#AREA   Western Desert~

#AUTHOR Koronto~

0 65 0 65



#CLIMATE 2 2 2

first mob~
a newly created first mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first mob here.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
small scorpion~
A small scorpion~
A small scorpion scuttles around on the ground
This scorpion is approximately one foot long, and it has a very nasty
looking curved stinger on the end of its tail. The color of its 
carapace is mostly red, with some mottled brown color mixed in.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 200000
112 112 1
10 10 15 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 65541 0 0 0 0 0
tiny scorpion~
A tiny scorpion~
A tiny scorpion scuttles around on the ground
This 9-inch long scorpion looks very fierce for its small size. It's
constantly scuttling about at a high speed, and the stinger on the tail
looks like it could delier some damage with ease.
65 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 75000
112 112 0
10 10 13 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 65541 0 0 0 0 0
large scorpion~
A large scorpion~
A large scorpion scuttles around on the ground
This monstrously large scorpion is the size of a dog. The dry, chitonous
shell makes a crackling and snapping noise as it moves around across the
desert floor. The main body of this scorpion is reddish with some green
stripes, while the legs and tail are solid blood-red.
65 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 750000
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 65541 0 0 0 0 0
giant scorpion~
A giant scorpion~
A giant scorpion is standing here.
This gigantic creature is almost as large as a dining room table! The
legs are like small tree trunks that move with sometimes blinding speed 
to propel the scorpion around at a high velocity. Most of the scorpion
is various shades of brown, save for the claws and tail, which are 
reddish, possibly with the stain of human blood.
35 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 2000000
112 112 0
25 10 15 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 65541 0 0 0 0 0
mother scorpion~
A giant mother scorpion~
A bloated mother scorpion spews eggs onto the ground in a constant stream
This huge, bloated thing is hardly recognizable as a scorpion, although
upon inspection it clearly is. In front of the immense egg-sac is the bulky
body of a "normal" scorpion, if scorpions normally are the size of small
cars. It still has wicked claws and a vicious tail, but its legs are
atrophied to the point of uselessness. Occasionally one of them scrabbles
against the ground, but it does nothing to budge the massive bulk of the
scorpion from the ground.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 7500000
112 112 2
25 10 20 10 5
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 65541 0 0 0 0 0
skinny bandit~
A skinny bandit~
A skinny looking bandit walks around with his chest puffed out
This very thin man is wearing large baggy white pants and a tight brown
shirt, the attire of a group of bandits known to operate in the desert.
He doesn't look too sure of himself, as he appears to be a weakling. 
69 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 2500000
112 112 1
15 10 15 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
angry bandit~
An angry bandit~
An angry bandit storms around, furious!
This person, dressed in the brown shirt and baggy white pants of a
notorious group of bandits who live in the desert, is very angry at 
something. He's storming around gesticulating with his arms to himself,
and mumbling under his breath violently. His face is cherry red, all this
anger and stress must be very bad for his heart...
69 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 10000000
112 112 1
20 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
grizzled veteran bandit~
A grizzled bandit~
A grizzled veteran bandit stands here filled with quiet confidence.
This man is wearing a tight brown shirt and baggy white pants, the
trademark dress of a group of bandits in the desert. His unshaven face
is constantly scowling, and it looks like he might indeed have something
to scowl about. His face is covered in all sorts of scars, from a huge
one that goes from his chin to his left eyebrow, to many other tiny
scars only half and inch long, and everything in between. He's quite
old for a bandit, possibly in his 50's. 
7 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 15000000
112 112 1
20 10 25 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fat bandit~
A fat bandit~
A fat bandit stands here unsteadily.
Most of the bandits in this desert wear a tight brown shirt and baggy
white pants. Well, this bandit's shirt is incredibly tight, and his pants
fit very well. That's because this bandit is a very large person. He
has a lot of musculature in some places, namely his arms, that make it
clear that this man is more adept at combat than a typical overweight
7 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 7500000
112 112 1
20 10 20 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
short bandit~
A short bandit~
A short bandit walks around with a permanent crick in his neck
This very short bandit doesn't seem to be too happy about his station
in life. He has a sort of depressed, sad look on his face, and his
clothes are that of the group of bandits that are in the desert. 
Regardless of him being short, he does look like he could hold his own in
a fight.
69 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 3500000
112 112 1
15 15 15 15 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tall bandit~
A tall bandit~
A tall bandit strides around.
Wearing the brown shirt and baggy pants that marks him as a bandit of
this desert, this man must be at least seven feet tall. He's also gangly
and he looks quite young. His arms and legs aren't spindly, but they aren't
thick and muscular either. His long hair is light brown, and reaches to
below his shoulders.
69 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 5000000
112 112 1
15 10 20 10 2
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
bandit chief~
The bandit chief~
The chief bandit stands here, grinning evilly.
The bandit chief is an overconfident, blustery fellow. He's grinning
and laughing constantly, but it's clear that there is some strength behind
his wall of bluff. He moves with the grace of a martial artist, and he
must have been strong enough to assume leadership of a pretty large group
of bandits. He's well muscled, but lithe and fast looking.
3 0 -500 C
1 0 100 1d20+5 2d5+0
-1 25000000
112 112 1
25 20 30 25 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if rand(50)
mea $n The bandit chief snickers at you in total contempt.
mer $n The bandit chief snickers at $n in total contempt.
mea $n The bandit chief sizes you up, and decides that you must be weak.
mer $n The bandit chief sizes up $n, and decides that $e must be weak.
say You wanna fight, punk!
bandit cook~
The bandit cook~
The bandit cook stands here flipping burgers.
The bandit cook sports an enourmous black moustache on his greasy upper
lip. He looks like a very poorly groomed man, and he's wearing a dirty
white apron and a classic chef's hat, albeit covered in grime. He's a
cheerful looking fellow, with creases at the edge of his mouth from years
of wide smiles. What he's doing in a camp of vicious bandits is not clear.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1000000
112 112 1
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mea $n The cook grins at you and gestures to several food items laid out.
mea $n &CThe bandit cook says "You want anything?"&d
mutant coyote~
A mutant coyote~
A mutant coyote lopes around looking for prey.
Whether this pitiful creature is the result of scientific
experimentation or merely the result of mutation-causing pollutants dumped
in the wilderness is not clear.  What is clear is that this coyote is not
natural. It has festering open wounds all over its body that it seems to
ignore, and it also has several huge green growths on its back, sides, and
shoulders. The growths seem to pulsate and throb to some inner rhythm.  The
coyote's claws are long and curved, and drip with a strange black fluid. 
Its eyes are red and blootshot, and its pants expel a greyish green mist
into the air. 
65 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 30000000
112 112 0
25 10 25 50 5
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 50~
emote growls deep in the back of its throat.
> greet_prog 10~
mea $n &RA mutant coyote snarls savagely! It foams at the mouth and leaps at you!
mer $n &RA mutant coyote snarls savagely! It foams at the mouth and pounces on $n!
mpkill $n
sand monster~
A sand monster~
A huge insectoid sand monster is partially buried under a pile of sand.
This bizarre beast is mostly concealed under a large pile of sand, but
what is visible looks large and mean. Seven huge tentacle-like legs
are sticking out of the ground. These legs are multi-jointed and very
flexible, capable of pointing in any direction. The tips of the legs
are equipped with a nastly looking needle-like spine. The sides of the
spine are transparent, and there's a glowing green liquid sloshing
around inside the spikes. Occasionally, in the center of the ring of
tentacles, a head or body is visible under the shifting sands, but
not long enough to get a good view.
3 0 0 C
1 0 65 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 40000000
112 112 0
35 20 25 20 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
if rand(2)
   mpoload 70023
bandit guard~
A bandit guard~
A lazy bandit guard rests against a rock, half-asleep.
This man wearing the outfit of the bandits that operate from the desert
is asleep against a large rock. His guard duties abandoned, he occasionally
emits a sputtering snore and shifts position.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1500000
112 112 1
25 10 20 25 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 50~
mpechoaround $n The half-asleep guard notices $n's arrival and wakes with a start!
mpechoat $n The half-asleep guard notices your arrival and wakes with a start!
say An intruder! RAAAAAAA!!!
mpkill $n
lazy resting man~
A Resting Man~
A lazy young man is lying under the shade of a palm tree, resting.
Resting under a shady palm tree is this young man. He's enjoying the
cool shade and the view of the beatiful blue oasis. He's wearing a blue
shirt and khaki pants, and a white hat with a floppy brim. Anyone would
be tempted to sit next to him and enjoy the shade.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
door locker~
A door locker~
A door locker is here to lock the door after someone goes in
77594627 4194306 0 C
51 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
massive gila monster~
A Massive Gila Monster~
A massive gila monster is lazily resting on the ground, soaking up the sun.
The gila monster is 6 feet long, from the tip of its nose to its tail.
The lizard has several large lumpy spikes on its back, and a very large
snout that has some very sharp teeth in it. The gila monster is low to
the ground for its length, only about a foot and a half tall.
3 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 50000000
112 112 0
75 10 25 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if wasinroom($n) == 70085
   mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
if rand(5)
   mpoload 70019
sand monstrosity dark silhouette figure~
The Sand Monstrosity~
A dark silhouette of a human figure is surrounded by a swirling cyclone of sand!
Inside a miniature sandstorm inside a pit, there is this tall humanoid
shape. It looks almost ten feet tall, and its body doesn't look like it's
proportioned quite right. The arms are too long, the legs are too short, 
and the torso is too high. No detail is visible because of the swirling
thick sand, but it definately does not look like a natural creature.
3 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 75000000
112 112 0
40 35 35 40 4
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 10~
mea $n &YThe sand monstrosity sweeps its arm at you, sending a blast
mea $n &Yof hot sand slamming into your body!
mer $n &YA sand monstrosity sweeps its arm at $n, slamming hot sand into
mer $n &Y$m!
mppldamage $n 22
> greet_prog 100~
mea $n &YThe rapidly spinning cyclone blasts hot air and sand into your
mea $n &Yface and body!
> death_prog 100~
if rand(5)
   mpoload 70024
giant lizard~
A Giant Lizard~
A giant lizard is lazing around, absorbing sunlight.
This very large lizard is tall, long, and bright green.  Its scales
shine brightly in the light of the sun or moon.  It has a big bony and
strong looking jaw, with sharp stubby teeth.  The lizards tail is thick and
meaty and it looks capable of smashing through a weak person's body.  It
moves about slowly, and seemingly with great confidence. 
65 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 20000000
112 112 0
25 10 20 25 5
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
circling vulture~
A Vulture~
A vulture is circling in the sky above, searching for carrion to feed on.
This vulture is a very very large bird. It's wingspan approaches ten feet,
and it's body looks somehow twisted and sickly, but that's how all
vultures look. The beak of this animal is curved and mean looking. It's
designed to tear apart dead flesh, but it could tear up living flesh, too...
65 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1000000
112 112 0
25 25 25 25 7
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
bandit quartermaster~
A Bandit Quartermaster~
A bandit quartermaster is here checking over his inventory.
This man isn't wearing the garb of the bandits, but he's in the middle
of their camp, so he's most likely affiliated with them. His fingers
are adorned with many rings of different colors, and he's got nice,
fancy clothes that have semi-precious stones woven into them. 
