
 <T:name> Online Help

   The easiest way to use HELP is to start with HELP INDEX and then go
   through all the pages - HELP 1, HELP 2, etc ...

   Help can also be found on various commands and specific topics. Simply
   type "HELP <command or topic>" for information. Alternatively you can
   enter any command followed by "/?" or "-h" (ie. "PINFO -H") and the
   relevant help will be shown.

   If you think you've found an error or a missing help file then please
   let the admin know by sending email to <T:email>.

   Original help files written by traP, astyanax and Indiefan. Additional
   files, updates and presentation changes by Silver and enigma.

                        General Communication

 command  abbrev   Description
 =======  ======   =======================================================
 say      ' ` "    say a message to people in the same room as you.
 emote    : ;      emote an action to people in the same room.
 pemote   ;; ::    possessive emote to the room (adds  's to your name)  
 think    ~        does a    . o O ( think )  to everyone in the room.
 echo     +        does an "echo" to everyone in the room.
 sing     )        does an o/~ sing o/~ to everyone in the room.
 tell     . >      tell something to a particular person(s).
 remote   , <      an emote , but to a particular person(s).
 premote  <: <;    a pemote, but to a particular person(s).
 whisper  =        whisper to a person(s) in the same room as you.
 recho    -        like echo, but to a particular person(s).
 rsing    (        a private sing to someone.
 rt       *        a think to specific person(s). 
 yell     &	   yell at some person(s).

 reply    ]        handle "multi-tell" situations with this command.
 ereply   [        like reply, but you emote instead
 preply   [;       possessive ereply
 treply   [~       rthink reply
 sreply   [)       rsing reply
 yreply   [&       yelled reply
 oreply   [+       echoed reply

 shout    !        say something to everyone on the program.
 yemote   !: !;    an emote to everyone on the program.
 pyemote  !:: !;;  a pemote to the entire program.
 ythink   !* !~    a think to everyone on the program.
 yecho    !+ !-    echo to the entire program.
 ysing    !) !(    sing to everyone on the program


                           More Room Stuff

Via the room command, or whilst in room mode:

  id            - set the id of the room
  name          - set the name of the room
  info          - give some info about the room
  check         - info about all your rooms
  soundproof    - toggle whether shouts can get in/out of room.
  isolate       - toggle whether tells can get in/out of room.
  chamber       - toggle whether sings can get in/out of room.
  [+-]auto      - add or remove an auto-message (+ to add a message, -
                  to remove one)
  speed         - change the speed of the auto-messages
  autos[on/off] - auto-messages, or turn them on or off
  delete        - delete a room
  create        - create a room
  end           - end sub command mode

                              The Editor

  When you write a news posting, a mail message, or a room description, you
will be placed into edit mode.  Whilst in this mode, everything you type
will be entered into the editor (using your current paragraph style - see
help .para), with these exceptions:

                   .<command> - use an editor command
                   /<command> - use a normal command

  When viewing what you have written (.view, .l), moving around the editor
(.bot, .top, .-, .+, .g), or replacing (.replace) and inserting text, you
will be shown the current line, along with its line number to the left.  The
star inbetween number and text shows that this is the current line - which
is useful when viewing the entire text, or if you have padding (.pad) turned

  Please also see the help pages for specific commands, and also these help
pages:  ranges, editor-commands, output


  When you are shown text while in the editor, you will see the line numbers
alongside all viewed lines.  These are useful for moving around the buffer,
and for performing operaions such as moving blocks of text.  When you move
in the editor, you will be shown the current line.  If you have padding
turned on (lets say .. 2 lines), you will also be shown 2 lines above and
below the current line, with a star by the line you're actually at.

  If you activate pretty text, this means a newline will be printed before
any editor lines, to aid visibility.  You can have this nicer formatting
turned off (by setting pad and pretty off), or use the .format command to
give even line entry a padded/tidied appearance.

  When you enter a long line, and are seeing formatted output all the time,
the current line will have a * by it as normal, but the other lines that
were added in the operation will have - signs between the number and text.


  Some commands in the EWe system can be used on more than 1 line at a time,
using ranges.  Ranges take 3 forms:

  1) A single value (2 for example)
  2) A single range (3-6 for example, meaning lines 3,4,5 and 6)
  3) A multiple range (3-6,9,13-14 for example, being lines 3,4,5,6,9,13,14)

  Multiple ranges take commas between ranges/values, and dashes between the
two numbers of a range.  If you specify a line more than once, the extra
mentions will be ignored (3-6,5 still means 3,4,5,6).  Please note than
ranges must always go from first to last, 6-2 for example is invalid!


  Please see the specific help pages on each command for a full description.

  Old familiars from the normal talker editor:
  .del		- delete some lines
  .-            - go back a line
  .+            - go forward a line
  .view         - see what you've written
  .l            - view the current line
  .g            - goto a line
  .top          - goto the top
  .bot          - goto the bottom
  .wipe         - completely clear the buffer
  .stats        - show some stats about the buffer
  .quiet        - toggle whether you go into 'quiet' mode when editing 
  .end          - quit the editor and KEEP the changes
  .quit         - quit the editor and THROW AWAY any changes

  New EWe commands:

  .move		- move some lines
  .replace	- replace some lines
  .trunc	- control the auto-truncation feature
  .pretty	- toggle whether you get newline seperated output
  .insert	- toggle whether you insert before or after current line
  .para		- toggle the paragraph mode
  .format	- toggle when special formatting appears
  .s		- search for some text
  .n		- repeat last search (next match)


                            The Pager

  b or p           - Back 1 page.
  f or n           - Forward 1 page.
  t                - Go to the top of what is being paged.
  q                - Quit.
If the talker is running Nightwolf's advanced pager then you can continue
to enter commands whilst in the pager (although you will not be able to
view paged text). If you aren't then typing anything else will result in
the page being redrawn.



  blocktells    - ignore any tells to you.
  blockfriends  - block the "spam" caused by friend-tells to you.
  earmuffs      - ignore any shouts.
  quiet         - go quiet, ignore shouts and tells
  linewrap      - turn off, or set the width of your terminal
  wordwrap      - turn off, or set the largest word that will
                  trigger wrapping
  show          - show what sort of command, some text has originated
  hitells       - high-lights any personal messages for you.
  quit          - leave the program


         A way of directing text to several different people.

          Format: <emote/shout/say/echo> <msg> | <user list>
            (see 'help ulist' for help on <user list>)

        Example     emote smiles at you. | alice,astyanax

        You will see : 
                You emote : <M:name> smiles at alice and astyanax.

        alice sees (as a personal message)
                <M:name> smiles at you and astyanax.

        astyanax sees (as a personal message)
                <M:name> smiles at alice and you.

        Everyone else in the room sees (as a room message) :
                <M:name> smiles at alice and astyanax.


The original Playground channel code has been scrapped for a more pleasant
and easier to use format. There are 3 available channels for you to speak

Main Channel (requirements: resident)        - See "help mainchannel"

Spod Channel (requirements: spod)            - See "help spodchannel"

Z Channel (requirements: resident)           - See "help zchannel"

Dynamic saved channels (requirements: none)  - See "help dsc"


We now offer color! 

To use this, you should be on a terminal that supports ANSI color codes. 
More help on getting color to work may be made available later.

But for now, try it by typing FINGERPAINT.

If you see colors, then you will be able to use and view colors. Even if some
colors don't seem to work, others may, and you may want to activate it, even 
if its only for a few shades.

Color related commands:

COLOR 	- activate standard color mode -- you will see the colors others
	  create in their rooms, in help files, in descriptions, practically

SYSCOLOR - This enables Active Color Mode -- where you can set the colors
	   of certain types of input by using the COLORIZE command. So your
	   tells can be white while your shouts are dark blue and your 
	   friend tells scream in blinking text.

COLORIZE - Without an argument, it will show you your current system colors.
	   With arguments, it will change your color settings for one type of

Good luck, and any questions should be relayed to <T:email>.


We now supports aliases. An alias is a substitute for a longer  
set of commands.. for example...

  define idin idle indiefan        (you can also use "alias")

This creates a "pseudo-command" called idin. If i type idin, I will see how 
long indiefan has been idle.

  PG ->idin
  indieFan has just hit return.
  PG ->

You can also list your aliases.

  PG ->lsa
-------------- You are using 1 of your maximum 10 aliases -----------------
idin                 = idle indiefan
PG ->

Also, it is easy to remove an alias you no longer need.

  PG ->undefine idin
  Alias deleted...
  PG ->lsa
  You are not using any of your 10 aliases.
  PG ->

See help advanced for more info on what can be done with aliases.



  who           - lists who is currently on the program. (who 2 etc)
  w             - lists who is on, rank, location and idle time
  swho          - a brief version of 'who'
  fwho          - show which of your friends are on and listening.
  qwho          - shows all your friends on, blocking or not.
  twho          - does a 'who' with titles, not session messages.
  where         - lists where everyone (or a particular person) is.
  with          - lists who a particular person is with.
  hide          - make it so no-one will know where you are.
  idle          - shows when someone (or everyone) last did something
  idlemsg       - set a message to say why you're idle.
  examine    (x)- show info about a person who is logged in
  finger     (f)- show info about someone who isn't logged in.
  look       (l)- show the room you are in, and who is in it.
  time          - show the local time
  commands      - a list of every command you can do
  privs         - a list of abilities you have.
  grabable      - lists who you can grab.


These commands are to spice up your examine (x) file and finger (f) 
file.  Some of them are for both files, some are for only one.  They have 
been separated for your convenience.


For BOTH files:


	To set your age, type:  age <number>
	You must set the age to a numerical value.  It will not recognize
	anything else.  Typing 'age 0' turns this function off.

birthday (bday):

	To set your birthday, type:  bday <month/date>
	If you want your birthday to be set to Feb 29, you _must_ include
	the year in the date.  For example: bday 2/29/96.  The only time
	you do not have to include the year, is when it is an actual leap
	year.  Typing 'bday 0' turns this function off.

description (desc):

	To set up a description of yourself, type:  desc <self depiction>


	To set the location of where you are, type:  hometown <place>

madefrom (formerly automatically set based on gender):

	To set what you are made from, type:  madefrom <components>
	You may now set this to whatever you wish it to be.  If you
	type madefrom without anything after it, it will default to
	the old message.


	To set your own title type:  title <insert your noble rank here>
	You do not need to put your name at the beginning of your title.
	The program will do it for you automatically.  If you prefer to
	have just your name, and no title after it, type title with no
	message after it.  (i.e. just type: title)


	To set your email and/or site public for friends or everyone to see,
	type:  toggle <email or site> <friends or everyone>
	If you do not toggle your email or site, it is assumed that
	you wish for them to remain private.

url (WWW homepage location):

	To set the location of your homepage, type:  url <location>
	This is NOT to set up a homepage.  It is only for those who
	currently have one.


