Name Virgin Forest~
Builders angelo fronz~
VNUMs 97401 97600
Credits -~
Security 9
LevelRange 20 60
ResetMessage Startled birds take to the sky as something moves in the forest.~

piper elf ranger~
A elf ranger~
Here stands a small elf ranger.
Here stands a tall elf about 8 feet tall.  She has her name tattooed into
her arm Piper it looks like shes ready to protect this forest with her life
and will never let you get past.  It looks like she has a great bow in hand
and will fight you to the death if needs be.  
ABe 0 0 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 none
-17 -17 -17 -9
0 AB 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
wolf dire black freaky~
A large {DDire Wolf{x~
A giant wolf stands here, his fur covered in dried and wet blood
ACGT DFJPVelmt 1000 0
35 35 74d35+0 35d9+60 10d3+19 bite
-12 -12 -12 -5
stand stand male 0
0 0 large flesh~
M grall 97402 100~
M death 97405 100~
C Sylvan~
virgin forest wizi mob~
wizi mob~
wizi mob
ABUf 0 0 0
100 1 9d1+0 10d11+95 2d2+8 none
7 7 7 8
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV
M greet 97403 100~
I 92
dire wolf leader pack alpha male~
A Huge dire wolf is here~
a Huge dire wolf is here snarling at you for intruding
A massive beast, its eyes glint with intelligence, and its wide jaws look
like it could crush the life out of any creature foolish enough to cross its
ABCFTc DFJVZailt -1000 0
40 40 116d40+0 200d10+85 13d3+25 bite
-17 -17 -17 -9
stand stand male 0
0 0 large flesh~
female wolf dire pack bitch~
A huge female dire wolf~
A Huge female wolf with a thick matted coat of fur stands here guarding her pups
This wolf suffers no intruders in the forest, with her young to protect.  
ABCFTc Jaitu -1000 0
35 35 74d35+0 35d9+60 10d3+19 bite
-12 -12 -12 -5
stand stand female 0
0 0 large flesh~
dire wolf pup pack~
a dire wolf pup~
A pup of a dire wolf sits here with his eyelids still closed
Still too young to properly defend itself, the pup appears to be almost
entirely helpless.  
ABCTc A -1000 0
20 20 37d20+0 100d10+85 6d3+15 bite
-3 -3 -3 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
figson ranger~
the great ranger Figson~
The great ranger Figson is here, looking at you suspiciously.
Figson, the great ranger of the south, is a legendary elf of his mid
130s.  He's very handsome, but also has a very rugged nature and look about
him.  His arms are muscular, his features chisled, and his eyes very
AB BDFZet 0 0
70 70 328d70+0 700d11+95 24d2+54 none
-41 -41 -41 -26
stand stand male 16
0 0 medium flesh~
druid wood-elf elf healer~
Druid Wood Elf Healer~
A Wood Elf stands here looking as if he is a member of the Druids of Old
Standing here just over six feet tall is a stout looking elf, slender,
and muscular.  He has a small nose right in the middle of his face and
tanned from years in the sun.  His eyes are small and slanted, they look
like dirt, speckled with different colors, grey, brown, black, and tan.  His
skin looks like it is made of raw hide it has become extremely tough and
tanned from years and years in the sun.  His clothes are fairly well kept. 
He covers himself with large thick robes and cloaks that cover his armor and
clothing, His hair, well cared for, is long and straight, green as the grass
in the rolling foothills, and very, very, very dirty.  
ABJKQTUabce DFNOVcelmt 0 0
70 70 328d70+0 700d11+95 24d2+54 none
-41 -41 -41 -26
stand stand male 5000
0 0 large flesh~
F res B
F vul Z
flissni svelt pixie~
A svelt pixie is here with a patch of fur in her hand.
Dangling a patch of black wolf fur in her hand, the svelt pixie has a 
miscevious look in her eye.  While she's probably more interested in
playing pranks on the dire wolves, she has a holster of scrolls and a
bag of other trinkets she might be willing to part with.  She looks rather
greedy, though.
ABSWe PZct 0 0
64 64 289d64+0 640d11+95 22d2+50 none
-36 -36 -36 -23
stand stand female 500
0 0 medium flesh~
F vul DI
dire wolf~
a furious {Ddire{x wolf~
A {Ddire{x wolf with a patch of missing fur on his tail growls at you.
This tourmented wolf has a patch of hair missing from its tail.  Its 
breathing is labored and it seems to have been pushed on step too far.
ABFGL PVac 0 0
62 62 241d62+0 310d10+85 20d3+36 bite
-32 -32 -32 -19
stand stand male 0
0 0 large flesh~
drunken elf~
A Drunk Elf~
Here sits a drunk elf.
This elf looks like she has been done in from drinking and eating so
much.  There is a werid tattoo on her neck but you don't pay much attention
to it.  She looks like she will gladly share with all the food she has but
looks like shes to drunk to know if you stole any anyway.  
ABe 0 0 0
50 50 173d50+0 250d10+85 16d3+30 none
-24 -24 -24 -14
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M entry 97508 100~
M speech 97506 100~
M greet 97505 100~
M greet 97507 100~
ranger sentry elf~
an elf ranger~
Here you see an Elf ranger looking around sharply, detecting every move in this forest.
You see a pretty looking ranger seventh feet tall. He has been here for ages protecting this forest from all evil beings. He is finely equiped with a elven bow.
ABGe CDFelmst 1000 0
30 30 67d30+0 300d11+95 11d2+27 none
-12 -12 -12 -6
EJ AB 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 97509 100~
C Sylvan~
ranger sentry elf~
an elf ranger~
Here you see an Elf ranger looking around sharply, detecting every move in this forest.
Here stands an elf ranger. She is here guarding the west entrance to the Virgin Forest.
ABGe CDFelmt 1000 0
30 30 67d30+0 300d11+95 11d2+27 none
-12 -12 -12 -6
EJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 97510 100~
M delay 97430 100~
M speech 97513 Move.~
M death 97431 100~
C Sylvan~
ranger sentry elf~
an elf ranger~
Here you see an Elf ranger looking around sharply, detecting every move in this forest.
Here stands an elf ranger. She is here guarding the west entrance to the Virgin Forest.
ABGe CDFelmt 1000 0
30 30 67d30+0 300d11+95 11d2+27 none
-12 -12 -12 -6
EJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 9751 100~
C Sylvan~
ranger sentry elf~
an elf ranger~
Here you see an Elf ranger looking around sharply, detecting every move in this forest.
You see a pretty looking ranger seventh feet tall. He has been here for ages protecting this forest from all evil beings. He is finely equiped with a elven bow.
ABGe CDFelmst 1000 0
30 30 67d30+0 300d11+95 11d2+27 none
-12 -12 -12 -6
EJ AB 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 97511 100~
C Sylvan~
ranger sentry elf~
an elf ranger~
Here you see an Elf ranger looking around sharply, detecting every move in this forest.
Here stands an elf ranger. She is here guarding the west entrance to the Virgin Forest.
ABGe CDFelmt 1000 0
30 30 67d30+0 300d11+95 11d2+27 none
-12 -12 -12 -6
EJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium flesh~
M grall 97512 100~
C Sylvan~
a virgin~
A sleeping virgin is here taking her final nap.
A sleeping virgin lays before you, dreaming of times past.
