Name Southern New Thalos Road~
VNUMs 10860 10880
Credits nalaeya~
Security 1
LevelRange 1 91
ResetMessage A soft breeze brings slight relief from the harsh sun.~

The Southern New Thalos Road~
The famed city of New Thalos spreads out to the north, a bustling and
prosperous place right in the middle of a harsh desert.  The road here is
startlingly quiet by contrast, with few people daring to head out into the
desert proper.  The sun bakes down on the dirt road, causing the earth to
crack open, begging for moisture.  To the north lie the gates of the city,
while to the south the road continues through inhospitable lands.  
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The famed city of New Thalos lies directly to the north, bustling with
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The cracked road continues, leading further into the desert.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
The road beneath your feet shows little signs of travel.  It seems to be
chiefly used as a trade route between New Thalos and the nomads of the
desert.  Few others can survive the deadly desert heat that drains the
unwary of energy and precious moisture.  The city of New Thalos can be seen
spreading towards the north, while the road swerves sharply eastward to
avoid a tall sand dune.  
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The city of New Thalos can be seen in the far distance.
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The road takes a turn to the east, working its way around the large sand dune.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
A tall dune stands to the west, sand occasionally sliding down towards
the side of the road as a soft wind blows across the desert.  The wind
itself brings no relief, instead seeming to gather the worst of the heat to
itself to spread to whatever it touches.  The sun stands high overhead, its
rays beating down mercilessly.  
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Three tall stones stand by the side of the road.
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The road turns to the west, around the sand dune.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
Three tall stones have been placed by the side of the road, marking the
grave sites of nameless travelers found dead in this very spot.  The graves
stand as a warning to those who enter the desert unprepared, and symbols
carved across the stone urge those who read them to travel northward as
quickly as possible, to seek the safety of the city of New Thalos and escape
the desert's wrath.  
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graves sites~
There is nothing to mark the grave sites but the stones, and those give
no hint as to who the unfortunate souls who died here were in life.  
stones symbols~
The symbols are in the common script, urging travelers to speed northward
to reach the city of New Thalos before it is too late.  
The road continues north, towards the city of New Thalos.
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The road continues southward, following the curves of the sand dune.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
The road continues, only faint footprints and camel tracks to show that
any living being has passed through recently.  The heat of the desert is
harsh, almost unbearable.  It seems as though whatever moisture finds itself
under the sun's rays evaporates instantly.  The sky above is clear, not a
cloud in sight.  The parched earth below looks as though it hasn't seen a
drop of water in ages.  
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Three tall stones stand by the side of the road.
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The hard cracked road continues to the west.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
Not a single flower or weed seems to be able to grow under the harsh
desert sun here.  There is nothing but sand and hard cracked earth in every
direction.  The desert spreads out in every direction, with each side
looking like a mirror image of the next.  If it wasn't for this road,
maintained by the sultan of New Thalos to provide a trade route between all
the desert peoples, a dozen steps in any direction would surely get you
hopelessly lost.  
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The road curves towards the east, avoiding a tall sand dune.
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The cracked earth road continues southward, barely distinguishable from the desert itself.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
A soft wind blows across the desert, lifting small grains of sand and
flinging them about, threatening to blow them into the eyes and faces of
those who travel along the road.  Sweat seems to evaporate as fast as it
appears, and moisture is drawn from mouths at an alarming rate, so that a
drink of water hardly offers any relief.  The road continues, angling
northward towards the city of New Thalos, and south deeper into the desert. 

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The road continues northward, heading towards the city of New Thalos,
still out of sight.  
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The road continues westward, rising over a small dune.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
The road here passes through two particularly tall sand dunes, offering a
few steps of blessed shade, and an all too brief relief from the sun's harsh
rays.  The few moments of relative coolness only serve to emphasize the
intense heat of the desert, which seems to show no signs of abatting.  In
every direction lies nothing but sand, only the dry cracked road underfoot
offering any path through the harsh surroundings.  
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The cracked road angles eastward, showing few signs of recent travel
along its length.  
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The road seems to end abruptly to the south.
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The Southern New Thalos Road~
The cracked road from the north ends abruptly here, becoming a simple
trail that winds eastward through tall sand dunes.  This seems to be the end
of the territory controlled by the Sultan of New Thalos; what lies beyond is
a harsh, inhospitable land where only the hardest of people can survive for
any length of time.  Sand dunes spread out in every direction, each looking
the same as the next, with little to keep you from taking a wrong step and
finding yourself hopelessly lost.  
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The road grows more distinct northward, easier to distinguish against the
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