 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Starfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

/* Online Social Editting Module, 
 * (c) 1996,97 Erwin S. Andreasen <erwin@andreasen.org>
 * See the file "License" for important licensing information

/* This version contains minor modifications to support ROM 2.4b4. */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"
#include "db.h"

#define SOCIAL_FILE "../area/social.are"
#define SOCIAL_FILE "../area/social.txt"

int maxSocial;

struct social_type *social_table;   /* and social table */

void load_social ( FILE * fp, struct social_type *social )
    strcpy ( social->name, fread_string ( fp ) );
    social->char_no_arg = fread_string ( fp );
    social->others_no_arg = fread_string ( fp );
    social->char_found = fread_string ( fp );
    social->others_found = fread_string ( fp );
    social->vict_found = fread_string ( fp );
    social->char_auto = fread_string ( fp );
    social->others_auto = fread_string ( fp );

void load_social_table (  )
    FILE *fp;
    int i;

    fp = file_open ( SOCIAL_FILE, "r" );

    if ( !fp )
        bug ( "Could not open " SOCIAL_FILE " for reading.", 0 );
        exit ( 1 );

    fscanf ( fp, "%d\n", &maxSocial );

    /* IMPORTANT to use malloc so we can realloc later on */

    social_table =
        ( struct social_type * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct social_type ) *
                                          ( maxSocial + 1 ) );

    for ( i = 0; i < maxSocial; i++ )
        load_social ( fp, &social_table[i] );

    /* For backwards compatibility */

    strcpy ( social_table[maxSocial].name, str_dup ( "" ) );    /* empty! */

    file_close ( fp );


#endif /* CONST_SOCIAL */

void save_social ( const struct social_type *s, FILE * fp )
    /* get rid of (null) */
    fprintf ( fp, "%s~\n%s~\n%s~\n%s~\n%s~\n%s~\n%s~\n%s~\n\n",
              s->name ? s->name : "", s->char_no_arg ? s->char_no_arg : "",
              s->others_no_arg ? s->others_no_arg : "",
              s->char_found ? s->char_found : "",
              s->others_found ? s->others_found : "",
              s->vict_found ? s->vict_found : "",
              s->char_auto ? s->char_auto : "",
              s->others_auto ? s->others_auto : "" );

void save_social_table (  )
    FILE *fp;
    int i;

    fp = file_open ( SOCIAL_FILE, "w" );

    if ( !fp )
        bug ( "Could not open " SOCIAL_FILE " for writing.", 0 );

#ifdef CONST_SOCIAL             /* If old table still in use, count socials first */

    for ( maxSocial = 0; social_table[maxSocial].name[0]; maxSocial++ )
        ;                       /* empty */

    fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", maxSocial );

    for ( i = 0; i < maxSocial; i++ )
        save_social ( &social_table[i], fp );

    file_close ( fp );

/* Find a social based on name */
int social_lookup ( const char *name )
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < maxSocial; i++ )
        if ( !str_cmp ( name, social_table[i].name ) )
            return i;

    return -1;

 * Social editting command

void do_sedit ( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
    char cmd[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], social[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    int iSocial;

    smash_tilde ( argument );

    argument = one_argument ( argument, cmd );
    argument = one_argument ( argument, social );

    if ( !cmd[0] )
        chsend ( "Huh? Type HELP SEDIT to see syntax.\n\r", ch );

    if ( !social[0] )
        chsend ( "What social do you want to operate on?\n\r", ch );

    iSocial = social_lookup ( social );

    if ( str_cmp ( cmd, "new" ) && ( iSocial == -1 ) )
        chsend ( "No such social exists.\n\r", ch );

    if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "delete" ) )   /* Remove a social */
        int i, j;
        struct social_type *new_table =
            ( struct social_type * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct social_type ) *
                                              maxSocial );

        if ( !new_table )
            chsend ( "Memory allocation failed. Brace for impact...\n\r",
                     ch );

        /* Copy all elements of old table into new table, except the deleted social */
        for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < maxSocial + 1; i++ )
            if ( i != iSocial ) /* copy, increase only if copied */
                new_table[j] = social_table[i];

        free ( social_table );
        social_table = new_table;

        maxSocial--;            /* Important :() */

        chsend ( "That social is history now.\n\r", ch );


    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "new" ) ) /* Create a new social */
        struct social_type *new_table;

        if ( iSocial != -1 )
            chsend ( "A social with that name already exists\n\r", ch );

        /* reallocate the table */
        /* Note that the table contains maxSocial socials PLUS one empty spot! */

        new_table =
            ( struct social_type * ) realloc ( social_table,
                                               sizeof ( struct social_type ) *
                                               ( maxSocial + 1 ) );

        if ( !new_table )       /* realloc failed */
            chsend ( "Memory allocation failed. Brace for impact.\n\r", ch );

        social_table = new_table;

        strcpy ( social_table[maxSocial - 1].name, str_dup ( social ) );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].char_no_arg = str_dup ( "" );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].others_no_arg = str_dup ( "" );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].char_found = str_dup ( "" );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].others_found = str_dup ( "" );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].vict_found = str_dup ( "" );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].char_auto = str_dup ( "" );
        social_table[maxSocial - 1].others_auto = str_dup ( "" );

        strcpy ( social_table[maxSocial].name, str_dup ( "" ) );    /* 'terminating' empty string */

        chsend ( "New social added.\n\r", ch );


    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "show" ) )    /* Show a certain social */
        sprintf ( buf,
                  "Social: %s\n\r"
                  "(cnoarg) No argument given, character sees:\n\r"
                  "%s\n\r\n\r" "(onoarg) No argument given, others see:\n\r"
                  "%s\n\r\n\r" "(cfound) Target found, character sees:\n\r"
                  "%s\n\r\n\r" "(ofound) Target found, others see:\n\r"
                  "%s\n\r\n\r" "(vfound) Target found, victim sees:\n\r"
                  "%s\n\r\n\r" "(cself) Target is character himself:\n\r"
                  "(oself) Target is character himself, others see:\n\r"
                  "%s\n\r", social_table[iSocial].name,
                  social_table[iSocial].others_auto );

        chsend ( buf, ch );
        return;                 /* return right away, do not save the table */

    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "cnoarg" ) )  /* Set that argument */
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].char_no_arg );
        social_table[iSocial].char_no_arg = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "Character will now see nothing when this social is used without arguments.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );

    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "onoarg" ) )
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].others_no_arg );
        social_table[iSocial].others_no_arg = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "Others will now see nothing when this social is used without arguments.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );


    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "cfound" ) )
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].char_found );
        social_table[iSocial].char_found = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "The character will now see nothing when a target is found.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );


    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "ofound" ) )
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].others_found );
        social_table[iSocial].others_found = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "Others will now see nothing when a target is found.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );


    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "vfound" ) )
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].vict_found );
        social_table[iSocial].vict_found = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "Victim will now see nothing when a target is found.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );

    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "cself" ) )
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].char_auto );
        social_table[iSocial].char_auto = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "Character will now see nothing when targetting self.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );


    else if ( !str_cmp ( cmd, "oself" ) )
        free_string ( social_table[iSocial].others_auto );
        social_table[iSocial].others_auto = str_dup ( argument );

        if ( !argument[0] )
                ( "Others will now see nothing when character targets self.\n\r",
                  ch );
            chprintf ( ch, "New message is now:\n\r%s\n\r", argument );

        chsend ( "Huh? Try HELP SEDIT.\n\r", ch );

    /* We have done something. update social table */

    save_social_table (  );
#endif /* CONST_SOCIAL */