Name Ghost Town~
VNUMs 8100 8199
Credits Yaegar~
Security 9
LevelRange 45 65

a spectre~
A Spectre screams at you and attacks!
The spirit of some former minion of this place, this foul Undead creature
will do its best you meet the same fate as all previous intruders in this
fell domain- DEATH.
AFGO T -1000 0
48 48 161d48+0 240d10+85 16d3+29 none
-23 -23 -23 -13
EFNQ 0 0 X
stand stand none 387
I 0 medium flesh~
a wraith~
A Wraith strides  silently toward you, death in its glowing red eyes.
The spirit of some former minion of this place, this foul Undead creature
will do its best you meet the same fate as all previous intruders in this
fell domain- DEATH.
AFGO T -1000 0
47 47 156d47+0 235d10+85 15d3+28 none
-22 -22 -22 -12
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 923
I 0 medium flesh~
a wight~
A ghastly wight, still clad in the armor it wore in life, strikes at you.
The spirit of some former minion of this place, this foul Undead creature
will do its best you meet the same fate as all previous intruders in this
fell domain- DEATH.
AFGO 0 -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
EFNQ 0 0 X
stand stand none 914
I 0 medium flesh~
a ghost~
The ghost of some long-dead adventurer howls maniacally at you.
The spirit of some former minion of this place, this foul Undead creature
will do its best you meet the same fate as all previous intruders in this
fell domain- DEATH.
AFGO T -1000 0
48 48 161d48+0 240d10+85 16d3+29 none
-23 -23 -23 -13
EFNU 0 0 X
stand stand none 2088
I 0 medium flesh~
a vampire~
An evil vampire rises from the sarcophagus, bares its fangs and attacks!
The Evil Baron and his two brothers were vampires imprisoned here by Xanan
centuries ago, who had not the power to slay them utterly, and now thanks
to your disturbance they have risen again!
ABFGO N -1000 0
54 54 195d54+0 270d10+85 18d3+32 none
-27 -27 -27 -15
stand stand none 832
0 0 medium flesh~
a lich~
An insane Lich cackles hideously and unleashes a volley of spells.
This powerful Undead is actually Xantharus' former master, whom he betrayed
and slew. But he underestimated his master's power, and now he as returned
as a Lich, seeking revenge!
ABFGO DFJ -1000 0
58 58 218d58+0 290d10+85 19d3+34 none
-29 -29 -29 -17
stand stand male 2811
0 0 medium flesh~
a lesser demon~
A Lesser Demon slobbers, drools and cackles insanely!
This grotesque is a minion of the lower planes drawn here by the intense
concentration of negative material energy.
AFGHO 0 -1000 0
52 52 211d52+0 520d11+95 18d2+42 none
-28 -28 -28 -18
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1966
I 0 medium flesh~
spi  rit revenant~
a revenant~
The spirit of a mortal horribly wronged has returned as a Revenant.
This poor soul was once a powerful, good priest of Soleil who was betrayed
by agents of the evil Gomez and tortured and slain by them. His spirit has
returned here, seeking out the long-dead fellows who slew him. He will 
ignore all else in his quest, but will not hesitate to attack you if you
AGO N 0 0
57 57 243d57+0 570d11+95 20d2+45 none
-32 -32 -32 -20
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2164
I 0 medium flesh~
spirit haunt~
a haunt~
The spirit of an adventurer slain here long ago is now bound here as a Haunt.
This spirit was once a powerful warrior who, on a wager, entered Ghost Town.
He was quickly slain by the inhabitants, but such was his distress at his
death, his spirit remained behind to haunt the area where he met his end.
ABGO T 0 0
48 48 161d48+0 240d10+85 16d3+29 none
-23 -23 -23 -13
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1689
I 0 medium flesh~
crypt thing~
a crypt thing~
A Crypt Thing cackles evilly and taunts you.
This fell creature will not attack you, despite its evil- it will merely
taunt you, though it will not hesitate to defend itself.
ABGO 0 -1000 0
55 55 201d55+0 275d10+85 18d3+32 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2379
0 0 medium flesh~
greater demon~
a greater demon~
A Greater demon spews forth fire and gas!
This grotesque is a minion of the lower planes drawn here by the intense
concentration of negative material energy.
ABFGO T -1000 0
58 58 218d58+0 290d10+85 19d3+34 none
-29 -29 -29 -17
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2213
I 0 medium flesh~
undead dragon~
an undead dragon~
An Undead Dragon belches forth poisonous fumes!
This foul Dracolich is the undead spirit of a dragon that served Xantharus
so well in life that he animated it to continue serving him after its
ABFGO T -1000 0
62 62 277d62+0 620d11+95 21d2+48 none
-35 -35 -35 -22
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2509
0 0 medium flesh~
undead monster~
an undead monster~
An undead monster shambles forth and attacks!
The spirit of some former minion of this place, this foul Undead creature
will do its best you meet the same fate as all previous intruders in this
fell domain- DEATH.
AFGO 0 -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1189
0 0 medium flesh~
giant rat~
a giant rat~
A GIANT Rat savagely charges you!
When I say GIANT, I am talking ten feet high...
ACFGHO DFQ -1000 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 413
0 0 medium flesh~
giant spider~
a giant spider~
A GIANT Spider drops down on you!
When I say GIANT, I am talking ten feet high...
ACFGHO Q -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1726
P 0 medium flesh~
lurker above~
a lurker above~
A Lurker Above seeks to enfold and suffocate you!
This foul abberration feeds on any and all that enter its lair- even the
corporeal undead avoid it...
52 52 184d52+0 260d10+85 17d3+31 none
-25 -25 -25 -14
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2241
0 0 medium flesh~
a succubus~
A beautiful female smiles charmingly at you, revealing sharp fangs...
