Name Mirror of Realm~
VNUMs 19000 19199
Credits Merri~
Security 9
LevelRange 20 50

mirror guard guardian~
the mirror guardian~
A mirror guardian stands here.
The guard's white beard and wrinkled skin prove him to be older than the 
average city guard. The post he holds is most likely a ceremonial one,
assigned to aged and honored soldiers, rather than fresh new warriors; it seems
probable from the silence around you that this part of the land gets few
visitors.  Even so, the guard stands motionless at his post, eyes fixed firmly
on the empty space in front of him.
23 23 47d23+0 230d11+95 8d2+22 none
-7 -7 -7 -2
stand stand male 10
0 0 medium flesh~
pale withered knight~
a withered knight~
A pale, withered knight looks up in surprise as you enter.
The knight moves slowly and vaguely with empty eyes gazing out of a white
wrinkled face; however, you can still see strong muscles below the tattered
hauberk he wears.  As he sees you, his gray, papery mouth opens, and his
eyes widen in surprise.....
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
king loranhir man~
King Loranhir~
King Loranhir sits quietly on his throne, gazing into emptiness. 
Loranhir is the king of the Mirror Realm; he caused the realm to be divided
after the battles over his creations, the sword Taliesin and the Sunrise 
Shield. He was the best craftsman in the land, and was known for his 
quiet advice and counsel; he was called upon to take the throne after the 
former king died while calling the forces of evil into the land.  He 
tried to destroy the Sword and Shield to keep them from falling into the 
hands of evil...but could not bring himself to destroy his own 
creations, and instead raised the mountains from the earth through a 
powerful spell, splitting the land in two--but leaving him unable to 
face his failure.
49 49 192d49+0 490d11+95 17d2+40 none
-26 -26 -26 -16
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
caerlin bard~
Caerlin the Bard strums on his harp as he asks for donations. 
Caerlin's delicate bard's amulet reveals him as a master of the harp, as well
as a kind soul: he strolls around the village asking for donations, using the
money to help the poor and the sick....and lending a hand to the giver as well.
ABG H 1000 0
35 35 101d35+0 350d11+95 12d2+30 none
-15 -15 -15 -8
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
commoner mirror citizen man~
the young man~
A good citizen of the Mirror Realm strolls by you.
The commoner seems content with his life; fortunately for him, he was on
the side of good when the land he lived in was divided.  He seems peaceful
and pleasant; though he eyes your weapon and armor with a concerned look,
he smiles at you as you walk by, and nods his head in greeting.
AG N 1000 0
19 19 30d19+0 19d9+60 5d3+11 none
-2 -2 -2 1
CDEFIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
citizen mirror commoner woman~
the woman~
A citizen of the Mirror Realm strolls by you.
The citizen of the Mirror Realm looks reasonably content with her life;
fortunately for her, she was on the side of good when the land she lived
in was divided.  She seems friendly; though she eyes your armor and weapon
with concern, she smiles at you when you approach, and nods her head
in greeting.
AG N 1000 0
19 19 30d19+0 19d9+60 5d3+11 none
-2 -2 -2 1
CDEFIJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
unicorne silver horse~
the unicorn~
A silver unicorn wanders about, quietly grazing on grass.
Instead of being normal and white, this unicorns coat is silvery, shining
faintly as the light strikes it.  The horn itself is even more distinctive--
it appears to be golden, and tipped with something that looks like a
A H 1000 0
39 39 126d39+0 390d11+95 14d2+33 stab
-18 -18 -18 -10
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 large flesh~
F aff N
a watchman~
The watchman stands here, enforcing the law of the realm.
The watchman's brown robe blends him in perfectly with the rock face; it is
almost impossible to distinguish him from the mountain, since he stands 
completely still with the hood of his robe pulled far over his head.
19 19 36d19+0 95d10+85 6d3+14 none
-3 -3 -3 0
CDEFIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
a watchman~
The watchman stands here, eyeing you carefully.
The watchman's brown robe completely envelops him; only the faint glimmer of
his eyes shines through the dark shadows inside the robe's hood.
19 19 36d19+0 95d10+85 6d3+14 none
-3 -3 -3 0
DEF 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
a watchman~
The watchman stands here, eyeing you carefully.
The watchman's brown robe completely envelops him; only the faint glimmer of
his eyes shines through the dark shadows inside the robe's hood.
19 19 36d19+0 95d10+85 6d3+14 none
-3 -3 -3 0
DF 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
bear zbear~
(Cuteness) Dee big byoo bear hulks and yerks in the corner, wrinkling and folding at ebry motion.
Bear-de-bear seems to be an armness, legness, neckness blob of material
with drawn-on features and a sishy guvuhvin which erases the aura of
evilness in his shadowy form.  sort of.  Only his face can be seen, as
the rest of him is enveloped in a checkered guvuhveen bag and hood dat 
covers his tiny ears.
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CFIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 large flesh~
knight withered~
a withered knight~
A pale, withered knight looks up in surprise as you enter.
The knight moves slowly and vaguely, with empty eyes gazing out of a white
wrinkled face; however, you can still see strong muscles below the tattered
hauberk he wears.  As he sees you, his gray papery mouth opens, and his eyes
widen in surprise....
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
DEF 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
grey mare horse skeleton~
the Grey Mare~
The bleached, gray skeleton of a horse laughs soundlessly as it trots by.
The Grey Mare's fleshless skull seems to laugh at you as it inspects you 
carefully; as it approaches, it lowers its head, pointing its bone horn
directly at your chest.
AG DFIP -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
CDFIJ 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
bride woman~
the bride~
A young woman stands here, taking her vows of marriage.
The girl's green eyes sparkle almost mischeviously as she peeks out from 
underneath her veil; she catches her fiance's eye and winks at him, giggling
silently as he blushes and smiles.
ABG HN 1000 0
25 25 36d25+0 25d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 0
F 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
groom man~
the groom~
A young man stands here, taking his vows of marriage.
The groom shivers faintly with nervousness as he gets ready to marry his bride;
he's rigid with anticipation.  As his wife-to-be turns and winks at him,
he relaxes, blushing faintly and smiling at her.
ABG HN 1000 0
25 25 36d25+0 25d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 0
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
red lord scarlet~
the Red Lord~
A Lord of the Light stands here clothed in bright red robes.
The Red Lord's deep green eyes shine brightly as he looks about his land, and soft breezes swirl his long black hair and his heavy scarlet cape.  As he turns
towards you, you catch a glimpse of his face: thin, well-worn laugh lines
intersect with thick, brownish scars.
AG DFN 1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
orange lord~
the Orange Lord~
A Lord of the Light stands here, clothed in deep orange robes.
The Orange Lord's dazzling red hair perfectly matches his long, flowing cape--
from a distance, it almost seems as though he wears a hooded robe.  His long
hair almost hides his thin, pale face; in any case, it casts a dark shadow
over his hooded eyes, making it almost impossible to tell just where he's
AG DFJN 1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
yellow lord~
the Yellow Lord~
A Lord of the Light stands here, clothed in bright yellow robes.
The Yellow Lord's light blond hair falls in waves down the back of her blazing
yellow robe, and her bright blue eyes sparkle in the bright sunlight.  Though 
her face has a certain beauty, it has an air of sternness as well, enhanced by
the razor-sharp crystal sword at her side.
AG DFJN 1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
green lord~
the Green Lord~
A Lord of the Light stands here, clothed in dark green robes.
A thick, brown beard covers the Green Lord's face, almost hiding his cheerful
smile and his golden brown eyes.  He moves slowly about this part of the Mirror
Realm, constantly shifting his gaze as he enjoys the land's beauty and watches
for possible threats.
AG DFJN 1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
blue lord~
the Blue Lord~
A Lord of the Light stands here, clothed in light blue robes.
The Blue Lord's eyes are as bright as his robe, and twinkle faintly in the 
bright sunlight. As you pass by, he raises his weapon--possibly in salute, 
possibly in challenge--catching the light and the blue of his robe in the
facets of his sword.
AG DFJN 1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
violet lord~
the Violet Lord~
A Lord of the Light stands here, clothed in dark violet robes.
The Violet Lord wears his robe close about his body: he hides his face in the
shadows cast by its loose hood, and even keeps his hands hidden somewhere
in its folds.  At his side, his clear crystal sword looks almost dark as it
absorbs and reflects the colors of his robe.
AG DFJN 1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
gardner gardener lady~
the gardener~
A gardener kneels on the ground, tending to the plants.
An old lady bends over her plants, clearing away the moss and dead leaves.
AG P 1000 0
25 25 36d25+0 25d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 0
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
priest brother thomas~
Brother Thomas~
Brother Thomas stands here giving his blessings.
A cheerful, red-faced priest stands here, preparing to marry whoever needs to
be married; he is Father Franklin's assistant, and has taken over most of the
religious duties in the town.
ABG H 1000 0
39 39 110d39+0 195d10+85 13d3+24 none
-16 -16 -16 -8
FIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
wizard standard~
A Wizard of the Mage Standard~
A standard issue wizard putters about his shop, mixing potions and enchanting staffs.
Long white beard, check; cloak and cap covered with stars and moons, check;
spectacles, check; benevolent smile, check, clueless, forgetful attitude, 
check.  The wizard giggles as you look at him, and holds up his "Wizard 
Finishing School" diploma.
ABGe GNZl 1000 0
39 39 126d39+0 390d11+95 14d2+33 none
-18 -18 -18 -10
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
pool man~
the pool player~
A pool player stands here practicing his game.
A citizen of the Mirror Realm strolls around the pool table, casually sinking
rack after rack; he smiles as you enter, then turns back to his game.
ABG 0 1000 0
25 25 43d25+0 125d10+85 8d3+17 none
-7 -7 -7 -1
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
lauraine barkeep~
Lauraine the barkeep~
Lauraine paces behind the bar, waiting for your order.
Lauraine is a cheerful, middle-aged woman wearing a plain white apron and a 
white lace cap; she gently dusts the edge of the bar, waiting for a customer.
ABGe 0 1000 0
39 39 110d39+0 195d10+85 13d3+24 none
-16 -16 -16 -8
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
the waiter~
A waiter hustles about the room taking orders and delivering food.
Sweat pours down the waiter's bald head as he dashes from table to table, 
trying to keep track of all the checks, the food, and the special orders.
ABGe 0 1000 0
39 39 110d39+0 195d10+85 13d3+24 none
-16 -16 -16 -8
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
master karate dunn~
Master Dunn~
Master Dunn is here, quietly reviewing his katas.
Master Dunn is a middle-aged martial arts practitioner who has mastered both
mind and body. His movements are graceful yet strong; his arms flow smoothly
through the blocks and attacks, but stop powerfully as each move ends.  He 
bows to you as you approach, and motions with his hands, inviting you to
train with him.
45 45 165d45+0 450d11+95 16d2+37 none
-23 -23 -23 -14
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
proprietor shopkeeper man~
the proprietor~
The proprietor of the Travellers' Shop stands here, dusting off his stock.
The proprietor is a thin, tired old man; the adventurers' business isn't doing
so well right now, what with the land being completely closed off and all.
ABGJKe DFN 1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
truxton librarian~
Mrs. Truxton the Librarian~
Mrs. Truxton is here, checking overdue notices.
Mrs. Truxton bends over a stack of books, organizing them for reshelving.  She
peers down at you, trying to judge whether or not you're one of her customers
with overdue books....her glare chills you to the bone.  Hope you returned 
your books on time.
ABGe DFN 1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
FIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
father franklin~
Father Franklin~
Father Franklin stands here, smiling gently at you.
Father Franklin had to take over a number of duties when his parish was split
in two: aside from being the priest, he became teacher, doctor, and leader of 
the inhabitants of the good side of the realm.  The other ordained priest
of the town helps out with most of the religious duties, but almost everything
else has become Father Franklin's responsibility.
ABG H 1000 0
39 39 110d39+0 195d10+85 13d3+24 none
-16 -16 -16 -8
FI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
dark lord white~
the White Lord~
A Lord of the Dark stands here, clothed in ice-white robes.
The White Lord's face is hidden within the shadows of his cold white
robes; still, there is a cruel, chilling air about him that seems to pulsate
from the Signs of the Dark on the sigil around his neck and on the hilt of
his sword.  
AG DFJP -1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
lord dark black~
the Black Lord~
A Lord of the Dark stands here, clothed in jet-black robes.
You can only see the Black Lord's glowing eyes within the shadows of his 
dark robes; his cold blue eyes transfix you as they slowly pass over your
AG DFJP -1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
FIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
storn assassin~
Storn the assassin~
Storn the Assassin is here, practicing his backstab.
Storn's body is slim yet strong, and he hardly makes a sound as he attacks his
target with a faint smile on his face.  You see a few knife slashes across his
cheeks and arms; you also see that many of those slashes have long healed,
forming thick, hard scars.
AGKe DFJPQ -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
FIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
wizard standard evil~
A wizard of the Mage Standard~
The wizard behind the counter snickers softly at you.
Long white beard, check; cap and cloak covered with stars and moons, check;
spectacles, check; evil grin, check; otherworldly air, check.  The wizard 
smirks as you look at him, and taps his "Wizard's Finishing School" diploma.
ABGe DFJ -1000 0
45 45 144d45+0 225d10+85 15d3+27 none
-21 -21 -21 -11
FI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
gardener gardner lady~
the gardener~
The gardener stands here, hacking away at the tangles of vines.
The gardener grins evilly at you as she decapitates a dead rose bush.
ACG DFJ -1000 0
25 25 43d25+0 125d10+85 8d3+17 none
-7 -7 -7 -1
FI 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
kid boy child~
the young boy~
A young boy tries to climb the tree, trying to grab the high, thick branches.
The young child's knees are green and scraped from all the tree climbing and
running; still, he looks healthy and strong.
ABCGH 0 1000 0
20 20 31d20+0 20d9+60 5d4+12 none
-2 -2 -2 1
FI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
fisherman man~
the fisherman~
A fisherman floats here in his dinghy, trying to add to his catch.
The fisherman glances up at you as you approach, motioning you to be quiet
so that you don't disturb the fish.
ABG 0 1000 0
25 25 36d25+0 25d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 0
FI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
deer buck~
The buck~
A deer stands here rubbing his antlers against a tree.
The young male deer is trying to shake last year's antlers off his head, 
butting hard against the nearest tree.  His big brown eyes gaze at you fearfully
as you approach; still, he's an big, big animal, and those antlers look sharp,
even if they are shaky.
ABG 0 1000 0
30 30 50d30+0 30d9+60 9d3+16 none
-9 -9 -9 -3
FI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
Something swirls about the mists.
You can't tell anything about whatever this might be...the mists are just too
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
F 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
mass red ants~
the mass of red ants~
A huge mass of red ants mills frantically around the tree trunk.
Thousands of ants have clumped together here to form a basketball-sized mass;
your skin prickles faintly as you watch the creepy creatures climb all over 
each other in their search for food.
ABCFG I -1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
F 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 large flesh~
man card shark~
the card shark~
The card shark stands here, waiting for a sucker.
The card shark is a greasy, scruffy man with ragged, moth-eaten clothes;
apparently, the cheating business isn't doing too well here.  The shark's eyes
light up as you enter, however, and he motions you over to play a game.
ABCG JP -1000 0
25 25 43d25+0 125d10+85 8d3+17 none
-7 -7 -7 -1
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
hepzibah bartender~
Hepzibah the Barkeep~
A haggard, toothless woman stands here tending the bar.
Hepzibah has been worn almost to the bone by the hard work of maintaining a 
bar on the dark side of the realm; heavy lines crease her face, and her cheeks
are deeply hollowed from a combination of exhaustion and toothlessness.  She
peers at you with red-rimmed eyes as you enter, and mumbles a request for your
ABGe DF -1000 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
FI 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
carvallo undertaker~
Carvallo stands here, operating his "disposal" business.
Carvallo offers "quick and easy disposal" of just about anything you might want
to get rid of rather quickly--or at least anything that no one else will touch
(and he does mean ANYTHING).  Whatever you've got, he'll buy it...(and most 
likely turn it around for a handsome profit).
ABCGe DFJP -1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
citizen man commoner~
the young man~
A citizen of the Mirror Realm shuffles along the dark road.
The young man walks with his eyes lowered to the ground, and does not even
blink as he nears you.  His face is gaunt with fatigue and pain, and his
steps are short and uncertain, as if he has no real idea where he intends to 
AG P -1000 0
20 20 37d20+0 100d10+85 6d3+15 none
-3 -3 -3 0
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
commoner citizen woman~
the woman~
A middle-aged woman shuffles past you, pulling her shawl tight around her head.
The woman's white hair spills out from behind her moth-eaten gray shawl; she
locks her eyes on the ground before her, not even blinking as she approaches
AG 0 -1000 0
20 20 31d20+0 20d9+60 5d4+12 none
-2 -2 -2 1
F 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
fox grey~
the grey fox~
A grey fox emerges from the brush, growling angrily at you.
Drool and gore drip from the fox's mouth as he bares his teeth at you; his
eyes are filled with animal rage.

ABFG DFJP -1000 0
35 35 88d35+0 175d10+85 11d3+22 none
-13 -13 -13 -6
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
the moose~
A moose stands here, nibbling at the tree branches.
Moose are *weird*.  The animal has the antlers of a deer, except thicker; the
body of an antelope, the muzzle of a horse, and the fur of some kind of dog.
Strangely, the moose isn't a mythical creature, but is quite real, all 1200 
pounds of him.  Including the antlers.  And the hooves.  And the teeth.  Sure,
he's dopey, but still.....
ABCG 0 1000 0
30 30 59d30+0 150d10+85 10d3+20 none
-10 -10 -10 -4
F 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
the bear~
A bear stands here.  You have disturbed him.
It's a big black bear....sharp claws, big teeth, the works.

And it's coming right at you.
30 30 50d30+0 30d9+60 9d3+16 none
-9 -9 -9 -3
CF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 large flesh~
the waiter~
A waiter slouches against the wall waiting to serve you stew.
With a sigh, the waiter leans heavily against the wall, running his hands 
through his greasy hair.  He picks up a plate of stew, suddenly sneezes
on it, then tosses the plate back on the table.
ABCGe DFJP -1000 0
40 40 98d40+0 40d9+60 12d3+21 none
-16 -16 -16 -7
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
urchin boy~
the young urchin~
A young urchin shuffles about, ignoring the fruit that hangs from the trees.
Swamp mire and mud cover the boy's face, and smelly seaweed hangs from his 
shoulders; apparently the boy had decided that a swim in the swamp would do him
some good.  He refuses to raise his head, or even lift his feet off the ground;
he only extends his hand towards you, silently asking for money.
ABCG DFPQ -1000 0
20 20 31d20+0 20d9+60 5d4+12 none
-2 -2 -2 1
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
lady woman slut whore night~
the lady of ill repute~
A lady of ill repute lounges against a pole, eyeing you coyly.
This fine-looking young lady is rather scantily dressed, clad only in a tight
bodice and a short skirt.  As you look at her, she winks at you, and 
beckons you closer.

