon.  The best possible chance of disarming occurs when
you are skilled in both your own and your opponent's weapon.


0 third attack~

Training in third attack allows the character a chance at an additional
strike in a combat, and increases the chance of a second attack as well.
A perfect third attack skill of 100% does NOT assure three attacks per


0 dodge~

In the words of one wise warrior, 'the best way to block a blow is to not
be where it lands'.  The dodge skill honors this tradition, by improving
the character's natural agility to the point where many blows will miss
the target. The chance of dodging is also affected by the dexterity of the
attacker and the target.


0 haggle~

Haggling is an indispensable skill to the trader.  It allows a
character to match wits with a merchant, seeking to get a better
price for merchandise, or to buy at the lowest possible cost.
Unfortunately, most merchants are already very skilled at haggling,
so the untrained adventurer had best guard his treasure closely.


0 peek~

The peek skill is useful for seeing what a player or monster is carrying,
the better to use the steal command with.  More intelligent characters are
harder to peek at.  The peek skill functions automatically when you look at
a character or mob.

0 trip~

Trip is a somewhat dastardly attack, and involves using any one of a
number of methods to bring your opponent down to the ground. Tripping
large monsters is generally not a good idea, and agile ones will find
the attack easy to avoid. 


0 meditation~

This skill is similar to fast healing, but relies on the concentration
and mantras to increase mana recovery when the character is sleeping or


0 staves wands scrolls~

Magical items require training to use properly.  If your character lacks
the necessary skill to use an item, he will fail, possibly destroying it.
The item skills are as follows:

scrolls  The reading of magical scrolls and books (see help recite)
staves   The use of staves and similar devices (see help brandish)
wands    The use of wands and similar items (see help zap)



Syntax: brandish
Syntax: quaff <potion>
Syntax: recite <scroll> <target>
Syntax: zap <target>
Syntax: zap

BRANDISH brandishes a magical staff.

QUAFF quaffs a magical potion (as opposed to DRINK, which drinks
liquids such as water).

RECITE recites a magical scroll; the <target> is optional, depending
on the nature of the scroll.

ZAP zaps a magical wand at a target.  If the target is not specified,
and you are fighting someone, then that character is used for a target.

You mustHOLD a wand or a staff before using BRANDISH or ZAP.

All of these commands use up their objects.  Potions and scrolls have a
single charge.  Wands and staves have multiple charges.  When a magical
object has no more charges, it will be consumed. Wands and staves, however,
can be recharged once, by a mage, BEFORE you use up all the charges. The
lower the amount of charges, the harder to recharge. See help recharge

These commands may require an item skill to be successful, see the help
entries on the skills scrolls, staves, and wands for more information.       


0 berserk~

Only powerful warriors can master berserking, the ability to enter insane
rage in combat. Its effects are not altogether unlike the frenzy spell --
a huge surge of combat prowess, coupled with a disregard for personal
safety.  Berserking warriors are more resistant to the effects of magic.


0 lore~

Syntax: lore <object name>

Lore is a general skill, consisting of knowledge of myths and legends.
Use of the lore skill gives a chance of obtaining information on an
object concerning its power and uses. It also may occasionally increase
the value of an object, because more will be known about its worth.

You must be holding the object in your inventory that you want to use the
lore skill on.


0 pick lock~

Lock picking is one of the prime skills of thieves and assassins,
allowing them to gain access to many secured areas.  Lock picking
chances are improved by intelligence, and hindered by the difficulty
of the lock. 


0 counter~

This skill enables you to turn the attack of your enemy back on him.


0 critical strike~

Critical strike is a skill, that when learned, will increase the fighter's
chance of delivering a death blow to the victim.  This is a straight 2% chance
of killing the mob in one hit.

If the percent chance fails, critical strike will still increase the amount
of damage that is dealt from the attack.

0 circle~

"author: morning glory"
The circle command lets you backstab while you are fighting, thus allowing
for a second attack. Only assassins may learn circle.  Circle now has a
small chance of killing a mob in one attack.

This chance is calculated based our you level:

        1% chance/20 levels of experience


0 steal~

Syntax: STEAL coins <character>
Syntax: STEAL <object> <character>

STEAL attempts to steal coins or an object from a character. There are
penalties for using STEAL on other players. In order to STEAL successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.


0 delete~
Syntax:	delete <password>

Use the delete command to erase unwanted characters, so the name
will be available for use. Typing delete with an
argument will return your character to 'safe' status if you change your
mind after the first delete.

NOTE: You must play your character at least ONCE A MONTH.
      All player files are scanned every month and anyone that has not
      logged on in the last 30 days will be deleted.
      However, if you are going away for an extended period of time, tell
      any Immortal and we will make sure nothing happens to your player file


0 'magic missile'~ 
Syntax:  'magic missile' <target> 
Use of the magic missile spell creates up to five missiles of magical energy
that dart forth from the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target 
0 'cause light' 'cause serious' 'cause critical' 'harm'~ 
Syntax:  'cause light' <target> 
Syntax:  'cause serious' <target> 
Syntax:  'cause critical' <target> 
Syntax:  'harm' <target> 
These spells cause various degrees of physical injury to the victim. 
The higher the spell level, the more damage it does.

0 'cure blindness' 'cure disease' 'cure poison'~ 
Syntax:  'cure blindness' <target> 
Syntax:  'cure disease' <target> 
Syntax:  'cure poison' <target> 
When you are affected by blindness, disease or poison, these spells will cure 
you of the effects of those spells. 
0 'faerie fog'~ 
Syntax:  'faerie fog' <target> 
This spell enables the caster to outline one or more objects or creatures with a 
pale glowing light. This will make the target easier to hit, since it is now 
clearly visible. 
0 'burning hands' ~ 
Syntax:  'burning hands' <target> 
Once cast, a fan of flame shoots from the wizard's touching thumbs and 
outstretched hands. The fan reaches three feet forward from the thumbs, and 
extends 60 degrees to the right and left, gradually shortening until the fan 
slopes into the wrists 
0 refresh~ 
Syntax:  refresh <target> 
This spell, when cast, restores a number of movement points to the target. 
0 'protection evil' 'protection good'~ 
Syntax:  'protection evil' <target> 
Syntax:  'protection good' <target> 
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a 
distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has a major effect:
All attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures in case of protection 
evil, or good in case of protection good against the protected creature receive 
a penalty on it's attacks.
0 'shocking grasp' 'chill touch'~ 
Syntax:  'shocking grasp' <target> 
Syntax:  'chill touch' <target> 
These spells do damage to a target. When the wizard casts shocking grasp, he 
develops a powerful electrical charge that gives a jolt to the creature touched. 

Chill touch does cold damage.
0 'dispel evil' 'dispel good'~
Syntax:  'dispel evil' <target> 
Syntax:  'dispel good' <target> 

Dispel good brings forth evil energies that inflict horrific torment on the
pure of heart.  Good-aligned characters use this dark magic at their peril.

Dispel evil invokes the wrath of ANON on an evil victim. It can be very
dangerous for casters who are not pure of heart.

0 bless~ 
Syntax:  bless <target> 
This spell improves the to-hit roll and saving throw versus spell of the
target character by 1 for every 8 levels of the caster. It may also be
cast on an object to temporarily bless it (blessed weapons, for example,
are more effective against demonic beings).
0 earthquake~ 
When this spell is cast, a local tremor of fairly high strength rips the ground. 
The shock is over in one round. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, 
structures, and creatures in its area of effect.

This spell inflicts damage on every enemy character in the room.
Beware that other characters who are not yet fighting may attack
you as a result!

0 blindness~ 
Syntax:  blindness <target> 
"To strike your opponent you need to see your opponent" - ancient saying. 
With this spell you take away your foe's ability to see, thus making him 
more or less helpless.
0 'floating disc'~ 
Syntax:  'floating disk' 
This useful spell creates a floating disc field of force which follows
the caster around, allowing him or her to pile treasure high with no fear
of weight penalties.  It lasts no more than twice the casters level in
hours, and usually less.  It can hold 10 pounds per level of the caster,
with a maximum of five pounds per item.  The spell requires an open float
location on the character, and the only way to remove the disc is to die
or allow it to run out of energy
0 fireproof~ 
syntax  fireproof <target> 
The fireproof spell creates a short-lived protective aura around an object,
to protect it from the harmful effects of acid and flame.  Items protected
by this spell are not harmed by acid, fire, or the heat metal spell.
Although inexpensive to use, the spell's short duration makes it impractical
for protecting large numbers of objects.
0 plague ~ 
Syntax  plague <target> 
The plague spell infests the target with a magical disease of great
virulence, sapping its strength and causing horrific suffering, possibly
leading to death. It is a risky spell to use, as the contagion can spread
like wildfire if the victim makes it to a populated area. Most players
announce if they have plague before returning to recall in order to warn
other players, who will then have a chance of leaving the area and avoiding
contracting the plague as well. You need the 'cure disease' spell to cure
the plague.

0 curse~
Syntax	curse <target>

This spell reduces the character's to-hit roll and save versus spells.
It also renders the character unclean in the eyes of ANON and unable
to RECALL. Curse may be used to fill equipment with evil power, allowing
(for example) weapons to do more damage to particularly holy opponents.


0 lightning bolt~

Upon casting this spell, the wizard releases a powerful stroke of electrical 
energy. Striking down from the sky, it is a dangerous thing to face.


0 weaken~

What do you do when you face an opponent that is stronger then you? 
With this spell, you can even out the difference a bit. Casting this spell on an 
opponent will cause him to lose some of his strenght.


0 calm~

One of the most useful, and often overlooked, abilities of the master
cleric is the calm spell, which can put an end to all violence in
a room.  Calmed creatures will not attack of their own volition, and
are at a disadvantage in combat as long as the spell soothes their minds.
The more violent activity there is in a room, the harder the spell, and
it is all or nothing --either all combat in the room is ended (with the
exception of those who are immune to magic) or none is.

0 colour spray~

Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing
colors to spring forth from his hand. Blind or unseeing creatures are not 
affected by the spell.

Creatures affected by this spell are struck unconscious or are blinded.


0 giant strength~

This spell is rather the opposite of "weaken". By casting this spell on a 
target, the caster can magically enhance the strength of the target. This is not 
a permanent effect.