OUCH! Its a Succubus. She will charm you, then waste you. FIGHT!
ABGO Tu -1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2098
I 0 medium flesh~
necromancer xantharus~
A timid-looking Necromancer begs to be freed.
This pathetic wretch is none other than Xantharus, the evil mage that brought
the Undead to this town, destroying it, before losing control of them. He
has fled here, in the hopes that they won't find him before he finds a way
to escape his terrible mistake.
ABGHO 0 -400 0
50 50 198d50+0 500d11+95 17d2+40 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2833
I 0 medium flesh~
rotting corpse~
a rotting corpse~
A Rotting Corpse staggers clumsily toward you.
This thing and its fellows are what remains of the citizens of this once-
fine town, reduced to a horrid state of undeath. Slaying them would be the
best thing you could do for them...
AGO 0 0 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1859
I 0 medium flesh~
the master~
The Master surveys his domain and laughs evilly.
Little is known of this mysterious stranger who came here and took control
after the weak Xantharus lost control of his creations. He is a powerful,
diabolically evil mage, and will not hesitate to destroy you.
ABFGHO CDEFu -1000 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2232
0 0 medium flesh~
shambling mound~
a shambling mound~
A Shambling Mound... well... shambles toward you.
RUN! A twelve-foot high pile of garbage is attacking you!
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1801
0 0 medium flesh~
a kampflut~
A Kampflut attacks!
This hideous, animated tree resembles an ancient oak with tentacle-like
branches and a huge toothed maw. Despite its nasty demeanour, it is not
evil- it is simply hungry.
AFGO N 0 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 473
0 0 medium flesh~
black pudding~
a black pudding~
A Black Pudding slowly rolls toward you.
This huge black blob will dissolve weapons and armor it gets the chance,
then it will devour you!
AFGO N 0 0
52 52 184d52+0 260d10+85 17d3+31 none
-25 -25 -25 -14
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1161
0 0 medium flesh~
green slime~
green slime~
A patch of Green Slime drips on you, burning your skin!
Green Slime can dissolve even metal, so imagine what it would do to your
ABFGO 0 0 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1079
0 0 medium flesh~
gray ooze~
a gray ooze~
A pile of gray liquid oozes toward you.
"Oh," I hear you say. "How threatening". Well, just you wait!
AFGO N -1000 0
58 58 218d58+0 290d10+85 19d3+34 none
-29 -29 -29 -17
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 334
I 0 medium flesh~
animated tree~
an animated tree~
An Animated Tree bashes you with its branches.
This tree is bad and evil- it is an anti-treant :)
AFGO 0 0 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1733
I 0 medium flesh~
tree spirit~
a tree spirit~
A Tree Spirit offers you shelter in this place of evil.
This spirit is the only good creature in this place. She can guard you
while you rest, and perhaps heal your wounds if you pay her enough...
ABGO BN 400 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 3211
0 0 medium flesh~
death knight~
a death knight~
A Death Knight salutes you then attacks!
This is the spirit of a Paladin corrupted by the evil of the Master, doomed
to an eternity as an undead servant. Clad in ornate, ancient armor and 
wielding a shiny silver sword, he would look as he did in life save for his
rotting face...
ABFGO 0 -1000 0
60 60 264d60+0 600d11+95 21d2+47 none
-33 -33 -33 -21
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2358
I 0 medium flesh~
a nightmare~
A Nightmare, loyal steed of the denizens of the Lower Planes, rests here.
This black, winged equine hell-steed waits patiently for its master to finish 
its business here before bearing it to its next destination.
ABGO T -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 950
I 0 medium flesh~
a retriever~
A retriever rears on four of its legs and strikes.
This demonic steed resembles a huge spider with razor sharp blades for legs
and glowing gems for eyes.
ABFGO 0 -1000 0
58 58 218d58+0 290d10+85 19d3+34 none
-29 -29 -29 -17
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1944
0 0 medium flesh~
cambion scout~
a cambion scout~
A Cambion Scout eyes you cautiously.
This half-man, half-demon creature is a scout for Orcus, Prince of the 
Undead. He is here on a covert mission, and thus will avoid trouble if at
all possible. He is attempting to ascertain the degree of power of the
master, and inform his master if the strange man poses a significant threat
to his domination of all things Undead.
ACGHO EQV -1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 2412
0 0 medium flesh~
{rOrcus, {DPrince{x of the {DUndead{x,  glowers menacingly at you.
Whoa. You are standing before Orcus. He resembles a bloated man twenty
feet tall with a bull's nose and eyes, and goat's horns and hooves. He
grips a rod with a goat's head in one hoof, and glares suspiciously at you.
He is not really meant to be here, and thus will avoid attracting attention
of the powers of the Prime Material Plane by avoiding combat.
ABGHO BENu -1000 0
65 65 258d65+0 325d10+85 21d3+37 none
-34 -34 -34 -20
EFNQ M 0 0
stand stand male 1475
I 0 large flesh~
F res M
F vul N
water weird~
a water weird~
A Water Weird lunges at you!
This watery snake resides in the well, which it will fight to defend.
51 51 178d51+0 255d10+85 17d3+30 none
-25 -25 -25 -14
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
giant spider~
a giant spider~
A GIANT Spider drops down on you!
When I say GIANT, I am talking ten feet high...
ABCFGHO Q -1000 0
48 48 161d48+0 240d10+85 16d3+29 none
-23 -23 -23 -13
EFNQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 1415
0 0 medium flesh~
baron vampire~
a baron vampire~
The Baron vampire rises from the sarcophagus, bares its fangs and attacks!