What could she possibly want?
ABCG DF -1000 0
25 25 36d25+0 25d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 0
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
pimp man master~
the greasy man~
A greasy-looking man stands here, keeping watch over the lady of ill repute.
This greasy young man appears to have some control over the young lady, almost
as if she was somehow bound to him.  Though he doesn't seem attracted to her,
he still eyes her carefully, seeming to watch her every move.
ABG DF -1000 0
35 35 74d35+0 35d9+60 10d3+19 none
-12 -12 -12 -5
F 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
thief hidden~
the wily little thief (hidden somewhere in the shadows)~
The shadows shift faintly.
You see only a shifty black mass.
35 35 74d35+0 35d9+60 10d3+19 none
-12 -12 -12 -5
FHJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
red master~
the Red Master~
The Red Master rises from his throne as you enter.
The Red Master's cloak completely covers his face and body; even his hands and
feet are hidden somewhere inside its folds.
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
amber master~
the Amber Master~
The Amber Master rises from his throne as you appear in the room.
The Amber Master's cloak completely covers his face and body; even his hands
and feet are hidden somewhere inside its folds.
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
green master~
the Green Master~
The Green Master rises from his throne as you appear in the room.
The Green Master's cloak completely covers his face and body; even his hands
and feet are hidden somewhere inside its folds.
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
blue master~
the Blue Master~
The Blue Master rises from his throne as you appear in the room.
The Blue Master's cloak completely covers his face and body; even his hands 
and feet are hidden somewhere inside its folds.
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
violet master~
the Violet Master~
The Violet Master rises from his throne as you appear in the room.
The Violet Master's cloak completely covers his hands and face; even his hands
and feet are hidden somewhere inside its folds.
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
yellow master~
the Yellow Master~
The Yellow Master rises from his throne as you enter.
The Yellow Master's cloak completely covers his face and body; even his hands
and feet are hidden somewhere in its folds.
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
light figure being lord master~
the Master of Light~
(Golden Aura) A figure of pure light rises from a sparkling throne.
The figure before you seems to be made entirely of rainbow light: the sparkling
wall behind it shines through its patterned, dazzling multicolored body, and
the thousands of rainbow rays seem to pass right through it without any effect
whatsoever.  Though you see the basic human form--two arms, two legs, a body
and head--they contain no features at all, and only radiate a bright golden
ABG DFHJN 1000 0
50 50 198d50+0 500d11+95 17d2+40 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
phoenix bird~
the Phoenix~
An incredible bird sits in its nest, flapping its enormous wings.
A huge, majestic bird sits before you, with a noble air to its face--and a wild
look in its eyes.  The Phoenix's plumage glitters brightly, with reddish-purple
feathers intertwined with a few golden ones; its silvery beak glistens in the
light, with faint sparkles shining on its razor-sharp edges.
50 50 198d50+0 500d11+95 17d2+40 none
-27 -27 -27 -16
FH 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
mandeep beekeeper bee keeper~
Mandeep the Beekeeper~
Mandeep the Beekeeper strolls about his house, puffing smoke at his bees.
Mandeep smiles cheerfully as he inspects his bees, making sure they're
all quite happy in their glass-enclosed hives.  The smoke he puffs at them
from a small metal can keep them calm - calm enough to pick up and inspect
close at hand.
ABG N 1000 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
FK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
white master~
the White Master~
The White Master stands quietly at the northern end of the room.
The White Master's cloak completely covers him; not even his hands and feet
can be seen.
ABFG DFJ -1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
white master~
the White Master~
The White Master stands quietly at the northern end of the room.
The White Master's cloak completely covers him; not even his face and hands
can be seen.
ABFG DFJ -1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
black master~
the Black Master~
The Black Master stands quietly at the northern end of the room.
The Black Master's cloak completely covers his body; not even his face   
and hands are visible.
ABFG DFJ -1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
black master~
the Black Master~
The Black Master stands quietly at the northern end of the room.
The Black Master's cloak completely covers his body; not even his face 
and hands can be seen.
ABFG DFJ -1000 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
jerry garcia~
Jerry Garcia~
Jerry Garcia hovers in the center of this room healing the sick.
Jerry Garcia...famous musician, artist, demigod rock-and-roller of the '60's
through the '90's....has returned from the dead to heal your wounds.
90 90 400d90+0 450d10+85 30d3+50 none
-51 -51 -51 -32
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
mr teece~
Mr. Teece~
Mr. Teece sits here playing on his banjo.
Mr. Teece's deep black skin contrasts sharply with his white hair; he appears
to be immeasurably old.  He strums on his banjo as you approach, and invites
you to have a seat and listen.
ABG DFNU 1000 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
CDEFHK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~

mirror shield mirrored~
a mirrored shield~
A shield with a mirrored surface lies on the ground.
armor 0 AJ
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
23 25 7870 P
2 1
mirror shield mirrored~
You see your own reflection on the surface of the mirror shield.
G none
G none
G none
G none
mirror plate mirrored~
a mirrored plate of armor~
A metal plate is on the ground; your face is reflected in its surface.
armor 0 AD
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
23 24 19 P
mirror plate mirrored~
Your own reflection stares up from the mirrored plate.
G none
G none
G none
G none
sword shiny silver~
a shiny silver sword~
A shiny silver sword lies on the ground here.
weapon G AN
shortsword 3 6 slash 0
23 50 1260 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
chainmail cowl chainmail~
a chainmail cowl~
A chainmail cowl is here.
armor 0 AD
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
23 67 19 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a throne~
A simply crafted throne rests here; it appears tarnished and worn.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
robe grey~
a {Dgrey robe{x~
A thin grey robe is here.
armor 0 AD
18 18 18 17 'none' 0
49 35 176094 P
17 -4
2 3
5 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
circlet golden~
the Golden Circlet~
A golden circlet lies here.
armor AFGM AE
17 17 17 16 'none' 0
45 25 77236 P
4 2
13 25
12 25
golden circlet~
The Golden Circlet was King Loranhir's crown when he first took the 
throne; he removed it for the last time when he split the land in
two, saying that he no longer deserved to wear it.  Though it is simply
made, it is nevertheless intricate, with fine milled edges and a beautiful
ruby sigil at the front.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
bent sword~
a bent sword~
A sword with a rusted, bent blade is here.
weapon GHM AN
shortsword 4 10 slash 0
45 50 2300 P
18 -5
19 -5
G none
G none
G none
G none
worn jerkin chain mail~
a worn chainmail jerkin~
This chainmail jerkin is worn and full of holes.
armor 0 AD
17 17 17 16 'none' 0
45 46 41 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
royal staff king~
the Royal Staff~
King Loranhir's golden staff lies here.~
staff L AO
15 10 10 'cure critical'
30 10 1000 P
5 1
12 20
royal staff king~
King Loranhir's royal staff is a finely sculpted sceptre made of
beautiful blendings of silver and gold.  As you hold it in your hand, you
somehow feel more confident, calmer, even happier, even though the king
gave up the sceptre just after he was plunged into despair and depression.
G none
G none
G none
G none
harp silver caerlin~
a silver harp~
A bright silver harp lies here.~
wand K AO
15 25 25 'cure critical'
15 10 1000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pool cue~
a pool cue~
A wooden pool cue is here.
weapon G AN
mace 2 12 blast 0
25 20 1250 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pool table~
a pool table~
A well-used pool table is here.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
pool table~
The pool table is covered with green felt which has been worn down by
years of continuous use.  The balls strewn across its surface look
well-used as well; most are scratched or marred, and some have whole chips
taken out of their sides.
G none
G none
G none
G none
amulet bard's bard~
a bard's amulet~
An amulet with a silver rope chain lies here.
armor K AC
13 13 13 12 'none' 0
35 36 35611 P
6 2
20 -2
G none
G none
G none
G none
small steel knife~
a small steel knife~
A small steel knife is here.
weapon G AN
dagger 2 7 pierce 0
19 20 830 P
small steel dagger~
The good citizens of the Mirror Realm have no need for weapons; they carry
at most a small knife, simply because it's handy to have around.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
potion human flight~
a potion of human flight~
A cloudy potion lies here.~
potion AH A
10 'fly' '' '' ''
10 0 550 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pill healing glinting silver~
a pill of healing~
A glittering silver pill lies here.~
pill H A
7 'refresh' 'armor' 'teleport' ''
15 3 100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
flask holy water~
a flask of holy water~
A small flask of clear, bright water lies here.~
potion AH A
10 'bless' 'cure blindness' 'remove curse' ''
10 5 1000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
staff destruction~
a staff of destruction~
A vicious staff lies here.~
staff BH AO
15 7 7 'earthquake'
30 15 100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
gold coins~
some coins~
Some gold coins are scattered on the ground here.~
money 0 A
0 1000
1 4 100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
potion invis invisible~
a clear potion of invisibility~
A clear potion of invisibility is here.~
potion AH A
10 'invisibility' 'detect magic' '' ''
10 5 750 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
hamburger burger~
a hamburger~
A juicy hamburger is here.~
food 0 A
1 2 148 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
steak yorkshire pudding food~
steak and Yorkshire Pudding~
A plate of food lies here.~
food 0 A
1 2 157 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
roast chicken food~
roast Chicken~
A plate of food lies here.~
food 0 A
1 1 161 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
mashed potatoes food~
mashed potatoes~
A small bowl of mashed potatoes is here.~
food 0 A
C C 0 0 0 C C
1 1 40 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
peas food~
A small bowl of peas is here.~
food 0 A
B B 0 0 0 B B
1 1 21 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
baked ham food~
baked Ham~
A plate of food lies here.~
food 0 A
1 1 156 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
green beans food~
green beans~
A small dish of green beans lies here.~
food 0 A
B B 0 0 0 B B
1 1 19 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
shrimp cocktail food~
shrimp cocktail~
A small dish of shrimp is here.~
food 0 A
B B 0 0 0 B B
1 1 21 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
green salad food~
green salad~
A salad is here.~
food 0 A
C C 0 0 0 C C
1 2 36 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
vegetable soup food~
vegetable soup~
A bowl of vegetable soup is here.~
food 0 A
C C 0 0 0 C C
1 1 40 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a menu~
There is a menu on the wall here.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
*                                                                  *
*                              MENU                                *
*                                                                  *
*  Appetizers:                                                     *
*                                                                  *
*       shrimp cocktail       green salad         vegetable soup   *
*                                                                  *
*  Entrees:                                                        *
*                                                                  *
*       Steak and Yorkshire Pudding   Baked Ham    Roast Chicken   *
*                                                                  *
*  Side Dishes:                                                    *
*                                                                  *
*       peas        mashed potatoes       green beans              *
*                                                                  *
*  Drinks:  Beer   Wine  Water  Coffee--order from the bar         *
*                                                                  *
*  Your waiter will take your order.                               *
G none
G none
G none
G none
horn golden~
a {Wunicorn's {Yg{yo{Yld{ye{Yn{x horn~
A unicorn's horn is here.
weapon AGK AN
exotic 5 10 stab DI
40 40 207361 P
18 6
golden horn gold~
The unicorn's horn appears to be made of twisted gold tipped with a
glittering diamond; down at the base, where it was severed from the 
unicorn's head, you can see some dried blood and fibers.  As you hold 
the horn in your hand, you feel a strange current running through your 
body, as though it still retained life in some way.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
ermine blanket~
an ermine blanket~
An ermine blanket is here.
armor 0 AD
14 14 14 13 'none' 0
39 40 35 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
apple tree trees~
a grove of apple trees~
A few apple trees grow here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 10 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
apple fruit~
an apple~
A ripe red apple is here.~
pill 0 A
10 'refresh' '' '' ''
20 1 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
plum tree trees~
a grove of plum trees~
A few plum trees grow here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
plum fruit~
a plum~
A plum is here.~
food 0 A
AB AB 0 0 0 AB AB
1 1 29 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
plaque brass~
a brass plaque~
A brass plaque has been set into the woodwork above the doors.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
brass plaque sign~
The land before you is the Mirror Realm, the realm of King Loranhir, who split
this land in two with a powerful spell, separating good and evil, Light and 
Dark, and cutting this land off from the outside world.  The Lords of the Light
and the Dark now control this realm, and will allow you to walk freely around
our realm (though none can guarantee safe passage through the evil lands, 
and none know what lies in the king's empty palace).  You may search as 
you like for the sword Taliesin and the Sunrise Shield, but you may not  
attempt to transport any citizen from one side of our realm to another, 
nor may you try to help any citizen leave....
G none
G none
G none
G none
brown robe~
a brown robe~
A brown robe is here.~
armor 0 AD
7 7 7 6 'none' 0
19 20 23 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a telescope~
A telescope stands here on a tripod, pointed down at the land below.~
trash 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
As you slowly scan the land before you with the telescope, you see dozens of
different people and places: there is a lake surrounded by an orchard on one
side and a forest on the other, and a bride and a groom standing in a small
gazebo on the center of the lake; there are a series of buildings, which
could be houses or shops (it's too far away to tell clearly); there is a
beautiful unicorn in front of the sparkling tower, which now appears to be
made out of frosted glass; there are riders in robes of every color of the 
G none
G none
G none
G none
a telescope~
A telescope stands here on a tripod, pointed downwards at the land below.~
trash 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
500 0 0 P
The telescope allows you to spy on all the inhabitants of the darker area of
the realm: the skeleton of a horse gallops around below, with a small bony 
horn on its skull; riders cloaked in black and white robes patrol the area 
with flashing swords; ragged citizens walk through a decaying swamp; a 
glittering palace of obsidian rises from the mire at the far end of the 
G none
G none
G none
G none
oil lamp~
an oil lamp~
An oil lamp lies here.~
light A A
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
white jacket coat~
a formal white jacket~
A white jacket lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
25 26 29 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
black tie~
a black bow tie~
A black bow tie is here.~
armor 0 AC
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
shirt white~
a crisp white shirt~
A heavily starched white shirt is here.~
armor 0 AD
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pants black~
a pair of black dress pants~
A pair of black pants lies here.~
armor 0 AF
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a cummerbund~
A cummerbund lies here.~
armor 0 AL
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 5928 P
2 -1
1 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
big black shoes~
a pair of black shoes~
A pair of black shoes lies here.~
armor 0 AG
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 5951 P
14 -25
19 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
engagement band ring~
an {re{Rng{wa{Wg{we{Rmen{rt {Yband{x~
An engagement band lies here.~
jewelry AHM AB
0 0 0 AB 0 0 0
25 5 0 P
9 -3
6 2
engagement ring band~
"Till Death Do Us Part......"~
G none
G none
G none
G none
wedding dress~
a wedding dress~
A wedding dress is here.~
armor 0 AD
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 11569 P
5 1
wedding dress~
The wedding dress flows smoothly, without any big ruffles or folds; a small
touch of lace accents the collar and the short sleeves.  The train looks just 
as simple as the rest of the dress, but it shimmers gently in the light, 
revealing the pure, beautifully cut silk from which it was made.
G none
G none
G none
G none
white shoes flat flats~
a pair of white shoes~
A pair of white flats lie here.~
armor 0 AG
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 4342 P
14 15
G none
G none
G none
G none
wedding veil~
a thin white veil~
A transparent white veil lies here.~
armor 0 AE
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
18 -3
G none
G none
G none
G none
engagement ring diamond~
a {Cd{Wi{ca{Wm{Co{wn{Cd{x engagement {Wring{x~
A diamond engagement ring lies here.~
jewelry AHM AB
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 3 1000 P
9 -5
6 2
engagement diamond ring~
"Till Death Do Us Part...."
G none
G none
G none
G none
corsage flowers~
a corsage~
A corsage of beautiful flowers lies here.~
armor 0 AO
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 11970 P
13 20
G none
G none
G none
G none
jar glowing fish~
a small jar of pale glowing fish~
A small jar of bioluminescent, glowing fish lies here.~
light A A
15 0 939 P
12 20
G none
G none
G none
G none
goldfish white~
the white goldfish~
The white goldfish nuzzles gently at you as you pass by.~
food 0 A
C C 0 0 0 C C
2 2 39 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
crimson robe~
a crimson robe~
A crimson robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
35 36 12514 P
13 20
G none
G none
G none
G none
burnt orange robe~
a burnt-orange robe~
A burnt orange robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
35 36 11913 P
14 35
G none
G none
G none
G none
yellow sun robe~
a yellow robe~
A yellow robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
35 36 29976 P
13 10
12 11
18 3
19 3
G none
G none
G none
G none
forest green robe~
a forest green robe~
A forest green robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
35 36 12574 P
12 35
G none
G none
G none
G none
sea blue robe sea-blue~
a sea-blue robe~
A sea-blue robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
40 41 35553 P
18 4
19 4
G none
G none
G none
G none
violet robe~
a violet robe~
A violet robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
35 36 16725 P
13 25
G none
G none
G none
G none
prism sword~
a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword~
A clear glass sword lies here, reflecting all sorts of rainbow colors.
weapon G AN
longsword 3 20 slice 0
50 75 109853 P
24 -2
19 5
18 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
a hoe~
A hoe lies here.
weapon G AN
exotic 1 26 charge 0
25 25 1375 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
robe white~
a white robe~
A white robe lies here.~
clothing K AK
39 40 35 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
poultice detection~
a poultice of detection~
A small herbal poultice lies hee.~
pill A AO
5 'detect invis' 'detect magic' '' ''
10 1 750 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
beer glass~
A foaming glass of beer sits here.~
drink 0 A
1 1 'beer' 0
1 2 73 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
whisky whiskey shot~
A shot of whisky lies here.~
drink 0 A
1 1 'whisky' 0
5 3 138 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
A glass of lemonade stands here.~
drink 0 A
1 1 'lemonade' 0
5 2 68 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
kendo stick staff~
a kendo~
A long wooden staff lies here.
weapon GH AN
spear 3 15 crush D
45 46 49681 P
18 4
19 4
2 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
karate uniform gi~
a {Dblack gi{x~
A black karate uniform lies here.~
armor 0 AD
17 17 17 16 'none' 0
45 46 157699 P
20 -4
17 -4
2 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
red belt master~
a red master's belt~
A red master's belt lies here.~
armor K AL
17 17 17 16 'none' 0
45 46 25383 P
4 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
fountains fountain~
a fountain~
Four small fountains splash water here, helping to cool off the warm air.~
fountain 0 0
110 110 'water' 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a suitcase~
A suitcase rests here.~
container 0 AO
25 0 0 10 100 0
3 0 232 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a canteen~
A small canteen lies here.~
drink H A
10 10 'water' 0
1 2 680 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pack rations~
A small pack of rations lies here.~
food 0 A
BC BC 0 0 0 BC BC
1 1 60 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
knife pocket pocketknife~
a pocketknife~
A pocketknife lies here.
weapon G AN
dagger 1 2 pierce 0
2 15 140 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a small raft~
A small raft stands here.~
boat 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 300 146587 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
cap wizard wizard's~
a wizard's peaked cap~
A navy blue cap lies here, covered with stars and moons.~
armor 0 AE
17 17 17 16 'none' 0
45 46 15065 P
12 25
G none
G none
G none
G none
cloak wizards wizard's~
a wizard's cloak~
A navy blue cloak lies here, covered with stars and moons.~
clothing 0 AK
45 46 41 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
page hymn~
a hymn~
A page from a hymnal has fallen on the ground here.~
scroll 0 A
20 'bless' '' '' ''
20 1 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
ring rose~
a rose-colored ring~
A rose-colored ring lies here.~
jewelry AK AB
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 1 1000 P
13 -25
3 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
a pair of clippers~
A pair of clippers lie here.
weapon G AN
exotic 1 26 slice 0
25 10 1375 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
club staff wood wooden~
a thick wooden staff~
A rough wooden staff lies here.
weapon 0 AN
spear 1 19 crush 0
19 20 1180 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
leggings mirror mirrored~
a set of mirrored leggings~
A set of mirrored leggings lies here.~
armor 0 AF
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
23 24 19 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
shawl white~
a white shawl~
A white shawl lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
45 46 41 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
boots fishing~
fishing boots~
A pair of fishing boots lies here.~
armor M AG
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
2 -1
G none
G none
G none
G none
a gaff~
A fisherman's gaff lies here.
weapon G AN
spear 2 12 pierce D
25 40 2708 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
rain slicker~
a rain slicker~
A rain slicker lies here.~
armor 0 AD
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
14 -50
G none
G none
G none
G none
dinghy boat~
a dinghy~
A dinghy lies here (It's a kind of boat :-)~
boat 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 400 131113 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
diploma wizard finishing~
a "Wizard's Finishing School" diploma~
A rolled-up piece of paper lies here.~
treasure GK AO
A 0 0 0 0
1 0 50 P
3 1
diploma wizard finishing~
*                                                                         *
*    To all who read these words, WELCOME,                                *
*           KNOW YE that the bearer of this certificate has successfully  *
*           passed and completed all challenges and tests presented       *
*           before him in the Wizard's Finishing School and is thus       *
*           a true Wizard with all rights thereto appertaining.           *
*                                                                         *
*    SIGNED on this day......Merlinus Ambrosius..........Merriman Lyon    *
*	.....................Asena					  *
G none
G none
G none
G none
A set of antlers lies on the ground here.~
armor 0 AE
11 11 11 10 'none' 0
30 31 26183 P
19 3
18 3
2 -1
G none
G none
G none
G none
nectarine tree trees~
a nectarine tree~
A small cluster of nectarine trees grows here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 10 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
nectarine fruit~
a nectarine~
A nectarine stands here.~
food 0 A
AB AB 0 0 0 AB AB
1 1 28 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
diploma wizard finishing~
a "Wizard's Finishing School" diploma~
A rolled-up piece of paper lies here.~
treasure GJ AO
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
3 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
some fangs~
Someone's teeth (?) are lying here.
weapon N AN
exotic 1 37 bite 0
35 20 7739 P
19 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
hemlock extract~
A glass of hemlock extract lies here.~
drink 0 A
1 1 'water' 0
1 0 55 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
ale evil darkale bottle~
a bottle of evil-smelling ale~
A bottle of evil-smelling ale lies here.~
drink 0 A
2 2 'water' 0
1 10 114 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a bottle of water~
A bottle of water lies here.~
drink 0 A
3 3 'water' 0
1 1 186 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
broken bottle~
a broken bottle~
A broken bottle lies here.
weapon G AN
exotic 2 26 slime 0
50 30 30075 P
18 -5
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
flask devil brew devil's~
a flask of devil's brew~
A flask of devil's brew lies here.~
potion BEGH A
10 'giant strength' 'shield' '' ''
10 5 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
wand soul stealer~
the Soul Stealer~
A strange wand is here.~
wand H AO
15 15 5 'charm person'
15 5 10000 P
wand soul stealer~
You find you are captivated by this strange wand....its shimmering and swirling
patterns seem to drag you downwards towards its tip.  As you continue to stare,
it looms larger and larger in your eyes, filling your field of vision....

