The 'shadow witness' evolve is a powerful evolve gained by the ancient among
the shadowlords. It requires the '@@planegrab@' evolve, and opposes the evolve
'@@shadow feint@', and only one of these two evolves can be gained.

This evolve gives access to the shadowguard spell, which is used to summon a
guard from plane of shadows. This guard will patrol the for almost 10 minutes,
and should anyone enter the room, it will instantly transport itself to the
caster, and inform him or her of the transgressor.

The evolve also gives access to the services of the shadow witness, a
mysterious being from the plane of shadows. By calling on the witness, the
shadowlord is kept informed of any attempts of scrying (through any means), and
is even given a second chance after becoming mortally wounded - the witness
will try to drag the mortally wounded shadowlord into the plane of shadows,
though a fast player could still behead the shadowlord before the witness can
act. The witness will leave the shadowlord to his or her fate after doing the 

As a master of the shadowplane, the shadowlord can use the planegrab command
with the 'all' argument, thus attempting to shift everyone in the same room
into the shadowplane in one scoop.

Syntax: cast 'shadowguard'
Syntax: callwitness
Syntax: planegrab all