Name Chronomancers Tower~
Builders sadin~
VNUMs 99200 99700
Credits Sadin~
Security 1
LevelRange 60 91
ResetMessage Suddenly a piercing pain envelops you causing you to collapse.  As you slip unconscious the realms starts to spin and when you awake something seems different.~

a kobold~
A Kobold stands here clawing at the trees.
A fury, almost rat like figure.  He smells of sewer, and his hair is
matted.  He holds a small stone tipped spear in his hand.  
A 0 -300 0
10 10 21d10+0 10d9+60 2d5+7 none
3 3 3 5
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F attr+ A
M speech 99200 Hi.~
a diseased chipmunk, plagued~
a plagued chipmunk~
A sickly looking chipmunk is here, covered with sores
You see a very sick chipmunk staring at you.  It's body it covered with
small sores that remind you of the time you had the plague.  You start to
think, it would be best to put it out of it's misery.  
AFG X -1000 0
5 5 15d5+0 25d10+85 1d5+7 none
5 5 5 7
0 0 0 H
stand stand female 2
0 0 large flesh~
deathknight battlemage guard mage~
An Undead BattleMage~
A Large battlemage of the undead guards the entrance into the Tower.
The sight of this guard makes your blood freeze.  Although the main
purpose is the scare away unwanted guests to the Tower, it will not attack
unless to defend itself, which it is more than capable of doing.  Its arms
rest over a large rapier and the cover of a spell book peeks out from a bag
tied to its belt.  The battlemage glances at you and nods silently.  
death knight~
ABRef u -2500 0
100 100 456d100+0 500d10+85 33d3+55 none
-58 -58 -58 -37
A 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 large flesh~
F for H
M grall 99201 100~
black panther~
A black panther~
A huge black panther is resting in a tree, watching you.
You see a large and powerful panther staring at you.  He seems willing to defend the glade and his master at any cost.  You get the feeling you should leave him alone.
A 0 0 0
106 106 563d106+0 1060d11+95 36d2+78 none
-66 -66 -66 -45
E 0 0 0
rest stand male 0
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
slimer ghost yellow~
a slimer~
You see a floating blob of {Yyellow{x slime pestering the cook.
There is a small yet mobile blob of {Yyellow{x slime floating here. 
Trails of mucus drip to the floor and dangle from the ugly blobs body.  It
is currently bothering the tower cook, who is attempting to smash it through
a wall.  
AO TU 3500 0
20 20 37d20+0 100d10+85 6d3+15 slime
-3 -3 -3 0
FH 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 large flesh~
F attr+ B
F for V
chef of the tower cook~
The cook~
The cook is here, beating the slimer with a flying pan.
You see a pretty young gnome female, who has been hired as the tower's
cook.  She is wearing an apron and wielding a frying pan, that is covered in
slime.  It seems she could use a little help getting rid of her unwanted
AH 0 0 0
42 42 127d42+0 210d10+85 14d3+26 none
-19 -19 -19 -10
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 20
0 0 medium flesh~
fido guard dog~
A beastly Fido~
A large and powerful looking fido guards this room.
There is a Fido looking at you.  He looks just like the ones from
Midgaard, but much tougher.  He also seems better fed and cared for.  You
notice a key hanging from his leather collar and wonder what it opens.  
AB w 0 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
F B 0 T
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
elite guard~
An elite guard~
A strong guard, engulfed in flames, watches over the door.
You feel more then you see of this guard.  Her entire body is encased in
flames and looks able to dispatch any unwated guests quite quickly.  You
wonder what is behind the door that requires so much protection.  
fire elemental~
ABSe DFTflm 0 0
55 55 170d55+0 55d9+60 17d3+28 none
-25 -25 -25 -14
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F res D
M grall 99202 100~
guard future metal being~
a metal being~
A stout metal being rolls around on wheels.
You see a funny looking object that resembles a large barrel, made out of
steel, the seems to roll around the room.  There is a sign attached to the
front of the being: "Please ask me for a ring.  If you attack me, I will
defend my self and you WILL BE KILLED.  Thank you."  You get the feeling
that it is more the able to destroy you, considering where you are.  
ABf DFHlmt 0 0
500 500 3132d500+0 5000d11+95 167d2+340 none
-348 -348 -348 -247
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F attr+ A
M speech 99203 ring~
father rat large wicked~
a father rat~
A large wicked looking rat is here, guarding his family.
A see an angry looking rat, who seems to be the head of the nest.  He has
potioned himself between you and his family, and looks willing to defend
them to the death.  He glares at you and starts to advance toward, drool
hanging from his fangs.  
ABFGH 0 -2300 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
stand stand male 0
G ACDKQV medium flesh~
cute mother rat~
a mother rat~
A cute looking mama rat is here, looking frightened.
You see a cute rat, seemingly protecting the smaller rats in the back of
the nest.  She growls yet stay behind the father rat, hoping that he will
kill you first.  
ABG 0 -2100 0
56 56 207d56+0 280d10+85 18d3+33 none
-28 -28 -28 -16
FH 0 0 HLR
stand stand female 0
G ACFJU medium flesh~
tough teenage punk rat~
a teenage rat~
A tough looking teenage punk rat.
You see a tough looking punk rat, complete with a pierced ear and nose.  He glares at you then runs around chasing his own tail.
ABFH Q 0 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
stand stand male 0
G ELMQU large flesh~
crying baby rat small girl~
a baby rat~
A adorable baby rat is here, crying for her mommy.
You see a small, yet adorable??  Baby rat, laying in a pile of clothe. 
She is crying, scared at what is happening around her and wanting her mommy.
You could not kill her, could you??  
ABH 0 0 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
FH 0 0 HLR
stand stand female 0
G CDFQ medium flesh~
man male dock guard burly~
A Dock Guard~
A huge burly man stand here, preventing you from entering the ship.
You see a huge guy who look very displeased to see you.  He glares at you
and tell you to move along.  
AB 0 -500 0
86 86 377d86+0 430d10+85 28d5+105 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
stand stand male 2000
0 0 large flesh~
shadow guard portal being~
A misty {Dshadow{x~
A {Dshadow{x hovers in the corner and glaces at you, waiting for something you have.
You see a {Dshadow{x that appears to be made of a dark mist.  She glances
over at you and holds out her hand, expecting something, but what?  
air elemental~
ABe 0 0 0
150 150 740d150+0 750d10+85 50d3+80 none
-91 -91 -91 -60
0 AB 0 0
stand stand female 0
K 0 medium flesh~
F res A
F for H
M give 99205 99213~
M grall 99228 100~
106 95 428d95+0 475d10+85 31d3+52 none
-54 -54 -54 -35
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99204 100~
I 95
metra worker male man~
A metra worker~
You see a large man working here with a hat bearing the name "{BMetra{x".
You see a man wear a hard hats enblazed with the name {BMetra{x on it. 
He is carrying a large piece of metal and seems to be banging on the rails. 
When he sees you he shouts and waves to you.  
AB 0 3000 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
stand stand male 15
0 0 medium flesh~
F for A
vendor jesse girl~
Jesse the Vendor~
A young girl stands here selling treats.
You see a pretty young girl who stands here, looking bored.  She seems to
dislike her job, yet make you think she likes it all at the same time.  She
looks at you and smiles, offering you a bag of popcorn.  
ABe 0 0 0
55 55 201d55+0 275d10+85 18d3+32 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
INV U 0 0
stand stand female 1000
0 0 medium flesh~
F for A
M speech 99235 I am looking for a Kosher meal.~
a tourist~
A tourist stares in wonder at the amazing sights around them.
You see a tourist wearing a badly colored shirt with a flowered print. 
They keeping glancing up and gasping in amazement at the wonders of the
AGH 0 0 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
FU 0 0 0
stand stand either 20
0 M medium flesh~
F for A
F par EI
M grall 99206 100~
chicago police officer cop~
A Chicago cop~
A uniformed officer walks around, keeping the peace.
You see a uniformed officer, with word Police sewn onto the shirt.  The
officer looks well equiped and able to keep the peace .  
AGT 0 3000 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
stand stand either 67
0 0 medium flesh~
swat member cop police team~
A swat team member~
A heavily armored swat officer is hunting something.
You see a very large man, equipped with heavy armor and massive weapons. 
He appears to be hunting down something and will not stop still he finds
AT 0 2000 0
89 89 394d89+0 445d10+85 35d4+91 none
-50 -50 -50 -32
stand stand male 2932
0 0 large flesh~
picture guy man male photo photographer~
A photographer~
A man is here taking pictures of people.
You see a average look male, who stand here and takes pictures of people
for money.  It looks like he is unhappy with his job, so you
decide not to bother him.
ABY 0 -1695 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 slap
-30 -30 -30 -18
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 1498
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99207 ~
gila monster lizard giant huge~
A Gila monster~
A huge lizard is sunning itself on a rock.
You see a very large lizard sitting on a rock.  It looks at you and a
long forked tongue darts out several times from its mouth.  There seems to
be a clear liquid dripping from its fangs.  
AB 0 0 0
72 72 298d72+0 360d10+85 24d3+41 none
-39 -39 -39 -23
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 large flesh~
dragon lizard huge beast monster kimodo~
A Kimodo Dragon~
A Monsterous beast is here, with drool hanging from it's jaws.
You see a large and very ugly lizard drooling on a rock.  You see pieces
of its last meal still stuck in the teeth...  How gross.  It looks at you
and hisses in anger then charges you.  
AB 0 0 0
84 84 366d84+0 420d10+85 28d3+47 none
-47 -47 -47 -29
IM 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
huge snake coiled coil~
A large snake~
A huge coiled snake rest on a rock.
You see a huge snake, at least fourty feet long, coiled up on a rock.  It
appears to be sleeping, but if awakened, could crush you to death within its
AB 0 0 0
78 78 332d78+0 390d10+85 26d3+44 none
-43 -43 -43 -26
HO 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
gazelle deer horse~
A gazelle~
A gazelle grazes amoung the grasses in peace.
You see a horse sized creature with a pair of long sharp horns growing
out of its head.  Although, it look rather timid, you feel that it would
cause damage if it were provoked.  
AB 0 0 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
CFHI 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
GV ACDKW medium flesh~
large tigers cats stripe striped tiger~
A tiger~
A striped tiger stalks you from the grass.
You notice a striped cat, much larger then any you have ever seen,
stalking you from the tall grass.  It looks right at you and then lunges for
your throat...  
AB 0 0 0
79 79 337d79+0 395d10+85 26d3+44 none
-43 -43 -43 -27
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
police cop captain chicago~
A Police Captain~
You see a uniformed officer with a pin, of twin metal bars, upon the shoulder.
You see a well built officer, who looks to be in charge of something. 
They have similiar equipment as the other officers you saw but seem more
AG 0 3000 0
83 83 360d83+0 415d10+85 27d5+75 none
-46 -46 -46 -29
stand stand either 2000
0 0 medium flesh~
ugly beast walrus creature~
A Walrus~
A large ugly creature swims around the pool.
You have never seen such an ugly thing before in your life.  It appears
to weigh over three thousand pounds lots of fat protecting it.  The is
covered in a very thick hide and has two long tusks sticking out from its
ABe b 200 0
88 88 388d88+0 440d10+85 35d8+150 none
-50 -50 -50 -31
stand stand either 0
GHV ADKQY unknown flesh~
healer frail old man~
A healer~
A man weaing a long white coat is here, tending to the wounds of the injured.
You see a frail man man hobbling around.  He wears a white coat and keeps telling people to cough and turn thier heads.
ABae 0 3000 0
91 91 405d91+0 455d10+85 30d3+50 none
-52 -52 -52 -33
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
pickpocket girl thief young pretty~
A young girl~
There is a pretty young girl, intently staring at you.
You notice a girl, who keeps staring at you then back toward the animals.  As you turn to leave, you notice that her hand is sneaking toward your money, she's a thief.
ABS PQ -3000 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 1644
0 0 medium flesh~
picture lady~
A Photographer~
A short lady is here, taking pictures.
ABe 0 2500 0
79 79 337d79+0 395d10+85 26d3+44 none
-43 -43 -43 -27
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 2054
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99209 ~
M give 99210 99239~
octopus mound blob flesh~
The octopus~
A blob with eight tentacles floats here.
You see an ugly blob of flesh with eight, long and powerful looking,
tentacles floating here.  It seems harmless but one can never to to sure
about thing they have never seen before.  
ABe bc 0 0
95 65 465d91+5000 910d11+95 20d20+100 none
-56 -56 -56 -37
stand stand either 0
GHb DFMN large flesh~
young man desk clerk~
A desk clerk~
An attentive looking young man stands behind the counter.
You see a young but happy man working behind the counter.  He sees you enter and smiles in your direction.
ABe 0 2000 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99211 100 ~
M speech 99212 Jessica~
federal agent man fbi guard large~
A Federal Agent~
You see a large man sitting in a chair, blocking your path south.
You see a large man wear a light weight jacket with the letters "FBI"
sewen onto the back of it.  He is sitting in a chair, but get up when you
approach him to enter the south hallway.  He informs you that this section
of the hotel is closed and advises you to leave.  Then he sits back down.  
ABe 0 0 0
85 85 371d85+0 425d10+85 28d3+47 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
0 0 0 0
sit sit male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
homeless man sleeping dirty unhappy~
A homeless man~
There is a homeless man, sleeping in the shadows.
A smelly and dirty old man is in the shadow of the shed.  He sees you and starts to talk to himself then glares at you.  
A Q -200 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
0 0 0 0
sleep sleep male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
ali shop store owener greasy man little~
The store ower, Ali, watchs you like a thief.
You see a small greasy man, who is losing his hair.  He watchs you very closely, to ensure you don't steal from his store.  
AB F -2500 0
100 100 456d100+0 500d10+85 33d3+55 none
-58 -58 -58 -37
EIN U 0 0
stand stand male 50000
0 0 medium flesh~
pit guard female avitar werty~
The pit guard~
An avitar of Sadin, prevents looting of the donation pit.
Don't attack me and please do not loot the pit.  Master Sadin will be notified if you attempt to loot the donation pit.
AB DFHlm 0 0
150 500 851d150+0 1500d11+95 51d2+107 none
-98 -98 -98 -67
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99240 100~
drug dealer male man thug tough tony~
A Thug~
A Drug Dealer
This thug approaches you and asks if you wanna buy some drugs.  What would your mother think... Shame on you.
ABS 0 -4000 0
86 86 433d86+0 860d11+95 29d2+64 none
-52 -52 -52 -35
0 U 0 0
stand stand male 4898
0 0 medium flesh~
bank guard man men~
Bank Guard~
A large and unfriendly bank guard waits to punish you.
The look of this guard make everything else look sissy.  He wield no
weapons nor wear armor, but still looks able to kick your a** in a
heartbeat.  It would be best not to piss him off.  
ABT 0 0 0
106 106 563d106+0 1060d11+95 18d18+110 none
-66 -66 -66 -45
stand stand male 50
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
bank teller danielle girl hot~
A young attractive woman is waiting to help you.
A young woman, whose nametag reads "Danielle", stands behind a counter
willing to take your money.  She flashes you a smile and you start to blush,
quickly looking away.
ABd 0 0 0
110 110 589d110+0 1100d11+95 37d2+80 none
-69 -69 -69 -47
0 BEU 0 0
stand stand female 10404
0 0 medium flesh~
bank manager plump happy man male~
Bank Manager~
A rather plump man is sitting behind his desk, looking busy.
This happy man is in charge of running the bank.  He seems rather well
off and shakes your hand when you enter.  He twitches when you glance at the
desk, and quickly ask how he can help you.  
AB 0 0 0
80 80 343d80+27500 400d10+85 26d3+45 none
-44 -44 -44 -28
0 0 0 0
sit sit male 1739
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99221 100~
M speech 99223 I have come for the box number 372.~
M give 99222 fake~
guard male vault scary man~
The Vault Guard~
A large man prevents unwanted person from entering the vault.
This guard looks very serious about his job, and will not let you enter the vault without the proper keys.
AB 0 0 0
106 106 563d106+0 1060d11+95 36d2+78 none
-66 -66 -66 -45
CDI 0 0 0
stand stand male 5
0 0 large flesh~
M give 99224 note~
janice clothing store clerk girl lady slim~
A slim girl is here, waiting to size you for new clothes.
Janice is a slim young woman, working here to get you dressed for success. 
She looks at you and smiles, then turns back to the stockroom to get something.
AB 0 0 0
95 95 428d95+0 475d10+85 31d3+52 none
-54 -54 -54 -35
0 U 0 0
stand stand female 15000
0 0 medium flesh~
jimbo jim owner~
Jimbo, the store owner, waits to help you.
Jimbo looks like he could kill you.  Be nice to him.
ABe 0 1000 0
90 90 400d90+0 450d10+85 30d3+50 none
-51 -51 -51 -32
0 U 0 0
stand stand male 885
0 0 medium flesh~
owner carsandra~
Carsandra, the store owner.
Carsandra is wearing a long flowing robes, giving her the look of an
ancient priestness.  She looks at you and smiles.  
ABe 0 4000 0
80 80 343d80+0 400d10+85 26d3+45 none
-44 -44 -44 -28
0 U 0 0
stand stand female 1936
0 0 medium flesh~
owner jorge~
Jorge, shop owner waits here
ABe 0 0 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
0 U 0 0
stand stand male 2000
0 0 medium flesh~
sasiak owner ninja samurai~
Sasiak, the ninja and samurai master, is willing to sell you a weapon.
He will kick your ass, better not attack him.
ABe 0 0 0
96 96 499d96+0 960d11+95 33d5+100 none
-59 -59 -59 -40
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium flesh~
long eel electric shocking~
An electric eel~
A long creature with sparks along it body, swims around your leg.
An dangerous looking worm-like creatures is swimming here.  Is looks to
have lighting coursing though its body, how frighting.  
AB J 0 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
AH J 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M exall 99215 2~
deadly asp snake small colored multi~
The Inland Taipan~
A small multi-colored snake is here, slithering behind its master.
A small snake, but looks can be decieving.  Might wanna watch your toes.
AI M 0 0
91 40 371d85+10000 425d10+85 30d10+105 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
FLS 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 large flesh~
funnel-web spider black large~
A Funnel-web Spider ~
A large black spider is resting on the shoulder of it's master.
AI 0 0 0
91 91 405d91+10000 455d10+85 30d10+100 none
-52 -52 -52 -33
HV 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 large flesh~
death stalker scorpion small~
The Death Stalker Scorpion ~
A small creature with a curved tail rest on the hand on it's master.
AIg 0 0 0
91 91 405d91+0 455d10+85 30d11+91 none
-52 -52 -52 -33
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
polar bear furry large white~
A polar bear~
A large white furry bear lumbers after its master.
A large bear with razor sharp claws, don't piss him off.
AI 0 0 0
91 91 465d91+0 910d11+95 37d6+250 none
-56 -56 -56 -37
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
cookie devine owner beth girl~
A real cute girl is here, making cookies.
A blond girl with a killer smile is shaping cookies.  She flashes you a grin when you enter the store.
ABe 0 4000 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
0 U 0 0
stand stand none 500
0 0 medium flesh~
chuck outdoor owner world guide hiker tall tanned~
A tall and well tanned man is here helping people gear up.
Chuck offers to guide you through the store, willing to sell you anything you wish.
ABe 0 0 0
85 85 371d85+0 425d10+85 28d3+47 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
CI 0 0 0
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium flesh~
abdul steak potato owner~
A sweaty look man glares at you, asking what you want to eat.
This unhappy man is forced to work here by his wife, and he makes sure you are suffering with him.  He would rather you not visit his store.
ABe 0 -200 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 150
0 0 medium flesh~
train death-trap~
ABe 0 0 0
106 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99213 100~
I 95
thug big-top big top mean bully~
Big Top~
A thug with big hair glares at you.
Big Top is a big black guy with his hair in the shape of a tall box.  He is wearing a black coat and has some wicked looking gloves on his hands.
ABF 0 -5000 0
91 100 456d100+2000 500d10+85 33d8+150 none
-58 -58 -58 -37
stand stand male 750
0 0 medium flesh~
spencer thug rough~
A rough looking thug stares you down.
The friend of Big Tops is not happy you are bothering him.  Maybe you should leave before it is too late.
AB 0 -4000 0
85 85 371d85+0 425d10+85 28d3+47 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium flesh~
skinny deadly punk thucker~
A skinny looking punk is here, leaning on a thick stick.
Although he looks a bit small, he seems to ingnore you.  He twirls his staff at you and point it at you.
AB 0 -5000 0
87 87 440d87+0 870d11+95 30d2+65 none
-53 -53 -53 -35
FHIJQV 0 0 0
stand stand male 250
0 0 medium flesh~
shirt robert thin~
A thin guy is running around wearing a white shirt.
This poor guy is sweating like crazy.  He looks at you and smiles, asking if you wanna take a game.
AB 0 3000 0
70 70 286d70+0 350d10+85 23d3+40 none
-37 -37 -37 -22
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 10
0 0 medium flesh~
skin tanned tall scott~
A half-naked guy is here, throwing a ball into a basket.
This darkly tanned guy is racing around the area, bouncing this ball.  He looks at and grins.
AB 0 1500 0
83 83 360d83+0 415d10+85 27d3+46 none
-46 -46 -46 -29
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 54
0 0 medium flesh~
fred left-field short~
A short little guy is here playing left field, or so he says.
Fred yells at you to get off the field, you are in the middle of the outfield.
AB 0 0 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
I 0 0 0
stand stand male 85
0 0 medium flesh~
rusty center-field chubby~
A chubby guys is chasing a ball toward you, panting the entire time.
Rusty huffs around the field attempting to catch the ball.
AB d 20 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
O 0 0 0
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium flesh~
leroy mute male dark~
A dark man is here, motioning rapidly with his hands.
Leroy seems to be busy melting items in a small box.
AB 0 0 0
95 95 428d95+7500 475d10+85 31d3+52 none
-54 -54 -54 -35
EIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 500
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99233 100~
M give 99231 alex~
M give 99230 photo~
beggar keyholder smelly~
A beggar~
A beggar is here, muttering about a small key.
The beggar is smelly and dirty.  You would rather not talk to them.
AB 0 0 0
50 50 147d50+0 50d9+60 15d3+26 none
-22 -22 -22 -12
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 1
0 0 medium flesh~
M speech 99216 I have come looking for the way home.~
beggar smelly old~
a begger~
A beggar is here, sleeping soundly.
This old lady is wearing not much more then rags and smells like garbage.
AB 0 0 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
0 0 0 0
sleep sleep female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
newsboy seller boy vendor small~
A small boy is selling papers.
This child looks at you with big puppy dog eyes, and your heart melts.  Maybe you should buy what ever he is selling.
AB 0 2500 0
52 52 184d52+0 260d10+85 17d3+31 none
-25 -25 -25 -14
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 500
0 0 large flesh~
M grall 99217 100~
drunk male drooling man~
A drunk~
A drooling man sit here, hic cupping.
This man reaks of liquor.  He looks at you with a glazed over look and the passes out.
AB 0 0 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
jessica girl~
An attractive girl is stetched out on the bed.
A blond-haired girl is staring at the ceiling, mumbling to herself.  She sees you and sighs in dissappointment.
AB 0 1500 0
88 88 388d88+0 440d10+85 29d5+100 none
-50 -50 -50 -31
0 0 0 0
rest rest female 1500
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99218 100~
large catfish ugly~
A ugly catfish~
A large catfish with bulging eyes swims toward you, opening its mouth.
This large fish, complete with whiskers, swims around almost invisable in the dark waters.
AB 0 0 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
greasy man small smelly~
A greasy man~
A short smelly man is here, glancing over his shoulder.
For a heafty price, this vendor will sell you an illegal pet, type list.
ABe 0 0 0
75 75 362d75+0 750d11+95 26d2+57 none
-44 -44 -44 -29
0 U 0 0
stand stand male 500
0 0 medium flesh~
M bribe 99236 150 gold~
huge big alligator scary lizard~
An alligator~
A scary looking lizard with a lot of sharp teeth is grinning at you.
This liazrd seems to have a tough hide capable of resisting most weapons.  His teeth are gleaming and he swims toward you with great haste.
ABF Q -2000 0
85 85 371d85+0 425d10+85 28d3+47 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
CMO F 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
gaint rat furry huge killer~
Giant rat~
A huge furry killer rat charges you from the darkness.
This large and unfriendly rat look very hungry, and you look very tasty.  
AB Q -3500 0
78 78 332d78+0 390d10+85 30d5+75 none
-43 -43 -43 -26
stand stand male 0
GV ACDQV large flesh~
giant vampire bat rabied~
A giant bat~
A rabied vampire bat hangs from the ceiling, staring at you.
A big hairy ugly bat
ABY 0 0 0
70 70 286d70+0 350d10+85 23d3+40 none
-37 -37 -37 -22
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
mutant monster glowing~
An ugly mutant~
A large {Cglowing{x thing is here, rising from the ground to attack.
Hey what is Alamor doing here??  Oh wait, it just looks like him. hehehe
ABFT FJPcm -3500 0
94 94 485d94+35000 940d11+95 35d4+150 none
-58 -58 -58 -39
stand stand none 0
BHMV AHJK gargantuan flesh~
window shopper~
A shopper~
A windows shoppers wonders around looking for a sale.
A shopper with no cash.
ACHY 0 0 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 500
0 0 medium flesh~
hippie male man freak~
A hippie~
A guy with long hair is here kissing and hugging people.
A freaking wierdo
ABe 0 2500 0
95 95 428d95+0 475d10+85 31d3+52 none
-54 -54 -54 -35
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 99234 100~
alex ringleader leader man male frightened~
A frightened man is sulking in the corner, staring at you.
He looks tired and worried about somebody.
AB 0 -4000 0
95 95 428d95+30000 475d10+85 33d4+95 none
-54 -54 -54 -35
FIJN U 0 0
stand stand male 3289
0 0 medium flesh~
M give 99219 letter~
M grall 99220 100~
bank guy inner banker male person friendly~
A friendly person~
An employee is here to help you if needed.
A normal looking banker type guy.
A 0 0 0
95 95 428d95+0 475d10+85 31d3+52 none
-54 -54 -54 -35
0 U 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
M speech 99225 I have finished here.~
M give 99226 brass~
M give 99227 huge~
verifier female cute blonde girl~
The verifier~
A cute blonde haired girl is here, checking for illegal items.
She looks very serious about her job, better listen to her or else.
ABe H 0 0
150 150 740d150+50000 750d10+85 50d3+80 none
-91 -91 -91 -60
0 U 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M exall 99229 1~
cute mole-rat furry~
A plump mole-rat~
A juicy looking blood filled mole-rat rolls around here.
Hey look, vamp food.
A 0 0 0
5 5 15d5+0 25d10+85 1d5+7 none
5 5 5 7
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
guardian guard alarm bird raven large~
A large raven~
A black raven is sitting here, hidden in the shadows.
'A large black raven glances at you then starts to squawk.
ABCF FPQTs -2300 0
70 70 286d70+5000 350d10+85 23d3+40 none
-37 -37 -37 -22
stand stand either 3
GHW ADHP medium flesh~
M greet 99237 ~
chronomancer xareadie old man~
An impossibly old man is here, sitting on the floor.
This old man is sitting on the floor, muttering about killer lizards and armored man from the future.  You begin to wonder if he has not lost his mind.
AB 0 1000 0
62 115 622d115+0 1150d11+95 39d2+84 none
-73 -73 -73 -49
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F aff P
M give 99284 13031~
M delay 99285 100~
mass sponge black pulsating blob~
A pulsating blob~
A black mass of sponge-like something floats in the water.
An ugly blob just floats there, you are not sure what to make of it.
ABCe Icd 0 0
80 150 343d80+20000 400d10+85 26d5+50 none
-44 -44 -44 -28
stand stand none 843
Gb DFK medium flesh~
cannibal high priest evil thalelith~
The high priest of the Jungle Tribes stand here, chanting.
Like all of the Jungle Tribe, this evil wood elf, now craves power from a darker source.
ABQ DOuy -5000 0
100 91 465d91+8000 910d11+95 35d4+91 none
-56 -56 -56 -37
stand stand male 5000
0 0 medium flesh~
M kill 99241 100~
M grall 99289 100~
recluse hermit old man wierd~
The recluse hermit~
A wierd old man sits on the bed muttering.
This old hermit keeps muttering about magic glowing door, maybe if you ask about doorways he can help you out.
ABef H 0 0
115 115 622d115+0 1150d11+95 20d10+400 none
-73 -73 -73 -49
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M speech 99286 doorways~
M speech 99287 glowing doors~
cave guard gargoyle statue stone grey~
A stone skinned gargoyle~
A silent statue stands guard over the entrance.
A grey colored statue glares at you, as if watching you.
ABO Bx -1200 0
63 63 247d63+2000 315d10+85 22d5+75 none
-32 -32 -32 -19
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium flesh~
F act F
M kill 99242 100~
child young cute baby dwarf~
A dwarf baby~
A young dwarf child crawls around the playpen.
This cute little baby is staring at you with loving eye...Why would you wish to kill it?
AB Nd 4000 0
30 30 50d30+0 30d9+60 9d3+16 none
-9 -9 -9 -3
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
guard nursery~
The nursery guard~
A tough looking dwarf watches over the young ones.
The guard glares at you as you enter the room.  His eyes warn that any violence will not be allowed.
ABT 0 0 0
70 70 286d70+0 350d10+85 25d5+85 none
-37 -37 -37 -22
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
soul stealer thief~
The Soul Stealer~
A small thief who has stolen from the gods, is running away.
Better catch him if you want the prize.
A J 0 0
5 5 15d5+0 25d10+85 1d5+7 none
5 5 5 7
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
blob infected infection nasty gross pus-filled flesh mass~
an {Rinflamed{x mass of flesh~
A bright {Rred{x blob of nasty flesh leaks pus all over the floor.
This blob of gross pus-filled flesh is just filled with all kinds of infection.  Better stay away or you may get sick.
ABCFe Jc -500 0
65 65 258d65+5000 325d10+85 21d3+105 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
stand stand none 0
BES F gargantuan flesh~
r.o.u.s rabbit unusual size large scary~
a R.O.U.S~
A freaking large rabbit stares at you with bloodshot eyes.
This is the dreaded R.  O.  U.  S (Rabbit of Unusual Size) that wanders
these woods.  It is at least 10 feet long and has sharp teeth, better run
before it attacks you.  
ABF Q -100 0
73 73 303d73+0 365d10+85 24d3+41 none
-39 -39 -39 -24
stand stand either 0
0 0 large flesh~
dwarf ugly fat cook woman~
A dwarven cook~
A ugly fat woman runs around vainly trying to make some dinner.
The cook is working on making dinner, but by the smell of it you should avoid eating it.
AB 0 -300 0
67 67 269d67+0 335d10+85 22d3+38 none
-35 -35 -35 -21
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
patrol guard dwarf stout~
Dwarf guard~
A stout dwarven guard patrols the village.
This powerful looking guard is armored and well equipped to defend his home.
ATY w 1500 0
75 75 362d75+10000 750d11+95 26d4+75 none
-44 -44 -44 -29
CFINOR 0 0 0
stand stand male 1000
0 0 large flesh~
dwarf villager resident local~
A dwarven villager~
A local resident relaxes by the fire.
Wearing a torn leather dress covered in blood stains and dust.  She holds
a large wooden ladle in her hand and a bowl in the other.  Her face is large
and round.  She has two large tusks sticking out of her mouth.  
AB 0 200 0
55 55 201d55+0 275d10+85 18d3+32 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
IJN 0 0 0
stand stand either 230
0 0 medium flesh~
dwarf king royal highness edelaseth~
The royal king of the Dwarfs stands here, looking out over the mountians.
Edelaseths family have been the royal family for many years, and have
spent lifetimes developing great magical powers.  He looks more then able to
defeat you, might wish to leave him alone.  
ABR HN 2000 0
91 91 465d91+8000 910d11+95 31d2+68 none
-56 -56 -56 -37
IJ 0 B 0
stand stand male 4620
0 0 medium flesh~
M speech 99288 There no place like home~
troll ugly tough guard~
troll guard~
A big ugly troll makes sure no prisoners escape.
The troll makes everything else in the world look good looking.  However the sheer amount of muscle it has make you think twice about atttacking it.
ABT x -2000 0
84 84 366d84+5000 420d10+85 30d5+80 none
-47 -47 -47 -29
stand stand male 100
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
prisoner slave elf dirty~
an elven prisoner~
A dirty and broken-willed elf sob on the floor.
This poor elf is being held by the dwarfs for crimes he is unaware of.  Seeing him makes you wish to leave before they lock you up.
AB I 4000 0
60 60 195d60+0 60d9+60 19d3+31 none
-28 -28 -28 -16
IJ 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 large flesh~
duergar unhappy angry prisoner~
an angry duergar~
A unhappy duergar paces around kicking walls.
This prisonor must be new, he seems fairy defiant and angry.
AB I -400 0
65 65 219d65+0 65d9+60 19d3+33 none
-31 -31 -31 -18
CIJN 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
wary bored human prisoner~
a wary human~
A bored looking human sit along the wall.
The human looks at you and smirks before turning away.
AB I 0 0
63 63 209d63+0 63d9+60 19d3+32 none
-30 -30 -30 -17
INO 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
felar furry golden prisoner frisky~
a furry felar~
A golden felar runs around chasing its tail.
Despite be jailed, this frisky felar seem to be making the best of it.
AB I 2400 0
64 64 214d64+0 64d9+60 19d3+32 none
-31 -31 -31 -17
I 0 0 0
stand stand either 20
0 0 medium flesh~
arial prisoner worried white gleaming nervous~
a worried looking arial~
A gleaming white arial flaps its wing nervously
The arial seem worried about being trapped in the room, with no room to spread its wings and fly.
AB I -2100 0
62 62 204d62+0 62d9+60 19d3+32 none
-29 -29 -29 -16
EFHI 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
roasted burned bald felar burning~
a burning felar~
A roasted felar, still alive, flails around wildly in his death throws.
Despite almost being dead, the felar is very dangerous, be careful.
ABFe Iai 3000 0
85 100 371d85+-12500 425d10+85 50d10+250 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
half elf half-elf servant sleeping~
a servant~
A servant to the dwarfs rest on the floor.
The servant, maybe a slave, is resting after a long days work.
ABH d 10 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
INU 0 0 0
rest rest female 2
0 0 medium flesh~
royal guard scary beholder giant eye cleric priest~
royal guard~
A giant beholder hovers over the floor.
This huge floating eye glares as you approach, as if looking into your soul.
ABQ DFJTu -3000 0
90 90 400d90+0 450d10+85 30d4+90 none
-51 -51 -51 -32
ACDH 0 0 F
stand stand male 1000
0 0 unknown flesh~
M exit 99243 2~
queen dwarf female royal braytha~
The royal queen of the Dwarfs stands at the window.
Unlike her husband, Braytha is evil and planning to overthrow him to take the throne herself.
ABR u -2500 0
95 95 492d95+7500 950d11+95 32d2+70 none
-59 -59 -59 -39
CIO 0 B 0
stand stand female 5400
0 0 medium flesh~
wizi whirlpool mob~
Whirlpool wizi mob~
Whirlpool wizi mob
ABe DFlmt 0 0
1 1 9d1+0 10d11+95 2d2+8 none
7 7 7 8
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
M grall 99244 100~
I 94
sea monster big huge ugly snake~
a sea monster~
A huge sea snake swims around your body.
This huge snake looks very hungry, and you might be lunch.
ACF JPUb 0 0
95 95 492d95+10000 950d11+95 35d5+100 none
-59 -59 -59 -39
stand stand either 0
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
M fight 99245 2~
A 0 0 0
1 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
patch fungus small dark~
a fungus growth~
A small patch of fungus grows on the wall.
A dark patch of fungus appears to have taken residence with this cavern, and it does not like being looked it.
ABei Jc 0 0
55 55 201d55+0 275d10+85 18d3+32 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
stand stand none 0
ABE 0 large flesh~
M act 99247 looks at you.~
wizimob boat~
ABe J 0 0
100 100 456d100+0 500d10+85 33d3+55 none
-58 -58 -58 -37
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
M exall 99246 3~
I 96
gnome old witch doctor crazy ciar~
An old gnome sits at the table.
This crazy old gnome has a troublesome grin on his face, causing you to fear for your life.
ABR Du -4000 0
98 98 511d98+20000 980d11+95 33d2+72 none
-61 -61 -61 -41
IJ B 0 0
stand stand male 500
0 0 medium flesh~
M death 99290 100~
M act 99291 Ciar's fireball~
M exall 99292 2~
wizi noaff mob~
wizi noaff~
ABe 0 0 0
1000 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
M grall 99249 100~
I 95
jungle tribe gate guard elf wood~
the gate guard~
A slender elf, armed with a spear, stands at attention.
This wood elf guard the gate with his life, only friends and known
traders are allowed to enter.  
ABT Ft -300 0
85 85 426d85+10000 850d11+95 29d2+64 none
-52 -52 -52 -34
DEFIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium flesh~
villager elf sleeping~
a village resident~
A tired villager sleeps soundly.
The town must work in shift, as only part of the beds are taken.  This poor fellow is sleeping after a hard days work.
AB 0 -750 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 23d4+50 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
IJ 0 0 0
sleep sleep either 500
0 0 medium flesh~
priest village elf~
a village priest~
An elf is kneeling at the altar, praying.
While this elf appears to be praying, his head and body shake in slight convulsions.
ABQ w 100 0
75 75 315d75+0 375d10+85 25d3+42 none
-41 -41 -41 -25
HI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
chaos demon guard~
a demon guard~
A frightening undead dragon hovers over the crowd, keeping the peace.
This guardian is a undead dragon, reanimated for the sole reason of
ensuring the event is not marred with violence.  It is more then capable to
silencing any and all troublemakers.  
ABOTf DFOclmtu -1500 0
95 95 492d95+15000 950d11+95 20d5+100 none
-59 -59 -59 -39
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F attr+ A
F aff J
cook server gnome~
a table server~
A short gnome, maybe Zsuzsu little sister, is tending the table.
This poor gnome is the cook, server and clean up crew.  Simply tell her
the name of the food you would like, and she will serve you.
A DFHlmt 0 0
1000 1000 5559d1000+0 5000d10+85 333d3+505 none
-667 -667 -667 -457
I 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F attr+ A
M speech 99250 apple~
M speech 99251 cookie~
M speech 99252 lamb~
M speech 99253 fowl~
M speech 99254 arm~
M speech 99255 leg~
M speech 99322 brain~
priest village elf~
a village priest~
One of the village priests is here, studying the bible.
This priest is resting on the simple bed, reading his faithful bible. 
When you enter, he quickly closes it and hold it tight to his chest.  
ABQ w 100 0
77 77 326d77+0 385d10+85 25d3+43 none
-42 -42 -42 -26
HI 0 0 0
stand stand male 4
0 0 medium flesh~
priest village elf chief~
the chief priest~
The chief priest sits at the table, penning a letter.
As you approach the priest, he lowers his quill; asking how you managed to gain access to the house.
ABQ H 100 0
89 89 394d89+5000 445d10+85 29d3+49 none
-50 -50 -50 -32
HI 0 0 0
stand stand male 30
0 0 medium flesh~
village healer local elf alealdan~
The local village healer tends to the injured.
Alealdan is a kind and loving soul that only wishes to help her people.
ABQa H 500 0
95 95 492d95+15000 950d11+95 35d4+85 none
-59 -59 -59 -39
EIJN 0 0 0
stand stand female 1500
0 0 medium flesh~
noitrem elf village mage evil~
An evil mage is on the floor, making a pentagram.
The mage glowers at you in anger as you barg into his house.  Having
ruined his spell, he turns to you and begins to chant a new one.  
ABR u -1500 0
90 90 460d90+5000 900d11+95 31d2+67 none
-55 -55 -55 -37
IN 0 0 0
stand stand male 2000
0 0 medium flesh~
thief small child elf~
a small thief~
A small elf child stands in the shadows, watching you.
This small thief seems to have no fear.  Not even the guards seem safe as they get pick-pocketed as well.
ACHSW Q -560 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
IJN 0 0 0
stand stand either 400
0 0 large flesh~
giant fish brown large mud-colored~
a large brown fish~
A giant mud-colored fish swims around you, looking for food.
Althought large, this fish appears more intrested in the bugs and small fish that appear near the surface.
ACH 0 0 0
57 57 180d57+0 57d9+60 18d3+29 none
-27 -27 -27 -15
FH 0 EL 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 large flesh~
sand demon swirling mass~
a sand demon~
A mass of swirling sand twists and spins around before you.
Unlike the oasis, this being is not a figment of your imagination.  Spotting you, it begins to head in your direction.
earth elemental~
AB Uc 0 0
85 85 371d85+3000 425d10+85 28d3+47 none
-48 -48 -48 -30
CEINO 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 gargantuan flesh~
deadly asp desert snake striped~
a desert asp~
A small striped snake slithers along the sand.
Although small, you have heard stories about these creatures killing monsters many times thier own size.  You better be careful how you deal with the little guy.
AB J 0 0
70 70 286d70+0 350d10+85 26d4+60 none
-37 -37 -37 -22
HO 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
large spiny armored lizard giant~
an armored lizard~
A giant lizard lumbers around, forging for food.
Never in all your life have you seen such a huge lizard.  It must be at
least 12 feet tall and 30 feet long.  It is covered in large overlapping
scales which seem to provide a very hard armor.  There are also three long
and dangerous looking horns on it head.  
AH J 0 0
91 95 740d150+-25000 750d10+85 28d3+60 none
-91 -91 -91 -60
CDMR 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 unknown flesh~
tiger saber tooth killer striped~
a saber-tooth tiger~
A large striped tiger stalks you from the brush.
This tiger looks very dangerous and has some of the biggest teeth you have ever seen.  They look like the could chomp you in half.
AF JPQ 0 0
70 70 286d70+0 350d10+85 23d3+40 none
-37 -37 -37 -22
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium flesh~
beast wooly mammoth huge monster~
the wooly mammoth~
A huge beast covered in a think wool coats stands here.
This monster is huge, towering at least 35 feet over the ground.  It has
two tusks that are so long they wrap around themselves many times.  It looks
peaceful enough as long as you don't bother it.  
AB J 0 0
91 91 465d91+0 910d11+95 31d2+68 none
-56 -56 -56 -37
stand stand either 0
GV ACDQY gargantuan flesh~
nydaletram wood-elf elf wood old ancient~
An ancient wood-elf leans over a table, working on a corpse.
This old wood-elf is helping Sadin fix his lost souls. If you give him your parts in the special bag, which you must ask him about, he will repair the souls into a returnable condition.
ABRe H 2000 0
150 150 851d150+0 1500d11+95 51d2+107 none
-98 -98 -98 -67
0 AB 0 0
stand stand male 300
0 0 large flesh~
M give 99293 lost~
M kill 99294 100~
cute little completion mob puppy fidoette~
A cute little puppy rests here.
This cute puppy is here to assist those on special assignments from Questor.
91 91 405d91+0 455d10+85 30d3+50 none
-52 -52 -52 -33
0 B 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F attr+ A
M grall 99295 100~
M speech 99296 I am completed my task.~
beggar's assistant~
Beggar's assistant is here.
AB 0 0 0
1 1 8d1+0 5d10+85 1d2+5 none
8 8 8 8
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
M random 99353 100~
I 92