....till you bring it too close and poke yourself in the eye.  Ouch.
G none
G none
G none
G none
rubber gloves~
rubber gloves~
A pair of rubber gloves lies here.~
armor J AH
13 13 13 12 'none' 0
35 36 39 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
a scabbard~
A scabbard lies here.~
container F AL
20 0 0 5 100 0
5 0 193 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bone horn~
a horn of bone~
A unicorn's bony horn lies here.
weapon EGHJ AN
exotic 2 26 pierce 0
50 45 27497 P
1 -1
19 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
red ribbons ribbon~
a set of red ribbons~
Some red ribbons lie here.~
armor EHJM AC
17 17 17 16 'none' 0
45 46 23408 P
14 50
5 -1
red ribbons~
These red ribbons are just the ghosts of actual reins....
G none
G none
G none
G none
holly tree~
a holly tree~
A holly tree stands here, its branches full of berries.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
holly berries berry~
a few holly berries~
A few holly berries lie here.~
pill 0 A
10 'poison' '' '' ''
2 2 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
sword obsidian eclipse~
an {We{wc{Dlip{ws{We {Cs{cword{x~
A sword of pure obsidian lies here, seeming to swallow up the rays of light.
weapon FGHJM AN
longsword 15 3 slash G
40 95 247435 P
19 9
eclipse sword obsidian~
This dark sword seems to draw in all the light near it and swallow it up....
its edges and hilt are fuzzy and hard to make out, since all the light that
falls near them is consumed by the power of the sword.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
a menu~
A menu hangs on the wall.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
*                                MENU                                      *
*                                                                          *
*                                                                          *
*                                Stew.                                     *
*                                                                          *
*                                                                          *
*  No refunds.....no exchanges.....no substitutions.....gratuity included. *
*                                                                          *
G none
G none
G none
G none
sign health board~
a sign~
A small sign has been posted above the menu.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
sign health~
*                                                                          *
*                   Merc Diku Board of Health Inspection                   *
*                    hereby rates this establishment as                    *
*                                                                          *
*                  UNSATISFACTORY AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS                  *
*                                                                          *
*   and a HAZARD TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, as determined by the DikuMud laws.  *
*                                                 Reg Felix Dept Mud Admin *
G none
G none
G none
G none
beef stew~
beef stew~
A bowl of beef stew lies here.~
food 0 A
AB AB 0 0 0 AB AB
0 2 28 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
jar slugs light~
a small jar of glowing slugs~
A small jar of bioluminescent slugs lies here.~
light H A
15 0 0 P
jar glowing slugs light~
Glowing slugs fill the jar, excreting vile ooze all over the jar's inside--and
its outside as well; it appears that some of the slug slime has spilled over,
forming a sticky residue on the outside of the jar.  
G none
G none
G none
G none
oak tree poison trees~
a poison oak tree~
A small grove of Poison Oaks grows here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
an acorn~
An acorn lies here.~
food H A
BD BD 0 0 0 BD BD
1 1 105 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
tight leather bodice~
a tight leather bodice~
A tight leather bodice sits here.~
armor JM AD
18 18 18 17 'none' 0
50 51 256845 P
12 75
19 5
13 -25
18 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
leather miniskirt~
a tight leather miniskirt~
A tight leather miniskirt lies here.~
armor M AF
9 9 9 8 'none' 0
25 26 29 P
2 -2
G none
G none
G none
G none
a dead squid~
Bubbles of swamp gas gently shake the arms of this dead squid.~
food 0 A
B B 0 0 0 B B
2 2 19 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
cabinet door~
a cabinet door~
a cabinet door
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bag newbie~
a Newbie Bag!~
A Newbie Bag lies here. ~
container 0 A
20 0 0 5 100 0
0 0 219 P
bag newbie~
Welcome!  This newbie bag has some stuff to help you get started on the mud.
To use it, just type 'get all bag' then 'wear all.'  To look in the bag, 
type 'look in bag'.  To put stuff in the bag, type 'put <object name> in bag'.
That's all for the bag....good luck, and ask an immortal or a high-level
mortal if you have any questions.....
G none
G none
G none
G none
circlet silver~
a silver circlet~
A silver circlet lies here.~
armor AK AE
18 18 18 17 'none' 0
50 51 40327 P
12 50
G none
G none
G none
G none
robe black~
a black robe~
A black robe lies here.~
clothing J AK
35 36 41680 P
1 2
2 2
13 -50
G none
G none
G none
G none
white robe~
a white robe~
A white robe lies here.~
clothing J AK
35 36 6819 P
3 1
12 -100
G none
G none
G none
G none
amulet death~
the Amulet of Death and Dishonor~
An amulet lies here....it absorbs all the light around it.~
18 18 18 17 'none' 0
50 51 54 P
1 -20
2 -20
3 -20
4 -20
5 -20
17 100
18 -100
19 -100
G none
G none
G none
G none
cloak black~
a black cloak~
A black cloak lies here.~
clothing F AK
50 51 54 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
blood red dagger~
a {rblood{R-{rred{x dagger~
A blood-red dagger lies here.
weapon EGJ AN
dagger 12 3 pierce D
45 40 81291 P
18 1
19 8
blood red dagger~
.    The dagger before you is known as a blood dagger, and for good reason: as
it pierces its victim's flesh, it draws the victim's blood into its blade, 
absorbing its dark red color.  This particular dagger radiates an almost
black color, showing just how much use it has seen....
.    The arms of an evil-looking creature cover the handle, forming an 
excellent grip, while the creature's gaping mouth and head form the hilt 
at the dagger's top.  The blade itself has been notched like a saw, for 
extra destructive power....
G none
G none
G none
G none
sigil dark~
the Sigil of the Dark~
The Sigil of the Dark lies here.~
treasure AT AO
0 0 0 0 0
5 2 0 P
sigil dark~
.     Before you lies the Sigil of the Dark, the ultimate symbol and source of
power for the Lords and Masters of the Dark.  At first, it seems to contain 
only an image of the Sign of the Dark, a black, screaming raven of 
obsidian diving inside a circle of ivory bone....
.     The ivory and obsidian first catch your eye; the more common Signs of the
Dark are more simply made, carved out of one piece of wood or stone, rather
than made out of several different pieces...and as you look closer, you see 
runes inscribed all over the Sigil, runes that chill you to the heart.  You
realize that a cold power beats out of the Sigil, more than anything that ever
came out of any more usual sign....~
G none
G none
G none
G none
sigil light~
the Sigil of the Light~
The Sigil of the Light lies here.~
treasure AT AO
0 0 0 0 0
5 2 0 P
sigil light~
.     A glittering crystal disc lies before you, sparkling with every color
in the spectrum: the Sign of the Light, a rainbow inside a circle of ivy, has
been worked into the glass, made of powdery, encrusted precious stones.  As the
light strikes the bright circle of glass, you see that it contains more than
just a beautiful representation of the Sign of the Light: intricate runes have
been carved into its face, and the sigil as a whole glows with a warm, almost
friendly energy.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
netting hat netted beekeeper~
a beekeeper's hat~
A beekeeper's hat rests here.~
armor 0 AE
1 1 1 0 'none' 0
2 3 6 P
2 -1
beekeeper hat beekeeper's~
The beekeeper's hat has white netting sewn to the brim; when zipped into the
collar of the beekeeper's jacket, it prevents the bees from attacking the
wearer's face.
G none
G none
G none
G none
white cloak~
a white cloak~
A white cloak lies here.~
clothing J AK
50 51 26457 P
12 50
G none
G none
G none
G none
black cloak~
a black cloak~
A black cloak lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
50 51 29833 P
12 50
G none
G none
G none
G none
smoke can jug~
a beekeeper's smoke can~
Thin smoke pours out of a small jug on the ground.~
wand 0 AO
30 10 10 'blindness'
25 5 100 P
smoke can jug~
The beekeeper's smoke can is an invaluable tool: bees calm down tremendously
when doused with thick smoke, allowing the beekeeper to handle them without
being stung.
G none
G none
G none
G none
history mirror realm book~
a History of the Mirror Realm~
A book lies here.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 P
history book mirror realm~
Long ago, a small town flourished at the edge of the River Satyr: open-air
markets sold all manner of supplies and trinkets to passing travellers;
artists painted beautiful paintings; musicians composed heart-rending pieces;
and skilled metalworkers combined the skills of blacksmiths and jewellers to
create magnificent swords and armor.

One of these mastercraftsmen was Loranhir, one of the greatest artisans in the
realm, who was known for his excellent counsel and advice as well as for his 
beautiful creations.  He was trusted and respected--perhaps more so than the 
king, for King Hollar rarely left his jeweled palace to see his people, and 
seemed more concerned with riches than with rule.

[type "look mirror2" to see the next page]
And King Hollar was not an honest king, but was allied with evil forces, forces
that kept him wealthy and strong, but which fed his desire for power.  He 
commissioned Loranhir to make him a new shield and sword, more powerful than
any other, secretly wishing to control as much of the land as possible.

As Loranhir worked on the sword, King Hollar worked further with the dark 
forces, finally drawing them into his peaceful realm.  A struggle began 
between the good citizens and the thieves and murderers who sought to 
took over...and when the sword and the shield were finished, the 
struggle focused on them, for whoever controlled them would surely 
win...Loranhir, realizing what had been done, rose up and slew the king 
with Taliesin, the sword he had created.  And the people nominated him 
king, for they knew his wisdom.

[type "look mirror3" to see the last page]
But the damage had been done.  Though Evil had not taken over the land, it had
still taken a foothold, and the battles began again for control of the Shield
and the Sword.

And the new King Loranhir could not bring himself to destroy his creations.

Through a powerful magic spell, he called a mountain up from the land, raising
a rock wall between good and evil, and separating them forever.  The Sword and
Shield were hidden, never to be found by any but those most dedicated to the
G none
G none
G none
G none
book legends~
a Book of Legends~
A book lies here.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 P
book legends~
Most of the book has faded to illegibility, but one page still has a few clear

	   FOR ...... WHO WOULD QUEST ... TALIESIN ............ SHIELD:

........through the Towers: but for the side of the Light, ..... need not fight.
....must instead prove knowledge of the land.

RED: As though thou .... Loranhir himself, fear not fire.....

ORANGE: High....fruits of labor.....unseen; ....the amber nectar....

YELLOW: Seek thou the Golden Blossom.....

......  .....hidest not in vine or in fruit....behind tears.

BLUE:   .....deep.............azure altar.

VIOLET: ............shadowy spring.......namesake.

And for the final ....... search above honor, above faith, above love.....
G none
G none
G none
G none
book history midgaard~
a History of Midgaard~
A book lies on the ground.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 P
midgaard history book~
(You flip through the book...)

Midgaard, the City at the Center of the Glass Dragon Realm.....It was founded
in times forgotten by noble Dutch explorers; their names remain with us today,
inscribed on the plaque near the Great Temple.  They are Sebastian Hammer,
Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfelt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe, and our 
history begins with them....

....the later explorers, Hatchet and Furey and Kahn, renewed Midgaard, widening
the streets and allowing for faster and less rocky travel.  

...And now, though towns and villages have been colonized all around Midgaard,
some large, some small, millions upon millions still call Midgaard home..... 
G none
G none
G none
G none
altar crystal drawer~
the crystal altar~
A beautiful altar of glass and crystal sparkles in the sunlight.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
altar crystal~
You see a small drawer in the front of the sparkling altar.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
crystal sigil~
the crystal sigil~
A small crystalline object sparkles in the dust.~
trash A A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 P
12 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
altar yellow drawer~
a citrine altar~
A beautiful altar covered in bright yellow gems stands here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
topaz sigil~
the yellow topaz sigil~
A small piece of topaz lies here.~
trash 0 ABDO
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 P
12 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
drawer altar amethyst purple~
a purple altar~
An altar made of sparkling amethyst stands here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
drawer purple altar~
A drawer has been set into the front of the altar.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
amethyst sigil~
the amethyst sigil~
A small piece of polished amethyst sparkles here.~
treasure 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 P
13 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
drawer red altar~
the red altar~
An altar encrusted with bright red rubies stands here.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
altar ruby red drawer~
A small drawer has been set into the front of the altar.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
ruby sigil~
the ruby sigil~
A small chunk of ruby lies here.~
treasure 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
2 2 10 P
14 20
G none
G none
G none
G none
sigil sapphire~
the sapphire sigil~
A small piece of sapphire lies here.~
treasure 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 P
13 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
drawer altar sapphire~
the sapphire altar~
A beautiful altar of sapphire stands before you.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
drawer sapphire altar~
A small drawer has been set into the front of the altar.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
drawer green altar~
the green altar~
An emerald altar stands before you.~
container 0 0
100 0 0 0 100 0
0 0 0 P
drawer altar~
A small drawer has been set into the front of the altar.~
G none
G none
G none
G none
emerald sigil~
the emerald sigil~
A small piece of emerald lies here.~
furniture 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 P
18 2
G none
G none
G none
G none
amber sigil~
the amber sigil~
A small piece of amber lies here.~
furniture 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 P
14 20
G none
G none
G none
G none
honey jar~
a jar of honey~
A jar of honey lies here.~
food 0 A
B B 0 0 0 B B
2 2 19 P
honey jar~
"Golden Blossom Honey"~
G none
G none
G none
G none
sword taliesin~
A beautiful sword lies here.
weapon GM AN
longsword 3 18 slash 0
45 46 74335 P
13 45
12 10
1 1
taliesin sword~
Taliesin's silvery blade has been forged to incredible sharpness through
many hours on the anvil; fine, crusted jewels and tiny runes cover it
from tip to hilt.  The hilt itself has been crafted of fine gold, worked 
into an ornate, twisting pattern, with a strange sigil carved on its hilt: 
the sign of the Light has been interlocked with the sign of the Dark.
G none
G none
G none
G none
sunrise shield~
the {yS{Yun{Wr{Yis{ye{x Shield~
A beautiful jewelled shield lies here.~
armor GM AJ
4 4 4 3 'none' 0
30 11 49267 P
2 1
5 1
17 -20
sunrise shield~
The Sunrise Shield glitters with the rainbow light of thousands of tiny
jewels: sapphires, rubies, diamonds, and emeralds have been mixed together
to create the shield's border, while soft, braided gold forms the rays
of light that lead to the polished gold sun in the shield's center.
G none
G none
G none
G none
red key~
a red key~
A red key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
orange key~
an orange key~
An orange key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
yellow key~
a yellow key~
A yellow key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
green key~
a green key~
A green key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
blue key~
a blue key~
A blue key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
violet key~
a violet key~
A violet key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
fish trout~
a trout~
A trout lies here.~
food 0 A
BC BC 0 0 0 BC BC
2 2 56 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
heart key~
the heart key~
A small key lies on the ground here; use it to lock yourselves in...~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
champagne bottle~
a bottle of champagne~
A bottle of champagne sits on the counter.~
drink 0 A
10 10 'champagne' 0
2 2 892 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
spam can~
a can of Spam~
A can of Spam lies here.~
food 0 A
CE BD 0 0 0 CE BD
1 3 211 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bottle water~
a bottle of water~
A bottle of water stands here.~
drink 0 A
20 20 'water' 0
1 2 1248 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
silver pendant~
a small silver pendant~
A small silver pendant lies here.~
armor A AC
1 1 1 0 'none' 0
1 2 1215 P
13 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
bronze band~
a simple bronze band~
A simple bronze band lies here.~
jewelry A AB
B B B A 0 B B
5 6 1 P
3 1
14 5
G none
G none
G none
G none
thick brown robe~
a thick brown robe~
A thick brown robe lies here.~
clothing A AK
20 21 11836 P
5 1
4 1
G none
G none
G none
G none

Beginning of the Path~
A rough dirt path meets the edge of the field here, nestled between two big
groves of trees; it slopes upwards off the ground as it heads off to the east,
curving behind a cluster of evergreens.  Beyond the trees, a mountain range
stretches high into the air, with the tallest peak rising steeply enough to
prevent anything from taking root.
0 0 field
plaque sign credit credits author~
This area has been created by Merriman of the Glass Dragon for any semi-
standard Merc Diku Mud.  Feel free to adapt or modify as necessary, unless 
that modification or adaption involves claiming credit for, authorship of, or
major involvement in the creation of this area :-).  WARNING: This area does
contain MOBPROGS...deal with them as you must.
Thanks to the imms of the Glass Dragon, especially Vampy, all the 100's
(specially VoiVod), Martek, Achron, Ternam, Jammin, and on and on.....thanks 
also to the guys who wrote MZF :-)
And thanks also to Susan Cooper.  There's a great series of books, _The Dark
is Rising Sequence_, which you should perhaps read if you like fantasy, 
especially vaguely Arthurian fantasy.  

