#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"




Name            = vulture
PName           = "The Vulture"
Location        = Mou6
Strength        = 100
Armor            = 0
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 20
MFlags {}
Description     = "A vulture is hovering above you searching for prey."
End             = vulture


Name            = rose
AltName         = flower
Location        = IN_ROOM:Mou6
OFlags {GetFlips}
BValue          = 80
Size            = 1
Weight          = 1             
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc[0]         = "
An extremely beautiful white desert rose has been left here by someone."
Desc[1]         = "
An extremely beautiful white desert rose peeks out of the flower mat."
Examine         = "Your beloved would like this flower ..."
End             = rose

Name            = skull
Location        = IN_ROOM:Mou3
OFlags {GetFlips}
BValue          = 10
Size            = 2
Weight          = 1             
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc[0]         = "An old bleached skull of ox is lying in the sand."
Desc[1]         = "
A bleached skull of ox reminds you about your fate, if you stay here for long."
Examine         = "Be glad it's not yours."
End             = skull


Mou1 n:shady@blizzard s:Mou2;
Altitude = 500
lflags {OutDoors NoMobiles}
Thick Bushes^
You are strolling through thick bushes trying to find your way out.
The sun is climbing high up in the sky casting its' warm rays on you.
There's no sign of rain or storm in the sky. A narrow path is winding 
from north to south through the bushes.

Mou2 n:Mou1 s:Mou3;
Altitude = 550
lflags {OutDoors}
Northern Edge of Desert^
The sun has reached the zenith as you arrive at the edge of a desert. Your 
feet start feeling heavy and you think this is your last chance to check your 
water bottle. To the south you can see the rocky lands continuing far out of 
your sight. To the north the desert turns into thick thorny bushes.

Mou3 n:Mou2 e:Mou4 w:Mou6;
Altitude = 550
lflags {Outdoors}
Wild Ox Crossing^
Through the burning heat an dry rocky desert you stomp and stop for a moment 
to have a look around. The sand reflects the heat making you hope it was 
night. You are desperately trying to distinguish reality from mirage. You 
think you see paths leading in each direction. To the south you can narrowly 
recognize a red hill breaking the horizon.

Mou4 w:Mou3 e:Mou5;
Altitude = 600
lflags {Outdoors}
Shadow of the Cactus^
You take a deep reliefing breath as you find a nice seat in the shadow of a 
tall thorny cactus. You kick your shoes off and let the heat dry your sweating 
toes. Weak winds from the east blow gently through your hair and the sweat on 
your wet shirt slowly evaporates cooling down your back. You glance at the 
eastern skyline broken by odd structures in the distance. 
Paths lead east and west.

Mou5 w:Mou4 e:Anc24@Ancient;
Altitude = 650
lflags {Outdoors NoMobiles}
Rocky Path^
You can hardly make out a stony path winding between big rocks eastwards. The 
path widens as you wander further east and you can recognize an old town far 
on the edge of your sight. Back to the west a vast desert lies in the burning 
heat of the sun. 

Mou6 e:Mou3;
Altitude = 550
lflags {OutDoors Peaceful NoMobiles}
Desert Rose^
A shower of rain has suddenly turned the earlier so dry and barren desert into 
a sea of small but colorful flowers. The raincloud is slowly moving west and 
the sun casts its' first rays upon this scented little paradise. You sit down 
on the ground enjoying the peace and silence surrounding you.