0 call lightning ~

When a call lightning spell is cast, there must be a storm of some sort in the 
area--a rain shower, clouds and wind, hot and cloudy conditions, or even a 
tornado. The caster is then able to call down bolts of lightning.

Note that this spell only works our of doors.

0 control weather~
Syntax	'control weather' worse
Syntax	'control weather' better

This spell allows a caster to create better or worse weatherconditions, mainly 
in conjunction with the 'call lightning' spell. The caster can either turn the 
weather better or worse then current conditions.


0 fly~

Are you wearing out those boots too fast? Are your feet weary from all that 
walking? Why not fly?

With this spell you can allow yourself or another target to fly.


0 remove curse~

Upon casting this spell, the priest is usually able to remove a curse on an 
object, on a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil presence. 
Note that the remove curse spell does not remove the curse from a cursed shield, 
weapon, or suit of armor, for example, although the spell typically enables the 
person afflicted with any such cursed item to get rid of it. Certain special 
curses may not be countered by this spell, or may be countered only by a caster 
of a certain level or more.


0 summon~

"If the mountain will not come to Methusalem, then Methusalem must come to the 

With this spell that no longer holds true. A wizard can use this spell to bring 
the target to him, instead of having to go to the target.

Note that the summon spell only works on targets of lower level and targets who 
are not immune to summoning.


0 energy drain~

this spell saps the experience points, hit points, mana, and
movement points of its target.  The caster however only gains hit points
from the vitim.  The higher the level of the spell, the more damage it does.
Only the Necromancer may use these spells.


0 heat metal~

If you have ever grabbed something off the fire by mistake, the effects of this 
spell can be imagined. Casting heat metal on a target causes all the metal items 
that the target is wearing to become very hot indeed. This causes damage, and 
forces the target to drop the items affected.


0 create rose~

This spell creates a beautifull rose.


0 faerie fog~

This spell reveals all manner of invisible, hidden, and sneaking creatures
in the same room as you


0 adrenaline~

This spell pumps up the mighty warrior to help increase his to-hit and
to-dam rolls, like giving him a "shot of adrenaline."  However, there
is a side affect of a penalty to armor class, making the recipient
somewhat easier to hit.


0 fireball~

This spell inflicts direct magical damage on the victim and are a vital
part of the mage's arsenal of magics. The higher the level of the spell,
the more damage it causes.


0 frenzy~

The frenzy spell fills the target with righteous fury, greatly increasing
his or her attack skill and damaging capacity.  Unfortunately, this divine
wrath is coupled with a tendency to ignore threats to personal safety,
making the character easier to hit.  Frenzy provides immunity to the calm
spell (see 'help calm'), and may only be used on those of the caster's


0 flamestrike~

This spell inflicts direct magical damage on the victim and are a vital
part of the mage's arsenal of magics. The higher the level of the spell,
the more damage it causes.


0 gate~

The gate spell is a powerful transportation magic that opens up a portal
between your character and another person or creature somewhere else in
the world.  This portal will transport you and any pet you might have,
but not other members of your group.  Monsters receive a save against
gate, and monster or players more than 3 levels higher than you can
not be gated to at all.  God rooms, private rooms, and no-recall rooms
cannot be gated to, and no-recall rooms cannot be gated out of.  Finally,
any IMM or Hero is also immune to gate, as well as any player who has
no-summon set.  Clan members may not be gated to except by their fellow Clan


0 haste~

The haste spell increases the speed and agility of the recipient,
allowing an extra attack (or even a backstab) in combat, and improving
evasive abilities in combat.  However, it produces a great strain on the
system, such that recuperative abilities are halved.  Haste is capable
of negating the slow spell. (see 'help slow')


0 'dispel magic' 'cancellation'~
Syntax: cast 'dispel magic' <character>
        cast 'cancellation' <characte>

Both of these spells remove magical affects from the target.  Dispel magic
has a reduced chance of working, and is considered an attack spell. Cancel-
lation can only be used on allies, but is much more effective and does not
provoke attack.  Unfortunately, these spells do not discriminate between
harmful and benign spells.

The chance of dispelling is based on the level of the spell. Permanent
spells (such as mobile sanctuary) are much harder to remove.  Not all
spells may be dispelled, notable examples are poison and plague, which
must be cured.


0 sanctuary~

The SANCTUARY spell reduces the damage taken by the character from any
attack by one half. Only clerics and paladins may use the sanctuary spell


0 slow~

Despite popular mythology, slow is not the opposite of haste, but is a
spell with it's own unique set of effects.  When cast on an unfortunate
victim, it slows its movements, making it easier to hit and reducing its
rate of attack.  The effect of slow also double movement costs and halve
healing rates, due to reduced metabolism


Syntax: cast 'gas breath'       <area affect>
Syntax: cast 'acid breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'frost breath'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fire breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'lightning breath' <victim>

These spells allow the caster to breath forth the breath of a dragon.
Acid and Lightning damage one victim whereas Gas, Frost, and Fire damages
everyone in the room.  Fire and Frost can break objects, and Acid can
damage armor.  These spells are listed in order of power, with Gas Breath
doing the least damage and Lightning Breath doing the most


0 smoke screen~

Smoke Screen is a powerful shield spell allowing the caster to gain
a -80 to his/her AC for a limited time. It is part of the Infernosphere


0 chain lightning~

Chain lightning is a deadly spell, producing a powerful bolt of lightning
that arcs from target to target within the room, until its force is
fully expended.  Allies of the caster may be hit by this spell even if they
are members of a dynasty or group, while the caster himself will not be struck
unless no other viable target remains.  Chain lightning is most effective
when used on groups of creatures.


0 teleport~

This spell takes you from your current location to a random location
somewhere in the world. This spell can be found in the transportation


0 pass door~

This spell enables the caster to pass through closed and locked doors.


0 portal~

The portal spell is similar to gate, but creates a lasting one-way
portal to the target creature, instead of transporting the caster.
Portals are entered using 'enter' or 'go' command, as in 'go portal'.
Portals cannot be made to certain destinations, nor used to escape
from gate-proof rooms. Portal requires a special source of power to
be used,namely a warp stone.


0 holy word~

Holy word involves the invocation of the full power of a cleric's god,
with disastrous effects upon the enemies of the priest coupled with
powerful blessings on the priest's allies.  All creatures of like alignment
in the room are blessed and filled with righteous divine wrath, while those
of opposite morals (or both good and evil in the case of neutral priests)
are struck down by holy (or unholy might) and cursed.  The cleric suffers
greatly from the strain of this spell, being left unable to move and
drained of vitality.


0 demonfire~

Demonfire is a spell of blackest evil and as such can only be used by
those who follow the paths of darkness.  It conjures forth demonic spirits
to inflict terrible wounds on the enemies of the caster.


0 nexus~

This spell is virtually identical to portal (see 'help portal'), with
the only difference being that while portal creates a one-way gate, a
nexus spell makes a two-sided gate.  It also lasts longer than the lower-
powered portal spell. Both spells require an additional power source, namely a 
warp stone.


0 stone meld~

Stone meld is a clerical spell similar to the mage's stone skin. It causes
the character's skin to meld with stone providing 40 points of armor.


0 'stone skin' 'shield'~

These spells protect the caster by decreasing (improving) the caster's
armor class.  SHIELD provides 20 points of armor.  STONE SKIN provides
40 points of armor.


0 mass healing~

The mass healing spell, as its name might suggest, performs a healing
spell on all players in the room.  It also throws in a refresh spell for
good measure


0 ray of truth~

Ray of truth opens a portal to the planes of positive energy, bringing
forth a beam of light of sufficient purity to harm or or annihilate the
servants of evil.  It cannot harm the pure of heart, and will turn and
strike casters who are tainted by evil


0 'detect evil' 'detect good'~

These spells enable the caster to detect good or evil characters, which
will reveal a characteristic golden aura or red aura.


0 vapor~

These spells protect the caster by decreasing (improving) the caster's
armor class.


0 groups skins and rain~


0 'acid rain' 'ice rain' 'fire rain' 'ice storm' 'fire storm' 'acid storm'~
Syntax: cast <spellname> <target>

These are all powerfull attack spells, all using the elements to do their havoc. 

Calling down the rain, will indeed rain down the chosen element down on your opponent in seven
murderous waves. Calling upon a storm will cause three devestating attacks on your foe.


0 'mudskin' 'moss-skin' 'barkskin' 'steelskin' 'emeraldskin' 'rubyskin' 'diamondskin'~
Syntax: cast <spellname>

These spells, all part of the "skin"-spellgroup will turn your skin into the chosen material. This 
will give you more protection against the world, and the often sharp things that wander around in

This is the effect of the various spells:

mud -10 ac		moss -15 ac		bark -20 ac
steel -50 ac	emerald -60 ac 	ruby -70 ac
diamond -80 ac


0 witch~

Anyone familiar with the witches of Greek myth, or of medieval legend would know that the witch is 
not simply a subclass of the mage, locked in an internal battle against arcane spirits. Witches such 
as Circe, Rhiannon, or even Morgan LeFey were priestesses of Gods and Goddesses who were lesser 
know, but ultimately no more or less nefarious than their better known kindred. The essence of 
witchcraft is knowledge, secrecy, ritual, and a sense of respect for the powers of nature. Evil is 
not a necessary part of witchcraft, though certainly the secrecy of their sects has opened them to 
numerous rumors. Whatever their alignment, witches have more in common with druidic priests than any 
other class of character, though the way in which their spells work often is reminiscent of 


0 Warrior~ 

The warrior is a champion, swordsman, soldier, and brawler. He lives or dies by his knowledge of 
weapons and tactics. Warriors can be found at the front of any battle, contesting toe-to-toe with 
monsters and villains. A good warrior needs to be strong and healthy if he hopes to survive.


0 'Paladin' 'Deathknight'~

The paladin is a warrior bold and pure, the exemplar of everything good and true. Like the fighter, 
the paladin is a man of combat. However, the paladin lives for the ideals of righteousness, justice, 
honesty, piety, and chivalry. He strives to be a living example of these virtues so that others 
might learn from him as well as gain by his actions.

Deathknights are exactly like normal paladins except for the fact that they oppose all good. 


0 Ranger~

The ranger is a warrior and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons and is knowledgeable in tracking 
and woodcraft. The ranger often protects and guides lost travelers and honest peasant-folk. A ranger 
needs to be strong and wise to the ways of nature to live a full life.