That's about it.  Have fun! :-)~
Z -1 19002
0 0
Z -1 3500
0 0
The Path~
The row of trees comes to an end here; the fields to either side of the rising
path slope downward and away.  The path continues its rise to the north,
climbing higher and higher until it intersects the largest mountain in the 
range, nestled between a smaller mountain to the right and a deep ridge to the
0 0 hills
Z -1 19003
0 0
Z -1 19001
0 0
Bend in the Path~
The path curves gently to the west and north, growing narrower as it rises
farther and farther from the valley below.  The thinner air makes breathing
difficult; the stiff wind seems to pull the air right out of your mouth.  
Fortunately, the end of the path lies just a moderate distance ahead; it
appears to lead to a pair of doors set right into the mountain's face.
0 0 hills
Z -1 19004
0 0
Z -1 19002
0 0
Approaching the Face of the Mountain~
The dirt of the path has given way to solid rock; this section of the path
seems to be part of the mountain itself.  It appears that the doors a little 
way to the north offer the only access into whatever lies inside the mountain.
The land far below you has given way to a rough sea that surrounds the base of 
the mountain, broken only by the distant base of this rocky path.  Another path
stretches east and west from here; a small sign gives directions.
0 0 mountain
sign directions~
To the North -- The Mirror Realm
To the West  -- Dryad's Forest
To the East  -- The Volcano~
Z -1 19005
0 0
Z -1 19003
0 0
Before the Face of the Mountain~
The wooden doors stand before you, set deep into the sheer rock face
of the mountain, which stretches far up into the sky above you and far down
to the crashing waves below.  The doors themselves appear to be unlocked, as
light shines unbroken through the crack between them; like the woodwork 
that forms the frame, they have been intricately carved with many strange
symbols and figures.
0 0 mountain
door doors figure figures symbol symbols~
Each door has a large circular symbol at its center: the left door depicts a 
circle of ivy surrounding an arching rainbow, while the door on the right
portrays a diving black raven inside a circle of bone.  Smaller figures 
surround the larger symbols; the left door contains figures like beautiful 
blooming flowers and a bard playing a silver harp, while the door on the right
contains more grim images, including the skeleton of a horse and a ship
foundering in a storm.~
door doors~
ABZ -1 19006
0 0
Z -1 19004
0 0
The Path Above the Realm~
As you pass through the thick doorway and enter the mountain, bright sunlight
strikes your eyes: the mountain's top has apparently been blown off by some
ancient eruption, allowing light and life to reach down into the valleys 
below. Two villages have sprung up on either side of this high path, set far 
below you in the valley floor.  The two seem to be almost identical, save for 
two features: the valley to the west is colorful, with a bright, sparkling 
tower set against the western rim; the valley to the east is grimmer, darker, 
with a glittering black tower rising in front of the mountain's eastern rim.
0 0 field
Z -1 19007
0 0
door doors~
ABZ -1 19005
0 0
Along the Path Above the Realm~
From here it appears that this path divides this realm; not only are the two
sides nearly identical, but you can see a house far below you that has been 
split in two by the base of this pathway, half on either side of the rock wall.  
The path continues to the north, passing by a guard post and heading towards
a castle partially hidden behind a low rock wall.
0 0 field
Z -1 19008
0 0
Z -1 19006
0 0
Beside the Watchtowers~
Two wooden guard stations lie to the east and west, suspended over the valley
floor; though you can see a telescope in each watchtower, the shadows prevent
you from being sure whether or not anyone is inside.
0 C field
Z -1 19011
0 0
Z -1 19010
0 0
Z -1 19007
0 0
Z -1 19009
0 0
Inside a Watchtower~
The wooden guard station looks out over the bright, colorful side of the
realm; large, open windows let you watch over the land as a whole, and 
a telescope bolted to the floor allows you to look more closely.  The room is
empty, save for the telescope--there are no beer bottles, pictures, or even
chairs here; the only thing on the floor is an open hatchway with a large black
iron knob.
0 D inside
Z -1 19008
0 0
hatch door knob~
Z -1 19044
0 0
Inside a Watchtower~
The wooden guard station hangs over the darker side of the realm; large
windows allow you to look over the land as a whole, while a telescope
lets you look more closely.  The station is almost completely empty, save
for the telescope and a large iron knob attached to a small, open hatch in the
0 D inside
Z -1 19008
0 0
Z -1 19107
0 0
Along the Pathway Above the Realm~
As you look northwards towards the castle, you see a faint movement that mimics
your own: it appears that its outer walls are plated with reflective steel. 
High rock walls still hide most of the outside of the castle; you can see only
the entranceway and the castle's high towers.
0 0 field
Z -1 19030
0 0
Z -1 19008
0 0
Entrance to the Great Hall~
The dim light of the doorway behind you barely sheds light on this enormous
room; even with your own light, you can only see a few feet around you.  
The walls and floor appear to be made of the usual mirrors--the room is too
high and too dark to see the ceiling--but here tapestries hang on the walls,
while a thick red rug covers the floor.  The tapestry behind you shows a boat
cresting a deep blue wave; the others are too far away to see clearly.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19015
0 0
You see the dark corner of the Great Hall.
Z -1 19013
0 0
Z -1 19041
0 0
Z -1 19022
0 0
A Corner of the Great Hall~
Two towering walls meet here at the back corner of the Great Hall, each
covered with a simple tapestry: behind you hangs a blue tapestry with a 
smooth, flowing, almost foamy pattern, while a rich brown tapestry hangs 
to your left, flecked with greens and reds.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19014
0 0
You see the entrance to the Great Hall.

Z -1 19012
0 0
Z -1 19023
0 0
Right Side of the Great Hall~
The tapestry here portrays a king rescuing a child from a deep pit; the king's
crown has been hung from a small bush on the side of the crevice, and the king
himself is lying down on the muddy ground, lowering the royal robes into the 
pit so that the young beggar can hold on as the king pulls him to safety.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19019
0 0
The tapestry blocks your vision to the south.
Z -1 19013
0 0
Z -1 19015
0 0
Z -1 19024
0 0
The Center of the Great Hall~
From your position in the center of the hall, you can see that the set of
tapestries on each wall forms a complete picture; for example,the two simple
blue tapestries on the back wall form the sea that the king's ship sails on in 
the center.  The tapestry on the northern wall doesn't follow this pattern,
however; a recessed alcove fills the center of the wall, flanked by tapestries
depicting a magnificent shining sword and a sparkling jewelled shield.
0 AD inside
tapestry tapestries pattern walls wall patterns ~
The tapestries on each wall combine to form a complete picture; the two blue
tapestries make up the sea that the king's ship sails on; the two red ones
form the fire that threatens the unicorn; the two brownish ones make up
the pit that holds the trapped child.  
Z -1 19018
0 0
Z -1 19014
0 0
Z -1 19012
0 0
Z -1 19016
0 0
Z -1 19025
0 0
Left Wall of the Great Hall~
The tapestry on the left wall depicts a knight in blue armor trying to free a
silver-coated unicorn from its trap inside a circle of burning wood and brush.
Though the knight's horse has fled, running off the right side of the tapestry,
the knight still struggles on, hacking through burning bushes to reach the 
frenzied unicorn in the center.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19017
0 0
Z -1 19015
0 0
Z -1 19026
0 0
A Front Corner of the Great Hall~
The tapestry to the left is simple, showing only red slashes of color, but
the one in front of you is more interesting: it shows a sparkling, golden-
hilted sword with a tremendously fine edge.  An intricate series of warring 
figures fills the tapestry's border, apparently telling the history of some
battle between good and evil--perhaps a battle over the sword itself.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19018
0 0
The tapestry blocks your vision to the south.
Z -1 19016
0 0
Z -1 19027
0 0
Before the Alcove~
A dark, recessed alcove lies to the north, with some sort of throne inside it;
however, it's too dark to see if anyone is sitting in it.

Darkness lies in every other direction.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19020
0 0
Z -1 19019
0 0
Z -1 19015
0 0
Z -1 19017
0 0
Z -1 19028
0 0
Front Corner of the Great Hall~
You are in a front corner of the Great Hall in front of a tapestry depicting
a sparkling jewelled shield.  From here, you can see that the shield is 
incredibly detailed: a complex pattern of encrusted jewels surrounds the edge,
while an intricate design of converging lines forms a picture of a rising sun.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19014
0 0
Z -1 19018
0 0
Z -1 19029
0 0
The King's Alcove~
The alcove is narrower and less high than the rest of the hall, though it 
is decorated in much the same way.  The sword and shield tapestries lie to
the left and right, while a different tapestry lies to the north, showing 
the king silhouetted against a stormy sky, calling upon the magical forces
that split his land in two.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19018
0 0
Floating Above the Corner of the Great Hall~
The wall slants upwards to join the ceiling just above your head; the 
tapestries follow it, meeting up with the navy blue cloth that covers
the mirrored ceiling.  It is too dark to see much of anything; the light
from the entranceway shines faintly below you, but complete darkness
lies both ahead of you and to your right.
0 AD air
Z -1 19026
0 0
Z -1 19022
0 0
Above the Entrance~
You are floating above the entrance to the Great Hall; the back wall of
the room is behind you, while darkness lies in every other direction.  You
can see the tapestry more clearly from here; you are looking directly at
the face of a king standing on the bow of his ship, leading his navy into
0 AD air
tapestry tapestries king boat~
The king stands on the prow of his ship, with his long hair blowing in 
the wind and with his cape stretched out behind him like a wind-filled
sail.  The background of the tapestry has more ships, though none 
have the elegant sails and carved masts of the one in the foreground;
they also seem smaller and more heavily buffeted by the high seas.~
Z -1 19025
0 0
Z -1 19023
0 0
Z -1 19021
0 0
Z -1 19012
0 0
Above the Corner~
The wall curves upward to meet the navy blue cloth that covers the ceiling; the
blue and brown tapestries continue upwards.
0 AD air
Z -1 19024
0 0
Z -1 19022
0 0
Z -1 19013
0 0
Floating Beside the Right Wall~
From here you can see the picture on the tapestry more clearly; the king's
eyebrows are furrowed and he is straining to lean into the pit without
falling in himself.  The child is hunched up on the bottom of the pit, and
seems barely aware of the robe that the king is lowering down to him.
0 AD air
Z -1 19029
0 0
The tapestry is somewhat translucent to the east.~
ABZ -1 19043
0 0
Z -1 19023
0 0
Z -1 19025
0 0
Z -1 19014
0 0
Floating Above the Center of the Great Hall~
You are floating in midair above the center of the Great Hall; from here, 
you can see far enough away to see each wall somewhat clearly.  You can 
also see a shadowy object in the recessed area to the north; you can't
see what it is from here, though.
0 AD air
Z -1 19028
0 0
Z -1 19024
0 0
Z -1 19022
0 0
Z -1 19026
0 0
Z -1 19015
0 0
Floating Beside the Left Wall~
You are face-to-face with the picture of the unicorn, and can see the 
animal terror and fear on its face, which may well have posed a greater
threat to the knight in blue than the fire itself.  The knight himself
appears unfazed by the heat and flames; though he is knee-deep in burning
brush, his face is set and determined.
0 AD air
Z -1 19027
0 0
Z -1 19025
0 0
Z -1 19021
0 0
ABZ -1 19042
0 0
Z -1 19016
0 0
Floating Before the Tapestry of the Sword~
The picture of the sword on the tapestry is huge; the blade is almost as
wide as you are.  An inscription on the blade says 'Taliesin,' and there is
a rather unusual sigil on the hilt: the sign of good, a rainbow inside a 
flowering vine, is linked with the sign of evil, a lightning bolt inside
a circle of bone.
0 AD air
Z -1 19028
0 0
Z -1 19026
0 0
Z -1 19017
0 0
Floating Above the Front of the Great Hall~
From here you can just barely see into the alcove at the front of the hall;
a grey throne rests on the red carpet, though the darkness still prevents you
from seeing if it's occupied.  You can also see a tapestry in the distance 
to your north; it appears to show a picture of the king standing on a hill
of some sort, with his arms raised up in the air.
0 AD air
Z -1 19029
0 0
Z -1 19025
0 0
Z -1 19027
0 0
Z -1 19018
0 0
Floating Before the Tapestry of the Shield~
If the tapestry is at all accurate, the Sunrise Shield is an incredibly 
detailed and beautiful piece of armor.  Each of the rays are made up of 
thin lines of powdered gemstones, including diamond and ruby; the picture 
of the sun itself is made up of cut diamonds, which reflect beams of
light in every direction.
0 AD air
Z -1 19024
0 0
Z -1 19028
0 0
Z -1 19019
0 0
In Front of the Castle Entrance~
The rock walls recede here in front of the entrance to the palace, allowing
you to approach the doors unhindered.  The doors themselves lack the carvings
and ornate figurines of the doors set into the face on the mountain; here, 
there are only a few words carved into the frame.
0 0 field
word words door doors~
ABZ -1 19031
0 0
Z -1 19011
0 0
Entrance to the Castle~
The heels of your boots click loudly on the floor as you enter; there are
mirrors above and below you, as well as to either side.  Your image repeats
into dizzying infinity, and every move you make catches the corner of your eye.
Even the guards standing here wear mirrored armor; they don't appear to be
disoriented, however.
0 D inside
Z -1 19032
0 0
Z -1 19030
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19036
0 0
Z -1 19033
0 0
Z -1 19031
0 0
Z -1 19034
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19035
0 0
Z -1 19034
0 0
Z -1 19032
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19037
0 0
Z -1 19032
0 0
Z -1 19033
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19038
0 0
Z -1 19037
0 0
Z -1 19033
0 0
Z -1 19036
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19040
0 0
Z -1 19035
0 0
Z -1 19032
0 0
Z -1 19037
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19039
0 0
Z -1 19036
0 0
Z -1 19034
0 0
Z -1 19035
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19039
0 0
Z -1 19035
0 0
Z -1 19040
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19040
0 0
Z -1 19037
0 0
Z -1 19038
0 0
The mirror hall surrounds and envelops you; you can see nothing but yourself
in every direction.
0 D inside
Z -1 19041
0 0
Z -1 19038
0 0
Z -1 19036
0 0
Z -1 19039
0 0
The hallway reaches an intersection here, with doorways leading north and 
south; a tapestry covers the other side of the doorway to the north, 
preventing you from seeing inside.  A strange, mirrored spiral staircase 
leads upwards into a tower; it looks rough and unworn, and the metal 
joints lack the smooth ruts that you'd expect to see in a well-used stairway.
0 DO inside
Z -1 19012
0 0
Z -1 19040
0 0
Z -1 19149
0 0
An Alcove~
This small alcove is somewhat lighter than the rest of the hall its walls
glow faintly with a golden light.  An overturned bowl of rancid food lies on 
the ground below a hard wooden plank set into a recess in the wall.
0 AD inside
ABZ -1 19026
0 0
An Alcove~
The alcove here is somewhat better lit than the rest of the hall; the walls
here glow with a faint golden light.  There is a small shelf set into the
side of the wall; a thin blanket covers half its rough surface.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19024
0 0
Below the Watchtower~
Small cones of rock line the walls, forming a solid if somewhat uneven ladder
that begins just below the wooden floor of the watchtower and continues 
continues downwards to the ground below.  The faint light of a torch flickers
upwards from the base of this tall, narrow chamber, allowing you to see
a small handle attached to the hatchway above.
0 D inside
hatch hatchway door handle~
Z -1 19009
0 0
Z -1 19045
0 0
The Foot of the Rock Ladder~
The rock ladder comes to an end here, its rungs shrinking and disappearing 
as the chamber gently widens.  A torch bolted into the side of the chamber
reveals the faint outline of a door set into the western wall, as well as a
small figure carved into the rock above the doorway.
0 CD inside
sign figure carving~
You see a rainbow in a circle of ivy, the sign of the Light.~
ABZ -1 19048
0 0
Z -1 19044
0 0
End of the Path~
Grass and weeds have grown through the southern part of the gravel path;
from here, the gray stones only lead northward.  A dark forest lies to the
south, made up of thick evergreens; every now and then, you catch a faint
glimpse of some sort of animal.
0 0 field
Z -1 19047
0 0
Z -1 19134
0 0
Z -1 19056
0 0
The Path in the Garden~
The path continues north and south here, banking downwards to the west as it
descends towards a small pond.  Small clusters of crocuses grow on the eastern
side of the path, with their thin stems stretching to reach the sunlight 
blocked by the towering mountain wall.
0 0 field
Z -1 19048
0 0
Z -1 19046
0 0
Z -1 19055
0 0
Intersection in the Garden~
Two paths converge here at the very back of a well-kept garden: a fine gravel
path, bordered with white brick, runs north and south along the outside of the
garden, while a wooden bridge leads west over a small pond.  The watchtower and
the mountain path lie far above you, on the top of the high, rocky ridge that
encircles this entire valley; part of the ridge itself, its surface marked by
an arching crack, stands right beside you, rising high enough to block your
vision--and your path--to the east.
0 0 field
Z -1 19049
0 0
ABZ -1 19045
0 0
Z -1 19047
0 0
Z -1 19066
0 0
Path in the Garden~
The gravel path continues north and south; the ground slopes downwards to the
west, leading into a small, shallow pond.  To the southwest, a path stretches 
across the water, meeting an ornate, vine-covered gazebo that stands just 
above the pond's surface; to the north, the gravel path bends westward towards
a grove of trees.

