#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"
#include "exits.h"


Name             = brother
PName            = "Brother"
Location         = cottage2
Strength         = 150
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 99
Speed            = 0
Description      = "Brother John is here with his cousin plotting to kill the dog."
End              = brother

Name             = cousin
PName            = "Cousin"
Location         = cottage2
Strength         = 150
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 99
Speed            = 0
Description      = "Cousin Joe has a very shifty look in his eye as he listens to John."
End              = cousin

Name             = father
PName            = "Father"
Location         = cottage4
Strength         = 150
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 90
Speed            = 5
Description      = "Father is walking around looking for his newspaper and he's mad."
End              = father

Name             = mother
PName            = "Mother"
Sflags             { Female }
Location         = cottage5
Strength         = 150
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 80
Speed            = 5
Description      = "Mother is preparing dinner and she doesn't look too happy about it."
End              = mother

Name             = sister
PName            = "Sister"
Sflags             { Female }
Location         = cottage5
Strength         = 150
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 90
Speed            = 5
Description      = "Sister Kate is sneaking pieces of cake as she eyes her mom's movements."
End              = sister

Name             = doggy
PName            = "Doggy"
Location         = cottage6
Strength         = 300
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 87
Speed            = 0
Description      = "Doggy, the pet doberman wants to play with you."
End              = doggy

Name             = kitty
PName            = "Kitty"
Sflags             { Female }
Location         = cottage7
Strength         = 150
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 90
Speed            = 5
Description      = "Kitty da kitty-cat is amusing herself with a ball of yarn."
End              = kitty

Name             = prowler
PName            = "Prowler"
Location         = cottage8
Strength         = 300
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 87
Speed            = 0
Description      = "Yikes!!!  A prowler is here trying to steal the car."
End              = prowler

Name             = vet
PName            = "Vet"
Location         = cottage16
Strength         = 500
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 4
Speed            = 5
Description      = "Vet, the veteran, is here mumbling "Kill! Kill! Kill!"."
End              = vet

Name             = ramses
PName            = "Ramses"
Location         = cottage24
Strength         = 750
Damage           = 10
Armor            = 0
Aggression       = 87
Speed            = 0
Description      = "Ramses has been waiting a LONG time for you."
End              = ramses


Name             = gate_door
PName            = door
AltName          = gate
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage2
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = gate_door_1
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "An open fence gate offers passage north."
Desc[1]          = "The gate to the fence is closed."
End              = gate_door

Name             = gate_door_1
PName            = door
AltName          = gate
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage3
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = gate_door
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
End              = gate_door_1

Name             = door
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage8
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = door_1
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "An open door provides passage west into a kitchen."
End              = door

Name             = door_1
PName            = door
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage5
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = door
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "The door is open."
Desc[1]          = "The door is closed."
End              = door_1

Name             = garage_door
PName            = door
AltName          = garage
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage7
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = garage_door_1
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "The garage door is open."
Desc[1]          = "The garage door is closed."
End              = garage_door

Name             = garage_door_1
PName            = door
AltName          = garage
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage8
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = garage_door
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "The garage door is open."
Desc[1]          = "The garage door is closed."
End              = garage_door_1

Name             = basalt_door
PName            = door
AltName          = basalt
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage15
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = basalt_door_1
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "The basalt door is open."
Desc[1]          = "The basalt door is closed."
Examine          = "It's extremely heavy, and will probably require assistance to open.
End              = basalt_door

Name             = basalt_door_1
PName            = door
AltName          = basalt
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage16
Oflags             { Openable NoGet }
Linked           = basalt_door
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "A large basalt door opens south into an entryway."
Desc[1]          = "A large basalt door bars any southern progression."
Examine          = "It's extremely heavy, and will probably require assistance to open.
End              = basalt_door_1

Name             = door_wheel
PName            = wheel
AltName          = door
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage21
Oflags             { Container Pushable NoGet }
Linked           = door_wheel_1
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
Examine          = "The spoked wheel is old and rusted; above it are printed the words
	'Emergency Gate Control'
End              = door_wheel