A KLYdhj 0 0
70 70 328d70+0 700d11+95 24d2+54 none
-41 -41 -41 -26
sleep sleep none 0
0 0 medium flesh~
F for AHMV

barrel elvish wine~
A barrel of elvish wine~
A elvish wine barrel has been left here.~
drink 0 A
50 50 'elvish wine' 0
15 500 3954 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
pond water~
A small pond is here~
A small clear pond sits here its water looks very cool and refreshing~
pond stuff~
fountain ABGOR P
1000000 1000000 'water' 0
0 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
purple mushroom~
A {MPurple{x {yMushroom{x~
a small {Mpurple{x {ymushroom{x grows here by the ponds edge~
mushroom stuff~
pill I AO
5 'cure poison' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
0 5 50 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
plant blue exotic furry~
a {BBlue{c furry {GPlant{x~
A {BBlue{x {GPlant{x with soft fur grows near the edge of the pond here~
pill AI AO
20 'refresh' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
0 15 55 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
perfectly balanced bow bladed~
the bow-blade of {Db{zal{Wa{znc{De{z~
A perfectly balanced, bladed bow rests here.~
weapon AIJKY AN
bow 10 10 thwack F
70 71 520884 P
18 9
19 9
G none
G none
G none
G none
quiver figson~
the {ybelt{x quiver of {GF{gigson{x~
A rune-covered quiver rests here.~
container IJKY AL
100 F 0 100 70 0
70 5 678020 P
13 20
14 20
20 -10
G none
G none
G none
G none
figson cloak grey gray shimmering~
a {Ws{wh{Di{wm{Wm{we{Dr{wi{Wn{wg grey cloak~
A {Ws{wh{Di{wm{Wm{we{Dr{wi{Wn{wg grey cloak lies here, abandoned.~
clothing IJKY AK
70 71 150351 P
18 9
19 9
9 35
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA Set of {gL{yi{gv{yi{gn{yg{x {gW{yoo{gd{D Bracers{x~
a pair of rotted out old logs~
armor ABGIRa AI
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
63 64 181810 P
13 75
G none
G none
G none
G none
{wA {CC{wu{Ct{we Little {mP{Mi{mx{Mi{me{x~
A dead pixie lies buried here~
armor ABGIRa AQ
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
63 64 154978 P
13 50
6 -3
G none
G none
G none
G none
bracer enchanted leather~
{DAn {cE{gn{cchant{ge{cd{x {rL{ye{ra{yt{rh{ye{rr{x{D Bracer{x~
A dusty old leather thong~
armor ABGIRa AM
34 34 34 33 'none' 0
63 96 79754 P
18 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA Circlet of {rO{ya{rk{x~
A circle of oak lies here~
armor ABGIRa AE
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
64 65 156156 P
18 7
2 3
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA Pair of Worn {rL{ye{ra{yt{rh{ye{rr{x{D Hunting Pants{x~
A pair of dirty, cracked leather pants~
armor ABGIRa AF
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
63 64 189318 P
19 5
18 5
20 -3
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA Thin, B{cr{Daid{ce{Dd {rB{ye{rl{yt{x{D of {gV{yi{gn{ye{gs{x~
a twisted, dead vine lies here~
armor ABGIRa AL
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
63 64 73880 P
12 100
G none
G none
G none
G none
fire campfire camp pit~
a {Rc{x{Ya{x{Rm{x{Yp{x{Rf{x{Yi{x{Rr{x{Ye{x~
A {Rc{Ya{Rm{Yp{Rf{Yi{Rr{Ye{w is here, {Rglowing{z and crackling.~
container AR 0
10000 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
dirty limerick~
a {ydirty{x limerick~
A dirty limerick is in the dirt.~
scroll I AO
50 'faerie fog' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
41 5 50000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
dirty limerick~
a {mnaughty{x limerick~
a naughty limerick is her in the dust.~
scroll I AO
50 'faerie fire' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
41 5 60000 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA Huge Tower {wS{Dh{wie{Dl{wd{D Made from {rO{ya{rk{x~
a dirty old slab of oak~
armor ABGIRa AJ
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
63 64 150768 P
18 4
20 -2
1 1
5 1
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA Pair of Beautiful {wS{Di{wlv{De{wr{x and {YG{wo{Yl{wd{x {GE{wl{Gv{we{Gn{x{D Gauntlets{x~
A pair of tarnished silver and gold gauntlets~
armor ABGIRa AH
23 23 23 22 'none' 0
63 64 109380 P
19 4
18 7
G none
G none
G none
G none
{DA {gB{De{ga{Du{gt{Di{gf{Du{gl{Dl{gy{D Crafted {GE{wl{Gv{wi{Gs{wh{x {rQ{yu{ri{yv{re{yr{x~
A dusty, old, cracked leather quiver~
container ABGIRa AC
1000 F 0 100 100 0
63 96 42815 P
18 10
G none
G none
G none
G none
bed of leaves~
A Bed of Leaves~
Here is a small bed of leaves.~
furniture RSTY 0
15 10000 100 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
bow elven~
A wood made bow~
Someone left this wood made bow behind.~
weapon 0 AN
bow 2 18 blast F
30 31 20703 P
19 3
18 3
G none
G none
G none
G none
quiver elven~
an elven quiver~
Here rests a nice elven quiver.~
container 0 AC
30 F 0 20 90 0
30 1 15427 P
19 3
18 3
G none
G none
G none
G none
arrow wooden~
a wooden arrow~
A wooden arrow lies here.~
weapon 0 AO
arrow 4 8 pierce 0
30 5 2596 P
G none
G none
G none
G none
elven sword~
a fine elven sword~
A nice elven sword was dropped here.~
weapon 0 AN
longsword 2 18 slash 0
30 100 27582 P
19 3
18 3
G none
G none
G none
G none
pit altar~
the donation pit~
A stone pit is here waiting for kind donations.~
container O 0
100000 0 0 100000 100 0
0 0 0 P
This is where you put money and items to help Doz expand this shrine, 
G none
G none
G none
G none
book holy old worn leather bound~
a leather-bound book~
A worn and tattered book, bound in leather, lies here.~
treasure GIK AO
0 0 0 0 0
65 0 0 P
18 5
17 -20
20 -2
4 1
leather bound book old worn~
The book looks ancient.  Upon opening it, you see it is written in a
language you cannot understand.  You get the distinct feeling that it is
some sort of holy text, though.  
G none
G none
G none
G none
newbie map beginning adventurers virgin forest~
a map for beginning adventurers (Virgin Forest)~
The wind flutters a map to your feet.~
map RY A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 10 P
{WTo get to Market Square, Midgaard (MSM) from:{x

{R-{WSunlit Grove{x (Virgin Forest) - Firstly you can only effectively navigate
during the day, so check the {Rtime{x so you don't become stranded without a
campfire.  Head west to follow the {Trail through the Virgin Forest{x.  You will
have to check your {Rexit{xs to ensure that you stay on your path.  {RDO NOT STRAY
FROM THE TRAIL.  {x Virgin Forest exits to two other forests: Dying Forest and
Forest of Nowhere.  For those new to adventuring, the Forest of Nowhere (the
forest to the west) is the safer choice.  You will need to find your way to
the {WBeginning of the Trail through the Virgin Forest{x, where you can find {WA
small path in the dense forest{x of nowhere.  You'll need to travel
predominantly north, northwest, until you reach {WA Trail Through the {yL{Yi{yght
{gF{Go{grest{x.  {GM{gS{GM{x is due east.  
