Name Icey Helps~
Builders zsuzsu shaelindra~
VNUMs 0 0
Credits Diku~
Security 9
LevelRange 0 0

{RDungeon Masters{x (Heads of Administration)
|{G DM{x| Syl | 100 | {WZsuzsu,{D the{W Goddess{D of{G L{gi{Gttl{ge {CO{cnes{x
{RCreators{x (Assistant Heads of Administration)
|{GCRE{x| Thi | 99 | {WNalaeya, {CDe{cdicat{Ced{c of {CS{ciral{Ca{x
{RSupremacies{x (Supervising Assistants of Administration)
{RDeities {x(Builders, Coders, Enforcers, Reimbursements, Questors)

{RGods{x (Builders, Enforcers, Questors, Coders, Some Reimbursements)
|{GGOD{x| Sha | 96 | {WSadin{x, The {BGod{x Of The {mForgotten {DSouls{x
{RImmortals{x (Builders, Enforcers, Questors, Some Coding)
{RDemi-Gods {x(Builders, Builder Instructors)

|{GDEM{x| {WSen{x | 94 | {WShaelindra{x, {MK{Ra{Bo{Ms{Ru{x no {RGe{rn{x-{Dda{Wtenshi{x
{x|{GDEM{x| --- | 94 | {WKira{x, {Dthe {MAr{mt{Wi{mst{Mic {cK{Ci{ctt{Cy{x
{RAngels {x(Builders)
|{GANG{x| --- | 93 | {WAamon{x, {Dthe {WM{wot{Dh{wlo{Wr{Dd{x
{RAvatars {x(Newbie Relations, RP Administration, Sometimes Builders)
-1 0 ZiM~
      ZiM started in 2002 using a codebase derived from Icey Depths 0.9.  
      It eventually evolved to verion 2.0 around 2005 with major changes
      to class balance, code stability, debugging, immortal commands and
      communication commands.  Many new skills and spells.

[{D-{x] Coding:
       Chiefly by Zsuzsu
       contributions by Thornan, Thorel, Alamor, Daphais, 
                        Fronz, Alcerion, & Loren

[{D-{x] New Areas:
       Thornan, Nalaeya, Sadin, Kira, Alamor, Daphais, Shaelindra, Thorel

[{D-{x] Play Testing thanks to:
       Lucian, Uther, Sunian, Elial, Serion, Aram, Azureth, Raek
       Rathmine, Tevesh and others.
      ANATOLIA started in early September 1996, using Rom2.4 code. In
June of 1997, ANATOLIA II was started, eventually replacing the original

The following people contributed to the ANATOLIA flavor of the ROM base

Addition of New Areas --
        Ibrahim Canpunar, Serdar Bulut and Murat Bicer

Revision of New Areas --
        Ibrahim Canpunar

Revision and Addition of New Helps --
        Ibrahim Canpunar and Serdar Bulut

Additional Maps --
        Ibrahim Canpunar

Ideas and playtesting --
    So many dedicated mudders around the world. Especially Amac Ural,
Mustafa Ongel, Ibrahim Uzel, Rasit Gumus, David Heide.

Complete C Code --
        chiefly by Serdar Bulut,
        with major contributions by Murat Bicer,
        and also Ibrahim Canpunar and Devrim Baris Acar. 

Used snippets (Available on internet) --
        Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams (moongate@@moongate.ams.com)
        Some snippets by Erwin S. Andreasen. erwin@@pip.dknet.dk
-1 0 ROM~
ROM started in early February 1993, using Merc 1.0 code. In July of 1993,  
ROM II was started, eventually replacing the original ROM.  ROM was up for
a little over a year, after which the code (version 2.3) was released,
and various other ROM muds were started, including Rivers of Mud under
a new management (Zump's ROM), at rom.org 9000.

Alander's current project is Tesseract, the latest version of the ROM code.
It can be found at hypercube.org 9000.