For the Examine (x) File _only_:


	To set up a favorite, type:  favorite # <item> <thing>
	* The number must be 1, 2, or 3, as you are only allowed 3 
	* The item may be no longer than 12 characters long.
	* For example: to show that your favorite movie is Star Wars
	  type: favorite 1 movie Star Wars
	* To delete a favorite, type:  favorite #

	Make sure that you have the correct # of the one you wish to remove.
	Also, you do not put in an <item> or <thing> when you are deleting
	a favorite.


	To set the name you go by in real life, type:  irl_name <your name>


For the Finger (f) File _only_:

	To set your plan, type:  plan <what you want to do with your life>
	If you wish to remove the plan section from your f-file,
	type plan with no comments after it.  (i.e. just type:  plan)

*Note: The examine (x) file is for people to get more info on you when 
you are currently logged in.  The finger (f) file is to get more info 
when you are not currently logged in.


Miscellaneous Personalization Commands
(these don't affect the x or f files):


	To set a prefix, type:  prefix <msg>
	This has a limit of 16 characters, and will not accept any blank
	spaces within it.  The prefix is also shown to anyone who has the
	prefix command on whenever you say something, public or private.
	To see how to turn seeing prefixes on/off, type help noprefix.


	To re-capitalize your name in some new fashion, type:  recap <name as
	you want it to appear>


                            Moving Around

  go            - move to an adjacent room.
  trans         - move to any room (if you know its i.d.).
  home          - go home.
  visit         - visit a person in their home.
  leave / main  - leave to the main room.
  exits         - find out where you can 'go'
  check room    - find out the name/id of the room you are in
  grab          - grab someone into the same room as yourself.
  join          - join someone in the room they are in


                              Your List

  list          - view your list
  clist         - clear entries in your list
  slist         - set particular flags in particular entries
  rlist         - reset particular flags in particular entries
  tlist         - toggle particular flags in particular entries

  noisy,ignore,inform, } 
  friend,grabme,       }  toggle, set or reset flags according to which 
  beep,block,bar,      }  command is used on a particular person or 
  friendblock,         }  persons in your list
  mailblock,shareroom, }
  nofriend, prefer.    }


Using News

  check news   - see what news there is
  news         - do a news command, or enter news mode

        Via the news command, or while in news mode:
       (If the [group] argument is left out, it will
        default to the primary news board)

  read [group] <#>           - read a news article <#>
  view [group] [#]           - view page of news articles listing
  check [group] [#]          - same as 'view'
  (a)post [group] <subject>  - post an article entitled <subject>
  (a)followup [group]        - post an article referring to a previous article
  remove [group] <#>         - remove your news posting, <#>
  groups                     - view all available news groups.
  commands                   - see possible news commands
  inform                     - toggle seeing when new news is posted
  login                      - toggle seeing unread articles on login
  checkown [group/all]       - list the articles you have posted

  help / man / ?             - view this text
  end                        - exit sub command mode

   See also: news_examples


Some examples of the news system

   The commands will function the same as they do in the original system,
   however they have additional functionality if you wish to use it.

   First   news groups     to see the available groups on this talker.

   Assuming there was a group called 'humor' for the following examples,

   To list the articles in the group,
      news check humor

   If you wished to read the 5th posting in this group,
      news read humor 5

   If you wanted to post an article called 'Random jokes' here,
      news post humor Random jokes
   And enter it in the editor


                              Using Mail

  check mail    - see what's in your mailbox
  mail          - do a mail command, or enter mail mode

Via the mail command, or whilst in mail mode:

  read          - read a piece of mail to you
  view          - view the mail you have received
  (a)post       - post mail to a person or persons (prepend 'a' to
                  post anonymously)
  (a)reply      - reply to a piece of mail
  delete        - delete mail you have received
  inform        - toggle whether you get informed of new mail for you
  sent          - show what mail you have sent.
  remove        - remove mail that you have sent
  noanon        - toggle whether you will be able to receive anonymous
  end           - exit sub command mode


                           Checking things

  check mail          - view your mailbox
  check news <group>  - view the news
  check snews         - view the superuser news
  check exits         - view the exits in the room
  check autos         - see the auto-messages in a room
  check room          - list info about a room
  check rooms         - list your rooms
  check email         - see what your email address is set to
  check wrap          - check the line/word wrap stats
  check entry         - check the entry for your name, on someone else's


                           Stuff for Rooms

  lock          - lock the room you are in.
  room          - do a room command, or enter room mode

Via the room command, or whilst in room mode:

  edit          - edit the description for the room.
  sethome       - make this room your home
  lock          - lock a room
  lockable      - make your room lockable by others apart from you
  open          - make it so anybody can enter a room
  entermsg      - set the message that other people will see when
                  someone leaves a room to enter this room
  exitmsg_con   - Determine whether or not exitmsgs may be used instead
		  of room entermsgs.
  [+-]exit      - add or remove an exit to another room (+ to add, -
                  to remove)
  notify        - you get told when someone enters a room of yours
  link          - link your rooms to another
  linkable      - make it so other people can link to a room of yours
  entrance      - opens a room so people can arrive there when they login

                        Continued on 'help room-more'


AD <message>  - admin chan say
AE <action>   - admin emote
AP <action>   - admin pemote
AT <thought>  - admin think
AS <song>     - admin sing
AD_HI         - toggle hi-lighting on the admin_chan
LAD           - list all "admins" (people who can see the admin channel)


Advertising other talkers here:


	These are examples of "acceptable" advertising here:
		* Ask an admin to list you on help 'talkers'.
		* Do a friend tell.
	Everything else is not appreciated, and will be handled severely. This
	is because we are a new talker ourselves, and don't appreciate being
	"raided" by other talkers.

Advertising our talker on other talkers:
	* Do tell your friends about this place.
	* Do ask to have us listed in a help talkers 

	* Don't shout addresses. Its rude.
	* Don't post news without explicit admin permission.

Advertising our talker elsewhere on the Internet:

	* Newsgroups: Try and stick to "appropriate" groups
	* WWW: Try and get us listed on WWW pages that link
	  to talkers

		(if you want to link it to your home page, do this:)
	 	<A HREF = "telnet://"> Link to <T:name> </A>	

	* Email:  Mail your friends, not random people ;)
	* Other:  Your own best judgment, based on these guidelines.


These "variables" can be inserted into an alias you create.

%0          - This means to list all arguments and insert here.

e.g.        define sillysay emote sez -=> %0 <=-
	    sillysay red doofus
	    sillysay bouncey bouncey bouncey :-P
	    sillysay .

%1  %2      - These mean to take this word in the list of arguments.

e.g.        define bop remote %1 bops you with a %2
	    bop traP spoon 
	    (you bop traP with a spoon)

            define flip emote tackles %2 and %1.
	    flip traP Nogard   
	    (you tackle Nogard and trap)

%-1   %-2   This is a special case. You can list all arguments AFTER the first,
		second, etc, word.

	    define tickle remote %1 tickles you all until %-1.
	    tickle friends the end of the day.
	    (you tickle your friends until the end of the day)
            define telltwo tell %1,%2 %-2
	    telltwo traP Nogard hello silly coders.
	    (you tell traP and Nogard 'hello silly coders')

%;	    This is a very special case. This can be used to perform multiple
	    commands with one alias. The %; separates the commands from each 

	    define getinfo x me%;lsu%;swho%;qwho

	    When you type getinfo, you will x yourself, do an lsu, a swho, and 
	      a qwho in that order.

%{@@}	    This is the most recent addition. You can insert random phrases
		into your aliases.. Pay careful attention to the format.

	    define cast_spell emote chants as %{red@green@blue} smoke swirls.

		This will choose a random word (red, green, or blue) and use
		that in the phrase.

	    This is not allowed.

		define random_arg say %{1@2@3}
		You would randomly say the numbers rather than using that word.

	    However, this may change in the future.

One word of warning. If you abuse aliases they will be removed from you.

If an alias you write crashes the program, don't use the alias again. Also, 
	report it to the admins so they can fix the bug.

And, be careful about doing stuff like this...

	define oy say oy %1, that hurt.

	PG ->oy

	Funny things may happen when you forget an argument..


AECHO <arg>  - sends a completely anonymous echo to everyone.
BECHO <arg>  - sends a completely anonymous echo to the room.

Note: Both of these commands are undetectable.  Don't over-do them, however,
otherwise they will be removed.


AGE <years_old>  - sets your age.


ALL_DELETE  - Deletes all LSO items and does not refund any money.

Notes: * Don't use unless you absolutely have to.
       * It is hard coded to allow only someone with the name "admin" to
         do so.


ANEWS		- view the admin news


ANUL <player>  - clears all marital data. Gives no messages. Use with


APOST		- post a message to the admin news

Syntax:  apost <message>


ASSIST <player>  - inform newbie that you're an su and will help them.


AUTOSHUTDOWN	- make the program automatically shut down when the
		  last person logs out

CANCEL_AS	- cancel the autoshutdown ;)


Admin Channel

  AU <message>  - Say on the admin channel
  AE <action>   - Emote on the admin channel
  AS <song>     - Sing on the admin channel
  AT <thought>  - Think on the admin channel
  AW            - See who is listening to the admin channel


SYNC <letter>  - Saves all players beginning with that letter.
SYNCALL        - Saves all players.
BACKUP         - Forces a backup to begin.
DEFRAG         - Defragments the rooms.
DFSTATS        - Room fragmentation statistics
DFCHECK        - Validates all the rooms.

Be careful when using these commands.  If you don't know what you're
doing you could corrupt files and do other bad things!


BANISH <player>    - banish a player or a name from being used on this
UNBANISH <player>  - unbanish a player or a name from being used on this


BAR <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - forbid the specified player(s) from
                                  ever entering any of your rooms.


BARGE <player>   -  Break into players home room
BARGE <>  -  Break into a room with that ID.

Note: All barges are logged.


   These are the 10 most important commands to know about here.

' <what you want to say>   -- talk to everyone in the room   (help say)
; <what you want to do>    -- do an action to everyone in the room (help emote)
> <someone's name> <what you want to tell them> 
			   -- talk privately to someone   (help tell)
JOIN <someone>             -- go to someone else's room    (help join)
LEAVE                      -- go to the main room         (help leave)
COMMANDS <section>         -- see what stuff you can do   (help commands)
LSU                        -- see who the super users who are on are
WHO                        -- see who everyone on the program is
X <someone>                -- get info about someone else on the program
F <someone>                -- get info about any user of the program

(10 commands, and you won't look like a total moron.. but you should learn
the others too, if you want to be a REAL user of the talker!)


BEDIT  - Enter the banished sites editor.

Note: This is a pain to use and it is recommended that you edit this file
      from within the talker account. However it is handy to undo a


BEEP <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - when the player(s) log on or off, you
                                   will get a "beep"


BDAY <mm>/<dd>[/<yy>]  - sets your birthday... 

        e.g.   BDAY  03/14/74 sets your birthday (and age) to March 14th, 1974.
	       BDAY  06/15 sets your birthday to June 15, doesn't touch age.

-=> yes, BDAY is an alias of BIRTHDAY in the never ending quest for shorter
    commands =)

*Known bug: If you want to set a BDAY of 2/29, you must use the year
 as well to make it work. There is no fix to this bug yet, sorry. 


