#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"
#include "exits.h"

Name            = crow
PName           = "Crow"
Location        = windy1
Strength        = 25
Damage          = 5
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 0
Description     = "A large crow eyes you from atop the signpost."
End             = crow

Name            = ethereal_shape
PName           = "Ethereal Shape"
Mflags          {BarSouth}
Location        = windy6
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 15
Speed           = 0
Description     = "An ethereal shape guards the southern trail."
End             = ethereal_shape

Name            = wind_elemental
Pname           = "Wind Elemental"
Eflags          {NegFireball NegMissile NegFrost NegShock}
Location        = windy9
Strength        = 200
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 75
Speed           = 0
Description     = "A wind elemental is blowing around the rubble, and it looks mad!"
End             = wind_elemental

Name            = quirk
PName           = "Quirk"
Location        = windy12
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Captain Quirk wanders about, smiling charmingly."
End             = quirk

Name            = spork
PName           = "Spork"
Location        = windy12
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Science Officer Spork raises an eyebrow at you."
End             = spork

Name            = bonz
PName           = "Bonz"
Eflags          {NegFrost NegShock}
MFlags          {DrainScr Cross}
Location        = windy12
Strength        = 75
Damage          = 5
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 45
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Bonz the skeleton glares at you, angry that you're not dead yet, Jim."
End             = bonz

Name            = auster
PName           = "Auster"
Eflags          {Frost NegFrost}
Mflags          {Thief PickStuff NoSteal} 
Location        = windy15
Strength        = 200
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 95
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Auster, the South Wind, blows furiously at you!"
End             = auster

Name            = eurus
PName           = "Eurus"
Eflags          {Shock NegShock}
MFlags          {Thief PickStuff NoSteal}
Location        = windy18
Strength        = 250
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 95
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Eurus, the East Wind, fumes darkly at you."
End             = eurus

Name            = zephyrus
PName           = "Zephyrus"
Eflags          {Fireball NegFireball}
MFlags          {Thief PickStuff NoSteal}
Location        = windy20
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 95
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Zephyrus, the West Wind, glares hotly at you."
End             = zephyrus

Name            = highpriest
PName           = "HighPriest"
Eflags          {Shock}
Location        = windy22
Strength        = 75
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Description     = "The priest is in."
End             = highpriest

Name            = aquilo
PName           = "Aquilo"
Eflags          {Fireball NegFireball NegFrost NegMissile NegShock}
MFlags          {Thief BarNorth PickStuff NoSteal} 
Location        = windy27
Strength        = 350
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 98
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Aquilo, the North Wind, prepares to do you in."
End             = aquilo

Name            = cumulonimbus
PName           = "Cumulonimbus"
Eflags          {Fireball NegFireball NegFrost NegMissile NegShock}
Mflags          {Thief PickStuff NoSteal}
Location        = windy28
Strength        = 500
Damage          = 25
Armor           = 10
Aggression      = 98
Speed           = 0
Description     = "Cumulonimbus, the Cloud God, thunders at you angrily."
End             = cumulonimbus


Name            = signpost1
Pname           = sign
Oflags          {NoGet}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy1
Desc[0]         = "A signpost has been staked here."
Examine         = "
The signpost reads 'Go back, lest ye be strong of body and mind!'"
End             = signpost1

Name            = rubble
PName           = rubble
Oflags          {NoGet}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy9
MaxState        = 1
Desc[0]         = "Some of the rubble has blocked the trail to the south."
Desc[1]         = "The rubble has been cleared, allowing passage to the south."
Examine         = "The rubble has avalanched from the mountain above."
End             = rubble

Name            = ruin
PName           = ruin
AltName         = ruins
Oflags          {NoGet}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy12
Desc[0]         = ""
Examine         = "You notice strange markings which read 'NCC 1701.'"
End             = ruin

Name            = uniform
PName           = uniform
Oflags          {Armor Wearable}
Aflags		{Chest Back Arms Legs}
Location        = IN_CONTAINER:ruin
BValue          = 110
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Armor           = 40
Desc[0]         = "A StarFleet uniform has been left here."
Examine         = "Some careless security goon's old uniform."
End             = uniform

Name            = pickaxe
PName           = pickaxe
Oflags          {Weapon}
Location        = WIELDED_BY:bonz
BValue          = 35
Size            = 7
Weight          = 15
Damage          = 7
Desc[0]         = "A hefty-looking pickaxe has been left here."
End             = pickaxe

Name            = twig
PName           = twig
Oflags          {Lightable}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy16
BValue          = 5
Size            = 1
Weight          = 1
Desc[0]         = "A twig has been blown here by the wind."
End             = twig

Name            = austergem
PName           = austergem
Location        = CARRIED_BY:auster
BValue          = 200
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc[0]         = "The AusterGem lies here, sparkling brilliantly."
End             = austergem

Name            = eurusgem
PName           = eurusgem
Location        = CARRIED_BY:eurus
BValue          = 200
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc[0]         = "The EurusGem lies here, absorbing light."
End             = eurusgem