The following people contributed to the ROM flavor of the merc base code:

Socials --
    Kelsey and Liralen

New, Improved Valhalla --

Puff's new special proc and improved poofin/poofout code --

Maps and map shop --
    Ezra, Regnan (Olympus)

Nirvana zone --
    Forstall (mobiles rewritten by Alander)

Mob Factory --
    Pinkfloyd (originally written for ROM, mobiles rewritten by Alander)

Geographically correct Midgaard (tm) --

Ideas and playtesting --
    Thousands of dedicated mudders around the world

Beta testing --
    Ken Blosser, Doug Araya, and Sherene Neil all helped with bug reports
    and suggestions, saving a lot of headaches

New Thalos area was donated by Onivel of Jedi, who was also the originator
of the ASCII flags used in the zone files

ROM 2.4 was developed during my time with Moosehead mud, and the release
shares many of the features I wrote while I was there.  Additional code
was written by Seth Scott (the new poofin/poofout), and many contributions
and ideas from the Merc list were used. 

The new features of 2.4 were largely produced in bull sessions with
Gabrielle (my wife) and Brian Moore, without whom this release wouldn't
have happened.  In particular, the new privacy code, furniture, and
wiznet are largely the results of Gabrielle's ideas.

Changes to the standard diku mob and object format, as well as the changes
to Merc 2.1 source code, were done by Alander over many a late night of
hair-pulling. Hope you enjoy it.

(my apologies if anyone was forgotten in this list)
'Immortal' (often, simply, 'imm') refers to players who have reached
the highest attainable levels in the game.  Here, anyone of level 92
or higher is an 'immortal.'  Immortals are capable of exceeding the
usual game rules, in more drastic and pervasive ways as levels increase;
examples range from teleportation and invisibility to mortal sight to
creation of objects, removal of a player's privileges (channels,
ability to move, or even ability to log in), and ability to promote
players to immortality.

Since immortals can wreak havoc with game balance, they are (ideally)
a carefully-chosen and policed group.  An absolute rule of immortal
behavior is that no immortal can aid or assist any player without
explicit permission from the higher ranks; in other words, please
don't ask an immortal to help you kill a mob, gather EQ, etc, or
you'll likely be either politely or rudely refused, or referred to
this file.

The duties of immortals, and even the very reasons for their existence,
are topics of continual and heated debate in various MUD forums, and are
fraught with misconceptions, poor examples, and outrageous hypocrisies. :)
{#Socials {xare used as a way of communicating, acting, and
intermingling with other players.
To use a social, the syntax is: <social> <target>
For instance, if you wanted to use the social {#Smile{x, you
can type:
{#Smile Self
{#Smile <target>
Type {^SOCIALS {xto get a complete and up-to-date list of all
the socials in the game. You may also want to refer to this
helpfile: {^EMOTE{x
{#*{xAny {^SOCIAL {xideas can be noted to {^Kira{x, {xand if worthy will be
{x implemented into the game.
-1 0 MERC~
This mud is based on Merc 2.2, created by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn.  
Merc 2.1 is available as Merc_22.tar.gz from ftp.game.org 

Thanks to ...
  ... Diku Mud for starting it all.
  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.
  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.
  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.
  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.
  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.
  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.
  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.
  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.
  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.
  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.
  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers
      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,
      and hours of enjoyment.