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpsleep 10
say Hey, $n, I'm really not supposed to sell to outsiders, but if you hand me some zeni, an item of some kind might *cough* fall into your hands.
> bribe_prog 15000000~
emote looks the other way as he drops something into your hand and sweeps the zeni into a bag.
mpoload 70029
give monkey $n
> bribe_prog 1000000~
emote coughs loudly while he quickly hands you a pair of sandals and takes your money
mpoload 70026
give sand $n
> bribe_prog 500000~
emote takes your zeni and surreptitiously hands you a pair of very tall boots.
mpoload 70028
give boots $n
> bribe_prog 100000~
emote puts your zeni into his pocket and quickly puts a vest into your hands.
mpoload 70027
give vest $n
> bribe_prog 1~
say That's not quite the amount of zeni I'm looking for, but thanks anyway!
dropper mob~
dropper mob~
A dropper mob (unknown force)
67108867 2 0 C
51 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpforce $n drop 'red rune'
mpforce $n drop 'blue rune'
mpforce $n drop 'yellow rune'
get 'red rune'
get 'blue rune'
get 'yellow rune'
if ovnuminv(70030) > 0
   if ovnuminv(70031) > 0
      if ovnuminv(70032) > 0
      mpoload 70033
      give 'ruby orb' $n
      mpjunk all
smoke being humanoid form~
A Smoke Being~
A humanoid form made of smoke is floating around!
Barely visible, there is a human form made of red smoke floating in the
air. The bottom of it melds into a wide cloud of smoke that trails along
the floor. It leaves wisps and trails of smoke behind it as it slowly
drifts around the room. The wisps disappear after several seconds. The
outline that the smoke forms is that of a man, about six feet tall. Facial
features are almost visible on the smoky face, but not quite defined
enough to make a definite face.
3 0 -350 C
1 0 75 1d20+0 3d5+0
-1 2500000000000
112 112 0
150 100 325 125 65
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 15~
mppldamage $n 30
mea $n The smoke being puts its "arms" forward, aiming them at you, and
mea $n unleashes a blast of swirling red smoke! It flies at your face,
mea $n knocking you back, searing your skin, and causing you to violently
mea $n choke!
mer $n The smoke being fires a blast of red smoke at $n!
> fight_prog 20~
> death_prog 100~
if rand(5)
mpoload 100314
rock golem~
A Rock Golem~
A large human shaped chunk of rock is standing in the corner.
This seemingly crudely carved human statue is about 12 feet tall. It is
slowly walking around, and its footsteps shake the floor. Its eyeless
visage stares into your eyes, and it seems to pierce into your soul.
3 0 0 C
1 0 50 1d20+9 3d10+3
-1 2000000000000
112 112 0
185 120 225 225 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mer $n The rock golem lifts its arm and points its hand, palm forward at $n.
mea $n The rock golem raises its arm horizontally, palm forward at you. It glares into your face with its crude looking stone visage.
> death_prog 100~
if rand(2)
   mpoload 70030
if rand(2)
   mpoload 70042
> fight_prog 30~
mea $n &YThe golem puts its hands together in front of its chest, and 
 mea $n &Ya yellow sphere of energy quickly forms. It pulls its arms sideways
mea $n  &Yand the ball stretches into a horizontal line. The golem pushes forward,
mea $n  &Yand the line of crackling yellow energy flies at you with incredible speed!&D
mppldamage $n 46
mer $n &YThe golem forms a horizontal line of crackling yellow energy and
mer $n &Yflings it at $n with incredible speed!&D
gray robed old man~
A robed old man~
An old man in gray robes is standing motionless.
This robed man is ancient. He's clean shaven, which exposes the deep
creased wrinkles all over his face. His flabby, pale skin droops in
places. The robe he's wearing is very long. It covers his legs and all
of his body. The robe itself looks smooth and soft, but thick. 
3 0 1000 C
1 0 65 2d25+10 1d35+10
-1 20000000000000
112 112 1
350 300 400 350 100
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mea $n As you strike the killing blow to the gray-robed man, his flesh
mea $n jiggles and dissolves into gas. The gas floats away, leaving
mea $n only his gray robes to fall to the floor.
if rand(5)
mpoload 70035
if rand(2)
mpoload 70031
> greet_prog 100~
mea $n The old man stares through you with a glazed over, slackjawed look on his face.
mer $n As $n arrives the old man shifts his gaze to $m and vacantly stares.
> fight_prog 35~
mea $n &GThe gray-robed man grabs your arm with lightning speed and
mea $n &Gcontorts his face into a twisted shell. It looks like he's
mea $n &Gscreaming, but there's no sound. Suddenly, it feels like your
mea $n &Garm is melting from an intense wave of heat!&D
mppldamage $n 40
mer $n &GThe gray-robed man grabs $n's arm with lightning speed and
mer $n &Gcontorts his face into a twisted shell, as if he's screaming
mer $n &Gbut there's no sound. Suddenly, a reddish wave of heat
mer $n &Gblasts out from $n's arm.&D
> fight_prog 28~
> fight_prog 75~
mea $n &GThe gray-robed man unleashes a savage flurry of blinding fast melee
mea $n &Gattacks on you, finishing up with a savagely vicious uppercut!&D
mer $n &GThe gray-robed man unleashes a savage flurry of melee attacks on
mer $n &G$n, finishing up with a vicious uppercut!&D
mpdamage $n 5
mppldamage $n 16
crystal formation~
A crystal formation~
A spiky crystal formation has taken shape on the floor.
The crystal formation is on the floor, near one wall. It looks as if it
has been formed by water dripping from the ceiling. The crystal looks
like ice, it's clear and a little bluish, and it casts miniature rainbows
around the room, like a prism.
3 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpe &bAs the crystal formation is smashed into shards, they partially
mpe &bmelt and run together into a single clump, which then rises up into
mpe &ba humanoid form!
mpmload 70033
mpforce 'crystal creature' mpkill $n
crystal creature~
A Crystal Creature~
A stunted creature made of transparent crystal shakily stands here.
3 0 0 C
1 0 80 1d20+0 4d5+6
-1 2500000000000
112 112 0
150 150 175 300 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mea $n &bYour killing blow shatters the creature into miniscule particles
mea $n &bof crystal dust.
if rand(10)
   mea $n &BAgain, the shards run together into a pile, and out of this pile
   mea $n &Brises an immensely tall hulking behemoth of crystal!!
   mpmload 70034
   mpforce 'crystal behemoth' mpkill $n
> fight_prog 25~
'destructive wave'
> fight_prog 65~
mea $n &GThe crystal creature points its arms at you and fires a chunk of
mea $n &Gbluish crystal right at you! It smashes into you with powerful force!
mer $n &GThe crystal creature fires a chunk of crystal at $n!
mppldamage $n 36
crystal behemoth~
A Crystal Behemoth~
A huge crystal behemoth angrily thrashes around the room.
1 0 0 C
1 0 60 1d20+7 3d9+4
-1 8500000000000
112 112 0
275 175 250 275 80
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
if rand(2)
   mpoload 70032
if rand(4)
   mpoload 70039
mea $n &bYour killing blow shatters the Crystal Behemoth into miniscule shards of blue crystal!
> fight_prog 45~
'big bang'
> fight_prog 45~
mea $n &GThe Crystal Behemoth points its arms straight at you and unleashes
mea $n &Ga furious storm of razor sharp crystal shards from its hands!
mea $n &GThey slash into your skin and cause terrible pain!&D
mer $n &GThe Crystal Behemoth unleashes a fury of crystal shards at $n!&D
mppldamage $n 38
sphere small floating metal~
A Floating Metal Sphere~
A small floating metal sphere zips around through the air!
This shiny metal sphere is whizzing around through the air at a fair clip.
It's emitting a constant low buzzing sound. The main part of it is just
a simple sphere about a foot in radius. The surface is refelctive, but
it's pitted and corroded in parts, while other areas of its surface are
still shiny. Around the equator of the sphere are eight very sharp spikes
with what look like razor sharp edges.
65 524288 0 C
1 0 75 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 750000000000
112 112 0
100 100 150 125 20
0 0 0 0 0
4 4 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if rand(25)
   say "BZZT! Intruder... alert.... BZZZT!"
   mpe The metal sphere emits a high pitched squeal, and crashes into the floor!
mpgoto 999
say purge
if rand(50)
   say "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"
   mpkill $n
> death_prog 5~
mpoload 70041
> fight_prog 10~
mea $n &GThe floating metal sphere begins to emit a sharp humming noise as it
mea $n &Gbegins to spin even more rapidly. It flies straight at you, gouging
mea $n &Gdeep channels in your flesh with its razor sharp spikes!
mer $n &GThe floating metal sphere spins rapidly and flies at $n, gouging
mer $n &Gdeep channels in $s flesh with its razor sharp spikes!
mppldamage $n 28
living shadow~
A Living Shadow~
A human shaped shadow is darting around, without a human shape to cast it!
A shadow without anything to cast it is what this being appears to be.
Shadows of a man are cast around the room by the light in the air, and
there isn't a man visible in the room. On close examination, there is,
however, a dark region of space near the center of the room. It is
moving around as if it were a person, and if you look at it the right
way, it almost looks like it has the shape of a man.
3 0 -750 C
1 0 70 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 3000000000000
112 112 0
150 175 350 350 50
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
if rand(1)
   if rand(1)
      mea $n &zYou find a strange pair of pants on the shadow corpse!
      mpoload 70038 $n
> fight_prog 20~
A computer voice~
A computer voice~
69206019 2 0 C
51 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 99999999999999991611392
112 112 0
400 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
hole checker~
A hole checker~
69206019 2 0 C
51 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 10000000000000000904921088
112 112 0
400 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog lever~
if number($n) == 70117
   if ovnuminv(70041) > 0
   mpjunk all
   if rand(10)
   drop 45000 zeni
   if rand(1)
   mpoload 70040
   put typo in hole
   if rand(1)
   mpoload 70090
   put note in hole
   mpe &RBright red flames shoot out of the hole in the computer!
shades dropper~
a newly created shades dropper~
The shades dropped is here to put the shades in the box
77594627 2 0 C
51 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> time_prog 12~
if rand(2)
mpoload 70037
put shades in box
last mob~
a newly created last mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created last mob here.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

first obj~
a newly created first obj~
Some god dropped a newly created first obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
rusty brass key~
A rusty brass key~
A large and rusted brass key lies on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
rusty brass key~
This key is about 7 inches long and very corroded. It looks like it
might be made of brass, and it still appears usable as a key, if there
is a lock that it fits somewhere.
wooden chest~
A wooden chest~
A wooden chest sits on the floor.~
15 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
1 200 20
> exa_prog 100~
if mobinroom(70012)
mpforce 'bandit chief' say $n, now you have to die!!
mpforce 'bandit chief' mpkill $n
tiny steel key~
A tiny steel key~
A tiny steel key sparkles on the ground.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
oak dresser~
An oak dresser~
A quite large oak dresser sits on the ground~
15 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
1 100 10
> exa_prog 100~
mea $n The inside of this dresser is filled with an incredible amount
mea $n of junk. Little bits of string, writing utensils, pieces of wood,
mea $n slivers of plastic, and loads of other little pieces of trash fill the
mea $n drawers.
foot locker~
A metal foot locker~
A metal foot locker sits at the end of the bed.~
15 0 0
9999 29 70006 0 0 0
1 199980 19998
orange key~
&wAn &OOrange &wKey&d~
A small orange-painted key has been left on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A large cactus~
A large cactus protrudes from the wide flat plain.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
This is a very tall saguaro cactus. It stands about 15 feet high, and the
main body of it is two feet wide. It has a myriad of huge needles jabbing
out from it, and 4 wide arms jutting from the sides and turning upward.
head pole~
A head on a pole~
A decapitated head on a sharp pole drips &rblood &Oon the ground.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
decapitated head blood~
Some poor unlucky soul had his head chopped off and mounted on a stick.