0 'Mage' 'Priest'~

Mage: The Mage strives to be a master of magical energies, shaping them and casting them as spells. 
To do so, he studies strange tongues and obscure facts and devotes much of his time to magical 

A mage must rely on knowledge and wit to survive. The mage studies all types of magic and learns a 
wide variety of spells. His broad range makes him well suited to the demands of adventuring. 

Cleric: A Cleric sees to the spiritual needs of a community or location. 

The cleric is a generic priest (of any mythos) who tends to the needs of a community. He is both 
protector and healer. He is not purely defensive, however. When evil threatens, the cleric is well-
suited to seek it out on its own ground and destroy it.


0 'Thief'~

Thief: The thief can be found throughout the world, wherever people gather and money changes hands. 
While many thief are motivated only by a desire to amass fortune in the easiest way possible, some 
thieves have noble aims; they use their skills to correct injustice, spread good will, or contribute 
to the success of an adventuring group.

To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the thief is a skilled pilferer. Cunning, nimbleness, and 
stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent passers-by and wealthy 
merchants or oppressors and monsters is a choice for the thief to make.


0 Assassin~

This class is intended for evil aligned characters, as the act of killing for pay cannot be justified 
as a good act. In any society there exists an element that wishes to dispose of rivals, business 
competitors, and any others deemed to be in the way. It is to this element that the assassin, a hired 
killer, caters. Unlike simple warriors or soldiers, the assassin relies on anonymity and surprise to 
earn his living. A successful assassin may not even be seen by his target. Slipping out of the 
darkness or a crowd of friends, the assassin does his dark deed and disappears.

Social ranks: Assassins tend to be well?off, as their services are expensive. Further, they often are 
educated, which helps them fit into different segments of society to stalk their prey.


0 Morgue~

 Players who die are now transfered to the morge.
 - When a player dies his/her corpse is no longer left where it falls
   it is transfered to the morge.
 - Players should go there and collect thier gear from the corpse then
   sacrafice it for a little silver


104 'Olevel' 'Mlevel'~
Syntax:	Olevel <level>
	Mlevel <level>
Immortal commands to find items and mobiles of a given level.


103 'Mortskill' 'Mortspell'~
Syntax:	Mortskill <player>
		Mortspell <player>
Immortals can now see what groups/spells/skills a mortal has selected
for the porpuse of helping that mortal better select things that will
aid him/her in thier struggle.


104 'rename'~
Syntax:	rename <player> <newname>

Immortals can now rename mortals with names that are not as medevil as
might be preffered.


Syntax:	GSOC <social> <target>

Gsoc and gsocial display a social mud wide so the target does
not have to  be in the same room anymore. Careful everyone sees these socials.


0 Knock~
Syntax:	knock <direction>

Knock does exactly like it sounds one person knocks on a door 
others in a room hear the knock on the door. 


0 'someone'~

If a player is affected by an invisible spell or is hiding/sneaking, players who
do not have the ability to see past those affects will see "Somone" when that player
says/does something.

When it's an immortal instead of a mortal player, "someone" will be replaced by
"An Immortal".

0 'icebolt' 'firebolt' 'gasbolt' 'lightningbolt' 'acidbolt' 'holybolt'~
Syntax:	cast 'spellname' <target>

These are spells that will shoot a bolt of the selected element
at the target, damaging it.

251 "Divine intervention'~
Syntax:	cast 'Divine intervention' <target>

This immortal spell will allow you to heal a player more thoroughly then with a 
heal spell, yet not require a "restore".

0 'holy light'~
Syntax:	cast 'holy light'

This powerfull mass healing spell will allow you to heal all those who are wounded
and in the room with you.

0 'holy armor'~
syntax:	cast 'holy armor' <target>

This spell grants the target an armor of holy energy.

0 'fireblast' 'iceblast' 'electric blast' 'gasblast' 'lightningblast' 'holyblast'~
Syntax:	cast 'spell' <target>

These spells will blast the target with the chosen element.

0 'throw star'~
Syntax:	cast "throw star' <target>

This spell throws a poisonous star at thr target. It will not only poison
the target, it will allso affect the damage roll of that target.

0 'Fear'~
Syntax:	cast 'fear' <target>

This is the spell to use if you want to strike fear into the heart of your
opponent. It will not only cause the target to flee from combat, it will
allso give you first strike in the next round.

109 'ushare'~

This allows the imm's to update the share value, in other words,
you can set the shares to any value you want...

0 'Commstat'~

This command shows the people online and their channel settings

==Idea from Darkscapes, coding by {WTaka{x from Ghost Dancer==

0 'bank' 'deposit' 'transfer' 'withdraw' 'buy' 'sell' 'check' 'convert'
'swithdraw' 'sdepostit'~

What to do with all that bulky gold you've been piling up? 
Why not deposit it at your local bank, where it is safely stored for
you to withdraw later...

Bank commands:
Deposit - Deposit gold (syntax: bank deposit <amount>)
Sdeposit - Deposit silver (syntax: bank deposit <amount>)
Transfer - Transfer gold to another account (syntax: bank transfer <amount> <player>)
Balance - Show bank balance (syntax: bank balance)
Withdraw - Withdraw gold from your account (syntax: bank withdraw <amount>)
Swithdraw - Withdraw silver from your account (syntax: bank withdraw <amount>)
Buy1 - Buy shares type I   (syntax: bank buy1 <amount>)
Buy2 - Buy shares type II  (syntax: bank buy2 <amount>)
Buy3 - Buy shares type III (syntax: bank buy3 <amount>)
Buy4 - Buy shares type IV  (syntax: bank buy4 <amount>)
Sell1 - Sell shares type I   (syntax: bank sell1 <amount>)
Sell2 - Sell shares type II  (syntax: bank sell2 <amount>)
Sell3 - Sell shares type III (syntax: bank sell3 <amount>)
Sell4 - Sell shares type IV  (syntax: bank sell4 <amount>)
Convert - Converts 100 silver to 1 gold (syntax: bank convert <amount>)
Check - Check your share value (syntax: bank check)

102 'memory'~
syntax:	memory

This command shows memory usage by the mud, total and counterspecific,
also it shows a spells counter and a skills counter. 

108 'frctick' 'force tick'~

This command allows an immortal to force the passage of time, in the form
of a tick. In other words, one hour of mud time is passed when this command

0 'ignore'~
Syntax:	ignore <player>

This allows you to ignore the tells of up to 12 people.

The search command is to benifit a pyrox idea to be able to hide and/or have
in areas hidden items.

hide <item name>

To use the hide skill type hide with no argument.

0 race~

Different races have different starting statistics, and also different
statistic maximums for magic items and training. Creation points increase
the amount of experience it takes to gain a level. For more information,
see the help files for each race. i.e. help dwarf, etc.

0 class~

The class you have to choose is the type of adventurer you will be, like a warrior or 
or a mage. This has an impact on the skills you can learn and whether or not you will
be able to learn magic.
To see more specific help on each class, look at the help entries for the different 

108 nuke~

This high level imm command will both disconnect and delete a player. Use with great


Your health, expressed in a number of hitpoints. This is a measure of how much damage you
can take in combat. As you are hit, you loose hitpoints, IE health. You can regain your
health by resting, or by way of a spell.

As you level, you will gain a certain amount of health/hitpoints. So as you grow in levels
your health will become greater.

syntax:	BREW <spell1> <spell2> <spell3> <spell4>
syntax:	MPILL <spell1> <spell2> <spell3> <spell4>

BREW skill allows you to make potions for use by yourself or others.

MPILL skill will allow you to make pills with spells for yourself or


Strength is a measure of how strong you are.  It affects the maximum amount
of items you can carry and how much weight you can carry.  It also has an
affect on your Hit and Damage rolls which are used during combat.


Intelligence is a measure of how smart you are or how thick you are.  Your
intelligence will have a direct affect on how many percentage points you
receive from each practice session you use.  The higher your intelligence
score the more your skill/spell will increase when you practice with your

Wisdom is a measure of how wise you are.  Some consider it to be the most
important statistic of them all and it typically is the one you increase 
to maximum first.  Wisdom directly affects how many practice sessions you 
receive each time you level.  You will receive anywhere from 0-5 practice 
sessions depending on your Wisdom score.


Dexterity is a measure of your physical agility and reaction time.  It
directly affects your armour class against attacks in combat.


Constitution is a measure of your physical endurance and stamina.  Your
constitution is considered by some to be the second most important statistic
that you can increase.  It directly affects how many Hit Points you will gain
each time you gain a level.
This command allows you to rename your pets!  The syntax is really quite
simple, you have four options; [name|short|long|desc] and they work like

Syntax: petname name dino  (renames your pet to "dino")
Syntax: petname short a fierce, mottled mutt!
Syntax: petname long Dino, the stalwart companion of (your name) is here.{x

The NAME you give your pet is what you must use in order to LOOK at it.
If you call your pet FIDO, like the example above, the you must use LOOK FIDO
to look at it.

The SHORT description for your pet is what you will see in combat and what
is displayed just before the health indicator when you look at it.  Ex: When
you LOOK at your pet you will see its description, then you will see its
SHORT description followed by "is in perfect health".

The LONG description is what everyone will see when the pet is in the room.
So, if you used the LONG description that is in the example above you would
see (Charmed) Dino, the stalwart companion of _____ is here, every time
you looked at the room.

Your pets DESCRIPTION is the main piece of info that is displayed when you
look at your pet.  In order to use multiple lines in your pets description,
simply use the {{/ command to force a new line.
Ex: This large dog is resting comfortably here.{{/Better not bother him.

A word about color.
Color works great for the pet's three description commands.  Don't bother
using color for the pet's name.  The NAME is never shown unless you use it
in the other descriptions.


Hitroll is added to your chance of a successful attack and Damroll is added
to the amount of damage that you can do when delivering a successful attack.
Obviously the higher these two statistics are, the better off you will be in
melee combat.


THAC0, or "To hit armor class 0", is used to calculate your base chance of
hitting a mobile during combat.  Your Thac0 is listed on your score sheet
and will change as you increase in levels.


{WSyntax: history <text>
Syntax: history + <text>
Syntax: history - <text>

This {GHISTORY{x command works exactly the same way as the description command.
The History command will allow you to enter a detailed history or background
for your character.  It can be up to twice the size of your description.