newbie map beginning adventurers~
{C          Map for Beginning Adventurers{x
{GSh{gi{Yre{x                                                     {YLEGEND{x
   | {MWG{x                  {MEG{x      |-----{wD{yK{x    {GM{gS{GM{x - Market Square, Midgaard
   | {R][{x                  {R][{x      |--  |      {CC{cS{CM{x - Common Square, Midgaard
{g^{x  | {R\/{x                  {R\/{x      |    {YD{MD{x      {g^{x  - Forest of Nowhere
{g^{x ---{M[]{x-------{GM{gS{GM{x--------{M[]{x-----{CC{RR{x------   {GSh{gi{Yre{x - (5-35)
{g^{x    |         |          |      |           {MWG{x  - West Gate, Midgaard
{g^{x    |         |          |   {G^{x  |{G^{x          {MEG{x  - East Gate, Midgaard
     |        {CC{cS{CM{x         |  {G^ ^{x |  {G^{x        {yPL{x  - Penny Lane
     |         |          |      +--|     {YE{yC{x {rEA{x  - Emerald Avenue
     |      The Dump      |         |__  /   {W/\{x 
     |        /           |           / /    {W[]{x  - Mayor's Office
     |     Sewers         |          _|/     {DDN{x  - (5-15)Dangerous Neighborhood
     |                {yPL{x  |        {cE{mS{x        {MSG{x  - South Gate
     |   {c~~{B~~{c~~{B~~{c~~{B~~{c~~{B~~{c~~{B~~{c~~{B~~{c~~{R][{B~~{c~~{x|{c~~{B~~{c~~{x               {D ^{x  - (5-15) Miden'nir
     |                {R\/{x  |                  {CC{RR{x  - Cross Roads
     |                {y----{x|                  {G ^{x  - Dwarf Forest
     |               {r|{W/\{x  |                  {wD{yK{x  - (10-25)Dwarven Kingdom
     |           {rEA{R=>{r|{W[]{x  | {R<={x Walls of      {YD{MD{x  - (1-5) Dwarven Daycare
     |               {r|{x    |      Midgaard    {cE{mS{x  - (10-15)Everlasting Silence
     |         {MSG{x    {r|{x-{DDN{x |                  {YE{yC{x  - (5-30)Elemental Canyon
     |         {R][{x         |                  {c~~{B~~{x  - River of Midgaard
     |         {R\/{x         |                  {R][{x
     |---------{M[]{x---------|                  {R\/{x  - An Arrow
            {D ^      ^{x                     Sewers - (0-15)
           {D^ {gMiden'nir{D ^{x
{WSome {CDIRECTIONS {Wseem to be scribbled on the back...{x
G none
G none
G none
G none

Trail to the Virgin Forest~
Leaving the death and decay behind you you start walking beneath a vast
canopy of what seems to be the oldest trees that your sure most mortal
beings have ever laid eyes on.  Looking around at the almost maze like
entanglement of brush and the sheer massiveness of the trees surrounding you
, you come to the conclusion that this forest might have never been touched
by the taint of civilization.  Glancing to the west along what seems to be a
completely natural path you notice that the shrubery grows thinner as those
massive ancient gaints grows closer togethar.  To the east you see the
unforgetable desctruction you have just left behind.  Whatever you choose ,
you might want to do quickly.  You cant help but feel the gaze of numerous
unseen silent watchers.  That feeling doesn't seem to be friendly.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 24336
0 0
Z 0 97402
0 0
Trail to the Virgin Forest~
Walking between the ever thickening trees you notice more sings of
untouched life than you have ever seen before in any other place on this
world.  As you give the occasional glance off the trail briefly you notice a
gaint of a stag staring at you.  Just staring.  You begin to wonder if your
the first alien existance that the stag has ever seen before.  Putting the
silly thought out of your head you continue with your journey through this
magestic forest those stares you felt before seem to grow in entincity. 
While pondering that almost unhinging feeling of being watched you must
decide on the next step of action.  You can either continue on west or head
back to the east.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97401
0 0
Z 0 97403
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking further into the forest it seems only but a little light actually
touches the forest floor.  Just enough to see cleary in the immediat area. 
Though with the thickness of the trees about you blocking much of your view
anyway that is more than enough to suffice.  Feeling that erie gaze you
quickly decide on the direction you will continue.  East back through the
forest or south deeper into the domain of those relentless eyes of unseen
0 0 forest
Z 0 97402
0 0
Z 0 97404
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
As you continue into the forest you give an occasional look in random
directions hoping to atleast catch a slight glimpse of that who has been
watching you.  That feeling of being watched drives at you to almost the
point of where you would accuse the forest itself to be watching your every
movement, hoping that you make a mistake allowing it to destroy you for it. 
Hurridly you shake that thought out of your head and continue on.  You can
either go north back from where you came or east,west,or south further into
the forest.  As you glance around there doesn't seem any way to tell the
right choice.  If any of them are the right choice that is.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97403
0 0
Z 0 97563
0 0
Z 0 97405
0 0
Z 0 97563
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking along the forest listening to the sounds of distant and not so
distant animals, you seem barely able to notice any difference at all
from one league to the next.  That is if you had any way of knowing how far
you traveled other than counting your own steps.  Which is not going to
happen that easy with that unceiseing stare that seems to be coming from no
where and every where all at the same time.  You have the choice of either
going back north or any of the other cardinal directions.  It doesn't seem
to matter much any way there almost seems to be no end to this forest.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97404
0 0
Z 0 97463
0 0
Z 0 97406
0 0
Z 0 97463
0 0
Trail through the Virgin forest~
As you continue you walk through this ancient forest, at all times aware
of those unconfertable gazes that never seem to leave you, you begin to
wonder if your heading in the right direction.  Glancing around it appears
that every part of this forest looks the same.  Or maybe its just you
imagination playing ticks on you again.  Shrugging off the feeling of never
ending stares you prepar to make your next decision as you come to a point
where the path divides yet again.  Looking in all cardinal directions ever
choice seems to be the same, except for north where you just came from.... 
At least you think.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97405
0 0
Z 0 97465
0 0
Z 0 97465
0 0
Z 0 97407
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
The sound of dried fallen leaves crunching at your feet you peer intently
into the tree tops trying to guess the time.  Time here seems to be almost
nonexistant, the dimness of evening seems to linger through out the whole
day.  Taking a glance around you wander if you will ever find a way out of
this forest or better yet if you even want to.  The sereneness through out
this forest is enough to even affect some of the most evil people you know. 
Thinking about that you make your choice of what direction to take next. 
You can either go back to the east from where you came or continue on north,
south, or west.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97466
0 0
Z 0 97406
0 0
Z 0 97466
0 0
Z 0 97408
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking the path you chose, you cant help but feel the pull to want to
stay.  The soft sounds of wildlife around you and the slight breeze that
always feels just right are enought to make almost anyone want to spend the
rest of there life here.  Taking a look at the multiple directions the path
once again leads you casually make your choice and head on.  North, South ,
and West lead deeper into the forest.  East leads back the way you came.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97409
0 0
Z 0 97407
0 0
Z 0 97467
0 0
Z 0 97467
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking between the entaglment of never ending trees you hear faint
sounds of some thing moving through the canopy of leaves above you.  Perhaps
just the sound was just a bird fluttering through the tree tops, but you
cant help but wonder if it was those watchers you have felt for since you
entered this forest.  Now that you think of it, it does seem that the
feeling of being watched has lessend considerably for the last few leagues. 