This is obviously a warning that somebody doesn't want any visitors, but
whether they are far weaker than you or incredibly stronger is unsure.
skull cross bones sign~
A skull and crossbones sign~
A large skull and crossbones sign warns "&RDO NOT ENTER!&O"~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
large skull crossbones sign~
Nailed to a tree is a black wooden plank with the skull and crossbones
painted on it, also sporting a warning to stay out. There must be
someone through this pass that doesn't want to deal with people hassling them.
tracks boulder outcrop knobby~
Some tracks~
There are some tracks on the ground here.~
36 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
&gThese tracks are gathered around a large &Oboulder &g, in a clay-like patch of dirt.
&gThere's a very large boulder here, flush against the mountain wall. 
Some tracks are on the ground around the boulder. On the front surface,
jutting out, there is a small round knobby outcrop. Close examination
reveals a hairline crack all the way around the outcrop.
> push_prog 100~
mea $n 
mea $n You push hard against the knobby outcrop on the front of the 
mea $n boulder. It slowly slides inward, and part of the face of the
mea $n boulder rotates around a central pivot. You, just having been
mea $n pushing really hard, fall forward into the opening. The rock
mea $n face rotates shut behind you.
mer $n $n pushes against a boulder, the front rotates open, $e falls 
mer $n through, and it rotates shut again. How odd...
mpopenpassage 70074 70086 5
mpforce $n down
mpclosepassage 70074 5
mpat 70074 pull tracks
a newly created boulder~
Some god dropped a newly created boulder here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
swirling green portal~
A swirling green portal~
&BA &Ggreen &Bswirling portal sits against the north wall.~
46 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
swirling green portal~
On the north wall of this room there is a large green portal. It is
spaced about 3 inches from the brownish stone wall, and the edges of
the portal are made of stone as well. The stone part of the portal is
carved with many small runes that glow red or green very faintly. The
portal itself is a bright emerald green swirling field of energy. There's
an occasional crackle and spark from the center of the portal. The
swirling is hypnotic, and the center of the portal draws the eye to it.
It's hard to look away.
carved lettering~
Carved Lettering~
Some lettering that looks very strange is carved on the wall.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
strange lettering carved~
On the wall to the southwest, in between where the corridor splits,
there are 3 lines of text carved in the wall in a very odd script. It
looks totally foreign, and upon close examination, there is an
extremely soft green light emanating from the carving.
> exa_prog 100~
mea $n
mea $n The strange lettering reads: &g(. : > )' < < (' ). )' > | | (. )' ). ('&d
Lump of metal~
A lump of metal~
A small lump of dull metal is here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0
lump metal~
This lump of metal is dense, it feels like it's probably made of lead.
It is misshapen and rough, shaped somewhat like a potato, but smaller.
shish kebab~
A shish-kebab~
A meaty shish-kebab lies here.~
$n chow$q down on a yummy-looking shish-kebab.~
19 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 5
A hamburger~
A big juicy hamburger is here.~
$n take$q a big bite out of a hamburger.~
19 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 10
open topped steel box~
A Steel Box~
An open topped steel box is flat on the ground.~
15 0 0
100 0 0 0 0 0
1 2000 200
blood stain~
&rA bloodstain&d~
&rA huge dark red spray of dried blood has dried on the wall long ago.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
blood stain spray bloodstain~
Apparently someone suffered a very violent death here long ago, as this
bloodstain is enormous! It covers nearly half the wall, and seems to have
permanently left its mark on the stone. The pattern indicates a single
huge spray coming from one source, probably from one slash or blow.
gila monster tooth~
&wA Gila Monster Tooth&d~
A very large curved tooth is on the ground.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 5000 500
gila monster tooth~
This is the tooth of a giant gila monster, a very savage and aggressive
beast. Just the look of its tooth is enough to put a lump in almost 
anyone's throat!
1 2
ancient iron chest~
An Ancient Iron Chest~
An ancient iron chest is sitting on the inside of the huge safe.~
15 0 0
9999 29 70001 0 0 0
1 199980 19998
lead boots~
Lead Boots~
A very heavy looking pair of lead boots is here on the ground.~
13 0 65
0 0 0 0 65 65
20 0 125000
lead boots~
These boots are made from thick, heavy lead. Wearing them would slow
you down immensely.
2 -5
1 5
antique diving helmet~
An Antique Diving Helmet~
An antique diving helmet is sitting on the ground.~
9 0 17
0 0 0 0 100 100
30 -15000 150000
antique diving helmet~
This is an old-style diving helmet. It's made of brass, with a glass
faceplate in front, and it covers the head and shoulders.
2 -10
carapace belt~
&gCarapace Belt&d~
The central portion of an insect's carapace has been left on the ground.~
9 0 2049
0 0 0 0 15 15
1 11500 1150
carapace belt~
This belt is made out of chitin plates from a very large insect of some
kind. They're connected together by a thick organic skin. It would fit
snugly and tight on anyone, since the skin is stretchy and elastic.
1 5
2 -3
3 -3
4 5
thin dark gloves hatred~
&zDark gloves of Hatred&d~
A pair of very thin dark gloves is sitting on the ground.~
9 0 129
0 0 0 0 5 5
1 5500 150000
dark gloves hatred~
This pair of thin gloves feel as if they're freezing cold and intensely
hot at the same time. They are solid black in color, and as you look at
them, you inexplicably begin to feel a strong anger, toward nothing in
particular. It's a strage sensation.
1 1
2 1
elastic wristband~
An Elastic Wristband~
A small elastic band is sitting on the ground.~
9 0 4097
0 0 0 0 5 5
1 3000 500
2 1
jewel encrusted sandals~
Jewel Encrusted Sandals~
A pair of sandals that is encrusted with priceless jewels has been left here.~
9 1 65
0 0 0 0 150 150
1 15000 200000
jewel encrusted sandals~
These sandals have huge precious jewels seated into the leather of the
sandals all over the surface. The jewels all glow with a soft light that
shifts in color slowly. 
leather vest~
A Thin Leather Vest~
A thin leather vest has been left here.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0 50 50
5 10000 3500
leather vest~
This leather vest is very finely made. It's a soft, smooth leather, and
the front has beautiful designs sewn into it. It's a fine piece of
2 1
4 1
smugglers boots~
Smugglers' Boots~
A bulky pair of thigh-high boots has been left here.~
15 0 65
6 0 0 0 0 0
1 -12380 75000
smugglers boots~
These boots were designed to smuggle goods. They're nearly thigh-high,
and they have bulky hidden compartments along the sides.
2 -5
monkeys paw~
&rA Monkey's Paw&d~
A withered, shrunken, curled up paw of a monkey has been left here.~
8 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 20000 4500000
monkeys paw~
This shriveled hand is the paw from a monkey. It's apparently been 
preserved in the same manner as shrunken heads. It's tiny and withered.
Rumor has it that monkey's paws such as this one bring good luck.
It didn't help the monkey much.
29 3
3 2
red rune~
&RA glowing red rune&d~
&RA red rune is hovering a few inches above the floor.&D~
41 8194&256 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
red rune~
This red rune is made of a very strange material. It feels sort of like
rubber, but it is nearly weightless. It's a very strange shape, similar
to a japanese character, but extruded into three dimensions. It's about
the size of an average man's hand.
blue rune~
&BA glowing blue rune&d~
&BA blue rune is hovering a few inches above the floor.&D~
41 8194&256 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
blue rune~
This blue rune is made of a very strange material. It feels sort of like
rubber, but it is nearly weightless. It's a very strange shape, similar
to a japanese character, but extruded into three dimensions. It's about
the size of an average man's hand.
yellow rune~
&YA glowing yellow rune&d~
&YA yellow rune is floating a few inches above the floor.&D~
41 8194&256 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
yellow rune~
This yellow rune is made of a very strange material. It feels sort of like
rubber, but it is nearly weightless. It's a very strange shape, similar
to a japanese character, but extruded into three dimensions. It's about
the size of an average man's hand.
ruby orb~
&RA ruby orb&D~
Red swirls shift and shimmer beneath the surface of a ruby orb.~
9 0 16385
0 0 0 0 1 1
1 37600 3760
ruby orb~
This orb is very bright red. It gives off a whole lot of red light, and
also a lot of heat. It's about the size of a baseball, and it has the
texture of stone. Beneath the surface are moving swirls of what looks
like red liquid.
1 -5
2 5
3 10
4 5
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &RYou feel power well up within you as you hold a ruby orb!
mer $n &R$n begins to emanate power as $e holds a ruby orb.
> sac_prog 100~
if rand(50)
mpe &RAs a ruby orb is sacrificed, it implodes with a soft *pop* sound.
mpe &RA hole tears in space and an &REmerald Orb &Rslips thorugh!
mpoload 70034 $n
mpe &RAs a ruby orb is sacrificed, it implodes with a soft *pop* sound.
mpe &RA hole tears in space, but it closes up before anything can pass through!
emerald orb~
&GAn emerald orb&D~
An emerald orb is faintly shimmering and vibrating on the ground.~
9 0 16385
0 0 0 0 1 1
1 37600 3760
emerald orb~
This bright green sphere is about the size of a golf ball. It feels
cool to the touch, but it shines very brightly. Beneath the surface of
the orb, different shades of green swirl about very fast. It almost looks
as if the orb itself is turning, even though it clearly is not.
1 -25
2 10
3 25
4 5
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &GYou feel intense power flow through you as you hold an emerald orb!
mer $n &GPower begins to flow through $n as $e holds an emerald orb.
thick iron necklace~
A Thick Iron Necklace~
A thick iron necklace has been left on the ground.~
9 0 5
0 0 0 0 10 10
15 13500 100000
thick iron necklace~
This necklace is basically just a very thick, very solid iron chain.
The links are flexible relative to each other, so it can flex around in
any direction, and it's big enough for anyone to wear around their neck.
4 5
iron medallion~
An Iron Medallion~
An iron medallion has been left on the ground.~
9 0 5
0 0 0 0 20 20
15 27000 100000
iron medallion~
A metal disk is mounted on a very thick iron chain. The disk is about
six inches across, and it features a carved pentagram on the surface, with
an equilateral triangle carved inside the inner pentagon of the pentagram.
4 10
> remove_prog 100~
mpoload 70035 $n
mea $n
mea $n As you remove it from your neck, the iron medallion disintegrates
mea $n into dust, leaving only the chain.
mer $n
mer $nAs $n removes it, an iron medallion disintegrates into dust, 
mer $nleaving only the chain.
mpforce $n drop 'iron medallion'
mppurge 'iron medallion'
cool shades~
Cool Shades~
An incredibly cool pair of shades is laying on the ground.~
65 0 131073
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 17500 1750
cool shades~
These shades are most definately very cool. They're black and shiny, and
the frames are uniquely shaped. They're sure to add to the style factor
of anybody wearing them.