practice weapon~
a practice weapon~
A practice weapon is resting here.~
weapon A AN
unknown 1 2 pierce 0
5 6 2170 P
13 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
pork, bbq~
a strip of {3BBQ {#pork{x~
A strip of {3BBQ {#pork {xis here.~
food 0 A
AB BD 0 0 0 AB BD
0 1 17 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
sparkling brook~
sparkling brook~
A sparkling brook is here, offering it's cool water.~
drink 0 0
-1 -1 'water' 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
roasted pig~
a roasted pig~
A large roasted pig is here, cooking over an open flame.~
container Rk 0
150 0 0 50 0 0
0 50 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
A glowing spider web is here~
armor A AC
100 100 100 100 'none' 0
108 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
mist rapier~
a {&m{7i{&s{7t{&y {!rapier{x~
A rapier with puffs of smoke is laying on the ground.~
weapon MN AN
bastardsword 4 34 slice BCF
95 96 179069 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
frying pan~
a frying pan~
A cast iron frying pan is here, dripping with {Yyellow{x slime.~
weapon 0 AN
mace 2 18 smash 0
35 15 175 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
key sandstone~
a {#s{3and{^s{6tone {xkey{x~
A fragile looking key, made from sandstone lies on the floor.~
key 0 AC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 10 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
portal antiquity. arch blue~
a {#g{3l{#o{3w{#i{3n{#g {Bblue {xportal{x~
You see a large stone arch with the words {CAntiquity{x etched along the upper curve.~
portal AB 0
0 0 A 99218 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
portal green past lizard~
a {ggreen{x portal~
A brillant {ggreen{x portal sits here, sparkling like an emerald.~
portal A 0
0 0 A 99219 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
portal red present~
{xa {8dark {!red {xportal{x~
A dark {Rred{x portal stands here, shimmering like a firey lake.~
portal AC 0
0 0 A 99213 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
yellow portal future atomic~
a {3g{#l{3o{#w{3i{#n{3g {#yellow {xportal{x~
A glowing {Yyellow{x portal hovers here, glowing like a bright sun.~
portal AB 0
0 0 A 99220 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
burning dagger~
a {!b{#u{!r{#n{!i{#n{!g {xdagger{x~
A wicked looking dagger with a blade made of fire rests here, glowing red.~
weapon AY AN
dagger 6 11 pierce A
86 86 95813 P
19 7
18 6
G none
G none
G none
G none
humanization pale fleshy human ring {rrestricted{x~
a {&pale {#fleshy {^ring{x~
A ring with a humaniod design etched into the material.~
container GNUak AB
0 E 0 0 0 0
39 40 219915 P
28 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
jemstar lantern~
a {!J{@@e{#m{$S{%t{^a{&r {xlantern{x~
A tough looking {RJ{Ge{Ym{BS{Mt{Ca{Wr{x lantern is hanging from a hook.~
light AY AO
40 10 2100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
metal pipe~
a stout metal {^p{6i{^p{6e{x~
A metal pipe with balled ends is rolling on the ground.~
weapon 0 AN
mace 4 18 pound K
72 73 24864 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
paleonomicon book~
a {#g{3l{#o{3w{#i{3n{#g {xbook{x~
There is a large book here with the title {g"Paleonomicon{x" glowing in a errie green light.~
treasure Aa A
0 0 0 0 0
0 5 100 P
page 3~
{W|{r--{R=={W<<{gPaleonomicon{W>>{R=={r--{W|{x Page 03
           {RCarnivorous {yTerrasaurs{x

Name:   Tyrannosaurus Rex  Danger: Major
Type:   Giant Bipedal Carnivore
This aggressive, powerful creature is equipped with     
a 4 foot long maw filled with up to 60 serrated teeth   
that grow up to 9 inches in length. It walks upon two   
powerful long legs that allow it to run in short        
bursts. It's preferred method is to trample its prey,   
and cause as much damage in an initial attack. Though   
it is capable of hunting, it doesn't mind scavenging    
corpses, either. Though its forelimbs seem shriveled    
and weak, they are still capable of lifting 450 lbs.    
Noteably, they are used to hold and carry an un-
hatched egg.
Dissection of the creature shows hollowed bones which   
lower the weight of the creature, facilitating its      
bursts of speed. Its hind claws provides a minor        
amout of gripping ability, to assist its running and    
trampling of foes.
Height: 23 feet  Length: 50 feet Weight: 7 tons
page 1~
Compilation by Jorian of the {WN{we{Dc{xr{Do{wn{Wo{wm{Di{xc{Du{ws{x 
         Table of Contents
{WTable of Contents {x................. {WPage 01{x
{WForeword {w.......................... {WPage 02{x
{RCarnivorous {yTerrasaurs{x
  {cTyrannosaurus {w................... {WPage 03{x
  {cRaptor {x.......................... {WPage 04{x
{RCarnivorous {CAerosaurs{x
  {cPteranodon {x...................... {WPage 05{x
  {cArchaeopteryx {w................... {WPage 06{x
{gHerbivorous {yTerrasaurs{x
  {cTriceratops {w..................... {WPage 07{x
  {cBrachiosaurus {x................... {WPage 08{x
  {cParasauralophus {w................. {WPage 09{x
  {CAnkylosaurus {x.................... {WPage 10{x
{BAquatic {DOrganisms{x
  {cMegalodon {x....................... {WPage 11{x
  {cElasomasaurus {W................... {WPage 12{x
  {cSabertooth Tiger {W................ {WPage 13{x
  {cPrimitives {x...................... {WPage 14{x
  {cWooly Mammoth {W................... {WPage 15{x
{WCompendium {x........................ {WPage 16{x
page 2~
It appears this book is not yet finished, although the first few pages are been written in.  A note is attached to the front cover; it reads:  "I have gone back to complete my research with the killer lizards.  For safety reasons, I have deactived the gate from this time frame."
G none
G none
G none
G none
metra hard hat~
{Bmetra {xhard hat{x~
A {Yyellow{x hard hat with the word {BMetra{x is on the ground.~
armor 0 AE
18 25 15 17 'none' 0
72 4 146492 P
13 40
5 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
pizza pepperoni slice~
a slice of {1p{!e{1p{!p{1e{!r{1o{!n{1i {#p{3i{#zza{x~
A steaming hot slice of pepperoni pizza is here, ready to be eaten.~
food 0 A
0 1 118427 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
jumbo hot dog~
a {!j{1u{!mbo {1hot {3dog{x~
A yummy looking jumbo hot with all the fixings, tempts you. ~
food 0 A
0 1 120706 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
golden corn dog~
a {#golden {3c{#o{3rn {1d{!og{x~
A golden tube with a stick in it, lies here.~
food 0 A
0 1 122657 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
buttery popcorn bag blob blobs white~
a {Bb{bag {xof {#bu{3tt{#ery {3p{#o{3p{#c{3o{#r{3n{x~
A big bag of small white blobs covered in butter sits here.~
food 0 A
0 1 62327 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
cotton candy pink fluffy~
{xa {^stick {xof {%cotton candy {&({bP{Bure {bS{Bugar{^){x~
A tasty looking blob of pink crystalized suger is wrapped around a stick.~
pill 0 A
50 'haste' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
50 1 75 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
key {rrestricted{x huge padlock~
a {!HUGE {#key{x~
A {!HUGE {#key {xhas been dropped here, leaving a large imprint in the ground.~
key TUafk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
smooth leather jacket~
a smooth looking {#lea{3ther {#jac{3ket{x~
A very expensive looking leather jacket is here.~
clothing 0 AK
76 30 126979 P
6 1
13 75
G none
G none
G none
G none
brass plated gloves~
{xsome {3brass-plated {2gloves{x~
A pair of leather gloves, coated in brass, lay here.~
armor 0 AH
26 26 26 25 'none' 0
72 73 95145 P
1 1
19 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
billy stick club~
a billy club~
A polished wooden stick lie here.~
weapon 0 AN
mace 4 19 pound K
75 50 25645 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
armored vest~
an armored vest~
A cloth vest interwoven with chainmail lie here, waiting to be worn.~
armor 0 AD
27 27 27 26 'none' 0
75 87 243446 P
13 60
G none
G none
G none
G none
riot shield large~
a riot shield~
A body sized riot shield rests against the wall~
armor Y AJ
34 37 35 32 'none' 0
91 92 511545 P
13 45
5 1
20 -8
G none
G none
G none
G none
steel toed boots~
{8steel{&-{8toed {bb{Boots{x~
A pair of tough leather boot with a steel plate covering the toe, lies here~
armor 0 AG
27 27 27 26 'none' 0
75 125 62179 P
14 -30
19 6
G none
G none
G none
G none
captains bars~
Captain's Bars~
A pin in the design of twin metal strips, rests on the ground.~
jewelry i AO
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
83 2 79953 P
5 2
13 50
19 7
18 5
2 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
red portal present~
a glowing {!red {xportal~
A glowing {Rred{x portal with the seal of New Thalos stands here.~
portal ABR P
0 0 A 99210 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
portal yellow future~
a {2g{1l{bo{2w{1i{bn{2g {#yellow {xportal{x~
A {2g{1l{bo{2w{1i{bn{2g {#yellow {xportal{x stands here with strange circles on the upper arch.~
portal A P
0 0 A 99220 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
body armor torso full~
full torso body armor~
A suit of full torso body armor rest here.~
armor 0 AD
38 36 34 32 'none' 0
91 130 268646 P
19 4
18 3
17 -20
14 -30
G none
G none
G none
G none
helmet face shield riot tough~
a {!r{@@i{!o{@@t {xhelmet{x~
A {!r{@@i{!o{@@t {xhelmet{x, complete with face shield rests here.~
armor 0 AE
33 33 33 32 'none' 0
91 92 157197 P
3 2
18 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
bayonet sword blade~
a {!razor{#-{!edged {#ba{By{bo{Bn{#et{x~
A wicked looking blade attached to the end of a stout pole, leans against the wall.~
weapon 0 AN
spear 5 19 slash E
91 92 105531 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
butterfly knife~
a {5b{%u{bt{Bt{6e{^r{5f{%l{by {#knife{x~
A knife which encased within it's own handle is here.~
weapon J AN
dagger 5 12 stab 0
76 77 22158 P
18 2
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
tentacle octopus whip~
an {Bo{bc{^t{6o{&p{7u{8s {xtentacle{x~
A five foot long piece of flesh is twitching on the ground.~
weapon 0 AN
whip 23 4 suction C
106 107 394109 P
20 -1
2 -1
6 -2
13 -20
17 -10
18 10
19 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
zoo fountain~
a {bf{6o{^u{Bn{bt{^a{6i{bn{x~
You see a large circular {bf{6o{^u{Bn{bt{^a{6i{bn {xwith {#g{3l{&o{!w{&i{3n{#g {xcircles located within it.~
Stone & Water~
container AR P
120 0 0 50 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
one dollar bill money buck~
a dollar bill~
You see a one dollar bill floating in the water.~
trash Uak A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
water fountain~
a water fountain~
A continuous flow of {Bwater{x gurgles up from this stone pillar.~
fountain R 0
-1 -1 'water' 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
kimono dragon fang tooth long kimodo kinono~
a {!k{1i{!modo {2dragon{@@'{2s {bf{Bang{x~
A long tooth is here, dripping with vemon.~
weapon M AN
dagger 6 12 bite H
87 88 69463 P
5 2
19 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
walrus hide skin~
a {#wal{3rus {bh{Bi{bd{Be{x~
A mound of hairy skin, lies heaped on the floor.~
armor J AD
40 39 30 35 'none' 0
94 95 681661 P
20 -10
17 -20
G none
G none
G none
G none
id photo picture {rrestricted{x~
a {^photo{x~
A picture is on the ground.~
trash NTUafk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
twin bed~
a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x~
A twin bed is here, waiting to be slept in.~
furniture 0 0
0 109 6060 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
newspaper paper news {rrestriced{x {rrestricted{x {restriced estriced~
a {#news{@@paper{x~
A rolled up tube of paper is here, covered in writings.~
trash NUk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 150 P
Early yesterday morning, FBI and local authorities arrested several key
members of a local counterfeiting ring which supplies the nation with a
steady stream of false identifications and other government papers. 
Although the ringleader, Alex, managed to escape capture; his long-time
girlfriend, Jessica, is being detained at the local Drake Hotel under
twenty-four hour guard.
Early yesterday morning, FBI and local authorities arrested several key
members of a local counterfeiting ring which supplies the nation with a
steady stream of false identifications and other government papers. 
Although the ringleader, Alex, managed to escape capture; his long-time
girlfriend, Jessica, is being detained at the local Drake Hotel under
twenty-four hour guard.
G none
G none
G none
G none
bottle water~
a bottle of {bw{Ba{bt{Be{br{x~
A bottle of {bw{Ba{bt{Be{br{x rests on the ground.~
drink 0 A
5 5 'water' 0
0 2 294 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
healing herbs pill green ali wonder bag~
Ali's Wonder Herbs~
A bag of crushed herbs has been tossed on the ground.~
pill 0 A
30 'cure disease' 'cure poison' 'cure poison' 'cure light'
60 1 1500 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
fourty ounce booze beer~
a fourty ounce {3beer{x~
A huge container of beer is here, get drunk.~
drink 0 A
7 7 'beer' 0
21 30 463 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a {#desk{x~
A {#desk {xrests here.~
container 0 0
55 A 0 55 20 0
0 500 0 P
This upper left hand drawer seem to be sticking out just slighty; you wonder what he is hiding.
This handmade oak desk gleams with a high shine.  All the papers are stacked and neatly put away; and the drawers are closed and locked but one.
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul~
Sadin's lost and forgotten Soul~
A forgotten soul is here, searching for Sadin.~
treasure ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0
0 50 250 P
If found, please return to Sadin.
Reward will be given.
G none
G none
G none
G none
vault key brass~
{xthe {bv{Ba{5u{%l{6t {^k{7e{&y{x~
A large brass key is here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bastard sword wicked~
a {1wi{3ck{1ed {xbastard sword{x~
A {1wi{3ck{1ed {xlooking {xbastard sword{x rests here.~
weapon 0 AN
bastardsword 17 7 slash DEF
80 81 1223118 P
20 2
12 -50
13 -50
18 2
19 8
G none
G none
G none
G none
whip barbed nasty~
a {#barbed{3-{#tipped {bw{Bh{bi{Bp{x~
A nasty looked whip with poisoned barbs, lies coiled on the ground.~
weapon 0 AN
whip 4 14 whip H
77 78 41545 P
2 2
19 5
18 6
G none
G none
G none
G none
quaterstaff staff steel-ended steel~
a {8steel{&-{8ended {Bquarter{bstaff{x~
A sturdy looking staff, with solid steel braces on each end is here.~
weapon 0 AN
staff 5 17 smash K
85 86 111129 P
2 2
18 5
19 8
17 -20
G none
G none
G none
G none
double-bladed axe double heavy~
a {1double{!-{1bladed {bb{Ba{bt{Bt{bl{Be {!a{1x{!e{x~
A heavy look axe, with a double blade, hangs on the wall.~
weapon 0 AN
axe 3 39 cleave DF
80 110 413559 P
5 1
1 2
18 -3
19 8
G none
G none
G none
G none
foaming refresh drink~
a {#f{!o{#a{!m{#i{!n{#g {&drink{x~
A foaming drink is here, foaming away.~
potion AB A
65 'cure serious' 'cure light' 'cure blindness' 'weaken'
70 0 5000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
flask liquid refresh green~
a flask of {&light {2green {3liquid{x~
A glowing flask of {ggreen{x liquid is here.~
potion A A
65 'refresh' 'refresh' 'cure light' 'cure light'
70 0 5000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
key bag~
a {#key {xbag~
A bag with small hooks to hang keys on.~
container 0 AO
500 A 0 500 80 0
20 0 8493 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
key small glass~
a glass key~
A small glass key is here, waiting to be broken.~
key 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 1 1500 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
lockable bag sack knapsack~
a lockable knapsack~
A tough looking knapsack is here, equipped with a built-in lock.~
container 0 AL
4000 ACDE 99259 4000 50 0
50 0 52368 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
quiver large~
a large {2q{@@u{2i{@@v{2e{@@r{x~
A {2q{@@u{2i{@@v{2e{@@r {xfor arrows lies here.~
container 0 A
100 EF 0 100 75 0
30 0 12535 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
nunchuka sticks chained~
A pair of sticks attached with a small chain dangle here.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 3 26 smash K
75 10 192291 P
17 -15
18 4
2 2
19 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
sai set~
A set of Sai rest here.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 2 58 pierce DF
85 86 300749 P
19 5
18 5
2 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
wushu pudao bladed staff~
{bw{Bushu {bp{Budao{x~
A staff with a long flexable blade sits here~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 4 21 slice D
80 81 172425 P
17 -15
18 7
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
bladed shield round~
a bladed {3s{#h{bi{Be{3l{#d{x~
A round shield with a razor sharp edged border.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 4 24 charge E
91 92 320881 P
18 6
19 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
glass cool lemonade~
a {8glass {xof {#lemonade{x~
A tall chilled glass of lemonade, thirsty yet?~
drink 0 A
1 1 'lemonade' 0
0 2 59 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
chocolate chip cookie warm~
a {1w{!a{3r{#m {xchocolate {#chip {%c{5oo{%ki{5e{x~
A cookies filled with chucks of chocolate, yummy.~
food 0 A
B A 0 0 0 B A
0 10 21 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
snickerdoodle suger cookie~
a {%sugar{#-{%coated {bs{Bnicker{bd{Boodle{x~
A flat looking cookie is here covered in criss-crosses.~
Cookie Dough~
food 0 A
A A 0 0 0 A A
0 5 10 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
peanut butter cookie golden~
a {#golden {3peanut {#b{3u{#tt{3e{#r {%c{5oo{%k{5ie{x~
A crumbly looking cookie is here, smelling of peanuts.~
Cookie Dough~
food 0 A
A A 0 0 0 A A
0 1 10 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
hiking boots tough leather~
a pair of {#hiking {1boots{x~
A pair of tough leather hiking boots is here, ready to go exploring.~
clothing SY AG
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 0 71658 P
19 5
14 100
G none
G none
G none
G none
hunting knife blade~
a {1hunting {3knife{x~
A long knife, with an bone-cutting saw on one side and sharp cutting edge on the other, is here.~
weapon 0 AN
dagger 5 9 slice D
60 30 10063 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
compass location finder locator~
a {%c{5ompass{x~
A small object used to locate items is here, looking lost.~
staff 0 AO
30 5 5 'locate object'
60 0 3500 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
raft boat inflatable package~
an {!inflatable {Braft{x~
A raft that folds down into a small package is here.~
boat 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 10 211241 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
steak stick chuck steaming~
a {3steak {xon a {&stick{x~
A steaming stick filled with chucks of steak, waits to be eaten.~
food 0 A
0 20 11461 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
baked potato buttery steaming hot~
a {1s{!t{3e{#a{1m{!i{3n{#g {3buttery {xbaked {3potato{x~
A yummy, {1s{!t{3e{#a{1m{!i{3n{#g {xbaked {3potato{x lies here, dripping in butter.~
food 0 A
0 20 11356 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pita gyros lamb steak spicy~
a {6p{2i{^t{@@a{x~
A pita filled with gyros.~
food 0 A
0 5 12235 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
french fries golden~
a {bb{Bag {xof {#french fries{x~
A bag of golden french fries.~
food 0 A
0 3 6068 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
leather spiked gloves~
some {!s{1pike{!d {3leather {Bg{bloves{x~
A pair on leather gloves with a long steel spike attached to the top, lies on the ground.~
weapon C AN
exotic 5 22 stab 0
106 107 302087 P
17 -38
18 10
19 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
studded leather coat~
a {1s{bt{1u{bd{1d{be{1d {3leather {8coat{x~
A tough leaher coat with metal rivet sewen into it lies here.~
clothing J AK
106 75 6500 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
kira tattoo~
A highly detailed tattoo proclaims "{CK{Dir{Ca{x and {DSadin{x forever".~
a love tattoo~
armor 0 AM
39 39 39 38 'none' 0
107 1 244263 P
6 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
tattoo sadin~
A highly detailed tattoo proclaiming "{DSadin{x and {CK{Dir{Ca{x forever".~
Sadin tattoo~
armor 0 AM
39 39 39 38 'none' 0
107 2 111 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
king bed~
a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x~
A {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed {xrests here.{x~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
broken chair~
the remains of a chair~
The broken remains of a chair litter the floor.~
trash R 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pool dark water puddle~
a small {Bp{bu{Bd{bd{Bl{be {xof {Bw{ba{Bt{be{Br{x~
A small puddle of dark colored water.~
drink C 0
-1 -1 'water' 1
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
corpse dried remains~
the remains of an animal~
The dried remains of some poor animal rests here, in peace at last.~
npc_corpse 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
rat fangs blood dripping~
a {1b{!lood{1y {xrat fang{x~
A long pointy fang lies here, dripping with fresh blood.~
weapon CJY AN
dagger 6 11 bite H
80 81 82147 P
13 40
18 6
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
brass key {rrestricted{x~
a small brass key~
A small brass key~
key TUafk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
fake id card {rrestricted{x~
an identification card~
An ID card lies here.~
trash TUafk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
{rrestricted{x sealed letter jessica~
a letter from {5J{%ess{5i{%ca {xto {bA{Blex{x~
A sealed letter lies here.~
trash TUafk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
{rrestricted{x alex gold ring~
Alex's gold ring~
Alex's gold ring~
trash TUaf A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
{rrestricted{x note bank guard vault~
a {^note {xto the {#vault guard{x~
A {^note {xto the {#vault guard{x has been dropped here.~
trash TUafk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
box safety deposit~
a {&safety deposit {#b{3o{#x{x~
A safety deposit box is here.~
container RT 0
5 ABCD 99287 50 50 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
glowing mutant head light~
a {#g{3l{#o{3w{#i{3n{#g {xmutant head{x~
A disfigured head lies here, glowing faintly.~
light AM A
103 4 16813 P
17 -20
5 3
6 -2
18 10
19 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
bubbling spa hot tub~
a {6b{^u{bb{Bb{6l{^i{bn{Bg {1h{!o{1t {&tub{x~
A {1h{!o{1t {&tub {xfilled with steaming {bw{Ba{bt{Be{br {xis here for you to rest in.{x~
furniture B 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
small wooden chest~
the wooden chest~
A small wooden chest lie here, unlocked even.~
container C 0
35 AC 0 500 54 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
plump juicy steak~
a {3j{#u{!i{#c{3y {xsteak{x~
A nice looking {1s{!l{1ab {xof {3m{#e{3at {xsits here.~
food 0 A
0 3 213 P
While the steak looks good, a funny smell is coming from it.
G none
G none
G none
G none
nest bird small~
a small {#nest{x~
A small nest made of twigs and straw.~
container SY 0
5 0 0 500 50 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
crude wooden wood key branch~
a {3wooden {xkey~
A branch in the crude shape of a key.~
key S A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a portal~
A portal has been dropped here.~
portal A 0
0 A E 0 0
0 1 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
dark staff power~
a {8dark {#o{3a{#k {&staff{x~
A pulsing staff lie on the ground, begging to be used.~
staff CGT AO
52 10 10 'gas breath'
91 10 5000 P
12 100
G none
G none
G none
G none
waterfall wall dark fall water~
a {6w{^a{5t{%e{br{Bf{6a{^l{5l{x~
A {6w{^a{5t{%e{br{Bf{6a{^l{5l {xrushes here.~
portal 0 0
0 A A 99583 0
25 0 1600 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
small gate key~
{xthe {^main {5g{%a{5te {^key{x~
{xThe {^main {5g{%a{5te {^key{x has been dropped here.~
key 0 AC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 1 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
stone staff glittering~
a {7g{&l{#i{&t{7t{&e{#r{&i{7n{&g {6s{^t{6o{^n{6e {xstaff{x~
A stone staff lie on the ground, reflecting back light.~
staff Fj AO
30 7 7 'stone skin'
60 26 4000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
warhammer hammer large heavy massive~
a massive {!war{#hammer{x~
A very large and heavy warhammer lies on the ground.~
weapon Y AN
hammer 3 31 crush FK
70 60 204669 P
13 30
19 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
rotting corpse animal nasty~
a decaying {8corpse{x~
A nasty looking animal sits festering on the ground.~
rotting meat~
food C A
0 B 0 A 0 0 B
0 5 5 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bronze breastplate plate gleaming shiney~
a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x~
A shiney breastplate rests on the ground here.~
armor AY AD
27 27 27 26 'none' 0
75 40 416360 P
13 15
19 6
18 3
20 -4
G none
G none
G none
G none
large battleaxe axe blade double~
a large {#battle{!axe{x~
A large double-sided battle gleams in the light.~
weapon 0 AN
axe 3 36 chop DF
75 76 247288 P
18 2
17 -15
19 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
royal scepter blue sapphire royalpasskey~
a {^sapphire {xencrusted scepter{x~
A sparkling scepter crackles with magical energy~
armor ABGK AO
36 36 36 35 'none' 0
100 101 428374 P
20 -10
12 100
G none
G none
G none
G none
jail cell door key glowing iron~
A cell-door key~
A glowing key sits of the ground.~
key A A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
silver short sword~
silver shortsword~
A silver sword lies on the ground~
weapon AThj AN
shortsword 20 4 slice DH
95 50 562013 P
18 6
12 50
19 11
G none
G none
G none
G none
rotting rot skeleton~
the rotting skeleton~
A rotting skeleton lie here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 46 41 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
iron heavy raft boat~
An iron boat~
A heavy iron raft rests here.~
boat Yk A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 50 208687 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
black band dark bracelet energy~
a {Ddark{x bracelet~
A black band of energy hovers above the ground.~
38 38 38 37 'none' 0
106 107 110 P
A 0 0 O
G none
G none
G none
G none
membrane opening bright thin~
the membrane~
A thin membrane covers the exit.~
portal RY 0
0 0 A 99548 0
0 1000 100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
humming gold gleaming cross~
a gleaming {Ygolden{x cross~
A small {Ygold{x cross lies on the ground, humming slightly.~
key B AC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 1000 100 P
12 30
G none
G none
G none
G none
spear wooden sharp~
a sharpened spear~
A long sharp pole sticks out of the ground.~
weapon S AN
spear 5 17 thrust D
85 86 140811 P
2 1
19 9
G none
G none
G none
G none
elegant table marble~
a marble table~
An elegant marble tables sits here, overflowing with food.~
trash R P
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
The table is covered in fine food.  You may pick from apples, lamb, cookies and fowl.  For the more daring there is also Arm of ruler, Leg of Ruler and Chilled ruler brains.
G none
G none
G none
G none
fowl well done tasty roasted~
A tasty roasted fowl~
A well done fowl sits on the ground.~
food 0 A
AC AB 0 0 0 AC AB
0 10 48 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
arm wanna ruler~
a broiled arm of a wannabe {CRuler{x~
A severed arm twitchs on the ground.~
food 0 A
AC AB 0 0 0 AC AB
0 30 49 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
leg ruler wanna~
a baked leg of a wannabe {CRuler{x~
A dismembered leg stand here, waiting for a body.~
food 0 A
AC AB 0 0 0 AC AB
0 50 49 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
ruler chilled brains wanna~
the chilled brains of a wannabe {CRuler{x~
A small pile of nasty something lies on the floor.~
food 0 A
AB A 0 0 0 AB A
0 8 34 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bible worn~
a worn bible~
A well used bible sits here, surrounded with a {Ddark{x aura.~
key C A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
tall black mitre hat head priest~
a tall mitre~
A tall hat emblazed with a cross lies on the ground.~
armor A AE
32 32 32 31 'none' 0
89 50 306025 P
20 -5
4 2
12 90
G none
G none
G none
G none
tiger fang sharp~
a tigers fang~
A sharp tooth lie here, getting a cavity.~
weapon S AN
exotic 3 24 slash DH
70 71 146214 P
19 5
18 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
pit firey hot flaming lava~
the flaming pit to {RHELL{x~
A pit filled with hot lava takes on the center of the room.~
portal A 0
0 0 A 99218 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
portal swirling mass color rainbow~
a swirling mass of color~
A portal with seems to spin every color of the rainbow together hover in the corner.~
portal AB 0
0 0 E 0 0
0 41 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
tail lizard small~
the small severed tail of a lizard~
A lizard seems to have left it's severed tail here.~
treasure G AO
0 0 0 0 0
75 0 2873 P
12 70
13 70
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul arm~
An arm from Sadin's lost souls.~
A twitching arms lies on the ground, grasping at air.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul leg~
A leg from Sadin's lost souls.~
A fuzzy leg hops around, looking rather lost.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul torso~
A torso from Sadin's lost souls.~
A transparent torso lies here, heart beating in fear.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul head~
A head to Sadin's lost souls.~
A dismembered head rolls around on the ground, groaning in pain.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
essence lost soul~
An essence of Sadin's lost souls.~
A pulsating mist hovers above the ground....waiting.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul arm~
An arm from Sadin's lost souls.~
A twitching arms lies on the ground, grasping at air.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
lost soul leg~
A leg from Sadin's lost souls.~
A fuzzy leg hops around, looking rather lost.~
trash ABTj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
ring life energy ixbiquest~
Ring of Life~
A ring made of energy lies here~
jewelry AEJSTYj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
Although soild, it appears as though this ring is made of nothing more then pure energy.
Although soild, it appears as though this ring is made of nothing more then pure energy.
Although soild, it appears as though this ring is made of nothing more then pure energy.
G none
G none
G none
G none
dagger blade immortality ixbiquest glowing~
Blade of Immortality~
A dagger with a glowing aura lies here~
weapon AEJTYj A
exotic 1 2 thrust D
1 2 1560 P
The dagger appears to be made of a glowing metal with strange carvings in the hilt. Although it appears to be old it is very sharp to the touch and shows no signs of ever being used or sharpened.
The dagger appears to be made of a glowing metal with strange carvings in the hilt. Although it appears to be old it is very sharp to the touch and shows no signs of ever being used or sharpened.
The dagger appears to be made of a glowing metal with strange carvings in the hilt. Although it appears to be old it is very sharp to the touch and shows no signs of ever being used or sharpened.
The dagger appears to be made of a glowing metal with strange carvings in the hilt. Although it appears to be old it is very sharp to the touch and shows no signs of ever being used or sharpened.
G none
G none
G none
G none
amulet dark death ixbiquest~
Amulet of Death~
A dark amulet lies here~
jewelry CEJTYj A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
The amulet is very cold to the touch, upon closer inspection there appears to be a carving of a dagger covered in blood on it.
The amulet is very cold to the touch, upon closer inspection there appears to be a carving of a dagger covered in blood on it.
The amulet is very cold to the touch, upon closer inspection there appears to be a carving of a dagger covered in blood on it.
G none
G none
G none
G none
hilt sword zz ixbiquest~
Hilt of Zsuzsu's sword~
A strange hilt is here~
treasure AKTj A
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
This hilt has many carvings on it but only one legible it spells out the name Zsuzsu.
G none
G none
G none
G none
zz blade sword ixbiquest~
Blade of Zsuzsu's Sword~
A blade with no hilt lies here~
weapon AKTj A
exotic 1 2 slash I
1 2 1315 P
This blade has a glowing energy around it and is rather hard to wield without the missing hilt. The only distinguishing feature on the blade is what word Zsuzsu.
This blade has a glowing energy around it and is rather hard to wield without the missing hilt. The only distinguishing feature on the blade is what word Zsuzsu
G none
G none
G none
G none
hammer ixbiquest sadin powerful~
Hammer of Sadin~
A powerful hammer lies here~
weapon AKTj A
exotic 1 2 crush K
1 2 1537 P
Only 2 things make this hammer stand out, the name Sadin and the sign of the goddess Siebele.
G none
G none
G none
G none
trash 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none