The Evil Baron and his two brothers were vampires imprisoned here by Xanan
centuries ago, who had not the power to slay them utterly, and now thanks
to your disturbance they have risen again!
ABFGO 0 -1000 0
60 60 230d60+0 300d10+85 20d3+35 none
-30 -30 -30 -18
stand stand none 2384
I 0 medium flesh~

rod orcus~
the Rod of {rOrcus{x~
The Rod of Orcus glows evilly here.
staff BEGH AO
60 10 10 'pass door'
90 50 30000 P
3 1
12 215
G none
G none
G none
G none
hand vecna~
the {DHand{x of {DVecna{x~
A disembodied hand is here with long dark fingernails.~
leather steel~
jewelry EHJMQ AH
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 57 60 P
A 18 4 x
13 20
6 -3
20 -5
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
eye vecna~
the {DEye{x of {DVecna{x~
An evil eyeball rolls on the ground.~
leather steel~
food AEJM AE
0 0 0 A 0 0 0
56 57 1552 P
3 3
12 60
G none
G none
G none
G none
sword kas~
the Sword of {rKas{x~
The Sword of Kas beckons to you!
weapon BEGJM AN
longsword 3 20 pierce D
47 50 99349 P
17 20
18 4
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
a circlet~
A Circlet lies here, gathering dust.
armor GM AE
20 20 20 19 'none' 0
54 55 50 P
3 -3
4 -3
G none
G none
G none
G none
a {ytreasure{x hoard~
A treasure hoard is scattered here.
container 0 AO
400 0 0 50 85 0
1 150 7569 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a chest~
A chest sits here.
container 0 A
150 0 0 20 100 0
48 100 1360 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
robes flesh~
robes of {Rflesh{x~
Robes made of human flesh are piled here.
human flesh~
clothing EJ AK
58 59 88904 P
12 130
G none
G none
G none
G none
rod bone~
a Rod of Bone~
A Rod fashioned from a human femur lies here.
human femur~
weapon EJ AN
exotic 2 30 crush 0
58 70 61884 P
12 15
17 -10
18 4
19 4
G none
G none
G none
G none
a pile of bones~
A pile of bones lies here.
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 50 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a {mPower{x Gem~
A Mana Power Gem pulses strongly here.
staff AG AO
40 3 5 'high explosive'
58 10 40000 P
12 130
G none
G none
G none
G none
a {Dblack cloak{x~
A {Dblack cloak{x is piled here.~
clothing 0 AK
51 52 108031 P
12 140
13 -50
G none
G none
G none
G none
a diabolical sword~
A Dark Sword hums evilly here.
weapon BCEJ AN
longsword 3 20 slash C
55 50 112187 P
1 1
5 1
18 2
19 4
G none
G none
G none
G none
armor platemail mail~
a suit of {Ddark platemail{x~
A suit of dark plate mail armor lies here.~
armor CEJ AD
18 18 18 17 'none' 0
50 400 170014 P
18 5
19 5
17 -10
G none
G none
G none
G none
a {Ddark helm{x~
A {Ddark helm{x seeks to possess you!~
armor CHM AE
20 20 20 19 'none' 0
55 56 51 P
3 -3
4 -3
G none
G none
G none
G none
a jar~
A glass jar sits here.
container 0 AO
25 0 0 10 100 0
48 10 231 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
some poison~
Some poison lies here.
food 0 A
A 0 0 A 0 A 0
1 0 13 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
unholy symbol~
an Unholy Symbol~
The Unholy Symbol of some priest devoted to evil lies here.
light EJ A
48 5 5985 P
20 -5
G none
G none
G none
G none
holy symbol~
a Holy Symbol~
The Holy Symbol of some priest devoted to good lies here.
light AK A
48 5 4959 P
13 50
G none
G none
G none
G none
a corpse~
The corpse of some unfortunate adventurer is lying here.
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 75 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a key~
A black key is here.
key B AO
B 0 0 0 0 B 0
0 5 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
jar blood~
a jar of human blood~
A jar of human blood sits here.
potion BEJT AO
60 'poison' 'weaken' 'curse' ''
45 10 300 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
well water~
a stone well~
fountain O P
0 0 'slime mold juice' 0
1 789725 0 P
well stone water~
There is a little water left in this well, but it is covered with a
thick, green slimy mess, and doesn't look safe to drink.  
G none
G none
G none
G none

A Dusty Trail~
You are heading along a dusty trail that runs toward the town ahead. There
is a horrid stench detectable even here. You see a sign up ahead.
0 C field
W E L C O M E    T O    G H O S T T O W N

                       Population : 0

Z -1 8101
0 0
Z -1 9584
0 0
The Town~
You have reached the Ghost Town, a place rumored to be inhabited by the
most ghastly of undead, as well as their fell minions. Should you proceed,
you may find yourself unable to return home by conventional means, and
instead have to travel through until you find another means of escape. Your
0 C city
Z -1 8102
0 0
Z -1 8100
0 0
The Main Street~
Stepping onto this street, you immediately feel a wave of fear and dread
wash over you. Shaking, you collect yourself and prepare to advance into
this literally god-forsaken area. Houses line the street to the left and
right. Up ahead lies a small town square.
0 0 city
Z -1 8106
0 0
ABZ 0 8104
0 0
ABZ 0 8103
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8102
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8102
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8108
0 0
Z -1 8106
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8109
0 0
Z -1 8107
0 0
Z -1 8102
0 0
Z -1 8105
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8110
0 0
Z -1 8106
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8111
0 0
Z -1 8109
0 0
Z -1 8105
0 0
Z -1 8114
0 0
The Well in the Town Square~
You are standing in the middle of the town square, at the well. Paths stretch
past houses and shops in every direction. There must still be some water in
the well, as a small amount of grass has managed to grow around it.