2 5
29 1
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n As you put on the shades, you feel an incredible rush of pure
mea $n coolness, you must be the coolest person around!
mer $n As $n puts on the shades, $e becomes so incredibly cool it is
mer $n hard for you to believe!
shadow fabric pants~
&zA Pair Of Shadow Fabric Pants&d~
&zThere is a shadow of a pair of pants laid out on the floor, but there are no pants there.~
9 262144 33
0 0 0 0 750 300
1 55000 300000
shadow pants~
These pants seem to somehow be woven from threads of shadow, however
impossible that seems. They're incredibly light, soft, and they stretch
very far and then elastically snap back into position.
2 5
3 4
4 1
crystal ring~
&CA Crystal Ring&d~
A small crystal ring is on the ground refracting light into tiny rainbows.~
9 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 20000 2000
crystal ring~
This circular disk is about the width of a thick human finger, so it could
be slipped over anyone's finger. It's has many small facets, and looking
into it gives an interesting perspecitve, with images from all around the
room reflected in miniature.
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
intentional intentioanl typo~
&YAn Intentioanl Typo&d~
Somebody left an intentioanl typo here on the ground!~
8 0 2117925
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
strange token~
A Strange Token~
A strange metal disk has been left on the ground.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0
strange token~
This circular disk is an inch and a half across and half an inch thick.
It's made of a plastic-like material that's very light, and it has swirly
curved designs all over the surface.
receptacle hole~
A receptacle~
Near the working computer equipment there is a dusty hole in which to place something.~
15 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
1 80 8
ancient lever~
A lever~
An ancient lever sticks out of the side of the computer.~
37 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
> pull_prog 100~
mpforce 'a computer voice' push lever
if str($n) >= 50
   mea $n
   mea $n You exert hard on pulling the lever, and it slowly grinds into the 
   mea $n down position, and then pops back up on its own.
   mer $n $n pulls on the lever, and it slides back up slowly on its own.
   mpforce 'hole checker' get all hole
   mpforce 'a computer voice' say Lever pull detected.
   mea $n You try as hard as you can, but you're just not strong enough to move
   mea $n the lever!
   mer $n $n tries to pull on the lever, and fails.
billion bank note~
A One Billion Zeni Bank Note~
A very valuable looking piece of paper is fluttering around.~
8 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
billion bank note~
This large piece of thick paper is clearly marked in very large print as
"&GONE BILLION ZENI&d". It is green, blue, and orange colored, with many
intricate designs all over both sides. The designs are little loops, whirls
and zigzag patterns, very small and very detailed. The central portrait
is of a young human man with glasses, identified below the picture as
"Koronto". In small print on the back of the note is printed: "Redeemable
at any branch of the Cyaran National Bank. We'll be there! Cyaran National
Bank: The perfect place for all your financial needs!" This bank note has
an advertisement shpeal printed on the actual note! How low can you go?
lame pink shirt~
&PA Lame Pink Shirt~
Somebody dropped their exceedingly lame pink shirt on the ground.~
9 0&1 9 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
emergency pants~
Emergency pants~
The emergency pants have been left on the floor. In case of emergency.~
13 0 33
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
unwavering resolve~
&rUnwavering Resolve&D~
Some god dropped a newly created unwavering resolve here.~
9 128 7362077 128
0 0 0 0 10000 10000
1 2000000 200000
1 100
2 100
3 100
4 100
> wear_prog 100~
if isimmort($n)
   mpplmult $n 50
   mpecho &r$n rocks the casbah.&D
   mpforce $n remove 'unwavering resolve'
   mpat .koronto mea .koronto $n has unwavering resolve!
   mpat .seventeen mea .seventeen $n has unwavering resolve!
broad katana sheath~
&zA Broad Katana Sheath&D~
Some god dropped a newly created broad katana sheath here.~
13 0 2049 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
magna necklace~
&RMagna Necklace&D~
Some god dropped a newly created magna charm here.~
13 0 5 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
gray gloves~
&zGray Gloves&D~
Some god dropped a newly created gray gloves here.~
13 0 129
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
cylindrical charm~
&zCylindrical Charm&D~
Some god dropped a newly created cylindrical charm here.~
13 0 2049
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
broad katana~
&RBroad Katana&D~
Some god dropped a newly created broad katana here.~
13 0 8193
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
gray sandals~
&zGray Sandals&D~
Some god dropped a newly created gray sandals here.~
13 0 65
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
short white tai-chi coat~
&WA White Tai-Chi Coat&D~
Some god dropped a newly created short white tai-chi coat here.~
13 0 1025 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
white tai-chi vest~
&WA White Tai-Chi Vest&D~
A white tai-chi vest has been left here~
13 0 1025 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
many metal necklaces~
&zMany Metal Necklaces&D~
Some god dropped a newly created many metal necklaces here.~
13 0 5 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
hooplike metal earrings~
&zHooplike Metal Earrings&D~
Some hooplike metal earrings have been left here~
13 0 65537
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
kimono-like pants~
Gray kimono-like pants~
Some kimono-like pants are here~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Red PK Flag~
A blue and green snorkel ~
9 0 1048593
0 0 0 0 10000 10000
1 4000000 400000
1 300
2 300
3 300
4 300
> wear_prog 100~
if name($n) != koronto
mpforce $n remove snorkel
mea $n What'ch you doing wearing Koronto's imm eq, punk?
mpat Koronto mea Koronto $n has your snorkel eq.
last obj~
a newly created last obj~
Some god dropped a newly created last obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0

Koronto's hideout~
This room is located at the very top of a tower that is on the peak of
a tall mountain. Outside the barred windows, there is a perpetual heavy
black storm swirling around the tower. Inside, there's a huge desk with
tons of stuff on it, such as a very advanced looking quantum computer,
several unfinished woodworking projects, and many little miscellaneous
pieces of junk that have not been thrown away due to laziness. The walls
are covered in shelves filled with tools, computer parts, books, and
abstract sculptures.
0 2097156 0
 The barren landscape between South City and the desert is rocky and 
uninviting. There are no tracks anywhere, no sign that anyone comes
here. A few lizards and insects crawl lazily around on the ground.
0 4 1
0 -1 9040
0 -1 70002
The ground here is hard and dry. Some small plants manage to eke out
a living here, but there aren't many. Little of the desert to the west
can be seen, because the heat and glare of the sun blurs it. There are,
however, several huge rock outcroppings that are so large they can be seen 
from here.
0 0 1
0 -1 70001
0 -1 70004
1 -1 70005
0 -1 70003
Beginning of desert~
The solid rock ground is barely covered in a thin layer of desert sand.
There is not much of anything here. Besides the occasional scorpion or
lizard, nothing stirs. The desert is barren.
0 0 1
0 -1 70004
0 -1 70006
0 -1 70002
0 -1 70007
0 -1 70009
Beginning of desert~
A thin layer of sand covers the rock beneath it. There is not a single
bit of plant life, the desert is nearly lifeless. Many small boulders
lay strewn about, and to the west is visible a gargantuan outcrop of
stone. South City is barely visible to the east.
0 0 1
0 -1 70005
0 -1 70002
0 -1 70003
0 -1 70007
0 -1 70008
0 -1 70006
Beginning of desert~
The desert is just a wasteland. There is nothing here at all, save for
sand and rock. South City is barely visible to the east, but nothing
else can be seen except for huge rocks in the distance further into the
0 0 1
0 -1 70004
0 -1 70008
0 -1 70033
0 -1 70002
0 -1 70007
Passing by a huge rock~
From here, a huge expanse of desert is visible to the south. It goes on
pretty far, and there are mountains farther south. The desert terrain is
bleak and empty, just sand dune after sand dune.
0 0 1
1 -1 70007
0 -1 70003
0 -1 70009
0 -1 70004
Giant rock~
There's a very large rock sticking up out of the ground just to the
west. It's about the size of a hill, and very jagged looking and rough.
Something shines brightly at the very top...
0 0 1
67108864 -1 70008
0 -1 70004
0 -1 70006
0 -1 70014
0 -1 70005
0 -1 70003
Next to a big rock~
The desert sands run up against a huge rock to the west. It is brown
and jagged-looking, harsh and forbidding. Otherwise, there is nothing
in the vicinity. 
0 0 1
0 -1 70033
0 -1 70005
0 -1 70007
0 -1 70004
Some plant life~
There must be some water underground here, because there are a few
tiny plants surviving in the lee of a smooth boulder. The ground is a
little harder at that spot. Other than that, it's desolate.
0 0 1
0 -1 70006
0 -1 70010
0 -1 70003
Small Dune~
There's the first of many sand dunes in the desert right here. It's
small and gently sloped. The dune is shifting even now, as the wind
blows away some of the sand and deposits it elsewhere. It's empty and
0 0 1
0 -1 70009
0 -1 70011
Just south of a big rock~
The giant rock is right to the north of here, and a huge expanse of
dunes lies to the south. The air is blazingly hot, as if it were the
inside of an oven. There's little to see, just endless piles of sand.
0 0 1
0 -1 70012
0 -1 70010
0 -1 70078
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70068
0 -1 70015
Climbing on a rock~
The huge rock is easily climbed at this spot. It is sloped to the south,
and the main bulk of the rock is to the north. From here, something can
be seen shining brightly at the very top. The desert seems to stretch 
endlessly to the south. Big rolling dunes cover the whole southern 
0 0 1
0 -1 70013
0 -1 70011
0 -1 70068
0 -1 70017
Broken Ladder~
The rock steepens immensely to the north, so it is totally unclimbable.
There was a ladder of handholds carved into the side of the rock face, 
but almost all of the lower 'rungs' are broken off. It's not even
remotely possible to climb.
0 0 1
0 -1 70014
0 -1 70012
64 -1 70039
Climbing a big rock~
Right here the rock is gently sloped, easily climbable. The rock is
very irregular and oddly shaped everywhere. Deep grooves have been
carved into every surface by the harsh wind and sand. 
0 0 1
0 -1 70007
0 -1 70013
Gaping Hole~
The ground slopes down on all sides into a large hole right here. The
hole is dark and gloomy looking, and it looks like it goes down quite
far, below the level of the desert sand, even. Quiet chattering is 
barely audible...
0 4 1
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70078
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70018
0 -1 70011
0 -1 70016
0 -1 70079
0 -1 70071
A Cactus~
Right here is a wide empty plain of sand. Dunes lie all around to the
south and right around this area. Much of the plain consists of small
rocks and pebbles instead of fine sand, and several small misshapen
boulders rest on the ground.
0 0 1
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70021
0 -1 70068
0 -1 70023
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70070
This is the middle of the desert, and there's close to nothing here
but sand. To the north is a huge rock, but otherwise the desert is
featureless and barren. The sand is incredibly hot and the air sizzles
with heat.
0 0 1
0 -1 70068
0 -1 70011
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70016
0 -1 70012
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70078
0 -1 70069
Light streams into a pit filled with thousands of tiny scorpions! They
chatter non-stop, and crawl all over each other in a writhing mass.
The pit turns into a sloping tunnel, and it is pitch-black deeper in.