Pondering this you make you next choice as the path again splits into four
more directions.  South the way you came or North, East, or West to proceed
deeper into the forest.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97468
0 0
Z 0 97468
0 0
Z 0 97408
0 0
Z 0 97410
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking along the natural path you find your way by the slim rays of
light that seem to barely penetrate the canapy of trees.  Casually glances
to the sides of the path you notice an occational animal scurry along beside
you.  By the way they follow you it seems that some of maybe even none of
them has ever seen anything from the outside of this forest.  Once again you
come to a crossway in the path.  The same directions as allways.  Seems that
these paths lead to now where in paticular making it easy for even the most
experience tracker to get lost.  North, South, and West lead to paths you
haven't been on yet while the path leading to the East will take you back
from where you came.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97469
0 0
Z 0 97409
0 0
Z 0 97411
0 0
Z 0 97469
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
The occasional sound of wildlife around you, you come up to another
crossway on the path.  With the feel of the never ending stares of the
unseen watchers about you to make your choice of the path you wish to take. 
Ever direction seems to look the same but your pretty sure you just came
from the north...  Or was that the east.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97410
0 0
Z 0 97470
0 0
Z 0 97412
0 0
Z 0 97470
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking among the humongus trees you notice what appears to be a small
clearing to the east of you.  Of course the path splits in the other
directions as well but your almost sure of a distinct clearing to the east. 
The clearing pulling on your mind you stop to make another choice of the
path you will continue on.  You can either go north from where you came,
east into the strange clearing, or south and west farther into the vast
0 0 forest
Z 0 97411
0 0
Z 0 97471
0 0
Z 0 97451
0 0
Z 0 97413
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking through this section of forest on could say isn't half bad.  With
the diversity of exotic plant and wildlife here you can barely break your
attention from it long enough to wonder about the things that where
plagueing you just a few leagues ago.  Tearing your thoughts off the
plentiful plants and animals just long enough to realise that your at
another intersection in the trail you make you next decision in what
direction you will travel next.  The forest seems to continue on forever on
all sides.  Taking one last look around you either choose to continue on the
path your on or to take a different one.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97481
0 0
Z 0 97412
0 0
Z 0 97481
0 0
Z 0 97414
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
It appears that you have entered another bland section of the forest. 
All the plant life around you are of the same type you have been used to for
so long.  With no exotic plant or animal life to draw your thoughts they
seem to have gone back to what has been nagging at you since you entered
this overly serene forest.  The same old thoughts of being hopelessly lost
and that uncomfertable feeling of being watched that has almost never left
you plagueing your mind you come to the intersection in the trail and make
your choice.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97482
0 0
Z 0 97413
0 0
Z 0 97415
0 0
Z 0 97482
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Argg....  Are you ever going to find a way out of this misleadingly
serene forest or are you going to be hoplessly lost in it forever.  Taking a
deep breathe to calm yourself you make yourself believe that you will at
least you hope you will......  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97414
0 0
Z 0 97483
0 0
Z 0 97483
0 0
Z 0 97416
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You have been walking forever and now the plant life tends not to be
enough to draw much of your attention at all anymore.  With that felling of
being watched ever so present you step up to the intersection in the trail
and make once again your choice of direction.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97484
0 0
Z 0 97415
0 0
Z 0 97417
0 0
Z 0 97484
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Yet again another section of the forest...  This is enought to make even
the best of the best foresters think there going in circles.  Will you ever
find what you seek will you ever find a way out??  Only the next section of
forest can tell and maybe those people who have been watching almost the
whole time you have been in this forest.  That is if its even people at
all...  Well thinking that there will be time enough to ponder this later
you ready yourself for yet another intersection in the trail.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97416
0 0
Z 0 97418
0 0
Z 0 97485
0 0
Z 0 97485
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Continueing down this seemingly endless trail you come to a section of
forest where the sounds of wildlife can only vaguely be heard.  With forest
stretching out all around you you pick a direction and continue on your way.

0 0 forest
Z 0 97486
0 0
Z 0 97486
0 0
Z 0 97419
0 0
Z 0 97417
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue along the trail through the ancient forest. The trees seem a bit
lighter here, but that's not saying a whole lot, given how truly dense the rest
of the forest is. There seems to be a lack of wildlife around here, too; odd.
You can't really pinpoint why.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97418
0 0
Z 0 97487
0 0
Z 0 97487
0 0
Z 0 97420
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue down the trail, into what seems to be an area overpopulated by
ferns. They seem to be everywhere here, taking over every available inch of 
the ground, even the trail... it's hard to even see where the trail is supposed
to be, here. The forest continues in all directions. You're sure the trail is
around here, somewhere.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97488
0 0
Z 0 97419
0 0
Z 0 97488
0 0
Z 0 97421
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue along the trail through the ancient Virgin Forest. The wildlife
here is as active as ever, with chirping birds feeding their squeeking young,
rodents forraging for food, and some sort of larger mammal grazing on the
grass. The forest seems to be getting a bit darker to the west.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97489
0 0
Z 0 97420
0 0
Z 0 97489
0 0
Z 0 97422
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue walking along the trail, amazed by the sheer magnitude of the
life contained in this small section of the world. Plantlife is everywhere,
and where plants are, animals are. There's a lot of strange creatures to be
seen here; even the rodents look exotic. The forest is everywhere, but you
can see the faint {rf{z{Rli{z{Yck{z{Rer{z{rs{z of a campfire to the south.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97423
0 0
Z 0 97421
0 0
Z 0 97490
0 0
Z 0 97431
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
As you march along the trail here, you notice the trail getting darker. It
seems that the canopy is getting thicker as you progress. A tree unlike any
you've seen before sits near the path before; it's leaves are {Rred{z, unlike
almost all of the surrounding folliage. Perhaps it's diseased...
0 0 forest
Z 0 97424
0 0
Z 0 97491
0 0
Z 0 97422
0 0
Z 0 97491
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
As you continue, the forest gets even darker. It seems the trees along the 
trail are even more densely packed here than usual. You can see what looks like
a colony of bats sleeping in one; another contains what appears to be some
type of fruit, though you've never seen a square-shaped fruit before. Come to
think of it, everything in this forest looks a bit odd and alien, and you can't
help but feel a bit dwarfed by the towering ancient trees surrounding you. The
forest continues in all directions, but you can see the flickers of a {rf{z{Rl{z{Ya{z{Rm{z{re{z to
the west.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97438
0 0
Z 0 97425
0 0
Z 0 97423
0 0
Z 0 97492
0 0
M 191 H 282
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Along the path you continue, admiring the grand environment you've found 
yourself in. The trunks of all the trees around here are truly massive, 
impying their old age. A lot of different types of them seem to cohabitat
here, hinting at how fertile and aged the soil must be. A grand, weathered 
boulder is the only indication of an existance in this spot before the forest.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97426
0 0
Z 0 97495
0 0
Z 0 97495
0 0
Z 0 97424
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue trudging through the dense forest. Here, there are beautiful 
flowers everywhere blooming from the trees, and the trail is covered in {Mpink{z
and {Rrose{z colored flower petals. As a result, the trail is a little slippery,
but the pleasant smell seems worth it.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97496
0 0
Z 0 97496
0 0
Z 0 97425
0 0
Z 0 97427
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You wander further into the strange forest, intrigued by all the flora around
you. The trees are like nothing you've ever seen; their massive timeless trunks
seem to have a peculiar {Yyellowish{z glint, if you look at them at precisely the
right angle. You hear a skwaking noise above you, and you look to see a flock
of some sort of birds you don't recognize heading what you think is south. 