SETBIT <item name> <flag>  - Set the properties of an item where the bits
                             can be one (or more) of the following:

	FOOD	- make something edible
	DRINK	- make something drinkable
	WEAR	- make something wearable	
	WIELD	- make something wieldable	
	TOY	- allow people to play with item 
	UNIQUE	- Only allow people to own on of these at a time


BLANK <something> <player>  - Blanks an offensive comment, desc, entermsg,

Type BLANK with no arguments to see what you can blank.


BLANK_ALIAS	- blank ALL of your aliases.  Use this with
		  caution -- it does NOT confirm that you
		  want to do this!


BLANK_EMAIL <player>  - blank a players email address.

Note: Use with caution, this could cause a player to be deleted.


BLANK_ITEMS  - Deletes all your items.

Note: * Does not refund you any money!
      * Use this command only if your inventory is totally screwed up.


BLANK_LIST - completely deletes your list... be careful!


BLANKPASS <player> [new_password]  - change someone's password.

You do not have to specify a new password although this is not very


BLOCK <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you prevent the player(s) from sending
                                    tells to you, but you can still see
                                    what they say, shout, etc.

Note: * Think of it as a "lesser ignore". Other methods are "gag" (only
        lasts for the duration they are on) and "ignore" (permanent).


BLOCKDESC	- toggle room descriptions on/off


BLOCKFMAIL  - Blocks all friend mail.




BLOCKGAMES	- toggles whether or not you will accept
		  invitations from other players to play games


BLOCKITEMS  - Toggles whether or not you see item messages (either
              personal or in the room).


BLOCKLIST <on|off>  - Toggles if your friends can send messages to all
                      your friends or not.


BLOCKLOGINS  - Toggles whether or not you see login messages in the main


BLOCKMSG <msg> - sets the message people will see when you are are in
                 BLOCKTELLS mode or BLOCKFRIENDS mode. 
                 (this might be something like -  I'll be right back  )


BLOCKTELLS  - block all forms of private communication directed at you.


BOOT  - kick someone out of your room.


BOP <person>  - Bop a person with your wielded item.

Note: *	If <person> is in the same room as you then the whole room will
        see you bop them.
      * If the item has a special effect associated with it, that effect
	might be bestowed on the victim.


BOUNCE    - takes you to a random room.


BUG -  Report an error in the program. Please be as specific as
       possible. If the description of the bug won't fit, then send an
       internal mail to the admins or to <T:email>.


Rules for Builders

1.   No creation of offensive items.

2.   No creation of alcoholic beverages.
3.   No creation of items that break any rules.

4.   No intentional creation of an item that shares the name of
     another user with the intention of using it to harass.

5.   No creation of items that already exist.

6.   No exploiting system or item bugs.

If you abuse the ability to create items, builder status will be revoked.


BUMP <player>   - Bumps a player silently off the talker.

You can also type 'BUMP NEWBIES' to automatically remove all newbies from
the program (useful for several newbies from the same site who are all
causing problems).

There is no message to the player(s) - they just suddenly disappear.


BUY <object>  - Buys an item from the LSO list.

Note: * You can only buy the item provided you have enough money for it.
      * To gain more money - log on more!


CH_HI		- toggle highlighting of channels on/off


CHANGE_COMMAND_PRIVS <command> <priv level>  - Changes a commands priv
                                               level to a new one.

Note: * The new command levels are NOT saved by the program. When you
        reboot they will be back to the original settings.
      * Don't do silly things such as change the level of "quit", 
        "shutdown" or even this command :o)
      * This is ideal if a command is causing problems with the talker,
        you can make it inaccessible to a majority of people so as to
        prevent the code crashing again.


CHECK_INFO  - Displays a general summary of a player's overall
              character file.

Notes: * The first line shows the "lsr" profile for that character.

         This is followed by the character's name and title, email
         address, spodtitle, hitells status, and flags list.

         After the flags list, the character's maximum number of rooms,
         exits, automessages, list size, aliases, mails, items, and
         the width of their terminal and text-wrap settings.

See also: checkflags


The following are flaglists for the "check info <character>" command.

System Flags
0   Saved NoShout   10   Flirt_Bachelor    18   Compressed_Items
1   Saved Frogged   11   Bachelor_Hide     19   IAC_GA On
2   Save_No_Sing    12   Engaged           20   Agreed_Disclaimer
3   Save_Lagged     13   Married           21   New_Site
4   Decapped        14   Old_Minister      22   Old_Builder
5   Saved_Jail      15   New_Mail          23   TimePrompt
6   No_Msgs         16   Compressed_List
7   Saved_Rm_Move   17   Compressed_Alias

Tag Flags
0   Tag_Personal    10   Block_Shout            19   No_Beeps
1   Tag_Room        11   Block_Tells            20   Block_Autos
2   Tag_Shout       12   Block_Friends          21   No_Anon_Mail
3   Tag_Logins      13   Block_Echos            22   No_Propose
4   Tag_Echo        14   Block_Room_Desc        23   Block_Items
5   Seeecho         15   Block_Friend_Mail      24   Block_Logins
6   Tag_Autos       16   Sing_Block             25   Block_Bops
7   Tag_Items       17   Block_Chans            26   Block_Multis
8   Tag_Dynatext    18   No_Friendchan_Access

Custom Flags
0   Hiding          12   News_Inform            20   Converse_Mode
1   Private_Email   13   No_Prefix              21   Quiet_Edit
2   Public_Site     14   No_EPrefix             22   No_Clock
3   Friend_Site     15   Yes_Session            23   No_Dynatext
4   Friend_Email    16   No_Pager               24   No_New_News_Inform
                    17   Room_Entermsgs
10   Trans_To_Home  18   Yes_friendinform_login
11   Mail_Inform    19   Show_Exits

Misc Flags
0   No_PRS   11   Su_Hi        15   Stop_Bad_Color  19   No_Intercom_Channel
1   No_Gift  12   No_Color     16   No_Main_Channel
             13   System_Color 17   No_Spod_Channel
10  Chan_Hi  14   Game_Hi      18   See_Debug_Channel

Player Flags
1   Input_Ready      10   Chuckout            19   No_SU_Wall
2   Last_Char_N      11   EOR_On              20   Assisted
3   Last_Char_R      12   IAC_GA_Do           21   Frogged
4   Do_Local_Echo    13   Site_Log            22   Scripting
5   Password_Mode    14   Don't_Check_Pipe    23   Off_LSU
                     15   Reconnection
7   Prompt           16   No_Update_Last      26   Waiting_Engage
8   Tagged           17   Block_SU            27   Robot
9   Login            18   No_Save_Last_On     28   In_Editor


CHLIM <limit type> <player> <new limit>  - change player limits.

Note: * Limits that can be changed are: mail, list, room, auto, exit,
        alias, item


CKBAN <IP address>  - Check if a site is banned, and why, and to what

Here are some examples of its use..

Site is totally banned.
Banned by: <M:name>
Reason: # Constant harassment of other users.
Site is banned to new users.
Banned by: <M:name>
Reason: # people keep shouting addresses to other talkers
That site doesn't appear to be banned.....

1) You can't use * wild-cards
2) If a site is banned twice, only the first listing will show up.
3) You can't scan name addresses.. i.e. ckban
   This is because all bans are stored internally as IP's.


CLIST  - clear a name from your list


CLS  - clears the screen. Doesn't work on every terminal and won't work
       on any MUD client (since they suppressed escape codes).


COMMANDS <type>  - Lists all commands available to you of that "type"

If you don't include a type then you will be shown all available options.

Note: This is also aliased to "c".


COMMENT <whatever>   set your 'answer' to the session question.


CONFIRM <player>  - check if a new ressie has set an email and a password


CONNECT_ROOM  - Try to set the current room as the room you will logon to.


CONVERSE   - you enter a different mode EVERYTHING you type gets "said" 
             unless you type a / first.

/END         - takes you out of converse mode.


CPROMPT <prompt>    - set your converse mode prompt.


CREATE <item name> <item description>  - Create a new item with a one word
                                         name and short description.
SETBIT <item name> <flag>              - Set the properties of an item.
SETVAL <item name> <cost>              - Set the cost of an item.
DELETE <item>                          - Delete an item.

Note: * When deleting an item all occurrences of it will disappear. All
        those players who have bought that item will be given a full
      * Type HELP BITS for the possible arguments to SETBIT.


So you want to create an item... first you have to be a builder.

If you are then decide what you want to build. Lets say, I decide to
create a can of spam.  Since spam can (technically) be eaten, I'll make it
a food item.  Also, since spam is such a part of Internet culture, I'll
make it cheap.

I type (in this order)

	create Spam A can of rubbery mystery meat

	setbit spam food

	setval spam 25

This makes spam, at a cost of 25 pennies, available as an edible item.

Note: * If spam already exists, then it will fail to create spam.
      * After you SETVAL an item, you can no longer edit it, so 
	make sure your SETBIT stuff is done FIRST.
      * Item names and descriptions cannot be too long
      * Item names cannot start with $, -, +, or a number


DECAP <user>  - removes / grants the ability to use upper case letters.

Use this to force people who constantly insist on all caps to use all
lowercase letters.

Affects all says, shouts, echos, sings, tells, remotes, and gossip channel.


These are special aliases you can define for what happens just before you 
logon, reconnect, or logoff -- do NOT give these aliases arguments, because 
they will not be sent any arguments by the program.

DEFLOGON <string>   - change the script before you logon
DEFLOGOFF <string>  - change the script after you logoff
DEFRECON <string>   - change the script after a reconnection.


DESC <msg>  - sets a little description of yourself =)

-=> DESC is aliased to DESCRIPTION - some people LIKE the longer commands =)


DIBBS <player> - Call "dibbs" on a player.   Used on newbies that are 
		 experienced users and you don't wish to  spam with the
		 obligatory "assist" message.   Only su's see the "call".


DISCLAIM <player>  - Force a player to agree to the disclaimer on login.


DIVORCE <player>    - annul net.marry. This also divorces the person that
                      <player> WAS married to.


DRAG <player> <reason>  - Kicks a person off the program. (like forcing
                          them to type 'quit')


A DRUG is defined, for the purpose of the talker rules,
as ANY substance that is illegal to either make, use, buy, sell, or
possess in the United States of America, without the specific prescription
of a Doctor of Medicine.  This includes substances such as cocaine, 
marijuana, heroin, PCP, LSD, as well as many others.  Discussion of 
these items, even mentioning them, in any tell, say, shout, sing, mail, 
news, or any other sort of communication at all is completely illegal 
on the talker.  The continued existence of the talker comes 
before your "right" to free speech.

The following are technically drugs, but are not illegal to 
discuss, because their possession, use, purchase and selling are not
illegal: caffeine, nicotine, aspirin, etc.

Alcohol and any alcohol containing substances are in a special
intermediate category. Discussion, mentioning of them, etc, is LEGAL,
however EXCESSIVE discussion of alcohol will not be tolerated. The
decision as to what is and is not "excessive" is up to the individual

These rules exist so that the talker can continue to exist
in the face of the drug paranoia that prevails in most of America.
Sorry, but thats just the way it is. As I said before, the continued 
existence of the talker comes before anything else.


