SunderMud 2.1
File Updated: June 01, 2003
By:           Lotherius (

This file contains intact copies of the licenses which apply to this code.
Please note that emails listed in previous licenses may be no good,
including the one for myself in the release of SunderMud 1. These have not
been updated or changed, but it does not invalidate the licenses.

Each license is seperated by a dividing line of the following type:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>name of license<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

SunderMud 2 License
1) The credits for Diku, Merc, Rom and SunderMud *MUST* remain in the 
   login sequence. The appearance may change, but the essential content
   must remain. This includes any content required by Diku, Merc or Rom 
   licenses, as well as that provided regarding SunderMud.
2) Your mud cannot be called "SunderMud".
3) If you release a dirivitive work, this license still applies. I had
   to add this section in because of attempts by some who are less than 
   honorable (*cough*cthulhumud*cough*) to hide their true origins.
4) If you are unsure if your changes to the apearance of the login credits
   meet with the spirit of these License, you may mail me and ask my
   opinion. My opinion, of course, only applies for that portion of the
   license I grant herein which is the SunderMud portion. I have no
   authority over previous licenses.
4) All previous licenses apply to this work. 
5) The contact address for SunderMud 2.1 is 
6) A request rather than a requirement - If you open a mud based on 
   SunderMud, please contact me to let me know.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SunderMud 1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

SunderMud 1
Tue Sep 9 1997

The following items are to be considered license requirements for
SunderMud 1.

1) following all guidelines in the diku license (contained in the file
   license.doc), the Merc license (contained in the file license.txt),
   and the Rom license (contained in the file rom.license).
2) The credits message after username/password has been entered needs
   to remain intact. You may add to it or change the colors, but may
   not remove it.
   --<strike out #3, the email is invalid now>--
3) You must email with your mud name and address.
4) You may not release a mud code by the name of SunderMud. Only
   the original creator of SunderMud may do so. If you make a
   dirivitive work, you may release it under another name so long as
   proper credit to SunderMud is given and this license is followed.

If you have any questions about this license, please send email to

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dark Times<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This is included because you may see reference to it. Dark Times was never
publicly released and has no license other than those inherited from previous 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rom 2.3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

In compiling this code, you have agreed to the following restrictions on
any operating version of ROM code:

1) following all guidelines in the diku license (contained in the file
   license.doc )
2) following	 all guidelines in the Merc license (contained in the file
3) The login message to your mud must contain a notice that it is based
   on ROM code. Including Russ Taylor or Alander in the message, or in
   other credits, is optional
4) Before opening a ROM-based mud, you must send email to the author
   (, so that I can keep track of sites for
   future code releases.
5) Any use of the term Rivers of Mud remains the exclusive copyright of
   Russ Taylor, this includes the sole right to release future versions
   of ROM source code, and the title Rivers of Mud as pertains to a mud.
   Permission to use the name Rivers of Mud has been granted to Zump,
   the current ROM implementer, his mud will remain the only one with
   that privilige.  As a coder, you have full rights to release
   your own derivatives of the ROM code, provided they follow the restrictions of
   this license, contain all appropriate README and credits files, and are
   properly labelled as being derivatives of the ROM 2.3 code (just as ROM
   is itself a derivative of Gamma 0.0 and Merc 2.1 code).
   (In English, this means that Alander is the only one allowed to release
   ROM source code, as apposed to ROM derived source code, and that you
   cannot call your mud ROM even though it uses ROM code)

   If you have any questions about this license, please send email to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Merc 2.1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Merc Release 2.1
Sunday 01 August 1993


=== Copyright and License Terms

Diku Mud is copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert,
Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.  Their license agreement
is in the file 'license.doc'.

Merc Diku Mud is a derivative of the original Diku Mud and is subject to their
copyright and license agreement.  Merc Diku Mud contains substantial
enhancements to Diku Mud.  These enhancements are copyright 1992, 1993 by
Michael Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.

In order to use Merc you must follow the Diku license and our license.  The
exact terms of the Diku license are in the file 'license.doc'.  A summary of
these terms is:

	-- No resale or operation for profit.
	-- Original author's names must appear in login sequence.
	-- The 'credits' command must report original authors.
	-- You must notify the Diku creators that you are operating a Diku mud.

Our license terms are:

	-- Copyrights must remain in original source.
	-- 'Help merc' must report our help text, as shipped.

Notice that our license terms don't include keeping our names in the login
sequence.  If you want to keep a line in there referring to Merc, or referring
to us by name (Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn), we'd appreciate that, but we don't
require it.  But you must keep the original Diku authors in the login sequence.

If you do not follow these license terms, we will ask you to comply.  If that
doesn't work, then we will talk to your system administrators (not about your
running a mud, but on the grounds that you're using our copyrighted software
without permission).

These are very generous terms for any software.  If you don't want to accept
them, feel free to run some other software, or write your own.


/* ************************************************************************
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991                                               *
*  All Rights Reserved                                                    *
************************************************************************* */

                             DikuMud License

                      Program & Concept created by

Sebastian Hammer
Prss. Maries Alle 15, 1
1908 Frb. C.

Michael Seifert
Nr. Soeg. 37C, 1, doer 3
1370 Copenhagen K.

Hans Henrik St{rfeldt
Langs} 19
3500 V{rl|se

Tom Madsen
R|de Mellemvej 94B, 64
2300 Copenhagen S.

Katja Nyboe
Kildeg}rdsvej 2
2900 Hellerup
31 62 82 84

This document contains the rules by which you can use, alter or publish
parts of DikuMud. DikuMud has been created by the above five listed persons
in their spare time, at DIKU (Computer Science Instutute at Copenhagen
University). You are legally bound to follow the rules described in this


   !! DikuMud is NOT Public Domain, shareware, careware or the like !!

   You may under no circumstances make profit on *ANY* part of DikuMud in
   any possible way. You may under no circumstances charge money for
   distributing any part of dikumud - this includes the usual $5 charge
   for "sending the disk" or "just for the disk" etc.
   By breaking these rules you violate the agreement between us and the
   University, and hence will be sued.

   You may not remove any copyright notices from any of the documents or
   sources given to you.

   This license must *always* be included "as is" if you copy or give
   away any part of DikuMud (which is to be done as described in this

   If you publish *any* part of dikumud, we as creators must appear in the
   article, and the article must be clearly copyrighted subject to this
   license. Before publishing you must first send us a message, by
   snail-mail or e-mail, and inform us what, where and when you are
   publishing (remember to include your address, name etc.)

   If you wish to setup a version of DikuMud on any computer system, you
   must send us a message , by snail-mail or e-mail, and inform us where
   and when you are running the game. (remember to include
   your address, name etc.)

   Any running version of DikuMud must include our names in the login
   sequence. Furthermore the "credits" command shall always cointain
   our name, addresses, and a notice which states we have created DikuMud.

   You are allowed to alter DikuMud, source and documentation as long as
   you do not violate any of the above stated rules.


The DikuMud Group


We hope you will enjoy DikuMud, and encourage you to send us any reports
on bugs (when you find 'it'). Remember that we are all using our spare
time to write and improve DikuMud, bugs, etc. - and changes will take their
time. We have so far put extremely many programming hours into this project.
If you make any major improvements on DikuMud we would be happy to
hear from you. As you will naturally honor the above rules, you will receive
new updates and improvements made to the game.