Name            = skyblade
PName           = skyblade
Oflags          {Weapon}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy19
BValue          = 400
Size            = 10
Weight          = 10
Damage          = 22
Desc[0]         = "Someone has absent-mindedly left the SkyBlade here."
Examine         = "There are four faceted holes in the hilt."
End             = skyblade

Name            = zephyrusgem
PName           = zephyrusgem
Location        = CARRIED_BY:zephyrus
BValue          = 200
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc[0]         = "The ZephyrusGem lies here, glowing hotly."
End             = zephyrusgem

Name            = key
PName           = key
Oflags          {Key}
Location        = CARRIED_BY:highpriest
BValue          = 50
Size            = 1
Weight          = 1
Desc[0]         = "A tiny silver key has been dropped here."
End             = key

Name            = door
PName           = door
Oflags          {NoGet Openable Lockable}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy23
Linked          = door_1
Maxstate        = 2
State           = 2
Desc[0]         = "The door is open."
Desc[1]         = "The door is closed."
Desc[2]         = "The door is locked."
End             = door

Name            = door_1
PName           = door
Oflags          {NoGet Openable Lockable}
Location        = IN_ROOM:windy24
Linked          = door
Maxstate        = 2
State           = 2
Desc[0]         = "The door is open."
Desc[1]         = "The door is closed."
Desc[2]         = "The door is locked."
End             = door_1

Name            = aquilogem
PName           = aquilogem
Location        = CARRIED_BY:aquilo
BValue          = 200
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc[0]         = "The AquiloGem lies here, glowing intensely."
End             = aquilogem

Name            = cumulogem
PName           = cumulogem
Location        = CARRIED_BY:cumulonimbus
BValue          = 800
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc[0]         = "The CumuloGem lies here, a prize not to be missed."
End             = cumulogem

Name            = skycleaver
PName           = skycleaver
Oflags          {Weapon Lit}
Location        = IN_ROOM:limbo@limbo
BValue          = 1500
Size            = 10
Weight          = 10
Damage          = 30
Desc[0]         = "The SkyCleaver lies here, glowing with power."
Examine         = "The four WindGems are set in the hilt."
End             = skycleaver

windy1 s:windy2;
lflags {Outdoors}
Misty Plain^
        You stand at the wooded edge of a vast plain, looking out over miles
of grass and scrub.  A soft lavender mist blankets the ground here, growing
thicker towards the foothills in the distant south.  Faint trails lead
farther into the plain.

windy2 n:windy1 s:windy3 e:windy4 w:windy4;
lflags {Outdoors}
Misty Trail^
        You are stumbling along a misty trail, trying not to get lost.  Banks
of fog roll across the plain, blown by a light wind.  An unpleasant gurgling  
sound is coming from somewhere beyond the haze.

windy3 n:windy2 e:windy5 w:windy4 s:windy4;
lflags {Outdoors}
Misty Trail^
        You are stumbling along a misty trail, trying not to get lost.  Banks
of fog roll across the plain, blown by a light wind.  An unpleasant gurgling  
sound is coming from somewhere beyond the haze.

windy4 ;
lflags {Death}
        You seem to have fallen into a tarpit.  Who knows?  Perhaps one day
your bones will be excavated and placed in a museum.  Better luck next time.

windy5 w:windy3 s:windy6 n:windy4 e:windy4;
lflags {Outdoors}
Misty Trail^
        You are stumbling along a misty trail, trying not to get lost.  Banks
of fog roll across the plain, blown by a light wind.  An unpleasant gurgling  
sound is coming from somewhere beyond the haze.

windy6 n:windy5 s:windy7 e:windy8;
lflags {Outdoors}
        You stand on a small hillock overlooking the mist-shrouded plain.  In
the distant north you spy treetops poking out of the fog.  Rolling hills
become towering mountains farther to the south.  The trail widens here,
splitting to the south and east, where it heads into a small ravine.

windy7 n:windy6 s:windy9;
lflags {Outdoors}
Rocky Trail^
        You are walking along a rocky trail which winds its way through the
foothills.  Craggy snow-covered mountains rise to the south, casting dark
shadows across the land.  A quick breeze has picked up, creating a high-
pitched wail as it rushes through the hills.

windy8 w:windy6 e:windy10;
lflags {Outdoors}
West End of Ravine^
        You are in a shallow ravine which cuts through the hills like a
savage wound.  Feldspar-rich sediments in the soil give off a ruddy
reflection to the dim light here.  The ravine continues to the east, and
rises into the hills to the west.

windy9 n:windy7 s:windy11;
lflags {Outdoors}
Rising Trail^
        You stand in front of a massive pile of rubble which has avalanched
from the mountains above, doubtlessly caused by wind erosion.  The trail runs
south into the mountains and north towards the hills.

windy10 w:windy8 e:windy12;
lflags {Outdoors}
        You are standing in the middle of a ravine which runs east to west.
There are many small footprints in the soft earth, leading every which way.
A sharp wind has picked up, moaning loudly through the rocks.

