Evolving is part of your characters development. Each class has several 
stages, each stage opening up to new powers and abilities. Before you can 
evolve, you must first reach a certain requirement in statistics.

Each time you evolve, you have several options to chose between, but you 
can only pick one such choice. After you have made your choice, new powers 
will be available, and the other choices are gone forever, so make sure 
your given evolve choice is the path you want to take.

Each time you evolve, your statistics (move, mana and hitpoints) will be
reduced by 25% - due to the stress of evolving to a new form.

If you at one time find that your current set of evolves is wrong for you,
then you can clear ALL evolves you have gained and start over. No reimb is
given for those evolves that you are clearing, and you can only clear you
evolves once. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Type 'evolve clear'
to clear your evolves. You will be prompted for your password.

Syntax: evolve [choice]
Syntax: evolve clear [password]