Using the {C+ sign{x will add lines of text to your history and using the {C- sign{x
will remove lines of text from your history.  The history command by itself will
show you your current history.

To view any other players history, use the whois/whowas command.  It will be listed
after the normal whois/whowas information. Please see {chelp whois{x.

102 FRECALL 'force recall'~
Syntax: frecall <player>

This command forces a player to recall to his hometown. 


The glaive is a knife-bladed spear.  It has the thrusting function of the spear
and the secondary cutting function of the convex blade of the knife.  The weapon
was rapidly enlarged in the blade in order to give it a greater cutting function
as well as a cleaving attack.


The guisarme was furnished with a sharp cutting edge along its convex side,
probably from reverse spike to hook.  The spike, of course, could be used
to penetrate armor when the weapon was swung, and the curved hook provided
an ample means of pulling horsemen to the ground.


This form of pole axe is seen as a convex-headed brad axe in early examples,
but the head is set at a convenient angle, so this alone makes it quite
distinct from an ordinary long-hafted axe.  The whole weapon often reached
8 feet in length.  It was also always topped with a fairly long spear point
and backed by a spike, which was often angled or hooked slightly downward.
The spear point is, of course, designed to keep oponents at bay and deliver
a thrusting attack.


Place a hefty cleaver at the end of a long, stout shaft, and the leverage
which the polearm gives thw wielder will enable him to cleave through
armor.  The volgue has no provision to keep the enemy at a distance in its
simple form, but if the top front or back edge is ground down so as to
provide a pointed or dagger-like tip, the weapon assumes a more completed

-1 PIKE~

Although there is not set rule, any spear with a shaft of 15 feet or longer
is considered to be a pike.  The pike is designed to deliver a thrusting
attack at an oponent at long range, and its great length was used to keep
him there, as the weapon was always used in mass.  One of the most common
form of pike is the awl pike, a strictly piercing weapon, although there
are many other forms of blades which were used.  Swiss and German pikes
were fashioned so that metal protected the wooden shaft up to 2 feet from
the head, so that an enemy could not easily lop the blade off and make
the weapon useless.


At first glance, a ranseur appears to be a form of spetum, or vice versa, but
the purpose of the design of the former weapon is more complex than that of
the latter. A ranseur's secondary blades are backward-hooking projections set
well below the large central blade.


This very broad and heavy axe links the pole axes to the pole cleavers as a sort
of transitional step between the two forms, although its only obvious use is
as a military arm.  A bardiche head ranged from about 2 feet to over 3 feet in
length, and it was attached to its haft with two rings or a single one in those
examples where the blade is shorter and backed with a hammer head or spike.


The spear is a dagger set atop a pole.  It is principally a thursting weapon
but if a broad blade is attached it can also be used as a cutting weapon.


A lance is a long spear carried by a mounted person.  Usually around 12 feet
in length, some even as long as 14 feet.  Just as with the spear and pike,
many different heads were attached to the end of the lance shaft to meet the
requirements of varying oponents armor.


Strictly speaking, a pole axe is nothing more than an axe head of any sort set
upon a long haft in order to to deliver an earlier and more forceful blow.  It
can be double bitted, backed by a spike, and or topped off with a dagger point,
but it is still recognizable as an axe.


Amaron has various polearm weapons.  Please see the following help files:
Poleaxe, Lance, Spear, Bardiche, Ranseur, Pike, Volgue, Guisarme, Halberd,
and Glaive.


These are scripting types.
      Ever wonder why most muds either seem dead or overcrowded? The answer
is probably partially due to the fact that the mobiles never do anything
but wait to be slaughtered.  Unless someone has gone to great lengths
and added many special procedures, most mobiles have no idea you are in
the room with them and rarely listen to what you say. The typical Midgaard
mayor wanders happily along even when the populace pokes him, waves his
City Key about, unlocks his gates, or frenchs his secretary, etc. So a way to
give the mobiles a bit more spirit would be neat. Enter the MOBprograms.

Ever wanted a room to trap someone?  Or an object to explode on contact?
Enter OBJ and ROOM progs.


      The backbone of the Programs shall be called triggers from this
point on.  Essentially, they are procedure calls placed in sneaky places in
the mud code which provide the context for what is going on around the
mobile/object/room.  So, if something happens and a trigger is
activated, then a list of commands is sent to the interpreter in the
mobile/object/room's name, thus making her/it/him do an appropriate something.


      Since knowing the appropriate response for everything to every
possible trigger is not easy, this command list shouldnt be a rigid script,
but needs to be somehow unique for the thing and the situation.  However, in
order to know the situation, a mobile/object/room needs to know more about the 
trigger than that it just happened. So, we have to include some sort of variables
as well to set the context appropriately.


      As most implementors know, most area creators are not versed in
coding, but usually have great ideas. Therefore, whatever system is used needs
to be quite simple. This is not to demean creators in anyway. Simply, it is
useless to have a powerful system, if the only person able to write anything
is someone who finds C coding in general to be exciting and non frustrating. 
If that is going to be the case, then stick to the special procedures, since
there is no bound to what a complex special procedure can accomplish. Yet,
from experience working on several muds, most admins and implementors prefer
not to be writing one shot spec_procs to satisfy the needs of their creators.
      Thus, the basic idea: let mobiles react to a myriad of mud
events/situations by having them perform a list of commands which can be
tailored to the moment through a simple and unintimidating scheme usable by
any creator.

see more on them: Basics, Variables, Reference, Linking, Triggers
                  Control Flow, MobCommands, RoomCommands


A little help for progs.
-- Explanations
A VNUM is the Program virtual number that identifies the program.  The
number must be unique across area files (like mobile and object vnums). 
A PROGRAM_COMMAND can be any legal mud command (unless is is an object 
or room program), or a control flow command.

NOTE 1: Any whitespaces (space, tab, newline) are NOT stripped from the
programs when loading the database (why? because I'm too damn lazy to have
implemented it). Thus, to save memory and execution time, omit all
unnecessary spaces from your Program scripts. If you must have
indentation, use TAB.

NOTE 2: Programs do NOT have to be in the same area file as the 
mobile/object/room definitions, since the programs are linked to the 
mobiles/objects/rooms after the database has been loaded. A Program can also 
be used as a subroutine (see MOB CALL, OBJ CALL, ROOM CALL commands) without 
having to be linked to any mobile/object/room.

-- MOBprogram Example
say Hey, no loitering!
poke $n

-- OBJprogram Example
obj echo spikes shoot out of $i, impailing your hands!
obj damage $n 50 50

-- ROOMprogram Example
room echo A bright light flashes and you find yourself in a different place.
room transfer $n 3054
room force $n look



--------------------------Linking Programs--------------------------------

      Once you've written your Programs, you must link the programs
to appropriate mobiles/objects/rooms. In the #MOBILES section, for each mobile 
you wish to have a MOBprogram, add lines of the following type to the end of the
mobile definition:

For Mobiles:
      "addmprog (vnum) (trigger) (phrase)"
For Objects:
      "addoprog (vnum) (trigger) (phrase)"
For Rooms:
      "addrprog (vnum) (trigger) (phrase)"

The KEYWORD is a single word, see below for explanations.
The VNUM is the Program virtual number.
The ARGUMENT is the argument that triggers the event.

addmprog 3001 act sits down

In the above example, an ACT trigger is defined. When the mobile sees
someone sitting down in the room, the mobile will execute program number
3001 (defined in #MOBPROGS section).

Objects and rooms will react to anyone preforming the act regardless of there
visibility status.  Immortals be careful, as of this writing, they don't check
to see if you're wizi (consult the README to see any changes made after this writing).

NOTE: Several mobiles can use the same MOBprogram, i.e. MOBprograms can be
SHARED with several mobiles. The keyword and trigger argument can be different
for each mobile even if they share the same MOBprogram code.  Likewise for the
objects and rooms.



-----------------------------Trigger Types----------------------------------

      Here's a summary of triggers:

      Triggers are fairly easy to add, but this basic list should hold for
most needs. Their names, argument list syntaxes, and translation into 
more articulate english are given below:


Program types: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword      : 'act'
Argument: string

      The argument is a phrase, a text string. The trigger is activated
whenever the phrase is contained in the      act() message.

NOTE:        Most general trigger. Applies to almost every event which happens
      in the mud. Anytime the function act() is called with a message
      to be delivered TO_CHAR,TO_VICT,TO_ROOM,etc. the act can be
      triggered.  Basically this will trigger on almost everything
      you'll ever want. Output of "say", "shout" and "emote" do not
      trigger this event.


Program types: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'speech'
Argument: string

NOTE:        This is only triggered when the phrase is contained in a
      message which has been said by a PC in the same room as the mob/obj/room.
      The PC restriction is not necessary, but makes infinite loops
      between two talking mobiles impossible. It also makes it impossible
      for two NPC's to stand and discuss the weather however. 


Program types: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'random'
Argument: number

      The argument is a number betweeen 0 and 99 inclusive.

NOTE:        This trigger is checked at each PULSE_MOBILE and if the argument is
      greater than a percentage roll the trigger is activated. This
      will happen even if there is no PC in the room with the mob/object/room,
      but there must be players in the same area. 
      It is useful to give mobiles a bit of a personality. For instance
      a janitor who stops to spit tobacco, or complain about the hours,
      or wonder why there are no woman janitors on muds, or a fido which
      barks or growls or pees on the curb is much more alive than one
      which just sits there scavenging.
      Note that this trigger is checked only when there are players in
      the area. If you want this event to be triggered always, you must
      set the ACT_UPDATE_ALWAYS flag of the mobile.

      This trigger for objects is checked at each PULSE_TICK, and for rooms at
      each PULSE_AREA.


Program types: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'greet'
Argument: number

      Again a percentage argument.

NOTE:        Whenever someone enters the room with the mobile/object/room, and 
      the mobile saw the person enter, this is checked. Good for shopkeepers 
      who want to welcome customers, or for pseudo-aggressive mobiles which need to
      discriminate on who they attack.
      Greet trigger activates only when the mobile is not busy (fighting,
      sitting, sleeping etc.). If you want to be sure to catch all players,
      use grall.

      Objects and rooms will always fire on this trigger regardless of the PC's 
      visibility status.

Program types: MOB
Keyword : 'grall'
Argument: number

      Again a percentage argument.