windy11 n:windy9 w:windy13;
lflags {Outdoors}
Mountain Trail^
        You are walking along a thin trail which runs along the base of the
mountain range to the south.  High above, the rocky crags loom menacingly   
against the dark sky.  A terrible wind blows through here, howling at you as
it whips at your clothes and hair.  The trail leads west and north, towards
some low hills.

windy12 w:windy10;
lflags {Outdoors}
East End of Ravine^
        You have come to the eastern end of this ravine.  The crumbling red
walls rise around you, forming a dead end.  Filling nearly the entire area is
a smoking ruin of some kind, filled with metallic struts and surfaces.  The
debris lies at the end of a long gouge in the ground.

windy13 e:windy11 w:windy14;
lflags {Outdoors}
Mountain Ledge^
        You are standing on a thin ledge which runs along the mountain side.
Thick cloud banks have formed at this altitude, restricting your vision to
only a few feet.  The ledge becomes a wider trail to the east, while to the
west it inclines upward sharply.

windy14 e:windy13 u:windy15;
lflags {Outdoors}
Steep Ledge^
        You are climbing a dangerously narrow ledge which runs up the side of
the mountain.  The air is significantly colder and cloudier up here.  The
rocks rise up vertically to the south, forming an unclimbable surface.
Through the haze above, you make out a building of some kind.

windy15 d:windy14 n:windy16;
lflags {Outdoors OnePerson}
Mountain Plateau^
        The view from here is spectacular: To the south spreads out the misty
expanse of a plain, and beyond it a thick forest.  The top of this mountain
is flat and rubble-strewn, eroded by decades of wind and storm.  The only
noticeable feature is a fairly large building which squats in the center of
the plateau to the north.  A rocky trail winds its way down into the mist.

windy16 s:windy15 n:windy17;
lflags {Light}
Temple Entrance^
        You stand in the columned entrance of this building.  The ceiling
disappears into darkness above.  Examining the runes which are scrawled on
the walls, you deduce that this is the Temple of the Winds.  A large fire-pit
in the floor is intended for offerings, although you would rather light your
torch from it.  The temple continues to the south.

windy17 s:windy16 e:windy18 w:windy20 n:windy23;
lflags {Dark}
Great Hall^
        This is the main place of worship in the temple, although you don't
see very many followers present.  A large statue, formed to resemble a
massive cloud, stands atop a dias in the center of the room.  The statue
seems to have eyes... evil eyes.  Corridors lead north, south, east and west.
windy18 w:windy17 e:windy19;
lflags {OnePerson}
East Altar^
        You stand in a large circular room which has a skylight in its domed
ceiling.  Directly underneath the light is an altar, carved with leering        
faces and tortured forms.  Dark passages extend to the east and west.

windy19 w:windy18;
lflags {Dark}
Storage Room^
        This is a small room, used for storage by the temple caretakers.  A
dark passage leads west.        

windy20 e:windy17 w:windy21;
lflags {Light OnePerson}
West Altar^
        You stand in a large rectangular room which is lit by large torches
that ring the walls.  In the center of the room is a bronze altar, carved       
with fiery motifs.  Dark passages extend to the west and east.

windy21 e:windy20 u:windy22;
lflags {}
        A stairway leads up here, into a lit room.  A passage extends to the

windy22 d:windy21;
lflags {Light}
High Priest's Chambers^
        This room is sparse and cold, furnished only with a straw mat and a
table.  A small lamp on the table provides light.  The only exit is a dark        
stairway leading down.
windy23 s:windy17 n:windy24;
lflags {Dark}
Dark Passage^
        You are walking down a long, dark passage.  The flagstones click
coldly under your feet, echoing into the distance.  Tall, plain columns rise        
to the ceiling.  The passage extends north and south.

windy24 s:windy23;
lflags {Dark}
End of Passage^
        You are standing at the end of a dark passage which extends north and
south.  A solid oak door is fitted into the southern wall.

windy25 u:windy26;
lflags {}
Stone Stairway^
        A massive stone stairway rises to the roof of the temple here.  The
only other exit is a doorway to the north.        

windy26 d:windy25 n:windy27;
lflags {Outdoors}
Temple Roof^
        This is the highest point in the southern mountain range.  From here,
you see the lands of Mirage laid out like a map.  The mountains continue to        
the west, where they turn north and bisect the forest.  A dwarven citadel is
visible in the far northwestern corner of the range.  To the direct north are
the plains, followed by woodlands.  A small village is visible beyond that,
resting on the edge of an eternal snowstorm.  To the east is the shoreline of
a vast sea, speckled with tiny islands.  A set of stairs lead down here,
while an altar is visible to the north.

windy27 s:windy26 n:windy28;
lflags {Outdoors OnePerson}
North End of Roof^
        A low wall rings this area, protecting a small altar which sits in
the center.  The altar is covered with grotesque designs, some of them 
reminding you of the imagery inside the temple.  To the north is a large
dome.  The roof continues to the south.

windy28 s:windy27;
lflags {OnePerson}
Shrine of Cumulonimbus^
        You have stumbled into the temple's most sacred place... the Shrine
of Cumulonimbus.  It is nothing but an empty, dome-shaped room with a large 
hole in the ceiling.  The only exit is south.  You should use it.