Many of these bugs should be already addressed, if anyone notices any
more, please send them to

  G. Castrataro              is         Prometheus
(            (Promised Lands)

Crimefighter - NOTE TO SELF:  Relocate the entry point to Sagewood and Cyrus.  \BAD transition into those zones from the current point.
Crimefighter - the CRASH command is available to Demis
Crimefighter - BLACK TEXT in the oshul zone is UNREADABLE
Crimefighter - isn't there supposed to be a DEATH flag in portal1@sagewood?
Crimefighter - Sagewood1 should now start at valley32 aka Path@valley
Crimefighter - quarry18 -- pipe bad color code
Crimefighter - change Bottom@quarry quarry17 down to quarry8 Mine@quarry -- som\e ancient typo I guess
Crimefighter - A mortal WILL NEVER KNOW THERE"S A DOOR IN camelot135@camelot ..\. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE ROOM DESC!
Crimefighter - THERE IS NO INDICATION OF A DOOR EXISTING IN camelot52@camelot!
Crimefighter - NOTE TO SELF.  add a connector zone to camelot72@camelot east...\one to attach a bunch of them later.
Freeman - the shazareth quest doesn't seem to work..
Freeman - Add a message when you burn the roots in Spike
Moog - there's no qinfo file for the doom quest.
Moog - I did elvenforest and killed both the lich and asmodeus in that order --\ however it didn't give me the quest flag (I asked a power for it afterwards --\ don't worry about giving me the flag ;) )
Valur - When examining the tube in blizzard53, the scroll should have its 'dest\royed' flag removed + it given to the person who examines the scroll tube. It s\ends a message saying that and it does this on other muds... ;)
Snubweasel - is the doom zone linked to the mud or not?:)
Snubweasel - why does the horseshoe drop your chance of hitting to nothing?
Shadow - PUT STARFISH PATTERN isn't working in Atlantis quest.
Shadow - Haggardly still won't take the pot in Draknor quest
Crimefighter - fairybook is not connected
Crimefighter - fairytale is not connected
Crimefighter - mithdan fountain needs the food flag removed or another special
 where you drink and it teleports you implemented elsewhere...
without destroying the fountain
Crimefighter - sherwood mobs have lowercase first names
Zefir - elvencloak it supposed to be required to drink beaker to
get glove (from Angel).
Cresso - No qinfo for faffner
Rhubix - wintergreen as food
Zefir - need fafner specials even if not quest (Kitten).
Rhubix - not sure mithdan completes correctly
Rhubix - FireKings chalice entry is broken!!!
Cresso - The whistle doesn open the foxhole in the oak groove
Cresso - the whistle doesn't open the hole
Cresso - You get the message twice when you give the fan to viola.
Drizzt - examin text on object potion in the house in Hickdale, check it :)
Crimefighter - arrgh, i don't like the place of the start of chlyon
Greenranger - the blinking construction sign needs to be removed from "The Hidd\en Falsls"
Greenranger - change sex chicken is broken
Greenranger - backpack from eastcoast appears twice in inventory
Shadow - Why won't Haggardly take the pot?
Fallstar - if sabre quest is working right then the mremaid may be impossible t\o get out of without such spells are deaf me or muse mermaid
Fallstar - sabre is all MESSed up
Fallstar - the sabre dissappeared to it's orignal place when i finished the que\st and i examined it... no ruby in hilt
Crimefighter - An exit should open when the black knight dies....yes THAT one.
Crimefighter - sagewood23...if you ACTUALLY kill the demon, hellish portal shou\ld throw you back out...and the portal closes.
Crimefighter - Hey Cresso...Arthur's nickname was "WART" not "Buddy"
Crimefighter - someone gave "Jeffery" in the doom zone a damage of 90!!
Cresso - Name doesn't show up when one complete elvenforest
Cresso - No name reported when completing the Batcave quest
Fallstar - i fed the hermit food so he left the game.
Fallstar - but i get this ' has gone east.'  ' comes in from the east.' message\s
Rhubix - tower wand, doesnt work invis
Zteuer - didn't have to drink the awful potion to get down to faffner...
Crimefighter - camelot105@camelot camelot104  ... same problem with the other t\wo hiding spots.
Crimefighter - Lesuorac is taking his loot to dead1 without dumping it
Crimefighter - the File create/alter occurance happened two days ago appearentl\y.
Greenranger - west should be EAST in End of Path ... Maeron
Greenranger - bedroll from maeron claims to be not open and you can't put thing\s in it
Greenranger - escarpment path exit missing
Greenranger - we ought to move the bottom of the chute outside...NL put it in t\ower2
Greenranger - when findgrail was done...the cup didn't come with me
Crimefighter - Yeah, Holygrail looks like it completed a bunch of times...dirty\ cup.
Crimefighter - Cyrus69 just bugs me...since many other rooms are titled "Climbi\ng the Mountain" and aren't deathrooms, while no warning of death coming in cyr\us83...this needs some work.
Crimefighter - fix the sign in bridge@blizzard
Crimefighter - Change MAXSTATE for the apple in the valley zone to ONE
Crimefighter - Is fairybook and fairytale supposed to be open to runners???
Crimefighter - is Daerius supposed to be wandering around the mud outside his z\one?
Mortdred - Far too many mobiles have no descs. So what does a 'typical, run of \the mill Anook' look like, anywuf?
Mortdred - shepherd's staff from Heaven says it is armor, but cannot be worn
Mortdred - Mobiles in ruins get stuck in room where you sink from first to seco\nd level
Mortdred - Criminal can take the dark gemstone whil Sauroth yet lives
Mortdred - Figure guarding library may be backstabbed repeatedly
Shadow - Shouldn't biting LeSuorac do something?
Zefir - zitz reports pink elephant is messed up.
Zefir - creatures are walking out of sdesert.
Greenranger - the troll's loincloth didn't loot
Shadow - It still says "A rope leads up the tree" even after untying and taking\ the rope
Crimefighter - Note to self:  Specials files needed for the following zones:
Crimefighter - Chylon: Thrace, Fairybook: Trent, Origins: Balladar, Eosia: Jar,\ Windy: unknown, Rome: Zarniwoop
Crimefighter - ARRGH!  Fix the violin in atlantis zone!
Freeman - Add a nice mesage when you put the chalice on the altar in the moor z\one
Crimefighter - Altitude values need to be added to the Cyrus zone...THERE ARE N\ONE.
Cresso - You do not need to drink the potion to get down in faffner
Shadow - I've killed Lord Glaive, but when I try to loot the mana pendant it
tells me I've taken it twice, and then I don't have it in my inventory.
Cresso - You do not need to drink the potion to get down in faffner