You are magically teleported somewhere.

You are in Monument Square, once known as Krasna Square. The two main roads of
Praxis intersect here, where all of Nightmare's people gather in joy and
sorrow.  The road running north and south is called Centre Path, while Boc La
Road is the name of the road running east and west. A magnificent monument
rises above the square. 
The sounds of a busy adventuring town are all about.

There are four obvious exits: east, north, south, and west.

Newbie Hawkwind the boy
Grumpy the grand master rogue
Enforcer Forlock Of Law
Newbie Vishnu the boy
Newbie Genesis the boy
Descartes is a demon from hell...

A wooden sign and monument are here.
Genesis says: hmm... it's 7:15 let's learn.
Descartes says: first thing, for those who have been to previous classes... do
you have any questions?
Grumpy looks at his surroundings.
Descartes peers at Grumpy.
Grumpy says: release_object()?
Descartes says: err... what is that supposed to do?
Genesis looks at his surroundings.
Grumpy says: well from what i heard on the intercre the reverse of
You say: I've also a question when grumpy's done.
Descartes says: oh... NM does not use any such thing
Grumpy nods
Grumpy says: i see
Forlock says: that sounds like a simul_efun someone paranoid put in
Grumpy says: okie that's fine then
Forlock says: use init instead
Descartes says: lfun actually
Grumpy says: how?
Descartes says: kinda like exit() on 2.4.5
Grumpy says: i want to remove an object from someone when they go out from the
Forlock says: Desc have you gone over init?
Descartes says: no forlock... havben't *really*... just introduced it
Forlock nods
Grumpy says: i set up pre_exit and made the room no_teleport
Forlock says: you'll find out then Grumpy :)
You say: When inherit is used, what prototypes of functions are passed to the
new object?
Grumpy says: oh okay :)
Descartes says: there likely should be something like receive_objects() for
You say: Or perhapse a pre_exit func for teleporting?
Descartes says: all and none really :)
Forlock says: ya could do it with shadows
Forlock grins
Hawkwind says: what is pre_exit?
Descartes kicks Forlock
You tell Forlock: YOU could do it with shadows. We can't :)
Hawkwind says: a function that gets called before someone exits the room?
Forlock tells you: well none of us can, because they've been removed.  That
was a private joke between me and Desc. :)
Descartes says: see... prototypes are not necessary to make a call to an
inherited function
Descartes at Hawkwind
Descartes says: NM has it so you can set a pre exit function for a specific
Descartes says: but not yet so you can have a function that always gets called
Hawkwind says: cool
You say: I was getting an error in my definition of the die function before I
noticed it was rewritten and set_die added.
Descartes nods
Descartes says: well...
You say: It seemed to know what the prototype for the die function was.
Descartes says: since it was prototyped as something else...
Descartes says: namely void die(object ob)
Descartes says: and you had void die()
Descartes says: it barfed
Descartes says: any other questions before we start?
Forlock says: prototyping = typecasting ?
Kalinash smiles
Forlock pokes Kalinash in the ribs
Kalinash bows to Forlock
Kalinash bows to Descartes
Forlock looks at his surroundings.
Hawkwind says: can you have a xterm save its buffer?
Sparky says: how do I become a student?
Kalinash says: How do I write to sockets?
You say: Copies of this session are being saved. mail me if you can't read it
from /doc/classes
Forlock says: oh no we're logged
Forlock pokes Descartes in the ribs
Hawkwind says: thank you
Sparky says: how do I become a student?
Descartes says: prototyping means writing the function name, parameters, and
return type at the top of a program
Forlock says: yeah I've always heard it called typecasting, doesn't matter
Descartes says: type casting, which is fake with MudOS LPC, is just a way of
saying what type something is
Descartes says: ie:
Descartes says: prototype:
Hawkwind says: typecasting is whtn you (datatype) var
Descartes says: void die(object ob)
Forlock says: ahh
Forlock says: ok it is different
Descartes says: typecasting: (like hawkwind said)
Retrograde appears from the shadows.
Descartes says: (string)this_player()->query_cap_name()
Ninja says: prototyping tells the system what a function WILL be before the
actual function is defined.
Descartes says: both are technically meaningless in MudOS LPC
Forlock nods
Descartes says: in LPC, type casting does NOTHING
Descartes says: in some cases, it is still required
Hawkwind says: that sucks
Descartes says: but in general, it is good practice to cast call_other()'s
(things like this_player()->query_name())
Descartes says: prototypeing sorta does something
Descartes says: you cannot have local function calls unless the function in
question is prototyped
Forlock looks at his surroundings.
Grumpy says: uh...what was that?
Grumpy looks at his surroundings.
Forlock says: we'd better start
Descartes says: ok... today we will discuss the way a room object works
Descartes says: what I have been intending to do for 2 weeks now :)
Grumpy smiles
Descartes says: you should all "cd /std"
Grumpy says: is this mudlib gonna have the new combat/stat system?
Grumpy says: i mean this is the one meant to be implemented?
Descartes says: ok