0 0 13
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70019
Scorpion Lair~
The whole tunnel is nearly packed with baby scorpions and other, larger
ones. The chattering and clicking noises of carapaces rubbing against
each other fills the air with a cacophonous din. The tunnel continues to
slope down to the east, with even more scorpions everywhere.
0 0 13
0 -1 70020
0 -1 70018
Nesting Chamber~
The tunnel widens out and ends in a bulbous chamber. The floor at the
back of the chamber is covered in scorpion eggs, and the clicking noise
is even more unbearable from the thousands of tiny scorpions.
0 0 13
0 -1 70019
Near Mountains~
There's a very tall mountain range just to the west. It runs north and
south very far, and the tops of the mountains are bright white, light
reflected from perpetual snow. It's a sharp contrast to the searing heat
down here in the desert.
0 0 1
0 -1 70023
0 -1 70016
0 -1 70070
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70022
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70074
Entry to small mountain pass~
The ground of the desert slopes up into a small mountain pass that
leads to the west. In the pass is some sparse vegetation on the sides
of a well trodden pathway.
0 4 1
0 -1 70023
16777216 -1 70042
0 -1 70026
0 -1 70021
Tall Dune~
From the vantage of an exceptionally tall dune, lots more of the desert
can be seen. There's not much to see. There are wide expanses of sand
and dunes, and a mountain range just west of here. A huge boulder is
visible on the east, and the rest is just yellow dunes. The wind is
sharp and biting up high like this, and it is constantly blowing sand
around at a high velocity.
0 0 1
0 -1 70026
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70021
0 -1 70022
0 -1 70025
0 -1 70016
The Empty Desert~
Nothing is here. The interior of the desert is an empty, barren place,
with almost no life and nothing interesting to see. The endless sand
is shifty and soft, feet sink in quite a way. The dunes are wide and
tall, some are short, and all are very hot. The sun is constantly
beating down with endless heat that makes the air scalding hot.
0 0 1
0 -1 70025
0 -1 70068
0 -1 70016
0 -1 70023
0 -1 70026
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70021
Between a Huge Rock and Mountains~
This strip of land runs straight in between a tall, harsh, rugged 
mountain range on the west and an enormous boulder on the east. There's
nothing in this area but sand dunes and strange wind patterns in the sand.
There isn't even variation in the type of sand, it is all an even yellow
color that apparently all came from the exact same kind of rock.
0 0 1
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70026
0 -1 70027
0 -1 70023
Next to Mountainous Outcrop~
There's a large mountain just north that is significantly far away from
any of the other mountains. It's extremely steep; the side just plunges
out of the desert sands at a ridiculous angle. The sides of the mountain
are bare rock, and the peak is capped with snow.
0 0 1
0 -1 70025
0 -1 70023
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70022
Interior Of Desert~
This is the deep interior of the desert. Here, in the desert, there is
almost nothing to see. It's barren and mostly empty, and the rolling
yellow dunes just keep going. The air has been superheated by the sun
into a parched, dry gas. It burns the throat to breathe air this hot.
0 0 1
0 -1 70028
0 -1 70029
0 -1 70058
0 -1 70025
The Desert and Rocks~
The desert plain is mostly featureless, but that doesn't stop there from
being some interesting sights. The enormous boulder near here is one such
sight. There are many other such boulders in the desert, but none 
even approach the magnitude of this one. It is hundreds of feet across,
while the nearest comparable other boulder is five.
0 0 1
0 -1 70031
0 -1 70029
0 -1 70027
0 -1 70058
0 -1 70030
0 -1 70059
Near giant rock~
The huge rock is just to the southeast. Right here, there are a ton of
small rocks on the ground, making it an interesting place to walk 
around. Tiny boulders jut up from the sand, and many more are buried
0 0 1
0 -1 70030
0 -1 70032
0 -1 70028
0 -1 70035
0 -1 70032
0 -1 70027
Deep Desert~
Huge dunes lay all around in the deep desert, and there is hardly any
life to be seen anywhere. Beating down, the light of the sun is
incredibly sweltering and hot. There's nothing here, the desert is dull
and barren.
0 0 1
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70035
0 -1 70029
0 -1 70031
0 -1 70038
0 -1 70036
0 -1 70032
0 -1 70028
In The Desert~
This is part of a seemingly endless stretch of desert. It is smack dab
in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and there's nothing to see but
the sky, the sand, and mountains. The mountains are a nice sight, but
they do get old after a while.
0 0 1
0 -1 70036
0 -1 70030
0 -1 70028
0 -1 70059
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70034
0 -1 70058
North of the rock~
The huge rock just to the south casts an enormous shadow to the north,
and it's a pleasant change from the immense heat of the sun beating down.
Small chunks occasionally fall from the top of the rock, which lists
slightly north.
0 0 1
0 -1 70035
0 -1 70033
0 -1 70029
0 -1 70030
The sandy ground is grainy and unstable. To the northwest, the desert
stretches on for quite a way. Nothing relieves the barren monotony of
the desert itself, though. Big shifting sand dunes are almost all that 
marks terrain, except for a huge rock just to the southwest.
0 0 1
0 -1 70008
0 -1 70032
0 -1 70035
0 -1 70005
Near A Mountain Range~
The desert borders here on a high mountain range. It goes miles and miles
straight north from here. Some of the mountain peaks are very tall,
covered in ice year-round. The ice reflects the bright light of the sun
constantly, making it difficult to even look in the general direction of
the mountains without eye protection. There aren't many foothills or 
smaller mountains between the desert and the really high peaks, they just
stick straight out of the ground, which is pretty odd.
0 0 1
0 -1 70054
0 -1 70036
0 -1 70055
0 -1 70031
Deep desert~
Deep into the desert, there is little to help find one's way. There's a
big rock to the south, but nothing else can be seen but desert. 
To the far east and south there is a mountain range.
0 0 1
0 -1 70038
0 -1 70032
0 -1 70030
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70033
0 -1 70029
Dry Flats~
The center of a huge expanse of flat desert is not a very hospitable
place, which is most likely to be the reason why there are very few people
or other living things here.  It's almost totally empty, as if it were the
surface of the moon or an uninhabited planet.  There are a few landmarks
somewhat nearby, such as large rocks sticking out of the ground, and there
is a large mountain range just west of here, but that's it.  
0 0 1
0 -1 70055
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70031
0 -1 70034
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70054
0 -1 70030
The Site of a Wreck~
Right smack dab in the middle of this huge empty desert plain, somebody
drove a car and wrecked it, somehow. There's a gutted carcass of what used
to be an automobile. It appears there was an explosion, because little bits
of warped shrapnel are scattered in a large radius around the wrecked car
itself. The car was very nice, an expensive luxury convertible, but it's not
worth anything anymore!
0 0 1
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70038
0 -1 70030
0 -1 70036
0 -1 70057
0 -1 70055
0 -1 70035
0 -1 70031
Long Stretch of Desert~
The ground here and bordering here to the east is a very wide, very flat
desert plain. There is sand and yellowish dirt packed down solidly, making
it a total wasteland, with no plants able to grow anywhere, and no variance
in the terrain. It's just flat for miles.
0 0 1
0 -1 70057
0 -1 70035
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70030
Top of the huge rock.~
This is the top of a really big rock hill. Just south is a very steep
slope down to a shelf partway up the side. The view is nice from here,
there are mountains west, desert north and south, and desert fading
into a grassland-ish area to the east. Just southwest of here the top of
the rock slopes up some more, and there looks like there's a little
building there.
0 0 1
0 -1 70040
0 -1 70013
Sloped area~
This near the very top point of the huge rock in the desert. The ground
slopes up to the southwest, and there's a little hut there, at the very
top. On the top of the hut there's some sort of shiny rod pointing up
to the sky.
0 0 1
0 -1 70039
0 -1 70041
A small thatched brown hut~
A very small hut is on the very top point of this giant rock hill. The hut
is made of a dark brown wood and what looks like dried mud. There's a
4 foot high doorway with an animal skin of some kind hanging over the 
front of it. Scattered around the hut on the ground are several tiny
bones, that look like they come from some tiny animal.
There's a thick glass rod sticking out of the center of the top of the hut.
It catches the light of the sun well, and shines brightly.
0 0 1
0 -1 70085
0 -1 70040
Small Mountain Pass~
This small pathway winds its way around small trees and big rocks. 
There's a sheer rock face just to the north of the path, and it's
covered in blobby rock formations. The ground is mostly hard-packed
dirt, with many tiny piles of sand all around.
0 0 1
0 -1 70022
0 -1 70043
Small Valley~
This is the north end of a very small valley in the mountains. There's
a little pathway winding its way around to the northeast, and off to the
south is a group of several tents. Skinny trees and small cacti thrive
in the little valley, and clumps of grass sprout out of little mounds of
sand all around.
0 0 1
0 -1 70044
0 -1 70042
Bandit Hideout~
There's a big smoldering firepit in the center of a circle of tents. 
Many logs are set out around the campfire as seats, and there are lots
of food remnants lying around. Lots of footprints are everywhere, the
ground is tramped down very much.
0 0 1
0 -1 70043
0 -1 70051
0 -1 70045
0 -1 70047
0 -1 70050
0 -1 70046
0 -1 70052
In Front of a Large Tent~
There is a big tent to the south, and two smaller tents to the west and
east. They are both, however, bigger than the tents in the large circle
just to the north. The large tent is fancily decorated, with lots of
animal pelts and other small flourishes. The flap is open.
0 0 1
0 -1 70044
0 -1 70053
0 -1 70049
0 -1 70048
Striped Tent~
The walls of this tent are painted a garish combination of neon green
and pale orange. The colors assault the sense of vision with a concerted
attack. A very nice looking bed with silk sheets and several thick
blankets lies against the left wall of the tent.
0 8 0
0 -1 70044
> death_prog 100~
if number($n) == 70009
   if rand(10)
      mpoload 70006 $n
Round Tent~
On the far side of this little tent is a short cot that looks quite
uncomfortable. All around on the inside of the tent there are pictures
of extremely attractive women taped up. The tent is mostly empty
otherwise, with nothing else evident.
0 8 0
0 -1 70044
This tent has 3 large weapon racks against the sides of the tent. Each
rack is filled with finely crafted steel swords. On a small table in the
middle of the tent are a few semi-automatic pistols, and there's an ammo
crate under the table. All of this weaponry is well cared for and in
excellent condition.
0 8 0
0 -1 70045
Chief's Tent~
This is clearly the tent of the chief of the bandits. It is very large,
with many supporting poles spaced evenly around. There are a few stone
statues at the edges of the tent, and there is a large comfortable 
looking bed at the back. The entry flap is propped open with a stick.
0 12 0
0 -1 70045
Round Tent~
This is a round, wide tent that is quite new and in excellent condition.
It's made of some space-age plastic and is colored brownish green. The
inside is totally organized and neat, everything put in its exact proper
place. The plastic floor of the tent has been swept clean of the tent and
appears to have been washed with soap within the last 24 hours.
0 8 0
0 -1 70044
Old Tent~
This tent is very old, very ratty, and very leaky. There is an actual
puddle of mud and water right in the middle of the floor. The roof of
the tent is sagging in at the middle, and there are several holes. The
sides of the tent are torn up and stained. This tent has seen mush use.