The dense forest is all around.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97497
0 0
Z 0 97426
0 0
Z 0 97497
0 0
Z 0 97428
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You press on into the strange, grand forest that extends before you. There's a
wealth of life all around you, almost overwhelming you with sights and sounds.
You aren't really sure where this path is leading, but the excitement of good,
old-fashioned exploration has the best of your curiosity. The forest expands in
what seems to be all directions.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97598
0 0
Z 0 97427
0 0
Z 0 97598
0 0
Z 0 97429
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue deeper into what looks like a very massive forest indeed; large,
ancient trees can be seen for miles. The trees seem to be of types you can
recognize, but somehow different, as though the trees you know and love are
distant cousins to these giants. The wildlife in this forest is also just as
different; the animals are vaguely recognizable, but still distant from what
you know.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97499
0 0
Z 0 97428
0 0
Z 0 97499
0 0
Z 0 97430
0 0
Beginning of the Trail trough the Virgin Forest~
You seem to have found yourself in a new, strange area of the forest; you
don't recall ever seeing this spot before. The trees seem to have abruptly
changed type here; they're much larger and more exotic than the trees to the
west. You're also struck by how incredibly dense the plantlife is packed, here;
the trail is hardly passable, and it's very hard to follow.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97500
0 0
Z 0 97429
0 0
Z 0 97500
0 0
Z 0 6015
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You're standing along the path through the ancient forest. Some of the 
vegetation is truly marvelous; a particularly {Bblue{z plant catches your eye.
Many of the species of plant and animal look alien to you at first, as you are
not used to seeing them. The canopy of the forest is abuzz with the chattering
of birds here, and everything seems vibrant and alive.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97501
0 0
Z 0 97422
0 0
Z 0 97432
0 0
Z 0 97501
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You meandor down the trail merrily, enjoying the beautiful scenery all around
you. You spot a complex spider web next to the path, intricately woven between
a couple of massive tree trunks. A light cotton-like substance seems to be
raining down on you from a tree above; they're probably seeds.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97431
0 0
Z 0 97502
0 0
Z 0 97433
0 0
Z 0 97502
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
As you continue marching down the trail, you stumble and almost fall over
what seems to be a fallen tree branch. An army of ants seems to be crawling
all over and around it. Above you, you can hear the nattering of a bird,
presumably scolding you for being too close to her nest. A group of fern
plants grow at the edge of the path, and a small colony of mushrooms grow on
0 0 forest
Z 0 97432
0 0
Z 0 97503
0 0
Z 0 97434
0 0
Z 0 97503
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You pick your way through the thick vegitation as you continue along the
barely visible path. The forest canopy seems much thicker here, and there is
much less light as a result. The sounds of wildlife can be heard in all
directions, and the air is moist.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97433
0 0
Z 0 97504
0 0
Z 0 97435
0 0
Z 0 97504
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You slowly move through this dark think ancient forest and have been
noticing eyes all around you and creatures not seen by man.  It looks like
this forest has been kept presserved for thousands of years.  It looks like
there are many strange animals all around you they seems to not notice you
until you get near them they will run away.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97434
0 0
Z 0 97505
0 0
Z 0 97505
0 0
Z 0 97436
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
This area seems like a nice, cool, shady place.  There is the smell
apples in the air and the swift wind blowing in your hair.  It seems the
flowers are blossiping all around you.  There are flowers and plants all
around it makes you forget about all the troubles you have had and just a
relaxing time.  There is wild life moving all around you looking for food
and playing.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97437
0 0
Z 0 97435
0 0
Z 0 97506
0 0
Z 0 97506
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
All around you is a maze of {gh{Ge{gd{Gg{ge{Gs{x.  Creatures, and other
things, watching you from within the bowels of those {gh{Ge{gd{Gg{ge{Gs{x. 
To those weak of courage, it seems as if there are {gR{ya{gn{yg{ge{yr{gs{x
hidden deep within the {Ds{wh{Dado{ww{Ds{x of the forest, stalking them.  To
those strong of courage, it seems as if those {gR{ya{gn{yg{ge{yr{gs{x hidden
deep within the {Ds{wh{Dado{ww{Ds{x of the forest are bearing down on them,
arrows fettered to bow strings, ready to fly!  In the distance,
{Yl{wi{Yo{wn{Ys{x can be heard, roaring proudly.  {yO{rw{yl{rs{x can be
heard hooting nonchalantly in the darkest {Ds{wh{Dado{ww{Ds{x.  It sounds as
if a horn is blown from within the tree, announcing something.  The sweet
scent of {rap{ypl{res{x assaults your senses from above, it's sweet aroma
lingering in the air.  Time seems to stand still as you are here, alluring
you further into the depths of the forest.  There, more than just the
creatures lurk.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97507
0 0
Z 0 97507
0 0
Z 0 97436
0 0
Z 0 7700
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
The treeline gets thicker and thicker above you as you continue, here. The 
few rays of light coming from the sky beam down through the natural mist of the
forest, giving it a very ethereal look. The noises of the forest seem a little
quieter here, not like the veritable cacophony of the other parts. The forest
extends in all directions.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97439
0 0
Z 0 97493
0 0
Z 0 97424
0 0
Z 0 97493
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You continue deeper into the dark, overgrown forest. The canopy is nearly
completely blocking out the sky, and it's much darker here than in the other
parts; you think this place might require a torch to see, even during the day.
The forest stretches in all directions, though you see what looks like a dried-
up pond to the east.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97494
0 0
Z 0 97440
0 0
Z 0 97438
0 0
Z 0 97494
0 0
Dried up Watering Hole~
Walking through the forest you stumble a upon an old watering hole that
has dried up.  When you examine the watering hole you notice that the reason
it dried up is becuase of all the dead animal skeletons inside the hole, the
ground around the watering hole is blackened and dead.  To the east you see
a dark and ominous cave.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97441
0 0
Z 0 97439
0 0
Before the Cave entrance~
The entrance to the cave is big enough for a giant sized giant to fit
through.  There are large thorn vines hanging down from the top of the cave,
bones and carcasses litter the entrance to the cave.  As you get closer you
can hear strange and scary sounds coming from deep within the cave.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97442
0 0
Z 0 97440
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the first room inside the cave.  The walls and floors are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  
0 0 inside
Z 0 97443
0 0
Z 0 97441
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the second room inside the cave. The walls and floor are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  Ever so often you can see the remnants of
the weapons and armor from the humans that have rusted away to nearly
0 0 inside
Z 0 97444
0 0
Z 0 97442
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the third room inside the cave. The walls and floor are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  Ever so often you can see the remnants of
the weapons and armor from the humans that have rusted away to nearly
0 0 inside
Z 0 97445
0 0
Z 0 97443
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the fourth room inside the cave.  The walls and floor are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  Ever so often you can see the remnants of
the weapons and armor from the humans that have rusted away to nearly
0 0 inside
Z 0 97446
0 0
Z 0 97444
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the fifth room inside the cave. The walls and floor are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  Ever so often you can see the remnants of
the weapons and armor from the humans that have rusted away to nearly
0 0 inside
Z 0 97447
0 0
Z 0 97445
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the sixth room inside the cave. The walls and floor are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  Ever so often you can see the remnants of
the weapons and armor from the humans that have rusted away to nearly
0 0 inside
Z 0 97448
0 0
Z 0 97446
0 0
Dark and damp cave~
This is the seventh room inside the cave. The walls and floor are damp
and spongy to the touch.  The walls are covered with moss and mold and dried
blood.  Littering the floor along the walls are bones from all different
types of animals "Even Humans".  Ever so often you can see the remnants of
the weapons and armor from the humans that have rusted away to nearly
nothing. The cave leads into two rooms one north and one south.