-1 0 'TAME'~
Syntax: tame <victim>

The soothing voice and touch of a master ranger is able to still the
savage heart of most any foe.  Talking in soft tones and approaching the
target slowly, with a minor enchantment, a ranger is able to take the fight
out of the aggressor and bring a skirmish to a halt.  Note that this skill
has no effect on those who are not naturally aggressive.  
                                                     ,.=,,==. ,,_
                                    _ ,====, _    |I|`` ||  `|I `|
                                   |`I|    || `==,|``   ^^   ``  |
   _-+ Welcome to +-_              | ``    ^^    ||_,===TT`==,,_ |
     LEGENDS & LORE                |,==Y``Y==,,__| \L=_-`'   +J/`
   ~~-  Since 2002  -~~               \|=_  ' -=#J/..-|=_-     =|
                                     |=_   -;-='`. .|=_-     =|----T--,
                                     |=/\  -|=_-. . |=_-/^\  =||-|-|::|____
    /PlayerKilling\                  |=||  -|=_-. . |=_-| |  =|-|-||::\____
   <       &       >                 |=LJ  -|=_-. . |=_-|_|  =||-|-|:::::::
    \ Roleplaying /                  |=_   -|=_-_.  |=_-     =|-|-||::::::
                                     |=_   -|=//^\. |=_-     =||-|-|:::::::
   ^ original codebase           ,   |/&_,_-|=||  | |=_-     =|-|-||:::::::
   | ZiM 1.1 (c) 2005         ,--``8%,/    ',%||  | |=_-     =||-|-|%::::::
   | Zsuzsu & Thornan     ,---`_,888`  ,.'''''`-.,|,|/!,--,.&\|&\-,|?:::::
                         |;:;K`__,...;=\_____,=``           %%%&     %#,---
   Based on:             |;::::::::::::|       `'.________+-------\   ``
     Icey 0.9           /8M%;:::;;:::::|                  |        `-------
     SoG               |`   88`V  /&8%\|_______,__,,      |
     Anatolia          /,  %8,  ,/&888% &,       ,  `-----`,--..../|--,,,,_
     ROM  2.4      / \/88%  88%  8888%88% &,       \,     `\      /     &,,
     MERC 2.1     |,M8,  , `8%   ,,8% `8, `         , \,        &\     ,?#
     DikuMUD     /8888%  888`    ```    `            `  `               ```
Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
                     Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
Admin email: ageless_barbarian@@msn.com | little_zsuzsu@@hotmail.com
                --<< Hosted by MudMagic >>--
-1 0 MOTD~

 ______ _  __  __        {g___  {B  ____   ______  _______{x
|___  /(_)|  \/  |      {g|__ \{B  |  _ \ |  ____||__   __| /\{x
   / /  _ | \  / | __   __ {g) |{B | |_) || |__      | |   /  \{x
  / /  | || |\/| | \ \ / /{g/ / {B |  _ < |  __|     | |  / /\ \{x
 / /__ | || |  | |  \ V /{g/ /_ {B | |_) || |____    | | / ____ \{x
/_____||_||_|  |_|   \_/{g|____|{B |____/ |______|   |_|/_/    \_\{x

Please read the {Bforums{x for change announcements.
And {Wexpect {rbugs{x.  I'll be working to fix them.
92 0 IMOTD~
{D-----{w-----{W-----{R Immortal MOTD {W-----{w-----{D-----{x
{W[{r*{W]{R Remember to {YVOTE{R so we can increase our playerbase.
{W[{r*{W]{R Fill out your {WStatus{R report for the month on the forum.
Use the delete command to erase unwanted characters, so the name will be
available for use.  This command must be typed twice to delete a character,
and you cannot be forced to delete.  Typing delete with an argument will
return your character to 'safe' status if you change your mind after the
first delete.
The healer decided to grab a quick buck, and now charges for his heals.  Some
services are still free to players of level 10 or below, however.  To see
a full listing of the healer's services, type 'heal' at his residence. To
receive healing, bring plenty of money, and type 'heal <spell>'.
-1 0 GAIN~
The gain command is used to learn new skills, once the proper trainer has 
been found. The following options can be used with gain:

gain revert : turns one training session into 10 practice session 
gain convert: turns 10 practices into one training session

92 0 CLONE~
  clone obj <object>
  clone mob <mobile>
  clone <name>

The clone command duplicates an object or mobile.  The level of item or mobile
that may be cloned depends on your level.  The target object or mob must be in
the same room as you, or in your posession.  Strung and set information is
preserved by clone, as well as any spell effects and container contents or
mobile inventory, except for items which are too high for you to clone.  
Strung extended descriptions on objects are not kept, however.
The skills and spells commands are used to display your character's list
of available skills (or spells, as the case may be).  They are listed in
order of level, with mana cost (for spells) or percentage (for skills)
listed where applicable.
The outfit command, usable by levels 5 and below, equips your character with
a new set of sub issue gear (banner, weapon, helmet, shield, and vest), 
courtesy of the Mayor's warehouses.  Only empty equipment slots are affected.
ROM uses varies automatic actions, to ease the boredom of always splitting
gold and sacrificing corpses.  The commands are as follows:

autolist  : list all automatic actions
autoloot  : take all equipment from dead mobiles
autogold  : take all gold from dead mobiles
autolook  : automagically look in corpse after combat
autosac   : sacrifice dead monsters (if autoloot is on, only empty corpses)
autoexit  : display room exits upon entering a room
autosplit : split up spoils from combat among your group members
autoassit : makes you help group members in combat