Dynamic saved channels are an extremely simple way of being on more than
one channel at the same time whilst reducing the number of additional
commands you need to know.

JOIN_CHAN <name>  - Join a channel. If it doesn't exist then it will be
                    created automatically. Channel names must not be the
                    name of a current resident and contain only standard

LEAVE_CHAN <name>  - Leave the channel.

LSC / LIST_CHANS  - List the channels you are on.

DSC_HI  - Hi-light all dynamic saved channels

To talk on the channels use your normal remote commands (ie. tell,
rthink, rsing, remote). Should you quit the talker without disconnecting
from that channel then you will be automatically reconnected to it upon

For an example see "help dsc-example"


join_chan silver
 You don't really want to name your channel after a person... do you?
join_chan test
 No match of the name 'test' found in files.
) [test] ++ <M:name> joins this channel ++
< test waves
) [test] <M:name> waves
> test allo!
) [test] <M:name> says 'allo!'
leave_chan test
) [test] -- <M:name> leaves this channel --


DUMB <player>  - turn a player into a lil baby =)

Note: * They won't be able to talk, emote, or anything (correctly) for as
        long as they are dumbed.
      * The 'dumb' is saved, so even if they log out and come back they'll
        still be acting silly!


DUMP  - dump all notes to disk


EARMUFFS  - block all shouts 


EAT <item>  - Eats an item that you have in your inventory.

Note: * Some items cannot be eaten.
      * Some items do special things when eaten.
      * Everyone in the room will see you try to eat the item.
      * Once an item is eaten it is gone, and you do not get a refund for
        the cost of the item.


ECHO <message>  - sends a "semi-anonymous" message to everyone in the

-=> ECHO is aliased to +

you type  You see          People with seeecho off/on see    
+Boo!     You echo: Boo!   + Boo!               + [<M:name>] Boo!
echo hi.  You echo: hi.    + hi.                + [<M:name>] hi.

(the '+' symbol means that the text was an echo. whether the + is seen or
 not is controlled by the 'show' command).


EDCASH <player> [-]<amount to give/take> - edit how much cash a person has


EDFIRST <player> [-] <time in days>  - edit the time of a person's first
                                       login to <T:name>


EDIDLE <player> [-] <time in hours>  - edit a person's total idle time (in
                                       other words, their truespod login


EDTIME <player> [-] <hours>  - edit someone's login time.

Note: * If you don't use this command carefully you can really screw up
        both their login time and spod factor!


These are the "friends channel" commands. They send private messages to anyone
who is logged on, and is on YOUR list as a friend.

  ef     - echo to your friends
  tf     - tell your friends
  rf     - remote to your friends
  rtf    - remote think to your friends 
  sf     - sing to your friends 
  pf     - premote to your friends
  yf     - "yell" at your friends


  tf hi      <M:name> tells <M:hisher> friends 'hi'


EMAIL <email>@<address>  - set your email address.


EMERGENCY <reason> - Starts emergency scripting when there are no su's on
                     and you are being harassed.

You need to include a good reason. Misuse of this command is not allowed.


EMOTE <action>  - this is the most "general" type of communication. It
                  simply puts whatever you say after your name with no
                  "extras" added on and sends it to everyone in the same
                  room as you.

eg:  emote giggles            <M:name> giggles
     emote blinks at you.     <M:name> blinks at you.

Note: * EMOTE is aliased to : and ;
      * If your "action" begins with a ' symbol, the program assumes you
        want to "squeeze" the line together. eg:
	emote 'll be right back.     <M:name>'ll be right back.


ENTERMSG <msg> - sets the message people will see when you enter their room.


ETRACE <email>  - Trace an email address against the reslist.


EXAMINE <player>  - get more info on a player currently logged in.

EXAMINE is aliased to x


EXCLUDE     - like a SAY, except you say something to everyone EXCEPT 
              a list of people...

Format: exclude <people who WON'T get the message> <message>


exclude trap hey everyone! it's trap's birthday! Shhhhh...

   everyone but trap sees:

<M:name> says to everyone but trap 'hey everyone! it's trap's 
    birthday! Shhhhh...'

   trap sees:

<M:name> tells everyone in the room something about you.

(if you abuse this, be ready - cause the SUs will be watching =) )


EXITMSG <str>  - Sets your exitmsg.

Note: This message will only be shown if you enter a room which allows
      exitmsgs to be used or the owner has not set an entermsg for the
      room yet.


EXITS  - see all exits from the current room


EXTEND <player> - lengthens a player's list by five up to a maximum of 50.
		  Past that point, an admin must be consulted for a list


FINGER <player>  - get info about any user whether they are logged on or

-=*> FINGER has been aliased to f


This allows you to set some stuff in your new examine file:

FAVORITE LIST                  - list what you set for your favorites.
FAVORITE <#> BLANK             - delete a favorite
FAVORITE <#> <topic> <answer>  - set or change a favorite.

the first two formats should be easy, the third however requires some 

here are some examples, and the results you'll get with them...

favorite 1 cereal cheerios
You set your favorite cereal to be: cheerios.
(in examine file)
Favorite cereal       : cheerios.

favorite 2 girls name susan
You set your favorite girls to be: name susan      
(the problem here is that a topic can only be one word)

favorite 3 star
You set your favorite star to be: .
(you gotta give an answer, but the program isn't smart enough yet to 
  realize this yet)

favorite Antidisestablishmentarian BoB
You set your favorite Antidisestab to be: BoB
(The topic can only be 12 letters long max, in order to fit)


FIND <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you allow the player(s) to find you,
                                   even if you are hiding.


FLIRT  - Changes your net status from bachelor to net.flirt and back.
         Being engaged or married overrides this setting.


FLIST - Force a list toggle

e.g. say 'trap' is on your list as Friend and Inform


  flist trap friend,beep,grabme 

(this changes your list entry for trap to friend, beep and grabme (but
turns inform off)


FORCEHELP <player> <help file>  - Forces a player to view a help file.

Note: Use carefully. Don't FORCEHELP for a command that either doesn't
      exist or one that you have but they don't.


FRIEND <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you declare the player(s) to be your
                                     friends. They will begin to receive
                                     your 'friend tells'


FRIENDED  - list the people on the talker who have made you their friend.

Note: * This is not the same as the "fwho" command!


FRIENDBLOCK <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you prevent the player(s) from
                                          sending 'friendtells' to you.

Note: * The friendblocked players can still send regular messages.


FWHO  - lists your friends on.

Friends who are blocking friendtells will be displayed in ()'s 


GAG <player>    - ignore a player without taking up a list space
UNGAG <player>  - undo a gag
GWHO            - list everyone you've gagged
BLANK_GAGS      - reset your gaglist

gags work just like ignores, except that they don't take up a spot on
your list.. the price for this, however, is when you (or they) quit the
program, they get ungagged, because gags aren't saved.  However, gags are
useful to protect yourself against harassment from newbies, and if you are
a newbie, from harassment in general.

They also tend to send a message of "geez, chill out" -- people generally
don't like to be gagged, and may take the hint when a few people gag them.


GAME_HI		- toggle highlighting of game messages on/off


GENDER <m/f/n>  - change your gender to Male, Female or None.


GHOME - toggles if you will go home automatically on login.


GIT <player> <comment>  - Set an su comment for a troublemaker.
UNGIT <player>          - Remove the su comment.

GIT is aliased with "SU_COMMENT"

Note: * The comment will be in a players Y file. 


GIVE <money> <player> <amount>  - Gives a player some of your money.
GIVE <item> <player>	        - Gives a player an item from your

NOTE: * You cannot give items or pennies to newbies.	
      * You cannot give items or pennies to people who are blocking
         charity (see HELP NOGIFT).


GO <exitname>  - takes you to the adjoined room exitname


GRAB <player> - grab a player on your grabbable list into the same room as


GRABABLE  - shows who you are allowed to 'grab'


GRABME <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you allow the specified player(s) to 
                                     'grab' you at will into other rooms


GRANT <player> <priv>   - Grant someone a permission (priv).
REMOVE <player> <priv>  - Remove a permission from someone.

Note: Typing either of the commands with no arguments lists all
      permissions available.

admin          - admin priv on lsu
admin_channel  - can see the admin channel
asu            - advanced su priv on lsu
base           - DO NOT USE
build          - can create their own rooms
builder        - can create items to be bought
coder          - coder priv on lsu
condom         - can only have things done to them by hcadmins/coders
creator        - can create socials
echo           - can use the echo command
hcadmin        - hcadmin priv on lsu
house          - fun priv (does nothing, is listed in "privs")
list           - can have list entries (for friends/ignore etc.)
lower_admin    - lower admin priv on lsu
mail           - can send internal mail
minister       - can perform net.weddings and net.divorces
nosync         - DO NOT USE
no_timeout     - will not have their pfile deleted becuase of inactivity
psu            - psu priv on lsu
residency      - DO NOT USE
robot          - is a robot (not really necessary, don't use on residents)
script         - can record scripts on the server
session        - can set and comment on sessions
spod           - is a spod (has access to spod news and spod channel)
sysroom        - DO NOT USE
trace          - can trace peoples sites
su             - su priv on lsu
warn           - can warn troublesome residents


GREP <string> <log file>  - Searches an entire log file and displays only
                            the ones which match the string.

Note: * This uses only simple matching NOT regular expressions!


Hacking is defined on the talker as anyone who tries to login as 
someone else. You may have one, and ONLY one, saved resident character
on the talker. You cannot "borrow" someone else's account, with, or without
their consent.

Any person who attempts to hack the talker, whether the actual account
or any residents account, will be COMPLETELY site banned - meaning that 
no one from your domain (for most of you, this means your entire school
or your entire service provider) will ever be allowed to logon to the
talker again. In addition, if we know what account you used to hack
from, we WILL report this information to your system administrator, and
ask that your Internet accounts be permanently removed.

Simply put, we will not tolerate illegal access attempts, and we will take
any and all actions that we can to stop them from occurring.


HELP <command or topic>  - Show help on that command or topic.

Note: * If you do not have the priv for that command, you will not get any
        help on it.
      * Try "help" on its own as a general starter.
      * You can also get help by typing a command followed by "-h" or
        "/?". For example "help -h" and "help /?" will bring this
        information up.     


HIDE      - toggle whether people can find out where you are with the WHERE 
            and WITH commands.


HISTORY  - See the last 8 tells, remotes, rsings, and other private
           messages you received.

Note:  this command is also aliased to 'review'.

** This command was given to us courtesy of Jlyd from Resort **


HITELLS [termtype/off]  - set if you want private messages to you to be
                          hi-lighted or not.

Note: * If you don't know your termtype, vt100 is USUALLY a good guess.


HOME - takes you to your home room


HOMETOWN <place>  - Set where you come from.

This is viewable on your X.


HOMEVIEW  - lets you see who's in a room you own.

This is also aliased to MINDSEYE.