DO NOT TOUCH/CHANE/EDIT THIS ROOM by thornan's orders.  He is using it
for other purposes so do not change anything in here, not the name, not the
mob, not anything.  
0 TX inside
Sadin's relief~
You are standing in the middle of a large plush jungle.  There are
flowers and exotic vines growing over the tree that cover the ground as far
as the eye can see.  You hear the calls of the multitude animals living in
the trees and forest floor.  Sitting in middle of a small glade rest a
hammock set-up between two trees, with a small table off to the side.  There
is a fresh , clean brook running the outside edge of the glade, filling the
air with the relaxing sound of running water.  
0 NTX inside
M 100 H 5000
Overgrown path~
You are walking along an overgrown path.  You hear the sounds of the
Dragon Sea off to the East.  The weeds and vines only allow you travel to
the North and South.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99203
0 0
Z 0 9794
0 0
Lower Tower Path~
Off in the distance, you see a tall black tower rising on the cliff at
the edge of the Dragon Sea.  You feel a strong aura of magic radiating from
the upper turret.  You may push on northward or retreat to the south.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99204
0 0
Z 0 99202
0 0
Middle Tower Path~
You are getting closer to the tower, which appears to be an abandoned
lighthouse from a time long ago.  You see the glassed panes of the upper
watchtower, remarkable clean considering the state of the tower.  As you
walk along, you notice several corpses along the path, small furry animals
with some very gross sores all over their body.  You begin to wonder if you
should really continue forward.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99205
0 0
Z 0 99203
0 0
Upper Tower Path~
You are walking along the edge of a steep cliff over looking the Dragon
Sea.  To the north, you can just make out the entrance to the tower, which
appears to have some kind of guard stationed at it.  Off in the distance, in
the middle of the Dragon Sea, you can see the faint outline of an isle of
some kind; although there is no dock or any noticeable path to reach it, you
wonder if it is occupied.  As you walk long, you think you can hear a faint
rustling in the brush.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99206
0 0
Z 0 99204
0 0
Path to the Tower~
You are walking toward the tower, along a stone paved path.  The sound of
crashing waves echoes from the cliffs around you.  Upon closer inspection of
the tower, you notice that it is made of polished black marble that reflects
the sunlight back out to sea.  You also notice several strange symbols over
the door leading into the tower: a picture of an ancient dragon, the seal of
New Thalos, and a symbol you do not recognize.  You can walk up the to the
door, or return back the way you came.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99207
0 0
Z 0 99205
0 0
Entrance to Chronomancer's Tower~
You stand before a simple wooden door that does not seem to be locked. 
Of course the fact that a grim looking Death Knight stands to the left side
of the door could be the reason the owner has no need to lock the door. 
You glance at the Death Knight and shiver, hoping he will not be unhappy
that you have disturbed his master.  The door swings slightly in the breeze,
inviting you to enter and discover your fate among the sands of time.  
0 NX hills
ABZ 0 99208
0 0
Z 0 99206
0 0
Main Entrance~
You have gained access to the main entrance of the Tower.  It looks even
worse from the inside then it did from the outside.  There is debris
everywhere, as if a struggle took place and everything that wasn't bolted
down was knocked over.  There are doors leading north and west, as well as a
spiral staircase leading upward, toward a bizarre blue glowing light.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99209
0 0
ABZ 0 99207
0 0
ABZ 0 99210
0 0
Z 0 99211
0 0
The Kichen~
You have entered the kitchen for this abandoned lighthouse.  Much to your
surprise, this room is completely clean and stocked with fresh food and drink.
You see bags of flour, barley and wheat stacked in one corner as well as
jars of pickled fruits and eggs.  There is a large pot of simmering soup,
hanging over a bed of glowing embers, implying that somebody is here to tend to
the fire.  There is small door along the east wall, leading to a pantry. 
You think you can hear a voice from the pantry, cursing the bad luck they
are having.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99212
0 0
ABZ 0 99208
0 0
Chronomancer's bedroom~
This room is sparsely furnished, containing only a simple nightstand and
a bed covered in dark down furs.  There is a torch attached to the wall next
to the bed, flickering as if a breeze were blowing upon the flame.  This is
unusual, since there is not a single window in the room.  Maybe it is your
fatigue getting the best of you, or there is something that more then meets
the eye here.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99208
0 0
Second Floor Landing~
You have arrived at the second floor of the Chronomancer's Tower.  There
is a study to the east that appears to be empty.  Two closed doors are to
the north and west.  If you wish, you can continue up the stairs toward a
closed door, which seems to have a blue glowing light behind it.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99214
0 0
Z 0 99213
0 0
ABZ 0 99215
0 0
Z 0 99216
0 0
Z 0 99208
0 0
This is a rather cramped space, with barely enough room for 2 people. 
There are shelves of jars and clay ramekins stacked up to the ceiling. 
Along the floor are 4 barrels, two of which are label wine and the other two
are labeled water.  They are sealed shut, unfortunately, preventing you from
enjoying their contents.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99209
0 0
Chronomancer's Study~
You have never seen so many books in a room before in your life.  There
are full sized bookshelves on the three walls, all filled to capacity with
different volumes on time, space and magic.  There are also two long tables,
each with 4 chairs along each side.  There are several books upon each
table.  There is no exit other than the way you came in.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99211
0 0
Chronomancer's Lab~
You many bubbling flasks of unknown mixtures.  There are jars of
dismembered animal parts lining the shelves and pouches of roots and weeds
hanging from hooks.  The is a important looking book sitting here, that
begs you to read it.  You also notice a fido, except it looks tougher and
meaner than the ones in Midgaard.  There is a window overlooking the sea,
other then that, the only way out is to the south.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99211
0 0
Map Room~
You are in a room that seems like a office of a war general.  On the
three walls, there are full time maps, each with varying details.  Below
each map is a sheet of parchment that seems to explain the map and what it
repents.  Along the north wall is a rough map with the title: Ancient Times,
the west wall contains a map of New Thalos with the title: Present Day and
the south wall contains a very detailed map with the title: Zsezhar, which
the mage has translated into the word: Chicago.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99211
0 0
Forbidden Door.~
You have made it to the forbidden door, as warned to you by the
battlemage.  Although there is no torch or flame near here, you feel very
warm and sweat starts forming along your brow.  You see a large oak door
with a bizarre keyhole, which seems to be made of a swirling mass of sand,
with no visible opening for a key.  You start to wonder how much more of
this strange tower you can endure.  
0 DNWX inside
AFGZ 99207 99217
0 0
Z 0 99211
0 0
Portal Room~
You have entered a large room that pulsates with magical energy.  In the
center of the room stands a glowing {Bblue{x portal that seems to flash every
couple minutes and emits a faint humming sound.  There are no other objects
that you can see and the portal seems to draw you closer to it.  As you
approach it, you suddenly remember the saying etched above the outside door:
Enter and discover your fate among the sands of time.  Could this be the
fabled Chronomancers time portal, rumored to have been hunted down and destroyed
by the Warlock clan so long ago?  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99472
0 0
ABCZ 99207 99216
0 0
Chamber of Antiquity~
You stand in a underground cavern, complete with a large lake and small
river running out the south wall.  Along the western wall stand three
portals: one {Rred{x, one {Ggreen{x and one {Yyellow{x.  Above each portal there is a
symbol identifying the period in time, which the portal takes you.  You
suddenly realize that you have no choice but to "explore the sands of time",
since there is no other way of leaving the cavern.  
A sign has been posted next to the portals.  READ IT!!!!!
0 DNWX inside
{RRed{x leads to the time from which you came.
{gGreen{x leads to the time which is no more.
{YYellow{x leads to the time which has yet to happen.
Chamber of Ancient Antiquities.~
You are standing within a hollowed out earthen hill.  The ceiling is only
twenty feet from the floor and the roots from trees poke through the dirt
above you.  In the south wall is a crude door, framed by logs.  You are
disturbed that you can't see any portals by which to return; you hope they
are located nearby.  You notice some scratches on the one of the logs
framing the door.  
0 ADNX inside
Carved into the wood is the following message: To avoid the theft or
desctruction of the portal home by the local savages, I have hidden the
portal at the tar pits.  
Carved into the wood is the following message: To avoid the theft or
desctruction of the portal home by the local savages, I have hidden the
portal at the tar pits.  
Z 0 99221
0 0
Chamber of the Time to Come.~
You have emerged into a very bright room, with bars of pure light running
the length on the ceiling.  The walls are completely smooth and have a pale
yellow hue to them, with a single door on the west wall.  Your heart sinks
when you realize that the room is empty and no portals are located here; you
must explore the strange new land and hope you can find the way home.  
A BIG note is attached to the wall here, please {BREAD{x it.
0 DNWX city
In case I ever forget the way home, I have given my friend, the beggar in train station, instruction for the return trip.
The passcode is: I have come looking for the way home.

The wizard of Chronomancer's Tower.
Written in blood under the signature is written: Those who require fresh food, please tell Jessie "I am looking for a Kosher meal.", and she will assist you.  
ABZ 0 99222
0 0
A grassy hillside~
You are standing on the slopes on a large grassy hillside.  If you wish
you may climb up to the top of the hill and look around or descend to the
ground below and investigate the strange noise coming from the underbrush. 
You start to wonder what kinds of adventures await you.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99219
0 0
Z 0 99474
0 0
Dark Tunnel~
You are standing in a long tunnel that seems to stretch in either
direction further then the eye can see.  You hear a low rumbling noise
coming from the north and a faint light is racing toward you.  You can go
south toward the light or flee south into the everlasting darkness.  
0 ADNWX city
Z 0 99225
0 0
Z 0 99223
0 0
Rat's Nest~
You have reached a dead end, filled with shredded strips of cloth and
paper, which was formed into a crude nest.  There are large piles if rat
dropping throughout the area and you wonder how many rats and fit in such a
nest.  There is an entrance leading down into the nest or you can head north
and face the strange noises and lights.  
0 ADNWX city
Z 0 99222
0 0
Z 0 99224
0 0
The Rat's Den.~
The smell in this cramped area overwhelm you, forcing you to gag.  There
are bit of leftover food and small piles of dropping in here as well.  You
also have discovered a large family of rats, very large rats, angry that you
have invaded their peaceful home.  The only escape is up, through the hole
you came in.  
0 ADNWX city
Z 0 99223
0 0
A T-shaped Junction~
You are standing at the dead end of a T-shaped junction.  On the other
side of the short wall blocking further movement north, you see a type of
rail.  The tunnel splits east and west along this strange looking road,
which looks a little rough to ride upon.  Off in the distance, you see a
glowing light moving toward you.  There is also a lantern hanging from the
wall, if you need a light source.  
0 ADNWX city
Z 0 99229
0 0
Z 0 99222
0 0
Z 0 99226
0 0
Vertical Tunnel~
You have reached a dead end, with a vertical passage equipped with a
ladder, leading up, toward a bright light, possibly the surface and down
into a very, very dark hole.  There is also a bright {Yyellow{x sign
attached to the wall next to the ladder, it looks important.  You hear the
sound of movement and voices coming from the upper level.  
0 DNWX city
{DDo not proceed into the lower levels, there is a unknown gas leak.
It is causing sickness and death to anybody exposed to it.
{WThank you for your cooperation.{x
Z 0 99225
0 0
Z 0 99228
0 0
Z 0 99227
0 0
Restricted Area~
You have entered a {R{Rrestricted{x area, closed off due to poison gasses.  As
you descend down into the darkness, you begin to feel very light-headed. 
All of a sudden, you get a piercing pain stabbing throughout your chest and
stomach.  As you wrap your arms around your midsection, as if that will help
the pain subdue, you realize that you have let go of the ladder.  You
attempt to grab a rung and miss, as you tumble down the chute you think to
yourself, must learn to read and follow posted signs.  Suddenly, your head
slams into a outcropping of rocks and you lose consciences.  
0 ADNWX city
Z 0 99226
0 0
North Ave. Beach~
You have exited the tunnel and climbed upon a golden sand beach.  There
are many people swimming or sunbathing all around you.  There is a large
body of water to the west, you assume it is the Dragon Sea, although a sign
claims it to be "Lake Michigan".  The beach continues north until it
dead-ends at some kind of roadway, which leads to a very large pier.  To the
south it leads to a large marina filled with boats.  There are sounds of
wild animals coming from the east, which seems to lead into a large park.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99231
0 0
Z 0 99230
0 0
Z 0 99232
0 0
Z 0 99226
0 0
Rail Crossing~
You have reached a large stone barrier, which prevents you from
continuing east.  There is a large object with a single glowing eye racing
toward your spot, you notice that it is running along the rail road, which
makes a turn southward at this point.  There is a voice calling out a
warning from the darkness.  
0 ANWX city
Z 0 99225
0 0
Lincoln Park Central~
You stand before a large set of metal gates with the words "Lincoln Park
Zoo" along the upper arch.  The path east leads into the zoo then splits
into 3 separate directions.  The park also continues to the north and south,
while it appears that a beach lies to the west.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99247
0 0
Z 0 99248
0 0
Z 0 99236
0 0
Z 0 99228
0 0
Start of Pier~
You are standing on the far east end of a huge shipping pier, although it
seems that a massive building is taking up a majority of the pier.  Along
the south edge of the pier several large ships are anchored, but look
deserted.  At the very end of the pier, standing taller then anything you
have ever seen is a colossal wheel covered in torches with about 30 cages
attached to the inner part of the structure.  You feel the urge to
investigate this item further.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99247
0 0
Z 0 99228
0 0
Z 0 99233
0 0
You are walking along one of the many floating docks in the marina. 
There are boats of all sizes and types with numbers in the hundreds.  All
the boats are secured and no entry is possible, not that you have an idea
how to operate one anyway.  There is a path leading east into a large park,
which seems to have a lot of activity.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99228
0 0
Z 0 99236
0 0
Food Court~
You have entered the large building covering the center portion of the
pier.  This entire area is filled with people who rush past you.  There is a
vendor standing the on the side selling all kinds of tasty treats, for those
who are hungry.  There is a door along the south door, leading to the docked
ships or you can continue west into the building.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99231
0 0
ABZ 0 99235
0 0
Z 0 99234
0 0
Center of Building Complex~
You have reached a grand cavern with a ceiling made of glass.  The sun
shines brightly though out the area.  The north and south walls are
transparent and you see large ships docked to the pier.  In the center of
the room is a large fountain with a rope surrounding it.  The fountain seems
to be possessed as water keeps leaping out and splashing into a new location
in the fountain.
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99233
0 0
Z 0 99237
0 0
East Dock~
You are standing on the far end of a long dock, which stretches the
entire length of the pier.  There are several large boats tied up, but all
seem to be empty with the gangplanks removed, making it impossible to board
them.  You may take a stroll toward the West End of the dock, which contains
the bizarre circle of fire or head back into the building.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99233
0 0
Z 0 99240
0 0
Lincoln Park South~
You have entered a large open park, filled with people.  There is a large
complex, surrounded by a large iron fence, which run north and east for a
great distance.  The sound of wild animals echoes from within the complex. 
Directly to the north, there is a large gate by which you may enter the
0 NWX city
Z 0 99230
0 0
Z 0 99278
0 0
Z 0 99232
0 0
Indoor Garden~
You stumble into a huge sphere like room, completely enclosed by huge
glass panes.  There are plants and tree growing from the ground and attached
to large metal poles that stretch from the floor to the ceiling.  There is a
door leading out to a large play area, which hold the giant flaming circle
you saw earlier and one leading south onto the dock.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99234
0 0
ABZ 0 99238
0 0
ABZ 0 99239
0 0
West Dock~
You are at the western most point of the dock.  The dock drops down to a
small tunnel entrance, which is covered by a heavy metal grate and locked
with a HUGE padlock.  Although you see nothing of importance in the
darkness, there must be something there, why else the lock?  You enter the
glass sphere to the north or follow the dock west as it curves up onto a
playground area.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99237
0 0
Z 0 99240
0 0
ABCFGZ 99223 99241
0 0
Play Ground~
You have entered an outdoor area filled with games, toys and rides to
amuse folks of all ages.  There are booths with prizes and others with games
of chance, unfortunately you don't have any of the local currency.  The
giant ring of fire stand directly to the west, and seem to have a long line
to board it, how strange.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99237
0 0
Z 0 99242
0 0
Central Dock~
You are walking along the dock, enjoying the sunshine.  There is no
entrance to the building from this part of the dock, but if you continue
west you see an entrance leading into a large glass sphere.  You notice a
nice looking boat with the gang plank attached to the dock and wonder if you
can sneak aboard.  There is also a large burly looking man guarding the
gangplank, who does not look very friendly.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99235
0 0
Z 0 99238
0 0
Maintenance Tunnel ~
You are surrounded by an enveloping darkness as you descend into the
depths of this deep shaft.  You think you can hear the drip of water and
gargling noises coming from the bowels of this forbidding tunnel, and you
start to develop an unreasonable fear of enclosed spaces.  You notice a
lantern similar to the one you saw in the rail tunnels, hang on a hook.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABCFGZ 99223 99238
0 0
Z 0 99243
0 0
Ring of Fire~
You are standing before a huge wheel, several hundred feet tall, with
burning lamps along the outer rim.  There are large baskets, which hold 4
people in each, which hang inside the wheel.  There is a long time to enter
the baskets, and you have no idea why, since it does not really go anywhere.
There is no exit other then back toward the building to the east.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99239
0 0
Forbidden Tunnel~
As you continue to descend further into the darkness, you start to feel a
familiar tingle of magic in your bones.  You glance down and see a faint
glow from the bottom of the shaft, the portal home you hope.  You also hear
a voice in your head, whispering "Bring me the ring", and you start to
wonder what it means.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99241
0 0
Z 0 99244
0 0
Entrance to the Portal Room~
You stand at the entrance to a large cavern, directly north of you. 
Although, you can see the cavern and everything in it, you can't gain
access.  Some sort of energy field prevents any movement toward the portal
room, then you notice a shadow in the corner.
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99243
0 0
Portals to the Past~
You stand on the other side of the energy barrier now, and before you
stand three portals, similar to the ones in the original chamber.  There is
nothing else in the room, you take a deep breath and enter one, but to where
will it take you?  
0 DNWX inside
Guard Barracks~
This is the guards barracks.  If you are here, you should not be.
0 D inside
Lincoln Park North~
The northern part of the park is next to a busy road, which is filled
with very strange vehicles.  They have four wheels but no horse, yet move
with amazing speed.  There is a path leading east that follows the fence
around a curve.  The road can be crossed, if you are quick on your feet. 
There is also a path to the west leading to a large floating pier.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99333
0 0
Z 0 99332
0 0
Z 0 99230
0 0
Z 0 99231
0 0
Zoo Entrance~
You stand before a large fountain located within the front gates of a
large zoo.  There are three paths that lead east, north and south; and lead
toward areas of the zoo based on climate of the animals located there.  The
eastern path leads toward the arctic animals, the northern path leads to the
animals of the Great Plains and the south path heads the a large tank filled
with water.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99249
0 0
Z 0 99250
0 0
Z 0 99251
0 0
Z 0 99230
0 0
Great Plains Section~
You have entered a world of never-ending sea of grass.  There are
exhibits located to the east and west that seem to contain creatures native
to this environment.  There is also a building to the north with the words
"Small Mammals" above the double doors.  You wonder, what the heck is a
0 NWX city
Z 0 99252
0 0
Z 0 99253
0 0
Z 0 99248
0 0
Z 0 99254
0 0
Arctic Animal Area~
You have entered the area which contains the animals of the cold weather
regions.  There is a path leading down into an underground chamber and a
path leading east into a large building.  There is a sunken pool of water
built into the ground off to the south that seems to house a couple of huge
ugly creatures.  The northern area houses a large rock formation, which is
surrounded by a large moat.  
0 DNWX city
Z 0 99266
0 0
Z 0 99265
0 0
Z 0 99264
0 0
Z 0 99248
0 0
Z 0 99263
0 0
Oceanarium Area~
There is a huge tank here, with stairs leading up along the sides.  There
is also a set of stairs leading down into a darkened chamber that seems to
run around the outside of the tank.  The only other thing of interest is a
building off the west, which has the words "Fish of the World" above the
0 NWX city
Z 0 99248
0 0
Z 0 99273
0 0
Z 0 99272
0 0
Entrance to Mammal House~
You stand before a stout red brick building with a statue of several
unusual animals next to it.  There is a set of doors to the lead, which lead
into a darkened area, with several small-lighted boxes placed into the
walls.  There is also a water fountain located next to the door, in case you
are thirsty.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99255
0 0
Z 0 99249
0 0
Gazelle Area~
This area is filled with tall grass and a few trees, and not a whole lot
more.  As you look over the barren landscape, you notice a couple of funny
looking animals.  They look similar to lean horses, but have two large
horns, about two feet in length, growing out of their heads.  You can head
back to the west or stare at the Gazelle's some more.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99249
0 0
Tiger Area~
You are standing before a large grassed area with several large trees and
many rock formations scattered though out the area.  There are three rather
large cat-like creatures in the area, although they are striped in black and
flesh.  They stalk around the area and occasionally let out a mighty roar. 
You decide it is best to leave them alone, lest you lose a hand...  Or
0 NWX city
Z 0 99249
0 0
Inside the Mammal House~
You have entered a dark area with paths leading east and west before both
turn northward.  Along the walls are small square boxes, built into the
walls, with small furry creatures running round inside them.  You hear the
sounds of shock and surprise coming from the other side of the building, to
the north.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99256
0 0
ABZ 0 99252
0 0
Z 0 99257
0 0
Southeast Corner of the Mammal House~
You stand in a nearly empty part of the mammal house.  There are no boxes
in the walls and most of the people seem to head north to look at whatever
creature seems to live there.  You can go north to see the creature or west
toward the exit doors.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99258
0 0
Z 0 99255
0 0
Southwest Corner of the Mammal House~
You stand in a nearly empty part of the mammal house.  There are no boxes
in the walls and most of the people seem to head north to look at whatever
creature seems to live there.  You can go north to see the creature or east
toward the exit doors. 
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99259
0 0
Z 0 99255
0 0
East Side of Mammal House~
Once again the walls are filled with the boxes, filled with small furry
creatures.  To the north you see a large exhibit, which takes up the entire
north side of the building.  You think you hear the sounds of jaws snapping,
but you care not positive.  You also notice that it seems to be getting
warmer, the closer you get to the north side of the building.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99262
0 0
Z 0 99256
0 0
West Side of Mammal House~
You are surprised how many little furry creatures this area has, since
the walls are filled with the small boxes, yet again.  To the north, you see
a brightly-lit exhibit that seems to take up the entire north side of the
building.  You think you can see a large scaly tail sticking out from under
a rock formation, and it is big.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99260
0 0
Z 0 99257
0 0
Northwest Corner of the Mammal House~
You are standing at the western end of a large exhibit, which contains a
gigantic lizard.  The room is very bright and very warm.  The exhibit is
filled with dirt and multiple piles of rocks designed to provide shade from
the hot lamps, located in the ceiling.  To the east, you see a few more
lizards and a huge snake-like creature.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99261
0 0
Z 0 99259
0 0
Desert Creatures~
There are many people located around the center of this exhibit, as you
push your way to the front.  You are facing a monster lizard and a huge
coiled snake, both willing and able to eat you for lunch.  The bright lights
make you squint and you wonder how anything can live under these conditions.
Off to the east you notice a man taking pictures of people next to a smaller
version of the monster lizard here.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99262
0 0
Z 0 99260
0 0
Northeast corner of the Mammal House~
There is a line of people here waiting to stand next to a small lizard
creature.  A man stand before them and goes "Say Cheese", then a piece of
paper comes out of a machine he is holding with the image of the person with
the lizard.  You start to wonder why is magic works, while yours does not. 
There is nothing else of interest in the area of the building, so get in
line or move on.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99258
0 0
Z 0 99261
0 0
Northern Underwater Viewport~
You are standing in a shallow underground cavern, which border the large
tank you saw to the south.  There is a thick layer of glass, which separates
you from the tank and it look very strong.  The cavern continues around to
the west, circling the entire tank.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99267
0 0
Z 0 99250
0 0
Walrus Tank~
You are standing above a very large pool of water, which has been built
into the ground here.  There are two very, VERY ugly things swimming around
the tank but you have no idea what they are.  As you peer into the watery
depths, you notice that there are windows built into the sides of the tank,
about fifteen feet under the water level.  You figure it must provide a
unique point of view to watch these creatures from below.  
This is a large warning sign attached to a pole nearby.
0 NWX city
Please don't feed the animals.
Walrus's are very dangerous creatures.  Please don't annoy them
Thank you,
Zoo Staff
Z 0 99250
0 0
Arctic Animal House~
You are standing in front of a red brick building with the words "Arctic
Animal House" engraved into the stone above the door.  As the doors are
opened, you feel a blast of frigid air hit you from inside the building, and
you wonder what is located within which needs such a cold environment. 
There is a pillar of stone with water gushing from it located next to the
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99268
0 0
Z 0 99250
0 0
Polar Bear Enclosure~
There is a huge rock formation jutting out in all directions, surrounded
by a large deep moat.  There are a couple of large white bears sunning
themselves on the rocks, in various places.  You are not able to reach them,
due to the moat, but you decide it is for the best.  There is a man here,
taking pictures of people with the bears in the background.  
0 NWX inside
Z 0 99250
0 0
Southern Underwater Viewport~
The cavern has come to a dead end with the only exit back toward the
north.  The thick panes of glass continue along the wall, allowing a view of
the swimming creatures.  You see nothing of any interest in this area,
except the swimming creatures.  
0 ANWX city
Z 0 99263
0 0
Arctic Animal Entrance~
This building is very cool inside, as if they are attempting to freeze
the entire guest population into icicles.  There appear to be three exhibits
located within the building, all to the east.  The building is well lit and
there are many people located at the far eastern side.  
0 NWX inside
Z 0 99269
0 0
ABZ 0 99265
0 0
Arctic Fox Display~
There are two small white foxes staring at you from a snow bank, from the
other side of a thin glass pane.  There is a small sign that states that
they are called "Arctic Foxes".  They seem really bored as you looking at
them.  The exit is to the west and east lies more exhibits.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99270
0 0
Z 0 99268
0 0
Puffin Exhibit~
You are at an empty exhibit, with a sign which says "Closed for repairs".
There is nothing here of any excitement what so ever.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99271
0 0
Z 0 99269
0 0
Penguin Place~
You see about twenty small bird-like creatures, waddling around an ice
drift and swimming a small pool.  They all look as if they are have great
fun despite the frigid water.  There are many people standing and staring at
the birds, although there is one who acts strangely.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99270
0 0
Eastern Underwater Dolphin Viewing~
You are standing in a darkened chamber, with a long curved glass wall
along on side.  There is a passage leading west toward a set of stairs,
which lead up into the building you saw on the surface.  You also notice two
beautiful thing swimming gracefully in the water, through the glass wall. 
About halfway to the far stairwell, is a woman who is taking pictures of
people standing next to a statue of the swimming creatures.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99274
0 0
Z 0 99251
0 0
House of Fish Entrance~
The doors to the building appear to resemble giant fish, how weird.  The
interior seems small with only two rooms, one that houses a large open tank.
As with the other houses in the zoo, there is a pillar of stone with water
gushing from it next to the doors.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99251
0 0
ABZ 0 99276
0 0
Central Underwater Dolphin Viewing~
There is a small line waiting to see the swimming creatures up close and
personal through the glass wall.  There is a attractive woman here, taking
pictures of people standing next to a statue of the dolphins.  The passage
continues west toward the stairs leading into the building and the east
leads toward the outside exit.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99272
0 0
Z 0 99275
0 0
Western Underwater Dolphin Viewing~
The passage ends here with a simple stairwell leading up.  There are far
fewer people in the area and you notice a woman standing with a statue.  You
see a glimmer of sunlight at the far eastern side on this underground
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99274
0 0
Z 0 99277
0 0
Fish Exhibit~
This room is filled with dozens of small tanks, filled with water, build
into the walls.  People mill around just peering at the fish and then head
over to the west to investigate the large open-air tank.  You also notice a
stairwell on the far wall behind the open tank, leading into a underground
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99273
0 0
Z 0 99277
0 0
Octopus Tank~
You stand before a large circular tank half filled with water.  There is
a large mound of flesh with eight tentacles growing out of its body floating
lazily in the water.  You notice that each tentacle is equipped with
hundreds of little cups like attachment.  There is also a sign that say "Do
not touch the animals".  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99276
0 0
Z 0 99275
0 0
Police Station Entrance~
You are standing in front of a large white brick building.  The word
"Police" is carved into the stone above the doors.  As you glance through
the windows you notice some official looking people sitting at small tables
and lots of closed doors.  To the west are Lake Michigan and another
building, with a large powerful look boat docked next to it.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99236
0 0
Z 0 99280
0 0
Z 0 99279
0 0
Coast Guard Station~
You are standing on the shore of Lake Michigan with building entrance
directly north of you.  There is also a dock attached to the building, which
appears to only be accessible from the building itself.  There is a large
and powerful ship docked and it looks heavily guard, implying that it must
have great valuables on board.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99278
0 0
Lake Shore Drive~
This busy road travels in both north and south directions.  It is filled
with large metal carts, yet they move without horses.  To the south, you can
barely see the outline of a tall building, while the northern path leads
past a large iron fence.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99330
0 0
Z 0 99281
0 0
Z 0 99278
0 0
Lake Shore Drive~
As you walk along the busy road, you notice a large building with the
name "Drake Hotel" glowing on the side of the building.  To the north you
see a large complex surrounded by an iron fence.  To the east, you hear the
sounds of a large river, but are unable to see it from here.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99280
0 0
Z 0 99282
0 0
Hotel Entrance~
You are at the entrance to a very tall building, with magic doors, to the
east, that open when you approach them.  A large brick barrier blocks the
path to the south, with no way around it.  You notice a small metal ladder
attached to the far corner of the building, which continues all the way to
the roof.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99281
0 0
Z 0 99283
0 0
Z 0 99284
0 0
Front Lobby~
The amount of wealth spent to create this room could have bought you your
own kingdom.  The floor, walls and pillars are all done in fine marble and
the rugs are of the finest silk.  There is a young man standing behind a
granite countertop, waiting to assist you.  You spot a set of stairs leading
up in the corner as well.  
0 DNWX inside
ABCJZ 0 99290
0 0
Z 0 99282
0 0
Z 0 99291
0 0
Rooftop Ladder~
You are climbing a metal ladder that leads to the roof, although there
are landing evenly spaced, you see no door or exit to or from them.  You
exit the ladder on the roof and see a small shed to the east, with a closed
metal door.  You think you see a shadow hiding behind the shed, but will
have to get closer to verify it.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99285
0 0
Z 0 99282
0 0
Ventilation Shed~
There is a huge multi-bladed spinning object enclosed in a small cage, to
prevent you from running into it.  There is a door right to the north, which
is closed but does not seem to be locked.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99286
0 0
Z 0 99284
0 0
Roof Stairwell~
You are standing at the top of a very tall set of stairs, what lead down
into the darkness.  There is a door leading outside to the south and stairs
leading down, stopping at a landing about fifteen feet down then repeating
that three more times.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99285
0 0
Z 0 99287
0 0
4th Floor Landing~
You are at a landing of a tall stairwell which stairs leading both up and
down.  There is a door to the west with the words "4th Floor" written upon
it.  Looking upwards, you think you spot a faint amount of daylight, while
down leads into darkness.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABJZ 0 99298
0 0
Z 0 99286
0 0
Z 0 99288
0 0
3rd Floor Landing~
You are at a landing of a tall stairwell which stairs leading both up and
down.  There is a door to the west with the words "3rd Floor" written upon
it.  Looking upwards, you see only darkness as well as when you glance
0 ADNWX inside
ABCJZ 0 99296
0 0
Z 0 99287
0 0
Z 0 99289
0 0
2nd Floor Landing~
You are at a landing of a tall stairwell which stairs leading both up and
down.  There is a door to the west with the words "2nd Floor" written upon
it.  Looking upwards, you see only darkness, however looking down you think
you notice a faint glow from the last landing.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABCJZ 0 99294
0 0
Z 0 99288
0 0
Z 0 99290
0 0
Lobby Entrance Stairwell~
You are standing on the bottom of a tall staircase the reaches up toward
the heavens.  There is a door leading west, with the words "Lobby" written
upon it, into a bright room, while the path upwards leads into darkness. 
You also hear a very faint humming noise from the very top of the stairwell.