Typing a command sets the action , typing it again removes it. 
92 0 COUNT~
The count command displays the number of people (that you can see) logged
into the mud.  It also displays the highest number observed that day, if
it is higher.
-1 0 GATE~
{CSyntax:{x {Wcast 'gate' (target){x

The gate spell is a powerful transportation magic that opens up a portal 
between your character and another person or creature somewhere else in the
world.  This portal will transport you and any pet you might have, but not
other members of your group.  Monsters recieve a save against gate, and
monster or players more than 3 levels higher than you can not be gated to at 
all.  God rooms, private rooms, and no recall rooms cannot be gated to, and
no recall rooms cannot be gated out of.  Finally, any god or hero is also 
immune to gate, as well as in player who has no summon set. 
The astral walk spell is a weak translocational spell that opens up a
portal between you and another person or creature somewhere else in the
world, and immediately closes it as soon as you are transported.  Monsters
recieve a save against astral walk, and monsters or players more than 3
levels higher than you cannot be astral walked to at all.  God rooms,
private rooms, and no-recall rooms cannot be astral walked to, and no-recall
rooms cannot be astral walked from.  Finally, gods and heroes are immune to
walk, as well as any player who has no-summon set.  
-1 0 'MIST WALK'~
The mist walk spell is a powerful transportation magic that opens up a 
portal between your character and another person or creature somewhere
else in the world.  This portal will transport only you, but not
your pet or other members of your group.  Monsters recieve a save
against mist walk, and monster or players more than 5 levels lower than
you can not be mist walked to at all.  God rooms, private rooms, and no
recall rooms cannot be mist walked to, and no recall rooms cannot be mist
walked out of.  Finally, any god or hero is also immune to mist walk, as
well as in player who has no summon set. 
The solar flight spell is a powerful transportation magic that opens up a 
portal between your character and another person or creature somewhere
else in the world.  This portal will transport only you, but not
your pet or other members of your group.  Monsters recieve a save
against solar flight, and monster or players more than 1 levels higher
than you can not be solar flighted to at all.  God rooms, private rooms,
and no recall rooms cannot be solar flighted to, and no recall rooms
cannot be solar flighted out of.  Finally, any god or hero is also immune
to solar flight, as well as in player who has no summon set. And ofcourse
you need the sun light to cast this spell effectively.
The "affects" command is used to show all the spells affecting your
character at low levels.  Only the spell name will be displayed, but after
reaching level 20 the effects and duration of the spells will also be shown.
Spell effects can be toggled on/off in score with "toggle affects" command. 

The "raffects" command is used to show all the spells affecting the room
you are currently in.  Until level 20 you will only see the names, after
that you will also see the effects and duration.
Language command is used to switch native language.
Use 'language help' to list supported languages.
-1 0 TABLE~
||                                                                     ||
||                                  {RCLASS                              {W||
||          {YWit  Cle  Thi  War  WcK  Ran  Nin  A-P  Pal  Sam  Vam  Nec {W||
||   {YSex:    {CF    A    A    A    M    A    A    A    A    A    A    A  {W||
||   {YHuman {C  X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X  {W||
||   {YH-Orc {C       X    X    X         X         X         X            {W||
||   {Y Elf  {C  X    X    X    X    X    X              X    X            {W||
||   {YH-Elf {C  X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X         X  {W||
||   {YD-Elf  {C X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X         X         X  {W||
{W||   {YW-Elf   {C     X    X    X         X    X                           {W||
|| {RR {YRocks  {C X    X    X    X    X         X                         {W  ||
{W||   {YDwarf   {C     X         X                        X                 {W||
||   {YSvirf   {CX    X    X    X    X                                     {W||
|| {RA {YDuerg {C       X    X    X                   X                   X{W  ||
{W||   {YArial   {CX    X    X    X    X         X    X    X    X         X  {W||
||   {YGnome   {CX    X    X    X    X    X                                {W|| 
|| {RC {YStGia {C       X         X                        X                {W ||
||   {YClGia   {C     X         X         X                                {W||
||   {YFiGia   {C     X         X                   X                      {W||
|| {RE {YFrGia {C       X         X                   X                     {W ||
{W||   {YHalfl   {C     X    X    X         X    X                           {W||
||   {YGithy   {CX              X    X    X    X              X         X  {W||
||   {YSatyr   {C          X    X         X                                {W||
||   {YFelar   {C          X    X    X    X    X    X    X    X            {W||
||   {YTroll   {C               X                   X                      {W||
||   {Y Orc    {C               X                   X                      {W||
                  Table by Jearom, modified by Taerion
D&D now offers ranged combat for both spells and certain projectile weapons.