0 0 inside
Z 0 97449
0 0
Z 0 97450
0 0
Z 0 97447
0 0
Sleeping den of the Dire Wolf Leader~
This room is very warm and musty smelling, This is where the wolves and
the pack leader sleep.  The floor is matted with straw and other things to
cushion the hard rocky floor.  There are large piles of bones and carcasses
around the sleeping bed.  
0 0 inside
Z 0 97448
0 0
Mating den~
This room is rather clean (compared to the rest of the cave that is),
there is a large pile of straw in the center of the room where all the
female wolves are sleeping.  Along the walls of this large room are small
piles of straw where the wolf pups sleep in thier nests.  This seems to be
the mating chambers of the wolves, You can smell the female wollves in heat
and it is somewhat overpowering.  
0 0 inside
Z 0 97448
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking in a section of the forest that looks like most of the others you
have been in you come once again to a crossway on the trail.  You can head
north back the way you came or the other cardinal directions to who knows
where in this endless mutlitude of ancient trees.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97412
0 0
Z 0 97472
0 0
Z 0 97452
0 0
Z 0 97472
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Is startiling how much this part of the forest looks like all the others
Done to the exotic looking herbs that litter the forest floor, everthing
seems to be almost identical.  You cant be for sure though, and your hoping
its not.  What you can be for sure is that those watcher's gazes never leave
you body.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97451
0 0
Z 0 97473
0 0
Z 0 97453
0 0
Z 0 97473
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking along the path you are still amazed with all the new life forms
about you.  Your also amazed about how confusing one forest can be.  With
that thought in your mind you continue to the crossway in the trail. 
Hmmm...  What way to go now.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97452
0 0
Z 0 97474
0 0
Z 0 97454
0 0
Z 0 97474
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Walking through a part of the forest that with no suprise looks like all
others you've seen so far, you come to yet another crossway on the trail. 
North, South, East, or West.  At this point any of them sounds as good.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97453
0 0
Z 0 97475
0 0
Z 0 97475
0 0
Z 0 97455
0 0
C Chaos~
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Strolling along the barely visable path you notice many new types of
exotic plants and animals.  Greatful for the change you stroll up to the
next crossing on the path.  All the directions seem to lead deeper into the
forest, some how never leading to the way out.  Or maybe thats just your
imagination.  Any way it's time to make another choice.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97576
0 0
Z 0 97454
0 0
Z 0 97576
0 0
Z 0 97456
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You've entered a part of the forest that actually seems completely
different from the rest.  The strange plants all your feet seem to draw your
attention untill you once again come to a break in the path.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97477
0 0
Z 0 97455
0 0
Z 0 97457
0 0
Z 0 97477
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Still surrounded by large trees and wildlife you dont even bother
glancing around as much anymore.  The feeling of being watched isnt as bad
anymore once you have grown used to it, walking up to the crossway in the
trail you almost smile.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97456
0 0
Z 0 97478
0 0
Z 0 97458
0 0
Z 0 97478
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
You are standing in a ancient forest the sound of wildlife all around
you.  You seem to have come to another intersection of the trial in the
forest. Looking around you make your choice and continue on.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97457
0 0
Z 0 97479
0 0
Z 0 97459
0 0
Z 0 97479
0 0
Trail through the Virgin Forest~
Hey!!  Haven't you passed that tree before.  Oh man you must be going in
circles.  Hmm.  Wait wasn't that other tree alot bigger.  Oh well time to
choose another direction, or you could just keep heading down this one...  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97458
0 0
Z 0 97460
0 0
Z 0 97480
0 0
Z 0 97480
0 0
Sunlit Grove~
You step into a small grove that is very bightly lite by the sun.  The
plants flourish here with so much sunlight and the cool water from the small
pond in the center of the grove.  There are some very exotic plants growing
near the pond.  You see a small purple mushroom and a small blue plant with
what looks like fur growing near the ponds edge.  Perhaps these plants are
edible?  To your east you notice that the grove is darker and there are some
very different plants growing there as well.  
0 0 inside
Z 0 97461
0 0
Z 0 97459
0 0
Z 0 17600
0 0
Moon lite grove~
You step into a small grove that has been illuminated by the moons light.
The plants flourish here with so much moonlight and the cool water from the
small pond in the center of the grove.  There are some very exotic plants
growing near the pond.  You see a small purple mushroom and a small blue
plant with what looks like fur, growing near the ponds edge.  Perhaps these
plants are edible?  
0 0 inside
Z 0 97460
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
every side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced
out there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
the occasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost you peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97405
0 0
Z 0 97405
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost. You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97406
0 0
Z 0 97406
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost. You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97407
0 0
Z 0 97407
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost. You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97408
0 0
Z 0 97408
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into th darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97409
0 0
Z 0 97409
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97410
0 0
Z 0 97410
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97411
0 0
Z 0 97411
0 0
Camp site~
Entering into the strange clearing your confusion starts to show.  In the
very center of the clearing is what to appears to be the remains of an
ancient camp fire.  A flat circle really with stones completely surrounding
it.  The stones themself seem to not have been moved in years, decades even
with the exception of one.  A little largers then the others it appears to
have been recently moved.  Strange.  Taking another look around you also
notice something else strange.  It appears those you have been watching you
no longer do.  The only exit is to the west back onto the path from where
you came.  
0 0 forest
Examining the strange stone you dont seem to notice anything particularly strange about it. Untill you take a look the bottom of the stone. On the bottom of the stone you see these words carved deep into the stone: {YXile{x {dthe{x {MMysterious Wanderer{x
Z 0 97412
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even th light seems to shy away from
this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness of
the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being completely
lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97451
0 0
Z 0 97451
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97452
0 0
Z 0 97452
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97453
0 0
Z 0 97453
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97454
0 0
Z 0 97454
0 0
0 0 inside
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97456
0 0
Z 0 97456
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97457
0 0
Z 0 97457
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy.  If
it is drilling a whole through you.  Even light seems to shy away from this
part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness of the
canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being completely lost.
You peer into th darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97458
0 0
Z 0 97458
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Eve light seems to shy away from
this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness of
the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being completely
lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97459
0 0
Z 0 97459
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97413
0 0
Z 0 97413
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97414
0 0
Z 0 97414
0 0
Z 0 97414
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97415
0 0
Z 0 97415
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97416
0 0
Z 0 97416
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even th light seems to shy away from
this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness of
the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being completely
lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97417
0 0
Z 0 97417
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97418
0 0
Z 0 97418
0 0
Near a Cliff in the Virgin Forest~
You stagger off the trail and nearly kill yourself on the rocks in the ravine
far below! You're lucky. There seems to be no trees or forest in the canyon
before you, but the decline seems impassable. Doesn't look like much reason to
pass it, anyway. You see the trail nearby.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97419
0 0
Z 0 97419
0 0
Virgin Forest~
You bumble around blindly in the thick sea of fern plants, desperately trying
to regain your bearings. The ferns are EVEYRYWHERE! Panic begins to set in
right after the confusion; one could very easily get lost and stay lost in this
forest. Luckily, you see what looks like the trail... but both to the north,
and the south. How's that for confusing?
