AberChat Server

GC: First release of code (1.0)

Fixed: Used to screw the muds that were connected when the server  crashed.
   (more a fix on the client side)
Fixed the authentication procedure.
Added some warnings for syslogs.
used perror for error messages.
deWalled the file.
Added Configuration file/reader.
Added daemonize code/signals.
Added Logmessages and refined the authentication

GC: Fixed a nasty bug in iprintf

RELEASE OF AberChat Server 1.1


o Added validity checking for mud names in messages
o Added consistency checking for all commands/args
o Fixed a little bug which kept 2 muds from logging in
o Fixed bug in authenticate which kept fds open

Release of AberChat server 1.2 (internal)


o Fixed minor bug in new code

Release of AberChat server 2.0 (internal)


o Added emote ability
o Added version command
o Cleaned up client's parser
o Added more protection to server

Release of AberChat 2.1

o Added AMASSLIST command, sends pages from server
o Added an aberchat info page with descriptions
o Added more programming info
o Changed awhocom to sort players based on level
o Changed amudlistcom in server to sort
o Fixed invisible bug in atells
o Added AGOD chat line
o Added ACODER chat line
o Modularized chat
o Fixed a bug in auth

Changelog (Kroll)

pl 1:
	fixed a few little anochat bits n bobs.

pl 2:
	really fixed the anochat bits n bobs now. people shouldnt get the
	annoying aberchat is not running message when they are anochat ;)

pl 3:
	added in support for multiple apolicy files (there was a little server
	patch as well to send back a file not found message when a client
	attempts to filepage a non-existant file).

pl 4:
	added in noacode and noagod commands, and added mudlogging of akicks

pl 5:
	added in noachat, noatell, and noainfo commands. Also prevented
	people with these flags set from using the corresponding commands.
	moved most of the format strings for the channels to the top of the
	file (Thanks for this suggestion and many others Miki). Changed
	the stupid anochat thing to noaberchat, which now turns off the whole
	system, and noachat just turns off the chat channel. moved the
	commands bit from parse.c into client.c, this should hopefully make
	it easier to add commands, as less will be needed to be added by
	potential novices ;) Hopefully ill get most of this finished off
	by the next release, but lots of people have asked for the various
	other nocommands ;)
	only a few bugfixes, most of the channel send commands weren't 
	checking to see if people were in the game as part of abercheck
	this has now been rectified ;) Must try to stop putting ;)'s in here,
	I'm up to 4 already ;) damn thats 5, this must stop.
	Miki has also written help file entries for most of the commands,
	but as i stupidly have left the file on another machine, ill have
	to stick it in the next release. Besides i think a few more commands
	have been added, so if we are real lucky she might write stuff for
	them too ;) damn 6 now.. 

pl 6:
	well this is mostly a bunch of internal rearrangements, and a few
	new commands and bits n bobs. Also i've moved most of the internal
	details for client.c into client_int.h, which should only be included
	there. All the interface details are in client.h, and thats all that
	will need to be included outside.
	The main reason for all the changes is to attempt to minimise the
	amount of stuff that needs to be done outside the client code itself
	Ideally, people shouldnt need to do much more than chuck in the code
	and just run it. Unfortunately, in practice this doesnt happen very
	often ;)
	the cdirt stuff is pretty much rolled in as well. it might work. honest
pl 7:
	Big thanks to Beldin@Nalle for a couple of nice features ;)
	(away and coding messages for atells, and atell emote, along with a
	little tweak to make achat :   goes woof, not send lots of spaces out)
	added in aberchat_filter, so people can filter out whatever commands
	from wherever they like.
	changed all the LVL_GOD's to LEVEL_ADMIN, which is now defined in 
	client_int.h . People should only really be thinking of setting this
	lower if their level names are somewhat different, or if they have low
	levels that are really trusted not to fool around with akick etc.