0 8 0
0 -1 70044
Small Tent~
This tent is small, brown, and mostly empty.  A bandit's uncomfortable
looking cot is set up, and there are some clothes and mechanic's tools
scattered around, tools like wrenches, hammers, vice grips, and
screwdrivers. None of it looks particularly valuable. 
0 8 0
0 -1 70044
Bandit Kitchen~
The food for the bandit camp to eat is obviously prepared in this tent.
There are several grills and small stoves in the tent, and many crates
full of food are stacked in the corner. The tent is long and skinny, and
0 8 0
0 -1 70045
Thin Desert~
The edge of the desert is very near to the north, this spot still has
some plants growing all around, like sagebrush and some cacti. To the 
south in the deeper desert, there's almost no life such as this visible.
To the north is a light green plain with many rocky formations sticking
out of the ground all around. It's very rough country.
0 0 1
0 -1 70055
0 -1 70034
0 -1 70065
0 -1 70036
Strange Rock Spires~
Here, in the center of a particularly featureless area of desert, a
totally flat plain without sand dunes and with solid ground, there is
an odd rock formation. About 20 tall rock spires are clustered together
in a group, like a grove of trees. The spires are jet black and jagged.
They twist around in strange contorted shapes and narrow to tiny points
at the tips. There is no clue whatsoever as to how they ended up here in
the desert or how they were formed.
0 0 1
0 -1 70065
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70036
0 -1 70054
0 -1 70066
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70034
Ancient Building~
There used to be a large building here, sometime in the past. It's been
abandoned to the desert long ago. The roof and most of two walls have
fallen in or been knocked down. Sand fills everything and piles up
against the exterior walls in huge piles. Most of what was the building
is currently under the sand, but it shifts around a lot. It might have been
a store, or some sort of commercial establishment, because there aren't
any things that would be indicative of it being a house. There are no beds
or dressers, but there are rotting file cabinets and a few desks. Anything
of value from the ruin has long been looted.
0 0 1
0 -1 70066
0 -1 70057
0 -1 70037
0 -1 70055
0 -1 70065
0 -1 70038
0 -1 70036
Flat Desert Plains~
The ground is just flat and dry here, caked and cracked in places and
totally barren. This part of the desert is without dunes, without hilly
spots, or mountains, or even rocks. The flatness and emptiness seems to
stretch into eternity, while the air wavers with intense heat. It is
a very unforgiving place.
0 0 1
0 -1 70038
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70066
0 -1 70037
Mirage to the west?~
To the west is a bright shiny patch of what appears to be water! It could
be a mirage, however, or a heat-induced hallucination. The desert is very
hot and it often bakes people's brains. It could also be a desert mirage
caused by light being bent, but it does look like there are trees, as well!
It must be a real oasis! Unless it's hallucinatory...
0 0 1
0 -1 70059
0 -1 70028
0 -1 70061
0 -1 70031
0 -1 70060
0 -1 70027
Mirage to the west?~
To the west is a bright shiny patch of what appears to be water! It could 
be a mirage, however, or a heat-induced hallucination. The desert is very 
hot and it often bakes people's brains. It could also be a desert mirage 
caused by light being bent, but it does look like there are trees, as well!
It must be a real oasis! Unless it's hallucinatory...
0 0 1
0 -1 70031
0 -1 70058
0 -1 70060
0 -1 70028
0 -1 70061
Near An Oasis~
Just to the southwest is an a picture perfect image of the typical
'desert oasis'. There is a large blue pond of clear, fresh water, 
surrounded by palm trees and lush green fronds. The oasis is surrounded by
flat yellow desert on all sides. The only thing different than the desert
in all directions is a mountain range to the west. Nothing else breaks
the monotony of the desert.
0 0 1
0 -1 70059
0 -1 70061
0 -1 70064
0 -1 70058
0 -1 70063
The waters of the beautiful desert oasis gently lap at the shore with the
gentle wind. The water is a deep blue color reflected from the sky, and 
it's very clear. Bright green, healthy plants vie for space at the edge
of the oasis and for the water. A few frogs and fish can be seen through
the crystal clear water eating insects and swimming around. It is very
peaceful. The oasis is just to the west, and it's quite large.
0 0 1
0 -1 70060
0 -1 70058
64 -1 70063
0 -1 70059
0 -1 70064
0 -1 70062
Lots of plants~
Dozens of palm trees and other lush plant life thrive next to the
watery oasis. Tall grass sways in the wind and little animals eat bits
of plants. The shade of the trees provides a welcome respite from the
hot sun, as well.
0 0 1
64 -1 70063
0 -1 70061
Floating Above Oasis~
Wind blows hard in the air above the oasis, and the water reflects the
deep blue of the sky. There are lots of water grasses and various plants
growing in and around the water. A few small fish can be barely seen 
swimming around in the shallows, and one occasionally leaps out to eat
an insect or other bit of food. The center of the oasis is a deep dark blue,
and it goes down deeper than is visible.
0 0 1
0 -1 70064
0 -1 70061
0 -1 70062
0 -1 70083
0 -1 70060
Near Oasis~
There's a whole lot of plant life here! (compared to the rest of the
desert) Several palm trees are growing out of the bank of an oasis just
to the south. There are also many small bushes and other bits of
foliage that are lush and green. The wide and empty desert stretches flat
and featureless for miles upon miles to the north and west.
0 0 1
0 -1 70060
64 -1 70063
0 -1 70061
Northern Part of Desert~
The desert goes off far to the south and southwest, and it ends over to
the north. It slowly turns into a rocky grassland, there. There are some
short dunes in this part of the desert, but they are not very tall or 
very steep. Very little life is present here, everything is baked by the
sun and dry.
0 0 1
0 -1 70067
0 -1 70066
0 -1 70055
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70054
Northern Part of Desert~
The desert goes off far to the south and southwest, and it ends over to
the north. It slowly turns into a rocky grassland, there. There are some
short dunes in this part of the desert, but they are not very tall or
very steep. Very little life is present here, everything is baked by the
sun and dry.
0 0 1
0 -1 70056
0 -1 70065
0 -1 70067
0 -1 70057
0 -1 70055
North Edge Of Desert~
This is approximately the rough boundary line between a desert to the south
and a rocky grassland to the north. There are enormous mesas and other
weirdly shaped rock formations dotting the landscape off to the north.
To the south, the desert stretches far, and there's not much to see but
yellow sand and a few dunes.
0 0 1
0 -1 70065
0 -1 70066
On a Flat Rock Shelf~
At this point there is a wide, flat rock shelf that is about 10 feet off
the ground. It slopes up gently at one edge, and is partially covered
with sand. The mass of the gigantic boulder is just north of here. On top
of it, there's a little flashing light that is visible down here, but
it's not clear what it is.
0 0 1
0 -1 70012
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70024
0 -1 70011
0 -1 70016
Strange Rock~
On the ground there is a strange rock. It is a semispherical dome and
very smooth. The surface is brownish-black and incredibly shiny. There's
nothing around the rock or anywhere else in sight to indicate what it
is or how it got here.
0 0 1
0 -1 70016
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70071
0 -1 70070
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70021
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70072
In the Middle of the Desert~
Inside the middle of the desert where there is neither shade nor shelter
from the sun and the ground is exposed al through the day to the bright
sunlight, it is almost impossibly hot.  This must be the location of some
of the hottest temperatures in the world!  The air around you seems to
sizzle and hiss with the intense temperature.  It's HOT!  
0 0 1
0 -1 70021
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70072
0 -1 70074
0 -1 70016
0 -1 70071
In The Deep Desert~
This stretch of desert is much the same as any other. There are dunes
all around and the hot sun beats down nearly constantly. There happen to
be some strange discolorations in the sand right here, but they don't
look like they mean anything. Desert surrounds this area, and the
mountain range to the west is easily visible.
0 0 1
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70076
0 -1 70072
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70070
0 -1 70077
0 -1 70075
Near Mountains~
Rising up out of the desert is a large mountain range. The peaks are
jagged and tall, stretching into the sky. The mountains extend far to
the north and south, and they are just as irregular and spiky for the
whole length. The desert goes quite a way to the east, and there is 
little to be seen but dunes.
0 0 1
0 -1 70070
0 -1 70071
0 -1 70075
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70074
0 -1 70076
Within The Desert~
This is the deep interior of the desert. There is nothing in this
barren wasteland but endless sand dunes and an occasional small rock.
The tedium of the empty surroundings is mind-blowing, and the heat is
incredibly intense.
0 0 1
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70079
0 -1 70077
0 -1 70071
0 -1 70078
0 -1 70069
0 -1 70080
0 -1 70076
Curve in Mountain Range~
A mountain range curves around this spot to the north and to the south.
Wind from the desert has piled up tons of sand into a huge sloping pile
that goes up into the mountain range. At the top of this hill of sand,
there are many large pieces of rock lying scattered around, and little
else, as the pile does not reach to the top of the mountain face. The 
view to the east is very nice, the desert stretches out far, and a city
is visible past it.
0 2097152 1
0 -1 70070
0 -1 70021
0 -1 70072
> entry_prog 100~
if wasinroom($n) == 70086
mea $n You push the boulder face open and emerge into the desert.
mer $n $n walks out of a large boulder sitting right next to the mountain wall!
The many sand dunes of the desert slowly change into more solid hilly
terrain as you go west. These are the foothills of the big mountain
range here, and the hills are covered in sand, but the solid dirt and
rock beneath is easily felt. The desert spreads to the east.
0 0 1
0 -1 70072
0 -1 70076
0 -1 70071
0 -1 70081
> entry_prog 100~
if wasinroom($n) == 70115
mea $n &GYou step through the portal, and find yourself hurtling through the air
mea $n &Gat high speed! You hit the sand with a *THUD*, unharmed, and get up.
mer $n $n is apparently launched out of the mountainside! How odd...
Flat Desert~
There's a patch of desert ground that goes almost perfectly flat, with
no little hills or holes in the ground. It's perfectly smooth, and there
are a few patches of glass where the sand had been melted by some 
intense heat or energy.
0 0 1
0 -1 70071
0 -1 70077
0 -1 70081
0 -1 70075
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70072
0 -1 70082
Wide, Shallow Sandpit~
A very wide pit is dug down about 10 feet into the ground. It is very
shallowly sloped, and there are dunes all around it. In the middle of
the pit there are scattered bones and shredded clothing. Dried blood
is spattered all around. There's a single wagon in the depression
near the bones, filled with rotted food.
0 0 1
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70080
0 -1 70082
0 -1 70076
0 -1 70079
0 -1 70071
0 -1 70081
This is the crest of a huge sand dune. At the very top there is a
huge skeleton of a carnivorous dinosaur. The bones are bleached bright
white from the constant sun, and all the sharp edges have been worn
down by the constant erosion of the sand. The dune slopes sharply down
to the west at a very steep angle.
0 0 1
0 -1 70011
0 -1 70079
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70017
0 -1 70073
The desert expanse stretches off to the west, and the sand slowly gives
way to hard packed dirt to the east.  The heat of the desert sun causes
rippling, blurring effects in the air over the sand in the distance. In
this area of the desert, there are many tiny razor-sharp rock slivers mixed
in with the sand. 
0 0 1
0 -1 70078
0 -1 70080
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70015
0 -1 70077
Edge Of Desert~
There's a cliff edge to the south and beyond is a plain. To the north
is still the wide and dry desert. There are many dunes in this area, and
they are all tall, broad, and shallowly sloped. An immense volume of sand
is in these dunes, and it is moved around constantly by the wind. 