0 N city
Z -1 8112
0 0
Z -1 8110
0 0
Z -1 8106
0 0
Z -1 8108
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8113
0 0
Z -1 8124
0 0
Z -1 8107
0 0
Z -1 8109
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8112
0 0
Z -1 8108
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8134
0 0
Z -1 8113
0 0
Z -1 8109
0 0
Z -1 8111
0 0
The Town Square~
You have come to the Town Square. You can proceed in several directions from
here across the square, which is now nothing more than a flat square of
scorched earth and decimated vegetation, or down one of the side streets.
There is a well in the middle of the square.
0 N city
Z -1 8110
0 0
Z -1 8112
0 0
A Side Street~
You are advancing along a side street that runs west away from the Town
Square. Houses lie to the north and south.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8115
0 0
Z -1 8108
0 0
ABZ 0 8116
0 0
Z -1 8117
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8114
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8114
0 0
A Side Street~
You are advancing along a side street that runs west away from the Town
Square. Houses lie to the north and south.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8118
0 0
Z -1 8114
0 0
ABZ 0 8119
0 0
Z -1 8120
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8117
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8117
0 0
A Side Street~
You have reached the end of a side street that runs west away from the Town
Square. Houses lie to the north, west and south.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8121
0 0
Z -1 8117
0 0
ABZ 0 8122
0 0
ABZ 0 8123
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8120
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8120
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8120
0 0
A Side Street~
You are advancing along a side street that runs east away from the Town
Square. Houses lie to the north and south.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8125
0 0
Z -1 8127
0 0
ABZ 0 8126
0 0
Z -1 8110
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8124
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8124
0 0
A Side Street~
You are advancing along a side street that runs east away from the Town
Square. Houses lie to the north and south.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8128
0 0
Z -1 8130
0 0
ABZ 0 8129
0 0
Z -1 8124
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8127
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8127
0 0
A Side Street~
You have reached the end of a side street that runs east away from the Town
Square. Houses lie to the north, east and south.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8131
0 0
ABZ 0 8133
0 0
ABZ 0 8132
0 0
Z -1 8127
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8130
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8130
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8130
0 0
Main Street~
You are heading along Main Street, which heads south to the Town Square and
North toward an intersection. Houses line the street.
0 N city
Z -1 8137
0 0
ABZ 0 8136
0 0
Z -1 8112
0 0
ABZ 0 8135
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8134
0 0
A Ruined House~
The interior of this house reeks of death. The dried blood smeared on the
walls and the piles of bones on the floor bespeak of the fate of the former
inhabitants of this residence. The current inhabitants may not be so easy
to kill...
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8134
0 0
An Intersection~
You are standing at an intersection devoid of houses. A park looms to the
northwest of here, while the former residences of the Mayor lie directly
west. You aren't sure where the northern path goes, as that area is
enshrouded in dark fog...
0 N city
Z -1 8155
0 0
Z -1 8134
0 0
Z -1 8138
0 0
The Road to the Mayor's House~
This road was at one time spacious and beautiful, but is now cluttered with
debris and overgrown with tough, gray weeds that have sprouted through the
carefully-laid cobblestones. There are junctions to the east and west of
0 N city
Z -1 8137
0 0
Z -1 8139
0 0
A Junction~
At this point, a dirt track runs north toward a dismal-looking garden that
once flourished with the most beautiful flora on the continent, but is now
home to the same sickly-gray weeds that sprout through the footpath, as well
as some very tall, sinister-looking trees.
0 N city
Z -1 8171
0 0
Z -1 8138
0 0
Z -1 8140
0 0
Outside the Mayor's House~
The path ends at a decrepit manse that once served as home for the Mayor
of this town. Since the incursion of the undead, it has fallen into
disrepair, though not to the state that the other dwellings have, leading
you to suspect that perhaps someone (or thing) important now resides here...
0 N city
Z -1 8139
0 0
ABZ 0 8141
0 0
The Hallway~
You are advancing along a dimly-lit hall lined with garish paintings depicting
rather macabre-looking members of some decadent family. To the west lies
a crooked stairway that leads up to the next level. Doors lie to the north and
south of here.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8143
0 0
ABZ 0 8140
0 0
ABZ 0 8142
0 0
Z -1 8144
0 0
A Room in the Mayor's Manse~
This room reeks of decay, perhaps mainly due to the decaying corpses lying
about. Blood has been smeared all over the walls, and a sickly-looking vine
has crawled in through the broken panes of the windows. You gag and try
not to vomit.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8141
0 0
A Room in the Mayor's Manse~
This room reeks of decay, perhaps mainly due to the decaying corpses lying
about. Blood has been smeared all over the walls, and a sickly-looking vine
has crawled in through the broken panes of the windows. You gag and try
not to vomit.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8141
0 0
The Hallway~
You are advancing along a dimly-lit hall lined with garish paintings depicting
rather macabre-looking members of some decadent family. To the west lies
a crooked stairway that leads up to the next level. Doors lie to the north and
south of here.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8146
0 0
Z 0 8141
0 0
ABZ 0 8145
0 0
Z -1 8147
0 0
A Room in the Mayor's Manse~
This room reeks of decay, perhaps mainly due to the decaying corpses lying
about. Blood has been smeared all over the walls, and a sickly-looking vine
has crawled in through the broken panes of the windows. You gag and try
not to vomit.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8144
0 0
A Room in the Mayor's Manse~
This room reeks of decay, perhaps mainly due to the decaying corpses lying
about. Blood has been smeared all over the walls, and a sickly-looking vine
has crawled in through the broken panes of the windows. You gag and try
not to vomit.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8144
0 0
The Stairway~
This crooked staircase looks very unstable, and this, coupled with the 
dreadful stench emanating from upstairs, makes you reluctant to proceed...