Name             = door_wheel_1
PName            = wheel
AltName          = door
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage22
Oflags             { Container Pushable NoGet }
Linked           = door_wheel
MaxState         = 1
State            = 1
End              = door_wheel_1

Name             = knife_cleaver
PName            = cleaver
AltName          = knife
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage5
Oflags             { Weapon }
BValue           = 100
Damage           = 15
Size             = 30
Weight           = 10
Desc[0]          = "A heavy duty meat cleaver is sitting on the counter."
Examine          = "Nothing like having a good weapon, eh?
End              = knife_cleaver

Name             = angelfood_cake
PName            = cake
AltName          = angelfood
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage5
Oflags             { Food }
BValue           = 10
Size             = 3
Weight           = 3
Desc[0]          = "There is a cake here."
Examine          = "It is an angelfood cake of course!
End              = angelfood_cake

Name             = crowbar
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage8
Oflags             { Weapon GetFlips }
BValue           = 20
Damage           = 10
Size             = 7
Weight           = 7
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "A very heavy steel crowbar is here."
Desc[1]          = "A heavy crowbar lies here bracing the kitchen door."
Examine          = "You could probably do some good damage with it!
End              = crowbar

Name             = runes
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage22
Oflags             { NoGet }
Examine          = "Caution: Something ancient and very powerful is here.
End              = runes

Name             = runes_1
PName            = runes
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage15
Oflags             { NoGet }
Examine          = ^		"You see me now a veteran,
	       of a thousand giantish wars.
	  I've been living on the edge too long,
	      where the winds of limbo roar.
	     And, I'm young enough to look at,
		  and far too old to see,
	    all the scars are on the inside...
			 KEEP OUT!"
End              = runes_1

Name             = crumbs
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage16
Oflags             { Food }
BValue           = 20
Size             = 3
Weight           = 3
Desc[0]          = "There are giant crumbs here."
Examine          = "A bit stale but palatable.
End              = crumbs

Name             = memoirs_tome
PName            = tome
AltName          = memoirs
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage16
Oflags             { GetFlips }
BValue           = 150
Size             = 12
Weight           = 10
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "A giant tome of memoirs has been placed here."
Desc[1]          = "There is a huge tome of memoirs on the desk."
Examine          = "These memoirs are scrawled out in the giantish scrip and are unreadable.
End              = memoirs_tome

Name             = skiff
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage18
BValue           = 10
Size             = 100
Weight           = 10
Desc[0]          = "A small battered skiff lies here."
Examine          = "This skiff is not seaworthy.
End              = skiff

Name             = sarcophagus
Location         = IN_ROOM:cottage24
Oflags             { Container NoGet }
Examine          = "You are strnangely drawn to this ancient coffin, but despite your
curiosity, the fear of some unknown curse lingers in the back of your mind.
End              = sarcophagus

Name             = scarab
Location         = IN_CONTAINER:sarcophagus
Oflags             { GetFlips }
BValue           = 400
Size             = 4
Weight           = 4
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "A beautiful scarab has been placed here."
Desc[1]          = "A beautiful scarab lies in the sarcophagus."
Examine          = "This emerald treasure has the form of a desert insect.
End              = scarab

Name             = sphere
Location         = IN_CONTAINER:sarcophagus
Oflags             { Lit GetFlips }
BValue           = 600
Size             = 8
Weight           = 8
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "A small golden sphere shimmers off to one side."
Desc[1]          = "A small golden sphere winks up at you."
Examine          = "This golden sphere emits a bright light.
End              = sphere

Name             = gilded_cowl
PName            = cowl
AltName          = gilded
Location         = IN_CONTAINER:sarcophagus
Oflags             { Wearable }
Aflags		   { Face }
BValue           = 250
Size             = 8
Weight           = 8
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "A gilded cowl has been carelessly discarded here."
Desc[1]          = "A gilded cowl becons you to wear it."
Examine          = "A jeweled headpiece.
End              = gilded_cowl