HCAdmin Channel

  HU <message>  - Say on the HCAdmin channel (or HD)
  HE <action>   - Emote on the HCAdmin channel
  HS <song>     - Sing on the HCAdmin channel
  HT <thought>  - Think on the HCAdmin channel
  HW            - See who is listening to the HCAdmin channel


INVENTORY  - Shows you what you are carrying.

The entries look like this:

  [item id] (special flags) #pennies item_name -- item_description	
Also you can see how many pennies you have:

  [-1  ] ##### pennies -- dirty copper coin

Note: * This is also aliased to INV and I.


IACGA  - This controls whether you get prompt change messages via the
         telnet protocol. These can be used by a front-end to display an
         appropriate prompt. Some telnet clients have problems with
         this, so it can be switched off.


ICQ <number>  - set your ICQ number to be shown in your profile
	        (for more information about ICQ, point your web browser at

Syntax:  icq <number>

See also: help icq_more


Here is a brief description of what ICQ is and what it is capable of doing...

ICQ is a program that allows you to communicate with your list of friends
w/out ever having to login on a network. In short, it works as a talker
outside of a talker. When you register with ICQ, you will receive a UIN
(universal identification number) which acts as your phone number. This
allows you to do the following: you may send a message to a person on
your list, chat with them, send them information on an URL, send a file,
email them, and play Internet based games. Loosely stated, this program
allows you to do almost all the commands that you are accustomed to w/out
having to login on a system, except the ICQ system.

By downloading ICQ from you will be able to conduct
real time chats and send addresses of web-pages to your friends. This
program is very flexible and currently many add-ons are being made, thus
this program will only get bigger and better.

Once you have downloaded ICQ, please be sure to place your UIN in the ICQ
slot of your examine file. This will allow fellow spods to place you on
their list.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact one of the
staff members (type 'help staff' for a list).


IDEA <the idea>  - officially log an idea for this place =) 

This is also aliased to SUGGEST for people used to Summink commands :o)


IDLE <player>  - shows you how long it has been since player last hit return.
IDLE           - shows you how long EVERYONE has been idle.


IDLE_MULTI <number of multi>  - shows you how idle a current multi is

Note: * You can only find out the idle time of a multi you are on.


IDLEMSG <msg> - set a short message saying why you're idle..


From now on, when you idle for a sufficient amount of time, the program
will catch this, and will deduct time from your total login time. This means
that, now, everyone has two "total login" amounts.. total login (which includes
idling) and truespod, which penalizes idlers, and is therefore a more
accurate measurement of how big a spod you are.

Also, a friendly warning: people who get kicked off by the program for idling
for an hour -- you may notice your adjusted spod time plummet...


IGNORE <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you don't see what the ignored
                                     player(s) says or does/do.

Note: * If they try to talk to you they see your ignoremsg.


IGNOREMSG <message> - Set what your message will be to people to try to
                      talk to you when you are ignoring them.


  ignoremsg doesn't want to talk to you  -- Set your ignoremsg
  ignore deathboy                        -- Ignore DeathBoy

When Deathboy tries to talk to you he'll get:
  <M:name> doesn't want to talk to you



0  - general help		9  - room commands
1  - communication     		10 - MORE room commands
2  - information		11 - editor
3  - customization		12 - pager
4  - movement			13 - miscellaneous
5  - list                       14 - pipe
6  - news			15 - channels
7  - mail			16 - color
8  - check commands		17 - aliases


INFORM <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you get a message when the 'informed' 
                                     player(s) log on or off


INVITE <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - the player(s) have a standing
                                     invitation to enter any unlocked room
                                     you own.


INVITES   - see who has invited you to enter their rooms.

	Items are dynamic objects that can be created, destroyed,
	bought, sold, and used.

	For more info on items, please read the following:

        HELP SELL.


ITRACE <site>  - shows all users last connected from a site


IX <item>  - Examine an item.


JAIL <player> [time]  - Send someone to jail.
UNJAIL <player>       - Release them from prison.

Notes: * If you set the [time] to -1 then you will jail them forever!
       * If you use JAIL without a time then they will be jailed for 1


JETLAG <hours>  - sets your local time relative to the "talker" time.


JOIN <player> - go to the room that <player> is currently in.


KEY <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you give the player(s) a key to your 

Note: * A player with a key can lock and unlock your rooms, make links to
        your room, and boot people from your rooms.


LAG <player> <minutes>  - Lag someone for an amount of time

Note: * You can lag them forever using -1. This is NOT recommended.


We now has a modest library of useful and/or fun aliases that you
may freely copy into your own private alias list.

LIBLIST          - lists all aliases currently in the library

LIBEXAM <alias>  - get more info on a specific alias.

LIBCOPY <alias> [your name for it]  - copy a library alias into your 
                                      alias list.

Note: For LIBCOPY you may optionally use a different name for the alias,
      or you can use the same name as the library version.

We are looking to add a lot more to our small library. Please send your ideas
and/or favorite aliases by internal mail to the admin


LINEWRAP [columns/off]  - set the width of your terminal.


LIST_EMAILS  - dumps all emails to disk for usage with the mailer program



These commands have something to do with the mail/news system and
shouldn't be used unless you know what you are doing!


LIST_ROBOTS     - Lists which robots are currently on the talker and active
STORE <name>    - Forces a robot to disconnect (be placed in storage)
UNSTORE <name>  - Allows a robot to connect again (unstores them)

Note: * When unstoring a robot, it may not connect immediately.
      * Don't try logging in as a robot when it is stored or you will
        crash the talker!


LOCK  - lock the room if you own it or own a key to it.


LOGIN_FWHO  - Automatically gives you a list of what friends are on when
              you login (right after the room desc)

This defaults to off, you can turn it on with this command =)


LOGOFFMSG <msg>  - sets the message people will see when you type 'quit'


LOGONMSG <msg> - sets the message people see when you logon.


LOOK    - see the room description and a list of people in the room.

LOOK -  - see just the list of people in the room.

-=> LOOK is aliased to l


LSB  - List all builders online

Builders can create and destroy objects, and are chosen carefully by the

:lsg, list_gits

LSG  - Lists all current gits on, who gitted them and why.

This is aliased to "list_gits"


LSK  - List all the creators on the talker.


LSN  - lists all newbies, what site they are from, and who has assisted

This is aliased to "list_new"


LSO [!]<$(+-)price|(+-)flag|&creator|*|(1st char)>  - List all available

		!(other args)  - list items, but ignore desc line
		$-<amount>     - items that cost less than <amount>
		$+<amount>     - items that cost more than <amount>
		(any letter)   - items whose name starts with the letter
		*	       - all items
		+<bit>         - all items with a given bit
		-<bit>	       - all items except those with a given bit

Bits at the end are fWBwTDU for:

		f  - food
		W  - Wear
		B  - Bag
		w  - Wield
		T  - Toy
		D  - Drink
		U  - Unique


	LSO !$+500    - list all items costing more than 500 and block
	LSO !*        - list all items with no descriptions.

	LSO D         - list all items beginning with letter d with

	LSO !+FOOD    - list all food items with no descriptions.


LSR <x>  - lists all residents who's name begins with the letter <x> and
           their hash and permissions.

This is aliased to "list_res"

                         house |                1  PSU
             echo       spod | |  protect       2  SU
           base |list  git | | | warn |         3  ASU
               \| |      | | | |    | |         4  ADC
        NBSR   bemlrs    GXOKHMSB   WFPT        5  LOWER_ADMIN
       / |||     | ||     | | | |    | |        6  ADMIN
 nosync  |||   mail||     | | | | frog |        7  CODER
  banished||   rooms|     | | | |   trace       8  HCADMIN
   sys_room|  session     | | | |
       robot      notimeout | | |
                      creator | |
                       minister |


LST  - Lists all current tweedles on and their sites.


LSU  - list all super users who are on-line

LSU is aliased to LIST_SU for those of you used to the "old" commands =)


MAILBLOCK <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - prevents the player(s) from
                                        sending mail to you.


MAIN  - takes you back to the main room

-=> This is also aliased to "leave"


The main channel is for everyone to talk on. It doesn't matter what room
you are in.

CU <message>  - Say on the channel (you can also use CH)
CE <action>   - Emote on the channel
CS <song>     - Sing on the channel
CT <thought>  - Think on the channel
CW            - See who else is listening to the channel
MUFFLE MAIN   - Toggles whether you listen to the channel or not


MAKE <character name> <email addr> <password>  - create a new player file

Note: * You don't *have* to specify a password but it's a good idea if you
        do, otherwise anyone can log in and use this character!


MARRY <person1> <person2>  - marries two people

Note: * Both people must be logged on or this will fail.


  Masks are tags that are dynamically replaced with specific information.

  Masks must be typed in full capital letters, or they will not work.

  The following masks are available:

  <^NUSERNAME>      The name of the current player
  <^NUSERGENDER1>   The gender of the current player (its, his, her)
  <^NUSERGENDER2>   The gender of the current player (it, he, she)
  <^NUSERGENDER3>   The gender of the current player (it, him, her)
  <^NUSERPREFIX>    The prefix of the current player
  <^NSFX>           A random sound effect (e.g., <SFX>)
  <^NTHING>         A random object (e.g., <THING>)
  <^NATHING>        A random object, prefixed with 'a' or 'an'.
  <^NDESCRIBE>      A random adjective (e.g., <DESCRIBE>)
  <^NOBJECTNAME>    The name of the object (where applicable)
  <^NTARGET>        The name of the target (where applicable)
  <^NTGENDER>       Target's gender (its, his, her)
  <^NTGENDER2>      Target's gender (it, he, she)
  <^NTGENDER3>      Target's gender (it, him, her)
  <^NXSFX>          A random sound effect
  <^NXTHING>        A random object
  <^NXDESCRIBE>     A random adjective

  Note that everybody sees the same things when you specify <^NSFX>,
  <^NTHING>, <^NATHING> or <^NDESCRIBE>, and the code picks a new item
  each time you use it.

  Conversely, <^NXSFX>, <^NXTHING> and <^NXDESCRIBE> generate
  a new random word/phrase each time they are seen - so the chances
  are that everybody will see different words.


MBALL <yes or no question>  - Ask the Magic8Ball a question. Your question
                              and its answer will be told to the whole


MEDIT <player> <new spouce>  - edit someone's spouse


MINDSEYE - check who's in your home room.


Rules for Ministers

1.   No marrying people who don't ask for it.

2.   No denying of services to people just on the basis of not knowing them.

3.   No "quickies" if people request a true ceremony.
     (in other words, ask them first if they want quickie or ceremony)

4.   Marriage must be agreed to by all parties involved.

5.   Divorce can be granted on the request of just one spouse.

6.   If you need a room for the ceremony, use main.chapel, unless you
     have a better room yourself, or the couple has a specific room request.

7.   To become a minister, you must agree to abide by these rules,
     have at least TWO AND A HALF DAYS truespod login time, and have a
     chronic spod factor of at least 3.5%.

Abuse of these guidelines and rules will result in your collar being


MODE <player>  - tells you what mode a player is in.