0 0 forest
Z 0 97420
0 0
Z 0 97420
0 0
Inside the Virgin Forest~
You find yourself off the path, and are amazed at how much more the wildlife
is present here than there. There seems to be an infinite number of variations
of plants and animals present in this strange, secluded forest. It's as though
evolution has occured completely seperate here from the other parts of the
world. Odd... you see the path both to the north, and to the south.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97421
0 0
Z 0 97421
0 0
Camp Site~
You stand in what seems to be a deserted camp site.  Odd; the fire is
still going, and there' seven fresh food on a spit over the fire...  But you
don't see anyone right away.  The logs that serve as benches look awfully
comfortable, though...  Perhaps you could rest and wait for the owners to
come back.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97422
0 0
Off the trail in the Virgin Forest~
As you stray off the pay into the dense vegitation, you sense a strange aura
here; something seems slightly awry, but you can't seem to put your finger on
what's amiss. The brush all looks the same, as does the visible wildlife.
Perhaps it's just your mind (or the chaos clan) playing tricks on you.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97423
0 0
Z 0 97423
0 0
Camp Site~
The dense forest opens to a small clearing, where the light shines in from
above, sparkeling in the dew on the grass.  A small fire pit is full of
embers as if someone didn't make time to maintain the fire, or got
distracted.  The grass is trodden down to the west.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97424
0 0
Z 0 97498
0 0
Into the dense Virgin Forest~
Entering the thickly packed trees and shrubbery, you find yourself in a very
thick web of plantlife; you can't step anywhere without stepping on something or
bumping into something else. There's a bit less wildlife here, though, than the
other parts of the forest. You wonder why...
0 0 forest
Z 0 97438
0 0
Z 0 97438
0 0
A Giant Tree in the Forest~
Here, all the other trees seem to have given way to the gigantic willow before
you. The trunk as to be as wide as a man is tall, and it's far taller than any
tree you've seen before. The area, slightly elevated, seems very peaceful, and
you can't help but consider taking a quick nap on the soft grass beneath this
0 0 forest
Z 0 97439
0 0
Z 0 97439
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Straying from the trail, you find yourself in the very thick of the forest.
There seems to be some sort of {clichen{z growing on the trunks of the trees here,
change the color of the area dramatically. For a moment you panic as you realize
you might be lost, but as you look around, there's only two ways permitting
travel, and they both look completely identical... peculiar.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97425
0 0
Z 0 97425
0 0
Under the Blossom Trees~
You wander off the trail, and find yourself standing underneith a sea of {Mpink{z
and {Rrose{z colored blossoms. The Fragrance is sweet and soothing, and you feel
totally at peace as the flower pedals slowly float to the ground all around 
you. You can't but thinking to yourself... 'If only they could bottle this.'
0 0 forest
Z 0 97426
0 0
Z 0 97426
0 0
Virgin Forest~
You stand a bit befuddled in the ancient forest. Everything is new, so it's
quite a sight to behold. The giant trees, the strange animals, the bizarre
sounds... it's all a bit disconcerting. You think it might be a bit easier to
handle back on the path.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97427
0 0
Z 0 97427
0 0
A Culdesac~
The trampled down brush ends here where several downed trees have closed off
and further passage.  The birds hush on their perches, as if all are in
wait for something to happen.
0 AX forest
Z 0 97492
0 0
In the Virgin Forest~
You are off the path in the Virgin Forest. The entire area seems to be
completely overgrown, with plants in every nook and cranny possible. The soil
must be incredibly rich. The noise of animals and insects can be heard in
every direction, and the bushes and trees are alive with movement. Odd; you
see the trail both to the north, and the south.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97429
0 0
Z 0 97429
0 0
Z 0 100971
0 0
In the Virgin Forest~
You meander off the path and into the lush surrounding folliage; it's truly
impressive. The plant and animal life seems much more vibrant and alive, here;
it makes the forest to the west seem stagnant and catatonic by comparison. You
can see birds lining the branches of the trees, rodents forraging for nuts and
berries on the ground, and you even see some sort of furry animal duck into a
hole as he spots you. It's truly alive here.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97430
0 0
Z 0 97430
0 0
A hill in the Virgin Forest~
You stand atop a hill near the path. A strong wind blows in the higher air
here, and what looks like the great grandfather of a willow tree stands
proudly at the center of this clearning. The break in the canopy gives a full
view of the sky, a refreshing change from the dense forest surrounding it.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97431
0 0
Z 0 97431
0 0
Virgin Forest~
You're standing in the midst of a thick collection of bushes. The smell of
sweetness permeates the air, and you suddenly see why, as you nearly slip on
some berries the bushes have dropped. They look edible, but you remember that
looks can be decieving. You can see the trail both to the east and the west...
That's awfully strange...
0 0 forest
Z 0 97432
0 0
Z 0 97432
0 0
In the Virgin Forest~
You struggle and shimmey your way between two trees, and find yourself in a
slightly less dense spot of the forest. The blossoms on the trees give off a
pleasant fragrance, and you feel at peace. There's a rock that looks somewhat
bench-like here, facing a small creek. Fish swim merrily to and fro,
oblivious to your presence. A warm breeze blows across your face, and you
begin to consider a drink.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97433
0 0
Z 0 97433
0 0
Off the Trail in the Virgin Forest~
You hack and slash you way through the underbrush as you stray off the path.
There seems to be almost an overabundance of plant life; you're surprised
how dense the vegitation is. Many plants you've never seen grow side by side
with ones you're familiar with, and many eyes peer at you from an assortment
of wildlife. Odd... you see the trail both to the east, and the west.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97434
0 0
Z 0 97434
0 0
Clearing in the Forest~
The forest is lighter here, as the trees and plants give way to a clearing.
A patch of flowers grows in the center of the field, giving the sea of green
a spot of color. The trees are very large, showing their age, but they seem 
untouched, as though they were somehow shielded from the weathering of time.
Odd... you swear that the path to the north looks identical to the path to
the east...
0 0 forest
Z 0 97435
0 0
Z 0 97435
0 0
In the Virgin Forest~
Trudging through the forest on this small trail, you see many beautiful
exotic plants and animals you aren't used to seeing. There's an air of
innocence here, and the smell of lilacs floats on the breeze. Everything
is calm.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97436
0 0
Z 0 97436
0 0
Rock Circle~
Here is a small ring of rocks.  It looks like there has been a camp of
rangers who stayed the night here but there is no sign of which way they
went.  They were nice enough to leave some odds and ends but nothing worth
your time.  There is a faint sound in the trees above but its to faded for
you to tell exactly what it is.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97437
0 0
Z 0 97437
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides the
occasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy.  That
cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as if it
is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away from this
part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness of the
canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being completely lost
you peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97404
0 0
Z 0 97404
0 0
Virgin Forest~
Walking into this part of the forest you notice massive vines hanging
from almost every where.  The ancient gaint trees that surround you on every
side are streched out quite far apart here.  Even though there spaced out
there doesn't seem to be anything growing on the forest floor besides
theoccasional moss.  This part of the forest makes you feel very uneasy. 
That cold feeling of being watched is so intense at this point it feels as
if it is drilling a whole through you.  Even the light seems to shy away
from this part of the forest or maybe thats just becouse of the massiveness
of the canopy of leaves above you.  With a somber thought of being
completely lost.  You peer into the darkness hoping to find your way.  
