

Name		= unicorn
PName		= "The Unicorn"
Location	= pool
Strength	= 2000
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 0
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 0
Pflags {NoSummon}
Description	= "
A unicorn is standing here, gazing quietly at its reflection."
End             = unicorn

Name		= gambler
PName		= "The Gambler"
Location	= gambling
Strength	= 75
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 0
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 0
Description	= "
A gambler dressed in rags and tatters is dropping coins into the slot."
End             = gambler

Name		= guardian
Pname		= "The Guardian"
Location	= store
Strength	= 50
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 30
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 0
Eflags		{NegFrost}
Description	= "
A guardian of pure ice stands, silent and still, observing you."
End             = guardian


Name      = pendant
Location  = IN_ROOM:magician
Oflags    {Wearable}
Aflags    {Neck}
BValue    = 50
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc[0]   = "A crystal pendant has been dropped here."
End       = pendant

Name      = fountain
Location  = IN_ROOM:palace
Oflags    {NoGet}
Desc[0]   = "A small icy fountain burbles gently in the centre of the room."
End       = fountain

Name      = Hole_G_Hall
Pname     = hole
Location  = IN_ROOM:G_hall
Oflags    {NoGet}
Linked    = Hole_Snow_Cave
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc[0]   = "A hole has been dug north through the snow."
End       = Hole_G_Hall

Name      = Hole_Snow_Cave
Pname     = hole
Location  = IN_ROOM:S_Cave
Oflags    {NoGet}
Linked    = Hole_G_Hall
Desc[0]   = "A hole has been dug south through the snow."
End       = Hole_Snow_Cave

Name      = Cupboard_Bedroom
Pname     = cupboard
AltName   = door
Location  = IN_ROOM:bedroom
Oflags    {Openable Lockable NoGet}
Linked    = Cupboard_Store
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Desc[0]   = "The cupboard is open."
Desc[1]   = "The cupboard is closed."
Desc[2]   = "The cupboard is locked."
End       = Cupboard_Bedroom

Name      = Cupboard_Store
Pname     = cupboard
AltName   = door
Location  = IN_ROOM:store
Oflags    {Openable Lockable NoGet}
Linked    = cupboard_bedroom
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Desc[0]   = "The cupboard is open."
Desc[1]   = "The cupboard is closed."
Desc[2]   = "The cupboard is locked."
End       = Cupboard_Store

Name      = chest
Location  = IN_ROOM:store
Oflags    {Openable Container Lockable NoGet}
State     = 1
MaxState  = 2
Desc[0]   = "A huge iron bound chest lies open before you."
Desc[1]   = "A huge iron bound chest lies before you."
Desc[2]   = "A huge iron bound chest lies before you. The chest is locked."
End       = chest

Name      = coronet
Location  = IN_CONTAINER:chest
Oflags    {Wearable}
Aflags	  {Head}
BValue    = 300
Size      = 3
Weight    = 3
Desc[0]   = "A jewelled coronet glitters before you."
End       = coronet

Name      = key
AltName   = iron
Location  = IN_CONTAINER:pillowcase
Oflags    {Key}
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc[0]   = "An old rusty iron key lies here."
End       = key

Name      = pillowcase
AltName   = case
Location  = IN_ROOM:bedroom
Oflags    {Container Openable Lockable}
BValue    = 10
Size      = 50
MaxState  = 2
State     = 0
Weight    = 1
Desc[0]   = "A soggy pillowcase has been dumped here."
Desc[1]   = "A soggy pillowcase has been dumped here.It is closed."
Desc[2]   = "A soggy pillowcase has been dumped here. It is locked."
End       = pillowcase

Name      = dagger
AltName   = icy
Location  = IN_ROOM:palace
Oflags    {Weapon}
Damage    = 18
BValue    = 100
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc[0]   = "A strange, thin icy dagger lies at your feet."
End       = dagger

Name      = WestIceThrone
Pname     = throne
Location  = IN_ROOM:throne
Oflags    {NoGet}
Linked    = EastIceThrone
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc[0]   = "
Icy shards lie scattered here, around an opening leading eastwards."
Desc[1]   = "A huge crystal throne of pure ice dominates the east wall."
Examine   = "
This throne is fit for a king, but it looks very inviting to a weary traveler
such as yourself."
End       = WestIceThrone

Name      = EastIceThrone
Pname     = throne
Location  = IN_ROOM:cave
Oflags    {NoGet}
Linked    = WestIceThrone
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc[0]   = "Slivers of ice twinkle in the light from the western exit."
Desc[1]   = "
The western exit is blocked by what appears to be the back of a throne."
End       = EastIceThrone

Name      = Door1StChamber
Pname     = door
Location  = IN_ROOM:hall
Oflags    {Openable Lockable NoGet}
Linked    = Door2StChamber
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Desc[0]   = "The door is open."
Desc[1]   = "The door is closed."
Desc[2]   = "The door is locked."
End       = Door1StChamber

Name      = Door2StChamber
Pname     = door
Location  = IN_ROOM:storage
Linked    = Door1StChamber
Oflags    {Openable Lockable NoGet}
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Desc[0]   = "The door is open."
Desc[1]   = "The door is closed."
Desc[2]   = "The door is locked."
End       = Door2StChamber