MOTD  - Displays the message of the day


MQUIT <message>  - quit and leave a message in your finger info letting
                   people know when you will be back.


MUFFLE <option>  - Toggles whether or not you see the option. The command
                   on its own will list what you are currently seeing.

Options are:  main     : The main channel
              spod     : The spod channel
              session  : The sessions
              clock    : The hourly clock
              dynatext : The dynatext 


NETSTAT  - display some statistics about the network connection, the code
           base, ports and processes used.


NEW  - Lists the new features (or bug fixes) that the coders have added
       recently (if they've added anything at all ...)

Note: * This is also aliased to "vnew"


NEWBIE_BAN <ip site> <reason>  - ban an entire site to new users. 

Note: * IP site means the NUMBER address (like NOT the name


NEWBIES [on/off] - allow / forbid newbies from logging in.

Note: * Typing "newbies" with no arguments tells you what the current
        status is.

So also: screen

:no_propose, no_proposals

NO_PROPOSE - toggles whether or not you can be proposed to (only if unwed)


NO_PRS  - toggles whether people can play paper rock scissors with you
	  (type help prs)


NOBACHELOR  - toggle whether or not your marital status is shown when
              you're single.  Once you've become engaged/married this
              setting is overridden.


NOBEEP  - toggles whether or not yells and wakes will send a "beep" to
          your terminal.

Note: * This will not stop all beeps. If you really want to do that you'll
        need to turn the sound down or disable it!


NOBLINK  - toggle blinking and inverse text on/off


NOFRIEND <player> <on|off> - toggles whether or not someone can send
                             tells to your friends.


NOGIFT  - Toggle whether or not people can give you items.

Note: * The default is off (ie. people can give you items).


NOISY <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you allow the player(s) to break 
                                    through ignores, blocks, blocktells, 
                                    and blockfriends.


NOPAGER  - toggles if you will use the pager or not to read news, mail, 
           help, etc.

Note: * If you have a good MUD client like tinyfugue, GMUD or ZMUD you'll
        want this off, because the pager is a pain to use =)


NOPREFIX   - this is the default. you will not see other peoples prefixes.
             type NOPREFIX to see prefixes again =)

NOEPREFIX  - controls if you will see prefixes on EMOTES. this also is "on"
             for new users.


NOPRS  - toggle whether or not you want to be able to play PRS

See also:  help prs


NUKE <player> <reason>  - completely DELETE someone's existence.

Note: * You cannot use this to nuke a newbie!


OBJ <name> <reason>  - Object to the residency proposal of a newbie.

Note: * You must give a valid reason
      * This reason is logged
      * Your name and the reason is broadcast to the SU channel
      * Your reason (but not your name) is given to the newbie in question
      * Don't abuse the command, its a pain being objected to for no good
        reason and means that it takes another minute before they can
        become a resident again



  title             - change the message after your name.
  prefix            - change the message before your name.
  description (desc)- write a little description of yourself.
  plan              - a message for when you're not on the program.
  prompt            - set the normal prompt to something.
  cprompt           - set the prompt as seen in converse mode.
  password          - set your password
  email             - set your email address
  toggle            - Toggle privacy level on your email and site
  gender            - change your sex
  entermsg          - change the message people see when you enter a room
  ghome             - toggle whether you get transferred to your home
                      when you log in.  
  recap             - change the capitalization of your name
  age               - set your age (0 turns off)
  birthday   (bday) - set your birthday (0 turns off)


ON_DUTY    - you are an SU, can use your commands, and talk on the channel
OFF_DUTY   - you become just a normal ressie - you can't use su commands.


ON_LSU [player]   - Go onto invisible duty. You still have your commands
                    but are not listed on LSU. You can also force another
                    su onto this state by supplying their name.
OFF_LSU [player]  - Go back to visible duty. You can force another su to
                    do this by supplying their name.


PASSWORD  - change your password.

You'll need to confirm it twice before the new one take effect. If you had
a password already set then you'll need to enter that one first.


PEMOTE <message>  - just like EMOTE, except it puts 's at the end of your

eg:    pemote dog is cool       <M:name>'s dog is cool
(if your name ends in s, then it does this..)

       pemote cat rules         chains' cat rules

Note: * PEMOTE is aliased to :: :; ;: ;;  


Playground Plus

Playground+ (PG+) is a stable, bug free and improved version of Playground
written by Richard Lawrence (aka Silver), J. Bradley Christian (aka
phypor) and Geoffrey Swift (aka blimey) in 1998.

You can always download the latest version from

All bug reports or queries should be directed to <>

Below is a list of features that have been added to Playground Plus that
were not previously seen in Playground 96. Note that below only lists
_new_ features and not previously seen features that have been updated or 
bug fixed.

* Comment setting message
* Pager and command counter to "commands"
* Admin sing command
* Intercom code
* Anti-crash code
* Dynamic staff list
* Safe player-file updating code
* Longest connection statistic
* Disconnect message feature
* Three attempts at someone's password
* "purge_list" and "grep" commands
* Anti-spam code
* Main, spod and Z channels
* Mailing list code
* FIFO logging
* Auto-shutdown code
* Last connection tracing code
* Hourly clock
* Time-prompt
* Dynatext
* Anti-newbie spam code
* Ping code
* Robots
* Dynamic command priv changing
* Seamless rebooting
* Partial command and sub command matching
* Ident server
* Swear filtering
* Player preferral flag
* Quit with message
* News system with multiple groups
* SU history
* Site tracing
* Killing of angel from talker
* Dynamic spod-list
* Multi's/chains code
* Intelligent robots code
* Soft messages and configuration system
* Dynamic saved channels

(Last updated 12.06.98 by Silver. For a fuller list type "new").


PINFO [player]  - View the login, logout, enter, exit, and block messages
                  for either yourself or someone else (admin only).


PING  - Lists everyone on the talker and their current lag.

Note: * Lag is defined as the time it takes between a message being sent
        and it being seen on your telnet client. A shorter lag means a
        faster connection and is better.
      * You can also find out someone's connection speed by X'ing them
      * Lag status is updated every 10 seconds.


PLAN <msg>  - sets your "PLAN" when other people "FINGER" you.


PLAY <item>  - Play with a toy in your inventory.

Note: * The room will see you play with it.
      * Some toys have unusual side-effects!


EW-TOO:		The first talker of this kind. Written by Burble (Simon Marsh)
		(sometimes known as EW2)

SUMMINK:	Ew-too "version 3" Based on Burbles code, updated by Grim and
		Athanisius. (Playground is based on Summink and Ew-too)

EW-THREE:	An "aka" for summink.

Playground 96:	The name for a beta release for "Playground" source code

EW-for (EW4):   An approved "aka" for Playground 96.

Playground+:    A stable bugfixed and improved version of Playground96 
                written by Richard Lawrence (aka Silver). For more
                information see "help pg+"

The following is a list of features that appears in neither Summink, nor the
   older EW-too codes that were released to the public, but do exist here 
	 on <T:name>, and will be in any release of Playground code.

Builders (create, destroy items, lsb, lso)
Items (inv, wear, wield, buy, sell, eat, play, give)
Monetary system (pennies)
Separate SuperUser news-board for inner-staff notes
Marriage (marry, propose, accept, reject, divorce, anul, ministers, lsm)
Aliases (define, undefine, lsa, deflogin, deflogout, defrecon, blank_alias)
Colors  (^^*, color, syscolor, colorize)
Friendmail (mail post friends, blockfmail)
friendtell blocking
Tell to other ppls friends (to, ro, eo, yo, so, rto, po)
Dynamic resident channels (chan, ce, ct, ch, cs, lsc, cwho)
url's in examine, finger
Typo/shortcut aliases.
Full set of reply, shout commands (yemote, preply, etc...)
logonmsg, logoffmsg, exitmsg
isolated, soundproof and chambered rooms
spod listings
library of aliases
logon_fwho (original PG idea, btw -- no matter what others say :-P)
history, reportto (courtesy of jyld)
sing commands and singblock
Allow friends/everyone/no-one to see your site and email address.
New editor commands .s and .sr
Pager redone and updated
Sessions no longer can be set and left by people
Blockdesc -- ignore all room descriptions
Mail forward, aforward
Shareroom, mailblock, friendblock, nofriendlistaccess list flags added
Massive bug fixes
And, of course, lots of SU level and admin level "toys" added too.

(this is just a partial list, last updated 3/29/96 by traP)


PREFER <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - your tells will always favour that
                                     person if they are on.

Example: Say there are two people on "Silver" and "SillyGirl" and you'd
         rather talk to "SillyGirl" then you can type:

           prefer sillygirl

         From then on all tells to "S", "Si" or "Sil" will go, by default,
         to "SillyGirl". If you have two or more people preferred then you
         will get a "multiple matches" error and when "SillyGirl" logs out
         tells will go to "Silver".

PREFIX <pretitle>  - sets the title before your name.


PREMOTE <player(s)> <message>  - sends a PEMOTE to a specific list of 

-=> PEMOTE is aliased to <: <; ,; ,:

<: astyanax disk drive crashed =(      <M:name>'s disk drive crashed =(   


PRIVS   - shows what you are allowed to do. 


PROMPT <prompt>  - set your prompt. 
PROMPT           - clears your prompt.


PROPOSE <player>  - ask another person to marry you.
ACCEPT <player>   - agree to marry another person.
REJECT <player>   - refuse to marry the person.
CANCEL		  - This command will cancel your net engagement.

If you are net.engaged, it will appear on your X


You can play paper-rock-scissors against a friend.

PRS <player> <paper|rock|scissors>  - Play PRS against a player and
                                      choosing the item you want.
PRS CLEAR                           - Cancel a game.

If they have not already challenged you then they will get the message:

  <M:name> wants to play paper-rock-scissors against you

otherwise you will be informed of who has one.

Note: * You can only play against one person at a time.
      * Paper beats Rock, Rock beats Scissors, scissors beats paper.
      * If you get errors saying that you're "not playing against that
        person" then use PRS CLEAR to reset your game status.


PSTATS  - lists current program stats.


TOGGLE EMAIL <friend/public/private>  - Toggle your email address to be
                                        viewable only by friends, viewable
                                        by the public, or hidden from

TOGGLE SITE <friend/public/private>  - Toggle your site, just like your 
                                       email address.

TOGGLE BOTH <friend/public/private>  - Toggle email and site at the same

(the command 'public' has been removed, as it is now redundant)


PURGE_LIST  - Removes people from your list entry that don't exist any


PYEMOTE <message>  - kinda like a PEMOTE, except that it goes to everyone
                     in the program who isn't wearing EARMUFFS.

-=> PYEMOTE is aliased to !:: and !;;

!! if you pyemote too much, the program might tell you that your throat is
   just a bit sore...


QUIET  - go quiet... it toggles BLOCKTELLS and EARMUFFS


QUIT  - Logoff the program.