  *9 Object.c       *1 daemon.c          obj/           *1 sign.c       
   1 Object.h        2 drink.c           oldliving/      7 storage.c    
     adt/            1 food.c        *15 oldliving.c     1 storage.h    
   7 armour.c        5 guild.c         5 pier.c            user/        
   4 barkeep.c         hm/             7 player.c      *26 user.c       
  *6 bboard.c          living/         1 player.h        7 vault.c      
   1 castle.c        9 living.c        2 poison.c       14 vendor.c     
  *1 clean_up.c      1 living.h        1 prop_logic.c      virtual/     
   1 clean_up.h     *1 money.c         1 quest_ob.c      6 weapon.c     
  *3 container.c     1 monster.c         room/        
   1 container.h     1 monster.h      *2 room.c       
A total of 160469 bytes in 34 files.  (8 directories)

Descartes says: everyone at /std?
Ninja nods
Hawkwind nods
Vishnu nods
Nialson nods
Grumpy says: yep
Greyfax says: yes
Hawkwind nods
Genesis growls
Descartes says: if you ls the dir, you will see room.c
Descartes says: which is the object you always inherit for rooms (excepting
door rooms and piers)
Descartes says: in addition, you will see the sub-directory /std/room
Descartes says: those of you who have had earlier classes know what room
Forlock says: those who haven't should more it and read the inherit lines ;)
--==** /std/room.c **==--

//      /std/room.c
//      from the Nightmare Mudlib
//      the room object
//      written by Descartes of Borg 17 june 1993
//      ::create() added by Pallando (93-06-18)
//      ::create() changed to container::create() with calls to
//      items::create(), exits::create(), and senses::create() added
//      by Descartes 930619
//      this_object()->setup(); removed from reset() by Pallando (93-06-20)
//      seteuid(getuid()) removed from create() by Pallando (93-06-23)
//      query_long() changed not to give error if none set by Pallando

#include <std.h>
#include <rooms.h>
#include <move.h>

inherit CONTAINER;
inherit "/std/room/exits";
inherit "/std/room/items";
inherit "/std/room/senses";

private int reset_number;

void reset();
void reinitiate();
void set_short(string str);
void set_long(string str);
string query_short();
string query_long(string str);
string query_extra_long();
int move(mixed dest);
int query_reset_number();

void create() {
    reset_number = 0;
    call_out("reinitiate", 0);

void reset() {

void init() {

void set_short(string str) { container::set_short(str); }

void set_long(string str) { container::set_long(str); }

string query_short() { 
    return container::query_short();

string query_long(string str) {
    string ret;    object ob;

    if(str) return describe(str);
    else {
        if(query_night() && query("night long")) ret = query("night long");
        else if(!query_night() && query("day long")) ret = query("day long");
        else ret = container::query_long();
    if( !ret ) ret = "";
    if(query_extra_long() != "") ret += query_extra_long();
    return ret;

string query_extra_long() {
    object *inv;
    string ret, tmp;
    int i;

    ret = "";
    i = sizeof(inv = all_inventory(this_object()));
      if(tmp = (string)inv[i]->affect_environment()) ret += tmp;
    return ret;

void reinitiate() {
    object *inv;
    int i;

    i = sizeof(inv = all_inventory(this_object()));
    while(i--) {

int query_reset_number() { return reset_number; }
int move(mixed dest) { return MOVE_NOT_ALLOWED; }

string *query_id() { return items::query_id(); }

status id(string str) { return items::id(str); }

varargs int receive_objects(object ob) { 
    if(!ob) ob = previous_object();
    if(ob == this_object()) return 0;
    return 1;