NOTE:        Like greet, but it can be triggered even if the mobile didn't
      see the      arrival (i.e. sneak, invis, etc) or is busy. Most useful for
      faking teleport rooms or for impassable guardians.

Program types: MOB
Keyword : 'entry'
Argument: number

      Again a percentage argument.

NOTE:        The opposite of greet trigger. Whenver the mobile itself enters a new
      room, this can be triggered.  Useful for looking around, or waving
      or other things that real PCs do when they arrive at a crowded room.
      IMPORTANT: In an entry program, the mobile can only refer to a
      random pc ($r in if checks) -- there's no way to know how many PCs
      exist in the room the mobile enters! Also, you must check visibility
      of the target in your program.


Program types: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'exit'
Argument: number

      Argument is the exit number (0:north, 1:east, 2:south 3:west etc.)

NOTE:        The opposite of entry trigger. This is activated when PC tries to
      leave a room through an exit indicated by the argument, and the
      mobile/object/room sees the person leave. Useful for having a single guardian to
      watch several exits. An exit trigger works better than an entry
      trigger, since you can refer to a specific PC instead of a random PC.
      IMPORTANT: If this event is triggered, the victim will not move
      through the exit. If necessary, you must move the character yourself
      in your program (see MOB/OBJ/ROOM TRANSFER/MOB/OBJ/ROOM GTRANSFER). Also, 
      this event is not triggered when a character flees from combat or the mobile
      is not in its default position.

      Objects and rooms will always fire on this trigger regardless of the PC's
      visibility status.

Program types: MOB
Keyword : 'exall'
Argument: number

      Argument is the exit number (0 = north etc.)

      The same as exit trigger, but it can be triggered even if the
      mobile cannot see the person trying to leave the room or if
      the mobile is busy.


Program types: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'give'
Argument: string or object vnum

      The argument is either the a string containing words to be
      matched against the keywords of the object, or the word "all";
      e.g. argument "long sword" will match to objects "long bow" and
      "small sword".
      Alternatively, the argument can be the virtual number of a single

MOB NOTE:        This is triggered whenever something is given to the mobile.  Best
      used for quests.  Since the first successful trigger is the only one
      of this type which is processed, having an "all" argument in the
      script at the end of the MOBprogram list is essentially a default

OBJ NOTE:   This is triggered whenever the object is given to someone else.
      Also, the argument is ignored in this case.

ROOM NOTE:  This is triggered whenever the object (according to argument) is 
      given to someone in the room.


Program types: OBJ, ROOM
Keyword: 'get'
Argument: string or object vnum

      The argument is either a string containing words to be matched against
      the keywords of the object, or the word "all"; e.g. argument "long sword"
      will match to objects "long bow" and "small sword".
      Alternatively, the argument can be the virtual number of a single object.

OBJ NOTE: Fires whenever the object is picked up, argument is ignored.

ROOM NOTE: Fires whenever the object (according to argument) is picked up in the room.


Program types: OBJ, ROOM
Keyword: 'drop'
Argument: string or object vnum

      The argument is either a string containing words to be matched against
      the keywords of the object, or the word "all"; e.g. argument "long sword"
      will match to objects "long bow" and "small sword".
      Alternatively, the argument can be the virtual number of a single object.

OBJ NOTE: Fires whenever the object is dropped, argument is ignored.

ROOM NOTE: Fires whenever the object (according to argument) is dropped in the room.

Program types: MOB
Keyword : 'bribe'
Argument: number

      The argument is any positive integer number.

NOTE:        This trigger is activated whenever money is given to the mobile.
      If the amount given exceeds the number, then process the commands.
      Note again, that an argument of '1' would act as a default response.
      Also note that if the script is not triggered (because of too little
      money having been given), the mobile still keeps the money...

      ROM 2.4 NOTE: Since ROM 2.4 has two different types of currency
      (gold and silver coins), for bribe trigger the amount to be given
      is converted to silver coins with the rate of 1 gold = 100 silver.
      Thus, the number in the argument should be the expected amount in
      silver coins.


Program type: MOB
Keyword : 'kill'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percent once again.

NOTE:        This trigger is checked whenever a PC attacks the mobile. The check
      occurs only ONCE, in the beginning of combat. Useful for summoning
      assistance etc. (See MOB MLOAD).


Program type: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'fight'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percentage.

MOB NOTE:        Useful for giving mobiles combat attitude. It is checked every
      PULSE_VIOLENCE when the mobile is fighting. Can be used to cast
      spells (see MOB CAST), curse at the opponent, or whatever. Only the
      first successful one will be processed to save time.  Also, this
      means that the mobile wont get lucky and 1. curse, cast a fireball
      and 2. spit on the player, cast another fireball in the same pulse.

OBJ NOTE:      Fires when the object is worn when the player wearing it is fighting.
            Targets the opponent.  Checked every PULSE_VIOLENCE.

ROOM NOTE:      Fires when there is a fight going on in the room.  Targets the first
            person fighting.  Checked every PULSE_VIOLENCE.


Program type: MOB
Keyword : 'hpcnt'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percentage.

NOTE:        Is activated at each PULSE_VIOLENCE when the mobile is fighting. It
      checks to see if the hitpoints of the mobile are below the given
      percentage. Multiple hpcnt triggers should be listed in increasing
      order of percent since a 40% will always be activated before a 20%
      and, only the first successful trigger is performed. (See also
      MOB FLEE).


Program type: MOB
Keyword : 'death'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percent once again.

NOTE:        When the mobile dies, if the random percentage is less than the
      argument the mobile performs the MOBprogram commands rather than the
      usual death_cry() sequence.  This is done before the corpse is made,
      so the commands can be considered the mobiles last gasp. It could
      perhaps      destroy the items it was holding (see MOB REMOVE and MOB
      JUNK), or create some (see MOB OLOAD), or cast a spell (see MOB
      CAST) on the killer and the room, or even goto a new location (see
      MOB GOTO) and die there (with a text message, the corpse would seem
      to vanish) The position of the mobile is set to STANDING, and so it
      can do all the normal commands, without worrying about being DEAD.
      However, even if the mobile restores itself to full hitpoints, it
      will still die.
      This is not a way to immortal mobiles. However, the last thing this
      mobile does could be to goto some vacant room, load a fresh version
      of itself, drop all its items, force the new mobile to get all the
      items and wear them, send the new mobile back to the character who
      killed it and force the new mobile to attack that character. Along
      with a text message which said the mobile restored itself, this
      might be a convincing effect. (Note that your kitten could turn into
      a dragon this way too).


Program type: MOB, OBJ, ROOM
Keyword : 'delay'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percentage chance.

NOTE:        This trigger activates when the delay of a mobile/object/room (set 
      with the MOB/OBJ/ROOM DELAY command) expires. This trigger can be used 
      to create staged mobile/object/room behavior, for example, a guardian could 
      see a player entering a room, give a warning and activate a delay.
      If the player is still present when the delay expires, the
      guard would attack the player. (See also MOB REMEMBER).
      A mobile/object/room can have several delay triggers, but every time the
      delay timer expires, all the triggers are checked and the first
      successful one executed.


Program type: MOB
Keyword : 'surr'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percentage.

NOTE:      This trigger activates when the mobile is fighting and the
      opponent issues a "surrender" command. When triggered, both parties
      will cease fighting, and the mobile can accept the surrender
      (perhaps taking all equipment from the character with MOB REMOVE).
      Note that if the mobile does not accept the surrender, it must
      resume fighting with MOB KILL.
      If a character surrenders and the mobile does not have a surrender
      trigger, or the trigger does not activate, the fight resumes


Program type: OBJ
Keyword: 'sit'
Argument: number

      The argument is a percentage.

NOTE:      This trigger activates when the object is sat on/in/at, rested on/in/at,
      slept on/in/at, or stood on/in/at.

NOTE: No MOBprograms will be successful when the mobile is charmed
(since it has no self volition, it should act like it has none) to protect
mobiles which are given special powers from being implemented by a player.



      To make things come alive, variables are needed.  These are
represented in the Programs by using a dollar sign convention as in the
socials. When the mud command is processed, these variables are expanded into
the values shown below. Usually, it is best to use the short descriptions
of mobiles and the names of players when speaking them, but if you are
performing an action to someone almost always you want the name. The
title field for players is an extra that probably wont often be used.
Without further hesitation... the variables:

$i      the first of the names of the mobile/object itself (doesn't work on rooms).
$I      the short description of the mobile/object itself or name of room.
$n      the name of whomever caused the trigger to happen.
$N      the name and title of whomever caused the trigger to happen.
$t      the name of a secondary character target (i.e A smiles at B)
$T      the short description, or name and title of target (NPC vs PC)
$r      the name of a random PC in the room
$R      the short description, or name and title of the random PC
$q      the name of the Program target (see MOB/OBJ/ROOM REMEMBER)
$Q      the short description of the Program target

$j      he,she,it based on sex of $i (doesn't work with rooms).
$e      he,she,it based on sex of $n.
$E      he,she,it based on sex of $t.
$J      he,she,it based on sex of $r.

$k      him,her,it based on sex of $i (doesn't work with rooms).
$m      him,her,it based on sex of $n.
$M      him,her,it based on sex of $t.
$K      him,her,it based on sex of $r.

$l      his,hers,its based on sex of $i (doesn't work with room).
$s      his,hers,its based on sex of $n.
$S      his,hers,its based on sex of $t.
$L      his,hers,its based on sex of $r.

$o      the first of the names of the primary object (i.e A drops B)
$O      the short description of the primary object
$p      the first of the names of the secondary object (i.e A puts B in C)
$P      the short description of the secondary object

      Also, in if_checks, the accepted variables are the basic ones
(i,n,t,r,o,p,q).  If a variable is referenced that doesnt exist, then the
value is simply left blank or replaced with "someone"/"something" in
output (i.e referring to $o when the trigger is: A kisses B)

      If variable $q has not been defined, it is automatically set to the
last player that has triggered the program being executed (i.e. variable $n).
Once $q has been defined, it can be modified with REMEMBER and
FORGET commands in a program. Variable $q lets the mobile/object/room "remember" a player
across different programs, which can be useful. Note that $q is set
automatically only the FIRST TIME the mobile/object/room executes a program, every time
thereafter it must be set with a REMEMBER command.