Name             = flail
Location         = IN_CONTAINER:sarcophagus
Oflags             { Weapon }
BValue           = 200
Damage           = 14
Size             = 13
Weight           = 10
State            = 1
Desc[0]          = "The Flail of Isis lies here."
Desc[1]          = "A gorgeous flail rests in the corner of the sarcophagus."
Examine          = "A marvelous ruby studded weapon.
End              = flail


cottage1 n:cottage2 e:cottage11 w:chlyon2@chlyon d:cottage11;
lflags { Outdoors NoMobiles }
Serene Valley^
   This valley, nestled amidst the surrounding peaks, is a place of serene
tranquility.  Long swaths of green mountain grass beckon you to kick off
your boots and frolic about.  A branch of the valley extends to the north, and
you can return to the more mountainous regions lying to the east.  Going west
will take you back to the crossroads.
cottage2 n:^gate_door e:cottage9 s:cottage1 d:cottage9;
lflags { }
Peaceful Valley^
   You have entered a small valley snuggled amidst the towering peaks.  It
is so peaceful you can not help but smile just from being here.  Animals of all
kinds play about you, some even cautiously approach, their eyes aglow with
   To the north stands a cozy cottage surrounded by a white picket fence, and
adorned with several neatly trimmed hedges.  The main branch of the valley lies
to the south, and you may be able to slide down into a ledge to the east.
cottage3 n:cottage4 e:cottage6 s:^gate_door_1;
lflags { }
Front Porch^
   You are standing on the front porch of the picturesque cottage.  The
woman of the house stands here obviously in a cleaning frenzy.  A narrow
flower-lined walk heads east to a short driveway, while a peaceful valley
becons southward.
cottage4 e:cottage5 s:cottage3;
lflags { }
Living Room^
   You have entered the living room of the quaint cottage, the housewife
is here busily sweeping.  A family sized color television sits here opposite
a comfy, blue sofa with enormous cushions.  the smell of baking wafts from
a tiny kitchen to the east, and you may also return south to the porch.
cottage5 e:^door_1 w:cottage4;
lflags { }
Petite Kitchen^
   You are surrounded by the smells of baking and the cheery warmth of a
small electric stove.  there has obviously been some cooking done here
recently.  You can hear the sounds of cleaning coming from the west and
a small door leads east.
cottage6 e:cottage7 w:cottage3;
lflags { }
Front Walk^
   This narrow path runs from east to west connecting the front porch
with the driveway.  You treak carefully so as to avoid trampling the flowers.
cottage7 n:^garage_door w:cottage6;
lflags { }
   You are currently standing on a short, asphalt driveway.  A short path
connects it with the porch to the west.  In front of you stands a large
garage door.
cottage8 s:^garage_door_1 w:^door;
lflags { }
   This is a clean, well kept garage.  A large, cherry-red, Plymouth Fury
sits here; it seems to be leering at you.  On its license plate you can
make out a set of runes spelling "Christine".  There are a few dozen
different tools hanging here, but their purposes are beyond your
cottage9 e:cottage10 s:cottage11;
lflags { Outdoors }
Cliff Turn^
   You stand on a narrow ledge, your back to the cliff face.  Above
you can see the top of the cliff, but there is no way to climb up.  Silver
mists obsucre the bottom of the chasm far below.  It is here that the wide
ledge to the south meets up with a very narrow ledge to the east.
lflags { Death }
Collapsing Ledge^
   The ledge narrows here to an untraversable width.  As you attempt to
turn and make your way back up to the west, the ledge collapses.  You are
wondeirng how deep the chasm truly is when the sudden stop enlightens you.
cottage11 n:cottage9 s:cottage12;
lflags { Outdoors }
Cliff Face^
   Standing on a ledge running north and south a few feet below the
top of a cliff, you stare down into the swirling mists below.  You may,
if careful, be able to scramble up to the valley above.  The outlines of
a bridge spanning the chasm are barely visible to the south.
cottage12 n:cottage11 s:cottage13;
lflags { Outdoors }
Narrow Ledge^
   You stand upon a narrow ledge running north and south along the cliff
face.  the outlines of a natural, stone bridge spanning the chasm are
