You uncover a stone slab!^
You find nothing.^
You widen the hole but with little effect.^
You rapidly dig through to another passage.^
No way.^
The Runesword doesn't want to be given away!^
You can't exorcise them.  They don't want to be exorcised.^
You can't, silly!^
You couldn't exorcise your way out of a paper bag.^
It seems to be magically closed.^
It's already open.^
You open the umbrella.^
You can't shift the door at all from this side.^
You can't open that.^
It's already open.^
It seems to be locked.^
It's already closed.^
You can't close that.^
It's not open.^
The bone is engraved, "View me in the wise man's place and you will fly and
time will race."^
There is a flash and you are teleported....^
The dragon glares at you and prepares to blast you out of existence with his
fiery breath.... but the icy blade sinks deep into the dragon's hide.
The dragon shudders.^
You have no key.^
You can't lock that!^
That's already locked.^
It's not locked.^
You can't unlock that.^
The floorboards creak alarmingly as you move around.^
dThere is an almighty 'BONG!'
You shift the floorboards, with much heaving and tugging, to reveal an exit
It looks confused.  It probably doesn't know how to use it, but it takes the
umbrella anyway.^
The pebble gets annoyed and goes to philosophise elsewhere.^
Close it first....^
If you want to go somewhere in a boat, pick it up and take it with you.^
It is too restricted in here.^
You are suddenly grabbed and taken into the tree!^
You have been absorbed, and crushed to death by the tree......^
dThere is a hideous scream and a grinding of bone...
You can't shift the tree.^
The tree screams and thrashes around.  In its dying throes you dash to safety.^
Try untying it, it's much better for the rope.^
You untie the rope ladder, and soon have a long rope.^
You can't knot the rope ladder, you'll just make a mess of it.^
It is knotted.^
The rope now allows you to climb up and down the tree.^
The rope doesn't catch on anything.^
You tickle the tree into paroxyms of giggles and manage to escape.^
Seamas takes the pipes, thanks you, and begins to play a haunting melody.^
dA haunting pipe melody echoes through the air.
Much as you try the pipes only make nasty squeaking noises.^
Ottimo begins to dig, wagging his tail happily.
Ottimo has uncovered a fox hole at the foot of the oak!^
The rope catches on the other side of the ledge and seems secure.^
The rope fails to catch on the ledge.^
It seems safe enough to cross.^
The ice and snow is thick, you'll need something to hack through it with.^
The Piper thanks you and begins to play.^
You dig your way through the rockfall, and soon clear the passage.^
The rope catches high on the lip of the pit.^
The rope now allows you to climb down into the pit.^
Although there are fox tracks in the grass, you can't find the fox's hole.^
However much blood you drink from the chalice it stays just as stained!^
Some mighty force hurls you across the universe.
The stars seem to spin and whirl around you, whipping into a fiery storm of
multihued flaming light, spinning, twisting, half blinding you in its wild,
crazy flickerings.
Suddenly everything seems to jolt back to a kind of almost sanity.^
That's probably not a good idea!^
The altar and cross suddenly start sparking and flashing, as if in some kind of
conflict.  With a massive bang the altar cracks.^
You feel as if some force is offended.  There is a terrific lurch as if the
very ground is alive, and then everything clears.^
dA beautiful harp melody floats to you on a gentle breeze.
You'll have to untie it first.^
The sharp bark of a fox reverberates off the oaks, and fades to silence.^
dIn the distance you hear a stirring bagpipe rendition of "Amazing Grace."
Ottimo rubs up against your leg and licks your hand.^
You grab hold of the umbrella and step off the ledge.

You are drifting slowly through the darkness of the chasm, falling towards an
uncertain fate.  The rocky walls slide past you, as does another ledge, just
beyond your reach.  After several minutes, your descent comes to an end and
you alight in ...^
You make a leap of Faith, throwing yourself off the ledge.  You are hurtling
rapidly through the darkness of the chasm, falling to almost certain doom.
The rocky walls rush past you ...^
You step off the ledge, but instead of plummeting into the darkness below, your
motion is stopped and you find yourself ...^
The throne collapses under your overweight body, revealing an eastward passage.^
You fall through a trap door, plummeting to the ground below!
Dazed, you pick yourself up from the floor to find yourself ...^
There is a hideous wailing noise.
You've uncovered a ladder!^
You scream in agony as the ceiling caves in!^