0 0 1
0 -1 70079
0 -1 70077
0 -1 70073
0 -1 70082
Small Cliff ~
Just south there is a cliff edge affording a nice view of a wide plain.
It becomes less like a desert and more like a grassland as one goes
south. Just to the northwest is a tall mountain range that goes north.
All else to the north, as well as this location, is sandy desert, with 
many dunes.
0 0 1
0 -1 70076
0 -1 70082
0 -1 70077
0 -1 70075
Small Cliff Edge~
There's a 30 foot cliff edge running east-west here, and beyond it is a
wide plain, mostly desert-ish nearer to the cliff, and grassland farther
out. To the north is a large desert that goes farther than can be seen,
and there's a mountain range running north from here on the west side.
The mountains peter out into small foothills past the cliff.
0 0 1
0 -1 70077
0 -1 70081
0 -1 70080
0 -1 70076
Underwater in the Oasis~
The water is bright blue and very transparent. There are lots of small
reeds and grasses growing out of the bank at the shallow edges of the
oasis, but there are not any plants growing out of the very bottom near
the middle, where the ground slopes down very sharply into a deep pit.
There's a large rusted metal door in the side of the wide pit at the
0 4 8
0 -1 70061
70007 70001 70084
64 -1 70063
Inside A Huge Metal Safe~
Someone decided a long time ago to put a huge steel safe at the bottom
of this desert oasis. The safe is huge and made of steel that is not
stainless, for it's incredibly rusted. Almost the entire surface area, in
and out, is covered with a thick layer of rust.
0 2099204 0
0 -1 70083
> entry_prog 100~
mpat 70083 close w
mpat 70083 mpforce 'door locker' lock w
Inside a small hut~
The inside of this hut is cluttered and messy. A tiny bed in the corner
is covered with little various bits of junk, stuff in bags, twisted
chunks of metal, and various pointy things. Most surfaces in the hut are
covered in dust, and it doesn't look like anyone has lived here for quite
some time.
0 2097164 0
0 -1 70041
Underground Passage~
This is a small cramped corridor.  There's a false wall on the east that
is an entrance from the desert.  The corridor is made of light beige
colored stone, and is lit diffusely by no clear source.  There just seems
to be a yellowish light emanating dimly from the air.  There's a small
amount of sand on the floor, and the ceiling and walls are very smooth with
rounded corners.  The floor has a shallow dip in the center, as if worn
away by lots of traffic.  This whole place gives off a feeling of being
very, very old. 
0 2097164 0
0 -1 70074
0 -1 70087
0 -1 70088
Curve In Corridor~
The corridor gradually bends in a very wide circular turn. The 
mysterious light emanating from the air is less strong to the west, and
stronger to the southeast. Any variation in the smooth walls is sparse,
there are only a few little spots or random discolorations on the walls.
The color is almost totally unvarying. 
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70091
0 -1 70086
Fork In Corridor~
The small corridor splits here into two other ways to go. Each passage
is equally small and dim. There's nothing to distinguish any of the
passages from each other at this point. The air is stuffy and smells
old. Dust covers every surface in the corridors with a thick coat of
gray powder. 
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70090
0 -1 70089
0 -1 70086
Tall Room~
Right here the ceiling shoots up about 15 feet into an approximately
square room. On the north wall, there are lots of large sweeping curves
and loops carved into the stone. The air in that direction seems to 
faintly hum with power. Parts of the floor are cracked and damaged in
that vicinity.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70088
0 -1 70096
> time_prog 1~
if mobinroom(70030) == 0
   if rand(35)
   mpe The runes and inscriptions on the wall start to glow with intense light
   mpe as boulders and small chunks of rock start to extrude from the wall!
   mpe The rock that seems to magically appear (the wall behind it is unchanged)
   mpe merges together into a huge human shaped rock golem!
   mpmload 70030
Hazy Corridor~
The air is filled with a strange smoke, or haze. It disappears outside of
a radius of about 4 feet from the intersection. It looks like there's a
tiny hole at the top of a wall that's shooting out a powder. The stench
is massive, and it's difficult to breathe. This gritty smoke is rough, and
it burns while breathing.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70088
0 -1 70094
0 -1 70095
> entry_prog 50~
mea $n &rThe dusty smoke in the air gets in your lungs; you cough and choke!&d
mer $n $n coughs and chokes on the nasty air here!
mpdamage $n 10
Split Corridor~
The cramped little corridor splits at this point, the junction corners
are very smooth and rounded. There doesn't appear to be anything 
of note here, it's just like everywhere else. All these little corridors
seem the same no matter where they are, they're all tiny and cramped, made
of the same beige stone and with the same mysterious glowing air.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70087
0 -1 70092
0 -1 70093
Mural Room~
The corridor fans out into a semicircular room with a very large mural
on the curved wall. It is carved into the wall and also made from 
different colored stones that are inlaid in the wall.
The mural depicts a very large group of people involved in a construction
project in the side of a mountain. Most of them look human, but some have
very strange features and arrangements of body parts. They are digging
an underground structure. It shows them finishing it, and then leaving.
A few stay behind and possibly stay for an extended period of time. It's
hard to tell. Sometime later, someone of importance comes to the place. 
He/she/it is larger-than-life and has an aura around them. Three people
each give this person a strangely shaped small object, and then the person
has a red circle hovering above him. The person crushes the red circle
between their hands. A green circle is then hovering in front of him. The
person flies away through the sky holding the green circle. That is the end
of the mural.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70091
Straight Corridor~
The corridor runs straight for a long way here. There are a few deep
red splotches that might be bloodstains on the floor and walls near the
middle of the corridor. The dust on the floor is nearly undisturbed,
and very few feet have stepped here for a long, long time.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70091
0 -1 70097
Turning Corridor~
This tiny cramped corridor is just like all the others in this place.
It very gradually bends, and doesn't have any sharp corners or edges
where the walls meet the ceiling. There is a vague glow suffusing the
air in this area, like in many other parts of this strange place.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70114
0 -1 70090
Three corridors of equal size meet at a Y-junction here. The illumination
from the air is steady and solid in all directions, and the corridors
are indistinguishable from one another. The corners are rounded like all
the other corners in the structure. Nothing special seems to be here,
but there's no way to be sure.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70100
0 -1 70090
0 -1 70096
Cross Junction~
Two small cramped corridors intersect here. The diffuse glow of the air
in this place is the same in all four directions. The air is stifling
in here, and the walls are unadorned and plain. The stone is a yellowish
tan color, with a few off color parts, but very few. The construction was
very, very well done; all the walls are perfectly smooth and this place is
obviously very old. It has stood up to time. 
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70099
0 -1 70089
0 -1 70097
0 -1 70095
Sharp Turn And A Door~
The corridor makes a pretty sharp turn, but the corners are still very
rounded and smooth, just like all the other corners in here. Right at the
spot where the turn is, there is a doorway on the west wall. The strange
luminescence that is present in the air is absent through the doorway, it
extends into gloomy black darkness.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70098
0 -1 70093
0 -1 70096
Leaky Room~
The ceiling has been damaged in this small room, and some source of
water has been dripping in for what must have been a long time. The
steady source of minerals has caused a fairly large stalactite, and there
are crystalline formations all over the room, almost every surface
sparkles and shines with refracted light. The crystal breaks up the light
into rainbow streaks, like a prism.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70097
Ninety Degree Turn~
The corridor turns at a sharp 90 degrees, but the actual corner is still
rounded out and there is not actually a "corner". It just curves smoothly.
The other corridor that splits off in between, at 45 degrees, is slightly
wider and taller than the other corridors, and a light source shines
brightly from within it, illuminating the area out here very brightly.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70096
0 -1 70102
0 -1 70103
Two corridors intersect at a right angle here. The walls and floor are
marked up at this point, there are little nicks and chunks knocked out
of the stone, something not present in the other corridors. Most of the
walls are very smooth, but here it is very rough. There is also some dirt
strewn around on the floor as well as small rocks. There's really no clue
as to how the dirt got here, but the rocks were probably formerly part
of the wall.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70095
0 -1 70104
0 -1 70101
Straight Corridor~
The corridor goes straight a long way, here. It has nothing special at
all. That's right, nothing at all. No secrets or anything. There is not
a secret passage, so just forget about it! Keep moving along! Just go.
There is absolutely nothing to see here! Come on! Walk away. Slowly.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70100
0 -1 70105
S-curving Corridor~
The corridor takes a wide, shallow S-curve here, also widening to the
south and thinning to the north. On the walls of the S-curve there are
some symbols and shapes carved, possibly for decoration or possibly for
some purpose. They are very large and simple, like triangles and semi-
circles. There are also a few pentagons and other polygons with many
sides. This seems odd, as there is little to no decoration at all in the
rest of this structure, so the shapes might actually mean something.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70099
0 -1 70105
Reflective Walls~
All the walls, the ceiling, and the floor in this room are mirrored! The
mirrors are covered with dust, but the light emanating from the air still
bounces around countless times, reflecting repeatedly, making the light
level in this room exceedingly high. It hurts the eyes to look anywhere!
Thousands of mirror images of anyone in the room face in all directions,
from all angles, and it is very disorienting. It's not quite easy to tell
how large the room actually is, but it's pretty small.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70099
A Ladder Down~
The corridor ends abruptly, with an edge that drops off about 20 feet
down. There are stone ladder rungs carved into the face of the drop-off,
it would be a very easy climb down. The corridor does not widen out or
anything like that, it stays the same thin width after the dropoff, and
the ceiling does not fall. The floor and ceiling south of the ladder
are separated by about 25 feet or more. The glowing air in this place does
not continue down the ladder, it fades to black downward and outward.
0 2097152 0
0 -1 70100
0 -1 70118
Triangular Junction~
The corridors intersecting here form a giant triangle, with a thin 
pillar in the very center. The corridors to the southwest and east are
both the same as all the other corridors, while the one to the north is
very wide. The pillar in the center is a different color of stone than 
the walls and floor, it is a dark brown, almost black. It has circles
carved around the edge at regular spaced intervals from the ceiling to
the floor. Other than that, this room seems to be empty.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70102
0 -1 70101
0 -1 70106
Dark Hole In The Floor~
This cylindrical room looks to have its only contents a hole in the 
ground. This hole is round, a few feet across, and pitch black. The
room itself is more spacious and large than most other rooms and
corridors in this underground complex. The hole is in the exact
center of the room, and it's very close to a perfect circle, although 
the edges are worn and smooth.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70107
0 -1 70105
Under A Hole~
The hole in the ceiling falls about 15 feet to this room. The floor is
strange, it has alternating patches of normal stone floor and patches
of savage razor sharp spikes! The spikes are almost all stained a deep
red from many injuries inflicted on people who have fallen through the
hole in the roof.
0 2097164 0
0 -1 70108
64 -1 70106
> entry_prog 100~
if wasinroom($n) == 70106
if isflying($n)
mea $n &BYou slowly float down the hole to a lower level.&w
mea $n &rYou step over the hole and fall through it! It is deep, and you land hard.
mpdamage $n 20
if rand(35)
mea $n &rUnfortunately for you, you happen to land on a patch of floor with spikes! &ROUCH!&d
mpdamage $n 15
Huge Circular Pillar~
The short corridor leading from the spike room goes into this sort of
massive chamber, or it could be thought of as a tall circular corridor.