BOWS - by wielding a bow and holding an arrow in your free hand, you will be able to shoot any target in a room next to you. 
Syntax: shoot <direction> <target>    i.e. shoot east fido
SPELLS - by selecting a victim in an adjacent room, you can cast certain single-target spells (such as fireball or acid blast) on your target.
Syntax : cast <spellname> <direction>.<target> i.e. cast fireball east.fido
A skilled fighter understands the importance of learning to fight without
the use of his sight, and with practice he can master the art of blind
fighting.  This skill allows him to perform all of his normal fighting
routines; dodging, parrying, disarming, and landing multiple attacks almost
as well as he would with normal vision.  
-1 0 'CAMP'~
Syntax: camp

When a ranger sets up camp, all of those in the immediate area are
affected, their spirits lifted, and their hearts calmed allowing them to
rest more peacefully.  This skill is only able to be used in a natural
setting such as a field, forest, hills, or mountainous area where the ranger
himself feels comfortable and at ease.  
* Warriors have gained the skill "HAFT BLOCK".
* The Barbarian clan is now Open
* Storm Giants, Fire Giants, Frost Giants, Rockseers, and Trolls can
  no longer become Rangers.  
* The Guild of Rangers will now take on Gnomes and Dark-Elves.
* The Orc race has begun populating the land.
{#Sobriety {xis a spell that helps make a person less drunk.
To cast the spell, the syntax is: cast sobriety <target>
You may also want to refer to these helpfiles:
This ability has a chance to increases the strength of all benedictive
spells and prayers you cast or commune.
{#Intoxicate {xis a spell that makes a person more drunk.
The syntax to cast this spell is: cast intoxicate <target>
You may also want to refer to these helpfiles:
{#IMMQUESTS {xare simply Immortal run quests. These quests are
fun and often times more diverse than those the autoquestor
({&Questus{x) spits out. There is a variation in prizes, and
always a willingness from the Immortals to hear new quest
You may want to refer to these helpfiles: {^INVASIONS {xand {^SCRABBLE{x
{#Invasions {xare Immortal run quests. They provide an opportunity
for the people of {&Thera {xto help each other in protecting the
city from intruders.
{#Quest points{x, or often referred to as {#QP{x, can be acquired{x
through Questus, the autoquestor, found 2 north of MSM, or
through Immortal run quests. They are useful for buying
quest items, such as quest gear or flying magic carpets.
If you go to Questus and type {^QUEST LIST {xyou will be given
a complete list of the items you can buy.
You may want to refer to the {^IMMQUESTS {xhelpfile{x
{#Questus {xis the autoquestor, found 2 north, one east of MSM{x
({&Market Square in Midgaard{.)
You may want to refer to these helpfiles: {^AUTOQUEST {xand {^QP{x
Syntax: {#Affrooms <room flag>
For instance, {#Affroom gods_only {xwill return the rooms that
are affected by the room flag gods_only.
{#QT {xis used for the Quest channel. Syntax: {#qt{x
92 0 SMITE~
{#Smite {xis used as a punishment.
Syntax: {#smite <target>
This command will take away 50% of a characters health points.
92 0 RENAME~
{#Rename {xcan be used to re-name a person if their name is unsuitable for
the game.
Syntax: {#Rename <target> <new name>{x
(Make sure you use a capitol letter for the first letter of their new
name, else it comes out as a lowercase letter.)
{#Noaffect {xis a command like cancel. It removes any spells a player
is affected by completely.
Syntax: {#Noaffect <target>{x
92 0 OWHERE~
{#Owhere {xis used to find a particular item in the world by
telling you first the items name, who carries it, and what
room vnum it is in.
Syntax: {#owhere <item name>{x
{#Penalty {xis a type of note. You can write and receive penalties on
the note board. Only Immortals can read penalties.
Syntax: {#Penalty write{x
92 0 MPSTAT~
{#Mpstat {xis a way to see what triggers are on a mobile.
For example: {#mpstat waffles{x will return these messages:
Mobile #2502   [Waffles]
Delay   0      [No target]
[ 1] Trigger [grall   ] Program [2502] Phrase [100]
{#Herotitle {xis a command to set the title of a hero. This command
is rather nice because you do not have to be in the same room with
the character.
The {#donation pit {xis where players can pick through equipment and
other items, and take the items they need. There are donation pits
near each town temple.
Syntax: {Ydonate{x <item>