      The only problem with the variables is that the secondary object and
the secondary target are passed by act() in the same location.  This means that
if you reference $t in an  A puts B in C  situation, the result will probably
be a happy mud crash or some weird side effect, espescially if $t is used in
an if_check (i.e. if isnpc($t) in the above situation) The basic fix for this
is to change everyone who calls the act() procedure to specify a secondary
object and a secondary character. But that is a fairly comprehensive trivial
twiddle, so we left it the way it is so that, you arent forced to make all 
those twiddles to use the Programs.



      Most of the basic numeric operators are legal and perform the same
function as in C.

Operators: == != > < >= <=

------------------------If_Checks In Control Flow---------------------------

      The provided list of if_checks and their arguments are below.  They
should all be fairly obvious in what they do, but some of the more obtuse
deserve a slight explanation. Any '==' operator can be replaced with any of
the available ones described above.  The argument $* refers to any of the
variables which make sense for that if_check (i.e. for an if_check which is
referencing a person the only valid variables would be $i, $n, $t, $r or $q)
A value type of string is a sequence of characters. It does not need to be
included in quotes or anything like that (i.e. if name $n fido ).  The if_checks
work for all types of programs unless otherwise noted.

There are five types of if checks:

Type 1: Keyword and value

rand      num               Is random percentage less than or equal to num
mobhere   vnum               Is a NPC with this vnum in the room
mobhere   name               Is a NPC with this name in the room
objhere   vnum               Is an object with this vnum in the room
objhere   name               Is an object with this name in the room
mobexists name               Does NPC 'name' exist somewhere in the world
objexists name               Does object 'name' exist somewhere in the world

Type 2: Keyword, comparison and value

people     ==      integer         Is the number of people in the room equal to integer
players    ==      integer         Is the number of PCs in the room equal to integer
mobs         ==   integer    Is the number of NPCs in the room equal to integer
clones     ==      integer    Is the number of NPCs in the room with the same
                       vnum as the NPC who activated the program equal
                       to integer.  ONLY WORKS WITH MOBprogs
order      ==      integer    Is the order (of several similar NPCs) of the NPC
                       who activated the trigger equal to integer ONLY WORKS WITH MOBprogs
hour         ==      integer    Is the hour (game time) equal to integer

Type 3: Keyword and actor

isnpc      $*               Is $* an NPC
ispc       $*               Is $* a PC
isgood     $*               Does $* have a good alignment 
isneutral  $*               Does $* have a neutral alignment
isevil     $*               Does $* have an evil alignment
isimmort   $*               Is $* an immortal (level of $* > LEVEL_HERO)
ischarm    $*               Is $* affected by charm
isfollow   $*               Is $* a follower with their master in the room
isactive   $*               Is $*'s position > POS_SLEEPING
isdelay    $*               Does $* have a delayed MOBprogram pending
isvisible  $*               Is $* visible to NPC who activated the program
hastarget  $*               Does $* have a MOBprogram target in the room
istarget   $*               Is $* the target of NPC who activated the program

Type 4: Keyword, actor and value

affected   $*   'affect'   Is $* affected by 'affect'
act        $*   'act'      Is $*'s ACT bit 'act' set
off        $*   'off'      Is $*'s OFF bit 'off' set
imm        $*   'imm'      Is $*'s IMM bit 'imm' set
carries    $*   'name'     Is $* carrying object 'name'
wears      $*   'name'     Is $* wearing object 'name'
has        $*   'type'     Does $* have object of item_type 'type'
uses       $*   'type'     Is $* wearing object of item_type 'type'
name       $*   'name'     Is $*'s name 'name'
pos        $*   'position' Is $*'s position 'position' (sleeping etc.)
clan       $*   'name'     Does $* belong to clan 'name'
race       $*   'name'     Is $* of race 'name'
class      $*   'name'     Is $*'s class 'name'
objtype    $*   'type'     Is $*'s item_type 'type'

Type 5: Keyword, actor, comparison and value

vnum       $*        == integer Is $*'s virtual number equal to integer
hpcnt      $*        == integer Is $*'s hitpoint percentage equal to integer
room       $*        == integer Is vnum of the room $* is in equal to integer
sex        $*        == integer Is $*'s sex equal to integer
level      $*        == integer Is $*'s level equal to integer
align      $*        == integer Is $*'s alignment equal to integer
money      $*        == integer Does $* have money (in silver) equal to integer
objval#         $*      == integer Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-4)

NOTE: The original MERC 2.2 MOBprograms used parenthesis '(' and ')'
around variables. In this version, they are not allowed. Also,parameters
MUST BE separated with spaces (if level $n<10 is NOT valid, correct syntax
is: if level $n < 10).


      MOBcommands are special commands that allow mobiles to perform
immortal-like actions within a MOBprogram (transferring players or loading
items, for example). Most MOBcommands them are wiz commands which have been
changed to allow for mobiles to perform the commands. In this version of
Programs, players have been prevented from using these commands by adding
a separate interpreter for MOBcommands. This also speeds up (in most cases)
MOBprogram execution when MOBcommands are used. All MOBcommands are
preceded with the word 'MOB' on the command line.

Syntax:  MOB ASOUND [string]
       MOB ZECHO  [string]
       MOB GECHO  [string]

      ASOUND prints the text string to the rooms around the mobile in the
      same manner as a death cry. This is really useful for powerful
      aggressives and is also nice for wandering minstrels or mobiles like
      that in concept.
      ZECHO prints the string to all players in the same area with the
      mobile. GECHO prints the string to all players in the game.

Syntax:  MOB ECHO                 [string]
       MOB ECHOAT      [victim] [string]
       MOB ECHOAROUND  [victim] [string]

      ECHO displays the string to everyone in the room. ECHOAT displays
      the string to the victim only. ECHOAROUND displays the string to
      everyone except the victim.
      The three options let you tailor the message to goto victims or to do
      things sneaky like having a merchant do: 
      mob at guard mob echoat guard rescue_please 
      This coupled with a guard act trigger on rescue_please to:
      mob goto $n
      mob echo $I has arrived.
      It is an affective way of quickly bringing guards to the scene of
      an attack. (Note that the merchant has to be the only one of its
      kind in the game or have a unique name, otherwise the guard might
      go to different mobile...).

Syntax:  MOB MLOAD [vnum]
       MOB OLOAD [vnum] [level] {{'room'|'wear'}

        MLOAD creates a mobile and places it in the same room with the
      OLOAD loads the object into the inventory of the mobile. Even if the
      item is non-takable, the mobile will receive it in the inventory.
      This lets a mobile distribute a quest item or load a key or something.
      The optional 3rd parameter can be specified; 'room' means to load
      the object to the room, 'wear' means to force the mobile to wear
      the object loaded (useful for equipping mobiles on the fly).

Syntax:  MOB KILL [victim]

      Lets a mobile kill a player without having to murder. Lots of
      MOBprograms end up with mpkill $n commands floating around. It
      works on both mobiles and players.

Syntax:  MOB FLEE

      Causes a mobile to unconditionally flee from combat. Can be used
      for example with the hit point percentage trigger to simulate
      "wimpy" behavior.

Syntax:  MOB REMOVE [victim] [vnum|'all']

      Lets the mobile to strip an object of given vnum from the victim.
      Objects removed are destroyed. If the vnum is replaced with "all",
      the whole inventory of the victim is destroyed. This command is
      probably most useful for extracting quest items from a player
      after a quest has been completed.

Syntax:  MOB JUNK [object]

      Destroys the object refered to in the mobile's inventory. It prints
      no message to the world and you can do things like junk all.bread or
      junk all. This is nice for having janitor mobiles clean out their
      inventory if they are carrying too much (have a MOBprogram trigger on
      the 'full inventory')

Syntax:  MOB PURGE [argument]

      Destroys the argument from the room of the mobile. Without an argument
      the result is the cleansing of all NPC's and items from the room with
      the exception of the mobile itself.  However, mppurge $i will indeed
      purge the mobile, but it MUST be the last command the mobile tries to
      do, otherwise the mud cant reference the acting mobile trying to do the
      commands and bad things happen.  

Syntax:  MOB AT [location] [command]

      Perfoms the command at the designated location. Very useful for doing
      magic slight of hand tricks that leave players dumbfounded.. such as
      metamorphing mobiles, or guard summoning, or corpse vanishing.

Syntax:  MOB GOTO [location]

      Moves the mobile to the room or mobile or object requested. It makes
      no message of its departure or of its entrance, so these must be
      supplied with echo commands if they are desired.

Syntax:  MOB TRANSFER  [victim|'all'] [location]
       MOB GTRANSFER [victim]       [location]
       MOB OTRANSFER [object]       [location]

      Sends the victim to the destination or to the room of the mobile as a
      default.  if the victim is "all" then all the characters in the room
      of the mobile are transfered to the destination.  Good for starting
      quests or things like that.  There is no message given to the player
      that it has been transfered and the player doesnt do a look at the
      new room unless the mob forces them to.
      Gtransfer works like transfer, except that the group the victim
      belongs      to is transferred with the victim. Otransfer transfers an
      object in the room.

Syntax:  MOB FORCE  [victim|'all'] [command]
       MOB GFORCE [victim]       [command]
       MOB VFORCE [vnum]         [command]

      Forces the victim to do the designated command. The victim is not told
      that they are forced, they just do the command so usually some mpecho
      message is nice.  You can force players to remove belongings and give
      them to you, etc.  The player sees the normal command messages (such as
      removing the item and giving it away in the above example)  Again, if
      the victim is "all" then everyone in the mobiles room does the command.
      Gforce works like force except that it affects the group the victim
      belongs to.
      Vforce affects all mobiles with given vnum in the game world. This
      is useful for, for example, purging certain type of NPCs from the
      game (by forcing them to purge themselves).

Syntax:  MOB CAST [spell] [victim]

      Lets the mobile to cast spells. Beware, this does only crude validity
      checking and does not use up any mana. All spells are available
      regardless of the race or other abilities of the mobile. Casting the
      spell occurs silently, but spell effects are displayed normally.

Syntax:  MOB DAMAGE [victim|'all'] [min] [max] {{lethal}

      Causes unconditional damage to the victim. Specifying "all" as
      victim causes damage to all characters in the room except the mobile.
      Min and max parameters define the minimum and maximum amounts of
      damage caused. By default, the damage is non-lethal, but by supplying
      the optional 'lethal' parameter, the damage can kill the victim.
      This command is silent, you must echo all messages yourself in the
      program. Useful for implementing special attacks for mobiles.