0 ADN inside
Z -1 8144
0 0
Z -1 8148
0 0
The Stairway~
At the top of the stairs you pause to catch your breath, and are immediately
sorry as horrid-smelling air fills your lungs. Coughing, you fight to 
breathe, and steel yourself to continue.
0 ADN inside
Z -1 8149
0 0
Z -1 8147
0 0
The Hallway~
You are advancing along a dimly-lit hall lined with garish paintings depicting
rather macabre-looking members of some decadent family. Doors lie to the north 
and south of here. The hall ends at an impressive portal to the east.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8150
0 0
ABZ 0 8152
0 0
ABZ 0 8151
0 0
Z -1 8148
0 0
A Room in the Mayor's Manse~
This room reeks of decay, perhaps mainly due to the decaying corpses lying
about. Blood has been smeared all over the walls, and a sickly-looking vine
has crawled in through the broken panes of the windows. You gag and try
not to vomit.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8149
0 0
A Room in the Mayor's Manse~
This room reeks of decay, perhaps mainly due to the decaying corpses lying
about. Blood has been smeared all over the walls, and a sickly-looking vine
has crawled in through the broken panes of the windows. You gag and try
not to vomit.
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8149
0 0
The Mayor's Study~
As you enter this room, you are amazed to notice a complete absence of the
stench you detected earlier. In addition, you are further amazed to notice
the surprisingly good condition of this study, a comfortable den lined with
shelves full of ancient texts. A large oak desk dominates the room, and
behind this sits a plush leather chair. Wonder whose domain this is...?
0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8153
0 0
ABZ 0 8154
0 0
ABZ 0 8149
0 0
A Bedroom~
In this room lies an ornately-carved four poster bed with satin sheets. 
Opposite it lies a comfortable divan, upon which the maidens of the master
of this domain usually recline. A painting on one wall catches your eye.
0 ADN inside
It is a painting of one Count Philippe Gaspar duGascoigne, a handsome but
evil-looking gentleman of middle years.
ABZ 0 8152
0 0
A Bedroom~
This bedroom is as ruinous as its northern counterpart was lavish, as 
decayed and despoiled as it was well-presented and comfortable. The furniture,
while obviously once fine, is now ruined beyond repair. Blood stains coat
the walls, and a corpse hangs by a rope from the chandelier in the center
of the room. Whoever lives here must have a disagreeable personality to say
the very least...
0 ADN inside
ABZ 0 8152
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart.
0 AN city
Z -1 8156
0 0
Z -1 8137
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart.
0 AN city
Z -1 8159
0 0
Z -1 8157
0 0
Z -1 8155
0 0
A Small House~
The mist clears suddenly, and you find yourself standing outside a rather
creepy little stone dwelling, with no windows, but a stout oak door 
directly to the east.
0 N city
Z -1 8156
0 0
ABZ 0 8158
0 0
Temporary Residence of a Demon~

You have inadvertently stumbled upon the temporary Prime Material Plane lair
of ORCUS! If he isn't here, leave quickly. If he is...

0 DN inside
ABZ 0 8157
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart.
0 AN city
Z -1 8163
0 0
Z -1 8160
0 0
Z -1 8156
0 0
A Clearing~
You have reached an area devoid of mist, the front yard of a ruined cottage
whose door lies to the east. Peering through the windows, you imagine you
can see shapes moving about.
0 N city
ABZ 0 8161
0 0
Z -1 8159
0 0
The Interior of the Cottage~
This cottage is, as all the other residences of this place, a ruined mess.
Broken furniture and decaying corpses litter the floor. To the east, you
can see a staircase leading down.
0 AN inside
Z -1 8162
0 0
ABZ 0 8160
0 0
A Staircase~
This staircase is an ancient stone structure that looks far older than the
other structures in the village. You peer down in an attempt to ascertain
what may below, but can see only darkness.
0 ACN inside
Z -1 8161
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart.
0 AN city
Z -1 8164
0 0
Z -1 8159
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart. You think you can make out a small stone building
to the east.
0 AN city
Z -1 8195
0 0
Z -1 8165
0 0
Z -1 8163
0 0
Outside The Crypt~
The small stone building is actually a crypt, which is in good condition,
not surprising considering the nature of the current inhabitants of this
ghoulish town. A large iron door looms to the east, and you notice runes
inscribed into its surface in silver.
0 CN city
runes door~
The runes on the door read-

  "Here is the final resting place of the Evil Baron Shereck, former
   tyrant of the Barony of Palem, and his two foul brothers. Imprisoned
   here by the powerful magic of Xanad, the ArchMage of Anon, their
   rest may not be disturbed by their undead allies. Pray, whoever reads
   this, do not breach this portal, for you will once again unleash their
   undead madness upon the world."
ABZ 0 8166
0 0
Z -1 8164
0 0
Inside The Crypt~
The interior of the crypt is dark, damp and cramped. It looks as though
no-one has been here in centuries. A layer of dust ankle-deep makes progress
difficult, as do the hanging cobwebs, with strands as thick as your wrist.
You hope you don't run into the spinner of these webs.
0 AN inside
ABZ 0 8165
0 0
Z -1 8167
0 0
The Crypt Proper~
Three doors and a staircase allow escape from this area, and that is a
prominent urge you have right now as you glance about the hellish murals
on the walls, and the rotting corpses hanging in metal frames from the 
arched ceiling.