REBOOT  - Performs a seamless reboot of the talker

Note: * This is performed immediately and causes the whole talker to
        reboot without kicking the players off.
      * Up to 10 seconds after rebooting ping times will
        (incorrectly) report that everyone is very lagged. After 10
        seconds it will be fine.
      * It is NOT recommended to force the anti-crash code to do a
        seamless reboot since this may not fix the problem and make your
        talker stay in a reboot/crash loop.
      * Up-times and longest spodding times are not affected.


RECAP <name>  - change the capitalization of your name.

eg: recap traP       

(you can only recap your own name! =) )


RECHO <player(s)> <msg>  - sends an ECHO to a specific list of people.

-=> RECHO is aliased to -

- erland mooooo              + [<M:name>] mooooo  (only erland sees this)


RECOUNT        - Recounts news articles.
RECOUNT_SNEWS  - Recounts snews articles.

Useful if the number of news articles doesn't actually tally with the
articles you can see. A stupid bug so blame it on the authors of PG96 :o)


REDTAPE <git> <SuperUser/Minister/etc>  - Points a person towards a
                                          different person who may be able
                                          to help them better.


RELOAD  - reload the help files, motd, and other messages into memory to
          update any changes that have been made since the last reboot or


REMOTE <player(s)> <action>  - sends an EMOTE to a specific list of

-=> REMOTE is aliased to < and ,

,snowie giggles         <M:name> giggles    (only snowie will see this)


RENAME <oldname> <newname>  - change the name of a newbie.

Note: * You cannot rename a resident!


REPEAT <name>  - Redirect a mistell to the right person.

-=*> REPEAT is also aliased to RE


reply   ]      - handle "multi-tell" situations with this command.
ereply  [      - like reply, but you emote instead
preply  [;     - possessive ereply
treply  [~     - rthink reply
sreply  [)     - rsing reply
yreply  [&     - yelled reply
oreply  [+     - echoed reply


REPORTTO <superuser>  - Sends a copy of the last 8 tells you received
                        to the superuser of your choice.  

This is a tool to combat harassment -- the info is taken from your history 
buffer, and will only be sent by you: the superusers and admins cannot see
this info unless you specifically give it to them.  

If you have any questions about this, ask the admins

** This command was given to us courtesy of Jyld from Resort **


RES <player>   - grant residency to a newbie.
VRES <player>  - grant residency to a newbie who has no email address.


RESCOUNT  - List the count of the total number of residents of this


RESET_IDLE <person>  - reset someone's idle time for the current session


RESET_SESSION [session name]  - reset the session timer to 0. 


RESET_SNEEZE <player>  - reset the sneeze (no-login) time on a player


One of the more common questions we get is "What does it mean to be a 
resident?" There are many advantages to gaining residency, among them :
* You don't have to go through all those annoying validation procedures
  every time you enter the program.

* You get to have your own list, and with that comes friends lists,
  informs (notify you when someone connects to the program) and the like.

* And most importantly, you get a room of your own!!  You can make your 
  own description for it and have all your friends over for a chat (and
  keep annoying gits out of it as well).

Gaining residency is simple.  Just look around for the friendly 
neighborhood SU (or type lsu if you don't see any in the room you're in) 
and tell <su's name> you would like to become a resident.  Generally 
there are two requirements : 1. A valid email address and 2. Agreement to 
follow help rules (type help rules to see them).  Thats all there is to 
it :)  Enjoy your newfound residency :)

=astyanax (4/6/95)


RESSIES [on/off]  - toggle whether or not to allow non-staff members to
	            log into the program

Note: * Using no arguments tell you the current status of the talker


RESTORE <letter of alphabet>  - restore a group of player files
                                (leave this alone!)


RLIST <player list> <flag list>  - Resets a list toggle... in other words,
                                   always turns off.


  rlist trap inform

If you have trap on your list as inform, this erases that flag.


RM_LIST <player>  - Remove your name from someone's list.

Note: * It only removes "good" entries like friend, not "bad" entries like 
        bar or ignore and it doesn't tell the other player what you've


RM_MOVE <player> <minutes>  - Stops a person moving for an amount of time

Note: * Setting <minutes> to -1 will prevent them moving perminantly
      * Setting <minutes> to 0 will allow them to move again


RM_MULTI <multi number>  - Remove yourself from a multi/chain you are on


RM_SING <player> <time>   } take away someone's right to shout or sing for 
RM_SHOUT <player> <time>  } a few minutes. 

If the <time> is set to -1 then it will take away shouts or sings forever.

If the <time> is set to 0 then it will allow them to sing or shout again.

(Using 0 or -1 will work on players not logged in at the time)


Robots are computer controlled residents of this talker. You can treat
them exactly the same as normal residents (ie. add them on your list, bar
them, use socials on them) but you won't get a conversation out of them.

If you'd like to see the robots do more then please let the admin know of
your ideas.


Decorating your room

Firstly you need to decide the name of your room. This is the description
that people see when they type WHERE. Don't forget to include the word
"in" otherwise people will see "<M:name> is the forest" rather than
"<M:name> is in the forest".

ROOM NAME <title>  - Set the name of your room.

You also need to give your room an id. This is a unique name and is of the
format "<owner>.<name>". All rooms have this id and whilst you can have
the default it is better to change it.

ROOM ID <name>  - Set the id of your room. You only need to type in the
                  latter part. For the example above we'd use "ROOM ID

You now need to set an enter message, this is the message that people will
see when someone goes to your room.

ROOM ENTERMSG <message>  - Set the room enter message. An example would be
                           "ROOM ENTERMSG ENTERS THE FOREST" which will
                           show "<name> enters the forest" when they go to
                           your room.

Decorating (editing) your room:

Step 1: Getting into the editor to decorate your room.
 	-type: room edit
	-If this is done correctly, you will see the description of your
	 room show up as:
		A bare room belonging to (your name).
		Isn't it time to write a description?

Step 2A: Deleting the entire room description with one command.
	-If you want to just delete the entire room that you currently have,
	 type: .wipe (making sure the period is in there.)
		-This is only if you want to start from scratch.  You will
 		 lose everything that you currently have!  This can be used
		 at any time. (If yo do this you can skip step 2B)

Step 2B: Deleting the description already there.
	-Part A: You need to move back two lines within the editor.
		-type: .- (make sure you put the period in there, or it
		 will be assumed that the - is part of your room design)
		-Do this two times.  Each time you move back a line
		 the editor will show you what line you have moved

	-Part B: Now, you need to delete the line.
		-type: .del (again, make sure the period is in there.)
			-This will delete the line that you are currently on.
			-The editor will not show you what line gets deleted
			 however, so make sure you know exactly where you are.
			-To make sure you know where you are, play with the
			 .- and .+ functions.  (.+ will move you forward one

	-Parts A and B are also ways of making any corrections to a specific
	 line in your description.

Step 3: Designing your room.
	-Type whatever you want your description or design to be at the +
	-After you hit return, the line you have just typed will appear again.
	-Please be aware, if you are doing a design, that the prompt does not
	 take up an actual space in the design.  (You will learn what I mean
	 when you hit return, as everything will be shifted over one space.)
	-This editor is a line by line editor.
		-This means that you need to hit return when you get to the
	 	 end of a line (80 characters) in order to make sure that it  
		 turns out the way you want it to.  The editor will continue 
		 each line if you do not hit return, and the design or 
		 description may not turn out the way you had planned.
	-One tip, especially for those doing designs, is to draw what you want
	 on graph paper.  This will help you with your spacing.

Step 4: Saving your room.
	-type: .end (Make sure that the period is in there.)
		-This will QUIT out of the editor, and SAVE all changes that
		 have been made by you.

Notes and Tips:
	-Quitting Without Saving
		-If you are unsatisfied with the room you've created, and
		 DON'T want to save the changes (and don't want to work on
		 your room anymore due to frustration):
			-type: .quit (Make sure the period is in there.)

	-If you are using Tiny Fugue:
		-Leave a space between the prompt (+) and slash (/), if that
		 is the first character in the line.
		-Also, be aware that the above means that you will have to
		 shift the entire design over one space.  Not just the line
		 with a slash at the beginning.

indieFan (7 Feb, 1996)


RSING       - sends a SING to a specific list of people.

-=> RSING is aliased to (

Format: rsing <player(s)> <message>

(astyanax yeah yeah yeah        <M:name> sings to you o/~ yeah yeah yeah o/~


RT <player(s)> (thought>  - short for 'REMOTE THINK' - it's just like
                            think, except it goes to a specific list of
                            people instead of the room that you're in.

-=> RT is aliased to *

*trap huh?          <M:name> thinks . o O ( huh? )      (only trap sees it)


This is a set of guidelines of expected behavior on the program.

  1. No drug discussion.

  2. No harassment. Don't be abusive. If you're abusive to someone,
     don't expect the SU's to give you any slack. (see HELP HARASS)

  3. Attacking people's personal beliefs on controversial issues such as
     abortion, religion, etc, is against the rules.

  4. The decision on what is and is not "harassment" is up to the 
     individual superuser. If they tell you to knock it off, knock it

  5. Speaking of language - the official language of this talker is
     English. Feel free to speak whatever you want in private 
     rooms. However, in the public discussions, we ask that you
     speak English.

  6. Most people find all words typed in all CAPITAL letters annoying.
     For this reason, we ask that you keep capitalizations to a
     minimum. Realize that the program scans for capital letters
     and "symbols" in shouts, and automatically limits your ability
     to shout - so it's in your best interest to keep the caps to a
     minimum as well. Also note that excessive use of colors in shouts can
     result in having shouting privileges removed too.

  7. No multiple characters - if we see that you have a multiple
     character, all characters will be nuked (deleted) with no notice.

  8. The job of interpreting these rules is that of the superuser.
     Therefore, the decisions of a superuser in interpreting these rules
     is beyond argument.



SAVE  - Save your character. The code automatically tries to save you when
        you quit if you are a resident and periodically saves your file
        whilst you are on the talker.


SAY <something>  - Tells everyone in the same room as you something.

if <something> ends with a ! then it becomes an "exclaim"
if it ends in ? then it becomes an "ask"
if it ends in anything else, it's a "say"

eg:   say hi people!            <M:name> exclaims 'hi people!'
      say where are you from?   <M:name> asks 'where are you from?'
      say that's cool.          <M:name> says 'that's cool.'

Note: * SAY is also aliased to " ' `  


SCARE <player>  - A "fake" nuke. Shows the player the nuke message but
                  doesn't actually remove their player file. Most amusing.


SCREENLOCK  - lock your screen so nobody can use your character while you
              are away from your computer.

Note: * Only you can disable the lock with your own password.


SCRIPT <reason>   - Begin scripting, all text you see is send to a file
                    on the talkers server. 
SCRIPT OFF        - Stops the script.


SU <msg>      - su channel say
SE <action>   - su channel emote
ST <thought>  - su channel think
SP <action>   - su channel pemote
SS <song>     - su channel sing


SEEECHO   - toggles if you'll see who echos what.


SEESESS  - see everyone and their session comment if they have set one.

COMMENTS - see only those people who have set a session comment

-=> COMMENTS is aliased to LSS for people used to the non-standard PG96
    commands :o)


SEETITLE  - toggles if you'll see session comments or titles with the 'who'


SELL <item>  - Sell an item you don't want. You get a full refund.