S_Cave e:pass2@blizzard s:^hole_snow_cave;
lflags {}
Snow Cave^
   You are in a glittering ice cave, its floor and walls covered with loose,
deep snow.  The cavemouth is east.
G_Hall n:^hole_g_hall s:Palace;
lflags {}
Glittering Hall^
   You are in a glittering hall made entirely of ice.  Multi-hued icicles hang
from the ceiling and the hall seems to be gradually melting!  A slippery path
leads south.
Magician e:Palace;
lflags {} 
Magician's Research Room^
   You are in a magician's research room, surrounded by a clutter of useless
equipment. This room is also entirely ice, and to judge from the damp equipment
the roof has melted quite considerably.
   There is a doorway to the east.
Palace n:G_Hall e:Throne s:Bedroom w:Magician ;
lflags {}
Ice Palace^
   You are in a huge ice hall forming the center of the ice palace.  Huge
pillars hold up the roof, although small amounts of water now trickle down
them.  Archways lead in all directions.
Throne e:^WestIceThrone w:Palace ;
lflags {}
The Ice Throne^
   You are in an icy throne hall covered with many ornate carvings of icy
wastes.  The hall is deserted, and it appears whoever is king of this icy
domain is absent.  To the west is the main hall.
Bedroom n:Palace s:^cupboard_bedroom;
lflags {}
Royal Bedroom^
   You are in the royal bedroom.  The bed appears to have melted.  There is a
large cupboard on the south wall and a doorway to the north.
Store n:^cupboard_store;
lflags {}
The Secret Store Room^
   You are in a secret room.  The thick stone walls are damp and the room
smells musty and unpleasant.  There is a cupboard on the north wall.
Cave n:Home e:Passage s:Tunnel w:^EastIceThrone;
lflags {}
The Cave of the Ice People^
   You are standing in a vast icy cave.  Ice covers the floor, making your
balance precarious at best.  Judging from the footprints, however, it seems
others have been here before you and safely traversed this slippery surface.
A message carved into one wall reads "We Always Bit Chips."
   Passages lead in all directions, but the exit leading east is blocked by
a standard AberMUD construction sign.
Home s:Cave;
lflags {Private Party}
Home of the Iceman^
   Welcome to Iceman's private cubicle.  Despite the icy surroundings, you feel
warm and safe here.  Some of the Iceman's robes are hanging in a closet, along
with some impressive weapons you dare not touch.  On his desk you see some
scrolls covered with Nordic runes, and an unfinished supper, indicating the
Iceman has only stepped out for a moment.  You notice several copies of "Teach
Yourself Swedish" in the bookcase, but one seems to be missing.  A portrait of
his beautiful wife, Lady Galadriel, adorns the otherwise bare walls.
   A single exit leads south.
Tunnel n:Cave s:N_Tunnel;
lflags {}
Ice Tunnel^
   You find yourself walking in a well lit tunnel with ice covered walls,
ceiling, and floor.  In addition to the frozen footprints of the Ice People you
also make out some hoofprints.  The tunnel continues to the south.  An exit to
the north leads to the relative safety of a great hall.
N_Tunnel n:Tunnel s:Pool;
lflags {}
Narrow Ice Tunnel^
   The tunnel tapers down considerably here, and you must crawl on all fours
to squeeze by.  To the north the tunnel widens out.  You can hear the faint
chirping and buzzing of magical critters emanating from a small hole to the
Pool n:N_Tunnel e:Hall w:Gambling;
lflags {}
Crystal Pool^
   You stand in awe in a vast cave dominated by a crystal pool.  The surface of
the water is a perfect mirror, casting silvery reflections on the walls.  Magic
fills the air, and in the water there are manatees and manatoos.  Dewdrops
glisten on the rocks and edelweiss grow in the most unlikely places, among
stones and unfinished ice sculptures.
Gambling e:Pool;
lflags {}
Gambling Hall^
   This room is all but magical and wondrous: Cheap decor covers the grimy
walls, smoke fills the air, and the smell isn't exactly winter fresh.  Broken
glass is scattered on the floor, along with some playing cards and dice.  If
your mother knew you were here, she'd be shocked.
Hall n:^Door1StChamber w:Pool ;
lflags {}
Hall Of The Ice People^
   This is the great Hall Of The Ice People.  This is where they come to eat,
to drink, and to be merry.  Carvings on the walls tell fascinating sagas of the
giant Thrym and Mjolnir, of the ship Skidbladnir and Ragnarok, and of the One
Tree, Yggdrasil.  The hall is deserted now, and you wonder where everyone is
hiding.  There is some sort of door in the northern wall.
Storage s:^Door2StChamber;
lflags {}
Storage Chamber^
   This is just a small store room, filled with empty crates and boxes, some
marked 'Fragile' and others 'Feel Free to Shake and Break'.  There is a single
doorway in the south wall.
Passage e:Shrine w:Cave ;
lflags { }
Icy Passage^
   The ice on the walls is clear enough for you to see the stone beneath it.
The floor is a sheet of smooth ice, so you find it easier to move by
sliding your feet that by actually lifting each foot up.
Shrine w:Passage ;
lflags { }
The Lost Shrine of the Ice People^
   A cobweb brushes across your face.  From the abundace of them here, it
would seem that this room does not see much use.  Though the dimness of the
light does not allow you to be sure, the groaning of the ceiling causes you
to move quietly, as you would rather not have the tons of mountain above
you fall in.
   Closer inspection of the walls reveals ancient, intricate images of huge
glaciers and a figure you can only guess to be the god of the Ice People,
who they venerate here.