{#Donate {xis the command to contribute items and equipment to the
donation pits for players to pick through and take what they
Syntax: {Wc{wdonate{x <object>
This will allow you to donate a certain object to your clan
donation room. Not all objects can be donated. (Obviously,
you must be in a clan to use this.)
For donations for the {CMUD{x, please follow the directions at
the MUD's homepage listed on the {WMOTD{x.
This command searches through all the vnums are reports items matching
the criteria you give it.  It replaces the old "limiteds" command.  This
operation {Rlags{x the server, so use sparingly, please.
Syntax: ofind [vnum]
    or: ofind [options]
                level  [min] [max]
                type   [pill|boat|light]
                wear   [neck|ring]
                weapon [spear|dagger]
                weight [min] [max]
                bp     [percent] (>=)
                closed (show closed areas)
so for example:
   ofind weapon shortsword levels 0 20
   ofind limited type light
So, you're interested in being an Immortal (IMM)?

{D+{w+{W+ {rIt's a lot of WORK{D {W+{w+{D+{x
First let me disabuse you of the notion that being an IMM is fun.  It's not.
Unless you think work is fun.  Because we do a LOT of work.  If you're just
looking for a powertrip, I suggest you be a clan leader.  Our regular duties,
regardless of job, include:

   {ro {WListen to mortal complaints.{x
     Oh my, do we listen to lots of those.

   {ro {WListen to cheater's excuses.{x
     (and then get badmouthed on OOC for catching them).

   {ro {WSettle Multikiller disputes.{x

   {ro {WHelp newbies out.{x
     By answering questions on NEWBIE, retrieving corpses, holding their hands
     while they get adjusted.  Explain why they got full-looted in PK.

   {ro {WReading lots of forum posts.{x
     Most IMM administration work goes on in the forums.  We discuss all
     changes and expect all IMMs to contribute their perspectives.

   {ro {WTurn in monthly progress reports.{x
     The DMs require everyone to let us know what you're up to, so we can
     gauge who's stuck, who's doing a lot of work and needs a promotion,
     and who's lazy.

There are a lot of great players who aren't cut out to be IMMs.  And being
turned down for IMM status doesn't mean we don't think the world of your
Roleplay, or games-manship.  But to get an idea of what we're looking for
in a staffer here are a list of IMM virtues:

    {ro {WPositive attitude!{x
      This is vital.  We get a lot of negativity from disgruntled morts,
      we don't need that upstairs.  Negative people rarely find the energy
      to work, create and handle difficult mort issues.  But worst of all
      the negative attitude brings the rest of us down.

    {ro {WMaturity{x
      Age is not a requirement, but maturity is.  It doesn't matter if you
      are 12 or 84.  If you explode over little disagreements, flake out
      when given a task, feel entitled to promotions, or have trouble
      seperating the privileged info you receive as an IMM from your
      mortal alter-ego then you're not cut out for this job.  But if you
      demonstrate sound judgement, a cool head, and express yourself
      thoughfully on subjects of debate, then we would love to have you.

    {ro {WCommunication skills{x
      Being a native English speaker isn't necessary, but if you can't
      put a comprehensible sentence together on a regular basis, then
      we'd just have too much difficulty working with you.

    {ro {WWork ethic and follow through{x
      We have a lot of IMMs who come upstairs, we teach them OLC, they
      start an area, complete a few rooms, hang on for a few months
      and then flake-out.  Abandoned areas never get completed, so the
      entire effort was a wash.  Instead, we need people who can sign up
      for a task, commit to doing it, and see it through completion.