Syntax:  MOB DELAY

      MOB DELAY sets the time in PULSE_MOBILE after which the mobile's
      delay trigger is activated. If the mobile has a program defined
      for delay trigger, the program is executed when the timer expires.
      MOB CANCEL resets the delay timer.

Syntax:  MOB REMEMBER [victim]

      This command enables the mobile to remember a player for future
      reference in a MOBprogram. The player can subsequently be referred
      as '$q' in programs activated by the mobile. MOB FORGET clears
      the target. Note that if the first time the mobile runs a program,
      $q is automatically set to the player who triggered the event.
      Most commonly this command is used in delayed programs, where the
      mobile has to remember the player who triggered the original
      event, for example to continue conversation.

Syntax:  MOB CALL [vnum] {{victim} {{target1} {{target2}

      This command lets you call MOBprograms from within a running one,
      i.e. to call a MOBprogram subroutine. The first parameter is the
      vnum of the program to execute, the second is the victim's name
      (for example $n), and the third and fourth are optional object
      names. All other parameters except vnum can be replaced with
      word 'null' indicating ignored parameter.
      MOBprograms can be called recursively, but as a safety measure,
      parser allows only 5 recursions.


      OBJcommands are special commands that allow objects to perform
immortal-like actions within an OBJprogram (transferring players or loading
items, for example). Most OBJcommands them are wiz commands which have been
changed to allow for objects to perform the commands. In this version of
Programs, players have been prevented from using these commands by adding
a separate interpreter for OBJcommands. This also speeds up (in most cases)
MOBJprogram execution when OBJcommands are used. All OBJcommands are
preceded with the word 'OBJ' on the command line.

Syntax:  OBJ ZECHO  [string]
           OBJ GECHO  [string]

      ZECHO prints the string to all players in the same area with the
      object. GECHO prints the string to all players in the game.

Syntax:  OBJ ECHO                 [string]
       OBJ ECHOAT      [victim] [string]
       OBJ ECHOAROUND  [victim] [string]

      ECHO displays the string to everyone in the room. ECHOAT displays
      the string to the victim only. ECHOAROUND displays the string to
      everyone except the victim.
      The three options let you tailor the message to goto victims or do other
      sneaky stuff:).

Syntax:  OBJ MLOAD [vnum]
       OBJ OLOAD [vnum] [level]

        MLOAD creates a mobile and places it in the same room with the
      OLOAD loads the object into the room.

Syntax:  OBJ REMOVE [victim] [vnum|'all']

      Lets the object strip an object of given vnum from the victim.
      Objects removed are destroyed. If the vnum is replaced with "all",
      the whole inventory of the victim is destroyed. 

Syntax:  OBJ PURGE [argument]

      Destroys the argument from the room of the object. Without an argument
      the result is the cleansing of all NPC's and items from the room with
      the exception of the object itself.  However, mppurge $i will indeed
      purge the object, but it MUST be the last command the object tries to
      do, otherwise the mud cant reference the acting object trying to do the
      commands and bad things happen.  

Syntax:  OBJ GOTO [location]

      Moves the object to the room or mobile or object requested. It makes
      no message of its departure or of its entrance, so these must be
      supplied with echo commands if they are desired.

Syntax:  OBJ TRANSFER  [victim|'all'] [location]
       OBJ GTRANSFER [victim]       [location]
       OBJ OTRANSFER [object]       [location]

      Sends the victim to the destination or to the room of the object as a
      default.  if the victim is "all" then all the characters in the room
      of the object are transfered to the destination.  Good for starting
      quests or things like that.  There is no message given to the player
      that it has been transfered and the player doesnt do a look at the
      new room unless the object forces them to.
      Gtransfer works like transfer, except that the group the victim
      belongs      to is transferred with the victim. Otransfer transfers an
      object in the room.

Syntax:  OBJ FORCE  [victim|'all'] [command]
       OBJ GFORCE [victim]       [command]
       OBJ VFORCE [vnum]         [command]

      Forces the victim to do the designated command. The victim is not told
      that they are forced, they just do the command so usually some opecho
      message is nice.  You can force players to remove belongings and drop them,
      etc.  The player sees the normal command messages (such as
      removing the item and dropping it in the above example)  Again, if
      the victim is "all" then everyone in the object's room does the command.
      Gforce works like force except that it affects the group the victim
      belongs to.
      Vforce affects all mobiles with given vnum in the game world. This
      is useful for, for example, purging certain type of NPCs from the
      game (by forcing them to purge themselves).

Syntax:  OBJ DAMAGE [victim|'all'] [min] [max] {{lethal}

      Causes unconditional damage to the victim. Specifying "all" as
      victim causes damage to all characters in the room.
      Min and max parameters define the minimum and maximum amounts of
      damage caused. By default, the damage is non-lethal, but by supplying
      the optional 'lethal' parameter, the damage can kill the victim.
      This command is silent, you must echo all messages yourself in the

Syntax:  OBJ DELAY

      OBJ DELAY sets the time in PULSE_TICK after which the object's
      delay trigger is activated. If the object has a program defined
      for delay trigger, the program is executed when the timer expires.
      OBJ CANCEL resets the delay timer.

Syntax:  OBJ REMEMBER [victim]

      This command enables the object to remember a player for future
      reference in a OBJprogram. The player can subsequently be referred
      as '$q' in programs activated by the object. OBJ FORGET clears
      the target. Note that if the first time the object runs a program,
      $q is automatically set to the player who triggered the event.
      Most commonly this command is used in delayed programs, where the
      object has to remember the player who triggered the original

Syntax:  OBJ CALL [vnum] {{victim} {{target1} {{target2}

      This command lets you call OBJprograms from within a running one,
      i.e. to call a OBJprogram subroutine. The first parameter is the
      vnum of the program to execute, the second is the victim's name
      (for example $n), and the third and fourth are optional object
      names. All other parameters except vnum can be replaced with
      word 'null' indicating ignored parameter.
      OBJprograms can be called recursively, but as a safety measure,
      parser allows only 5 recursions.


      ROOMcommands are special commands that allow rooms to perform
immortal-like actions within a ROOMprogram (transferring players or loading
items, for example). Most ROOMcommands them are wiz commands which have been
changed to allow for rooms to perform the commands. In this version of
Programs, players have been prevented from using these commands by adding
a separate interpreter for ROOMcommands. This also speeds up (in most cases)
ROOMprogram execution when ROOMcommands are used. All ROOMcommands are
preceded with the word 'ROOM' on the command line.

Syntax:  ROOM ASOUND [string]
       ROOM ZECHO  [string]
       ROOM GECHO  [string]

      ASOUND prints the text string to the rooms around the room in the
      same manner as a death cry.
      ZECHO prints the string to all players in the same area. 
      GECHO prints the string to all players in the game.

Syntax:  ROOM ECHO                 [string]
       ROOM ECHOAT      [victim] [string]
       ROOM ECHOAROUND  [victim] [string]

      ECHO displays the string to everyone in the room. ECHOAT displays
      the string to the victim only. ECHOAROUND displays the string to
      everyone except the victim.
      The three options let you tailor the message to goto victims or do
      other sneaky stuff:).
Syntax:  ROOM MLOAD [vnum]
       ROOM OLOAD [vnum] [level]

        MLOAD creates a mobile and places it in the room.
      OLOAD loads the object into the room.

Syntax:  ROOM REMOVE [victim] [vnum|'all']

      Lets the room strip an object of given vnum from the victim.
      Objects removed are destroyed. If the vnum is replaced with "all",
      the whole inventory of the victim is destroyed. This command is
      probably most useful for extracting quest items from a player
      after a quest has been completed.

Syntax:  ROOM PURGE [argument]

      Destroys the argument from the room. Without an argument
      the result is the cleansing of all NPC's and items from the room.

Syntax:  ROOM TRANSFER  [victim|'all'] [location]
       ROOM GTRANSFER [victim]       [location]
       ROOM OTRANSFER [object]       [location]

      Sends the victim to the destination or to the room as a
      default.  if the victim is "all" then all the characters in the room
      are transfered to the destination.  Good for starting quests or things 
      like that.  There is no message given to the player that it has been 
      transfered and the player doesnt do a look at the new room unless 
      the room forces them to.
      Gtransfer works like transfer, except that the group the victim
      belongs      to is transferred with the victim. Otransfer transfers an
      object in the room.

Syntax:  ROOM FORCE  [victim|'all'] [command]
       ROOM GFORCE [victim]       [command]
       ROOM VFORCE [vnum]         [command]

      Forces the victim to do the designated command. The victim is not told
      that they are forced, they just do the command so usually some rpecho
      message is nice.  You can force players to remove belongings and drop
      them, etc.  The player sees the normal command messages (such as
      removing the item and giving it away in the above example)  Again, if
      the victim is "all" then everyone in the room does the command.
      Gforce works like force except that it affects the group the victim
      belongs to.
      Vforce affects all mobiles with given vnum in the game world. This
      is useful for, for example, purging certain type of NPCs from the
      game (by forcing them to purge themselves).

Syntax:  ROOM DAMAGE [victim|'all'] [min] [max] {{lethal}

      Causes unconditional damage to the victim. Specifying "all" as
      victim causes damage to all characters in the room.
      Min and max parameters define the minimum and maximum amounts of
      damage caused. By default, the damage is non-lethal, but by supplying
      the optional 'lethal' parameter, the damage can kill the victim.
      This command is silent, you must echo all messages yourself in the


      ROOM DELAY sets the time in PULSE_AREA after which the room's
      delay trigger is activated. If the room has a program defined
      for delay trigger, the program is executed when the timer expires.
      ROOM CANCEL resets the delay timer.

Syntax:  ROOM REMEMBER [victim]

      This command enables the room to remember a player for future
      reference in a ROOMprogram. The player can subsequently be referred
      as '$q' in programs activated by the room. ROOM FORGET clears
      the target. Note that if the first time the room runs a program,
      $q is automatically set to the player who triggered the event.
      Most commonly this command is used in delayed programs, where the
      room has to remember the player who triggered the original

Syntax:  ROOM CALL [vnum] {{victim} {{target1} {{target2}

      This command lets you call ROOMprograms from within a running one,
      i.e. to call a ROOMprogram subroutine. The first parameter is the
      vnum of the program to execute, the second is the victim's name
      (for example $n), and the third and fourth are optional object
      names. All other parameters except vnum can be replaced with
      word 'null' indicating ignored parameter.
      ROOMprograms can be called recursively, but as a safety measure,
      parser allows only 5 recursions.