Descartes at Forlock
Descartes says: namely, you will notice that room.c inherits 4 different files
Hawkwind says: quite a bit of stuff from std/room
Descartes says: to quickyl reveiw inheritance... inheritance allows an object
to take on all of the characteristics of another object
Grumpy chuckles politely
Vishnu listens to Descartes
Descartes says: okie...
Descartes says: room inherits: container.c senses.c exits.c and items.c
Descartes says: exits.c is an object that simply has exits
Descartes says: items.c is an object which has items you can look at
Hawkwind says: simular to the items array from 2.4.5?
Descartes says: senses.c has sensory functionality... for objects which can
have smells, sounds, and things to be searched
Descartes says: similar, but very different too
Descartes says: it is a mapping here
Hawkwind says: much better format
Descartes says: a room is an object which needs exits, needs items, and has
sensory input to the user... so that is why it inherits what those files do
Descartes says: in addition, it inherits container.c
Descartes says: which allows it to contain other things
Descartes says: continaer.c for those who remember, inherits Object.c, which
inherits clean_up.c
Grumpy nods
Forlock says: as a little history, it used to be that absolutely any object
could contain another, so people could go inside themsleves or go inside
another person, have them go inside him and crash the MUD
You say: I have a question if we get to vaults.
Vishnu says: can you say something about what clean_up does?
Forlock says: clean_up will basically clean out a room after a certain amount
of time, destroying everything in it
Descartes says: is wonderful! :)
Sparky says: kinda like reset?
Forlock says: Desc can get more specific
Forlock says: I don't know what the exact times are
Hawkwind says: what if someone leaves something in a room and comes back after
it gets cleanred out? their item gone?
Descartes says: well...
Forlock nods
Descartes says: clean_up.c is inherited directly or indirectly by every object
on the mud
Descartes says: if you more it, you will see it is a very smalle file
--==** /std/clean_up.c **==--

/*    /std/clean_up.c
 *    from Nightmare IV
 *    the central object of the entire mudlib
 *    created by Descartes of Borg 940210

#include <move.h> 
#include "clean_up.h"
static private int __NoClean; 
void create() { 
    __NoClean = 0; 
int clean_up() { 
    object ob, env; 
    object *inv; 
    int i; 
    if(__NoClean) return NEVER_AGAIN; 
    if(!(ob = this_object()) || ob->query_auto_load()) return NEVER_AGAIN; 
    if(userp(ob)) return NEVER_AGAIN; 
    if(env = environment(ob)) { 
        if((int)env->is_bag()) return TRY_AGAIN_LATER; 
        if((int)env->query_property("storage room")) return TRY_AGAIN_LATER; 
    i = sizeof(inv = deep_inventory(ob)); 
    if(sizeof(users() & inv)) return TRY_AGAIN_LATER; 
    if(!env) { 
        while(i--) inv[i]->remove(); 
        if(ob) ob->remove(); 
        if(ob) destruct(ob); 
        return NEVER_AGAIN; 
    if(userp(env)) return TRY_AGAIN_LATER; 
    return (int)env->clean_up(); 
int move(mixed dest) { return MOVE_NOT_ALLOWED; } 
int remove() { 
    object env; 
    object *inv; 
    int i; 
    if(env = environment(this_object())) { 
        i = sizeof(inv = all_inventory(this_object())); 
        while(i--) inv[i]->move(env); 
    return !(this_object()); 
static void set_no_clean(int x) { __NoClean = x; } 
int query_no_clean() { return __NoClean; }  