Still sound fun?  If so continue on to one of the following documents:
{GZ{gsu{Gz{gsu{x (written 2005-07-17)
So you wanna be a Coder?

First off, if you don't know the C language, then stop reading right here.  We
will not teach you how to code.  If you want that, take a class at the local
community college.

That being said, you don't have to be an ace coder to work for the MUD.  The
code is rather simple.  It's written so even people with the most limited
understanding of programming can modify 70% of it.

{D+{w+{W+ {rCANDIDATES {W+{w+{D+{x
Because being a coder allows you to affect the greatest changes, and wreak
the worst damage to the MUD, we are rather choosy about who we let near the
code.  The following are virtues prefer in applicants:

   {ro {WResourcefulness{x
     Everyone needs the occasional question answered, especially when first
     starting out.  But everyone's busy, and we don't have time to hold
     your hand through the code.  You should be able to, with a little
     guidance and a few hints, figure out most things about the code just
     by searching around and playing with it.  That's how we learned it.

   {ro {WConscientious{x
     Coders need to test their code very carefully.  People with a cavalier
     attitude, who turn in code full of errors cause more harm to the MUD
     than good.  We want people who make their work their signature, people
     who turn code in only when they are confident there are no errors.

   {ro {WAble to follow directions{x
     Being a coder does not grant you the right to change whatever you want
     to however you see fit.  We have a review process.  And while we like
     to give assignments to people interested in doing them, often the
     specifics of the change aren't exactly what you wanted.  We need to
     rely on you to implement changes as they are approved by the staff.

   {ro {WConformity{x
     The code has a certain style.  It it written with tab indentation,
     and adheres to a 90col page (usually).  Programmatic things are
     done a certain (sometimes dumb) way.  We need coders who will be
     able to conform to this style.  The code needs to look uniform to
     make it easier to read for future coders, and so it doesn't look a mess.
     If you can't be bothered to code in the MUD's style, we can't be
     bothered to reformat all your code submissions.
{D+{w+{W+ {rTHE APPLICATION {W+{w+{D+{x
If you think you got what it takes to be a coder, then you need to send an
application letter to the IMM staff declaring your intentions.  You should
mention your coding experience, and what you're interested in working on.

{D+{w+{W+ {rTHE REQUIREMENTS {W+{w+{D+{x
We don't let new coders get their hands directly on our code until they've
proven themselves trustworthy.  Instead, you'll be asked to set up a MUD
on your home machine for you to work with.  Here is what you'll need:

   {ro {WCygwin{x
     Our MUD runs on a Linux server.  If you use windows, you'll need to
     set up Cygwin on your machines.  This will give you a Linux type
     environment under Windows, that you can work with.  It comes with
     a free compiler (gcc) and a debugger (gdb) and several editors.
     URL: {Yhttp://www.cygwin.com{x

   {ro {WThe Icey Depths 0.9 codebase{x
     This is the codebase which we started from.  You'll be asked to make
     your changes on this codebase, and send the work you've done to the
     head coder for review.  It will then be tested again by other coders,
     added to CVS (version control) and then compiled into the main port.

     The codebase is rather difficult to get running, and this is part of
     your test.  There is documentation out there on how to get it working.
     If you get too frustrated, or aren't resourceful enough to figure it
     out, then you're prolly not coder material.  Coding is about
     problem-solving and this is your first problem.
     URL: {Yhttp://ftp.mudmagic.com/diku/merc/rom/anatolia/iceydepths.tar.gz{x

{D+{w+{W+ {rTHE TEST {W+{w+{D+{x
Okay, after you get the above running, and you've sent in your application,
the head coder will give you a brief test to figure out how dangerous you are.
After that we'll work on getting you your first coding assignment.

Sounds like a lot, huh?  Sounds kinda harsh, just to be help out?  Well,
keep this in mind:

{rEveryone makes mistakes, but our mistakes crash the MUD.{x

(written 2005-07-17)
Those who wish to become builders should understand that 90% of the work
involves simply writing descriptions for rooms, mobs and objects.  Many
people enjoy coming up with ideas for areas, but when it comes to actually
creating them, they quickly lose their passion when they are faced with
exactly how much work they'll have to do to see it through.  Therefore,
we've worked out some requirements that those who wish to become builders
will have to fulfill in order to convince us that the time we spend training
them will be well spent, and to give a chance to those wishing to build to
figure out whether or not it is something that they will truly enjoy doing. 