0 ADNWX inside
ABCJZ 0 99283
0 0
Z 0 99289
0 0
2nd Floor Entryway~
You are at the corner intersection of two hallways, one leading south and
the other east.  Looking down both hallways, you notice doors on both sides
of the hall leading to a window at the end of each hall.  There is a sign on
the wall that reads "201-203 S."  And "204-207' E."  As you look south you
see another sign that says "Exit" about halfway down the hall 
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99300
0 0
Z 0 99294
0 0
Z 0 99292
0 0
Z 0 99283
0 0
3rd Floor Entryway~
You are at the corner intersection of two hallways, one leading south and
the other east.  Looking down both hallways, you notice doors on both sides
of the hall leading to a window at the end of each hall.  There is a sign on
the wall that reads "301-303 S."  And "304-307' E."  As you look south you
see another sign that says "Exit" about halfway down the hall.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99301
0 0
Z 0 99296
0 0
Z 0 99293
0 0
Z 0 99291
0 0
4th Floor Entryway~
You are at the corner intersection of two hallways, one leading south and
the other east.  Looking down both hallways, you notice doors on both sides
of the hall leading to a window at the end of each hall.  There is a sign on
the wall that reads "401-403 S."  And "404-407 E."  As you look south you
see another sign that says "Exit" about halfway down the hall.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99302
0 0
Z 0 99292
0 0
Southern Hallway~
You stand halfway down the hallway leading toward a large window.  To the
east is the door marked "Exit" and the western wall has a door marked "201"
in gold lettering.  The hallway continues south toward two more doors and
then dead ends at the window.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99291
0 0
ABCJZ 0 99289
0 0
Z 0 99295
0 0
ABZ 0 99318
0 0
South Window View~
The view from this window is remarkable, allowing you to see much of the
southern portions of the large city.  The door to the west is marked with a
golden "203" while the east door is marked with "202".  You notice a small
metal ladder attached to the side of the building, but no way to get there. 

0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99294
0 0
ABZ 0 99326
0 0
ABZ 0 99319
0 0
Southern Hallway~
You stand halfway down the hallway leading toward a large window.  To the
east is the door marked "Exit" and the western wall has a door marked "301"
in gold lettering.  The hallway continues south toward two more doors and
then dead ends at the window.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99292
0 0
ABCJZ 0 99288
0 0
Z 0 99297
0 0
ABZ 0 99320
0 0
South Window View~
The view from this window is remarkable, allowing you to see much of the
southern portions of the large city.  The door to the west is marked with a
golden "303" while the east door is marked with "302".  You notice a small
metal ladder attached to the side of the building, but no way to get there. 

0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99296
0 0
ABZ 0 99325
0 0
ABZ 0 99321
0 0
Southern Hallway~
You stand halfway down the hallway leading toward a large window.  To the
east is the door marked "Exit" and the western wall has a door marked "401"
in gold lettering.  The hallway continues south toward two more doors and
then dead ends at the window.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99293
0 0
ABJZ 0 99287
0 0
Z 0 99299
0 0
ABZ 0 99322
0 0
South Window View~
The view from this window is remarkable, allowing you to see much of the
southern portions of the large city.  The door to the west is marked with a
golden "403" while the east door is marked with "402".  You notice a small
metal ladder attached to the side of the building, but no way to get there. 

0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99298
0 0
ABZ 0 99323
0 0
ABZ 0 99324
0 0
Eastern Hallway~
You are halfway down the eastern hallway, which leads to a dead end
further to the east.  To the north is a door etched with the numbers "204"
while "205" is located on the south wall.  There is nothing else located in
this hallway and even the dead end is empty other then the remaining two
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99306
0 0
Z 0 99303
0 0
ABZ 0 99307
0 0
Z 0 99291
0 0
Eastern Hallway~
You are halfway down the eastern hallway, which leads to a dead end
further to the east.  To the north is a door etched with the numbers "304"
while "305" is located on the south wall.  There is nothing else located in
this hallway and even the dead end is empty other then the remaining two
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99311
0 0
Z 0 99304
0 0
ABZ 0 99308
0 0
Z 0 99292
0 0
Eastern Hallway~
You are halfway down the eastern hallway, which leads to a dead end
further to the east.  To the north is a door etched with the numbers "404"
while "405" is located on the south wall.  There is nothing else located in
this hallway and even the dead end is empty other then the remaining two
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99314
0 0
Z 0 99305
0 0
ABZ 0 99317
0 0
Z 0 99293
0 0
Eastern Dead-End~
You have reached the end of the hallway and it not very exciting.  There
are two doors, marked with a "206" and "207" with the even number being on
the northern wall.  The only visible exit is to the west, back toward the
stairwell from the lobby.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99309
0 0
ABZ 0 99310
0 0
Z 0 99300
0 0
Eastern Dead-End~
You have reached the end of the hallway and it not very exciting.  There
are two doors, marked with a "306" and "307" with the even number being on
the northern wall.  The only visible exit is to the west, back toward the
stairwell from the lobby.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99313
0 0
ABZ 0 99312
0 0
Z 0 99301
0 0
Eastern Dead-End~
You have reached the end of the hallway and it not very exciting.  There
are two doors, marked with a "406" and "407" with the even number being on
the northern wall.  The only visible exit is to the west, back toward the
stairwell from the lobby.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99316
0 0
ABZ 0 99315
0 0
Z 0 99302
0 0
Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99300
0 0
Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ANWX inside
ABZ 0 99300
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99301
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99303
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99303
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99301
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99304
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99304
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99302
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99305
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99305
0 0
A Hotel Room~
You have enter a single room that contains a bed, table with a chair, and
a small box with a glass front.  There is a small restroom located in an
alcove off to the side.  There is a large window that looks out over the
city.  The only exit is back into the hallway from which you came.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99302
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room is large, but not extravagant.  There is a large bed with a
small table next to it.  A large box with a glass front sits on a wooden
dresser against one wall.  There is a small sink and toilet in a small
alcove built into the back wall.  The only way out is back to the hallway.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99294
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room is large, but not extravagant.  There is a large bed with a
small table next to it.  A large box with a glass front sits on a wooden
dresser against one wall.  There is a small sink and toilet in a small
alcove built into the back wall.  The only way out is back to the hallway.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99295
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room is large, but not extravagant.  There is a large bed with a
small table next to it.  A large box with a glass front sits on a wooden
dresser against one wall.  There is a small sink and toilet in a small
alcove built into the back wall.  The only way out is back to the hallway.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99296
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room is large, but not extravagant.  There is a large bed with a
small table next to it.  A large box with a glass front sits on a wooden
dresser against one wall.  There is a small sink and toilet in a small
alcove built into the back wall.  The only way out is back to the hallway.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99297
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room is large, but not extravagant.  There is a large bed with a
small table next to it.  A large box with a glass front sits on a wooden
dresser against one wall.  There is a small sink and toilet in a small
alcove built into the back wall.  The only way out is back to the hallway.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99298
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room equals the splendor of any king's bedroom you have ever seen. 
There is a huge bed, which takes up at least half the room, located in one
corner, with a table located next to it.  There is a small room off to the
north, with steam coming out of it.  The other exit is back into the hallway.

0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99327
0 0
ABZ 0 99299
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room is large, but not extravagant.  There is a large bed with a
small table next to it.  A large box with a glass front sits on a wooden
dresser against one wall.  There is a small sink and toilet in a small
alcove built into the back wall.  The only way out is back to the hallway.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99299
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room equals the splendor of any king's bedroom you have ever seen. 
There is a huge bed, which takes up at least half the room, located in one
corner, with a table located next to it.  There is a small room off to the
north, with steam coming out of it.  The other exit is back into the
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99328
0 0
ABZ 0 99297
0 0
A Hotel Room~
This room equals the splendor of any king's bedroom you have ever seen. 
There is a huge bed, which takes up at least half the room, located in one
corner, with a table located next to it.  There is a small room off to the
north, with steam coming out of it.  The other exit is back into the
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99329
0 0
ABZ 0 99295
0 0
The Spa Room~
You have come across a very warm stream filled room.  Almost the entire
room is occupied by a huge tub of hot water, which seems to be bubbling and
churning.  It looks very relaxing to rest in and rejuvenate your weary
bones.  If you wish to not soak, the south leads back into the hotel room.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99323
0 0
The Spa Room~
You have come across a very warm stream filled room.  Almost the entire
room is occupied by a huge tub of hot water, which seems to be bubbling and
churning.  It looks very relaxing to rest in and rejuvenate your weary
bones.  If you wish to not soak, the south leads back into the hotel room.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99325
0 0
The Spa Room~
You have come across a very warm stream filled room.  Almost the entire room is occupied by a huge tub of hot water, which seems to be bubbling and churning.  It looks very relaxing to rest in and rejuvenate your weary bones.  If you wish to not soak, the south leads back into the hotel room.
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99326
0 0
Lake Shore Drive~
You are walking along a large cast iron fence that seems to enclose a
large zoo.  Glancing to the north you see a large road, filled with funny
looking carts.  The south seems to lead toward a large building a fair
distance away.  You think you hear the sounds of a river, but are unable
able to locate it.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99331
0 0
Z 0 99280
0 0
An Intersection~
You have reached an intersection of two major roads, Lake Shore Drive and
State Street.  Lake Shore Drive goes north to south; while State Street
leads west to east.  Peering westward you see a large store that looks busy,
a good sign that they have good stuff, you hope.  East leads toward a slum
type area, and looks unsafe to visit alone.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99334
0 0
Z 0 99405
0 0
Z 0 99330
0 0
Z 0 99332
0 0
State Street~
The road passes along the far side of the enclosed zoo.  Just to the
west there is an entrance leading into a general type store.  Off to the
northwest a large strong building looms on the horizon.  The many vehicles
on this road are careless and nearly hit you several times.  It may be
safest to find a new route.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99331
0 0
Z 0 99247
0 0
Ali's Little Shop~
The store is even smaller inside then it appeared to be from outside. 
Despite the rather cramped quarters, there are enough supplies to equip all
of Thera three times over.  There is a small greasy man sitting behind a
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99247
0 0
Lake Shore Drive~
You are halfway between two very busy roads, one to the north, with seems
to be filled with stores of all kinds, and south has a large park and pier
nearby.  You can see a large river to east, although the water is a green
color, which is disturbing.  There is also a very tall building to the
northeast' that seems to full of people, and needs investigating.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99335
0 0
Z 0 99331
0 0
An Intersection~
This intersection is just as busy as any other in this strange world,
filled with funny carts and rushing people.  The road leads in all
directions, with the north leading into a dead end.  The east leads into
more shopping areas and west leads toward a large building with word Bank on
0 NWX city
Z 0 99336
0 0
Z 0 99344
0 0
Z 0 99334
0 0
Z 0 99337
0 0
Dead End~
The shadows of the surrounding buildings plunges this area into darkness.
There is no exit from this area, save the south, back toward the light. 
There are piles of trash and you think you see a dead corpse, half buried,
in the pile.  A tough looking thug whispers for you to come over here; and
you start to feel very unsafe here, and decide it is time to leave, and
0 ANWX city
Z 0 99335
0 0
Path to Bank~
This non-descriptive stretch of road seem to lead directly to the doors
of a large brick building.  Based on the fact that it says, "Bank" above the
doors, you can assume it is a bank.  The path leads west right up to the
doors and no other paths lead off of the main one.  East heads back toward
the bust intersection you just left.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99335
0 0
Z 0 99338
0 0
Bank Entrance~
A pair of huge glass doors, which open and close without your help, lead
into the main foyer of the bank.  Two large men with no weapons, although it
seems they do not need then, guard the outside of the bank.  They glare at
you, then just as quickly, turn and ignore you once again.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99337
0 0
Z 0 99339
0 0
Bank Foyer~
Tall marble pillars and sparkling granite floors adorn this room.  To the
north is a bank of tellers, waiting to take or give your money.  There is
also an ornate spiral staircase leading to an upper and lower level of the
bank.  The sunshine flows through large stain glass windows that reach from
the floor to the ceiling.  The other visible exit is east, back to the front
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99340
0 0
Z 0 99338
0 0
Z 0 99341
0 0
Z 0 99342
0 0
Bank Tellers~
There is a bank of four teller slots, although only one is currently
occupied.  The counter itself is a polished marble of a deep green hue with
platinum trim along the edges.  There is a young woman, waiting to help you,
behind stand number three.  There is also a sign attached to the counter.  
0 DNUWX inside
In order to better serve our customers, we now offer the sevice of exchanging silver into gold, for a small fee.  Simply give the silver to Danielle.  
Have a nice day.
Your local bank
Z 0 99339
0 0
Bank Mangers Office~
This plush office is filled with artwork and fine statues.  There is a
large desk along one wall, with a plump yet happy man sitting behind it. 
Over his shoulder you can see a massive body of water through the window. 
You notice his desk is spotless and completely organized, but one drawer
seems open a little bit, as if he closed it quickly.  The stairs leading
back down, as the only way out.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99339
0 0
The Vault Entrance~
A huge and very solid looking steel door stands before you, with no
visible way of opening it.  Off to the side there is a keyhole, which is
guarded by a large scary looking man.  A sign tells you "Please have your
keys ready".  The only way out is up toward the bank foyer.  
0 DNWX inside
ABCFGZ 99251 99343
0 0
Z 0 99339
0 0
The Vault~
The vault contains thousand of small boxes, which are locked behind a
steel plate.  You will require a key to obtain any of the small boxes.  The
walls are solid steel have no flaws.  The only exit is back east to the
guard waiting outside.  There is a small table sitting in the middle of the
room, to place the boxes upon.  
A sign is posted next to the door, read it!
0 ANWX inside
When you have completed you business in the vault, simply say "I have finished here." and the guard will let you out.
ABCFGZ 0 99342
0 0
Michigan Avenue~
This road leads toward a large building filled with people, and is lined
with all kinds of shops to browse through.  To the north you see a store
called "Jimbo's Objects of Battle" while south lies a clothing store of some
kind.  Further east there are more stores that seem to shout 'Visit ME' as
well.  There is also a large river, which is green not clear, flowing under
a bridge just to the east.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99345
0 0
Z 0 99347
0 0
ABZ 0 99346
0 0
Z 0 99335
0 0
Jimbo's Objects of Battle~
The walls of this shop are filled with various types of weapons, many you
have never seen before.  There is also a display case filled with pills of
some sort, with a sign describing what each pill does.  Jimbo stands behind
a long table, sharpening a sword.  The door to the south leads back onto the
0 DNWX inside
Due to new city rules, I am no longer allowed to sell pills.
Sorry for the inconvience.
ABZ 0 99344
0 0
The Taylor Shoppe~
This store is filled with all types of clothing and fines clothes.  There
is every type of material: leather, silk and some kinds you can't identify. 
A slim lady greets you when you enter the store, and directs your attention
to the newest fashions.  North is the only exit, which leads back onto
Michigan Avenue.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99344
0 0
Bridge at Michigan Avenue~
This metal bridge is split into two sections, which allow it to be raised
and allow ships to pass under it.  There is a stone stairway leading down to
a small restaurant, located on the bank of the river.  To the east, there is
a small store called "Health and Healing, Inc."  .  Glancing down, you
notice a small walkway that runs along the river edge, heading south.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99681
0 0
Z 0 99348
0 0
Z 0 99344
0 0
Z 0 99349
0 0
Michigan Avenue~
Not even in Midgaard are there so many shops in one area.  To the north
is a health store of some kinds, while east lies a huge building with the
words "Water Tower Place" glowing upon its side.  Off to the southwest you
notice a rundown part of town, and it sticks out compared to the wealth of
the rest of the city.  
0 NWX city
ABZ 0 99350
0 0
Z 0 99352
0 0
Z 0 99347
0 0
Along the River Bank~
The river laps up against the stone walkway, which leads south for a
great distance.  There is a small eating place to the west, with a great
view of the river.  You may also head up toward a busy road, filled with
0 NWX city
Z 0 99351
0 0
Z 0 99347
0 0
Health and Healing, Inc.~
The shelves are filled with "magic" healing drinks and items to help
improve your mind.  You wonder how such non-magical items could make one
think they feel better, but it seems the store does a brisk business.  A
funny looking man runs around attempting to keep his customers happy.  The
exit north leads back to the road.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99348
0 0
Little Italy~
The aroma of fresh garlic and heavy cream fills the air of this small
establishment.  There are only about seven tables here, but they are all
filled, with a small line waiting to be seated.  There is a small counter
where you can place an order to go, if you are in a hurry.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99349
0 0
Entrance to Water Tower Place~
The building before you stands taller then you can see.  The entire outer
shell is covered in large glass panes, which have a blue tinge to them.  You
may enter the building through a set of doors to the east or return to the
shops to the west.  There is also a small path to the north, which appears
to lead to the strange rails you saw earlier in the tunnels.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99427
0 0
ABZ 0 99353
0 0
Z 0 99348
0 0
Water Tower Place: Foyer~
The entryway of this building is unique; it consists of a pair of stairs
leading up with a cascading waterfall located between the two flights of
stairs.  There are no stores or anything else in the foyer, although looking
up you see several floors above you.  You may enter the main area of the
building by going up or exit back onto the street to the west.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99352
0 0
Z 0 99354
0 0
Water Tower Place: 1st Floor~
This floor seems to contain a lot of clothing stores with funny names. 
They mostly seem geared for young girls, so you gave no interest in visiting
them.  To the south, you see a set of stairs lead up to the second floor or
you can head down to the foyer from here.  There is also a big sign,
attached to a pole in the middle of the floor, you may want to look at it.  
0 DNWX inside
Welcome to Water Tower Place
First Floor: 5-7-9, DEB, Express & Bags Unlimited*
Second Floor: Outdoor World*, Power Tools, Inc. & Cookies Divine*
Third Floor: Steak & Potatoes*, Exotic Weapons of the World* & Land of Sewing
Fourth Floor: Active Lifestyles, TV's and More & Pets Galore*
Note: * indicates open for buisness!!
Z 0 99356
0 0
Z 0 99353
0 0
Water Tower Place: 2nd Floor~
There is a small store, from which the smell of freshly baked cookies
drifts, located to the east.  Looking south there is yet another store,
which appears open as, well a set of stairs leading up.  A security guard
stands here as well; making sure nothing is stolen.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99360
0 0
Z 0 99358
0 0
Z 0 99356
0 0
Water Tower Place: 1st Floor~
There is only one store in this section of the area, with the large
staircase leading upwards toward more stores.  To the west is "Bags
Unlimited", which seems to sell <BAGS>, what a concept.  There is a aroma of
roasting steak coming from upstairs.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99354
0 0
Z 0 99357
0 0
Z 0 99355
0 0
Bags Unlimited~
The store sells all kinds of small bags, for the storage of gems, keys
and other small items, which may get lost easily.  It looks like they even
sell some bags that can be locked, to prevent thieves from stealing from it.
The man behind the counter smiles and offers you the newest bag style.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99356
0 0
Water Tower Place: 2nd Floor~
You are standing at the top of the waterfall you saw when you entered the
building.  As the sound of running and falling water fills the air, you
suddenly have the urge to pee, better find a bathroom.  To the west lies a
store "Outdoor World" which seems filled with outdoor gears, such as boots
and backpacks.  There is also a set of stairs leading up into heights of the
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99355
0 0
Z 0 99359
0 0
Z 0 99361
0 0
Outdoor World~
This store is filled with everything a ranger or great outdoorsman would
ever need.  There are backpacks, sleeping bags, tents and various knifes and
bows on the floor and walls.  There is also a huge rock wall here to
practice your climbing skills, but it is currently closed.  There are
several people wandering around to help the customers.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99358
0 0
Cookie Divine~
The aroma of fresh baked cookies makes your mouth water as you enter this
small shop.  There are several people running around behind the glass
display case, making the cookies while a single girl waits to serve the
guests.  There is a large assortment of cookies in the display case to
choose from.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99355
0 0
Water Tower Place: 3rd Floor~
The tantalizing scent of roasted steak fills the air on this level,
making your mouth water.  There to the east is a large eating area, from
which the aroma drifts.  To the south is a store filled with weapons of
strange design, which you have never seen.  There is also a set of stairs to
the south, leading up to the last level of the building.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99362
0 0
Z 0 99363
0 0
Z 0 99358
0 0
Steak & Potatoes~
The sound of frying potatoes and the sizzle of grilled steaks fills the
air.  The many tables in this eatery would seem to indicate they have very
good food, and the line never gets smaller to order food.  The smell makes
you realize how long it has been since you last eat good food.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99361
0 0
Water Tower Place: 3rd Floor~
Like the rest of the building, there is an open store and stairwell
leading upward to the final level of the shopping complex.  To the west is a
store full of unique weapons that look effective and very deadly.  From the
upper level, you hear the sounds of animals, and wonder what they can
possibly sell here.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99361
0 0
Z 0 99364
0 0
Z 0 99365
0 0
Exotic Weapons of the World~
The walls of this store are adorned with various weapons of strange and
unknown designs.  Many of the designs have shared design types, but are
different enough to make to weapons unique.  There is a sign, explaining
each weapon on the counter next to the sales clerk.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99363
0 0
Water Tower Place: 4th Floor~
The top floor of the building is cover by a large glass ceiling, which
allows sunlight to brighten the entire building.  From the south comes the
sound of barking and meows, which means a pet store.  As you glance out the
clear windows, you see many building for you to explore in the city below.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99366
0 0
Z 0 99363
0 0
Water Tower Place: 4th Floor~
The bright sunlight streaming through the glass adds a warm feeling to
the air.  To the east to the pet store from which you heard the animal
sound.  It appears to have dog, cats and several exotic species that you
have never seen before.  The owners waves and tell you "Come on in, We are
having a sale".  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99365
0 0
Z 0 99367
0 0
Pets Galore~
The smells and sounds of a typical pet store surround you.  Although the
main showroom contains only simple household pets and critters, there is a
small door along the back wall.  The clerks informs you, for the right money
guardian pets can be bought, under the table so to speak.  Despite the facts
that the cute puppy looks friendly, you need a more deadly pet.  
0 DNWX inside
ABGZ 0 99368
0 0
Z 0 99366
0 0
Black Market Pets~
The room is filled with cages filled with dangerous and exotic animals. 
There are animals of all sizes and races, which have been trained to serve
and protect their masters.  A greasy little man steps out from behind a line
of cages and demands to know what you need, pointing to a price list on the
0 DNWX inside
ABGZ 0 99367
0 0
Pet Storage~
Pet Storage
0 DNWX inside
Rail Line~
You are walking along the rails leading west.  The rumbling you heard is
getting louder and you see a bright light heading toward you.  What ever is
coming moves with increable speed and you have no time to move.  The train
blares the horn and you are frozen with terror.  Suddenly it slams into you
with an ungodly force, crushing every bone in your body, and dragging you
down the tracks.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99427
0 0
Rail Line~
The line leads east but starts to curve sharply toward the south, then
heading into an underground complex.  To the west, you see a small path
leading away from the tracks, should you wish more normal roads.  Off in the
distance, to the south, you see a large and decrepit looking building,
making your thoughts wander to the stability of such a place.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99372
0 0
Z 0 99427
0 0
Rail Line~
The rail line now starts to slope downward, ever so slightly, as it heads
toward a large building complex, with a massive series of rail lines heading
in and out of an underground area.  On the wall above the entrance to the
underground area is a sign "Welcome to Union Station".  Peering into the
darkness, you see there are platforms along each of the rail line, which
lead directly into the building.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99371
0 0
Z 0 99373
0 0
Rail Line~
The rail line now starts to slope downward, ever so slightly, as it heads
toward a large building complex, with a massive series of rail lines heading
in and out of an underground area.  On the wall above the entrance to the
underground area is a sign "Welcome to Union Station".  Peering into the
darkness, you see there are platforms along each of the rail line, which
lead directly into the building.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99372
0 0
Z 0 99374
0 0
Entrance to Switching Complex~
The noise and foul smelling fumes are overpowering in this area.  There
are many large metal beasts, which seems to be puffing out smoke and
growling, all around you.  There is a small ladder leading up onto a
platform, which then leads toward a large glass door.  You can also continue
to follow the rails to the south, but you feel it would be safer to get off
of them.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99373
0 0
Z 0 99376
0 0
Z 0 99375
0 0
Northern Platform~
You are standing on the end of a platform that overlooks a vast network
of rails and small paths.  Although there is a ladder leading onto the
nearest rail line, a sign, which you may want to read, is posted next to the
ladder.  The platform leads only south toward a glass door, leading into a
building.  The smell of food also wafts down the platform, originating from
inside the building.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99377
0 0
Z 0 99374
0 0
End of the Line~
You have reached the end of the rail line, which dead ends in front of a
large round metal plate, which prevents any further movement south.  There
is no ladder leading up in this area either, which forces you to return
north to continue your explorations.  There is a small hiss coming from
behind the metal plate, however you are unsure of what it is.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99374
0 0
Southern Platform~
The glass doors open automatically as you approach them, allowing a blast
of cool air to pour over your body.  The ceiling is made of glass, which
allows sunlight to fill the area with a warm glow.  You can see a large
stairwell leading upward inside the building as well as a great hall, which
is filled with all kinds of people.  The north leads to the end of the
platform, or you can enter the building through the door to the south.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99375
0 0
Z 0 99378
0 0
Union Station: South Platforms~
Glancing to the west, there are at least ten doors, leading out onto
various platforms.  To the south is a large stairwell, which leads upwards
toward the main level of the station.  The eastern way leads around a curve
into a very large hall filled with people.  If you are hungry, you smell
food coming from upstairs.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99377
0 0
Z 0 99380
0 0
Z 0 99381
0 0
Z 0 99379
0 0
Union Station: South Platforms~
The doors leading out to the platforms appear locked and will not open. 
To the south is a passage that leads to the other side on the complex.  It
appears to run under the large area above you, and has several off shoots
leading into other directions.  There is a smelly old lady snoring in the
corner, reminding you of something, but you can not remember what.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99378
0 0
Z 0 99382
0 0
The Great Hall~
This massive room is filled with great pillars of marble and the floor is
highly polished granite.  There are many benches scattered throughout the
hall for people to rest on.  There is one notable bench, which is occupied
by a sleeping man with tattered clothes.  There is also a young boy selling
items from a small booth.  You can see an exit to the far south, which
appears to lead outside.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99385
0 0
Z 0 99378
0 0
The stairs here lead up into a busy looking area, then continue upward
some more into the sunlight of the outdoors.  There is also a line of boxes
hanging from the ceiling with various times and platforms listed upon them. 
The sounds of load growling can be heard from the north, beyond a pair of
glass doors.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99378
0 0
Z 0 99388
0 0
Interconnecting Passageway~
You are in a passageway that connect to southern and northern platform of
this huge complex.  There is a door located to the west with the words
"Metra Police" on it.  The passage continues south to a new bank of glass
doors that lead onto even more platforms.  Above you, you hear a faint
rumble of cheering, causing the roof tiles to shake.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99379
0 0
Z 0 99384
0 0
ABGZ 0 99383
0 0
Metra Police Headquarters~
This room seems to house the small police force used to guard the train
complex.  It is currently empty as the on-duty officers are out protecting
the travelers.  There is a large wooden cabinet located on the back wall,
which is locked, which seems most interesting.  There is no other way out
other the to the west back into the hallway.  
0 DNWX inside
ABGZ 0 99382
0 0
Union Station: North Platforms~
This area is almost identical to the South Platforms on the other side of
the complex.  There is a passage leading east into a very large hall. 
Further along to the north, there is a set of stairs leading upwards, toward
a large eating area.  All the doors leading out to the train loading
platforms are closed and will not open.  To the east, you hear the sounds of
shouting and footsteps running.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99382
0 0
Z 0 99385
0 0
The Great Hall~
This hall is huge leading off to the south a great distance.  There is
also a passage leading outside to the north, which has fresh cool air
blowing down the passage.  There are many benches scattered throughout the
hall for people to rest upon.  To the south, you see a vendor selling some
kind of merchandise.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99386
0 0
Z 0 99380
0 0
Z 0 99384
0 0
Outdoor Passageway~
The passage heads upward slightly, leading to a bright sunny area to the
north.  The only other exits from this passage are to the south, back toward
the great hall.  There is a lingering smell of urine in the air, and a few
people sleeping or resting against the wall, although they pay you no
0 NWX city
Z 0 99387
0 0
Z 0 99385
0 0
Adams Street~
This road leads both east and west, although it appears rather short
lived heading east.  To the east, it leads to a dead end about a block away,
while to the west it heads to a large park area.  You can see a large
building to the northwest, which has a huge Red Cross, emblazed on the side
of the building.  To the south, there is a passage leading into a partly
buried building.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99386
0 0
Z 0 99403
0 0
Food Hall~
A large area is filled with tables and chairs, which is surrounded by
many vendors selling a variety of foods.  The aromas start to make the idea
of eating look very good.  To the west, there seems to a bar establishment
of some kind.  From the bar, you hear sound of cheering and the clash of
glasses banging together in a toast.  There is a second set of stairs
leading up, into the bright sunlight.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99389
0 0
Z 0 99390
0 0
Z 0 99381
0 0
A smoke filled bar~
This room is filled with smoke so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
The room is taken up mostly by a very long bar, located down the middle of
the room.  It is designed in the shape of a rectangle, with barstools
located all around it, with the bartender in the middle.  There are a few
tables located along the far wall, but they are empty.  To the south, you
can return to the food hall and leave.  You notice the bar has a small sign
attached to it, maybe you should read it.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99388
0 0
A Busy Avenue~
The stairs exit directly onto a sidewalk along a very busy looking road. 
There are many long box like vehicles that are load and have doors on the
side.  They are filled with people, yet they seem very happy being inside
the beast.  The road leads north toward yet another road or south toward a
new set of steps that lead down.  You also hear the sounds of the river to
the west.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99391
0 0
Z 0 99388
0 0
Adams Street~
You are standing on start of a large metal bridge that spans across a
very green river.  To the west you can see a large building with a large
cross on it.  As the river flows below you, you notice that small path runs
along the river on one side, although you are unsure of how to reach it. 
This place is starting to grate on the nerves, you wish you could find the
way home.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99403
0 0
Z 0 99390
0 0
Z 0 99392
0 0
Adams Street~
A large metal bridge spans a great river here, with the bridge leading
east.  To the west you can see the entrance to the build with the cross on
it.  Below the bridge flows a rather green colored river, although you
notice a small door located along the opposite bank, which has a small path
leading to it.  To the northeast, you see a large slum looking area, filled
with rundown buildings.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99391
0 0
Z 0 99393
0 0
Adams Street~
The road you are on has reached a dead end.  There is an entrance into a
large building to the north, yet again equipped with magic doors that open
without help.  From here, you notice lots of people wear white coats running
around the inside of the building and a few people push large carts with
people on them, possibly dead or injured warriors.  There is a faint aura of
death, but a much more powerful aura of life and healing from this place. 
If you don't wish to enter the building you may retreat back down the street
to the east.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99394
0 0
Z 0 99392
0 0
Hospital Entrance~
You have entered the cleanest room, or building for that matter, you have
ever seen in your life.  There are two passages leading deeper into the
building as well as a stairwell leading upward.  On the wall next to you is
a list of areas, along with which floor and direction they are located.  In
the middle of the room is a large desk, occupied by a friendly receptionist
to help direct lost visitors.  You notice a sign has been posted on the
desk, you better read it.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99395
0 0
Z 0 99398
0 0
Z 0 99393
0 0
Z 0 99400
0 0
Northward Passage~
This passage leads directly north, leading you deeper into the building. 
There is a door to the left and the passage continues north to a closed door
at the end of the passage.  All around, there is activity and you have to
keep moving, least you get run over by the crowds.  There is also a voice,
which is heard everywhere yet you are unable to locate the source, informing
you of the cleanness policy.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99397
0 0
Z 0 99396
0 0
Z 0 99394
0 0
X-Ray Room~
The door leading into the door took all your strength just to open, and
the strange object in here, makes you realize why.  Hanging from the center
of the ceiling is a large box with a tube sticking out of it, as if it were
about to fire a weapon at you.  There is also a large glass bulb that is
flashing red, with a sign warning "Stay clear when light is solid."  You
figure it is best to leave now, before you wake up the sleeping beast.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99395
0 0
M 100 H -500
A locked door~
The passage ends abruptly at a very solid looking door and a HUGE lock on
it.  Not even the best lock-picking thief would stand a chance at this lock,
which seems to mock you.  The door states "Restricted Access: Authorized
Personal Only" and guess what, you are not authorized.  You have no choice
but to head back to the south and main lobby.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99395
0 0
This passage has many doors, all of which are currently locked.  It end,
opening into a large eating area with a self-service food area located off
to the north a bit.  Your stomach wishes you had eaten sooner, as it appears
the food area is current closed.  There is a door leading south, onto a
small patio.  There are a few people eating at various tables throughout the
area, but they all ignore you.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99399
0 0
Z 0 99394
0 0
Outdoor Patio~
The warm sun, a soft breeze and the smell of fresh cut grass: the perfect
setting for a nice outdoor snack.  Even though there are more then twenty
tables out here, all are full with no place for you to sit down at.  There
are small birds scattered around; looking for scraps dropped by the
occupants of the tables.  There is no exit from the patio other then to
enter back into the cafeteria.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99398
0 0
Waiting room~
It would seem that this entire floor is used for treating the sick and
injured, as long it is not life threatening.  The room covers most of the
floor with various doors leading into small rooms along the outer wall. 
There is a desk set-up along a large window, where you check-in to see the
healers.  A very large sign grabs your attention, better read it.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99401
0 0
ABZ 0 99425
0 0
ABZ 0 99424
0 0
ABZ 0 99426
0 0
Z 0 99402
0 0
Z 0 99394
0 0
Healers Room~
This small room has only one uncomfortable bed and a sink.  The walls are
decorated with a few pictures of other healers standing over beds or helping
people.  The healer motions for you to sit and ask what he can do to help
you.  The only exit from the room is back out the door from which you
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99400
0 0
Recovery Floor~
This floor appears to be dedicated to helping injured people recover from
their wounds.  There are many beds lined up in rows and all have small
curtains around them for privacy, if needed.  There are doctors wandering
around checking on their patients as well as nurse tending to the needs of
the recovering.  All the walls have windows that allow plenty of sunlight to
enter the room, creating an uplifting sense of happiness.  There is only the
stairwell leading down, as an exit from this room.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99400
0 0
M 100 H 500
A Busy Avenue~
The road travels along the river leading in a north-south direction. 
Despite the lack of any stores or other business, this road is full of
vehicles and people rushing around.  To the north a goodly distance you see
an intersection with yet another even busier road, while south leads toward
a large partly buried building.  You also notice a small metal gate, which
is blocking access to a ladder leading down to the river.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99404
0 0
Z 0 99387
0 0
Z 0 99391
0 0
ABZ 0 99428
0 0
Play Ground~
Despite the fact there is a very busy road here, the towns' people have
erected a huge play area for all the children to play at.  The complex
consists of a large jungle gym, swings, merry go-round, and several sand
boxes.  There are a few children playing with an adult watching over them. 
If you head north, you see a row of shops.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99406
0 0
Z 0 99403
0 0
State Street Bridge~
A bridge spans a great river here, before leading deeper into a very
rundown area of the city, the slums.  The river below is green, which is
unusual, since most water your have always seen is clear.  Just across the
river you see an intersection with yet another road, which seem to
criss-cross the city.  Just on the other side of the bridge, you see a small
store, which appears closed.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99406
0 0
Z 0 99331
0 0
An Intersection~
The intersection is shaped similar to a T, with State Street going east
west.  An unnamed avenue heads north, with a small row stores along the
south edge.  It appears however that all the stores are closed.  Directly to
the east, starts the slummy area of the city, with what appears only one
building still in standing condition, and that not saying much.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99407
0 0
Z 0 99404
0 0
Z 0 99405
0 0
Start of the Slums~
The change here is staggering, within the course of one block the
condition of the building and overall quality of the city has plummeted. 
Most of the buildings have been sprayed with graffiti and almost all of them
have wood covering the broken out windows.  There is a large open area to
the east and an entrance to the only "stable" looking building this area to
the north.  You notice that everyone is staring at you, and you begin to
feel uncomfortable.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99412
0 0
Z 0 99408
0 0
Z 0 99406
0 0
Deserted Lot~
The road dead end into a large deserted lot that stretches for almost two
blocks in all directions.  Scattered about are various groups of young
adults engage in some sort of play.  To the north is a basket, mounted on a
long pole.  With people throwing a ball into it, while to the east a large
group is scattered about crashing a small ball hit by a long stick.  Most of
the people glance over then ignore you, however a few start heading toward
you from the south.  
0 NWX field
Z 0 99409
0 0
Z 0 99410
0 0
Z 0 99411
0 0
Z 0 99407
0 0
Basketball game~
A group of two men, one without his shirt, run around a small court with
a round ball, which they throw into a basket mounted at the top of a long
pole.  Despite the fast pace of the game, they all stop and look at you
before they go back to the game.  One of the boys nod to the south and warns
you to watch out for Big Top.  
0 NWX city
Z 0 99408
0 0
Baseball Game~
A group of ten or so people are spread over a field shaped like a
diamond.  One person appears to hit a small round ball with a long wooden
stick and the other player chase it around the field.  Seems very strange,
but then again you are in a very strange place.  Suddenly someone shouts,
"Home Run", wonder what the means?  
0 NWX field
Z 0 99408
0 0
Wrong Place~
This portion of the lot has no activity happening, just a few unsavory
looking characters who seem very unhappy you are here.  As you approach the
group of three men, they quickly get up and surround you.  This was
apparently not the smartest thing you could have done.  Suddenly the biggest
one, attacks you without warning.  
0 NWX field
Z 0 99408
0 0
Entrance to the Slum Building~
It is by the blessings of the Gods that this building is still standing. 
The walls are crumbling and the paint is non-existent.  The building outer
windows are almost all broken and are covered with boards to keep out the
elements.  Amazingly the front door is still standing and it appears fairly
sturdy as well.  Somebody has posted a sign on the door that you could read.