A small wooden house stands to the east; it appears to have been cut in half
by the mountain wall.
0 0 field
Z -1 19050
0 0
Z -1 19156
0 0
Z -1 19048
0 0
Z -1 19052
0 0
Corner of the Path~
The path enters a grove of fruit trees here, curving gently westward out of
the flower gardens.  Plums and apples seem to be the most popular fruit here,
not surprising given the cooler weather, but you can see some nectarine trees
as well, rising up against the high northern mountain wall.
0 0 field
Z -1 19049
0 0
Z -1 19051
0 0
A Grove of Trees~
The pathway here becomes somewhat darker, shaded by the tall trees that grow
on either side of the path.  The rock wall lies to the north now, and still
towers high over the trees; climbing out of this land will apparently not
be an option.
0 0 field
Z -1 19050
0 0
Z -1 19060
0 0
The pond~
A school of fat goldfish float lazily around in the shallow water, nipping 
gently at the ripples you leave behind you.  The reeds to the north and west, 
growing at the edge of the pond, provide food for a few more fish; the center
of the pond lies to the south, just below a white gazebo covered with vines.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19049
0 0
Z -1 19054
0 0
Z -1 19059
0 0
Under the Gazebo~
Though shadowed from the sun, the water under the gazebo glows with an
odd, white light: pale, glowing fish fill the water, and small, almost 
microscopic animals have stuck their glowing bodies like barnacles onto the
gazebo's bottom.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19059
0 0
Z -1 19054
0 0
Z -1 19058
0 0
Z -1 19161
0 0
Under the Bridge~
A wooden bridge rises from the land to the east, passing over the water
and heading westwards towards a small gazebo.  The gazebo itself is high 
enough to travel under; the bridge rises fairly high off the water--
high enough to prevent you from leaving the pond by the eastern bank.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19052
0 0
Z -1 19055
0 0
Z -1 19053
0 0
The pond~
The pond's clear water ripples gently as you pass across its surface; small
waves wash against the shores to the east and south.  A wooden bridge
crosses the pond to the north, leading to a round gazebo covered with vines.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19054
0 0
Z -1 19047
0 0
Z -1 19058
0 0
Along the Edge of the Forest~
A dark forest lies just to the south, while a small hut lies to the
west, standing on stilts above the cool blue water. You can hear the pond 
just to the north; a thick tangle of reeds and trees blocks your path, however,
so you'll have to find a different path if you want to go swimming....
0 0 field
Z -1 19046
0 0
Z -1 19133
0 0
Z -1 19057
0 0
Below the Fisherman's Hut~
A small hut rises on stilts here, standing partially over the water.  Someone
has hung nets of various sizes and smells from the window to dry, and you can
just see a fishing pole hung on the inside wall.  

Thick woods lie to the south and east, while a small path lies to the west and
the pond lies to the north.
0 0 field
Z -1 19058
0 0
Z -1 19056
0 0
Z -1 19132
0 0
Z -1 19065
0 0
Z -1 19130
0 0
The pond~
The pond's waters are somewhat more murky here, perhaps tainted by all the 
greenery growing on the gazebo to the north; there are a bunch of dead leaves
floating here, with some algae growing around them.  The row of buildings lies
to the east of here, just beyond the gravel pathway; from here, however, you
can't see what any of them might hold.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19053
0 0
Z -1 19055
0 0
Z -1 19057
0 0
Z -1 19064
0 0
The pond~
This area of the pond appears to be home to a whole family of goldfish: 
hundreds of them swim around here, poking gently at everything that passes
by.  A large, almost pure white goldfish seems to be the center of attention--
smaller goldfish nip at it almost endlessly.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19052
0 0
Z -1 19053
0 0
Z -1 19062
0 0
A Grove of Trees~
The tall trees here break up the light, making it fall in rays onto the
gray gravel path.  Thick bracken blocks your passage to the south, but you can
just hear the faint ripplings of water; another grove of trees lies to the
east, while the path bends just west of here.
0 0 field
Z -1 19051
0 0
Z -1 19061
0 0
Bend in the Path~
The path bends east and south here, running behind an unbroken row of wooden
buildings as it curves around the pond.  The rainbow tower climbs high into the
air behind the buildings, sparkling from red on the lowest level to deep purple
at the top; shadowy movements inside the tower indicate that its octagonal
walls must be made of transparent glass.
0 0 field
Z -1 19060
0 0
Z -1 19062
0 0
Along the Path Behind the Buildings~
The gravel path continues behind the row of buildings here; it banks downwards
towards the pond to the east, and heads south towards an intersection.  Here,
sunflowers grow on either side of the path, almost high enough to form an arch;
they wave gently as the breeze blows through them.
0 0 field
Z -1 19061
0 0
Z -1 19059
0 0
Z -1 19063
0 0
Intersection in the Garden~
The gravel path continues north and south, and is intersected here by another
small pathway: a wooden bridge crosses the pond to the east, while a dirt path
heads towards the buildings to the west.  Hardly any flowers grow here--the
paths and the pond take up too much room--though you do see a few daffodils
here and there.
0 0 field
Z -1 19062
0 0
Z -1 19067
0 0
Z -1 19064
0 0
Z -1 19068
0 0
Along the Path Behind the Wooden Buildings~
Daffodils and tulips line this part of the path, growing in almost every color
possible; there are even some daffodils growing just in the water of the pond
to the east.  To the west, the flowers' growth is slowed somewhat by the 
wooden buildings that block the sun; most look healthy, though, since they
still get light most of the day.  Once again, the sparkling rainbow tower
dominates the horizon to the west, seeming to reach almost as high as the
mountain wall itself.
0 0 field
Z -1 19063
0 0
Z -1 19058
0 0
Z -1 19065
0 0
Path to the Forest~
The path fades out here, disappearing as it heads into the darker woods.  The
back side of a row of wooden buildings lies to the west; since each is two
stories tall, you can't see over them to the street that must lie on the other
0 0 field
Z -1 19064
0 0
Z -1 19057
0 0
Z -1 19131
0 0
The Bridge~
A small wooden footbridge rises over the pond here, heading towards a white
gazebo covered with green vines.  Small goldfish float around in the water
below, splashing at the surface as they hunt for food.
0 0 field
Z -1 19048
0 0
Z -1 19067
0 0
The Gazebo~
Long, winding vines cover the roof and posts of this open gazebo; a few even
reach inward, draping over the rows of benches set up here for some special
event.  The water ripples gently below you, splashing against the bottom of
the gazebo from time to time; fortunately, the wooden floorboards have been
well made, and are close enough together to prevent you from getting wet.
0 0 inside
Z -1 19066
0 0
Z -1 19063
0 0
Ivy nearly covers a small panel set into the gazebo's roof.~
ABFZ -1 19152
0 0
Center of the Street~
A smooth dirt pathway runs north and south between two rows of wooden
buildings, each with a large, painted sign out front.  The buildings 
themselves are all connected, and look to be about two stories high; each
shopkeeper probably has their own private quarters above their store.  
The glittering tower stands just to the west, its entrance protected
by a narrow moat; the garden lies to the east.
0 0 city
Z -1 19074
0 0
Z -1 19063
0 0
Z -1 19069
0 0
Z -1 19078
0 0
The Street~
Small trickles of water run down the sides of the street here, passing by
two very different shops: a big window dominates the shop to the west, bordered
by sprigs of holly; familiar smells of baked ham, turkey, and roast beef waft 
out from the open doorway.  A small, dark, windowless shop lies to the east, 
with a simple sign over its doorway; a cloth covers the entrance, preventing
you from seeing inside.
0 0 city
sign signs~
The sign on the west says,                 The sign on the east says,

"The Holly Bush Restaurant and Bar.....      "The Sorcery"
<--------------------------------------    ------------------------->~
Z -1 19068
0 0
Z -1 19070
0 0
Z -1 19073
0 0
Z -1 19071
0 0
The Sorcery~
The wizard's storefront is dark, and the shelves are nearly empty; everything
of importance must lie behind the counter. ("Detect hidden or no detect 
hidden," a sign says, "potions are too easy to pinch.")  Faint magical 
runes are painted on the ceiling, and are glowing faintly in the 
darkness; the sign of the Light is painted on the floor.
0 D inside
Don't bother.  You'd only rune your appetite. *rofl*~
There are quite a few signs here: the sign of the Light, a rainbow inside a 
circle of ivy, is painted here, and there are a few handwritten signs as well.
One says, "Looks can be deceiving....especially when evil is involved."  Another

    list--Type list to see a list of what the shopkeeper has.
    buy <item>--to buy the item.  If there are two items with the same name,
		use "buy 2.item" to buy the second, and so on.
    sell <item>--to sell something, assuming this shopkeeper buys anything.
    value <item>--will tell you how much this shopkeeper will pay for a given

(Reg Felix Dept Mud Admin)~
Z -1 19069
0 0
The bar of the Holly Bush~
The bar of the Holly Bush is quiet right now, though from the number of stools
and tables, it looks as though it must be rather popular.  The restaurant lies
to the north, with a big "Seat Yourself" sign over the doorway; while there
are a few more people in there, it's still not all that crowded.

A small wooden staircase leads upwards to the bedrooms.
0 D inside
Z -1 19072
0 0
Z -1 19069
0 0
Z -1 19164
0 0
The restaurant of the Holly Bush~
The walls of the restaurant are covered from floor to ceiling with all sorts
of pictures and posters; red leather covers the soft seats, and the tables
are made of some dark brown wood.  A young couple shares a meal in the booth
to your right, partially hidden behind a small fern; the kitchen door, blocked
by a row of tables, flops open and shut constantly as the waiter rushes in 
and out.
0 D inside
pictures posters~
You see landscapes of the Plains of the North, the valley of the Mirror Realm,
and the far eastern sea; you also see a portrait of Merriman, and another of
Felix, tucked away in two separate corners.~
Z -1 19071
0 0
Master Dunn's House~
Thin, soft mats cover the floor of Master Dunn's house, and the walls are
covered with all sorts of equipment--weapons, uniforms, practice targets,
and scrolls displaying different offensive and defensive techniques.  It is
actually cooler inside the house than it was outside; the fountains in 
each corner must help to cool the air.
0 D inside
Z -1 19069
0 0
The Street~
Two well-furnished shops lie to the east and west; the window of the westward
shop is filled with books, while the window of the eastward shop contains
daggers, canteens, and other adventuring equipment.
0 0 city
sign signs~
The sign to the west says,                  The sign to the east says,

     "The Library"                            "The Travellers' Shop"
<------------------------                   ------------------------->