0 AN inside
ABZ 0 8168
0 0
ABZ 0 8170
0 0
ABZ 0 8169
0 0
Z -1 8166
0 0
A Room In the Crypt~
These three resting places that lead off the Crypt's main chamber are all
identical- a raised stone sarcophagus with a bas-relief of the image of its
occupant in life embossed on the lid. Other than that, the place is bare. Or
is it...?
0 AN inside
ABZ 0 8167
0 0
A Room In the Crypt~
These three resting places that lead off the Crypt's main chamber are all
identical- a raised stone sarcophagus with a bas-relief of the image of its
occupant in life embossed on the lid. Other than that, the place is bare. Or
is it...?
0 AN inside
ABZ 0 8167
0 0
A Room In the Crypt~
These three resting places that lead off the Crypt's main chamber are all
identical- a raised stone sarcophagus with a bas-relief of the image of its
occupant in life embossed on the lid. Other than that, the place is bare. Or
is it...?
0 AN inside
ABZ 0 8167
0 0
The Path To The Garden~
This path runs past some very ugly, dead plants that look like they've had
the life drained from them by some disturbingly healthy looking plants with
thorns that look like teeth...
0 N forest
Z -1 8172
0 0
Z -1 8139
0 0
The Path To The Garden~
This path runs past some very ugly, dead plants that look like they've had
the life drained from them by some disturbingly healthy looking plants with
thorns that look like teeth. You suddenly curse as you nearly fall into a
small hole in the center of the path which was partially covered by a nest
of branches.
0 CN forest
Z -1 8173
0 0
Z -1 8171
0 0
Z -1 8174
0 0
The Path To The Garden~
This path runs past some very ugly, dead plants that look like they've had
the life drained from them by some disturbingly healthy looking plants with
thorns that look like teeth. The garden gates are directly ahead... Peering
through, you become reluctant to enter. It looks like a virtual maze...
0 CN forest
Z 0 8177
0 0
Z -1 8172
0 0
A Bolthole~
Here the cowardly necromancer Xantharus lurks, terrified of the evil he
brought to his village. He would do anything to escape, but is currently
too petrified to leave his hole.
0 AN inside
Z -1 8172
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8180
0 0
Z -1 8176
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8181
0 0
Z -1 8177
0 0
Z -1 8175
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8182
0 0
Z -1 8178
0 0
Z -1 8176
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 A forest
Z -1 8183
0 0
Z -1 8179
0 0
Z -1 8177
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8184
0 0
Z -1 8178
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8185
0 0
Z -1 8181
0 0
Z -1 8175
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8186
0 0
Z -1 8182
0 0
Z -1 8176
0 0
Z -1 8180
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8187
0 0
Z -1 8183
0 0
Z -1 8177
0 0
Z -1 8181
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8188
0 0
Z -1 8184
0 0
Z -1 8178
0 0
Z -1 8182
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8189
0 0
Z -1 8179
0 0
Z -1 8183
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8190
0 0
Z -1 8186
0 0
Z -1 8180
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8191
0 0
Z -1 8187
0 0
Z -1 8181
0 0
Z -1 8185
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8192
0 0
Z -1 8188
0 0
Z -1 8182
0 0
Z -1 8186
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8193
0 0
Z -1 8189
0 0
Z -1 8183
0 0
Z -1 8187
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8194
0 0
Z -1 8184
0 0
Z -1 8188
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8191
0 0
Z -1 8185
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8192
0 0
Z -1 8186
0 0
Z -1 8190
0 0
The Garden~
You suddenly enter a brightly-lit glade full of towering oaks and fresh,
green grass. Here the powers of good have managed to create a foothold in 
this realm of darkness, to aid those stranded or trapped here. You may rest
in peace (if you'll pardon the inappropriate euphemism) for as long as you
wish here.
0 C forest
Z -1 8193
0 0
Z -1 8187
0 0
Z -1 8191
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8194
0 0
Z -1 8188
0 0
Z -1 8192
0 0
The Garden~
You find yourself lost in a tangled maze of thorny bushes and rotted trees
that all seem to move as if with a life of their own. Howls and screams of
pain and delight occasionally rent the still air- otherwise you are engulfed
by a silent dimness that only exaggerates the already-eerie quality of
your surroundings.
0 AN forest
Z -1 8189
0 0
Z -1 8193
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart. You think you can make out a small stone building
to the east. A gaping hole looms out of the fog in the ground to the right.
0 AN city
Z -1 8197
0 0
Z -1 8164
0 0
Z -1 8196
0 0
The Dragon's Lair~
Dragons of all types, alive or undead, keep certain habits, and one of them
is how they decorate their lair. So when you enter and see treasure splashed
everywhere, along with a generous helping of blood and fried corpses, you are
pretty certain you have entered the lair of one...
0 AN inside
Z -1 8195
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart. You think you can make out a small stone building
to the east.
0 AN city
Z -1 8198
0 0
Z -1 8195
0 0
A Murky Mist~
You are plowing through a thick mist that has suddenly enshrouded the trail.