0 0 forest
Z 0 97455
0 0
Z 0 97455
0 0
In the Virgin Forest~
You stumble off the trail through the forest, and find yourself in the thick
of it. There's a plethora of strange, new plants and animals that demand your
attention, and you can't help but stare and gawk in wonder at the sheer
magnitude of the eco-system you've found yourself in. It's like nothing else
you've seen. Looking around, you seem to be able to spot the trail you came from
both to the north, and the south... that's strange.
0 0 forest
Z 0 97428
0 0
Z 0 97428
0 0

M 97408 spec_cast_adept	* Druid Wood Elf Healer
M 97409 spec_cast_mage	* Flissni

M 0 97401 1 97401 1	* A elf ranger (Trail to the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97508 5 97401 1	* an elf ranger (Trail to the Virgin Forest)
E 0 97508 0 16		*	A wood made bow: wielded
E 0 97509 0 3		*	an elven quiver: around the neck (1)
P 0 97510 4 97509 4	* an elven quiver: a wooden arrow
M 0 97402 40 97402 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail to the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97404 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97406 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin forest)
M 0 97402 40 97408 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97410 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97412 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97414 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97416 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97418 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97420 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97422 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97512 -1 97422 1	* an elf ranger (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
E 0 97508 0 16		*	A wood made bow: wielded
E 0 97509 0 3		*	an elven quiver: around the neck (1)
P 0 97510 -4 97509 1	* an elven quiver: a wooden arrow
M 0 97402 40 97424 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97509 5 97430 1	* an elf ranger (Beginning of the Trail trough the Virgin Forest)
E 0 97509 0 3		*	an elven quiver: around the neck (1)
E 0 97508 0 16		*	A wood made bow: wielded
P 0 97510 4 97509 1	* an elven quiver: a wooden arrow
M 0 97403 1 97437 1	* wizi mob (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97402 40 97439 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
M 0 97404 1 97449 1	* A Huge dire wolf is here (Sleeping den of the Dire Wolf Leader)
M 0 97405 1 97450 1	* A huge female dire wolf (Mating den)
M 0 97406 3 97450 3	* a dire wolf pup (Mating den)
M 0 97511 1 97453 1	* an elf ranger (Trail through the Virgin Forest)
E 0 97511 0 16		*	a fine elven sword: wielded
O 0 97402 0 97460	* A small pond is here (Sunlit Grove)
O 0 97403 0 97460	* A {MPurple{x {yMushroom{x (Sunlit Grove)
O 0 97404 0 97460	* a {BBlue{c furry {GPlant{x (Sunlit Grove)
M 0 97408 1 97460 1	* Druid Wood Elf Healer (Sunlit Grove)
M 0 3029 50 97460 1	* the Universal Teacher (Sunlit Grove)
O 0 97402 0 97461	* A small pond is here (Moon lite grove)
O 0 97403 0 97461	* A {MPurple{x {yMushroom{x (Moon lite grove)
O 0 97404 0 97461	* a {BBlue{c furry {GPlant{x (Moon lite grove)
O 0 97512 0 97461	* the donation pit (Moon lite grove)
O 0 97514 0 97461	* a map for beginning adventurers (Virgin Forest) (Moon lite grove)
M 0 97402 40 97463 1	* A large {DDire Wolf{x (Virgin Forest)
O 0 97437 0 97490	* a {Rc{x{Ya{x{Rm{x{Yp{x{Rf{x{Yi{x{Rr{x{Ye{x (Camp Site)
M 0 97407 1 97490 1	* the great ranger Figson (Camp Site)
E 0 97405 0 16		*	the bow-blade of {Db{zal{Wa{znc{De{z: wielded
E 0 97406 0 13		*	the {ybelt{x quiver of {GF{gigson{x: around the waist
E 0 97407 0 12		*	a {Ws{wh{Di{wm{Wm{we{Dr{wi{Wn{wg grey cloak: about the shoulders
G 0 97513 0		*	a leather-bound book
M 0 97409 1 97498 1	* Flissni (A Culdesac)
G 0 97438 0		*	a {ydirty{x limerick
G 0 97439 0		*	a {mnaughty{x limerick
M 0 97410 1 97498 1	* a furious {Ddire{x wolf (A Culdesac)
M 0 97510 1 97505 1	* an elf ranger (Clearing in the Forest)
E 0 97511 0 16		*	a fine elven sword: wielded
O 0 97507 0 97507	* A Bed of Leaves (Rock Circle)
O 0 97437 0 97507	* a {Rc{x{Ya{x{Rm{x{Yp{x{Rf{x{Yi{x{Rr{x{Ye{x (Rock Circle)
P 0 7704 4 97437 4	* a {Rc{x{Ya{x{Rm{x{Yp{x{Rf{x{Yi{x{Rr{x{Ye{x: A Roasted Trout
O 0 97401 0 97507	* A barrel of elvish wine (Rock Circle)
M 0 97507 1 97507 1	* A Drunk Elf (Rock Circle)
G 0 97401 0		*	A barrel of elvish wine

97409 0 0 0 0 0 150 12 0 23

O 97405 1	* the bow-blade of {Db{zal{Wa{znc{De{z
O 97406 1	* the {ybelt{x quiver of {GF{gigson{x

if clan $n sylvan
bow $n
if isevil $n
growl $n
murder $n
mob echoat $n {WAn arrow comes sailing from the tree line and sticks in the ground near your feet.{x
mob echoat $n A voice booms from the forest {RDo not enter this place unless you are worthy of the forests bounty.{x
clan {YI've been slain by {r$n{x!
say Back to my post!
Mob goto 97430
Clan {gMy service to the forest has been ended by {R$n{x{g.{x
echoat Here is my sad story of my life. I grew up as a wood elf working for my mentor Tidus. He took care of me with the rest of the elves. It seems all went well untill i tryed some of his special wine.
Gtransfer $n 3300
if $* of race human
mob force self drink barrel
if $* of race elf
say There is one of my drunken brothers now!!!!
Force self drink barrel
if clan $n sylvan
emote stands at attention.
if isevil $n
clan {r$n{g, has tainted our forest with there {DEVIL{g presence.{x
clan {r$n{x was last seen at the {CEast Entrance{x.
if clan $n sylvan
smile $n
clan {c$n{g has entered into our forest.{x
clan {c$n{g was last seen at the {yEast Entrance.{x
if clan $n sylvan
emote stands at attention.
if isevil $n
clan {r$n{g, has tainted our forest with there {DEVIL{g presence{w.
clan {r$n{w was last seen at the {CWest Entrance{w.
if clan $n sylvan
smile $n
clan {c$n{g has entered into our forest.
clan {c$n{g was last seen at the {yWest Entrance{w.
if clan $n sylvan
emote stands at attention.
if isevil $n
clan {r$n{g, has tainted our forest with there {DEVIL{g presence.{x
clan {r$n{x was last seen in the middle of the trail,{Cnear the east Entrance.{x
if clan $n sylvan
smile $n
clan {c$n{g has entered into our forest.{x
clan {c$n{g was last seen in the middle of the trai,{ynear East Entrance.{x
if clan $n sylvan
emote stands at attention.
if isevil $n
clan {r$n{g, has tainted our forest with there {DEVIL{g presence.{x
clan {r$n{x was last seen in the middle of the trail, {Cnear the West Entrance.{x
if clan $n sylvan
smile $n
clan {c$n{g has entered into our forest.{x
clan {c$n{g was last seen in the middle of the trail, {ynear the West Entrance.{x
if clan $n sylvan
say Certainly.
mob goto 97429
mob delay 1