clearly visible to the south.
cottage13 n:cottage12 e:cottage14;
lflags { Outdoors }
Bridge Landing^
   Before you a monstrous, natural bridge stretches across the chasm to
the east.  A pair of stalagmites stand like silent guardians forming
an entryway onto the bridge.
cottage14 e:cottage15 w:cottage13;
lflags { Outdoors }
Natural Bridge^
   You stand upon a magnificent, granite bridge spannin the wide chasm;
far below the silver mists seem to swirl in increased agitation.  To the
east there stands and enormous, dark entryway.
cottage15 n:^basalt_door w:cottage14;
lflags { Outdoors NoMobiles }
Huge Entryway^
   Sad breezes sigh forlornly through the fallen rocks which lie strewn
about.  In front of you to the north, stands an immense basalt door, its
black surface glimmering in the ambient light.  Above the door are
written another set of weatherbeaten runes.
cottage16 e:cottage17 s:^basalt_door_1;
lflags { }
Giant's Chamber^
   Everything here seems to be expanded to a grand scale;  easily twice
as large as usual.  A huge stone table, covered by a plain, white cloth,
dominates the center of the room.  A large cot is set along the western
wall, and a simple, writing desk stands opposite it.
cottage17 s:cottage18 w:cottage16 d:cottage18;
lflags { NoMobiles }
Damp Passage^
   The first thing that you notice upon entering this room is the heavy
layer of condensation which has collected on the walls.  The passage slopes
steeply downward to the south, but you can not see what lies that way, for it
is too dark.  A rectangle of light pours in from the western passage.
cottage18 n:cottage17 e:town11@town s:cottage19 u:cottage17;
lflags { Dark }
   The damp passage ends here, leading down into an underground resevoir.
The sound of running water echoes out of the darkness.  The large shape
of a forgotten dam looms out of the darkness to the south.
cottage19 n:cottage18 s:cottage20;
lflags { Dark }
Still Water^
   You're knee-deep in the still waters of the underground resevoir.
These waters extend west around a bend lying to the south.
cottage20 e:cottage19 u:cottage21;
lflags { Dark }
Still Water^
   You're waist-deep in the dark still waters of an underground resevoir.
The artificial lake extends to the north, around a bend lying to the east.
You can also climb up to the top of the dam, but climbin back down looks
almost impossible.
cottage21 d:^door_wheel;
lflags { Dark }
Top of Dam^
   Standing atop the underground dam you can peer over the rusted
guardrail to the south, but the dam's bottom is hidden in blackness.
The resevoir lies to the north; from here you can see a narrow staircase
down, which continues below the waterline.  A large rusted release
wheel protrudes from a mass of pipes nearby.
cottage22 e:cottage18 w:cottage23 u:^door_wheel_1;
lflags { Dark NoMobiles }
Resevoir Bottom^
   As you stand on the muddy bottom of the resevoir you are able to
see where an underground stream fed the resevoir from the west.  Picking
your way eastward across a large jumble of stones you could probably
make your way out of this muddy area, or you could return to the heights
of the dam by ascending the narrow stair.
There are some ancient runes here that catch your eye.
cottage23 e:cottage22 w:cottage24;
lflags { Dark NoMagic NoSummon }
Lost Cavern^
   Water runs in rivulets down the walls of this cave, feeding the
stream which meanders eastward toward the damn.  the western wall of
this forgotten cave has been cut smooth and adorned with magnificent
carvings.  In the midst of these carvings stands an ornately wrought
golden door, covered in runes.  You seem to feel strange emanations of
magic brush your consciousness from somewhere behind the golden portal.
cottage24 e:cottage23;
lflags { Dark NoMagic NoSummon }
Tomb of Ramses IV^
   Rising all about you, you see jeweled panel and statues adorned
with heiroglyphics and carvings of all kinds.  Dominating this room
however, is the immense sarcophagus of The Pharoh Ramses IV.  It
emanates tendrils of magical energy which seem to reach into your soul
intently searching for you know not what.  After a moment you realize that
this room is incredibly dry, especially in comparison to the one that
you just left.