Z -1 19077
0 0
Z -1 19075
0 0
Z -1 19068
0 0
Z -1 19076
0 0
The Travellers' Shop~
The travellers' shop is filled with all sorts of stuff to help a voyager on 
their journeys (though it's doubtful that this land gets very many visitors.)
The well-stocked shelves have a number of items appropriate for adventurers;
there is one whole section devoted to "Weapons and Armor," while other sections
have titles like "Luggage" and "Rations".
0 D inside
Z -1 19074
0 0
The Library and Bookstore~
Musty books fill the library shelves; most have boring, foreign-sounding titles
like "Folanae Fanlo" and "Eisenspritz Achtengesellschaft."  It's just as well;
you don't have a library card anyway, and Mrs. Truxton surely won't give one
to a wandering soul like you.  A few books are on sale in the front, though, 
including histories of Midgaard and the Mirror Realm.
0 D inside
Z -1 19074
0 0
The Chapel~
The chapel appears to have suffered the most from the isolation of this land; 
the pews are scratched and worn, and the hymnals are discolored and tattered.
The icons on the altar still shine brightly, though, and the church still 
shines with a bright, friendly light; someone still cares enough to keep 
things mostly clean and neat.
0 D inside
Z -1 19074
0 0
Crossing the Bridge to the Rainbow Tower~
A sparkling crystal tower rises high into the air above this small village,
glittering in every color of the rainbow: clear crystal forms the highest and
lowest floors, while the floors in between run from red to orange to yellow to
green to blue and finally to a deep violet.  The moat below you sparkles, 
reflecting the tower's colors; it seems to be more a thing of beauty than a 
form of defense.
0 C field
Z -1 19068
0 0
Z -1 19079
0 0
Entrance to the Rainbow Tower~
The clear walls sparkle as the light reflects off the crystal's facets, shining
light throughout what appears to be a relatively small room.  The only exit,
aside from the one leading out, is a spiral staircase leading upwards through
a closed hatch in the ceiling.
0 CD field
Z -1 19078
0 0
ABZ -1 19080
0 0
The Red Room~
Eight walls of red stained glass surround you, casting a rich scarlet light
throughout the room; even the Sign of the Light on the north wall has taken on
a reddish glow.  A large throne stands against the north wall, flanked by two
small pots of roses; two mahogany tables stand on the walls to the left and 
right, while a long velvet couch sits against the southern wall.  An 
intricately patterned Persian rug covers the floor, with a small 
octagonal section cut out above the hatch that allowed you into this room.
0 D inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow surrounded in a circle of ivy.~
ABCFZ 19159 19081
0 0
Z -1 19079
0 0
The Orange Room~
Amber light streams through the stained-glass walls here, and a vague fruity
scent fills the air, perhaps coming from the bowls of peaches and nectarines
that sit on tables against the eastern and western walls.  A tall carved 
wooden throne stands against the north wall, just below the Sign of the Light;
two snapdragons grow on its left and right, while sprigs of goldenrod grow 
upwards just behind its head.
0 C inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow surrounded in a circle of ivy.~
ABCFZ 19160 19082
0 0
AFZ 19159 19080
0 0
The Yellow Room~
This room shines with a dazzling, even painful light: the yellow glass walls 
seem to amplify the outside light, giving it the power of several suns.  The
throne on the north wall seems to blaze with its own light; the sunflowers and
forsythia branches that surround it seem dull in comparison.
0 CD inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow surrounded in a circle of ivy.~
ABCFZ 19161 19083
0 0
AFZ 19160 19081
0 0
The Green Room~
Here, thick green ivy covers the floor, with a few thin shoots trying to make
their way up the smooth green stained-glass walls.  Two small willow trees
grow near the north wall; their drooping branches form a canopy for the carved
wooden throne beneath them...and partially obscure the Sign of the Light on the
0 CD inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow surrounded in a circle of ivy.~
ABCFZ 19162 19084
0 0
AFZ 19161 19082
0 0
The Blue Room~
Sparkling azure water ripples gently against the eight blue stained-glass 
walls, sometimes splashing over the hourglass-shaped platform below your 
feet.  A beautiful oak throne stans at the other end of the hourglass 
platform, just below the Sign of the Light on the north wall.  A few 
bluebells grow in planters around the room, matching the blue 
speedwell of the throne as well as the blue marble below your feet.
0 CD inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow inside a circle of ivy.~
ABCFZ 19163 19085
0 0
AFZ 19162 19083
0 0
The Violet Room~
The violet light streaming from these eight walls gives this room an unearthly
air: normally white objects shine with an ethereal indigo light, while almost
all other colors are darkened to a rich, deep, purple-black.  An almost 
imperceptible breeze stirs the violet petals that cover the floor here, 
swirling them gently around your face and hands.  Sprigs of lilac grow 
from behind the dark throne on the north wall, brushing gently against 
the Sign of the Light.
0 CD inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow surrounded by a circle of ivy.~
ABCFZ 19164 19086
0 0
AFZ 19163 19084
0 0
At the Top of the Tower: The Prism Room~
Beams of rainbow light fly across the room, reflected over and over again by
the curving, faceted crystal walls: you stand in a glittering half-globe made
of thousands of tiny prisms.  Warm rainbows flow over your entire body, bending
and turning to match its contours; a few more rainbows twist and bend through
a smooth glass throne set underneath the northern part of the curving wall.
Above the throne hangs the Sign of the Light; here, the unfiltered light allows
it to sparkle with all its rainbow colors.
0 CD inside
sign light~
You see the Sign of the Light, a rainbow surrounded by a circle of ivy.~
AFZ 19164 19085
0 0
End of the Path~
The wooden path comes to an end here; it appears that all the boards south of
this point have fallen to bits and rotted away.  Fortunately, the ground here
is somewhat more stable than it was to the north--at least, you won't sink
up to your hips if you try and stand on it.
0 0 field
Z -1 19088
0 0
Z -1 19096
0 0
Z -1 19139
0 0
The Wooden Path~
The rickety wooden boardwalk continues north and south here, bridging the gap
between an intersection to the north and a dark cluster of trees some distance
to the south.  To the east, the ground slopes slightly downwards, becoming even
wetter as it descends into a muddy pond, while the mountain wall blocks your
path to the west.
0 0 city
Z -1 19089
0 0
Z -1 19095
0 0
Z -1 19087
0 0
The Intersection~
Two wooden pathways meet here before the cracked rock face, providing the only
safe and dry passage across a stinking swamp.  Though the two boardwalks are
fairly rickety, they seem to have held up fairly well under the gloom and muck
surrounding them. There seems to be no color in this land, no color at all; 
the swamp mud is a deep black, while the sun and sky themselves seem 
dull and gray.
0 0 city
Z -1 19090
0 0
Z -1 19120
0 0
Z -1 19088
0 0
Z -1 19108
0 0
The Wooden Path~
The rickety wooden path continues along the foot of the mountain wall, 
stretching between an intersection to the south and a darker section of swamp
to the north.  The swamp itself lies below and to the east of the rickety path;
its black muddy waters occasionally splash over the side of the path, leaving
stinking puddles on the grey, rotten wood.
To the west lies a small wooden house; the mountain wall appears to have torn
it in two.
0 0 city
Z -1 19091
0 0
Z -1 19093
0 0
Z -1 19089
0 0
Z -1 19160
0 0
The Corner of the Wooden Path~
The wooden path swings east and south here, matching the curve of the mountain
wall, and curving around the murkier, more watery part of the swamp.  Strange
plants grow in the muck here, with forked, grayish-green leaves and twisted
brown stems.
0 0 city
Z -1 19092
0 0
Z -1 19090
0 0
A Grove of Trees~
A thick clump of trees grows out of the marsh here; their roots twist and bend
as they search for solid soil.  The wooden pathway becomes even darker as it
passes underneath these uneven rows of trees, finally becoming so dark that you
need a light to find your way.
0 A city
Z -1 19097
0 0
Z -1 19091
0 0
The Swamp~
The ground slopes downwards here, leading into a more liquid part of the swamp;
the hard ground lies far below a murky pond of scum and mire.  A terrible 
stench rises up from the various dead things lying about; brown, decaying 
reeds and grasses cover the surface, while a school of fish is rotting 
away in a thick cluster of bushes and cattails that hangs over the 
northern end of the pond.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19098
0 0
Z -1 19094
0 0
Z -1 19090
0 0
Under the Bridge~
The bridge above you threatens to collapse on your head; cracked boards rest
on rotting supports, while thick barnacles and algae cover the bridge's entire
underside.  To the east, the bridge meets up with the gazebo, which itself 
looks rather rickety; you can see from here that several of the gazebo's 
boards have rotted away, leaving one whole side that has collapsed into 
the mire below.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19093
0 0
Z -1 19099
0 0
Z -1 19095
0 0
The Swamp~
Black swamp ooze runs deep here, bubbling gently as marsh gases rise up from 
the bottom of the swamp.  Rushes and cattails grow up out of the edge of the
pond, keeping the wet soil there from sliding into the deeper parts
of the pond.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19094
0 0
Z -1 19100
0 0
Z -1 19088
0 0
Edge of the Forest~
A forest grows out of the drier ground to the south, growing thicker as it
approaches the southern mountain wall.  Low tree branches, covered with ivy,
block your vision into the forest, and block the light as well; it seems to be
almost completely black beyond the treeline.
0 0 field
Z -1 19101
0 0
Z -1 19140
0 0
Z -1 19087
0 0
A Grove of Trees ~
The thick grove of trees blocks almost all light from reaching the ground;
the forest grows densely here beside the rock wall to the north, stretching
high into the air as it tries to catch the few feeble rays of light that do 
make it down through the gloom.
0 A city
Z -1 19102
0 0
Z -1 19092
0 0
The Swamp~
Thick bushes grow at the northern end of the swamp, with their roots striving
to hold them in the steep, marshy ground.  A small gazebo stands to the south,
seeming to have lost the struggle against the decay of the swamp; 
several of its gray boards have fallen into the waters below.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19103
0 0
Z -1 19099
0 0
Z -1 19093
0 0
Under the Gazebo~
Broken boards, fallen from the gazebo floor, poke out of the muddy water here;
their rusty nails form a treacherous maze.  The fallen boards allow you to see
into the gazebo above you, but it's too dark to make out much of anything,
except for a few flickering shadows; however, you can hear the shufflings of
what might be human footsteps.  Small slugs appear to have helped the natural
decay process; hundreds of them are stuck to the underside of the gazebo floor,
and appear to be happily munching away.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19098
0 0
Z -1 19100
0 0
Z -1 19094
0 0
The Swamp ~
The black swamp water deepens here, splashing gently against the more solid
land to the east and south.  A rickety hut stands above the southern edge of
the pond, half over the swamp and half over the marshland; the supports on its
left side have rotted away, leaving it tilted sharply to one side, and most
likely preventing anyone from calling it their home.
0 C noswim
Z -1 19099
0 0
Z -1 19105
0 0
Z -1 19101
0 0
Z -1 19095
0 0
Below the Fisherman's Hut~
A gray wooden hut teeters here on six rickety supports, hanging partially over
the waters of the swamp; on the western side, two of the supports have 
partially given way, making the hut lean sharply downwards.  More stable 
ground lies to the south--at least, it's stable enough to allow a dense, 
dark grove of trees to grow high into the air.
0 0 field
Z -1 19100
0 0
Z -1 19106
0 0
Z -1 19141
0 0
Z -1 19096
0 0
Z -1 19148
0 0
Corner of the Path ~
The wooden path bends here, heading west through a thicker grove of trees
and southwards past a row of old, flimsy wooden houses.  The stench of the
swamp is somewhat less here and the air a little cleaner.  
0 0 field
Z -1 19103
0 0
Z -1 19097
0 0
The Path~
The wooden path continues here between the murky swamp and the row of wooden
buildings; to the south, it connects with an intersection, while to the north,
it heads towards a darker area just before the northern mountain wall.
0 0 field
Z -1 19102
0 0
Z -1 19104
0 0
Z -1 19098
0 0
The Intersection ~
Two paths meet here at the edge of the swamp: one leads north and south along
the back of a row of wooden buildings, while the other leads over the water to
the west, passing through a wooden gazebo, and continues eastwards between two
of the buildings, heading towards a glittering black tower.
0 C field
Z -1 19103
0 0
Z -1 19109
0 0
Z -1 19105
0 0
Z -1 19121
0 0
The Path~
Here, the wooden path passes behind a row of decrepit wooden buildings to the 
east; each is two stories high, and prevents you from seeing whatever lies on 
the other side. There is a break in the row to the north, however, with a path
leading between two of the buildings; also, the swamp lies to the west, while
a dark forest rises in the distance to the south.
0 0 field
Z -1 19104
0 0
Z -1 19106
0 0
Z -1 19100
0 0
The End of the Path ~
The wooden path breaks up here, with a last few boards lying dry and decaying
on the ground.  A dark forest lies to the south, filled with thick trees and
dangling branches that sweep along the ground...and keep you from seeing
whatever may lie inside.
0 0 field
Z -1 19105
0 0
Z -1 19143
0 0
Z -1 19101
0 0
Below the Watchtower~
Small cones of rock line the walls, forming a somewhat uneven ladder that 
begins just below the wooden floor of the watchtower and continues downwards
towards the ground below.  A torch flickers faintly from below, shedding 
enough light for you to see a small handle attached to the hatchway above.
0 0 inside
Z -1 19010
0 0
Z -1 19108
0 0
The Foot of the Rock Ladder ~
The rock ladder comes to an end here, its rungs shrinking and disappearing as
the chamber gently widens.  A torch bolted into the side of the chamber reveals
a door set into the eastern wall, as well as a small figure carved into the
rock above the doorway.
0 CD inside
sign figure~
The Sign of the Dark, a raven diving inside a circle of bone, is carved into
the rock above the door.~
ABZ -1 19089
0 0
Z -1 19107
0 0
Center of the Street~
A rough, muddy path runs north and south between two rows of wooden buildings,
each with a tarnished sign out front.  The gray wood has begun to rot away
from all the exposure to the water and swamp muck, and the second story
as a whole looks rather unsteady.  The glittering black tower to the east 
seems to be the only stable building in the entire realm, unaffected by the
mire of the swamp to its west.
0 0 city
Z -1 19115
0 0
Z -1 19119
0 0
Z -1 19110
0 0
Z -1 19104
0 0
Street ~
Mud and pond scum have oozed over the wooden pathway and are flowing down the
gutters of the muddy street, picking up garbage on the way.  This whole section
of the street has a pungent, almost acidic smell, though you can't tell whether
it's coming from the shops to the east and west or the sewage that lies below.
The doorway to the south leads to a private home--or so it seems, since there's
no sign out front--and is covered by a thin black cloth, probably in an attempt
to keep out the smell.
0 0 city
sign signs~
The sign to the west reads:                     The sign to the east reads:

     "The Sorcery"                                  "The Hemlock Bush"
<--------------------------                     --------------------------->~
Z -1 19109
0 0
Z -1 19111
0 0
Z -1 19114
0 0
Z -1 19112
0 0
The Bar of the Hemlock Bush~
A huge horse's skull hangs over the grim, dirty bar; candles in its eye sockets
make it stare at you menacingly.  Pools of strange, smelly fluids are scattered
all over the floor; some eat away at the paint of the rickety chair legs, while
others glow faintly in the dim light.  A few drunks have fallen asleep on a
table just behind the bar, barricaded in by the wreckage of a few old tables
and chairs; it looks like a few of them may have caused those puddles just
below you.
0 D inside
Z -1 19113
0 0
Z -1 19110
0 0
The Sorcery~
The wizard's storefront is dark, and the walls are lined with strange-looking
objects; however, the darkness allows you to see the faint glow of a magical
field protecting the items from thieves.  Foul concoctions bubble evilly in the
back corner of the room, and the runes etched on the ceiling give you faint 
shivers; the sign of the Dark is painted on the floor.
0 D inside
rune runes sign~
You can't understand them....but you find that every hair of your body is
tingling faintly and beginning to stand on end.~
Z -1 19110
0 0
The Restaurant of the Hemlock Bush ~
Strange murals cover the walls of this restaurant--they're apparently some sort
of abstract art, since instead of portraying a series of figures or a broad 
landscape, they contain dizzying (and rather unappetizing) swirls of colors,
with only the faintest hint of demonic-looking figures here and there.  The 
floor is liberally coated with vomit and scum, and many of the chairs look to
have fallen victim to the same fight that took out most of the bar.
0 D inside
Z -1 19111
0 0
A Dark House ~
Only one small candle lights the inside of this house, and it hardly provides
any illumination at all; dark shadows seem to swallow up every last ray of 
0 AD inside
Z -1 19110
0 0
The Street~
Two rickety shops lie to the east and west, each with sparsely stocked shelves;
a few books lie on the windowsill to the east, while the window to the
west is empty.
0 0 city
Z -1 19118
0 0
Z -1 19116
0 0
Z -1 19109
0 0
Z -1 19117
0 0
The Library and Bookstore ~
Only one bookcase remains in the old Library and Bookshop; it was abandoned
long ago when the realm was split in two.  A few of the books still look 
readable, though most seem to have been burned or waterlogged as various
scourges and battles swept through the town.
0 D inside
Z -1 19115
0 0
The Travellers' Shop ~
A layer of dust covers the empty counters and bare shelves, thick enough
to write in; discolored rectangles on the walls reveal where signs and posters
used to hang.  Though the store might have been prosperous at one time, it now
offers nothing more than rat droppings and dirt, as the villagers have taken 
everything else in their struggle to stay alive; the shelves, the counter, and
even the staircase to the second floor have been torn apart.
0 D inside
Z -1 19115
0 0
The Temple~
Thick, sulphorous smoke steams up from a bloody pentagram drawn on the floor,
and flickering candles shed a dim light on a bizarre assortment of books, 
papers, and bones sitting on shelves along the walls of the room.  An altar
lies at the north of the room, scattered with partially charred bits and pieces
0 AD inside
Z -1 19115
0 0
Path to the Dark Tower ~
The dark tower looms over you from the east, seeming to blot out the sun
as it stretches high into the sky.  From here, you can see that the tower is
made of polished obsidian, faintly reflecting what little light there is in
this land; you can also see faint shadows that move in the moat below you, 
along with a few sporadic streams of bubbles that rise up from the deep, 
slimy waters.
0 0 city
Z -1 19122
0 0
Z -1 19109
0 0
The Bridge over the Swamp ~
The wooden path rises upwards from the ground here, forming a bridge over a
much wetter and soggier part of the swamp.  A decrepit gazebo lies just to the
east; several of its floorboards have fallen into the marsh below, and just 
barely stick out above the water's surface.
0 0 city
Z -1 19121
0 0
Z -1 19089
0 0
The Gazebo ~
Saltwater and pondscum have eaten away at the wood of this gazebo, making it
frighteningly unstable; several floorboards have fallen down into the ooze
below, while others are precariously balanced, supported only by a loose nail
at either end.  An ivy bush once intertwined itself through the gazebo's side
posts and roof, but it has since died, leaving only twisted branches in its
0 0 inside
Z -1 19104
0 0
Z -1 19120
0 0
Entrance to the Dark Tower~
Cold gray marble covers the walls and the floor, giving the entire room a dim, 
dirty air.  Save for a staircase leading upwards, the room is entirely empty.
0 D city
Z -1 19119
0 0
Z -1 19123
0 0
Inside the Dark Tower~
Sparkling blackness surrounds you: polished obsidian covers the cylindrical
wall of this small room as well as the ceiling and floor.  At first, the room
seems entirely empty, save for a smooth jet sleeping stone on the floor; but as
the room becomes clearer, two more items come into focus: a small hatch in the
ceiling just a few inches above your head, as well as the sign of the Dark,
painted in dull black on the shiny black wall.
0 AD inside
ABFZ -1 19124
0 0
AFZ -1 19122
0 0
Inside the Dark Tower~
White ivory covers every surface of this cylindrical room, shining brightly
with a dazzling light.  A smooth white sleeping-stone lies on the floor, 
providing the only sign of comfort and life; the curving wall stands unbroken
and unblemished save for the barely visible sign of the Dark, etched in dull
white against the bright white background.
0 D inside
ABFZ -1 19125
0 0
AFZ -1 19123
0 0
Inside the Dark Tower~
Sparkling blackness surrounds you: polished obsidian covers the cylindrical 
wall of this small room as well as the ceiling and floor.  At first, the room
seems entirely empty, save for a small jet sleeping stone on the floor; but as 
the room becomes clearer, two more items come into focus: a small hatch in the
ceiling just a few inches above your head, as well as the sign of the Dark,
painted in dull black on the shiny black wall.
0 AD inside
ABFZ -1 19126
0 0
AFZ -1 19124
0 0
Inside the Dark Tower~
White ivory covers every surface of this cylindrical room, shining brightly 
with a dazzling light.  A smooth white sleeping-stone lies on the floor, 
providing the only sign of comfort and life; the curving wall stands unbroken
and unblemished, save for the barely visible sign of the Dark, etched in dull
white against the bright white background.
0 AD inside
ABFZ -1 19127
0 0
AFZ -1 19125
0 0
The Top of the Dark Tower: Gray Mists~
A thick grey fog swirls around you, blinding you entirely and swallowing up
every ray of light in the room.  You can only vaguely see what might be the
sign of the Dark, suspended somewhere in the distance.
0 D inside
AFZ -1 19126
0 0
The Dank Room~
The room is made of six damp concrete walls, as far as you can tell.  There's
hardly enough light to see, but certainly there's nothing in it except for you.
You don't hear anything either, not even any rats.  What did you do to deserve
0 ACDNO city
Merriman's Alcove~
This small alcove is a cozy L-shaped room with wood-panelled walls and slanted 
ceilings; a dark blue area rug covers the floor.  In the larger section of 
the room, couches and easy chairs are arranged around a small glass table 
strewn with books and papers; bookcases and cabinets line the walls, 
filled to overflowing with well-worn paperbacks and old, musty hardcovers, 
as well as a small stereo system.  The smaller section of the room, though 
partially hidden by a deep blue tapestry, is partially in view; it holds 
a small bed, a nightstand, and a dresser.
0 CD inside
books bookcase bookcases~
You skim the titles...
Over Sea, Under Stone; The Dark Is Rising; Greenwitch; The Grey King; Silver on
the Tree; all by Susan Cooper....The Complete Works of T.S. Eliot....The 
Portable Robert Frost....East of Eden, by John Steinbeck....The Robot Series
and The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov....L'Etranger, by Albert Camus....
cd stereo~
"Murmur," "Reckoning," "Fables of the Reconstruction," "Life's Rich Pageant,"
"Document," "Green," "Out of Time," "Automatic for the People," "Monster," and
even "Dead Letter Office"....someone must be quite the R.E.M. fan.  You also
see two Enigma CD's, tapes of Don McLean and Led Zeppelin, and the "Terrapin
Station" CD.
Inside the Fisherman's Hut~
The fisherman's hut is a tiny place, with barely enough room for a bed, a 
table, and a set of shelves.  The windows are open, with no covering 
except for a thin sheet of cloth, and the door is rusting off its 
hinges.  The shelves are almost bare, except for a few rusty fishing 
hooks and a fishing pole locked to the bottom shelf with a thick chain.
0 D inside
Z -1 19057
0 0
The Forest ~
Tall pines stretch high into the air, screening the sun from the cool ground
below.  A few fallen trees provide refuge for small animals; you see a 
fat badger sleeping in a hole underneath one log, while a small squirrel darts
in and out of one hollow tree, probably hiding his nuts for winter.
0 0 forest
Z -1 19065
0 0
Z -1 19132
0 0
The Forest ~
A small hut lies to the north, with stilts raising it off the ground; the trees
prevent you from seeing whether anyone is inside.  Dark forests lie in every
other direction, with the thick pine branches again preventing you from seeing
anyone or anything that might be nearby.
0 0 forest
Z -1 19057
0 0
Z -1 19133
0 0
Z -1 19137
0 0
Z -1 19131
0 0
The Forest ~
This area of the forest is somewhat lighter than the other sections; a 
tremendous old pine tree has recently fallen, taking other trees with it and
leaving a small clearing.  The sun shines down through the hole in the forest
canopy, allowing small trees and even some flowers to grow in the fertile
0 0 forest
Z -1 19056
0 0
Z -1 19134
0 0
Z -1 19136
0 0
Z -1 19132
0 0
The Forest ~
The thick forest comes to a halt here against the high, gray-brown rock of the
mountain face; thick brush grows along the base of the wall, but even its thin
roots cannot find a foothold in the sheer rock.  The forest ends to the north
as well, meeting up with a neat gravel pathway as it enters a clearing.
0 0 forest
Z -1 19046
0 0
Z -1 19135
0 0
Z -1 19133
0 0
The Forest ~
A tall oak tree dominates this corner of the forest; it dwarfs the normally 
majestic pines, stretching almost to the top of the rock wall.  Its thick leafy
branches make this area of the forest even darker, as they screen out almost
all the light from above; you can't see if anything or anyone lives in the
upper branches.
0 0 forest
Z -1 19134
0 0
Z -1 19136
0 0
Z -1 19138
0 0
The Forest ~
Here, the forest stretches along the southernmost wall of this valley, with 
trees growing right up to the base of the mountain.  The ground here is moist
and even wet in some places; a thin trickle of water is running down the side
of the wall here, perhaps coming from melting ice at the top of this high wall.
A tall weeping willow tree grows right by the mountain wall, with its long
branches brushing against the ground; several of its thin, green leaves have
been swept downwards by the small trickle of water, and have been washed
to the ground.
0 0 forest
Z -1 19133
0 0
Z -1 19135
0 0
Z -1 19163
0 0
Z -1 19137
0 0
The Forest ~
The high mountain wall stretches north and east from here, restricting the 
growth of the tall, deep green pines.  The rocky wall stretches high into the
sky...far too high and smooth to climb, and too steep even for the hardy trees
to find space for roots.  The trees block out much of the light, but a thick
cluster of African violets still manages to grow on a small rock near the
foot of the mountain.
0 0 forest
violet violets rock~
The violets cover the rock...which in turn appears to cover a small opening in
the mountain wall.~
Z -1 19132
0 0
Z -1 19136
0 0
ABZ -1 19155
0 0
The Tree House~
As you enter the surprisingly well-built treehouse, you hear the hum of 
insects: apparently the house's owner is a beekeeper.  Glass-enclosed 
hives have been nailed to the tree-trunk that passes through the floor 
and ceiling; small glass tubes filled with travelling bees lead upwards 
through netting around the hole in the roof.
A thick tree branch passes through the whole left side of the house, leading
out the southern window; the owner has flattened out part of it, and now 
uses it as a table.
0 D inside
bee hive beehive bees~
The space in the ceiling looks large enough to pass through, but you'd have to
move the netting.~
netting door~
ABZ -1 19153
0 0
Z -1 19135
0 0
Dark Forest~
The high rock wall runs along the west of this section of forest, rising 
steeply enough to prevent any trees from taking root; however, the swampy
ground hasn't stopped a dense cluster of trees from springing up here. Eerie
sounds emerge from the gloom around you, sounds like the ooze and spluck of
bubbling mud to the faint raspy breathing of some sort of animal.
0 A forest
Z -1 19087
0 0
Z -1 19140
0 0
Z -1 19144
0 0
Dark Forest ~
Damp, low-hanging branches sweep your head as you pass through this section of
forest, and the black earth squishes underneath you, covering your feet with
bits and pieces of decaying leaves.  Ivy and wisteria hang from the trees in
every direction, keeping you from seeing more than a few feet ahead of you;
the hanging plants are slightly thinner to the north, though, allowing just a
little more light to shine through.
0 A forest
Z -1 19096
0 0
Z -1 19141
0 0
Z -1 19145
0 0
Z -1 19139
0 0
Dark Forest~
Strange noises echo through the damp forest; here and there yellow eyes and a 
mouth full of teeth flash out of a clump of bracken or a fallen tree.  A cool
breeze blows from the north, where a small, decrepit hut stands, screened 
by the ivy and wisteria dangling from the low-hanging branches.
0 A forest
Z -1 19101
0 0
Z -1 19143
0 0
Z -1 19146
0 0
Z -1 19140
0 0
Up the Tree ~
As you push past thick, leafy branches, you suddenly emerge in dim light; the
top of this tree has been devoured by some sort of insect, preventing you from
going any further.  You are just above the canopy of this small forest; the 
glittering obsidian structure towers above the treeline in the distance to the
0 0 mountain
Z -1 19144
0 0
Dark Forest~
A tall weeping willow tree droops over the forest floor here, with its branches
brushing against the ground. Though the forest canopy is thinner here, it is
still quite dark; the sun itself is not powerful enough to shine through the
gloom that surrounds this land.
0 A forest
Z -1 19106
0 0
Z -1 19141
0 0
Dark Forest ~
A huge tree dominates this corner of the forest, its thick trunk stretching
through the dense canopy of branches above you.  The canopy itself seems 
thicker here than elsewhere in the forest, allowing only a few rays of 
light to reach the forest floor.
0 A forest
Z -1 19139
0 0
Z -1 19145
0 0
Z -1 19142
0 0
Dark Forest ~
The trees here are covered with damp gray moss, and their branches drip slime 
all over the rocky wall to the south, making it impossible to climb.  A thin 
shaft of blue sky is just visible over the southern mountain wall, far 
beyond the boundaries of this dark realm; another stretch of blue lies to the
west, beyond the mountain wall that separates this valley from the next.
0 A forest
Z -1 19140
0 0
Z -1 19146
0 0
Z -1 19144
0 0
Dark Forest ~
The thick rock wall stretches north and west from here, rising almost 
vertically, steep enough to prevent any trees from taking root.  Wisteria,
however, has been able to make its home in the cracks and holes worn into 
the rock wall; it stretches high up along the rock wall, reaching almost to
its top.
0 A forest
Z -1 19141
0 0
Z -1 19145
0 0
Vell, hi!~
This is the hideout of Bear D. Bear....a VERY weird creature if there ever
was one.  You're not supposed to be here....trust me.  I know.  I wrote this
area :-).  Anyway, better recall or get someone to transfer you out of here,
'cause this is just a room used by mobprogs.....
0 CO inside
The Fisherman's Hut~
The rickety floor sags below you as you enter, and as you take another step 
forward, the whole hut drops sharply, sending you flying forward through
an enormous hole in the western wall....