Descartes says: it has clean_up() and move() and nothing else I think
Descartes says: move() is what is called to move an object
Descartes says: clean_up() is called by the driver every so often in an object
which has not been touched in a long time
Descartes says: normally, this is used to remove the object from the game and
save memory
Hawkwind says: is it a set ammount of time or random?
Forlock says: set
Sparky says: does cleanup affect object that are supposed to be in a room like
a fishing pole?
Greyfax says: this is what happens to idle players?
Forlock shakes his head
Forlock says: it could happen to linkdead players but they get moved
Vishnu says: to void right?
Descartes says: the time is set in the driver configuration file
Hawkwind says: does it check for an interactive object in the room?
Descartes says: clean_up() affects all objects
Descartes says: no, something different happens to idle players :)
Descartes says: ok... so you all understand what is basically happening as far
as inheritance goes in rooms?
Vishnu nods
Sparky nods
Greyfax says: yes
A shadow nods
Ninja nods
Grumpy nods
Descartes smiles
Hawkwind nods
Descartes says: previous classes discussed inheritance and the basic
structure... you can ftp those if you like... they go into great detail
Sparky says: where?
Hawkwind says: so what does tonights class go into?
Descartes says: so... you write a room
Forlock says: rooms
Hawkwind says: cool
Descartes says: class will discuss what a room object does in detail
Descartes says: back to room.c
Descartes says: rooms, like every other object, have create() called in them
when they are first created
Descartes says: you can see that room.c itself has a create() function
Descartes says: that function calls create() in all the objects it inherits...
Hawkwind says: sets default information?
Descartes says: sets its reset_number to 0
Descartes at Hawkwind
Forlock nods
Descartes says: calls reset()
Hawkwind nods
Greyfax pokes Ninja in the ribs
Ninja looks at his surroundings.
Descartes says: ok... back...
Descartes gasps in
Descartes says: so... as you can see... a lot is being done in room.c's
Sparky looks at his surroundings.
Grumpy nods
Descartes says: so that is why you must call ::create() in any object which
inherits room.c
Forlock says: or you get me and 3000 mortals screaming at you for having a
room with no exits
Descartes smiles at Forlock
Forlock ducks.
Descartes says: since create() is called when the room is first referenced,
this is your chance to set up initital values for the room
Descartes says: to set up variavles, all variable initialization must be done
before ::create()
Descartes says: function calls after it
Descartes says: void create() {
Descartes says:     __TestVariable = 1;
Descartes says:     ::create();
Descartes says:     set_short("short desc")
Descartes says:     etc
Descartes says: }
Forlock says: I'm watching Home Improvement now so I'll be quieter.
Vishnu says: how can I control the order exits appear in?
Forlock says: my guess would be to just put it in, in the order you want it to
Descartes says: with NM 3.0+ you cannot control the order in which exits appear
Descartes says: err... maybe you can...
Vishnu says: i'm using 3.2 and they come out in different order
Vishnu says: than I put them in
Descartes says: it may be reverse order
Forlock nods
Descartes says: in that create(), of course you are setting up things like the
Descartes says: the items which are in the room
Descartes says: the searches, smells, sounds, etc
Forlock says: I'm wrong, I don't think you can control the order
Descartes says: once you call ::create()
Descartes says: it does the stuff I described above... which includes calling
Descartes says: you can see that room.c itself has a reset() function
Descartes says: all it does is increment the reset_number
Descartes says: but since it exists, if you redefine reset(), you must call
Descartes says: reset() gets called ate creation time and every so often after
Descartes says: thus you use reset in the room to do things like put in
monsters which get added every reset, close doors which got opened, etc
Descartes says: do you all understand the difference between reset() and
Ninja nods
Vishnu nods
Grumpy nods
Forlock says: it used to be MUCH harder, believe me
Sparky says: how long between resets?
Sparky understands
Descartes says: again, that depends on a value you set in your driver
configuration file
Forlock says: I don't think we'll tell you how it's set for Nightmare :)
Descartes at Forlock
Forlock says: (nods)
Ninja grins
Sparky smiles
Descartes says: simple rooms therefore just have a create() function
Descartes says: more complex ones will have a reset() defined
Descartes says: then there is init() which gets called any time an object
ienters the room (a living object)
Descartes says: when I enter a room, the function init() is called in that
Descartes says: forlock rid zellski
Forlock says: huh?
Descartes says: then when he logs in, promote him to level 1 frog :)
Forlock says: uhh oh
Forlock says: ok :)
Ninja grins
Grumpy chuckles politely
Ninja says: that "Gnort's" buddy?
Sparky smiles
Descartes says: you can add commands to a player in init()
