The fae mastery item is a conduit band, which harnesses the energies from
one given ancient, allowing the fae to channel this ancient at an incrased
speed (as much as 4 points per pulse).

If a fae chooses matter as the ancient to master, he or she will deal an
additional 10% damage with his or her shields (in addition to the boost
in channel speed). The fae will also have an increased chance of dealing
double damage with the shields.

If a fae chooses energy as the ancient to master, he or she will deal an
extra burst of damage when infusing energy at level 8 or more. If the fae
reaches level 12, a third energy attack will be dealt.

If a fae chooses will as the ancient to master, he or she will have the
lag from infusing will cut in half.

Syntax: mastery [matter|plasma|energy|will]