#AREA	Nuitari	    Chloe's Domain~

white siberian tiger~
A white Siberian tiger~
A huge white tiger raises it's head as your enter and ROARS!
This white Siberian tiger is one of Chloe's favourite pets.
2|64 8|128 1000 S
500 2 2 1d1+1499 2d4+30
12000 0
8 8 1

The Glass Gates~
You find yourself before Crystaline Glass Gates. 
As you attempt to peer through the wall of glass, it reflects 
back to you, your memories of the past. As you become more aware
of your surroundings, you notice the imperial pets of this palace 
are cold white marble statues, As the two statues become seemingly
alive, you realize a pair of gleaming green eyes are staring at 
you, disliking tresspassers in their Grand Mistress Chloe's domain.
0 16|8192|65536 0
0 -1 991
The Frozen Foyer~
You find yourself surrounded by icicles of all shapes and sizes.
The smooth tiles are made of cyne tinted sheets of ice.  The
chandalier cascades down glinting of illusions and shades of the
pastel rainbow.  Before you, the grand staircase sweeps up to the
mezzanine level as you bypass the gigantic Roman pillars of ice.
0 4|16|1024|2048|8192|16384|65536 0
0 -1 990

M 1 990 5 990			A white Siberian tiger to The Glass Gates

