  #9Are you ready to PK?#n

  Before a player can start playerkilling, he or she must first use the
  pkready command to join the rank of pk'ers. This is a one way choice,
  and once a player has joined, there can be no return.

  Before a player joins the rank, he or she cannot train any stat above
  10000 (hitpoints, move and mana), and that player will be unabe to use
  any global channels besides the newbie channel (ie. they can be ignored
  simply by typing 'channel -newbie').

  Before a player goes pkready, he or she cannot store more than 200 mill
  experience points (all these limitations are simply to avoid players
  storing up while they are safe from pk).

  Please consider your choice before joining. Until you learn to use your
  class powers (and learn to counter those of the other classes), you will
  most likely die more often than you will kill.

  If a player hasn't become pkready at his or her 24th hour of playing, he
  or she will automatically become pkready.

  Syntax: pkready [password]