0 NWX city
Z 0 99413
0 0
Z 0 99407
0 0
Considering the area this building is in, it has a decent security
system.  The outer doors have placed you in a hallway, which contains a list
of tenants and a small trashcan.  There is an another door at the northern
end of the hallway, which appears broken and will not remain locked.  The
flickering light above your head reminds you of the danger of being in such
an unstable building.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99414
0 0
Z 0 99412
0 0
First Floor Landing~
The floor landing is rather cramped, consisting of only two doors and a
stairwell leading up.  To the left is a door marked 101 and the right is
marked as 102.  The stairs leading up are spiral in design and very tight,
since the building hallways are extremely narrow.  The overwhelming smell of
cooked cabbage lingers in the air, making you feel sick.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99413
0 0
Z 0 99415
0 0
Second Floor Landing~
The second floor landing is almost exactly the same as the first floor
landing.  Apartment 201 is on the left while 202 is located on the right
hand side.  The stairwell gets steeper leading up toward the third and last
floor in the building.  From the upper level, you can make out the sounds of
some sort of music, although it sounds rather strange.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99416
0 0
Z 0 99414
0 0
Third Floor Landing~
After much protest from the stairs, you have made it to the final level
of the building.  As with the previous levels apartment 301 is at your left
hand and 302 is on the right side.  There is a load thumping noise coming
form the 302 apartment, which is making your head throb.  A small note on
the doors states "Come on in".  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99417
0 0
Z 0 99415
0 0
A Long Hallway~
A hallway leads north, toward an enclosed living room area, and west
toward a very large dining room.  You can see a doorway branching off the
westward passage about halfway down to the dining area as well.  The floor
is a polished hardwood, making any attempt at stealth nearly impossible. 
You can hear voices coming from the north.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99422
0 0
Z 0 99418
0 0
ABZ 0 99416
0 0
A Long Hallway~
Halfway down the hall toward the dining area, you come across a door
leading north, into what appears to be a bedroom.  Further west you can see
the dining area, as well as an entrance into the kitchen.  A small dog is
lying in front of the bedroom door, sleeping.  The sounds of frying foods
are coming from the kitchen as well as the aroma of a good meal.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99419
0 0
Z 0 99420
0 0
Z 0 99417
0 0
Bed Room~
It would seem a small-localized tornado has demolished the bedroom. 
There are piles of clothes stacked up in all four corners and the bed is
unmade.  The desk is covered with papers, so many in fact that you can not
even see the wood of the desk.  As far as you can tell there is nothing is
importance here, not that you would have been able to find it anyway.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99418
0 0
Dining Room~
A small table with four sturdy looking chairs is set up in the middle of
the room, underneath a glass chandelier.  Along the east wall, a large bay
window allows the sunlight to fill the room with a reddish hue, due to the
paint on the walls.  The kitchen lies to the north and your stomach rumbles
from the delicious smell of home cooked food.  You notice a large painting
on the southern wall.  
0 DNWX inside
You see a wonderful picture of a waterfall, is seems to shimmer in the light.
Z 0 99421
0 0
Z 0 99418
0 0
The scent of fried meat, roasted potatoes and fresh baked bread fill the
air in the small kitchen.  There is an open cabinet filled with all kinds of
spices and other small bottles right next to the stove.  There is a plump
older woman standing over the stove, talking to herself about the weather. 
When she notices you, she hollers for you to get out of the kitchen.  
0 NWX inside
Z 0 99420
0 0
Living Room~
This room is nicely separated from the remainder of the house by a set of
French door, inlaid with glass panes.  The room seems to have a
small-secluded area off to the west, allowing a little more privacy if
needed.  There is a comfy looking couch up on the wall, as well as an
overstuffed easy chair.  From the west, you can hear some whispered voices. 

0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99417
0 0
Z 0 99423
0 0
Secluded Area~
Sitting at a small table filled with all kinds of gadgets and gizmos, is
a large dark skinned man.  He looks up at you then turns back to his work. 
You notice a large number of cards and other identification forms scattered
about the table.  There is very little else here and with the lack of room,
you figure you should leave him in peace.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99422
0 0
Healers Room~
This small room has only one uncomfortable bed and a sink.  The walls are
decorated with a few pictures of other healers standing over beds or helping
people.  The healer motions for you to sit and ask what he can do to help
you.  The only exit from the room is back out the door from which you
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99400
0 0
Healers Room~
This small room has only one uncomfortable bed and a sink.  The walls are
decorated with a few pictures of other healers standing over beds or helping
people.  The healer motions for you to sit and ask what he can do to help
you.  The only exit from the room is back out the door from which you
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99400
0 0
Healers Room~
This small room has only one uncomfortable bed and a sink.  The walls are
decorated with a few pictures of other healers standing over beds or helping
people.  The healer motions for you to sit and ask what he can do to help
you.  The only exit from the room is back out the door from which you
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99400
0 0
Rail Line~
You have come across more of the funny looking road, made of iron bars
with wooden braces between them.  The rails lead in a west-east direction,
while to the east the rails turn south and lead toward a large building. 
There is a rumbling coming from the westward direction, which you can not
identify.  There is also a sign here that reads "Please stay off the tracks.
Look, Listen and Live".
0 NWX city
Z 0 99371
0 0
Z 0 99352
0 0
Z 0 99370
0 0
Entrance to Drainage Control~
A small metal door stand here, equipped with a rather flimsy looking
lock.  The sounds of running water and echoing noises come from behind the
door, causing you to imagine what they could have trapped in there.  A small
red sign on the door grabs your attention, try reading it.  If you wish to
leave, you can head up toward a busy looking street.  
0 NWX city
Authorized Personal Only!!
ABZ 0 99429
0 0
ABZ 0 99403
0 0
Underground Tunnel~
Darkness embraces as you enter this tunnel; All the light from the
outside vanishes as the door slams shut behind you.  Off in the distance the
sounds of scratching and squeals can be heard, the sounds echoing back and
forth along the stone walls and metal pipes above your head.  The flickering
of your lights reveals a sign attached to the wall in front of you, with
what appear to be directions.  Despite the strength in your heart, you start
to get butterflies in your stomach.  
0 ADNWX inside
Run-off Pipes --->
<--- Power Plant cooling pools
ABZ 0 99428
0 0
Z 0 99430
0 0
Z 0 99435
0 0
Large Tunnel~
The tunnel joins into a much larger tunnel that leads both north and
south.  The new tunnel is filled with water, about 4 feet deep, you would
guess.  Looking at the water, several dark shapes dark around, quickly
moving from place to place.  You hear the thundering sound of what sounds
like a waterfall, but such a thing can't be underground, can it?  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99431
0 0
Z 0 99432
0 0
Z 0 99429
0 0
Grated Opening~
A large steel grate blocks any further movement northward, although there
is a small opening in the ceiling that allows water to fall into the tunnel.
Glancing upwards, you can see the sides of some building and hear the sounds
of the busy city above you.  Suddenly you feel a large object swim past your
leg, causing you to jump in fright, maybe you should leave before you step
on it.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99430
0 0
Water-filled Tunnel~
The tunnel proceeds deeper into the darkness of the underground, sloping
downward ever so slightly.  Several large shapes still lurk in the water
below.  The dampness makes it hard to breathe and your clothes start to
dampen with the moisture.  To the south, the sound of rushing water
cascading down fills the air and current starts to pick up speed.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99430
0 0
Z 0 99433
0 0
Retention Pond ~
The tunnel suddenly plunges into a large pit that stretches as far as the
eye can see.  The drop-off is at least several hundred feet into the icy
waters below.  Lucky for you, there is a small dam making it hard but not
impossible to fall over the edge.  You see a few dark shapes still swimming
in the water, avoiding the ledge as all cost.  There is a small ladder
leading down, but it looks very unsafe to use.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99432
0 0
Z 0 99434
0 0
Primary Pond~
You are floating in the middle of a huge pond with several cascading
waterfalls crashing all around you, creating a small wave effect on the
surface of the water.  A bump on the boat causes you to jump in fright as
you stare into the inky water, and notice a large scaly tail swimming past. 
You notice that the ladder you came down is the only means out and start
paddle toward it, rapidly.  Suddenly, there is a roar behind you and the
feel hot breath on the back of your neck...  
0 ADNWX swim
Z 0 99433
0 0
Long Tunnel~
The lack of noticeable anything in the tunnel is depressing.  It seems to
go on forever with nothing but gray stone everywhere you look.  Peering
forward, you think you can make out a small tunnel branching off, but you
are not sure.  The echo of your footsteps is the only company you have.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99429
0 0
Z 0 99436
0 0
Fork in the Tunnel~
The tunnel splits into two directions one leading west while the other
heads south.  There is a faint glow coming from the westward tunnel that
creates a curious effect of the walls.  You can see a small gate at the end
of the south tunnel.  There is a small sign posted on the wall in front of
you may want to read.  
0 ADNWX inside
West --> Cooling Pools
South --> Emergancy Maintaince Entrance to Power Plant.
Z 0 99435
0 0
Z 0 99439
0 0
Z 0 99437
0 0
A Glowing Tunnel~
As you approach a large room ahead, the glowing continues to get brighter
and stronger.  It does not appear to come from the walls themselves, rather
a reflection from an unknown source.  Ahead you see a large {Yyellow{x sign
which looks very important.  A slight splashing can be heard, as if near a
pond that is gently lapping at its shores.  
0 DNWX inside
You are about to enter a {CRadioactive{x environment.
Please follow ALL posted safety protocols.
Thank you,
Z 0 99436
0 0
Z 0 99438
0 0
Above the Cooling Pools~
A small walkway made of metal supports you, as you walk above four large
glowing pools of water.  The air is also much warmer in here then it was in
the tunnel from which you just came, although you can not fathom why.  Along
the ceiling there are small glass globes that are glowing with a bright
{Rred{x color.  You notice a sign posted along the far wall, outlined in
{Yyellow{x and {Dblack{x.  
0 DNWX inside
***If lights are flashing EVACUATE immediately***
Z 0 99437
0 0
Security Gate~
A sturdy yet unlock gates stand here barring further passage down the
corridor.  A small chair, or what is left of it, lies broken along the
floor.  Peering past the gate you see the passage turn to the left and start
to slope downward.  Despite the lack of, well anything, you start to wonder
if you should really be down here at all.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99436
0 0
ABZ 0 99440
0 0
Damp Tunnel~
As the tunnel continues to slope downward you notice the air getting
moister.  After a few feet the tunnels levels out and you see a pool of
water.  It seems a drip in the ceiling has been allowed to collect over time
creating this puddle, based on the location you figure you are under the
large river you saw earlier.  A small decomposing corpse lies next to the
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99439
0 0
Z 0 99441
0 0
Twisting Tunnel~
The tunnels leads into the darkness, twisting and turning every twenty
feet or so, creating the illusion of never-ending.  After several minutes,
the tunnel comes to a large steel door with a VERY LARGE sign on it.  From
behind the door, the faint sounds of footsteps can be heard, very strange
0 ADNWX inside
The Great Lakes Nuclear Power Plant is CLOSED until further notice.
By order of the U.S. Department of Energy.
Dated: 08/10/2004
Z 0 99440
0 0
ABZ 0 99442
0 0
Maintenance Entrance~
The largest building you have ever seen currently surrounds you.  In all
directions, no matter how far you look, you can not see the outer walls. 
The ceiling is at least fifty to seventy feet high with multiple metal
walkways interconnected through out the building.  There are also several
large containers, towering above you, scattered down the center isle.  
0 NWX inside
ABZ 0 99441
0 0
Z 0 99443
0 0
Z 0 99453
0 0
Z 0 99454
0 0
North Walkway~
The walls tower above you and strange noises echo from god know where in
this deserted building.  Off to the east, you spot some offices and what
appears to be a ladder leading upwards, into the heavens.  You think you can
see a map of the building in one of the offices.  Somewhere in the building,
a loud noise echoes around the walls.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99444
0 0
Z 0 99442
0 0
Northeast Corner~
A string of offices stretches north and a ladder leads upward.  Despite
the abandonment of the building, all the lights in the offices have been
left on and there are scattered lights on throughout the entire complex. 
Once again, your mind starts to play tricks on you, footsteps echo in the
0 DNWX inside
Plant Supervisors Office
ABZ 0 99445
0 0
Z 0 99446
0 0
Z 0 99443
0 0
Z 0 99461
0 0
Plant Supervisors Office~
The office looks like it has just been abandoned a few minutes ago. 
Papers are scattered across the desk and a cup of coffee, now ice cold,
still sits on a small side table.  Along the wall it a large map showing
various areas of the plant, but you can't read the writings.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99444
0 0
Office Strip~
A wooden door is to the east, with a sign upon it.  Looking down the long
end of the building, you still can't see the opposite wall.  Ahead you see a
large metal container, about thirty or so feet high, with no visible door,
at least on this side.  Voices...  Voices...  You hear voices, or do you?  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99444
0 0
ABZ 0 99447
0 0
Z 0 99448
0 0
Office of the Director of Operations~
This room is immaculate, not a thing is out of place.  On the far wall is
a small box labeled "Keys", which is closed but not locked.  A desk sits in
the middle of the office, empty except for an official looking piece of
paper.  A board next to the door shows some kind of work output from
something called "reactors".  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99446
0 0
Office Strip~
You have come to the last office in the row, after here the path leads
into the darkness of eternity.  A richly stained oak door leads east into a
rather plush looking office, filled with antiques.  To the west a large
container towers over you leading into the heavens above.  An ever-present
echo is bounces around your mind.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99446
0 0
ABZ 0 99449
0 0
Z 0 99450
0 0
Plant Directors Office~
Plush velvet carpet and priceless works of art fill the office.  A HUGE
desk takes up most of the room and there is not a single item on it.  Make
you wonder what this guy even does.  The office is clean and spotless,
nothing left to pillage here.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99448
0 0
East side of the Building~
The tall outer stone wall rises above you like a huge mountain cliff.  An
opening between two of the metal container lies to the west, like an
entrance into a huge ravine.  The light being provided by the office area
has disappeared and the darkness closes around you.  Far off in the distance
you, once again, hear footsteps.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99448
0 0
Z 0 99451
0 0
Between the Reactors~
Two huge iron structures loom above you on either side.  A small door
lies to the south, which appears to enter one of the structures and to the
north a ladder is leading up the side of the other one.  Darkness looms
further to the west, so deep that even light cowers from it.  
0 ANWX inside
Z 0 99450
0 0
ABZ 0 99468
0 0
Z 0 99452
0 0
Z 0 99470
0 0
Dark Aisle~
Darkness surrounds you and nothing but the faint light of your torch is
visible.  Above you, the dark shapes of the metal chambers loom.  To the
north, sounds of somebody attempting to sneak around can be heard.  A faint
hissing noise is coming from the west as well, hope it is not a huge killer
0 ANWX inside
Z 0 99453
0 0
Z 0 99451
0 0
Reactor Row~
You can see door leading out of the building to the north.  A flashing
globe, which glows a bright green, is attached to the steel wall to your
east.  To the west lies a solid wall of pipes that lead into the ground. 
There seems to be a heat source coming from the other side of the pipes.  
0 ANWX inside
Z 0 99442
0 0
Z 0 99452
0 0
North Walkway~
A line of large pipes are to the south, some with writing on them.  There
seems to be a narrow passage leading south between two groups of pipes. 
West heads toward a turn is the passage, which leads deeper into the
everlasting darkness.  A small ladder heads upward toward a small walkway
located high above the ground.  
0 ANWX inside
{BWater is {RHOT!!{x
Z 0 99442
0 0
Z 0 99455
0 0
Z 0 99459
0 0
Turn in the Darkness~
The passage suddenly turns southward, leading to utter darkness, which
chills your blood.  A scurrying noise rushes toward you in attack mode. 
Further to the south, an outline of a door is visible, from which a very
faint light can be seen.  The sound of foot steps echoes from somewhere in
the complex.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99454
0 0
Z 0 99456
0 0
Dark Passageway~
This passage is completely barren of anything resembling noteworthy.  It
is dark, long and narrow and only leads toward a door, which appears to have
a light on behind it.  A faint hiss can be heard from some where near your
location, but you can't identify from where.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99455
0 0
Z 0 99457
0 0
An Unknown Office~
The passage has come to a dead-end at a heavy looking metal door.  As you
try and open the door, you discover it is locked, and bashing it down is out
of the question, it is far too strong.  You are positive you hear noise from
inside, thus there must be another entrance somewhere.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99456
0 0
ABCFGZ 0 99458
0 0
A Hidden Office~
You have stumbled upon the secret hideout of Alex.  A small bed has been
made up in the corner and some cooking tools lie next to a cold fire pit.  A
small pile of clothes lie rumpled in a small basket.  The door has been
jammed closed and does not look like it can be opened from this side, much
less the other side.  A small lantern lie on the floor flooding the room
with a pleasant glow.  
0 DNWX inside
ABCFGZ 0 99457
0 0
Z 0 99467
0 0
Climbing the Ladder~
The ladder is old and covered in rust, which seems to dig into your
hands, causing small bleeding wounds.  As you climb higher, the ladder
starts to creak and groan with protest.  Glancing above up, you can see the
top of the ladder, which ends at a closed metal grate.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99460
0 0
Z 0 99454
0 0
Locked Grate~
At long last you have reached to top of the ladder.  As you push up on
the grate, you realize it has rusted shut and will not open.  You groan is
despair when you realize you climbed the ladder for nothing; although the
view allows you to see most of the buildings interior, which unfortunately
is mostly darkness.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99459
0 0
Climbing the Ladder~
Despite the condition of the rest of the building, this ladder has been
well maintained.  It is freshly painted and has rubber grips to help prevent
slips while climbing it.  As you glance out over the build, you notice that
the offices seem to have no roof, allowing you to see into them.  Luckily
you are far enough away where you need not worry about falling into an
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99462
0 0
Z 0 99444
0 0
An Open Grate~
The top of the ladders lead upon an open grate which is also been
cleaned.  It is free of rust and opens and shuts with ease.  It seems
strange since the other metal parts around it have been neglected.  A voice
calls out in surprise as you stick your head up, and a see a figure running
away out of the corner of your eye.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99463
0 0
Z 0 99461
0 0
The Catwalks~
The walkway you stand upon is slightly shaky and the fact that it is not
solid concerns you greatly.  It appears to be made of a light metal mesh
that you can see through, and the ground is a long way down.  The metal
groans as you step on it, and you pray it will not collapse under your
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99464
0 0
Z 0 99462
0 0
The Catwalks~
The walkway you stand upon is slightly shaky and the fact that it is not
solid concerns you greatly.  It appears to be made of a light metal mesh
that you can see through, and the ground is a long way down.  The metal
groans as you step on it, and you pray it will not collapse under your
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99463
0 0
Z 0 99465
0 0
The Catwalks~
The catwalk now cross over the top of the very large metal containers you
say on the ground.  The top on the containers is only about ten feet from
the ladder and although you could jump, you don't see a way down from the
container itself.  To the northeast, the sound of footsteps can be heard
running away.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99466
0 0
Z 0 99464
0 0
The Catwalks~
As you walk along the very high and unstable catwalk, you suddenly notice
something hanging from the ceiling, you think.  The metal, although it
groans seems to be adjusting to the use and your weight.  A small shaft of
light can be seen off to the north, although no source in visible.  You
think some is moving around downstairs, but in the darkness it is impossible
to tell.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99467
0 0
Z 0 99465
0 0
The Catwalks~
An opening lies below you, leading into a large office type area.  From
what you can see from here, it looks as if somebody is living down there.  A
small ladder leads into the opening below.  There is a path leading
northward, however the floor is very rusty and parts of it are hanging down.

0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99466
0 0
Z 0 99458
0 0
Inside the Reactor~
Your footsteps echo loudly in your ears as you enter the dark chamber of
the unknown.  A large block with many round holes fills the majority of the
space inside the container.  As you approach it, a loud snarling is heard
and a glint of white reflects from the light of your torch.  Maybe you
should consider leaving and making sure you close the door behind you.  
0 ADNWX inside
ABZ 0 99451
0 0
Z 0 99469
0 0
Inside the Reactor~
You foolishly walk behind the large cube with many holes, discover a
small pile of glowing rods lying on the floor.  A large pile of bones lies
scattered all round it and a low growl is heard in the darkness.  You jump
in fright as something rushes past you and races off into the darkness.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99468
0 0
A Short Ladder~
You have reached the top of the ladder, which consists of a dead end. 
The purpose for the ladder currently escapes you, but who knows.  You have
no choice but to go back down.  
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99451
0 0
Verification Room~
This room is here to insure you bring nothing back into your own time,
which does not belong.  Please follow the instructions given to you be the
nice fellow here.  Thank you and have a nice day!!  You see a passageway
leading east toward a bright glowing portal.  
0 DNWX inside
Z 0 99217
0 0
Guard Sleeping Quarters~
This is where the elite guards sleep.  Lucky for you, they are all on
duty.  There is a small ladder leading down into a very dark tunnel.  
0 NWX inside
Z 0 99217
0 0
Z 0 99473
0 0
An Escape Tunnel~
The tunnel leads down at a very steep angle and leads toward a bright
light at the bottom.  Cobwebs line the walls, proving that this passage has
not been used in a very long time.  
Upon closer inspection, the passage down has been blocked with large stones,
as if somebody did not wish you to escape.
0 ADNWX inside
Z 0 99472
0 0
Atop the Hillside~
The brush clear as you approach the top of the hill.  From this vantage
point, you can see for miles in all directions.  To the east lie a great
expanse of water, most likely the Dragon Sea, the north is covered with
large trees blocking sight of the ground, south lies a great mountain ranged
covered with snow, and to the west lies a great desert with small black
specks in the far reaches of the golden sand.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99578
0 0
Z 0 99532
0 0
Z 0 99475
0 0
Z 0 99635
0 0
Z 0 99221
0 0
Start of the Brush~
Tall grass and thick shrubs line to rugged path heading toward the mighty
mountain range.  The slight wind makes it imposable to tell if an animal is
lucking in the brush or not.  The sun overhead beats down, causing a ripple
effect in the air.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99474
0 0
Z 0 99477
0 0
Vampire Food Storeage Area~
If you are here, you should not be.
0 NX inside
A rugged trail~
The path suddenly slopes downward at a steep angle, leading into a deep
ravine, hidden from above by the tall grass.  It appears the ravine leads
toward a dead end located a great distance away, with the path getting
narrower as it approaches the end.  A low rumbling noise can be heard
echoing down the ravine walls.  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99475
0 0
Z 0 99478
0 0
The Dark Ravine~
The pathway is lined with small bones and rotting chucks of flesh.  The
smell is beginning to make your head swim.  As you glance around, you notice
the rock has been cut very strangely, as if to allow an escape from the
ravine.  Several large birds circle overhead, out of range of any weapons
you may be carrying.  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99477
0 0
Z 0 99479
0 0
The Dark Ravine~
You have reached the end of the ravine, with nothing but solid rock
surrounding you.  The walls are at least two hundred feet tall and only a
few small bushes and trees managed to grow in the darkness that envelops
you.  One of the bushes seems to sway, despite the fact there is almost no
wind at the end of the ravine.  
0 ANX mountain
As you examine the bush, you notice it is covering a small entrance in the base of the wall.
Z 0 99478
0 0
ABZ 0 99480
0 0
A Secret Cave~
It appears this cave has been carved out of the rock.  The walls while
rough don't look natural in design.  There is a large open area deeper into
the cave, and a small chest lies to the side of the wall here.  The floor is
worn is a way that appears that a lot of movement occurs deeper in the cave.

