(Gave up a long time ago keeping this file up to date) - Lotherius

These are some notes of changes to code that are NOT included in 
Help Changes. Note that not all changes are listed here, so some 
changes which affect executable size aren't found here. Also, changes in
size are based on immediately before compile of a change, and therefore
may not reflect the last recorded size.

merc executable starting 8/23/97 : 1,218,832

Removed mudschool check on repop, should speed repops a little.
Removed some spells that weren't used.
- merc executable down to : 1,218,720 in size (112 bytes saved).

Moved includes (except for some in comm.c) to a file called everything.h. 
Now you only need to include this to make a new file. Notable exceptions
are db.h, interp.h, magic.h and olc.h, since these are not used in many 
of the files. The AMAZING results: 
- merc executable down to 1,179,187 in size (39,665 bytes saved).
Turned on malloc debugging.
- merc executable up to 1,179,519 in size (332 byte increase).
Removed all dependence on stock areas such as midgaard and the school.
Required objects all moved to limbo where they should be.
Removed YET MORE hardcoded vnums. What where these dudes thinking?

Turned malloc debugging OFF again since it was causing crashes on memory
allocation when equipping a mob in OLC. Anybody got any ideas?

In the never-ending search for what has started causing OLC crashes, made
 many changes to game_loop_unix in comm.c, a few in mem.c. Also changed
 part of olc_save.c to get rid of (null) in object fields that aren't used.
 Also attempted changes to olc_help.c.Also removed all hardcoded bans and
 an odd line that replaced 2 hosts with another hostname.
- merc executable down to : 1,177,354 in size ( 2,165 bytes saved ).
Test shows: (null) no longer shows up on unused object strings! Yay!
Turns out that the olc_help bug is a nasty corruption of variable maxdesc 
 in comm.c! 
Fixed the help save bug!!! It was an obscure mis-defined char variable in 
 help_fix routine (which wasn't even needed). Mighty Lotherius Wins Again!

Numerous changes, mostly pk added (see help mods).
Full speed optimizations set on compile, thus a larger executable.
- merc executable up to : 1,321,806 in size

Removed Some More Bloat! (removed useless wear, use, remove strings)
- merc executable down to : 1,313,948 in size.
  Pretty sure that this is going to save even more RAM.

Removed spell and skill groups. Also removed the difficulty modifier for
each class (may put back later).
- merc executable down to : 1,296,387 in size.

After various changes (most listed in help mods):
- merc executable up to : 1,297,871 in size.
Last Vestiges of Train/Gain code wiped out.

Removed brew_table & scribe_table (added in Dark Times)
 Added new field to skill_type "component" which will be
 the required component for casting/brewing/scribing.
- merc executable up to : 1,368,553

After numerous changes and most importantly ripping out old
 note rom 2.4 style note system and adding a note board system:
- merc executable up to : 1,379,498

After minor changes and adding move messages:
- merc executable up to : 1,382,226

Added "debuginfo" define. Currently only used in a few places.

Began lease.c. Other stuff in changes list.
- merc executable up to : 1,395,461

Added "gotoxy" function, as well as VT_ defines in merc.h for
cursor control. Other changes in help mods (entropy spell) and more
work on lease code. Why code size went down, I am clueless.
- merc executable down to : 1,392,942
File act_skill.c added. New boolean: skill_available (sn, ch)
returns TRUE if skill is available to char, and FALSE if it is
not. This should be used instead of skill table checks at all times.
Skill = 0 is a different situation and should be handled seperately.
This is to support skills that are not normal for a class (ie, race 

<stat skill> added. Also added saving of skill information to a textfile,
but haven't set up to load it back yet. Levels are still kept in classfiles.

-- SunderMud 1 Released --

Can no longer: cast 'reserved'