...and you land with a *SPLAT* in the murky waters of the swamp.  The black 
mire sticks to your clothing, and gets in your mouth; it smells awful, and now
so do you.
0 0 inside
Z -1 19095
0 0
A Mirror Staircase~
Dizziness begins to set in as you climb the mirrored spiral staircase; the
reflective steps make it hard to judge where your foot should go.  A simple
torch bolted on the wall casts a dim light around the staircase, allowing you
to see the intersection below and the continuing staircase above you.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19150
0 0
Z -1 19041
0 0
The Mirror Staircase~
The staircase rises further into darkness here, though small sparklings
from the wall indicate that mirrors still surround you.  A brighter room 
appears to lie above you, while the staircase continues downwards below you.
0 AD inside
Z -1 19151
0 0
Z -1 19149
0 0
A Small Room~
For once, a room in the castle without mirrors!  Simple wooden beams make up
the walls and ceiling of this open-air room; sunlight streams in the eight
narrow windows, giving the room a bright, almost cheerful air.  Bits of twigs
and branches cover the floor, piled into a large nest in the center of the room
by some sort of bird....
0 D inside
Z -1 19150
0 0
The Crystal Altar~
Warm rays of sun filter through cool ivy leaves, and you hear the faint splash
of water far below you; you have entered a small room inside the top of the
gazebo, enclosed by its wooden framework.  The wooden panel sits in the
floorboard beneath you; a simple wooden knob is attached across from two
shiny brass hinges.
0 C city
AFZ -1 19067
0 0
In Front of the Hive~
The glass tubes end here, and lead into a huge hole in the tree's trunk--
apparently the bees' true home is before you.  As a cool breeze blows towards
you, the smell of delicious honey fills your nostrils, apparently coming from
the hive before you....
0 0 city
Z -1 19154
0 0
Z -1 19138
0 0
Inside the Hive~
Honeybees surround you on all sides, completely covering the to and sides of
this hollow in the tree; in some places, the bees are two or three deep, and
crawl over each other as they move seemingly randomly about the hive.  The
bees buzz loudly but not ominously; many of them have been calmed by the
smoke, and the rest seem to be content to ignore you and make the delicious
honey whose sweet, sticky scent fills the air.
0 C city
Z -1 19153
0 0
The Violet Altar~
The sounds of the forest slowly drop to silence as you enter this cool, 
sweet-smelling room.  Small, feathery violet petals cover the ceiling and 
walls, bathing this cave with a dark purple light; they flutter gently
as a cool breeze wafts through.  From time to time, a few petals fall 
from the ceiling, gently brushing your face and hands; as you look, you see
that a new petal slowly unfurls from the place where the falling one used
to lie.
0 C city
Z -1 19137
0 0
Inside the House: The Living Room~
Splintered wood and shattered furniture are everywhere: the rising of the
mountain wall has almost completely destroyed this room.  Falling rock has
bashed a large hole in the wall to the west, allowing you to head outside;
to the north, a doorway still provides access to another room.
0 C city
Z -1 19157
0 0
Z -1 19049
0 0
Inside the House: The Kitchen~
Strangely, the rising of the mountain has barely affected this room: 
the furniture stands intact, and the walls are unscathed; even the
brick oven rests unaffected in a fissure in the mountain wall.

A large fire burns in a fireplace in the north wall, kept in check
by a thick iron grate.
0 0 city
grate fire fireplace~
ABZ -1 19158
0 0
oven door~
ABZ -1 19159
0 0
Z -1 19156
0 0
Inside the Fire: The Red Altar~
You enter the fire....and find an open space in its midst.

The roaring fire surrounds you, but somehow does not touch you: the 
glittering altar before you seems to cast a sphere of protection about
itself, keeping the flames at a safe distance.  The heat still envelops
you, though, threatening to cook you with its intensity; the fire is
to be far hotter and larger than it seemed from the outside.
0 C city
Z -1 19157
0 0
Crawling Through the Oven~
The oven is large enough to allow you to pass through, though it's low 
enough to force you to crawl; your knees and hands quickly become dirty 
from all the black soot that covers the deep brown bricks.  Two steel 
oven doors lie at one end of the passage, while a single thick panel lies 
at the other.
0 0 city
Z -1 19160
0 0
oven door~
Z -1 19157
0 0
The Bedroom~
A thick fallen beam has broken the master bed's frame in two, and has 
knocked a hole in the dusty eastern wall, allowing the outside gloom to
seep in.  The back of a brick oven stove lies on the west wall, undamaged
by the rise of the mountain wall; though it now stands cold with its panel
shut, it probably once provided the heat for this small room.
0 0 city
Z -1 19090
0 0
ABZ -1 19159
0 0
You dive downwards through crystal-clear, cool blue water.  As you look 
around, you see that this section of the pond is actually somewhat deeper 
than the rest: the pond floor slopes downwards into a deep indentation. The 
gazebo casts a faint white reflection on the water above you....and you can 
see what appears to be some sort of cave lying just ahead.
0 C city
Z -1 19162
0 0
Z -1 19053
0 0
Underwater Cave: The Blue Altar~
As you swim onwards, you see a light above you and a rock wall ahead of you;
you surface, and find yourself inside a cool subterranean cave.  Gentle
waterfalls splash downwards from large cracks in the ceiling; they completely
cover all four walls, cooling the air dramatically and giving the cave a 
fresh, clean scent.  The waterfalls--as well as the water you came from--
sparkle in the misty light that shines from a large altar in the center of
the room.
0 C city
Z -1 19161
0 0
The Green Altar~
A layer of damp green moss covers every inch of this small, dark cave; shoots
of ivy grow through the moss on the walls, while thick clover covers the 
ground.  Crickets and beetles, hidden somewhere in the ivy, chirp loudly
in the cool, moist air, and the head of a white dove just peeks out of a 
nest of green branches.
0 C city
branch tree~
ABZ -1 19136
0 0
A dark, wood-panelled hallway leads north past a series of doors: two 
lie to your left and right in this section of the hall, while three lie in
the section up ahead.
0 C city
Z -1 19167
0 0
Z -1 19166
0 0
Z -1 19165
0 0
Z -1 19071
0 0
A Bedroom~
Simple pieces of furniture fill this wood-panelled hotel room: a double bed
lies against one wall, covered with a plain green comforter; a table, 
two chairs, and an oil lamp sit in one corner; a chest of drawers stands
near the bed.
0 0 city
Z -1 19164
0 0
Mr. Teece's Room~
A wide variety of musical instruments fills Mr. Teece's room: trumpets and
trombones sit on shelves on the walls, while a number of stringed 
instruments, from guitars to mandolins, rest in stands on the floor.  A few
books of sheet music sit in a small bookshelf; most seem to have music and
lyrics for various sorts of blues and jazz.
0 0 city
Z -1 19164
0 0
The wood-panelled hallway comes to an end here before an ornate doorway
ornamented with brass and silver.  To the west lies a normal room, while
the door to the east holds a plaque that reads "Honeymoon Suite."
0 0 inside
Z -1 19169
0 0
Z -1 19164
0 0
Z -1 19168
0 0
A Bedroom~
Simple pieces of furniture fill this wood-panelled room: a double bed lies
against one wall, covered with a plain green comforter; a table, two 
chairs, and an oil lamp sit in one corner; a chest of drawers stands near 
the bed.
0 0 inside
Z -1 19167
0 0
The Honeymoon Suite~
A heart-shaped bed dominates this cheerful, white room, surrounded by a 
frilly white canopy; two his-and-hers nighttables stand to its left and 
right.  A table across from the bed holds a tray and an ice bucket as 
well as a personal card of congratulations from the hotel manager; a key
sits in the lock, allowing you to lock yourself in if you should want 
some privacy...
0 J inside
AFZ 19166 19167
0 0
The Suite~
A lava lamp provides the only illumination in this dark, smoky room; its
dim purple light allows you to see tie-dyed blankets hanging on the walls,
as well as funky glowing posters with weird, swirling designs.  Poems and
phrases have been scribbled all over the walls and ceilings in a wide
variety of colors, ranging from simple black to fluorescent green.
Musky incense and other smells envelop you, and you drift into a sort of 
psychedelic fugue....
0 C inside

M 19002 spec_breath_frost	* a withered knight
M 19003 spec_cast_mage	* King Loranhir
M 19004 spec_cast_cleric	* Caerlin
M 19011 spec_breath_fire	* Bear-de-bear
M 19012 spec_breath_frost	* a withered knight
M 19013 spec_poison	* the Grey Mare
M 19023 spec_cast_cleric	* Brother Thomas
M 19024 spec_cast_mage	* A Wizard of the Mage Standard
M 19031 spec_cast_adept	* Father Franklin
M 19035 spec_cast_mage	* A wizard of the Mage Standard
M 19036 spec_thief	* the gardener
M 19040 spec_breath_any	* something
M 19041 spec_poison	* the mass of red ants
M 19042 spec_thief	* the card shark
M 19044 spec_thief	* Carvallo
M 19045 spec_thief	* the young man
M 19046 spec_thief	* the woman
M 19047 spec_fido	* the grey fox
M 19050 spec_thief	* the waiter
M 19051 spec_thief	* the young urchin
M 19052 spec_thief	* the lady of ill repute
M 19053 spec_thief	* the greasy man
M 19054 spec_thief	* the wily little thief (hidden somewhere in the shadows)
M 19055 spec_breath_fire	* the Red Master
M 19056 spec_breath_gas	* the Amber Master
M 19057 spec_breath_acid	* the Green Master
M 19058 spec_breath_frost	* the Blue Master
M 19059 spec_breath_gas	* the Violet Master
M 19060 spec_breath_lightning	* the Yellow Master
M 19061 spec_breath_any	* the Master of Light
M 19062 spec_breath_any	* the Phoenix
M 19064 spec_cast_undead	* the White Master
M 19065 spec_cast_undead	* the White Master
M 19066 spec_cast_undead	* the Black Master
M 19067 spec_cast_undead	* the Black Master
M 19068 spec_cast_adept	* Jerry Garcia