0 ANX mountain
ABZ 0 99479
0 0
Z 0 99481
0 0
Deeper into the Cave~
The passage leads straight back toward a very large cavern, which appear
to be well lit.  The path starts to slope downward and the air gets a slight
chill to it.  There are a series of rings attached to the walls for which
you cannot fathom why.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99480
0 0
Z 0 99482
0 0
A Large Cavern~
The passage suddenly expands into a large open cavern.  The area is well
lit with torches stuck into the ground, casting shadows onto the walls
behind you.  A large open pit in the center has a roaring fire, with an
animal of some kind roasting on a spit.  A set of crude stairs is located in
the back of the cavern, leading into the darkness.  
0 0 mountain
Z 0 99481
0 0
Z 0 99483
0 0
Crude Stairway~
The stairs while cut directly from the stone are fairly well made, if not
even.  Torches line the sides of the stairs until it reaches the ceiling
then, darkness surrounds you.  The walls seem to close in around you as you
climb higher into the darkness.  The air suddenly begins to get very cold,
and you can see your breath when you exhale.  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99484
0 0
Z 0 99482
0 0
Crude Stairwell~
The stairwell continues upward while turning to the left at the same
time.  The top of the stairwell is bathed in sunlight, indicating a way out
of here.  A brisk breeze from above chills you to the very bone.  The smell
of roasting meat wafts up from the lower level, inviting to sit and have a
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99485
0 0
Z 0 99483
0 0
A Narrow Cliff Path~
The path is extremely narrow here with a very, very, very long drop to
the bottom.  The bitter chill in the air starts to make your toes and
fingers go numb.  A powerful wind blows all around you, threatening to blow
you off the cliff.  You notice a series of caves above up, some with smoke
blowing out of them, maybe people will to share a warm blanket.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99486
0 0
Z 0 99484
0 0
Bitterly Cold Mountain Pass~
Snow drifts are starting to form along the cliff wall, making the path
even narrower.  The path curves around several large bounders, probably here
from a prior landslide.  There is a dark patch lying next to one of the
boulders, although it is hard to see what it is.  A howling can be heard
echoing around the valley.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99487
0 0
Z 0 99485
0 0
Boulder Littered Path~
Large boulders cover the ground making it difficult to continue forward. 
It appears the latest landslide was recently as a fresh corpse is dead,
crushed under the weight of a huge boulder.  There is a slight chance you
could climb over the boulders, however should you slip and fall; it would be
most painful.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99486
0 0
Z 0 99488
0 0
Windy Mountain Pass~
The wind continues to freeze you to the bone, causing you to shiver. 
Tall walls of solid stone lie on each side of the path causing the wind to
seem colder, sucking the life from your chilled flesh.  A rope ladder is
dangling in the wind, leading upward to a cave entrance.  An unhappy figure
can be seen peering over the edge, looking at you.  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99487
0 0
Z 0 99489
0 0
M 100 H -50
The Rope Ladder~
As the wind flings you about like a rag doll, you cling to the rope
ladder for dear life.  Thankfully the ladder is well made and does not
appear ready to break.  For some reason, the climb it taking longer then you
planned, and upon looking down you wish you had not.  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99490
0 0
Z 0 99488
0 0
Top of the Rope Ladder~
The top of the ladder has been reached, thank goodness.  You can hear the
sounds of something or someone moving around on the ledge above you.  The
wind is blowing more fiercely now that you have cleared the cliff walls,
chilling you even more.  Off in the distance, a large form can be seen
circling the nearby cliffs.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99491
0 0
Z 0 99489
0 0
Upper Cliffs Edge~
You are looking out over the nearby tops of the surrounding mountains. 
Flakes of white snowflakes drift around like small swirling whirlpools
before blowing out over the cliff into oblivion.  A small path lead westward
into a cave, which has a flicking light deep within it.  Several large forms
can be seen patrolling the lower cliffs from here, hope they don't notice
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99492
0 0
Z 0 99490
0 0
Outer Cave Entrance~
A crude door made of rough logs lashed together cover the cave entrance,
however with the poor quality of the workmanship you can still see beyond
the door.  Several figures can be seen rushing from tunnels branching off the
main one.  A small fire is burning here, although you don't seem to see
anybody around.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99491
0 0
ABCZ 99298 99493
0 0
Main Tunnel~
This tunnel has been widened, without a lot of stability from the looks
of the cracked crossbeams.  Torches flicker along the ceiling lighting the
entire tunnel length, which makes it hard to conceal your presence.  There
is a smaller tunnel leading north and the main tunnel continues west.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99495
0 0
ABCZ 99298 99492
0 0
Z 0 99494
0 0
Main Tunnel~
The tunnel here appears to be more natural and lacks the rotted
crossbeams from the main entrance area.  Ahead the tunnel appears to open
into a huge cavern lit by a large bonfire, similar to the base camp located
at the bottom of the mountain.  There is a small tunnel leading south here,
but a foul odor wafts up from the tunnel.  A large cage is hanging from the
ceiling here, recessed into an alcove.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99493
0 0
Z 0 99496
0 0
Z 0 99499
0 0
Mountain Dwellers Nursery~
The tunnel leads into a small cave filled with furs and crudely made
cribs.  A large cabinet stands back along the wall filled with folded cloth
and bottles made from stone.  In one corner there is a small fence to keep
the little one from escaping.  A large guard stands by the door, ready to
kill any who attack the young ones.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99493
0 0
Dining Hall~
The rather short tunnel has opened into huge room filled with tables;
lucky for you it is not dinnertime yet.  A few lowly slaves wander around
cleaning the floor or setting the tables for the nightly feast.  A small
door is located along to east wall and another located on the south wall.  A
trail of blood is running from the eastern door, dripping into a small hole
in the floor.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99494
0 0
ABZ 0 99498
0 0
ABZ 0 99497
0 0
A Dirty Kitchen~
You trip over a pile of dirty pots and pans as you enter the kitchen,
making an awful racket.  A large brick oven is burning brightly with a large
pot hanging over it.  A large pit is filled with all kinds of veggies and a
series of shelves hold jars of liquids and assorted fruits.  A small window
carved into the rock wall leads outside, allowing the smoke to drift
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99496
0 0
Beast Slaughter Area~
- The overwhelming stench of rotting meat fills the air in this room. 
Despite having a huge open area carved into the rock, the smell refuses to
leave.  Several large animals are resting on a table and other hang from
hooks attached to the roof.  The floor is slick with blood and a small
stream of it run out under the door.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99496
0 0
Beginning of the Great Hall~
You stand in the narrow part of a huge cavern, which appears to be
naturally formed and quite beautiful.  Stalagmites grow from the ground
reaching up toward the heavens sometimes meeting with the equally impressive
stalactites that drop from the ceiling, like a set of teeth from a long
forgotten beast.  A huge fire burns to the west with a small group huddled
around it.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99494
0 0
Z 0 99500
0 0
A Massive Bonfire~
A fire the size of which you have yet to ever see burns in the middle of
this massive cavern.  A small group of people is talking in low tones,
unaware of your presence.  The hall extends in all direction from this point
with tunnels visible along every wall as well as a ladder, located to the
north, leading to an upper level.  The squawk of a bird can be heard echoing
off the wall, making it imposable to locate where it came from.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99501
0 0
Z 0 99499
0 0
Z 0 99502
0 0
Z 0 99504
0 0
Northern End of the Great Hall~
Unlike most grand hall, where the northern section houses the throne,
this hall seems to lose its splendor.  The cavern narrows into a small
passage with a sign attached above the entryway.  Glancing down the passage,
you see a well-built door, consider what you have seen so far, with two very
large guards standing on either side.  
0 DNX inside
Prison Guards and Torturers Only.
ABZ 0 99506
0 0
Z 0 99500
0 0
Z 0 99525
0 0
Southern End of the Great Hall~
As you approach the southern side of the hall, you notice several small
holes in the wall surrounding the door and you notice a few have eyes
looking through them.  A small shudder of fear ripples through your body as
you glance at the door, wondering what hides on the other side.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99500
0 0
ABZ 0 99520
0 0
Private Room of Zsuzsu~
0 DNX inside
Western End of the Great Hall~
A huge section of the other wall has been removed here, creating a large
open balcony, which is closed off by a flimsy set of animals' hides that
blow in the wind.  Along the wall remaining, murals and crude drawing have
been painted on with blood and crush plant dyes.  A set of chairs is set up
before the hides, with a throne looking on in the center; this must be the
royal seating area.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99500
0 0
Z 0 99505
0 0
The Balcony~
The wind is not as bitter as it was outside the mountain, thanks to the
fact the balcony is partly enclosed.  You have amazing view of the
countryside from here, with the mountaintops glinting with their snow peaks
and beyond that a sea of green grass for as far as the eye can see.  Looking
down, you can see the entire path, which leads up to the palace, an early
warning system in case of an attack.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99504
0 0
Entrance to the Prisons~
As you step into the dark tunnel, all the light from the bonfire seems to
vanish like magic.  The tunnel slope downward at a steep angle and the air
get quite chilly as you descend into the depths of the mountain.  Ahead the
tunnel opens into a large circular area with a large open pit in the center,
with a large troll standing nearby.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99507
0 0
ABZ 0 99501
0 0
Above the Torture Pit~
A shallow yet wide pit covers the center of this room.  Inside the pit,
you can see several figures tied down and other are attached to strange
looking devices.  A few large trolls wander around beating and torturing the
helpless prisoners.  There are door on all the walls except for the south
wall, which contains the passageway out.  Moans and cries can be heard from
behind the doors, sounds that tear at you heart.  
0 DNX inside
ABCZ 99310 99508
0 0
ABCZ 99310 99509
0 0
Z 0 99506
0 0
ABCZ 99310 99510
0 0
Z 0 99511
0 0
A Filthy Cell~
- Despite the large size of the cell, it seems cramped since there are 5
prisoners all crowded together.  The jailer must feel safe, since none of
the prisoners are chained or locked down by any means.  There are all types
of prisoners and they all stare at you then look away in fear.  
0 ADNX inside
ABCZ 0 99507
0 0
A Filthy Cell~
- Despite the large size of the cell, it seems cramped since there are 5
prisoners all crowded together.  The jailer must feel safe, since none of
the prisoners are chained or locked down by any means.  There are all types
of prisoners and they all stare at you then look away in fear.  
0 ADNX inside
ABCZ 0 99507
0 0
A Filthy Cell~
- Despite the large size of the cell, it seems cramped since there are 5
prisoners all crowded together.  The jailer must feel safe, since none of
the prisoners are chained or locked down by any means.  There are all types
of prisoners and they all stare at you then look away in fear.  
0 ADNX inside
ABCZ 0 99507
0 0
Alcove of the Torture Pit~
You are standing in a small alcove the houses the ladder, used to prevent
an escape from slaves; since only one person can fit in here at a time.  To
the north, you can personally witness the ways of enforcing power of the
slaves as the many tortures work their skills; however if you are a weak
stomach you might wish to just climb back up the ladder.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99512
0 0
Z 0 99507
0 0
Standing at the Rack~
A large table with a bloodied body stands before you.  The poor being has
ropes attached to his hand and feet; then the ropes have been tightened so
far it appears his shoulder have popped out.  Seeing the obvious pain the
poor fellow is in, makes you wonder in death is a welcome release.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99516
0 0
Z 0 99511
0 0
Z 0 99513
0 0
Wandering the Torture Pit~
This path leads around the various device of pain and leads to a
multitude of pain in every direction.  To the north a large metal case is
leaning against the wall, the west has a table covered in small nails, and
east the path continues past the rack.  Several guards and torturers patrol
the area better not get caught, least you end up as one of the prisoners.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99515
0 0
Z 0 99512
0 0
Z 0 99514
0 0
The Bed of Nails, Ouch!~
A slab of stone that is covered with small point spikes along the entire
slab takes up the major part of this area.  A small elf is currently
occupying the bed and looks very unhappy about it.  A large beam is hovering
above the chest of the elf and once in a while, presses down forcing the
nails deeper into his body.  You suddenly feel very sick, find a pot quick. 
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99513
0 0
The Iron Maiden~
A large metal coffin leans against the wall, with a small fire pit below
it.  Although the size would indicate that a humanoid would fit inside, you
assume that it is used to cook meat for the prison area.  A small latch on
the front allows you to open and step inside, should you wish too.  A small
table next to you has a small amount of items which you unfamiliar to you.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99526
0 0
Z 0 99513
0 0
Wandering the Torture Pit~
The path ends at a wall with a small door to the east.  To the north a
small living area has been setup for the guards and south leads toward a
small area filled with torture devices and other instruments.  Blood covers
the floor and the endless screams of pain echo around the walls, with the
occasional cheer from the torturers.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99517
0 0
ABZ 0 99519
0 0
Z 0 99518
0 0
Z 0 99512
0 0
Guards Living Area~
- Several beds are lined up, with small footlocker at the end of each
bed.  A large table covered with partly eaten food sits in one corner and a
few guards are getting some sleep.  The floor is cleaner then the rest of
the pit and a large carpet adds sense of home to the evil area.  A large
fire has a large boar cooking on a spit.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99516
0 0
Storage Area~
Several large cabinets and shelves fill this area.  A large table is
covered with various tools used to inflict pain and suffering on the
prisoner kept here.  A basin has been set-up to help clean the tools after
they have been used, to keep them in good working shape.  A small orc is
here working and organizing the cabinets into an orderly system.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99516
0 0
A Dark Cell~
You have stepped into a cell so small you are forced to bend over to even
fit inside, luckily it is currently empty.  The door allows almost no light
to enter the cell making you wonder where the walls are.  With the severe
lack of space, you start to panic feeling very claustrophobic.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99516
0 0
Living Quarters Corridor~
A layers of furry animal hides cover the floor and torches burn brightly
light the entire passage.  The passage lead southward toward a large bronze
door with smaller doors leading off to the sides along the way.  Small
alcoves to the either side house a set of guards' dedicated to protecting
the residents of the palace.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99502
0 0
Z 0 99527
0 0
Z 0 99521
0 0
Z 0 99528
0 0
Living Quarters Corridor~
The passage continues toward the bronze door, and two doors exit the
passage to the east and west.  The floor is covered here as well, with a few
painting crudely drawn on the walls.  You can hear snoring behind the doors,
inviting you to investigate.  
0 NX inside
Z 0 99520
0 0
ABZ 0 99522
0 0
Z 0 99524
0 0
ABZ 0 99523
0 0
Common Living Area~
Bunk beds fill the room and a large chest is used to store the belongings
of the servants.  A fire pit in the center of the room provides both light
and warmth for the entire room.  A few people are sleeping, although it
appears most are out working else where in the complex.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99521
0 0
Common Living Area~
Bunk beds fill the room and a large chest is used to store the belongings
of the servants.  A fire pit in the center of the room provides both light
and warmth for the entire room.  A few people are sleeping, although it
appears most are out working else where in the complex.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99521
0 0
Door to the Royal Chambers~
The bronze door shines brilliantly with the light provided from the
multiple torches.  A large guards stands to one side making sure only the
proper people are allowed to enter the royal chambers.  Unless you are
granted access to the chambers, you will have to return back to the main
chambers to the north.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99521
0 0
ABFGZ 0 99529
0 0
Guard Lookout Point~
From this vantage point, the guards can see the mountain path below.  A
large bow leans against the wall and several arrow are scattered along the
floor.  A small guardrail has been built to help ensure the guards do not
slip over the edge to their death; however the lack of guard and the dead
body you saw earlier would seem to indicate it did not work.  
0 NX inside
Z 0 99501
0 0
Inside the Iron Maiden~
As you step inside, your stomach suddenly heaves and you vomit all over
the floor.  There are at least three charred bodies inside with one more
partly cooked.  A poor felar is moaning in pain as he is slowly cooked
alive.  His fur has all burned off, filling the inside of the coffin with a
very foul smell.  He looks at you and whispers something you can't hear.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99515
0 0
Guard Alcove~
This narrow space allow guards to attack invaders from behind a stone
barrier, thus protecting them in a fight.  A small pile of embers burns
giving off just enough light and heat to warm the small room.  A bedroll
hangs from the ceiling for the guards during the time of peace.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99520
0 0
Guard Alcove~
This narrow space allow guards to attack invaders from behind a stone
barrier, thus protecting them in a fight.  A small pile of embers burns
giving off just enough light and heat to warm the small room.  A bedroll
hangs from the ceiling for the guards during the time of peace.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99520
0 0
Foyer of the Royal Bed Chambers~
A polished stone floor greets visitors and family members alike.  A small
stool is here to assist in the removal of shoes, which are prohibited within
the royal chambers.  A large chamber lies to the south, filled with large
rugs and pillow.  Several large windows provide light and fresh air to the
room, although it must be awful if it rains.  
0 DNX inside
ABFGZ 0 99524
0 0
Z 0 99531
0 0
Quest Staging Area~
This is where Sadin prepares quests and lauches his attacks on the mortals of the realm.
If you are here alone, better leave quickly before he thinks you are cheating.
0 D inside
Royal Bed Chambers~
A large, I mean very large, animal hide lies on the floor.  Despite the
lack of fur, the covering is very soft and seems very comfy to rest on.  A
few pillows, stuffed with feathers, lie scattered about the room and some
blankets are piled up in the corner.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99529
0 0
Path Toward the Forsaken Sea~
The path slowly starts to turn from plush plant life into a sandy
expanse.  There is the sound of surf crashing ashore further to the east,
and several sea faring birds are circling the sky.  The smell of salt starts
to fill the air the further east you continue, hope you brought a boat
0 NX hills
Z 0 99533
0 0
Z 0 99474
0 0
Edge of a White Sand Beach~
The dirty sands of the grass plains give way to a sparkling white sand
beach.  Waves come crashing ashore with the sound of a thousand charging
horse, and further down the beach large rock formations create small
sheltered pools of water.  A few sea gulls wander the shore looking for a
meal along the surfs edge.  
0 CNX field
Z 0 99534
0 0
Z 0 99536
0 0
Z 0 99532
0 0
Strange Rock Formation~
Although the rock seems natural to the area, the way it has formed looks
artificial.  There is no good reason for this deduction, but it just does. 
As the waves crash over the rocks small pools form within the crevices and
indentations of the rocks.  Small shellfish scatter about each time the
water rushes over them, as if they are looking for the way home.  
0 CNX field
Z 0 99535
0 0
Z 0 99533
0 0
Walking in the Shallows~
Small waves splash up against your ankles as you wade along close to the
shore.  Small fish swim around, tickling your legs.  Looking out over the
blue waters, you see large creatures surface before disappearing below the
waves again.  The call of the gulls rings out over the beach as they hunt
for food.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99537
0 0
Z 0 99536
0 0
Z 0 99534
0 0
Walking in the Shallows~
Small waves splash up against your ankles as you wade along close to the
shore.  Small fish swim around, tickling your legs.  Looking out over the
blue waters, you see large creatures surface before disappearing below the
waves again.  The call of the gulls rings out over the beach as they hunt
for food.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99535
0 0
Z 0 99545
0 0
Z 0 99533
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The white sands below you vanish as the sea suddenly becomes very deep,
turning the waters a dark blue.  Clouds drift overhead with the gentle
breezes that blow along the calm and peaceful surface.  Small whitecaps
break the surface as small fish leap from the water and gracefully splash
back into the inky depths of the sea.  To the west you can see the sparkling
sands of a white beach.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99540
0 0
Z 0 99545
0 0
Z 0 99535
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the east a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go east.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99542
0 0
Z 0 99539
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99538
0 0
Z 0 99543
0 0
Z 0 99540
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99539
0 0
Z 0 99544
0 0
Z 0 99537
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the north a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go north.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99546
0 0
Z 0 99542
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the south a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go south.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99538
0 0
Z 0 99541
0 0
Z 0 99543
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99539
0 0
Z 0 99542
0 0
Z 0 99547
0 0
Z 0 99544
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99540
0 0
Z 0 99543
0 0
Z 0 99548
0 0
Z 0 99545
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The white sands below you vanish as the sea suddenly becomes very deep,
turning the waters a dark blue.  Clouds drift overhead with the gentle
breezes that blow along the calm and peaceful surface.  Small whitecaps
break the surface as small fish leap from the water and gracefully splash
back into the inky depths of the sea.  To the west you can see the sparkling
sands of a white beach.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99537
0 0
Z 0 99544
0 0
Z 0 99549
0 0
Z 0 99536
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the west a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go west.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99541
0 0
Z 0 99550
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the east a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go east.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99543
0 0
Z 0 99552
0 0
Z 0 99548
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99544
0 0
Z 0 99547
0 0
Z 0 99553
0 0
Z 0 99549
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the south a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go south.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99545
0 0
Z 0 99548
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99546
0 0
Z 0 99555
0 0
Z 0 99551
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the north a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go north.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99550
0 0
Z 0 99556
0 0
Z 0 99552
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99547
0 0
Z 0 99551
0 0
Z 0 99557
0 0
Z 0 99553
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the west a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go west.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99548
0 0
Z 0 99552
0 0
Z 0 99558
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the west a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go west.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99562
0 0
Z 0 99565
0 0
Z 0 99569
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99550
0 0
Z 0 99560
0 0
Z 0 99556
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The sea seems much rougher here, despite the lack of any land of shallows
nearby.  The smooth surface is broken with the frequent breaking of
whitecaps of various sizes, although not large enough to swamp you.  There
is also the noticeable lack of life in this immediate area; maybe a large
killer lurks nearby.  You do notice that most of the bubbles on the surface
seem to drift southward with a quick pace.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99551
0 0
Z 0 99555
0 0
Z 0 99571
0 0
Z 0 99557
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99552
0 0
Z 0 99556
0 0
Z 0 99562
0 0
Z 0 99558
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99553
0 0
Z 0 99557
0 0
Z 0 99563
0 0
Z 0 99559
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the north a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go north.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99558
0 0
Z 0 99564
0 0
The Violent Sea~
There is violence in the water that seems alive and wishing to destroy
you and all other thing is this area.  Large waves seem to come from all
directions causing your boat to nearly capsize several times.  Part of the
current seems to rush west while at the same time east, causing a violent
result.  Glancing to the east, you can see a rocky beach beckoning you, if
you can avoid crushing your boat upon the sharp bounders in the process.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99555
0 0
Z 0 99573
0 0
Z 0 99571
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The sea seems much rougher here, despite the lack of any land of shallows
nearby.  The smooth surface is broken with the frequent breaking of
whitecaps of various sizes, although not large enough to swamp you.  There
is also the noticeable lack of life in this immediate area; maybe a large
killer lurks nearby.  You do notice that most of the bubbles on the surface
seem to drift eastward with a quick pace.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99557
0 0
Z 0 99571
0 0
Z 0 99554
0 0
Z 0 99563
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the south a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go south.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99558
0 0
Z 0 99562
0 0
Z 0 99564
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99559
0 0
Z 0 99563
0 0
Z 0 99566
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The sea seems much rougher here, despite the lack of any land of shallows
nearby.  The smooth surface is broken with the frequent breaking of
whitecaps of various sizes, although not large enough to swamp you.  There
is also the noticeable lack of life in this immediate area; maybe a large
killer lurks nearby.  You do notice that most of the bubbles on the surface
seem to drift northward with a quick pace.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99571
0 0
Z 0 99568
0 0
Z 0 99554
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the east a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go east.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99564
0 0
Z 0 99572
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the north a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go north.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99568
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99565
0 0
Z 0 99567
0 0
Z 0 99569
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99554
0 0
Z 0 99568
0 0
Z 0 99570
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  To the north a large green seaweed mass
floats past, making it impossible to go north.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99569
0 0
Z 0 99572
0 0
The Whirlpool~
Suddenly this seems the worst place to be at the current time.  The once
calm sea suddenly turns into a massive swirling vortex, leading down.  The
current quickly grabs you and begins to suck you toward the center of the
spinning mass of water.  Spinning, you can't stop the spinning.  Faster and
faster toward the unknown, then you get sucked down into a tunnel and swiftly
carried away.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99556
0 0
Z 0 99560
0 0
Z 0 99565
0 0
Z 0 99562
0 0
Sailing the Forsaken Sea~
The deep blue waters of the sea surround you in all directions as far as
the eye can see.  The stillness of the ocean is only broken while a large
animal surfaces for air or looks around for food.  No matter how hard you
try, land is nowhere to be seen, and making you wonder in leaving the beach
was such a good idea after all.  
0 NX noswim
Z 0 99566
0 0
Z 0 99570
0 0
Rocky Beach~
Gone are the pristine white beaches you launched from earlier.  This
beach is covered with rocks of all type: small, large, dull and sharp, but
there is no beauty here.  The beach itself is rather wide although not long,
surrounded by large cliffs, which look impossible to climb.  A cave entrance
can be seen to the east, slightly hidden in the shadows of the cliffs
above.  The only life you see here is the occasional gull as it soars above
your head.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99574
0 0
Z 0 99560
0 0
A Dark Entrance~
A long tunnel leads deep into the solid stone cliff, with the faint sound
of splashing water echoing down from the darkness.  A scratching of claws of
stone can be heard rushing toward your position, making your mind race about
retreating back toward to safety of the sea.  Maybe there is something of
great value hidden deep in the mountain, is it worth a look?  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99575
0 0
Z 0 99573
0 0
A Frightening Tunnel~
A loud snarling suddenly makes you stop in your tracks, as a something
moves among to shadows.  Your weak light does little to drive back the
darkness or your fears, as you stand there peering down the tunnel.  The
sound water rush water is getting closer as well, filling the area with a
relaxing yet un-nerving sound.  
0 ANX mountain
Z 0 99576
0 0
Z 0 99574
0 0
Edge of the Pit~
A deep pit lies before you, but the walls are very uneven giving you
ample foot holds should you wish to venture down into the darkness.  Peering
into the open space below, you can see the reflection of your light bouncing
back the pool of water covering the pit floor.  The pit is filled by a small
hole in the side of the wall, from which water rushes in, yet the pit never
overflows.  There must be a secret opening on the pit floor to allow extra
water to drain, maybe a secret treasure.  
0 DNX mountain
Z 0 99575
0 0
Z 0 99577
0 0
The Bottom of the Pit~
An eerie green glow seems to emanate from the pit floor and walls, which
are covered with a slimy yet harmless fungus.  A large dark mass does seem
to occupy the far area of the pit seems to pulsate as you approach, but does
not move toward you.  You do notice the lack of any opening in the floor or
walls, yet still the water levels never rises above a few feet.  You can
clamber back up the wall, if you tire of standing in ice-cold water.  
0 DNX mountain
Z 0 99576
0 0
Edge of a Plush Forest~
Small trees and colorful shrubs grow plentiful here, before leading deep
into a large forest.  Beyond the tree line shafts of sunlight reveal small
animals scurrying about and the large trucks of the trees, which seem to
reach the heaven they grow so tall.  Despite the cheerfulness of the scene,
a dark warning has been placed at the forest edge, a polished human skull
gleams a brilliant {Wwhite{x; warning all away.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99579
0 0
Z 0 99474
0 0
Trail Though the Forest~
Tempting fate, you bravely press deeper into the forest.  As you wonder
deeper into the forest, you suddenly realize the trail you thought you were
following has vanished, and the only visible paths lead only east and west. 
A sudden snapping in the nearby bush, sends ripples down your spine, making
you wonder in entering this forest was a nice idea.  Glancing carefully at
the ground, you notice the path-leading west has many more footprints, maybe
a place of safety.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99580
0 0
Z 0 99588
0 0
A Path Deep in the Forest~
Having completely lost your sense of direction, you wander aimlessly down
the path.  Off in the distance a faint rumbling can be heard as if a great
waterfall if crash over rocks.  A small animal stares at you from a nearby
tree, but disappears as you glare at it.  A small pond can be seen off to
the east, inviting you to dive in and take a swim.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99581
0 0
Z 0 99579
0 0
A Secluded Pond~
Sparkling clear water fills the large pond that is feed from a thundering
waterfall to the north.  A bright rainbow has been created from the water
vapors of the waterfall, arching over the entire pond.  Small fish dart
around the pool while in the center a small island has a lone tree growing
from it.  If you have a boat, you could travel toward the waterfall or else
you must head back west into the forest.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99582
0 0
Z 0 99580
0 0
The Thundering Waterfall~
The sound of the waterfall is deafening, making it impossible to speak or
hear most anything.  As the water comes crashing into the pond the mist
fills the air, making seem as if a light rain is falling.  A small dark area
can be seen beyond the wall of falling water, although he can not see an
easy path to get past the falls, without getting really wet.  It appears
this was a dead end, with the only path leading back into the forest to the
0 NWX noswim
It appears you could enter the waterfall and see it there is anything
behind the wall of water.  
Z 0 99581
0 0
Behind the Waterfall~
A small passageway leads down into the bedrock, leaving behind the bright
and cheerful feelings of the surface.  An uneasy feeling overcomes as you
stare down the dark hole, as you wonder what could be lucking in the shadows
for you.  Although not steep, the passage is slick from the waterfall, as it
sometimes splashes down the passage, creating a mini-stream that rushes into
the darkness.  
0 NX mountain
Z 0 99582
0 0
Z 0 99584
0 0
Deeper into the Bedrock~
The small passage continues to slope further into the earth and the air
begins to develop a slight chill to it.  Peering down you think you can see
the bottom of the shaft, which then leads south into another tunnel which
you can not really see from this position.  A faint blue smoke seems to
drift up from the bottom of the passage, which is strange since you feel no
heat from further below.  
0 ADNX mountain
Z 0 99583
0 0
Z 0 99585
0 0
Bottom of the Shaft~
At long last you reach the bottom of the passage, only to find yet
another one leading south as you suspected.  A soft whispering sound can be
heard, but it lacks the pitch of a voice, yet calms your nerves.  The blue
mist seems to flow from the south in a slow but steady stream; and has a
faint oak scent to it.  Even though there is smoke, you fail to see any form
of light that would indicate a fire; maybe you should play it safe and climb
back up to the surface.  
0 ADNX mountain
Z 0 99586
0 0
Z 0 99584
0 0
Misty Passageway~
As you push further south, the mist starts to thicken but does not hinder
your breath or sight in any way.  The rock here seems more worked and
slightly polished then the natural bedrock of the passageway down.  Along
the floor, small, almost worthless gems sparkle throwing multiples colors
along the walls from your torch light.  Suddenly, you hear a scratching
noise to the south, as if something was moving along the rock floor.  
0 ADNX mountain
Z 0 99585
0 0
Z 0 99587
0 0
Temple of the Cannibals~
You have discovered the secret temple of the jungle people.  The large
cavern is filled with piles of bones all appearing to be human, or at least
humanoid, with each pile topped with a large grinning skull.  A large stone
altar hovers above a large pit that seems to lead into hell itself, with
large flames spewing out of it.  A strange figure seems to appear out of
nowhere, only to vanish as you try and focus on it.  
0 DNX mountain
Z 0 99586
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99592
0 0
Z 0 99579
0 0
Z 0 99599
0 0
Z 0 99589
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99605
0 0
Z 0 99588
0 0
Z 0 99600
0 0
Z 0 99590
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99596
0 0
Z 0 99589
0 0
Z 0 99602
0 0
Z 0 99591
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99597
0 0
Z 0 99590
0 0
Z 0 99603
0 0
Z 0 99606
0 0
Small Deer Path~
This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99593
0 0
Z 0 99588
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99592
0 0
Z 0 99594
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99578
0 0
Z 0 99593
0 0
Z 0 99595
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the main trail,
only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99594
0 0
Z 0 99596
0 0
Small Deer Path~
This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99595
0 0
Z 0 99590
0 0
Small Deer Path~
This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99598
0 0
Z 0 99591
0 0
Dead End~
Well, all that hard work for nothing; as the path suddenly vanish. 
Glancing around in a slight panic, you spot a return path leading back the
way you came, so at least you can try and find the main trail once again. 
You only hope you don't get lost in the maze of trees, that all look the
0 NX forest
Z 0 99597
0 0
Small Deer Path~
'This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99588
0 0
Z 0 99590
0 0
Small Deer Path~
This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99589
0 0
Z 0 99601
0 0
Dead End~
Well, all that hard work for nothing; as the path suddenly vanish. 
Glancing around in a slight panic, you spot a return path leading back the
way you came, so at least you can try and find the main trail once again. 
You only hope you don't get lost in the maze of trees, that all look the
0 NX forest
Z 0 99600
0 0
Small Deer Path~
This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99590
0 0
Z 0 99594
0 0
Small Deer Path~
This rarely traveled path seems to lead nowhere and somewhere all at the
same time.  It seems to vanish beneath the undergrowth only to resurface a
few feet later.  You only hope this leads someplace worthwhile, considering
the trouble you are having staying on the path.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99591
0 0
Z 0 99604
0 0
Dead End~
Well, all that hard work for nothing; as the path suddenly vanish. 
Glancing around in a slight panic, you spot a return path leading back the
way you came, so at least you can try and find the main trail once again. 
You only hope you don't get lost in the maze of trees, that all look the
0 NX forest
Z 0 99603
0 0
Dead End~
Well, all that hard work for nothing; as the path suddenly vanish. 
Glancing around in a slight panic, you spot a return path leading back the
way you came, so at least you can try and find the main trail once again. 
You only hope you don't get lost in the maze of trees, that all look the
0 NX forest
Z 0 99589
0 0
Wandering the Lush Jungle~
The path leads westward in a rather unsteady way, drifting left and right
around trees and large bush.  Tracks of many different animals are evident
in the deep soil and the sound of snapping twigs around you are a reminder
you are not alone.  To the northwest, you can see a small group of building
surrounding a large open fire.  Several smaller paths seem to wander off the
main trail, only to lead into a dead end or loop back onto the main trail.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99591
0 0
Z 0 99607
0 0
Break in the Foliage~
Off to the north, the trees open up giving you a clear view of a small
valley.  A small path leads from the forest along a small stream.  The trail
you travel upon continues off to the west, into a very dark part of the
forest.  You notice many of the trees have large claw marks upon them, as if
a huge creature attempted to bring them down.  
0 NX forest
Z 0 99608
0 0
Z 0 99606
0 0
Entrance of the Jungle Tribes' Village~
A rough dirt road leads north into a crude looking settlement.  A shabby
fence surrounds the entire complex; more for looks rather then protection,
since cattle could most likely bring it down.  A few figures can be seen
wondering the area, having not noticed you yet they go about their daily
lives.  Tall trees offer protection from attack from all but this lone
entrance into the village.  
0 NX hills
Z 0 99609
0 0
Z 0 99607
0 0
Village Main Gate~
A large gate, made from tree trucks, blocks further passage northward. 
The villagers, it would seem dislike visitors, as a large row of skeletons
dangle from the gate as well, their bones banging together in the wind.  A
lone guard stands next to the road; making sure only friends are allowed to
enter the community.  
0 DNX field
ABCFGZ 99303 99610
0 0
Z 0 99608
0 0
Main Street of the Village~
Crude shelters lie on either side of the road, which leads northward
toward a small stone fountain.  Despite the fact you are in the middle of a
field, the village seems to be shrouded in an un-natural darkness, as if
mimicking a dark cave.  Crude marking on the building add to the mystery of
this strange place, and an uneasy feeling starts to form in your stomach.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99611
0 0
ABZ 0 99614
0 0
ABCFGZ 99303 99609
0 0
ABZ 0 99615
0 0
Main Street of the Village~
Crude shelters lie on either side of the road, which leads northward
toward a small stone fountain.  Despite the fact you are in the middle of a
field, the village seems to be shrouded in an un-natural darkness, as if
mimicking a dark cave.  Crude marking on the building add to the mystery of
this strange place, and an uneasy feeling starts to form in your stomach.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99621
0 0
ABZ 0 99616
0 0
Z 0 99610
0 0
ABZ 0 99617
0 0
Main Street of the Village~
Crude shelters lie on either side of the road, which leads northward
toward a great stone altar.  Despite the fact you are in the middle of a
field, the village seems to be shrouded in an un-natural darkness, as if
mimicking a dark cave.  Crude marking on the building add to the mystery of
this strange place, and an uneasy feeling starts to form in your stomach.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99613
0 0
ABZ 0 99626
0 0
Z 0 99621
0 0
ABZ 0 99625
0 0
Main Street of the Village~
Crude shelters lie on either side of the road, which leads northward
toward a great stone altar.  Despite the fact you are in the middle of a
field, the village seems to be shrouded in an un-natural darkness, as if
mimicking a dark cave.  Crude marking on the building add to the mystery of
this strange place, and an uneasy feeling starts to form in your stomach.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99622
0 0
ABCGZ 99316 99627
0 0
Z 0 99612
0 0
ABCGZ 99323 99628
0 0
Residence of the Tribe Members~
It seems many people share this one building.  It has only one room, but
is covered in soft furs and blankets.  In one corner a large table sits,
still covered in food from prior meals.  A few large lumps in the covers
lead you to think some members may be sleep, might be best not to wake them.
The room has a warm feel to it, although no fire burns within the walls.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99610
0 0
Residence of the Tribe Members~
It seems many people share this one building.  It has only one room, but
is covered in soft furs and blankets.  In one corner a large table sits,
still covered in food from prior meals.  A few large lumps in the covers
lead you to think some members may be sleep, might be best not to wake them.
The room has a warm feel to it, although no fire burns within the walls.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99610
0 0
Residence of the Tribe Members~
It seems many people share this one building.  It has only one room, but
is covered in soft furs and blankets.  In one corner a large table sits,
still covered in food from prior meals.  A few large lumps in the covers
lead you to think some members may be sleep, might be best not to wake them.
The room has a warm feel to it, although no fire burns within the walls.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99611
0 0
Residence of the Tribe Members~
It seems many people share this one building.  It has only one room, but
is covered in soft furs and blankets.  In one corner a large table sits,
still covered in food from prior meals.  A few large lumps in the covers
lead you to think some members may be sleep, might be best not to wake them.
The room has a warm feel to it, although no fire burns within the walls.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99611
0 0
Westward Side Street~
- A simple dirt path leads westward toward a massive wall of trees, which
acts as the one of the natural barriers for the village.  The sides of the
nearby building are north and south seem to contain sleeping halls.  At the
end of the road lie two more buildings, both which seem to glow from a
magical energy.  Strange chanting and bright flashes of light come from the
end of the road.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99621
0 0
Z 0 99619
0 0
Westward Side Street~
This deserted stretch of road seems eerily quiet, almost as if the dead
sleep here.  The fields on either side of the road have various amounts of
plant growth but there are large scorch marks scarring many places.  When
you attempt to enter the fields to further explore the damage, an invisible
shield forces you back onto the road.  You begin to think you should the
occupants of the houses alone, as they have some great power.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99618
0 0
Z 0 99620
0 0
Westward Side Street~
The road comes to a dead end at the tree line of the forest.  The air is
filled with so much magical energy, the hairs on the back of your neck stand
on end.  The building to the south has a warm glow while the northern
building pulsates with evil auras.  There is no life near the end of the
road, as if even the forest animals fear to tread near the powerful place of
0 ANX city
ABZ 0 99623
0 0
Z 0 99619
0 0
ABZ 0 99624
0 0
Town Center Fountain~
An elegant marble fountain stands in the center of the square, although
is appears to be filled with a dark red substance instead of water.  Small
objects are floating in the liquid, you are not sure what.  Several benches
are placed in the square, for the citizens to sit and talk or enjoy the
afternoon sun.  The road splits off into each of the four cardinal
directions, all of which end at a dead-end save the southern route out of
0 ANX city
Z 0 99612
0 0
Z 0 99630
0 0
Z 0 99611
0 0
Z 0 99618
0 0
A black onyx altar stands at the end of the road.  The most recent
sacrifice still lies upon the altar, blood dripping off into small pools on
the ground.  A few members of the cult still linger nearby, chanting and
wobbling in place as if in a trance.  A slight glow surrounds the stone,
making it appear unearthly in origin.  A solid wall of tall oaks, block any
further movement beyond the altar.  
0 NX city
Z 0 99613
0 0
Master Mages Residence~
A cluttered room filled with small magical objects and scrolls sit in
piles all over the many tables.  A ball of light hovers over the room,
following a stout little man around.  A small falcon is sitting on the
rafters and when is sees you, it squawks in warning.  A single window looks
out over the damaged field and the wall has many burn marks upon it.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99620
0 0
Village Healers Residence~
You step into the cleanest house in the whole village.  A table about six
feet long sits in one corner and a small rank has a multitude of strange
instruments hanging from it.  A caring old woman greets you as you enter and
directs you toward a small chair, poking and prodding you as you move along.
The pleasant smell of lavender fills the air and helps soothe your nerves.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99620
0 0
Residence of the Tribe Members~
It seems many people share this one building.  It has only one room, but
is covered in soft furs and blankets.  In one corner a large table sits,
still covered in food from prior meals.  A few large lumps in the covers
lead you to think some members may be sleep, might be best not to wake them.
The room has a warm feel to it, although no fire burns within the walls.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99612
0 0
Residence of the Tribe Members~
It seems many people share this one building.  It has only one room, but
is covered in soft furs and blankets.  In one corner a large table sits,
still covered in food from prior meals.  A few large lumps in the covers
lead you to think some members may be sleep, might be best not to wake them.
The room has a warm feel to it, although no fire burns within the walls.  
0 ADNX inside
ABZ 0 99612
0 0
Village Priests Residence ~
A simple room with just a barren bed greets you.  The priests of the
village seem to follow the rule of poverty quite well.  A small oil lamp
burns on a side table and provides just enough light to move about the room
and study the bible on the pillow of the bed.  
0 DNX inside
ABCGZ 0 99613
0 0
Chief Priests Residence~
Much like his pupils, the chief priest lives a spartan life.  A simple
bed sits on one side while a table and chair occupy the center of the room. 
A small chest lies in the corner, although it appears to be locked.  On the
table lies a scroll, tied shut with a green ribbon.  
0 DNX inside
As you pick up the scroll to read it, a sudden pain envelops your hand.  Quickly you place the scroll back on the table.
ABCGZ 0 99613
0 0
Eastward Side Street~
A simple dirt path leads westward toward a massive wall of trees, which
acts as the one of the natural barriers for the village.  The sides of the
nearby building are north and south seem to contain sleeping halls.  To the
east lies a large plaza with many people wandering around and a few shops.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99631
0 0
Z 0 99621
0 0
Shopping Plaza~
You have stumbled into the busiest part of the village, filled with
shoppers and vendors alike.  A store from which wonderful aromas drift lies
to the north and general type store lies to the south.  Some shady look
children run around as well, with their fingers in other peoples pockets,
might wish to keep you money bag hidden.  
0 ANX city
ABZ 0 99632
0 0
Z 0 99634
0 0
ABZ 0 99633
0 0
Z 0 99630
0 0
The Food Vendor~
Several large animals are hanging from the ceiling, while others are
being roasted over a huge open fire.  A fat greasy fellow stands behind the
counter slicing up a recently cooked dinner.  The smell of the meat and
hissing of the fat as it hits the fire makes you want to buy several days
worth of food right now.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99631
0 0
Store of Useful Items~
This store is highly organized, yet still looks very cluttered due to the
vast amount of items for sale.  A happy looking elf runs around cleaning and
restocking various items as they are being sold.  A small sign states, "The
children must be with a parent while in the store".  A large guard is partly
hidden behind a wall, in case somebody attempts to rob the place.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99631
0 0
Eastward Side Street~
The road comes to a end at a wall of trees, which are too close together
to sneak past.  A simple pasture borders the road, in which a few cattle and
goats graze.  There is no exciting anything here, and the only exit lies
back into town to the west.  
0 ANX city
Z 0 99631
0 0
Edge of a Massive Desert~
Golden sand turns from the brush of the forest, stretching as far as the
eye can see to the west.  Although the dunes are forever shifting with the
winds, a small path seems to be visible, slightly glowing, beneath the top
layer of the loose sand.  A small lizard scampers across the burning ground,
seeking shelter in his home under the shade of a small spiky tree.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99474
0 0
Z 0 99636
0 0
Path in the Sand~
The glowing path heads in a westward direction weaving through the
shifting dunes of sand.  A steady wind seems to be constantly blowing over
the land, erasing your footsteps as soon as they are made.  Except for the
occasional small bush or spiky tree, there is nothing but sand in all
0 NX desert
Z 0 99635
0 0
Z 0 99637
0 0
Following the Glowing Path~
The paths turns northward from here, leading toward a small oasis.  A
sparkling pool of water surrounded by lush palm trees lie to the north and
the thirst for waters surfaces.  The air shimmers from the heat rising from
the ground, making the cool pool of water look ever more inviting.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99638
0 0
Z 0 99636
0 0
A Desert Oasis~
The closer the oasis seems to get, the less it seems to exist.  After
walking more then enough time to reach it, the realization hits; the oasis
was merely a mirage, created by the heat and the intense desire for water. 
Luckily the path is still visible, which turns back westward leading up over
a tall sand dune.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99637
0 0
Z 0 99639
0 0
Climbing the Sand Dunes~
The dunes seem to be never ending, as you crest one another looms up to
take its place.  The path leads westward before disappearing over the top of
the next dune.  A howling echoes over the sand, reminding you that although
it is isolated you are not alone.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99638
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Lost in the Dunes~
The swirling sands of the many dunes begin to blend together, making all
around the area look the same.  The glowing path that led to the forsaken
place has been lost among the ever-changing surface of the earth.  The only
thing that seems familiar is the sand, which is not much help.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99640
0 0
Z 0 99639
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Z 0 99641
0 0
Lost in the Dunes~
The swirling sands of the many dunes begin to blend together, making all
around the area look the same.  The glowing path that led to the forsaken
place has been lost among the ever-changing surface of the earth.  The only
thing that seems familiar is the sand, which is not much help.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99642
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Lost in the Dunes~
The swirling sands of the many dunes begin to blend together, making all
around the area look the same.  The glowing path that led to the forsaken
place has been lost among the ever-changing surface of the earth.  The only
thing that seems familiar is the sand, which is not much help.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99641
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Z 0 99641
0 0
Z 0 99643
0 0
Lost in the Dunes~
The swirling sands of the many dunes begin to blend together, making all
around the area look the same.  The glowing path that led to the forsaken
place has been lost among the ever-changing surface of the earth.  The only
thing that seems familiar is the sand, which seems to have the glowing path
visible again; as it leads northward.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99644
0 0
Z 0 99642
0 0
Z 0 99640
0 0
Z 0 99641
0 0
Lost in the Dunes~
A slight glowing path continues to lead northward past some foul smelling
pits filled with a black substance.  The pits seem to go on for about two
miles in all directions, save the southern route.  In the middle of the pits
to the north, is a small building made of a shiny material.  
0 NX desert
Z 0 99645
0 0
Z 0 99643
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The temperature of the area has risen quite the further into the pits you
wander.  A few large skeletons float in some of the pits, a reminder of the
dangers no matter what your size may be.  A strange horned creature wanders
around, nibbling at the grass surrounding the pits.  All the area seems to
blend together, a sea of grass and shrubs filled with black spots of death. 