You can still make it out beneath your feet, but only barely. Howls, screams
and shouts of anger and terror ring out on all sides, and you feel fear 
clutching at your heart. You think you can make out a small stone building
to the east. You aren't sure, but you think you can see a dark tunnel up
0 AN city
Z -1 8199
0 0
Z -1 8197
0 0
A Dark Tunnel~
Can it be? YES! An escape route! From this tunnel emanates the sweet smell 
of green grass and fresh air. You can clamber through and escape, though
the tunnel is so narrow you doubt you'd be able to return through it. But
you feel that this room has been blessed by gods, hence you may recall to 
0 AC city
Z -1 8198
0 0

M 8131 spec_cast_mage	* {rOrcus{x

D 0 8102 1 1	* The Main Street: door to the east: closed
D 0 8102 3 1	* The Main Street: door to the west: closed
D 0 8103 1 1	* A Ruined House: door to the east: closed
D 0 8104 3 1	* A Ruined House: door to the west: closed
D 0 8114 0 1	* A Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 8114 2 1	* A Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 8115 2 1	* A Ruined House: door to the south: closed
D 0 8116 0 1	* A Ruined House: door to the north: closed
D 0 8117 0 1	* A Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 8117 2 1	* A Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 8118 2 1	* A Ruined House: door to the south: closed
D 0 8119 0 1	* A Ruined House: door to the north: closed
D 0 8120 0 1	* A Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 8120 2 1	* A Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 8120 3 1	* A Side Street: door to the west: closed
D 0 8121 2 1	* A Ruined House: door to the south: closed
D 0 8122 0 1	* A Ruined House: door to the north: closed
D 0 8123 1 1	* A Ruined House: door to the east: closed
D 0 8124 0 1	* A Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 8124 2 1	* A Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 8125 2 1	* A Ruined House: door to the south: closed
D 0 8126 0 1	* A Ruined House: door to the north: closed
D 0 8127 0 1	* A Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 8127 2 1	* A Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 8128 2 1	* A Ruined House: door to the south: closed
D 0 8129 0 1	* A Ruined House: door to the north: closed
D 0 8130 0 1	* A Side Street: door to the north: closed
D 0 8130 1 1	* A Side Street: door to the east: closed
D 0 8130 2 1	* A Side Street: door to the south: closed
D 0 8131 2 1	* A Ruined House: door to the south: closed
D 0 8132 0 1	* A Ruined House: door to the north: closed
D 0 8133 3 1	* A Ruined House: door to the west: closed
D 0 8134 1 1	* Main Street: door to the east: closed
D 0 8134 3 1	* Main Street: door to the west: closed
D 0 8135 1 1	* A Ruined House: door to the east: closed
D 0 8136 3 1	* A Ruined House: door to the west: closed
D 0 8140 3 1	* Outside the Mayor's House: door to the west: closed
D 0 8141 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 8141 1 1	* The Hallway: door to the east: closed
D 0 8141 2 1	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 8142 0 1	* A Room in the Mayor's Manse: door to the north: closed
D 0 8143 2 1	* A Room in the Mayor's Manse: door to the south: closed
D 0 8144 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 8144 2 1	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 8145 0 1	* A Room in the Mayor's Manse: door to the north: closed
D 0 8146 2 1	* A Room in the Mayor's Manse: door to the south: closed
D 0 8149 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 8149 1 1	* The Hallway: door to the east: closed
D 0 8149 2 1	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 8150 2 1	* A Room in the Mayor's Manse: door to the south: closed
D 0 8151 0 1	* A Room in the Mayor's Manse: door to the north: closed
D 0 8152 0 1	* The Mayor's Study: door to the north: closed
D 0 8152 2 1	* The Mayor's Study: door to the south: closed
D 0 8152 3 1	* The Mayor's Study: door to the west: closed
D 0 8153 2 1	* A Bedroom: door to the south: closed
D 0 8154 0 1	* A Bedroom: door to the north: closed
D 0 8157 1 1	* A Small House: door to the east: closed
D 0 8158 3 1	* Temporary Residence of a Demon: door to the west: closed
D 0 8160 1 1	* A Clearing: door to the east: closed
D 0 8161 3 1	* The Interior of the Cottage: door to the west: closed
D 0 8165 1 1	* Outside The Crypt: door to the east: closed
D 0 8166 3 1	* Inside The Crypt: door to the west: closed
D 0 8167 0 1	* The Crypt Proper: door to the north: closed
D 0 8167 1 1	* The Crypt Proper: door to the east: closed
D 0 8167 2 1	* The Crypt Proper: door to the south: closed
D 0 8168 2 1	* A Room In the Crypt: door to the south: closed
D 0 8169 0 1	* A Room In the Crypt: door to the north: closed
D 0 8170 3 1	* A Room In the Crypt: door to the west: closed
O 0 8109 0 8103	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8113 6 8103 1	* a giant rat (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8104	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8102 1 8104 1	* a wight (A Ruined House)
M 0 8118 10 8106 1	* a rotting corpse (The Town Square)
M 0 8132 1 8108 1	* a water weird (The Town Square)
O 0 8122 0 8109	* a stone well (The Well in the Town Square)
M 0 8132 1 8109 2	* a water weird (The Well in the Town Square)
M 0 8132 1 8110 1	* a water weird (The Town Square)
M 0 8112 8 8112 1	* an undead monster (The Town Square)
M 0 8118 10 8113 1	* a rotting corpse (The Town Square)
O 0 8109 0 8115	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8114 6 8115 1	* a giant spider (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8116	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8113 6 8116 1	* a giant rat (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8118	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8113 6 8118 1	* a giant rat (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8119	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8102 1 8119 1	* a wight (A Ruined House)
M 0 8114 6 8119 1	* a giant spider (A Ruined House)
M 0 8118 10 8120 1	* a rotting corpse (A Side Street)
