


Name            = Acanthostega
Location        = arctica1
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 4
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 1
Description     = "The early tetrapod Acanthostega is crawling about on the floor."
Examine         = "
Acanthostega would really prefer to be in the water."
End             = Acanthostega


Name            = bed
State           = 0
MaxState        = 0
Armor           = 0
Damage          = 0
BValue          = 0
Size            = 100
Weight          = 0
Location        = IN_ROOM:arctica1
Desc[0]         = "
A king-sized double bed looks somewhat out of place here." 
Oflags          { NoGet }
Examine         = " 
It is sumptuous and looks well-used."
End             = bed

Name            = rope
State           = 0
MaxState        = 0
Armor           = 0
Damage          = 0
BValue          = 0
Size            = 4
Weight          = 0
Location        = IN_CONTAINER:fishtank
Desc[0]         = "
A length of rope is lying here." 
Oflags          { Wearable }
Aflags		{ Back }
Examine         = " 
It is thin but strong, yet soft and supple.  It would not hurt your wrists."
End             = rope

Name            = fishtank
State           = 0
MaxState        = 0
Armor           = 0
Damage          = 0
BValue          = 0
Size            = 40
Weight          = 0
Location        = IN_ROOM:arctica1
Desc[0]         = "
A large fishtank rests on a table, filled with seawater.  Small primitive fish
are swimming about inside it, peering at you through the glass." 
Oflags          { NoGet Container }
Examine         = " 
The fish swim about among a selection of plants from the Silurian period."
End             = fishtank


Vaccum ;
lflags {}
   You are inside a void. There is no way out, other than the way in.
Bones of those before who could not find that way out are neatly piled
in one discreet corner.

arctica1 s:devo9@evolution;
lflags { Party Private Peaceful NoMobiles}
Arctica's Greenhouse^
    You are in a vast greenhouse whose roof is two hundred feet above you.  You
stare in awe as you gaze upon a whole host of plantlife taken from every period
of Earth's history.  To the left are tree ferns, towering thirty feet high,
spreading their feathery fronds for many yards in all directions.  To the right
are horsetails as big as trees with great woody trunks that bear no resemblance
to the little grass-like weeds that are so common around wet ground in the
countryside.  And in front of you, towering towards the roof, are several huge
lycopods, like trees in size and shape but related to mosses and their kin.
A number of less massive exhibits are lined up against the glass walls of the
greenhouse, and some shrubs and monkey puzzle saplings grow here and there
in the shade of the lycopods.  