#AREA	Adreno The Gods Lounge~

SaTaN's Throne~
A large throne, filled with fire.~
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0 0 0 0 
5000 0 0

The Chat Room~
You are lounging in a quiet cosy parlour, warmed by a gentle magical fire
which twinkles happily in a warm fireplace.  There are no doors out.  Clearly the owner of this room needs none.
0 4|8|16|1024 0
The God's Lounge~
You are in a large room with many chairs and footrests, some fabric, some
leather.  A fireplace burns brightly here, and you feel at peace.  There are 
several doors leading to and from this mystical place.
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1 -1 1204
1 -1 1203
1 -1 1205
1 -1 1206
1 -1 1207
1 -1 1202
The Commons.~
It is hard to tell if you just stepped outdoors or you are still
inside. This room rests against an enormous redwood tree, which forms the 
inner wall.  Some lower branches reach out across the room towards the
sunlight which streams through the glass ceiling.  Large Wratton basket
chairs filled with enormous soft cushions swing from the tree's branches. 
During the heat of the day the glass
ceiling darkens until the room has the comfort of a shaded spot in deep
forest or a cave buried in the face of a mountain.  The roof slants
gradually from its peak 20 feet up the side of the tree to a bare 8
inches from the thick dark green moss which cushions the floor.  A very
fine screen forms the short remaining wall.  The mesh seems to disappear
when you attempt to look closely at it.  A bubbling stream fills the pond 
at the center of the room, and the force of the water forms a small
0 16|1024|8192 2
1 -1 1201
SaTaN's Hellfire.~
You are standing in SaTan's private chamber. (add description here) 
0 4|8 0
1 -1 1201
Sluggo's Chamber.~
You are standing in Sluggo's private chamber. (add description here)
0 4|8 0
1 -1 1201
Chasm's Chamber.~
You are standing in Chasm's private chamber. (add description here)
0 4|8|1024|16384 0
1 -1 1201
Fang's Shack of PiMpIn'.~
You are standing in Fang's private shack.  This is where he comes to pimp
his ho's.  You see a lot of beautiful women in this shack.  In the middle
of the room you see a big golden throne with a lot of ho's around it, this
is were the Pimp Daddy comes to relax.
0 4|8|1024|16384 0
1 -1 1201
Havok's Chamber.~
You are standing in Havok's private chamber. (add description here)
0 4|8|1024|16384 0
1 -1 1201

D 1 1201 0 1			; The God's Lounge Close North
D 1 1204 2 1			; Sluggo's Chamber. Close South
D 1 1201 1 1			; The God's Lounge Close East
D 1 1203 3 1			; SaTaN's Chamber. Close West
D 1 1201 2 1			; The God's Lounge Close South
D 1 1205 0 1			; Chasm's Chamber. Close North
D 1 1201 3 1			; The God's Lounge Close West
D 1 1206 1 1			; Fang's Chamber. Close East
D 1 1201 4 1			; The God's Lounge Close Up
D 1 1207 5 1			; Havok's Chamber. Close Down
O 1 1200 100 1203			a throne to SaTaN's Hellfire.
D 1 1201 5 1			; The God's Lounge Close Down
D 1 1202 4 1			; The Commons. Close Up
O 1 1200 100 1206			a throne to Fang's Shack.