0 NX field
Z 0 99646
0 0
Z 0 99654
0 0
Z 0 99644
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99647
0 0
Z 0 99649
0 0
Z 0 99645
0 0
Z 0 99648
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99650
0 0
Z 0 99652
0 0
Z 0 99646
0 0
Z 0 99655
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99646
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99653
0 0
Z 0 99653
0 0
Z 0 99654
0 0
Z 0 99646
0 0
Approaching the Hut~
A simple wood hut stands before you, with an average door blocking the
entrance.  A small chimney puffs out a chain of white smoke and the smell of
roasting stew fills the air.  A gentle rocking noise echoes from inside the
cabin, seeming to indicate that at least something can live in this place of
0 NX field
ABZ 0 99651
0 0
Z 0 99656
0 0
Z 0 99647
0 0
Residence of the Recluse Hermit~
A single room occupies this fair sized hut.  A soft-looking bed sits in
one corner while a table set for one sit in the center of the room.  A large
pot simmers over a roaring fire that warms the entire hut.  A strange little
man sits on the bed, muttering to himself about magic glowing doorways.  
0 DNX inside
Scratched into the head board the hermit has written "There no place like home", maybe this is the password he has forgotten.
ABZ 0 99650
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NW field
Z 0 99653
0 0
Z 0 99647
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99652
0 0
Z 0 99649
0 0
Z 0 99649
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99649
0 0
Z 0 99645
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99656
0 0
Z 0 99647
0 0
The Tar Pits~
The smell is starting to get overwhelming, causing short spells of
light-headiness and nausea.  Surrounding you is nothing except grass and
foul tar pits, some of which are boiling or have the floating remains of an
unfortunate creature.  Death seems to wander freely in this place; maybe
this is not a good place to stay for too long.  
0 NX field
Z 0 99655
0 0
Z 0 99650
0 0
Mouth of the Sea Monster~
Bad news, You have been eaten by the Sea Monster.  You are sitting on the
slimy tongue and surrounded by razor sharp teeth.  The way out is blocked by
a large mound of flesh, mostly the monsters gums.  The only escape from the
teeth is down, deeper into its throat.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99658
0 0
Top of the Throat~
Standing at the very back of the mouth, you glance downward into the deep
darkness of the monsters throat.  Above you a large hole seems to exisit,
but is protected by a large layer of muscle which you can not force open. 
The only exits are down into the throat or back east toward the sharp
dangerous teeth.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99657
0 0
Z 0 99659
0 0
Inside the Throat~
As the surface becomes more and more slick, the footing is harder to
maintain.  A slimy substance coats the ground, walls and every other surface
in this foul smelling passageway.  Ahead you can barely make out a where the
main tunnel branches off into two directions.  A funny looking object hangs
from the ceiling, just dangling there.  
0 ADNX inside
It appears to be a enlonged teardrop shape and it looks really infected.
Z 0 99658
0 0
Z 0 99660
0 0
Windy Intersection~
The passage splits off into two direction, one continues downward and the
other leads off the the east.  The eastward passage seems to have a great
blowing wind coming from it while the downward passage wafts up a very
offensive odor.  A large muscle lies to the east and blows open with each
gust of wind.  You may be able to hold to open long enough to get past if
you wish.  Thousands of tiny hair like things cling to the walls of the
passage and try and grab you as you pass.  
0 ADNX inside
ABGZ 0 99662
0 0
Z 0 99659
0 0
Z 0 99661
0 0
Underground Lake~
A large body of foul smelling liquid streches for a great distance before
you.  A few objects can be seen floating in the middle of the lake, while a
large skeleton lies to the north.  A mornful cry echos from across the lake,
although you are not sure from where it comes; you shall have to cross to
the other side to find out.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99664
0 0
Z 0 99665
0 0
Z 0 99660
0 0
Entrance to the Chamber of Life~
The passage suddenly slopes downward once again, leading into a large
cavern with almost transulant walls.  ALthough the chamber seems empty,
there is a feeling that a surprise awaits for whom ever enters it.  The
muscle to the west still flaps open with the wind should you care to sneak
out that way and try the downward passage.  
0 ADNX inside
ABGZ 0 99660
0 0
Z 0 99663
0 0
Chamber of Life~
The cavern is rather spongey under foot while the floor and walls seem to
move in and out as if alive.  A small patch of something seems to be growing
on the far wall, although it is hard to tell what it is without a closer
inspection.  Every ten seconds or so, a great gust of wind comes rushing
though the chamber and out the passageway you just left.  
0 ADNX inside
A dark patch of fungus appears to have taken residence with this cavern, and it does not like being looked it.
Z 0 99662
0 0
Shore of the Underground Lake~
Although the beach lacks sand and any other pleasant surroundings, it is
not void of treasure.  A large rotted remain of a unlucky animal lies on the
beach.  The skin is mostly gone but the skeleton appears to have survived
the...  What ever happened to it.  Maybe there is something you can use, if
you wish to dig though the decaying remains.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99661
0 0
Floating on the Lake~
The liquid appears to be eating away at your raft, encouraging you to
paddle faster.  You can make out the west shore of the lake and a small
building appears to be there.  There is no life or anything for that matter
in this lake and you feel worried about your safety.  A large hole in the
ceiling above you allows a faint amount of light into area.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99661
0 0
Z 0 99666
0 0
A Bone Shack~
A horrid looking shack, made completely out of bones stands here.  A
moaning, almost sobbing, sound echo from inside.  There is a doorway to the
north, complete with a doorknob made from a small skull.  Make sure you know
what you are doing before you enter.  
0 ADNX inside
ABGZ 0 99667
0 0
Z 0 99665
0 0
Mad Witch Doctors Residence~
The hut is much larger on the inside then you would have expected.  A
table sits in the middle of the room while a large bed occupies one corner. 
A huge glowing fireball hovers over the table providing both heat and light.
A crazy old gnome sits at the table moaning and then cackles.  He glaces up
when you enter and a huge grin takes over his face.  
0 DNX inside
ABGZ 0 99666
0 0
A Bloody Mass~
The fireball from the crazy old gnome has blown you into yet another
caveren within the great beast.  Bloody chucks of burned flesh are scatted
all around you and the smell is quite offesive.  A small passage way leads
westard into a dark moist tunnel.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99666
0 0
Z 0 99669
0 0
Twisting Tunnel~
This tunnel seems to be endless, always turning this way then that.  The
landscape remains the same, dark and damp, with the passage sloping up and
down.  A faint iron smell lingers in the air making uncomfortable to breath.

0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99670
0 0
Z 0 99668
0 0
Endless Tunnel~
The walls, floor and ceiling all look the same; creating a feeling of
disorination and confusion.  The dark color and lack of life within this
area of the beast makes the mood mudane and starts to dull the senses.  The
passages twists off to the east ahead or you can backtrack to the south.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99671
0 0
Z 0 99669
0 0
Damp Tunnel~
The tunnel seems to be getting more humid the further along you travel. 
There is also the distant crashing of waves echoing down the passageway. 
Maybe you are getting close to an exit from this beast, hopefully not your
own death in thr process.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99672
0 0
Z 0 99670
0 0
Fungus Filled Cavern~
The passage opens into a large cavern covered with a dark pus-filled
fungus growths scattered over the walls.  Some of the growths seem to
pulsate while others drip nasty globs of liquid on the ground.  A small
tunnel leads west while a larger passage continues northward.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99674
0 0
Z 0 99671
0 0
Z 0 99673
0 0
A Nasty Infection~
The passage is filled with a large nasty and very inflected mass of
flesh, must be from an old battle wound.  The infected area is bright red
and rather inflamed; it writhes in agnoy when you step upon it.  There is no
way to continue to the west, so you will have to return eastward and try a
differant route.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99672
0 0
Nearing the Surface~
The passage starts to smell less of death and a faint salty odor can be
detected.  The walls start to turn from red to a pink-clear color and they
allow a small amount of light to pass through them; although not enough to
see much.  To the north you can just make out an opening in the wall, which
this passage dead-ends about four hundred feet or so ahead.  
0 ADNX inside
Z 0 99675
0 0
Z 0 99672
0 0
A Bright Opening~
A thin flexable membrane seperates you from the freedom you so desire. 
You can smell the salt air and the slashing of water upon the body of the
great sea beast.  The membrane is slightly sticky but you can break through
if you push hard enough; although the beast may not enjoy it very much.  If
you wish to try and find another way out, you can travel back to the south
and see if you missed any other passages.  
0 DNX inside
Z 0 99674
0 0
Chaos Wedding Chapel~
You are standing in front of a {Ddark{x temple altar, which is etched with
the symbol of the Chaos clan.  Small {Rred{x candles burn with a weird flame
which reveals an unholy priest standing behind the altar, ready to give the
blessings to the young couple.  In the corner, you notice a table filled
with food and some rulers wanna-be's to feast upon.  The room seems filled
with an unholy light and you spot demons everywhere preventing those of pure
heart from showing their faces.  Behind the altar you also spot a gigantic
statue of the mighty goddess of Chaos, Shaelindra, ShimoHouka no Teshi.  
0 DNX inside
ABZ 0 99681
0 0
Foyer of the Great Church~
Tall marble pillars line the other walls, narrowing the passage toward a
great oak door.  Music and laughter can be heard coming from the other side.
Candles glow brightly and fill the area with a glow that seems to lift you
mood and sprirt.  The closer to the door you go, the more you feel in touch
with the inner power that seems to pulse within you.  
0 DNWX inside
ABZ 0 99680
0 0
Z 0 99347
0 0

M 99201 spec_poison	* a plagued chipmunk
M 99202 spec_cast_undead	* An Undead BattleMage
M 99207 spec_breath_fire	* An elite guard
M 99219 spec_guard	* A Chicago cop
M 99220 spec_guard	* A swat team member
M 99222 spec_poison	* A Gila monster
M 99223 spec_poison	* A Kimodo Dragon
M 99224 spec_poison	* A large snake
M 99230 spec_nasty	* A young girl
M 99250 spec_poison	* The Inland Taipan
M 99251 spec_poison	* A Funnel-web Spider 
M 99252 spec_poison	* The Death Stalker Scorpion 
M 99273 spec_poison	* An alligator
M 99275 spec_poison	* A giant bat
M 99276 spec_poison	* An ugly mutant
M 99286 spec_cast_cleric	* Thalelith
M 99288 spec_cast_undead	* A stone skinned gargoyle
M 99301 spec_poison	* an {Rinflamed{x mass of flesh
M 99306 spec_cast_mage	* Edelaseth
M 99307 spec_poison	* troll guard
M 99315 spec_cast_cleric	* royal guard
M 99318 spec_poison	* a sea monster
M 99320 spec_poison	* a fungus growth
M 99322 spec_cast_mage	* Ciar
M 99326 spec_cast_cleric	* a village priest
M 99327 spec_poison	* a demon guard
M 99329 spec_cast_cleric	* a village priest
M 99330 spec_cast_cleric	* the chief priest
M 99331 spec_cast_cleric	* Alealdan
M 99332 spec_cast_mage	* Noitrem
M 99333 spec_thief	* a small thief
M 99336 spec_poison	* a desert asp

