CDirt 2.3 Docfile                                 Giancarlo Castrataro, 1997

This file describes the print codes used by bprintf(), the mud's output
function.  The two types of codes which are understood by the mud are
special codes, and regular codes.  Special codes cannot be typed in by the
user, and therefore are for things like printing a file, clearing the
screen, piping input to a file, and that sort of thing.  Anything you
don't want the average user to be able to do should be put in a
special code.  Regular codes are for things like color, and anything else
you feel like giving users access to.

Here are some special codes:

printf()          file read	define		meaning
\001V\003         &V            VERSION         MUD Version
\001@\003         &@            EMAIL           Email address of implementor
\001$\003         &$            MUD_NAME        Name of MUD
\001U\003         &U            MASTER_USER     Master user of MUD
\001#\003         &#            PORT            Port of MUD
\001?\003         &?            HOMEPAGE        Code available at
\001T\003         &T            LASTBUILD       Time of last code build
\001H\003         &H            _HOSTNAME_      Hostname of MUD
\001O\003         &O            _OS_            OS of server
\001~\003         &~            _ARCH_          Architecture of server
\001!\003         &!            _VERSION_       Version of server