O 0 8109 0 8121	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8102 1 8121 1	* a wight (A Ruined House)
M 0 8113 6 8121 1	* a giant rat (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8122	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8114 6 8122 1	* a giant spider (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8123	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8106 2 8123 1	* a lesser demon (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8125	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8113 6 8125 1	* a giant rat (A Ruined House)
M 0 8113 6 8125 1	* a giant rat (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8126	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8101 2 8126 1	* a wraith (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8128	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8101 2 8128 1	* a wraith (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8129	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8114 6 8129 1	* a giant spider (A Ruined House)
M 0 8114 6 8129 1	* a giant spider (A Ruined House)
M 0 8112 8 8130 1	* an undead monster (A Side Street)
O 0 8109 0 8131	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8108 1 8131 1	* a haunt (A Ruined House)
O 0 8119 0 8131	* a corpse (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8132	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8114 6 8132 1	* a giant spider (A Ruined House)
M 0 8101 2 8132 1	* a wraith (A Ruined House)
O 0 8109 0 8133	* a pile of bones (A Ruined House)
M 0 8106 2 8133 1	* a lesser demon (A Ruined House)
M 0 8100 2 8135 1	* a spectre (A Ruined House)
M 0 8100 2 8136 1	* a spectre (A Ruined House)
M 0 8112 8 8137 1	* an undead monster (An Intersection)
M 0 8130 1 8139 1	* a cambion scout (A Junction)
E 0 8103 0 16		*	the Sword of {rKas{x: wielded
E 0 8117 0 17		*	an Unholy Symbol: held in the hands
M 0 8128 3 8140 1	* a nightmare (Outside the Mayor's House)
M 0 8128 3 8142 1	* a nightmare (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
M 0 8128 3 8143 1	* a nightmare (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
M 0 8129 1 8143 1	* a retriever (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
M 0 8127 1 8145 1	* a death knight (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
E 0 8112 0 16		*	a diabolical sword: wielded
E 0 8113 0 5		*	a suit of {Ddark platemail{x: on the body
E 0 8114 0 6		*	a {Ddark helm{x: over the head
M 0 8115 1 8145 1	* a lurker above (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
M 0 8115 1 8146 1	* a lurker above (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
M 0 8115 1 8147 1	* a lurker above (The Stairway)
M 0 8109 1 8150 1	* a crypt thing (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
E 0 8104 0 6		*	a circlet: over the head
M 0 8110 1 8151 1	* a greater demon (A Room in the Mayor's Manse)
M 0 8119 1 8152 1	* the master (The Mayor's Study)
E 0 8107 0 12		*	robes of {Rflesh{x: about the shoulders
E 0 8108 0 16		*	a Rod of Bone: wielded
E 0 8110 0 17		*	a {mPower{x Gem: held in the hands
G 0 8120 0		*	a key
M 0 8116 1 8153 1	* a succubus (A Bedroom)
O 0 8115 0 8153	* a jar (A Bedroom)
P 0 8116 0 8115 1	* a jar: some poison
O 0 8106 0 8153	* a chest (A Bedroom)
P 0 8105 0 8106 1	* a chest: a {ytreasure{x hoard
M 0 8105 1 8154 1	* a lich (A Bedroom)
E 0 8101 0 9		*	the {DHand{x of {DVecna{x: on the hands
E 0 8102 0 6		*	the {DEye{x of {DVecna{x: over the head
M 0 8103 6 8155 1	* a ghost (A Murky Mist)
M 0 8103 6 8156 1	* a ghost (A Murky Mist)
M 0 8131 1 8158 1	* {rOrcus{x (Temporary Residence of a Demon)
E 0 8100 0 17		*	the Rod of {rOrcus{x: held in the hands
M 0 8103 6 8159 1	* a ghost (A Murky Mist)
M 0 8103 6 8164 1	* a ghost (A Murky Mist)
M 0 8123 2 8165 1	* green slime (Outside The Crypt)
M 0 8133 2 8166 1	* a giant spider (Inside The Crypt)
M 0 8123 2 8167 1	* green slime (The Crypt Proper)
M 0 8104 2 8168 2	* a vampire (A Room In the Crypt)
E 0 8111 0 12		*	a {Dblack cloak{x: about the shoulders
G 0 8121 0		*	a jar of human blood
M 0 8104 2 8168 2	* a vampire (A Room In the Crypt)
E 0 8111 0 12		*	a {Dblack cloak{x: about the shoulders
G 0 8121 0		*	a jar of human blood
M 0 8134 1 8170 1	* a baron vampire (A Room In the Crypt)
E 0 8111 0 12		*	a {Dblack cloak{x: about the shoulders
G 0 8121 0		*	a jar of human blood
M 0 8117 1 8174 1	* Xantharus (A Bolthole)
G 0 8118 0		*	a Holy Symbol
M 0 8120 4 8175 4	* a shambling mound (The Garden)
R 0 8175 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8176 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8177 4	* The Garden: randomize
M 0 8121 4 8178 4	* a kampflut (The Garden)
R 0 8178 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8179 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8180 4	* The Garden: randomize
M 0 8122 2 8181 2	* a black pudding (The Garden)
R 0 8181 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8182 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8183 4	* The Garden: randomize
M 0 8124 2 8184 2	* a gray ooze (The Garden)
R 0 8184 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8185 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8186 4	* The Garden: randomize
M 0 8125 8 8187 8	* an animated tree (The Garden)
R 0 8187 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8188 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8189 4	* The Garden: randomize
M 0 8107 1 8190 1	* a revenant (The Garden)
R 0 8190 4	* The Garden: randomize
R 0 8191 4	* The Garden: randomize
M 0 8126 1 8192 1	* a tree spirit (The Garden)
M 0 8103 6 8195 1	* a ghost (A Murky Mist)
M 0 8111 1 8196 1	* an undead dragon (The Dragon's Lair)
O 0 8105 0 8196	* a {ytreasure{x hoard (The Dragon's Lair)
M 0 8103 6 8198 1	* a ghost (A Murky Mist)

O 8101 1	* the {DHand{x of {DVecna{x

-1 0 GHOST~
When you die, you will become a ghost.  During this time, you will not be
attacked by any aggressive mobs.  This will give you a chance to retrieve
your corpse if you die in by difficult aggressive mobs.  
-1 $~