There is a huge perfectly smooth stone cylinder in the middle of the
chamber reaching up to the ceiling. The room is almost circular, and has
several little alcoves and nooks in the walls at irregular intervals. All
the nooks are empty.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70107
0 -1 70111
0 -1 70109
Split Off From Huge Room~
A semi-corridor extends out of the huge pillar room to the west here, and
it's not quite a corridor, it seems more like an extension of the room.
Whatever it is called, it goes a short way and apparently ends. The path
around the pillar also continues unobstructed.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70117
0 -1 70110
0 -1 70108
North Side Of Huge Pillar~
This huge room branches off again, to the north. Some very bright green
light is being cast onto the large pillar in the outline of the north 
doorway. Something through that door is giving off a whole lot of very
bright green colored light. On the side of the pillar facing the door,
there are three vertical lines carved from floor to ceiling, glowing
bright red, blue, and yellow, respectively. The carved lines seem to pulse
with strong power, and the glow casts off a lot of heat.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70115
0 -1 70111
0 -1 70109
> entry_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) 70030
   if carryingvnum($n) 70031
      if carryingvnum($n) 70032
      mea $n &GAs you approch this intersection, you can feel the three runes
       mea $n &Gin your possession begin to glow hot! Suddenly, there is a flash
      mea $n &Gand you feel some force wrenching at the fabric of reality!
      mea $n &GYou appear inside a small room.
      mer $n &G$n approaches this intersection when they abruptly flash with a bright light!
      mpopenpassage 70110 70112 5
       mpforce $n down
      mpclosepassage 70110 5
Split Off From Huge Room~
A semi-corridor extends out of the huge pillar room to the east here, and
it's not quite a corridor, it seems more like an extension of the room
Whatever it is called, it goes a short way and apparently ends. The path
around the pillar also continues unobstructed.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70116
0 -1 70110
0 -1 70108
A Very Tiny Room~
The power of the three runes has transported you to this small room, if
it can be called a room. The ceiling is only about 4 feet high, and the
walls are very close together. In the exact center of the floor is a
glowing pedestal that seems to radiate power. Resting on the top of the
pedestal in a carved round hole is a bright red orb. The air around it
wavers and shimmers, as if it is warping reality.
0 2098180 1
0 -1 70110
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
A once lived-in room~
This little cozy room looks like it might be someone's home, but it's
in a state of extreme disrepair. There is a comfy chair with almost all
of the stuffing it once had fallen out or eaten by insects. Various
little things like coffee mugs and pencils are scattered around on some
little tables and small bookshelves. Everything is totally covered
with a thick, thick layer of dust. The room only had one apparent exit, 
to the west.
0 2097160 0
0 -1 70094
> time_prog 8~
if mobinroom(70031) == 0
   if rand(35)
      mpe Suddenly, a cloud of mist begins to coalesce in the center of the room,
      mpe and a man in dark gray robes steps out of it. He looks around the room,
      mpe and then sighs gently as the misty vapor disappears.
      mpmload 70031
Portal Room~
The cramped corridor to the south leads into this huge room. It has a
vaulted ceiling with wide support beams running across the top of the
room. The center of the north wall has a huge glowing sphere mounted about
7 feet up from the ground. The sphere casts bright white light into the
room, but the corners of the room are shrouded in pitch-black shadow
nonetheless. There's a mystifying green portal just under the glowing
sphere. It's bright green and it swirls very fast around the center.
0 2097164 0
0 -1 70110
131072 -1 70075
Stone Cubes~
This wide, shallow room has tall stone cubes sitting everywhere! Some are
sitting flat, some are leaning against the wall or against other cubes,
and many are taller than they are wide, which technically makes them
rectangular prisms. The shadows cast by these cubes are very interesting,
as for some reason the light in this room does not emanate from the air
evenly, it shifts and changes in patches. This causes the shadows of the
cube, and anyone in the room, to constantly shift in bizarre patterns.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 70111
> death_prog 100~
if number($n) == 70036
   mpe &zThe shadow's corpse dissipates into the air...
   mppurge 'living shadow'
A Very Strange Machine~
The medium sized room is dominated by a huge bank of ancient computers.
There are little lights that long since stopped flashing and spools
of magnetic tape that quit spinning a very long time ago. There are
digital readouts that will never read out again, and buttons that have
been smashed or worn out, levers that have been broken off, and keypads
missing almost all of the keys. However, in one corner, there is a tiny
section of the computer still running! It seems to consist of a red light
that slowly flashes, a quiet speaker that beeps in time with the light,
and possibly a lever just next to them.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 70109
A Dark Maze~
This very tall and thin corridor is almost like a chasm, but it is finely
built of the same beige stone as the rest of the structure. The corners
and edges here are not as worn and rounded out as in the previous areas,
perhaps this was an addition? The corridor stretches straight for quite
a long way, and then comes to an end. There is a tall doorway, and it is
bordered by a thick band of carvings on the stone. They are very deeply
carved into the rock, and they rhythmically pulse with a very strong red
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70119
0 -1 70104
> entry_prog 100~
if wasinroom($n) != 70104
   if wasinroom($n) != 70137
      mpdamage $n 45
      mea $n You went the wrong way! You feel a gut-wrenching twist, and find
      mea $n yourself back at the pulsing red doorway, bleeding from a
      mea $n massive chest wound!
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70120
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70121
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70122
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70123
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70124
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70125
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70126
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70127
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70128
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70129
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70130
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70131
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70132
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70133
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70134
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70135
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70136
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
A Dark Maze~
You are inside a maze of some kind, and nothing is visible at all.
There is very thick black smoke and fog swirling everywhere, but it
is still breathable. Whenever you take any turn at all, you feel like
you have been spun around and turned inside out! It's very 
disorienting and confusing.
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70137
0 -1 70118
0 -1 70118
The End Of The Maze!~
Finally, the end of the maze! There is simply a small metal box on
the floor, surrounded by light in otherwise total darkness. There is
also a stone staircase on which to ascend upwards and leave.
The box, strangely, does not look very old, it is steel and open-topped
with no lid. A soft golden glow shines out of the box...
0 2097156 1
0 -1 70118
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Hundreds of years ago there was a group of warriors dedicated to nothing
but destruction and mayhem.  Their powers were felt everywhere, their
presence felt in the hearts of foes.  This group was known as The Shenkai
Aurei.  They slaughtered their foes without mercy, and they were feared
throughout the galaxy.  In the days of the Galactic war they stayed
neutral, not wanting to become puppets of either government.  The Oroki
wanted the mystic warriors on their side, they wanted them at all costs,
but since they couldn't have them, they sent their own group of assassins
to eliminate the Shenkai Aurei.  The warriors would not be decieved.  They
ambushed the assassins and killed them all.  This attempt to eliminate them
infuriated them, and so they decided to join the Akusha, the Oroki's sworn
enemy.  They fought valiantly by the Akushas' side, killing many of their
enemies.  Their leader Link knew that they were winning the war, yet he
felt that somehow it would all change.  He decided to take in new members. 
The new recruits all did well in their training, yet one excelled above
all.  His name was Clerve.  Link knew that this disciple of his would
change the course of the war.  Before he could finish Clerve's training,
the enemy launched a deadly assault on the Aurei's home planet.  The Aurei
faught gallantly, killing over half of the enemy which outnumbered them one
hundred to one, but they could not match the sheer numbers that the Oroki
threw against them.  They retreated to their most sacred city where the
final battle was fought.  The battle was decisive, and almost all of the
Aurei were slaughtered, their bodies piling up in the streets of their holy
city.  Even Link was slain in the huge battle.  Clerve was seperated from
the rest and injured.  He thought he was about to die, but somehow tapped
into a reserve of power and slaughtered all of the invaders, to the last
man.  He returned to his few remaining people a legend, a hero.  He
gathered his friends Lisker and Xanus with him and started on a journey to
revenge their fallen.  They were all that's left, they are The Remnant of
what once was, but will never be again.  

To join this clan you must have a minumum PL of 50 million, and 5 pks. 
Each week there will be pk tournaments, and the person with the most pks on
a certain day will win zeni/item prizes.  You will receive 50k zeni for
each death certificate that you give to a clan leader, however, you must
have made the kill while they were on to prove that it was indeed your
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
This room purges mob 70035, the metal sphere, after it mpgoto's here
and says "purge me"
0 2097156 1
> speech_prog purge~
if isnpc($n)
mpsleep 1

M 1 70005 1 70020
M 1 70004 1 70020
M 1 70002 1 70020
M 1 70003 1 70020
M 1 70001 1 70020
M 1 70001 1 70020
M 1 70002 1 70019
M 1 70002 1 70019
M 1 70003 1 70019
M 1 70001 1 70019
M 1 70002 1 70019
M 1 70001 1 70018
M 1 70001 1 70018
M 1 70003 1 70018
M 1 70002 1 70018
O 1 70009 1 70022
M 1 70003 1 70080
M 1 70006 1 70078
M 1 70006 1 70059
M 1 70014 1 70016
O 1 70007 1 70016
M 1 70010 1 70047
M 1 70009 1 70052
M 1 70011 1 70050
M 1 70008 1 70051
M 1 70006 1 70044
M 1 70007 1 70044
O 1 70010 1 70074
O 1 70012 1 70115
M 1 70013 1 70053
O 1 70015 3 70053
O 1 70016 3 70053
M 1 70007 1 70037
M 1 70003 1 70068
M 1 70002 1 70015
M 1 70020 1 70077
M 1 70007 1 70076
M 1 70010 1 70070
M 1 70002 1 70072
M 1 70032 1 70098
O 1 70013 1 70088
M 1 70035 1 70106
M 1 70035 1 70091
M 1 70035 1 70095
M 1 70036 1 70116
M 1 70027 1 70112
M 1 70017 1 70062
M 1 70001 1 70003
M 1 70010 1 70045
M 1 70011 1 70045
M 1 70018 1 70083
G 1 70001 1
D 0 70083 3 2
M 1 70014 1 70009
M 1 70019 1 70041
M 1 70021 1 70081
M 1 70021 1 70071
M 1 70011 1 70017
M 1 70009 1 70046
O 1 70005 1 70046
M 1 70011 1 70005
M 1 70006 1 70032
M 1 70001 1 70029
M 1 70003 1 70030
M 1 70002 1 70035
M 1 70007 1 70066
M 1 70003 1 70057
M 1 70015 1 70054
M 1 70014 1 70036
M 1 70022 1 70027
M 1 70011 1 70026
M 1 70016 1 70043
M 1 70016 1 70042
O 1 70008 1 70042
M 1 70022 1 70065
M 1 70022 1 70069
M 1 70117 1 70117
M 1 70118 1 70117
O 1 70060 1 70117
O 1 70061 1 70117
M 1 70008 1 70048
M 1 70023 1 70048
M 1 70137 1 70137
O 1 70017 1 70137
O 1 70002 1 70049
M 1 70028 1 70103
O 1 70004 1 70085
O 1 70020 1 70084
P 0 70022 1 0
O 1 70021 1 70084

 70023    0  0  0  0  0   125  50         0 23    ; A Bandit Quartermaster