A builder's first area will be between 30 and 50 rooms. These rooms should
all have unique descriptions, rather than a small set of descriptions that
are constantly repeated throughout the area.
The builder should have a strong idea of what the area will be like and
contain before sending a proposal to build it. This includes knowing the
theme of the area (a knight's castle, a tiny village, a dark cave, a
kingdom in the sky, etc.), where the area would fit into the mud (not just
its physical location but whether or not it would fit into the mud's
fantasy theme), what the story is behind the area (each area should have
a history of its own. For example, the White Desert area would have this
history: A vast desert that was thought to be uninhabitable for years,
traders in the larger cities of Caerlon and New Thalos have begun to
risk the dangers and travel through it, to trade with the nomads who
live there for exotic goods available nowhere else. Not all nomads are
friendly, however, and some are willing to fight to prevent what they
see as the intrusion of their land.)
In addition to the above, there are several other requirements that must
be met before a builder will be added to the staff.
{C1) 10 unique room descriptions, 5 mob descriptions, and 5 object
descriptions must be submitted.{x
The room and mob descriptions should be at least 4 lines in length
(after formatting). This is done so that A) the builder will know if they
actually enjoy building and B) we'll be able to get a good look at the
quality of work they will be creating.
{C2) A map of the area{x
While its understandable that some changes will be made to the plan while
the area is being built, the builder should have a concrete plan before
starting the area of where everything will fit in.
{C3) An explanation of the theme, history, and purpose of the area, as
stated above.{x
All applications should be sent to the head builder, ideally through
a note.
Please check your submissions for spelling and grammar mistakes. If your
submission contains plenty of typos and bad grammar, we can only assume
that your work will be the same, and this will be one of the things
we consider when deciding whether or not you will become an builder.
{WHead Builder: {CNalaeya{x
0 0 variables~
variable         mobile actor victim random target    object 2nd_object
  name             $i    $n     $t     $r    $q       $o       $p
shrt_desc/title    $I    $N     $T     $R    $Q       $O       $P
he/she/it          $j    $e     $E     $J    $X       --       --
him/her/it         $l    $m     $M     $L    $Y       --       --
his/her/its        $k    $s     $S     $K    $Z       --       --
a/an               --    --     --     --    --       --       --
$i - first keyword on mobile's list under "name" field
$n - the name of the player (most common variable for ordinary routines)
$t - the name of a secondary target (A nods to B -> B would be $t)
$r - the name of a random pc in the room
$q - name of the program target (used in conjunction with MOB REMEMBER)
$o - the first keyword of primary object (Jon gets A -> A would be $o)
$p - the first keyword of secondary object (Jon puts A in B -> B would be $p)
Artifacts - powerful and rare items.  Only a limited few exist in the realm.
Because these items are so prized the gods ensure that no one mortal
takes too many of them into the astral plane.  Those who venture in
the astral plane too much, often find their possessions ransacked due
to neglect.
The {CARTIFACT{x command tells you how many of these special items you
hold and how many you can logoff with.
If you become inactive (go missing from the mud, or only log on for short
periods of time) you will find your artifacts missing when you log back
in.  This is to make sure these limited items are constantly in play
for those players active in the game.
The number of artifacts you may log off with is determined by the following:
{c *    4hrs/day last 3 days = 1
 *    1hr/day last week    = 1
 *    2hr/day last week    = 2
 *    1hr/day last month   = 3
 *    3hr/day last month   = 4
 *    less than a month recorded activity = 2{x
{WNote: {CARTIFACT{W and activity displayed on {CCLANLIST{W are not directly
Shades of Gray is based on Anatolia MUD -- see help anatolia.
                     Original idea, concept and coding:
        Farmer Joe                   [Iluvatar] (fjoe@@@@@@@@iclub.nsu.ru)
        Konstantin Svintsoff          [abrazak] (kostik@@@@@@@@iclub.nsu.ru)
        Alexander Morokhovets            [Eros] (efdi@@@@@@@@iclub.nsu.ru)
-1 $~
