Faes have two commands which are used often in combat, infuse and channel. 
The command channel is used to gather different kind of energies, which 
are stored inside the Fae's own body. The command infuse is then used to 
unleash these energies into a target (or to create something).

A Fae can channel energies at different speeds (1-3 blocks a tick), but 
can never store more than their current level in that ancient (a fae must 
improve their ancients to store more energy).

If a Fae tries to channel more energy than his or her current level in 
that ancient, he or she will suffer a backlash, causing damage.

Syntax : Channel [matter|plasma|energy|will] [1-3]
         Infuse  [matter|plasma|energy|will] [target]

If you use custom prompts, you can use class specials 1-4 to show the
current channel levels of the ancients in this order Matter, Energy,
Plasma and Will. Class prompts 5 can be used to show the status of
the Matter Shield.