Program quick reference to triggers/variables/ifchecks/mobcommands

trigger    argument and what must happen to activate trigger
act        STRING       to match from act() to mobile, for obj and rooms it matchs acts TO_ROOM and TO_NOTVICT
speech     STRING       to match in dialogue (say, tell) to mobile, matches says in the room for objects and rooms
rand       PERCENT       chance to check whenever a PC is in the mobile/object/room's zone
bribe      INTEGER       miminum amount of silver coins given to mobile ONLY MOB
give       OBJECT NAME, OBJECT VNUM or ALL to match when obj given to mobile, 
                        for objects: fires when the object with the tirgger is given, for rooms: fires when object is given in the room.
greet      PERCENT       chance to check if visible char enters mobile's room, for objects and rooms it is basically grall
grall      PERCENT       chance to check when any char enters mobile's room MOB ONLY
entry      PERCENT       chance to check when mobile moves to a new room MOB ONLY
exit       EXIT NUMBER      a visible char tries to exit mobile's room, for objects and rooms it is basically exall
exall      EXIT NUMBER      any char tries to exit mobile's room MOB ONLY
kill       PERCENT      chance to check when the mobile begins fighting MOB ONLY
fight      PERCENT       chance to check at fight_pulse if mobile is fighting, object is worn in a fight, or there is a fight in the room
hpcnt      PERCENT       lower than mobile's hit/max_hit if mobile is fighting MOB ONLY
death      PERCENT       chance to check after mobile has been slain MOB ONLY
surr       PERCENT      chance to activate when a char surrenders to mobile MOB ONLY

variable              mobile/obj/room  actor    victim    random    target    object   2nd_object
  name                           $i                $n         $t          $r            $q         $o          $p      
shrt_desc/title                $I               $N         $T        $R          $Q         $O         $P          
he/she/it                        $j               $e          $E        $J           $X          --            --  
him/her/it                       $l               $m         $M        $L           $Y          --            --          
his/hers/its                     $k              $s          $S        $K           $Z          --            --
a/an                                --                --           --            --             --           --           --

ifcheck    argument(s)     meaning
rand       num               Is random percentage less than or equal to num
mobhere    vnum               Is a NPC with this vnum in the room
mobhere    name               Is a NPC with this name in the room
objhere    vnum               Is an object with this vnum in the room
objhere    name               Is an object with this name in the room
mobexists  name               Does NPC 'name' exist somewhere in the world
objexists  name               Does object 'name' exist somewhere in the world
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
people     ==      integer         Is the number of people in the room equal to integer
players    ==      integer         Is the number of PCs in the room equal to integer
mobs         ==   integer    Is the number of NPCs in the room equal to integer
clones     ==      integer    Is the number of NPCs in the room with the same MOB ONLY
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
isnpc      $*               Is $* an NPC
ispc       $*               Is $* a PC
isgood     $*               Does $* have a good alignment 
isneutral  $*               Does $* have a neutral alignment
isevil     $*               Does $* have an evil alignment
isimmort   $*               Is $* an immortal (level of $* > LEVEL_HERO)
ischarm    $*               Is $* affected by charm
isfollow   $*               Is $* a follower with their master in the room
isactive   $*               Is $*'s position > POS_SLEEPING
isdelay    $*               Does $* have a delayed MOBprogram pending
isvisible  $*               Is $* visible to NPC who activated the program
hastarget  $*               Does $* have a MOBprogram target in the room
istarget   $*               Is $* the target of NPC who activated the program
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
affected   $*   'affect'   Is $* affected by 'affect'
act        $*   'act'      Is $*'s ACT bit 'act' set
off        $*   'off'      Is $*'s OFF bit 'off' set
imm        $*   'imm'      Is $*'s IMM bit 'imm' set
carries    $*   'name'     Is $* carrying object 'name'
wears      $*   'name'     Is $* wearing object 'name'
has        $*   'type'     Does $* have object of item_type 'type'
uses       $*   'type'     Is $* wearing object of item_type 'type'
name       $*   'name'     Is $*'s name 'name'
pos        $*   'position' Is $*'s position 'position' (sleeping etc.)
clan       $*   'name'     Does $* belong to clan 'name'
race       $*   'name'     Is $* of race 'name'
class      $*   'name'     Is $*'s class 'name'
objtype    $*   'type'     Is $*'s item_type 'type'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vnum       $*        == integer Is $*'s virtual number equal to integer
hpcnt      $*        == integer Is $*'s hitpoint percentage equal to integer
room       $*        == integer Is vnum of the room $* is in equal to integer
sex        $*        == integer Is $*'s sex equal to integer
level      $*        == integer Is $*'s level equal to integer
align      $*        == integer Is $*'s alignment equal to integer
money      $*        == integer Does $* have money (in silver) equal to integer
objval#         $*      == integer Is $*->value[#] equal to integer (# from 0-4)

MOBcommand  argument_list                         MOBcommand argument_list
ASOUND          [text_string]                          ECHO                  [text_string]
GECHO              [text_string]                       ZECHO                [text_string]
ECHOAT            [victim] [text_string]           ECHOAROUND   [victim] [text_string]
MLOAD                  [vnum]                              OLOAD                 [vnum] [level] {{wear|room}
KILL                  [victim]                               FLEE
REMOVE            [victim] [vnum]                 JUNK                     [object]
PURGE               [argument]                      AT                          [dest] [command]
GOTO                 [dest]                              TRANSFER            [victim] [dest]
GTRANSFER     [victim] [dest]                   OTRANSFER         [object] [dest]
FORCE               [victim] [command]           GFORCE                [victim] [command]
VFORCE             [vnum]   [command]         CAST                     [spell] [victim]
DAMAGE            [victim] [min] [max] {{lethal}
DELAY                                                             CANCEL
REMEMBER       [victim]                                 FORGET
CALL                   [vnum] [victim] [target1] [target2]


Syntax: prefix

The prefix command is used in conjunction with WIZNET.  It simply adds the charatcers
--> infront of any information that is displayed on WIZNET.


Syntax: arealist

This command displays a list of all areas currently available on the mud, with the 
VNUM range and the filename.


Syntax: FREMOVE <player>

This command will force any target to remove his or her equipment, and transfer it to your
inventory. Use some discretion with this command, as it will leave the target naked and

104 check~

This imm command is to fight cheaters ....
Allow you to quick detect/compare modified chars...

    Syntax: 'check'       display info about players of all players
            'check stats' display info and resume stats of all players
            'check eq'    resume eq of all players
            'check snoop' show who snoop who ( to avoid lowest imm abuse )
    Use the stat command in case of doubt about someone...


SyntaxSyntax : lag <char> <0-200>

This command will force a lag on a player. Be very carefull with this command, and ALLWAYS
have a reason for this, as abuse will be punished with immediate termination!!

100 and above use sparingly!


Syntax: mpstat <mob name>
Syntax: mpdump <mob prog number>

These two command will allow you to check any mobile for a mob prog and
also allow you to "dump" the mob prog code to your screen to see what it
is doing.  This can be used to debug mob progs or maybe to check what a
mortal is doing wrong.

The following is what you would see using mpstat:

mpstat were

Mobile #10096  [a werewolf]
Delay   0      [No target]
[ 1] Trigger [DEATH   ] Program [10058] Phrase [100]

You now can use the mpdump command on program numer 10058 showing you:

mpdump 10058

if ispc $n
   if carries $n werewolf
     mob oload 10118 1 'room'
     mob echo The werewolf's head falls to the ground.
   if wears $n werewolf
     mob oload 10118 1 'room'
     mob echo The werewolf's head falls to the ground.

Syntax for applies: addapply <object> <apply type> <value>
Apply Types: hp str dex int wis con sex mana
             ac move hitroll damroll saves

Syntax for affects: addapply <object> affect <affect name>
Affect Names: blind invisible detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic
              detect_hidden detect_good sanctuary faerie_fire infrared
              curse poison protect_evil protect_good sneak hide sleep charm
              flying pass_door haste calm plague weaken dark_vision berserk
              swim regeneration slow
Affects availible include the ones you add too!

This command will add affects or applies to an item. Some may be permanent, others
will dissipate.

107 BONUS~

Syntax: bonus <char> <exp>

The BONUS command is used to give players a bonus amount of experience
points.  You can ADD experience points and also REMOVE experience points.
The range is from -5000 to +5000 exp.  This command can be used for rewards
to quests, excellent roleplaying, discovering the secrets to area quests, etc.

It also can be used for punishment.  Please use it with common sense and good


Syntax: pardon <character> killer
		pardon <character> thief

Pardon pardons a player for their crimes.  Don't pardon a player unless
you are sure they deserve it.  Being killed by the Avatar acts as an automatic

Syntax:	RSETPWORD <char> <new pword>

This command allows imms to set a new password for a player, in case that player
has lost/forgotten their password. Use only when required for this purpose.
Abuse will be punished.
108 FLAG~

Syntax:  flag mob <name> <field> <flags>
         flag char <name> <field> <flags>
         mob  flags: act, aff, off, imm, res, vuln, form, part
         char flags: plr, comm, aff, imm, res, vuln
		 +: add flag, -: remove flag, = set equal to
         otherwise flag toggles the flags listed.

The FLAG command is available to Arch-Angels and above.  It can be used to set
or modify various flag settings on Mobs or Players.  The syntax above lists how
to add or remove flags.  Also use the Stat command first to get the needed
information on a mob or player before using the Flag command.


This command gives a list of all disabled commands.

Syntax: lpfile <playername>
		ulpfile <playername>
The lpfile command allows you to load a player, without the player  actually connecting. 
This way, if there are problems, they can be fixed without having to wait for that player
to log on. Use this command very wisely, abuse will be punished.

The ulpfile releases the character, logging it of as it were...


v4 ? WTYPE


Syntax: violate <room vnum>

The violate command is only available to MAX_LEVEL characters.  It is used in
place of the goto command to enter "private" rooms, or rooms that already have
the max amount of people or IMMs present.

110 DUMP~

Makes a dump of the memory, containing all the items.
0 $~