Descartes says: using the add_action() efun
Descartes says: as you can see, the files room.c inherits do just this...
Descartes says: addin exit commands, "smell", "listen", and "search"
Descartes says: hmm
Descartes says: I have to go do something...
Descartes says: read around the files in /std/room
Descartes says: and room.c for the moment... it may be like 15 minutes to 1/2
Descartes is gone from our reality.
Forlock says: init() is called anytime anything in the environment of the
object or the object itself changes
Grumpy says: but it only works when they enter that room right?
Forlock says: well if we're speaking in terms of rooms, yeah
Forlock says: but init() can actually be in any object
Forlock says: so like if I pick up an object here, init() is called
Forlock says: or if I walk into the room with an object, init() is called
Forlock says: init is called constantly :)
Grumpy says: for that object?
Forlock says: well init gets called on me in all those cases
Forlock says: you can imagine the mess it used to make when you got guild
powers by carrying objects
ZellskI says: and if you are carrying anything living when you pick up an
object, init is called in the object once for each such living object.
Forlock says: if someone dropped one of those objects accidently (usually it
was almost impossible) anyone who entered that room would get the actions
Vishnu says: why does senses.c have initiate instead of init?
Grumpy nods
Grumpy says: how are guild objects set up now?
Grumpy says: guild powers i mean
Forlock says: well now very few actions are actually put on objects
Forlock says: has Desc gone over the /cmds directory?
Grumpy ponders
Forlock looks at his surroundings.
Grumpy says: i very much doubt it
Forlock says: probably best to let him go over it, it concerns daemons and
Grumpy says: ah..
Forlock says: I can briefly though if you want
ZellskI smiles brightly
Grumpy shrugs
Grumpy says: why not ?
Grumpy smiles
ZellskI says: it's got commands in it!
Forlock says: well anytime you type in something a daemon is questioned
Forlock says: to see if the command exists
Forlock says: the daemon checks a certain directory
Forlock says: and also checks to make sure you're allowed to use that command
Forlock says: all a guild does is give you permission to use a certain number
of commands
Forlock says: back when Zellski and I were a couple newbies that kind of thing
was impossible :)
ZellskI says: more or less :)
Sparky looks at his surroundings.
Grumpy says: so say how would u bring up a guild?
Grumpy says: put the powers in /cmds?
Forlock says: I only gave you the brief version Grumpy :)
Forlock says: yeah you could technically do it that way
Grumpy says: what do most guilds do?
Forlock says: I believe the commands are housed in the wizards directories
Grumpy says: u make a cmd dir in ur own directory?
Forlock says: you get a special thing in you, when you join the guild, that
tells it where to look
Forlock says: I believe so yes.
Grumpy says: yea that UID
Forlock says: but don't do it until after you've finished a domain
ZellskI says: you must have fairly few guilds :)
Forlock says: only 3 or 4, Nightmare uses classes
Forlock says: we don't need many
Forlock says: people join one guild and one class
ZellskI says: oh yes, i remember..
Grumpy says: i was trying to give certain players powers while they were in a
ZellskI says: i didn't like the specifications.
Forlock says: hmm...seems there is a /cmds/guild on Nighmare
Forlock says: use init Grumpy
Forlock says: probably done that way to control the number of guilds out there
Grumpy says: and rather than having an array check if there name matched i
figured it'd be easier to give an object or something like that
Forlock says: if you only want them to have the powers while they are in the
room, use init
Grumpy says: how? any number of people can be in the room but should a player
sit down etc they get the power
Forlock says: ahh it's a command?
Grumpy says: set of commands
Forlock says: I mean to get the powers you have to type in a command, right?
Grumpy nods
Forlock says: well the way it used to be done is, yeah you'd give him an
Forlock says: I doubt that's still correct
ZellskI says: init() { if (is_member(this_player())) perform_ad_actions(); }
Grumpy says: is_member? what the hell is that?
Forlock says: I don't write much code nowadays
Forlock says: checks to see if something is in an array
Grumpy says: ahhh
Forlock says: correct?
ZellskI says: Eh, yes.
ZellskI says: It's known as structured programming I think :)
ZellskI says: Use a mapping
Forlock says: my old way would be easier
Forlock says: but Lassondra and/or Desc would run you through
ZellskI says: what was your old way?
Grumpy chuckles politely
Forlock says: just give the player an object when they sat
Forlock shrugs
Grumpy nods
Grumpy says: that's what i thought of
ZellskI says: then do the add_actions in the sit!
Forlock says: that'd work even better ;)
ZellskI says: init() { add_action("do_sit", "sit"); }   do_sit() { write("You
sit.\n"); add_a_lot_of_actions(); }
Grumpy says: is there a remove_action
Forlock nods
Forlock says: I think it's remove_add_action though
Grumpy says: ahh that's good :)