D 0 99207 0 1	* Entrance to Chronomancer's Tower: door to the north: closed
D 0 99208 0 1	* Main Entrance: door to the north: closed
D 0 99208 2 1	* Main Entrance: door to the south: closed
D 0 99208 3 1	* Main Entrance: door to the west: closed
D 0 99209 1 1	* The Kichen: door to the east: closed
D 0 99209 2 1	* The Kichen: door to the south: closed
D 0 99210 1 1	* Chronomancer's bedroom: door to the east: closed
D 0 99211 0 1	* Second Floor Landing: door to the north: closed
D 0 99211 3 1	* Second Floor Landing: door to the west: closed
D 0 99212 3 1	* Pantry: door to the west: closed
D 0 99214 2 1	* Chronomancer's Lab: door to the south: closed
D 0 99215 1 1	* Map Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99217 2 2	* Portal Room: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 99220 3 1	* Chamber of the Time to Come.: door to the west: closed
D 0 99233 2 1	* Food Court: door to the south: closed
D 0 99235 0 1	* East Dock: door to the north: closed
D 0 99237 2 1	* Indoor Garden: door to the south: closed
D 0 99237 3 1	* Indoor Garden: door to the west: closed
D 0 99238 0 1	* West Dock: door to the north: closed
D 0 99238 5 2	* West Dock: door to the down: closed and locked
D 0 99239 1 1	* Play Ground: door to the east: closed
D 0 99241 4 2	* Maintenance Tunnel : door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 99252 0 1	* Entrance to Mammal House: door to the north: closed
D 0 99255 2 1	* Inside the Mammal House: door to the south: closed
D 0 99265 1 1	* Arctic Animal House: door to the east: closed
D 0 99268 3 1	* Arctic Animal Entrance: door to the west: closed
D 0 99273 3 1	* House of Fish Entrance: door to the west: closed
D 0 99276 1 1	* Fish Exhibit: door to the east: closed
D 0 99283 1 2	* Front Lobby: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99285 0 1	* Ventilation Shed: door to the north: closed
D 0 99286 2 1	* Roof Stairwell: door to the south: closed
D 0 99287 3 1	* 4th Floor Landing: door to the west: closed
D 0 99288 3 2	* 3rd Floor Landing: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99289 3 2	* 2nd Floor Landing: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99290 3 2	* Lobby Entrance Stairwell: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99294 1 2	* Southern Hallway: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99294 3 1	* Southern Hallway: door to the west: closed
D 0 99295 1 1	* South Window View: door to the east: closed
D 0 99295 3 1	* South Window View: door to the west: closed
D 0 99296 1 2	* Southern Hallway: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99296 3 1	* Southern Hallway: door to the west: closed
D 0 99297 1 1	* South Window View: door to the east: closed
D 0 99297 3 1	* South Window View: door to the west: closed
D 0 99298 1 1	* Southern Hallway: door to the east: closed
D 0 99298 3 1	* Southern Hallway: door to the west: closed
D 0 99299 1 1	* South Window View: door to the east: closed
D 0 99299 3 1	* South Window View: door to the west: closed
D 0 99300 0 1	* Eastern Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 99300 2 1	* Eastern Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 99301 0 1	* Eastern Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 99301 2 1	* Eastern Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 99302 0 1	* Eastern Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 99302 2 1	* Eastern Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 99303 0 1	* Eastern Dead-End: door to the north: closed
D 0 99303 2 1	* Eastern Dead-End: door to the south: closed
D 0 99304 0 1	* Eastern Dead-End: door to the north: closed
D 0 99304 2 1	* Eastern Dead-End: door to the south: closed
D 0 99305 0 1	* Eastern Dead-End: door to the north: closed
D 0 99305 2 1	* Eastern Dead-End: door to the south: closed
D 0 99306 2 1	* Hotel Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99307 0 1	* Hotel Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99308 0 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99309 2 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99310 0 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99311 2 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99312 0 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99313 2 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99314 2 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99315 0 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99316 2 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99317 0 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99318 1 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99319 1 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99320 1 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99321 1 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99322 1 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99323 3 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the west: closed
D 0 99324 1 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99325 3 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the west: closed
D 0 99326 3 1	* A Hotel Room: door to the west: closed
D 0 99342 3 2	* The Vault Entrance: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99343 1 2	* The Vault: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99344 0 1	* Michigan Avenue: door to the north: closed
D 0 99344 2 1	* Michigan Avenue: door to the south: closed
D 0 99345 2 1	* Jimbo's Objects of Battle: door to the south: closed
D 0 99346 0 1	* The Taylor Shoppe: door to the north: closed
D 0 99348 0 1	* Michigan Avenue: door to the north: closed
D 0 99350 2 1	* Health and Healing, Inc.: door to the south: closed
D 0 99352 1 1	* Entrance to Water Tower Place: door to the east: closed
D 0 99353 3 1	* Water Tower Place: Foyer: door to the west: closed
D 0 99367 0 1	* Pets Galore: door to the north: closed
D 0 99368 2 1	* Black Market Pets: door to the south: closed
D 0 99382 3 1	* Interconnecting Passageway: door to the west: closed
D 0 99383 1 1	* Metra Police Headquarters: door to the east: closed
D 0 99400 0 1	* Waiting room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99400 1 1	* Waiting room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99400 2 1	* Waiting room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99400 3 1	* Waiting room: door to the west: closed
D 0 99401 2 1	* Healers Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 99403 5 1	* A Busy Avenue: door to the down: closed
D 0 99416 1 1	* Third Floor Landing: door to the east: closed
D 0 99417 3 1	* A Long Hallway: door to the west: closed
D 0 99424 0 1	* Healers Room: door to the north: closed
D 0 99425 3 1	* Healers Room: door to the west: closed
D 0 99426 1 1	* Healers Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 99428 2 1	* Entrance to Drainage Control: door to the south: closed
D 0 99428 4 1	* Entrance to Drainage Control: door to the up: closed
D 0 99429 0 1	* Underground Tunnel: door to the north: closed
D 0 99439 2 1	* Security Gate: door to the south: closed
D 0 99440 0 1	* Damp Tunnel: door to the north: closed
D 0 99441 2 1	* Twisting Tunnel: door to the south: closed
D 0 99442 0 1	* Maintenance Entrance: door to the north: closed
D 0 99444 1 1	* Northeast Corner: door to the east: closed
D 0 99445 3 1	* Plant Supervisors Office: door to the west: closed
D 0 99446 1 1	* Office Strip: door to the east: closed
D 0 99447 3 1	* Office of the Director of Operations: door to the west: closed
D 0 99448 1 1	* Office Strip: door to the east: closed
D 0 99449 3 1	* Plant Directors Office: door to the west: closed
D 0 99451 2 1	* Between the Reactors: door to the south: closed
D 0 99457 2 2	* An Unknown Office: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 99458 0 2	* A Hidden Office: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 99468 0 1	* Inside the Reactor: door to the north: closed
D 0 99479 2 1	* The Dark Ravine: door to the south: closed
D 0 99480 0 1	* A Secret Cave: door to the north: closed
D 0 99492 3 2	* Outer Cave Entrance: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99493 1 2	* Main Tunnel: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99496 1 1	* Dining Hall: door to the east: closed
D 0 99496 2 1	* Dining Hall: door to the south: closed
D 0 99497 0 1	* A Dirty Kitchen: door to the north: closed
D 0 99498 3 1	* Beast Slaughter Area: door to the west: closed
D 0 99501 0 1	* Northern End of the Great Hall: door to the north: closed
D 0 99502 2 1	* Southern End of the Great Hall: door to the south: closed
D 0 99506 2 1	* Entrance to the Prisons: door to the south: closed
D 0 99507 0 2	* Above the Torture Pit: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 99507 1 2	* Above the Torture Pit: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99507 3 2	* Above the Torture Pit: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99508 2 2	* A Filthy Cell: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 99509 3 2	* A Filthy Cell: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99510 1 2	* A Filthy Cell: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99515 0 1	* The Iron Maiden: door to the north: closed
D 0 99516 1 1	* Wandering the Torture Pit: door to the east: closed
D 0 99519 3 1	* A Dark Cell: door to the west: closed
D 0 99520 0 1	* Living Quarters Corridor: door to the north: closed
D 0 99521 1 1	* Living Quarters Corridor: door to the east: closed
D 0 99521 3 1	* Living Quarters Corridor: door to the west: closed
D 0 99522 3 1	* Common Living Area: door to the west: closed
D 0 99523 1 1	* Common Living Area: door to the east: closed
D 0 99524 2 1	* Door to the Royal Chambers: door to the south: closed
D 0 99526 2 1	* Inside the Iron Maiden: door to the south: closed
D 0 99529 0 1	* Foyer of the Royal Bed Chambers: door to the north: closed
D 0 99609 0 2	* Village Main Gate: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 99610 1 1	* Main Street of the Village: door to the east: closed
D 0 99610 2 2	* Main Street of the Village: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 99610 3 1	* Main Street of the Village: door to the west: closed
D 0 99611 1 1	* Main Street of the Village: door to the east: closed
D 0 99611 3 1	* Main Street of the Village: door to the west: closed
D 0 99612 1 1	* Main Street of the Village: door to the east: closed
D 0 99612 3 1	* Main Street of the Village: door to the west: closed
D 0 99613 1 2	* Main Street of the Village: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99613 3 2	* Main Street of the Village: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99614 3 1	* Residence of the Tribe Members: door to the west: closed
D 0 99615 1 1	* Residence of the Tribe Members: door to the east: closed
D 0 99616 3 1	* Residence of the Tribe Members: door to the west: closed
D 0 99617 1 1	* Residence of the Tribe Members: door to the east: closed
D 0 99620 0 1	* Westward Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 99620 2 1	* Westward Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 99623 2 1	* Master Mages Residence: door to the south: closed
D 0 99624 0 1	* Village Healers Residence: door to the north: closed
D 0 99625 1 1	* Residence of the Tribe Members: door to the east: closed
D 0 99626 3 1	* Residence of the Tribe Members: door to the west: closed
D 0 99627 3 2	* Village Priests Residence : door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 99628 1 2	* Chief Priests Residence: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 99631 0 1	* Shopping Plaza: door to the north: closed
D 0 99631 2 1	* Shopping Plaza: door to the south: closed
D 0 99632 2 1	* The Food Vendor: door to the south: closed
D 0 99633 0 1	* Store of Useful Items: door to the north: closed
D 0 99650 0 1	* Approaching the Hut: door to the north: closed
D 0 99651 2 1	* Residence of the Recluse Hermit: door to the south: closed
D 0 99660 1 1	* Windy Intersection: door to the east: closed
D 0 99662 3 1	* Entrance to the Chamber of Life: door to the west: closed
D 0 99666 0 1	* A Bone Shack: door to the north: closed
D 0 99667 2 1	* Mad Witch Doctors Residence: door to the south: closed
D 0 99680 2 1	* Chaos Wedding Chapel: door to the south: closed
D 0 99681 0 1	* Foyer of the Great Church: door to the north: closed
M 0 99200 1 99200 1	* a kobold (DO NOT TOUCH/CHANGE/EDIT THIS ROOM)
E 0 99200 0 16		*	a practice weapon: wielded
O 0 99202 0 99201	* sparkling brook (Sadin's relief)
M 0 99203 1 99201 1	* A black panther (Sadin's relief)
O 0 99203 0 99201	* a roasted pig (Sadin's relief)
P 0 99201 1 99203 1	* a roasted pig: a strip of {3BBQ {#pork{x
M 0 99201 2 99205 1	* a plagued chipmunk (Upper Tower Path)
M 0 99202 1 99207 1	* An Undead BattleMage (Entrance to Chronomancer's Tower)
E 0 99205 0 16		*	a {&m{7i{&s{7t{&y {!rapier{x: wielded
M 0 99284 1 99210 1	* Xareadie (Chronomancer's bedroom)
M 0 99204 1 99212 1	* a slimer (Pantry)
M 0 99205 1 99212 1	* The cook (Pantry)
E 0 99206 0 16		*	a frying pan: wielded
M 0 99206 1 99214 1	* A beastly Fido (Chronomancer's Lab)
E 0 99207 0 3		*	a {#s{3and{^s{6tone {xkey{x: around the neck (1)
M 0 99207 1 99217 1	* An elite guard (Portal Room)
E 0 99212 0 16		*	a {!b{#u{!r{#n{!i{#n{!g {xdagger{x: wielded
O 0 99208 0 99217	* a {#g{3l{#o{3w{#i{3n{#g {Bblue {xportal{x (Portal Room)
O 0 99209 0 99218	* a {ggreen{x portal (Chamber of Antiquity)
O 0 99210 0 99218	* {xa {8dark {!red {xportal{x (Chamber of Antiquity)
O 0 99211 0 99218	* a {3g{#l{3o{#w{3i{#n{3g {#yellow {xportal{x (Chamber of Antiquity)
M 0 99208 1 99220 1	* a metal being (Chamber of the Time to Come.)
M 0 99352 2 99222 2	* Fiodette (Dark Tunnel)
M 0 99209 1 99224 1	* a father rat (The Rat's Den.)
M 0 99210 1 99224 1	* a mother rat (The Rat's Den.)
M 0 99211 1 99224 1	* a teenage rat (The Rat's Den.)
M 0 99212 1 99224 1	* a baby rat (The Rat's Den.)
O 0 99214 0 99225	* a {!J{@e{#m{$S{%t{^a{&r {xlantern{x (A T-shaped Junction)
M 0 99215 1 99227 1	* Deathtrap (Restricted Area)
M 0 99227 2 99228 2	* A Police Captain (North Ave. Beach)
E 0 99226 0 16		*	a billy club: wielded
E 0 99227 0 5		*	an armored vest: on the body
E 0 99229 0 8		*	{8steel{&-{8toed {bb{Boots{x: on the feet
E 0 99230 0 17		*	Captain's Bars: held in the hands
M 0 99216 1 99229 1	* A metra worker (Rail Crossing)
E 0 99217 0 6		*	{Bmetra {xhard hat{x: over the head
E 0 99215 0 16		*	a stout metal {^p{6i{^p{6e{x: wielded
M 0 99219 4 99231 4	* A Chicago cop (Start of Pier)
E 0 99229 0 8		*	{8steel{&-{8toed {bb{Boots{x: on the feet
E 0 99226 0 16		*	a billy club: wielded
E 0 99227 0 5		*	an armored vest: on the body
M 0 99217 1 99233 1	* Jesse the Vendor (Food Court)
G 0 99218 0		*	a slice of {1p{!e{1p{!p{1e{!r{1o{!n{1i {#p{3i{#zza{x
G 0 99219 0		*	a {!j{1u{!mbo {1hot {3dog{x
G 0 99220 0		*	a {#golden {3c{#o{3rn {1d{!og{x
G 0 99221 0		*	a {Bb{bag {xof {#bu{3tt{#ery {3p{#o{3p{#c{3o{#r{3n{x
G 0 99222 0		*	{xa {^stick {xof {%cotton candy {&({bP{Bure {bS{Bugar{^){x
M 0 99218 2 99234 2	* a tourist (Center of Building Complex)
M 0 99213 1 99240 1	* A Dock Guard (Central Dock)
E 0 99224 0 5		*	a smooth looking {#lea{3ther {#jac{3ket{x: on the body
E 0 99225 0 9		*	{xsome {3brass-plated {2gloves{x: on the hands
O 0 99214 0 99241	* a {!J{@e{#m{$S{%t{^a{&r {xlantern{x (Maintenance Tunnel )
M 0 99214 1 99244 1	* A misty {Dshadow{x (Entrance to the Portal Room)
O 0 99231 0 99245	* a glowing {!red {xportal (Portals to the Past)
O 0 99232 0 99245	* a {2g{1l{bo{2w{1i{bn{2g {#yellow {xportal{x (Portals to the Past)
O 0 99209 0 99245	* a {ggreen{x portal (Portals to the Past)
M 0 99220 10 99246 10	* A swat team member (Guard Barracks)
E 0 99228 0 11		*	a riot shield: as a shield
E 0 99229 0 8		*	{8steel{&-{8toed {bb{Boots{x: on the feet
E 0 99233 0 5		*	full torso body armor: on the body
E 0 99234 0 6		*	a {!r{@i{!o{@t {xhelmet{x: over the head
E 0 99235 0 16		*	a {!razor{#-{!edged {#ba{By{bo{Bn{#et{x: wielded
O 0 99238 0 99248	* a {bf{6o{^u{Bn{bt{^a{6i{bn{x (Zoo Entrance)
M 0 99278 1 99248 1	* A hippie (Zoo Entrance)
O 0 99240 0 99252	* a water fountain (Entrance to Mammal House)
M 0 99225 3 99253 1	* A gazelle (Gazelle Area)
M 0 99226 3 99254 3	* A tiger (Tiger Area)
M 0 99222 1 99260 1	* A Gila monster (Northwest Corner of the Mammal House)
M 0 99223 1 99261 1	* A Kimodo Dragon (Desert Creatures)
E 0 99241 0 16		*	a {!k{1i{!modo {2dragon{@'{2s {bf{Bang{x: wielded
M 0 99224 1 99261 1	* A large snake (Desert Creatures)
M 0 99221 2 99262 1	* A photographer (Northeast corner of the Mammal House)
M 0 99228 2 99264 2	* A Walrus (Walrus Tank)
E 0 99242 0 5		*	a {#wal{3rus {bh{Bi{bd{Be{x: on the body
O 0 99240 0 99265	* a water fountain (Arctic Animal House)
M 0 99221 2 99266 2	* A photographer (Polar Bear Enclosure)
M 0 99230 1 99271 1	* A young girl (Penguin Place)
E 0 99236 0 16		*	a {5b{%u{bt{Bt{6e{^r{5f{%l{by {#knife{x: wielded
O 0 99240 0 99273	* a water fountain (House of Fish Entrance)
M 0 99231 1 99274 1	* A Photographer (Central Underwater Dolphin Viewing)
M 0 99232 1 99277 1	* The octopus (Octopus Tank)
E 0 99237 0 16		*	an {Bo{bc{^t{6o{&p{7u{8s {xtentacle{x: wielded
M 0 99233 1 99283 1	* A desk clerk (Front Lobby)
M 0 99235 1 99285 1	* A homeless man (Ventilation Shed)
M 0 99234 1 99293 1	* A Federal Agent (4th Floor Entryway)
O 0 99244 0 99306	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99307	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99308	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99309	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99310	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99311	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99312	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99313	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99314	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99315	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99316	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99244 0 99317	* a {%t{5w{%i{5n {Bbed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99318	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99319	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99320	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99321	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99322	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99323	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99324	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
M 0 99270 1 99324 1	* Jessica (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99325	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99282 0 99326	* a {Bking{b-{Bsized {5b{%ed{x (A Hotel Room)
O 0 99294 0 99327	* a {6b{^u{bb{Bb{6l{^i{bn{Bg {1h{!o{1t {&tub{x (The Spa Room)
O 0 99294 0 99328	* a {6b{^u{bb{Bb{6l{^i{bn{Bg {1h{!o{1t {&tub{x (The Spa Room)
O 0 99294 0 99329	* a {6b{^u{bb{Bb{6l{^i{bn{Bg {1h{!o{1t {&tub{x (The Spa Room)
M 0 99236 1 99333 1	* Ali (Ali's Little Shop)
G 0 99245 0		*	a {#news{@paper{x
G 0 99246 0		*	a bottle of {bw{Ba{bt{Be{br{x
G 0 99247 0		*	Ali's Wonder Herbs
G 0 99248 0		*	a fourty ounce {3beer{x
M 0 99238 1 99336 1	* A Thug (Dead End)
M 0 99268 1 99337 1	* Newsboy (Path to Bank)
G 0 99245 0		*	a {#news{@paper{x
M 0 99239 2 99338 2	* Bank Guard (Bank Entrance)
M 0 99240 1 99340 1	* Danielle (Bank Tellers)
M 0 99241 1 99341 1	* Bank Manager (Bank Mangers Office)
M 0 99242 1 99342 1	* The Vault Guard (The Vault Entrance)
M 0 99280 1 99343 1	* A friendly person (The Vault)
O 0 99292 0 99343	* a {&safety deposit {#b{3o{#x{x (The Vault)
P 0 99223 1 99292 1	* a {&safety deposit {#b{3o{#x{x: a {!HUGE {#key{x
M 0 99244 1 99345 1	* Jimbo (Jimbo's Objects of Battle)
G 0 99253 0		*	a {#barbed{3-{#tipped {bw{Bh{bi{Bp{x
G 0 99254 0		*	a {8steel{&-{8ended {Bquarter{bstaff{x
G 0 99255 0		*	a {1double{!-{1bladed {bb{Ba{bt{Bt{bl{Be {!a{1x{!e{x
E 0 99252 0 16		*	a {1wi{3ck{1ed {xbastard sword{x: wielded
M 0 99243 1 99346 1	* Janice (The Taylor Shoppe)
M 0 99246 1 99350 1	* Carsandra (Health and Healing, Inc.)
G 0 99256 0		*	a {#f{!o{#a{!m{#i{!n{#g {&drink{x
G 0 99257 0		*	a flask of {&light {2green {3liquid{x
M 0 99277 5 99353 5	* A shopper (Water Tower Place: Foyer)
M 0 99277 5 99356 5	* A shopper (Water Tower Place: 1st Floor)
M 0 99247 1 99357 1	* Jorge (Bags Unlimited)
G 0 99258 0		*	a {#key {xbag
G 0 99259 0		*	a glass key
G 0 99260 0		*	a lockable knapsack
G 0 99261 0		*	a large {2q{@u{2i{@v{2e{@r{x
M 0 99277 5 99358 5	* A shopper (Water Tower Place: 2nd Floor)
M 0 99255 1 99359 1	* Chuck (Outdoor World)
G 0 99270 0		*	a pair of {#hiking {1boots{x
G 0 99272 0		*	a {%c{5ompass{x
G 0 99271 0		*	a {1hunting {3knife{x
G 0 99273 0		*	an {!inflatable {Braft{x
M 0 99254 1 99360 1	* Beth (Cookie Divine)
G 0 99266 0		*	a {8glass {xof {#lemonade{x
G 0 99267 0		*	a {1w{!a{3r{#m {xchocolate {#chip {%c{5oo{%ki{5e{x
G 0 99268 0		*	a {%sugar{#-{%coated {bs{Bnicker{bd{Boodle{x
G 0 99269 0		*	a {#golden {3peanut {#b{3u{#tt{3e{#r {%c{5oo{%k{5ie{x
M 0 99256 1 99362 1	* Abdul (Steak & Potatoes)
G 0 99274 0		*	a {3steak {xon a {&stick{x
G 0 99276 0		*	a {6p{2i{^t{@a{x
G 0 99275 0		*	a {1s{!t{3e{#a{1m{!i{3n{#g {3buttery {xbaked {3potato{x
G 0 99277 0		*	a {bb{Bag {xof {#french fries{x
M 0 99277 5 99363 5	* A shopper (Water Tower Place: 3rd Floor)
M 0 99248 1 99364 1	* Sasiak (Exotic Weapons of the World)
G 0 99263 0		*	Sai
G 0 99262 0		*	Nunchuka
G 0 99264 0		*	{bw{Bushu {bp{Budao{x
G 0 99265 0		*	a bladed {3s{#h{bi{Be{3l{#d{x
M 0 99277 5 99366 5	* A shopper (Water Tower Place: 4th Floor)
M 0 99272 1 99368 1	* A greasy man (Black Market Pets)
M 0 99257 1 99370 1	* Death-trap (Rail Line)
M 0 99267 1 99379 1	* a begger (Union Station: South Platforms)
M 0 99266 1 99380 1	* A beggar (The Great Hall)
M 0 99353 1 99380 1	* beggar's assistant (The Great Hall)
M 0 99269 1 99389 1	* A drunk (A smoke filled bar)
M 0 99229 4 99401 4	* A healer (Healers Room)
M 0 99261 1 99409 1	* Robert (Basketball game)
M 0 99262 1 99409 1	* Scott (Basketball game)
M 0 99263 1 99410 1	* Fred (Baseball Game)
M 0 99264 1 99410 1	* Rusty (Baseball Game)
M 0 99258 1 99411 1	* Big Top (Wrong Place)
E 0 99278 0 16		*	some {!s{1pike{!d {3leather {Bg{bloves{x: wielded
E 0 99279 0 12		*	a {1s{bt{1u{bd{1d{be{1d {3leather {8coat{x: about the shoulders
M 0 99259 1 99411 1	* Spencer (Wrong Place)
E 0 99236 0 16		*	a {5b{%u{bt{Bt{6e{^r{5f{%l{by {#knife{x: wielded
M 0 99260 1 99411 1	* Thucker (Wrong Place)
E 0 99254 0 16		*	a {8steel{&-{8ended {Bquarter{bstaff{x: wielded
M 0 99265 1 99423 1	* Leroy (Secluded Area)
M 0 99229 4 99424 4	* A healer (Healers Room)
M 0 99229 4 99425 4	* A healer (Healers Room)
M 0 99229 4 99426 4	* A healer (Healers Room)
M 0 99271 5 99430 5	* A ugly catfish (Large Tunnel)
M 0 99271 5 99431 5	* A ugly catfish (Grated Opening)
M 0 99249 1 99431 1	* An electric eel (Grated Opening)
M 0 99271 5 99432 5	* A ugly catfish (Water-filled Tunnel)
M 0 99271 5 99433 5	* A ugly catfish (Retention Pond )
M 0 99273 1 99434 1	* An alligator (Primary Pond)
O 0 99283 0 99439	* the remains of a chair (Security Gate)
O 0 99284 0 99440	* a small {Bp{bu{Bd{bd{Bl{be {xof {Bw{ba{Bt{be{Br{x (Damp Tunnel)
O 0 99285 0 99440	* the remains of an animal (Damp Tunnel)
M 0 99274 1 99455 1	* Giant rat (Turn in the Darkness)
E 0 99286 0 16		*	a {1b{!lood{1y {xrat fang{x: wielded
M 0 99279 1 99458 1	* Alex (A Hidden Office)
M 0 99275 2 99466 2	* A giant bat (The Catwalks)
M 0 99276 1 99469 1	* An ugly mutant (Inside the Reactor)
E 0 99293 0 0		*	a {#g{3l{#o{3w{#i{3n{#g {xmutant head{x: as a light
M 0 99281 1 99471 1	* The verifier (Verification Room)
M 0 99352 2 99474 2	* Fiodette (Atop the Hillside)
M 0 99282 20 99476 20	* A plump mole-rat (Vampire Food Storeage Area)
O 0 99295 0 99480	* the wooden chest (A Secret Cave)
P 0 99296 5 99295 1	* the wooden chest: a {3j{#u{!i{#c{3y {xsteak{x
O 0 99297 0 99489	* a small {#nest{x (The Rope Ladder)
P 0 99298 1 99297 1	* a small {#nest{x: a {3wooden {xkey
M 0 99288 1 99492 1	* A stone skinned gargoyle (Outer Cave Entrance)
E 0 99304 0 17		*	a {7g{&l{#i{&t{7t{&e{#r{&i{7n{&g {6s{^t{6o{^n{6e {xstaff{x: held in the hands
M 0 99283 1 99494 1	* A large raven (Main Tunnel)
M 0 99304 8 99494 8	* Dwarf guard (Main Tunnel)
E 0 99307 0 5		*	a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x: on the body
E 0 99308 0 16		*	a large {#battle{!axe{x: wielded
M 0 99289 4 99495 2	* A dwarf baby (Mountain Dwellers Nursery)
M 0 99290 1 99495 1	* The nursery guard (Mountain Dwellers Nursery)
E 0 99305 0 16		*	a massive {!war{#hammer{x: wielded
M 0 99303 1 99497 1	* A dwarven cook (A Dirty Kitchen)
O 0 99306 0 99498	* a decaying {8corpse{x (Beast Slaughter Area)
O 0 99306 0 99498	* a decaying {8corpse{x (Beast Slaughter Area)
M 0 99304 8 99502 8	* Dwarf guard (Southern End of the Great Hall)
E 0 99307 0 5		*	a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x: on the body
E 0 99305 0 16		*	a massive {!war{#hammer{x: wielded
M 0 99304 8 99502 8	* Dwarf guard (Southern End of the Great Hall)
E 0 99307 0 5		*	a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x: on the body
E 0 99308 0 16		*	a large {#battle{!axe{x: wielded
M 0 99284 1 99503 1	* Xareadie (Private Room of Zsuzsu)
M 0 99306 1 99505 1	* Edelaseth (The Balcony)
E 0 99309 0 17		*	a {^sapphire {xencrusted scepter{x: held in the hands
M 0 99304 8 99505 8	* Dwarf guard (The Balcony)
E 0 99305 0 16		*	a massive {!war{#hammer{x: wielded
E 0 99307 0 5		*	a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x: on the body
M 0 99304 8 99506 8	* Dwarf guard (Entrance to the Prisons)
E 0 99307 0 5		*	a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x: on the body
E 0 99308 0 16		*	a large {#battle{!axe{x: wielded
M 0 99307 1 99507 1	* troll guard (Above the Torture Pit)
G 0 99310 0		*	A cell-door key
M 0 99308 3 99508 3	* an elven prisoner (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99309 3 99508 3	* an angry duergar (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99310 3 99508 3	* a wary human (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99311 3 99508 3	* a furry felar (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99312 3 99508 3	* a worried looking arial (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99308 3 99509 3	* an elven prisoner (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99309 3 99509 3	* an angry duergar (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99310 3 99509 3	* a wary human (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99311 3 99509 3	* a furry felar (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99312 3 99509 3	* a worried looking arial (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99308 3 99510 3	* an elven prisoner (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99309 3 99510 3	* an angry duergar (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99310 3 99510 3	* a wary human (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99311 3 99510 3	* a furry felar (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99312 3 99510 3	* a worried looking arial (A Filthy Cell)
M 0 99304 8 99517 8	* Dwarf guard (Guards Living Area)
E 0 99307 0 5		*	a {7g{&l{7e{&a{7m{&i{7n{&g {3bronze {xbreastplate{x: on the body
E 0 99305 0 16		*	a massive {!war{#hammer{x: wielded
M 0 99314 1 99522 1	* a servant (Common Living Area)
M 0 99314 2 99523 2	* a servant (Common Living Area)
M 0 99315 1 99524 1	* royal guard (Door to the Royal Chambers)
M 0 99313 1 99526 1	* a burning felar (Inside the Iron Maiden)
O 0 99300 0 99530	* a portal (Quest Staging Area)
M 0 99316 1 99531 1	* Braytha (Royal Bed Chambers)
E 0 99311 0 16		*	silver shortsword: wielded
M 0 99334 5 99538 5	* a large brown fish (Sailing the Forsaken Sea)
M 0 99334 5 99539 5	* a large brown fish (Sailing the Forsaken Sea)
M 0 99334 5 99544 1	* a large brown fish (Sailing the Forsaken Sea)
M 0 99334 5 99546 5	* a large brown fish (Sailing the Forsaken Sea)
M 0 99318 1 99548 1	* a sea monster (Sailing the Forsaken Sea)
M 0 99317 1 99571 1	* Whirlpool wizi mob (The Whirlpool)
M 0 99285 1 99577 1	* A pulsating blob (The Bottom of the Pit)
O 0 99302 0 99582	* a {6w{^a{5t{%e{br{Bf{6a{^l{5l{x (The Thundering Waterfall)
M 0 99286 1 99587 1	* Thalelith (Temple of the Cannibals)
E 0 99301 0 17		*	a {8dark {#o{3a{#k {&staff{x: held in the hands
O 0 99326 0 99587	* the flaming pit to {RHELL{x (Temple of the Cannibals)
M 0 99302 4 99598 4	* a R.O.U.S (Dead End)
M 0 99302 4 99604 4	* a R.O.U.S (Dead End)
M 0 99302 4 99605 4	* a R.O.U.S (Dead End)
M 0 99324 1 99609 1	* the gate guard (Village Main Gate)
E 0 99317 0 16		*	a sharpened spear: wielded
E 0 99303 0 3		*	{xthe {^main {5g{%a{5te {^key{x: around the neck (1)
M 0 99333 2 99610 2	* a small thief (Main Street of the Village)
M 0 99325 6 99614 6	* a village resident (Residence of the Tribe Members)
M 0 99325 6 99615 6	* a village resident (Residence of the Tribe Members)
M 0 99325 6 99616 6	* a village resident (Residence of the Tribe Members)
M 0 99325 6 99617 6	* a village resident (Residence of the Tribe Members)
M 0 99326 1 99622 1	* a village priest (Altar)
E 0 99316 0 3		*	a gleaming {Ygolden{x cross: around the neck (1)
M 0 99332 1 99623 1	* Noitrem (Master Mages Residence)
M 0 99331 1 99624 1	* Alealdan (Village Healers Residence)
M 0 99325 6 99625 6	* a village resident (Residence of the Tribe Members)
M 0 99325 6 99626 6	* a village resident (Residence of the Tribe Members)
M 0 99329 1 99627 1	* a village priest (Village Priests Residence )
E 0 99323 0 17		*	a worn bible: held in the hands
M 0 99330 1 99628 1	* the chief priest (Chief Priests Residence)
E 0 99324 0 6		*	a tall mitre: over the head
M 0 99333 2 99631 2	* a small thief (Shopping Plaza)
M 0 99335 1 99638 1	* a sand demon (A Desert Oasis)
M 0 99336 3 99640 3	* a desert asp (Lost in the Dunes)
M 0 99336 3 99642 3	* a desert asp (Lost in the Dunes)
M 0 99336 3 99644 3	* a desert asp (Lost in the Dunes)
M 0 99337 2 99645 2	* an armored lizard (The Tar Pits)
M 0 99338 2 99649 2	* a saber-tooth tiger (The Tar Pits)
E 0 99325 0 16		*	a tigers fang: wielded
M 0 99287 1 99651 1	* The recluse hermit (Residence of the Recluse Hermit)
M 0 99339 1 99653 1	* the wooly mammoth (The Tar Pits)
M 0 99337 2 99655 2	* an armored lizard (The Tar Pits)
M 0 99338 2 99656 2	* a saber-tooth tiger (The Tar Pits)
E 0 99325 0 16		*	a tigers fang: wielded
M 0 99321 1 99661 1	*  (Underground Lake)
M 0 99320 1 99663 1	* a fungus growth (Chamber of Life)
O 0 99312 0 99664	* the rotting skeleton (Shore of the Underground Lake)
P 0 99313 1 99312 1	* the rotting skeleton: An iron boat
M 0 99322 1 99667 1	* Ciar (Mad Witch Doctors Residence)
E 0 99314 0 14		*	a {Ddark{x bracelet: on the left wrist
M 0 99301 1 99673 1	* an {Rinflamed{x mass of flesh (A Nasty Infection)
O 0 99315 0 99675	* the membrane (A Bright Opening)
M 0 99327 2 99680 2	* a demon guard (Chaos Wedding Chapel)
O 0 99318 0 99680	* a marble table (Chaos Wedding Chapel)
M 0 99328 1 99680 1	* a table server (Chaos Wedding Chapel)

99217 0 0 0 0 0 100 18 0 23
99236 0 0 0 0 0 100 13 0 23
99240 0 0 0 0 0 100 20 0 23
99243 0 0 0 0 0 100 15 0 23
99244 0 0 0 0 0 100 19 0 23
99246 0 0 0 0 0 100 14 0 23
99247 0 0 0 0 0 100 18 0 23
99248 0 0 0 0 0 100 20 0 23
99254 0 0 0 0 0 100 10 0 23
99255 0 0 0 0 0 100 16 0 23
99256 0 0 0 0 0 100 17 0 23
99268 0 0 0 0 0 100 17 0 23

O 99230 2	* Captain's Bars
O 99237 1	* an {Bo{bc{^t{6o{&p{7u{8s {xtentacle{x
O 99238 1	* a {bf{6o{^u{Bn{bt{^a{6i{bn{x
O 99252 1	* a {1wi{3ck{1ed {xbastard sword{x
O 99311 1	* silver shortsword
O 99314 1	* a {Ddark{x bracelet
O 99392 1	* Ring of Life
O 99393 1	* Blade of Immortality
O 99394 1	* Amulet of Death
O 99395 1	* Hilt of Zsuzsu's sword
O 99396 1	* Blade of Zsuzsu's Sword
O 99397 1	* Hammer of Sadin

if clan $n Chaos
say Chaos Rules!
if clan $n warlock
say Warlock Rules even more!
'Greetings $n, Welcome to Chronomancer's Tower.  My master is not home at the current time, but if you wish you may rest here overnight.  Be warned however, do not attempt to gain access to the third floor, as that would be most unwise.
'You were warned $n, now you shall die!
murder $n
if carries $n 99213
say I see you've got a ring already.  You will only need one to continue your journey
mob oload 99213
say Have a ring. It'll help you blend in with the native culture.
give ring $n
mob damage $n 30000 30001
mob transfer $n 99220
emote touches you with a ghostly finger and the world starts to spin.  When all is still again, you are in a new place.
mob transfer $n 99471
if race $n human
'A monster, call the police'
mob transfer swat
mob kill $n
'I am too busy to take your picture.  Maybe the lady in the dolphin tank will help you out.
emote turns around and huffs in the corner.
'Hi there, do you want your picture taken??  It only costs one dollar.  Just please pay in advance.
emote tells you to smile then a bright flash of light blinds you.
mob oload 99243
give photo to $n
'Hello, Welcome to the Drake Hotel.  How can I help you today?
emote smiles at you.
say Jessica is located in room 403, fourth floor.
emote points to the stairs in the corner, leading up.
say I am sorry, we have nobody listed here by that name.
mob damage $n 30000 30001
mob transfer $n 99402
say Make sure you stay away from Big Top, he will kill you if you bother him.
mob echoat $n As you turn to leave, you accidently step on the eel.
mob echoaround $n $n turn to leave, and accidently step on the eel.
mob echo The eel suddenly flashes brightly and swim toward in anger.
murder $n
if carries $n 99287
say I don't know what you are talking about.  I have no home, why should you.
emote sniffs loudly
mob oload 99287
say Master, welcome back.  I have been waiting a long time for your return.  Here is the key you asked me to keep safe.  The bank still keeps your box safe.
say Go to the bank manager and tell him "I have come for the box number 372."
give key to $n
say Extra, Extra, Read all about it.  Counterfeiting ring broken up.  Extra, Extra, Read all about it.
if carries $n 99289
say Why are you back here again?  Alex needs that letter quickly.  Now get out of here.
slap $n
mob oload 99289
say Did Alex send you, I guess not.  I need you to do me a big favor and bring this letter to Alex.  He will provide you with a new ID for your effort.  He is hiding out in the old power plant.  There is an old maintaince entrance near Union Station.  Now, go quickly.
kiss $n
give letter to $n
if carries $n 99290
say Listen dude, I already helped you out, now get out of here before I beat you silly.
pipe $n
mob oload 99290
emote opens and quickly reads the letter before looking up at you with relief.
say Thank goodness Jessica is safe for now.  I will honor her request, but I can't create one here for you.  I'll give you my ring; go see Leroy down in the slums and he will take care of you.
give ring to $n
if carries $n 99290
say Listen dude, I already helped you out, now get out of here before I beat you silly.
pipe $n
say What do you want.
if carries $n 99291
say You again, I have already told you where to go.  Now leave me alone.
emote shoos you toward the door.
if carries $n 99291
say I know I helped you already, now please leave.  I am very busy right now.
mob oload 99291
say Ahh, yes.  I remember the box.  It is currently sitting in our vault.  Take this slip to the guard down by the vault and he will let you in.  Have a good day and please bank here again.
give note to $n
shake $n
say I will need to see your identification card, without it I can not help you.
if carries $n 99287
emote takes the note and unlocks the massive steel door.  He ushers you in and points to a box on the table.  As he leaves he closes and locks the door back up.
mob trans $n 99343
say You seem to be missing you box key.  Please come back when you have your key.
give note to $n
say In order to complete our business, please hand me the key for the box.
emote holds out his hand.
emote places the key inside his pocket and opens the vault door for you.
mob trans $n 99342
say I am sorry, but this is not the correct key.  Please give me the small brass key issued to you from the bank.
give huge to $n
if wears $n 99213

emote holds out it's hand.
if carries $n 99213

emote holds out it's hand.

emote touches you with a ghostly finger and the world starts to spin.  When all is still again, you are in a new place.
mob transfer $n 99471
if wears $n 99213
mob force remove {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99213
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99239
mob force $n drop dollar
if carries $n 99243
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99287
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99288
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99289
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99290
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99291
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
if carries $n 99223
mob force $n drop {RRestricted{x
say Thank you for your cooperation, you are cleared to proceed into the portal room.
Mob transfer $n 99217
if carries $i 99290
if carries $i 99243
mob oload 99288
emote takes you photo and puts it in a small box.  A minute later a small card pops out the back.
say Here is your ID, don't tell anyone where you got it from.
give fake to $n
say I need a photo of you, how else can I make your ID card?
say Why should I do anything for you, now get out of my house.
Say I guess Alex is out there still.  Very well, give me a photo and I'll get a ID made for you.
emote takes you photo and does something with it real fast and puts it in a small box.  After a minute a small card pops out.
give fake to $n
if carries $n 99288
say I already helped you, now please leave.
if carries $n 99239
say Peace to the world.
hug $n
mob oload 99239
say Have some cash to enjoy your life.
give buck to $n
kiss $n
emote reaches behind her counter and releases a small furry animal.
say There you go, that is the best I can do.  No charge this time.
wink $n
mob mload 99282
if mobs == 0
mob mload 99250
mob force snake follow $n
mob force $n group snake
'I can't keep a zoo in my shop, now leave.
emote squawks loudly when $n enters the room, alerting the guards to an intrusion.
mob oload 99300
give token to $n
mob oload 99301
give medal to $n
'Please take only what you need from the donation pit.  Thank you for your consideration.
tell Sadin $n has arrived.
say Now you shall die, Breath in your death.
brandish staff
brand staff
if wears $n royalpasskey
mob gtransfer $n 99529
say You are not allowed past this point, leave now!
mob gtransfer $n 99577
mob echoat $n Suddenly the monster rears up and comes slashing down, eating you in the process.
mob echoaround $n Suddenly the monster rears up and comes slashing down, when the water settles, $n is gone!
mob mload 99319
mob goto 99657
mob transfer $n
mob goto pmpm
mob purge pmpm
murder $r
if carries $n 99313
mob echo You feel confident that your raft, although heavy will make the trip across the foul lake.
mob trans $n 99665
mob echo You watch in horror as a small animal scurries into the lake and suddenly dissovles; you get the feeling you should find a more protective way of crossing the lake.
murder $n
mob affstrip self
give bracelet to $n
say I hope this protects you better then it did me....and sorry about what happens next.
mob echo Suddenly the fireball, over the table, slams into your chest and the world goes black.
mob trans $n 99668
mob affstrip $n
mob oload 17605
give apple to $n
tell $n Enjoy the apple.  Would you like some lamb chops to go with it?
mob oload 99267
give cookie to $n
tell $n Enjoy the warm cookies, I hope you ate your dinner first.
mob oload 10653
give lamb to $n
tell $n Here is your lamb, I hope it pleases you.
mob oload 99319
give fowl to $n
tell $n I just caught this one this morning, can't be much fresher then that.  Enjoy it.
mob oload 99320
give arm to $n
tell $n You are a bit more daring then you look.  This arm is from Eddu, I have been saving it for a special party.
mob oload 99321
give leg to $n
tell $n Hope you like plump legs, since the ruler hardly ever walk, it might be a little fatty.  Either way, enjoy it.
mob echoat $n Xareadie looks at you.
mob echoaround $n Xareadie looks at $n.
emote looks at a finely cut emerald.
emote looks confused.
mob echoat $n Xareadie looks at you.
mob echoaround $n Xareadie looks at $n.
emote looks at a finely cut emerald.
emote searches his pockets.
emote produces a small lizard's tail.
yell AGH!
mob oload 99384
drop tail
emote collapses.
mob junk emerald
mob delay 2
emote gradually picks himself off the floor.
emote mumbles, "{CWeapons... Mass destruction... the bush did it...{z"
say Machines making decisions, writing poetry...
yell Why?!
whisper You fools... the lizards... you should have killed the lizards...
say You have to save us, you have to save us all! Kill the dragon!
emote mumbles, "{CWhat color... what color were they...{z"
emote begins to count on his fingers.
whisper Blue... Green... White... Black...
emote collapses again.
say Doorways, I know nothing of doorways.  All I can talk about are glowing doors.
say Glowing doors you say.  The shaman, Edelaseth,  in the mountians has access to a magic glowing door, but he will not let me enter it.  I seem to have forgotten the password, even though I wrote it down in here someplace.
emote peers toward the bed and his eyes light up briefly.
say Alas, I did have the magic portal to the new land; but the foul high priest of the Elves stole it from me.  Alas I am unsure of its exact location, but I hear it is located in an underground cavern the hides below the surface of a lake.
say The way home is often times the pathway to death.
emote glances at the pit and starts to cackle.
emote casts one final spell, and hurls a roaring fireball at you.  Unable to react in time, it slams into you and....
mob trans $n 99668
echo The fireballs moves so fast, you fail to dodge it; As the heat washes over you, the world turns black.
mob peace
mob trans $n 99668
say You fool, you shall never live this hut alive.
emote speaks a few soft words and a massive fireball races for your chest, as it slams into you; the world goes black.
mob trans $n 99668
if carries $i 99385
and carries $i 99390 
and carries $i 99386
and carries $i 99391
and carries $i 99387
and carries $i 99388
and carries $i 99389
say Excellent, I have all the parts I need.
Emote leans over a large steel table and starts chanting and moving his hands over the assorted body parts.
mob oload 99250
give lost to $n
junk all.lost
say You have done well, now return this to Sadin; he is looking for it.
Say You have not provided my with all the necessary body parts, I shall need 2 arms, 2 legs, a torso, a head and most importantly an essence. 
Give all.lost to $n
cast calm $n
smite $n
Say Fool, Sadin protects his followers.  Now leave and never return.
cast teleport $n
if isonquest $n
tell $n Once you have completed your quest, seek me out and say "I am completed my task."
tell $n I shall then allow you easy transport back to your Questor with ample time to spare.
cuddle $n
if isquestcomplete $n
mob transfer $n 99202
mob oload 99322
give brain to $n
tell $n Please don't tell anyone, but this is imitation brain; since we all know there is not much up there in real rulers.  It is a personal recipe, please tell me how it is.
mob remember beggar
if pos $q sit
mob force $q stand
mob forget