D 0 19005 0 1	* Before the Face of the Mountain: door to the north: closed
D 0 19006 2 1	* The Path Above the Realm: door to the south: closed
D 0 19024 1 1	* Floating Beside the Right Wall: door to the east: closed
D 0 19026 3 1	* Floating Beside the Left Wall: door to the west: closed
D 0 19030 0 1	* In Front of the Castle Entrance: door to the north: closed
D 0 19042 1 1	* An Alcove: door to the east: closed
D 0 19045 3 1	* The Foot of the Rock Ladder: door to the west: closed
D 0 19048 1 1	* Intersection in the Garden: door to the east: closed
D 0 19067 4 1	* The Gazebo: door to the up: closed
D 0 19079 4 1	* Entrance to the Rainbow Tower: door to the up: closed
D 0 19080 4 2	* The Red Room: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 19081 4 2	* The Orange Room: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 19082 4 2	* The Yellow Room: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 19083 4 2	* The Green Room: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 19084 4 2	* The Blue Room: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 19085 4 2	* The Violet Room: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 19108 1 1	* The Foot of the Rock Ladder : door to the east: closed
D 0 19123 4 1	* Inside the Dark Tower: door to the up: closed
D 0 19124 4 1	* Inside the Dark Tower: door to the up: closed
D 0 19125 4 1	* Inside the Dark Tower: door to the up: closed
D 0 19126 4 1	* Inside the Dark Tower: door to the up: closed
D 0 19137 5 1	* The Forest : door to the down: closed
D 0 19138 4 1	* The Tree House: door to the up: closed
D 0 19157 0 1	* Inside the House: The Kitchen: door to the north: closed
D 0 19157 1 1	* Inside the House: The Kitchen: door to the east: closed
D 0 19160 3 1	* The Bedroom: door to the west: closed
D 0 19163 0 1	* The Green Altar: door to the north: closed
O 0 19039 0 19005	* a brass plaque (Before the Face of the Mountain)
M 0 19008 2 19005 1	* a watchman (Before the Face of the Mountain)
E 0 19040 0 5		*	a brown robe: on the body
M 0 19008 2 19005 1	* a watchman (Before the Face of the Mountain)
E 0 19040 0 5		*	a brown robe: on the body
M 0 19009 1 19009 1	* a watchman (Inside a Watchtower)
E 0 19040 0 5		*	a brown robe: on the body
E 0 19085 0 16		*	a thick wooden staff: wielded
O 0 19041 0 19009	* a telescope (Inside a Watchtower)
M 0 19010 1 19010 1	* a watchman (Inside a Watchtower)
E 0 19040 0 5		*	a brown robe: on the body
E 0 19085 0 16		*	a thick wooden staff: wielded
O 0 19042 0 19010	* a telescope (Inside a Watchtower)
O 0 19005 0 19020	* a throne (The King's Alcove)
M 0 19003 1 19020 1	* King Loranhir (The King's Alcove)
E 0 19006 0 5		*	a {Dgrey robe{x: on the body
M 0 19001 2 19031 1	* the mirror guardian (Entrance to the Castle)
E 0 19002 0 5		*	a mirrored plate of armor: on the body
E 0 19004 0 6		*	a chainmail cowl: over the head
E 0 19001 0 11		*	a mirrored shield: as a shield
E 0 19003 0 16		*	a shiny silver sword: wielded
E 0 19086 0 7		*	a set of mirrored leggings: on the legs
M 0 19001 2 19031 1	* the mirror guardian (Entrance to the Castle)
E 0 19002 0 5		*	a mirrored plate of armor: on the body
E 0 19004 0 6		*	a chainmail cowl: over the head
E 0 19001 0 11		*	a mirrored shield: as a shield
E 0 19003 0 16		*	a shiny silver sword: wielded
E 0 19086 0 7		*	a set of mirrored leggings: on the legs
R 0 19032 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19033 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19034 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19035 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19036 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19037 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19038 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19039 4	* Mirrors: randomize
R 0 19040 4	* Mirrors: randomize
M 0 19001 1 19041 1	* the mirror guardian (Intersection)
E 0 19002 0 5		*	a mirrored plate of armor: on the body
E 0 19004 0 6		*	a chainmail cowl: over the head
E 0 19001 0 11		*	a mirrored shield: as a shield
E 0 19003 0 16		*	a shiny silver sword: wielded
M 0 19002 1 19042 1	* a withered knight (An Alcove)
E 0 19009 0 5		*	a worn chainmail jerkin: on the body
E 0 19007 0 6		*	the Golden Circlet: over the head
E 0 19008 0 16		*	a bent sword: wielded
E 0 19043 0 0		*	an oil lamp: as a light
M 0 19012 1 19043 1	* a withered knight (An Alcove)
E 0 19009 0 5		*	a worn chainmail jerkin: on the body
E 0 19008 0 16		*	a bent sword: wielded
E 0 19010 0 17		*	the Royal Staff: held in the hands
M 0 19018 1 19047 1	* the Yellow Lord (The Path in the Garden)
E 0 19060 0 12		*	a yellow robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19064 0 16		*	a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword: wielded
M 0 19019 1 19049 1	* the Green Lord (Path in the Garden)
E 0 19061 0 12		*	a forest green robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19064 0 16		*	a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword: wielded
M 0 19005 1 19050 1	* the young man (Corner of the Path)
E 0 19015 0 16		*	a small steel knife: wielded
G 0 19020 0		*	some coins
O 0 19094 0 19050	* a nectarine tree (Corner of the Path)
O 0 19035 0 19051	* a grove of apple trees (A Grove of Trees)
P 0 19036 100 19035 1	* a grove of apple trees: an apple
P 0 19036 100 19035 1	* a grove of apple trees: an apple
M 0 19037 1 19051 1	* the young boy (A Grove of Trees)
O 0 19056 0 19053	* a small jar of pale glowing fish (Under the Gazebo)
M 0 19006 5 19056 1	* the woman (Along the Edge of the Forest)
E 0 19015 0 16		*	a small steel knife: wielded
G 0 19020 0		*	some coins
M 0 19017 1 19057 1	* the Orange Lord (Below the Fisherman's Hut)
E 0 19059 0 12		*	a burnt-orange robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19064 0 16		*	a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword: wielded
M 0 19038 1 19058 1	* the fisherman (The pond)
E 0 19090 0 5		*	a rain slicker: on the body
E 0 19088 0 8		*	fishing boots: on the feet
E 0 19089 0 16		*	a gaff: wielded
G 0 19091 0		*	a dinghy
O 0 19057 0 19059	* the white goldfish (The pond)
O 0 19037 0 19060	* a grove of plum trees (A Grove of Trees)
P 0 19038 100 19037 1	* a grove of plum trees: a plum
P 0 19038 100 19037 1	* a grove of plum trees: a plum
M 0 19020 1 19061 1	* the Blue Lord (Bend in the Path)
E 0 19062 0 12		*	a sea-blue robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19064 0 16		*	a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword: wielded
M 0 19021 1 19062 1	* the Violet Lord (Along the Path Behind the Buildings)
E 0 19063 0 12		*	a violet robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19064 0 16		*	a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword: wielded
M 0 19016 1 19064 1	* the Red Lord (Along the Path Behind the Wooden Buildings)
E 0 19058 0 12		*	a crimson robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19064 0 16		*	a {mp{Mri{msm {xsword: wielded
M 0 19022 1 19065 1	* the gardener (Path to the Forest)
E 0 19065 0 16		*	a hoe: wielded
M 0 19014 1 19067 1	* the bride (The Gazebo)
E 0 19054 0 1		*	a {Cd{Wi{ca{Wm{Co{wn{Cd{x engagement {Wring{x: on the left finger
E 0 19051 0 5		*	a wedding dress: on the body
E 0 19053 0 6		*	a thin white veil: over the head
E 0 19052 0 8		*	a pair of white shoes: on the feet
E 0 19055 0 17		*	a corsage: held in the hands
M 0 19015 1 19067 1	* the groom (The Gazebo)
E 0 19050 0 1		*	an {re{Rng{wa{Wg{we{Rmen{rt {Yband{x: on the left finger
E 0 19045 0 3		*	a black bow tie: around the neck (1)
E 0 19046 0 5		*	a crisp white shirt: on the body
E 0 19047 0 7		*	a pair of black dress pants: on the legs
E 0 19049 0 8		*	a pair of black shoes: on the feet
E 0 19044 0 12		*	a formal white jacket: about the shoulders
E 0 19048 0 13		*	a cummerbund: around the waist
M 0 19023 1 19067 1	* Brother Thomas (The Gazebo)
E 0 19066 0 12		*	a white robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19004 1 19068 1	* Caerlin (Center of the Street)
E 0 19014 0 3		*	a bard's amulet: around the neck (1)
E 0 19061 0 12		*	a forest green robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19011 0 17		*	a silver harp: held in the hands
M 0 19006 2 19069 1	* the woman (The Street)
E 0 19015 0 16		*	a small steel knife: wielded
G 0 19020 0		*	some coins
M 0 19024 1 19070 1	* A Wizard of the Mage Standard (The Sorcery)
E 0 19080 0 6		*	a wizard's peaked cap: over the head
E 0 19081 0 12		*	a wizard's cloak: about the shoulders
E 0 19092 0 17		*	a "Wizard's Finishing School" diploma: held in the hands
G 0 19067 0		*	a poultice of detection
G 0 19016 0		*	a potion of human flight
G 0 19018 0		*	a flask of holy water
G 0 19021 0		*	a clear potion of invisibility
O 0 19013 0 19071	* a pool table (The bar of the Holly Bush)
M 0 19026 1 19071 1	* Lauraine the barkeep (The bar of the Holly Bush)
G 0 19070 0		*	lemonade
G 0 19069 0		*	whisky
G 0 19068 0		*	beer
M 0 19025 1 19071 1	* the pool player (The bar of the Holly Bush)
E 0 19012 0 16		*	a pool cue: wielded
O 0 19032 0 19072	* a menu (The restaurant of the Holly Bush)
M 0 19027 1 19072 1	* the waiter (The restaurant of the Holly Bush)
G 0 19023 0		*	steak and Yorkshire Pudding
G 0 19024 0		*	roast Chicken
G 0 19025 0		*	mashed potatoes
G 0 19026 0		*	peas
G 0 19027 0		*	baked Ham
G 0 19029 0		*	shrimp cocktail
G 0 19030 0		*	green salad
G 0 19031 0		*	vegetable soup
M 0 19028 1 19073 1	* Master Dunn (Master Dunn's House)
E 0 19072 0 5		*	a {Dblack gi{x: on the body
E 0 19073 0 13		*	a red master's belt: around the waist
E 0 19071 0 16		*	a kendo: wielded
O 0 19074 0 19073	* a fountain (Master Dunn's House)
M 0 19005 2 19074 1	* the young man (The Street)
E 0 19015 0 16		*	a small steel knife: wielded
G 0 19020 0		*	some coins
M 0 19029 1 19075 1	* the proprietor (The Travellers' Shop)
G 0 19078 0		*	a pocketknife
G 0 19077 0		*	rations
G 0 19076 0		*	a canteen
G 0 19075 0		*	a suitcase
G 0 19079 0		*	a small raft
G 0 19043 0		*	an oil lamp
G 0 19150 0		*	a jar of honey
M 0 19030 1 19076 1	* Mrs. Truxton the Librarian (The Library and Bookstore)
E 0 19087 0 12		*	a white shawl: about the shoulders
G 0 19134 0		*	a History of the Mirror Realm
G 0 19135 0		*	a Book of Legends
G 0 19136 0		*	a History of Midgaard
O 0 19082 0 19077	* a hymn (The Chapel)
M 0 19031 1 19077 1	* Father Franklin (The Chapel)
E 0 19066 0 12		*	a white robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19083 0 1		*	a rose-colored ring: on the left finger
M 0 19007 1 19078 1	* the unicorn (Crossing the Bridge to the Rainbow Tower)
E 0 19034 0 5		*	an ermine blanket: on the body
E 0 19033 0 16		*	a {Wunicorn's {Yg{yo{Yld{ye{Yn{x horn: wielded
M 0 19055 1 19080 1	* the Red Master (The Red Room)
E 0 19122 0 6		*	a silver circlet: over the head
E 0 19058 0 12		*	a crimson robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19056 1 19081 1	* the Amber Master (The Orange Room)
E 0 19122 0 6		*	a silver circlet: over the head
E 0 19059 0 12		*	a burnt-orange robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19060 1 19082 1	* the Yellow Master (The Yellow Room)
E 0 19122 0 6		*	a silver circlet: over the head
E 0 19060 0 12		*	a yellow robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19057 1 19083 1	* the Green Master (The Green Room)
E 0 19122 0 6		*	a silver circlet: over the head
E 0 19061 0 12		*	a forest green robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19058 1 19084 1	* the Blue Master (The Blue Room)
E 0 19122 0 6		*	a silver circlet: over the head
E 0 19062 0 12		*	a sea-blue robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19059 1 19085 1	* the Violet Master (The Violet Room)
E 0 19122 0 6		*	a silver circlet: over the head
E 0 19063 0 12		*	a violet robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19061 1 19086 1	* the Master of Light (At the Top of the Tower: The Prism Room)
G 0 19129 0		*	the Sigil of the Light
M 0 19036 1 19091 1	* the gardener (The Corner of the Wooden Path)
E 0 19084 0 16		*	a pair of clippers: wielded
O 0 19108 0 19092	* a holly tree (A Grove of Trees)
P 0 19109 100 19108 1	* a holly tree: a few holly berries
M 0 19050 1 19092 1	* the waiter (A Grove of Trees)
O 0 19119 0 19095	* a dead squid (The Swamp)
O 0 19115 0 19097	* a poison oak tree (A Grove of Trees )
P 0 19116 100 19115 1	* a poison oak tree: an acorn
P 0 19116 100 19115 1	* a poison oak tree: an acorn
M 0 19033 1 19097 1	* the Black Lord (A Grove of Trees )
E 0 19123 0 12		*	a black robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19110 0 16		*	an {We{wc{Dlip{ws{We {Cs{cword{x: wielded
O 0 19114 0 19099	* a small jar of glowing slugs (Under the Gazebo)
M 0 19032 2 19102 1	* the White Lord (Corner of the Path )
E 0 19124 0 12		*	a white robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19110 0 16		*	an {We{wc{Dlip{ws{We {Cs{cword{x: wielded
M 0 19033 1 19103 1	* the Black Lord (The Path)
E 0 19110 0 16		*	an {We{wc{Dlip{ws{We {Cs{cword{x: wielded
E 0 19123 0 12		*	a black robe: about the shoulders
M 0 19032 2 19106 1	* the White Lord (The End of the Path )
E 0 19124 0 12		*	a white robe: about the shoulders
E 0 19110 0 16		*	an {We{wc{Dlip{ws{We {Cs{cword{x: wielded
M 0 19044 1 19109 1	* Carvallo (Center of the Street)
E 0 19105 0 13		*	a scabbard: around the waist
E 0 19104 0 9		*	rubber gloves: on the hands
M 0 19046 1 19110 1	* the woman (Street )
E 0 19015 0 16		*	a small steel knife: wielded
G 0 19020 0		*	some coins
M 0 19042 1 19111 1	* the card shark (The Bar of the Hemlock Bush)
M 0 19043 1 19111 1	* Hepzibah the Barkeep (The Bar of the Hemlock Bush)
E 0 19101 0 16		*	a broken bottle: wielded
G 0 19100 0		*	a bottle of water
G 0 19098 0		*	hemlock
G 0 19099 0		*	a bottle of evil-smelling ale
M 0 19035 1 19112 1	* A wizard of the Mage Standard (The Sorcery)
E 0 19080 0 6		*	a wizard's peaked cap: over the head
E 0 19081 0 12		*	a wizard's cloak: about the shoulders
E 0 19096 0 17		*	a "Wizard's Finishing School" diploma: held in the hands
G 0 19017 0		*	a pill of healing
G 0 19019 0		*	a staff of destruction
G 0 19102 0		*	a flask of devil's brew
G 0 19103 0		*	the Soul Stealer
O 0 19111 0 19113	* a menu (The Restaurant of the Hemlock Bush )
O 0 19112 0 19113	* a sign (The Restaurant of the Hemlock Bush )
M 0 19050 1 19113 1	* the waiter (The Restaurant of the Hemlock Bush )
G 0 19113 0		*	beef stew
M 0 19034 1 19114 1	* Storn the assassin (A Dark House )
E 0 19126 0 5		*	a black cloak: on the body
E 0 19127 0 16		*	a {rblood{R-{rred{x dagger: wielded
M 0 19045 1 19115 1	* the young man (The Street)
E 0 19015 0 16		*	a small steel knife: wielded
G 0 19020 0		*	some coins
M 0 19054 1 19117 1	* the wily little thief (hidden somewhere in the shadows) (The Travellers' Shop )
M 0 19013 1 19119 1	* the Grey Mare (Path to the Dark Tower )
E 0 19107 0 3		*	a set of red ribbons: around the neck (1)
E 0 19106 0 16		*	a horn of bone: wielded
M 0 19052 1 19121 1	* the lady of ill repute (The Gazebo )
E 0 19117 0 5		*	a tight leather bodice: on the body
E 0 19118 0 7		*	a tight leather miniskirt: on the legs
M 0 19053 1 19121 1	* the greasy man (The Gazebo )
M 0 19066 1 19123 1	* the Black Master (Inside the Dark Tower)
E 0 19132 0 5		*	a black cloak: on the body
M 0 19064 1 19124 1	* the White Master (Inside the Dark Tower)
E 0 19131 0 5		*	a white cloak: on the body
M 0 19067 1 19125 1	* the Black Master (Inside the Dark Tower)
E 0 19132 0 5		*	a black cloak: on the body
M 0 19065 1 19126 1	* the White Master (Inside the Dark Tower)
E 0 19131 0 5		*	a white cloak: on the body
M 0 19040 1 19127 1	* something (The Top of the Dark Tower: Gray Mists)
G 0 19128 0		*	the Sigil of the Dark
O 0 19120 0 19129	* a cabinet door (Merriman's Alcove)
M 0 19048 1 19131 1	* the moose (The Forest )
E 0 19093 0 6		*	antlers: over the head
M 0 19039 1 19132 1	* The buck (The Forest )
E 0 19093 0 6		*	antlers: over the head
M 0 19063 1 19138 1	* Mandeep the Beekeeper (The Tree House)
E 0 19133 0 17		*	a beekeeper's smoke can: held in the hands
M 0 19049 1 19139 1	* the bear (Dark Forest)
M 0 19041 1 19142 1	* the mass of red ants (Up the Tree )
E 0 19097 0 16		*	some fangs: wielded
M 0 19047 1 19146 1	* the grey fox (Dark Forest )
M 0 19011 1 19147 1	* Bear-de-bear (Vell, hi!)
M 0 19062 1 19151 1	* the Phoenix (A Small Room)
O 0 19137 0 19152	* the crystal altar (The Crystal Altar)
P 0 19138 100 19137 1	* the crystal altar: the crystal sigil
O 0 19139 0 19154	* a citrine altar (Inside the Hive)
P 0 19140 100 19139 1	* a citrine altar: the yellow topaz sigil
O 0 19141 0 19155	* a purple altar (The Violet Altar)
P 0 19142 100 19141 1	* a purple altar: the amethyst sigil
O 0 19143 0 19158	* the red altar (Inside the Fire: The Red Altar)
P 0 19144 100 19143 1	* the red altar: the ruby sigil
O 0 19146 0 19162	* the sapphire altar (Underwater Cave: The Blue Altar)
P 0 19145 100 19146 1	* the sapphire altar: the sapphire sigil
O 0 19147 0 19163	* the green altar (The Green Altar)
P 0 19148 100 19147 1	* the green altar: the emerald sigil
P 0 19095 100 19094 1	* a nectarine tree: a nectarine
P 0 19095 100 19094 1	* a nectarine tree: a nectarine
P 0 19149 100 19094 1	* a nectarine tree: the amber sigil
M 0 19069 1 19166 1	* Mr. Teece (Mr. Teece's Room)
O 0 19166 0 19169	* the heart key (The Honeymoon Suite)
O 0 19167 0 19169	* a bottle of champagne (The Honeymoon Suite)

19024 3 2 10 4 26 125 20 0 23
19026 0 0 0 0 0 100 16 0 23
19027 0 0 0 0 0 100 19 0 23
19029 9 5 15 1 0 150 16 0 23
19030 0 0 0 0 0 100 17 0 23
19035 2 3 4 10 26 175 12 0 23
19043 0 0 0 0 0 100 16 0 23
19044 23 19 12 13 15 200 15 0 23
19050 0 0 0 0 0 100 16 0 23

O 19033 1	* a {Wunicorn's {Yg{yo{Yld{ye{Yn{x horn
O 19110 1	* an {We{wc{Dlip{ws{We {Cs{cword{x
O 19127 1	* a {rblood{R-{rred{x dagger

say Oh, thank you!
mob echo The woman hastily wipes the tears from her eyes and tries to compose herself.
say My child has been taken from me, and replaced with a vile changeling. We knew something was wrong, my husband and I. Our child was always a sweet, obediant boy, but suddenly he seemed to change over night, crying all the time, throwing tantrums, calling us names.
mob echo The woman closes her eyes, and shudders for a moment.
mob echo Gaining control of herself, she continues. '{GI walked into his room a few days ago, in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to hold my child in my arms while he slept. Instead of finding him, I found a vile creature sitting atop his bed, dressed in my son's clothing and laughing insanely. I screamed, and my husband came in and killed it. It was then that we knew our child had been taken by the Bendith Y Mamau, and replaced with a changeling.{x
mob echo '{GMy husband has given up, and thinks our child is dead, but I know in my heart that he still lives, trapped in this forest.{x
mob echo The woman suddenly tries to run forward through the trees, but is thrown backward by an invisible force.
say See! They're trying to keep me out, to keep me from him! I cannot reach him, but perhaps you can! Please, if you see my son in there, bring him to me. Simply speak his nickname, Ghalan, and he will know it was me who sent you. Please, hurry. I dread to think of what they're doing to him!