[[Here I removed a long anecdotal discussion that the particulars might not
have intended to be made public]]

Forlock says: It's Descartes' class, I'm the teacher's assistant
ZellskI falls down laughing
ZellskI says: T.A. Forlock the Brave.
Forlock grins
Forlock says: I'm Al Borland
ZellskI says: who?
Frog shouts: Hey, where IS everyone?
Forlock says: here
Nialson says: Does the T.A. want to take a stab at a question from the class?
Forlock says: sure
ZellskI signs up as assistant T.A.
Nialson says: Why are the door-exits put in a seperate object that inherits
room instead of something that is inherited along with room like inherit ROOM;
inherit DOORS; ?
ZellskI applauds
ZellskI says: good question :) why?
ZellskI pokes Forlock in the ribs
Forlock says: hang on I'm still trying to understand the question ;)
Forlock says: exits don't inherit room, room inherits exits
Morjesta looks at her surroundings.
ZellskI says: I think the question was, how come you get a package deal with
doors'n'all when you inherit a room?
Forlock says: why not?
ZellskI says: oh.. not quite
Forlock says: Nial please restate your question, I can't follow it :)
ZellskI says: door object inherits room??
Forlock shakes his head
Nialson says: I'm referring to /std/vaults.c
Forlock says: room inherits door object
Forlock says: that would be a pretty complicated door ;)
Forlock says: ok, what about /std/vaults.c ?
Nialson says: Why do we need to inherit a seperate object to add a door,
wouldn't it be cleaner to add a door object?
Forlock says: there isn't a /std/vaults.c
Forlock says: add a door object to what?
ZellskI says: doors have a long history of being the least clean things
possible with the current way room-to-room travelling is done.
Nialson says: Sorry /std/vault.
ZellskI frowns
Nialson says: If we want a door in a room we inherit a completely different
object for the room. Why wasn't it arranged so that one always inherits room,
and also inherits a door object when doors are added?
ZellskI says: vault.c seems to be a room that defines code for handling doors,
aa such it inherits the room file.
Forlock says: because not all rooms use doors
Forlock says: if I understand you right, doing it your way would use up a bit
more memory
Nialson says: Ahh, how so?
ZellskI frowns
ZellskI says: i really have no clue what you're asking..
Forlock says: are you asking why is it you have to inherit a seperate file for
Nialson says: I'm asking why the files were set up so that we inherit VAULT
instead of inheriting 2 seperate objects like inherit ROOM;inheritDOOR;,
similar to the way room inherits several things.
Forlock says: I don't know vault well enough to answer that, I think you'll do
better to ask Descartes, sorry.
Nialson says: it IS a bizzarre question. It would have made it easier when I
wrote my monster cages.
Forlock says: wait, you only snag vault if you want doors right?
ZellskI says: Well, it is hard to imagine ever using a door without a room.
Forlock grins
Forlock says: I'd do it Zell
Forlock says: are you saying you want to only inherit a door and not a room
with it?
Ninja says: a door without a room is a portal.
Forlock says: a portal is a room with a door
Forlock throws back his head and cackles with glee
Forlock says: I can't believe we're having this conversation :)
Forlock says: I can't see why you wouldn't want the door to come with a room
Forlock says: unless you're part of Monty Python...
ZellskI says: It sort of makes sense, but as it is, the door can rely on the
room code always being there, which makes it a lot easier to write.
Ninja says: portal from Azak's room seems random as to the room it leads to.
Forlock says: yeah?
Ninja says: ended up in treehouse once, rainbow serpent room once.
Ninja says: Frog ain't going back a third time. :)
Forlock says: you'd probably end up in my workroom
Ninja bounces around
Forlock says: you'd hear some government secret so I'd have to kill you
Ninja says: er, I AM a governent secret.
Forlock says: well I'm idling for a while to watch Home Improvement (again)
Forlock says: two episodes tonight ;)
Forlock looks at his surroundings.
Forlock says: try asking Desc the same question, he'd probably be a bit more
Ninja says: and i have 2 phone calls to return.
Forlock wave to Ninja
Ninja waves
Ninja is gone from our reality.
ZellskI smiles at Forlock
ZellskI says: Damn, I'm hungry.
Forlock says: eat a door
ZellskI says: I'll eat some matzah, about as tasty..
Forlock grins
Forlock says: I have a fortune cookie
ZellskI says: oh...?
ZellskI looks over Forlock
Forlock says: it says
Forlock says: "Your goal is just around the door"
ZellskI looks at his surroundings.
ZellskI falls down laughing
Forlock says: lucky numbers: 666
ZellskI peers at Forlock.
ZellskI says: really?
Forlock nods
Forlock says: I'm having a bad year
ZellskI giggles