SESSION <whatever>  change the session topic to <whatever>
SESSION             see who set the current session, and when it can be reset



If we find that you or someone from your site is guilty of harassment
of any sort ... we _will_ ban your entire site.  That includes any 
Superusers, and/or Admin from your site as well.
In other words - NO EXCEPTIONS. 

(and we're REALLY sure that the other people from your site would
just LOVE you if you caused your site to be banned... and your site
admins would just love to hear which of their users has been being 

If YOU are the one being harassed, you can send the last 5 tells you
received to any superuser with the REPORTTO command (help reportto).


SHAREROOM <player(s)> on/off/[blank]  - you give the player(s) the right
                                        to edit your rooms

Note: * Think of it as room co-ownership


SHOUT <message>  - kinda like a SAY, except that it goes to everyone in
                   the program who isn't wearing EARMUFFS.

-=> SHOUT is aliased to !

Note: * If you shout too much or use too many annoying characters then
        don't be surprised if something happens ...


SHOW <type>  - Show what sort of command the message originated from.
               "show" on its own will list what you are seeing.

Show tells -             >  tells to you
                         *  friend tells
                         &&  replys

Show Shouts -            !  shout or a tell 'everyone'
                         !+ yecho or a recho everyone

Show echos -             +  echo

Show room  -             -  messages to the room only

Show Autos -             #  auto-message

Show Logins -            ]  loginmsg     } Here to provide compatibility
                         [  logoutmsg    } with PG since PG+ automatically
                         %  reconnection } places a prefix before these.

Show dynatext -          Makes all dynatext become surrounded in braces {}

Show social -            ~ social to the room or you (requires "show room")


SHOWEXITS   - toggles if you'll automatically see the exits to a room when
              you enter it.


SHUTDOWN <time> <reason>  - Shutdown and reboot the talker. <time> is in
                            seconds before reboot and [reason] is why.

ABORT                     - Abort a shutdown (if running).


Silver is the spodding name that Richard Lawrence (the author of PG+) goes
under. If you see a Silver who isn't from the UK and didn't go to the
University of Liverpool then it isn't him.

URL   :


SING <song>  - sing something to everyone in the room

-=> SING is aliased to )

eg: sing do re mi            <M:name> sings o/~ do re mi o/~


SINGBLOCK  - toggles whether or not you will see people singing


SITE <player>   - shows you all players from similar sites as (player)
SITE <ip_addy>  - shows all players from ip address


SITE_BAN <ip address> <reason>  - Ban a site to all players irrespective
                                  of rank. 


SLIST <player list> <flag list>  - Set a list toggle.


  slist astyanax friend,inform

This makes astyanax friend and inform, regardless of what else you already
set that to.


SNEEZE <player> <time>  - Kick someone of the program, and prevent them 
                          from logging back in for a few minutes.


SNEWS            - Check the SU news board
SPOST <subject>  - Post to the SU news board
SREAD <number>   - Read an item on the SU news board

These are just shortcuts, alternatively you can use:

news <command> sus [additional commands]

if you wish.



      Spamming and/or piping is repeating the same thing over and over,
   otherwise known as "piping" text into the buffer and then filling
   a person's screen rapidly.  This is very impolite and is grounds for
   being booted, yoyoed, jailed, sneezed, etc... if the spamming party 
   does not cease.


SPLAT <player> <fortime>  - sneeze player and ban ALL logins from their
                            site for a few minutes.

UNSPLAT <player>          - remove the SPLAT on a site


      -=*> The Spoddy world that spods spodily spod in <*=-

Spod (noun) (feminine:Spodess) (plural individual: Spodz) (Neuter: Spodo) -
   A sad, sometimes fluffy, sometimes not so fluffy, computer nerd.
   A spod is easily distinguished by the following characteristics:

1. Extraordinarily long login times to talkers and/or Muds
2. Knows a dangerous amount of info about the Internet - more than any
   person should.
3. Often known to break into computer labs after hours just to telnet.
4. Sometimes name their favorite terminals
5. Often witness beautiful sunrises and/or sunsets... from a computer
6. Spod Eyes syndrome - Eyes feel as if they will budge after long hours
   spent at a terminal.

 Spod (verb)    - To act or behave as a spod. (<M:name> spods all night, doesn't
 Spoddy (adj)   - Fitting the behavioral patterns of a spod. (<M:name>, you
                  spoddy spoon!)
 Spodily (adv)  - Acting in the manner of a spod (<M:name> spodily types away.
                  What else is new?)
 Spodaholic (n) - A spod who is obviously addicted to the spodding experience.
 Spodders       - A spod support group-Before every meeting (It's true that
 Anonymous (n)    they are meetings on talkers) One says the lines like so:
                  "Hi, I'm <M:name>, and I'm a spodaholic."
 Spoddom (n)    - The world available for spods to spod in. The exact
                  opposite of so-called "rl" (real life)

See help spod-classes for the subclasses of spods

"The spoddy world...", and all the subclass names are (c) traP aka M.
Bourdaa 1995. You are free to use these terms to describe others,
or yourself, but this may document may not be published
(written or electronically) or altered without the official permission
of the author. All rights reserved. And other legal mumbo jumbo too !!


-> How many pests would a pestispod pest if a pestispod could spod pests? <-

There are 15 basic subdivisions of the Spod class: These include -

Antispod        - A spod who enjoys tricking and hurting newbies. These
                  spods are very dangerous to newbies.
Minispod        - These spods often sit idle for minutes and hours at a
                  time, often because they are also multispods.
Multispod       - Spods who can and do multi-task so they can log on to
                  several talkers and muds simultaneously
Superspod       - Spods who are also superusers (or equivalent)
Pestispod       - Spods who always ask "Can I be an SU?" As this class is
                  very large and diverse, the pestispod has several
                  classical subdivisions of it's own.
Grabypestispod  - Spods who try to become an su by making a big deal
                  about bringing new people into the talker.
Helpypestispod  - Spods who make a big deal about helping newbies (some
                  will only be "helpful" if an admin is in the room!)
Assitipestispod - Spod who makes a big deal about helping the admin
                  (giving ideas, volunteering to make system rooms, etc.)
Megaspod        - Spods who outspod spods :) To be a true megaspod is the
                  ultimate complement, and the ultimate insult :)
Hermospod       - Hermospods spend an inordinate amount of time (over 70%)
                  of their time in their own home room.
Publispod       - Publispods spend 70% or more of their time in public
                  (usually the main) rooms
Scitzospod      - Special class of spods. Scitzospods usually have
                  multiple characters (usually on different talkers... see
                  help rules if you're thinking about using different
                  names on the same talker)
Spatulaspod     - (derived from the '' is you, you spoon!
                  message). Spatulaspods are either absent-minded, or just
Transvispod     - These are the crossgender spods : male pretending to be
                  female and vice versa is not the only form, this can be
                  used in jest with people who set their genders to plural
                  or "it"
Vampispod       - Spods who prefer to do their spodding when the sun is
Solarspod       - Spods who do their spodding during daylight hours.
Adminospod      - All admins are spods. If they weren't they wouldn't set
                  up a talker, would they? :-)
Anonyispod      - A spod who is a member of Spodders Anonymous.

Most spods belong to more than one of these classes: for example

Someone exclaims 'Trap, you lousy MegaMultiSuperPubliVampiSpatulaspod!'

"How many pests...", and all the subclass names are (c) 1994 to traP
aka M. Bourdaa. You are free to use these terms to describe others,
or yourself, but this may document may not be published
(written or electronically) or altered without the official permission
of the author. All rights reserved. And other legal mumbo jumbo too !!


SPOD_CLASS <title>  - Set your spod class for the LSP command.


The spod channel is for spods only. For more information about becoming a
spod ask an admin.

PU <message>  - Say on the channel (you can also use PH)
PE <action>   - Emote on the channel
PS <song>     - Sing on the channel
PT <thought>  - Think on the channel
PW            - See who else is listening to the channel
MUFFLE SPOD   - Toggles whether you listen to the channel or not


SPODS [name|position]  - Shows the spod-list.

Notes: * All details are centred around the name or position given
       * If you give no arguments then details will centred on you

(see "help spod" for a definition)


STAFF  - Lists all the staff and admin on the talker.


STATCOMMANDS  - Provides some stats about commands being used
                (does not include SU or ADMIN commands)


One of the most frequently asked questions here is 'how can I become an
su?' Because of this, this help file has been created to answer this

First off, the candidate must realize what the su position entails
(this does not mean that you must be an su elsewhere to become an su
here, but rather that you learn what it means to be an su before you
are actually granted the su privileges/responsibilities)

Being an SU does NOT mean that you can just sneeze, boot and frog at will
The admins here take these things very seriously. Such commands are to be
used only as a last resort for dealing with those who would cause chaos and
anarchy here. It is MUCH better, both for the su, and for the player, to
be able to resolve an issue without having to resort to the threat or use
of the su commands. People who are able to "explain" that 'such behavior
is frowned upon, and should not be continued' are much preferred to the 
people whose automatic answer to any situation is to boot or sneeze.

Being an SU means, quite frankly, that you have to put up with whatever
others on the talker dish out. This ranges from the Admins and their        
quirks and insanity (all admins are insane. Don't let anyone tell you
differently) to residents who hate your guts because of jealousy of your
position, to newbies asking the silliest questions imaginable, like "how
do i talk?" and "what is a title?"      

As an SU, part of your job is teacher. Everyone on the program will come to
you first with any questions they have, from simple commands like seeecho   
and earmuffs, to complex commands (like the dreaded room edit commands) to
non-talker related questions (like 'how do I FTP' or 'how do I finger a
site' or even 'what is the command to compile a program in c++?')

Note that, while you are expected to handle the simple and complex talker
commands, a knowledge of the non-talker related stuff, while helpful, will
not affect your chances of getting a position as an su here. But, you 
should know who on the talker (staff or otherwise) CAN answer such 
questions, and be able to direct the questions you cannot answer to the
appropriate person. 

You should be familiar with all the resident commands, and be able to 
explain the quickly and clearly to others. You can't let frustration
show when a newbie says 'i don't get it' or 'that's not what i meant.'
I can guarantee from experience that you'll have people who simply have
no business using a computer, who somehow stumble on the 'telnet' command,
asking you questions and then never understanding the answer. You just have
to wear a fake smile and try again.

You'll have to deal with people who are just really stupid, who all they
want to do is cause troubles for everyone else, and especially you. People
will hate your guts, and you'll just have to deal with it with your
therapist (you DO have a therapist, don't you?)

You'll have to be an example to the other users, never bending the rules
yourself, and remember that, as long as you are a su here, you represent
the entire talker with every action you take. 

However... if you think you can handle it, then that's great. Here's some
advice on how to become one, from someone who's been there. Never harass the 
admins .. they have to deal with this 'can i be an su' question more times 
in the day than they can count, and the last thing they wanna hear is another
variation of that question. Try never to break the rules. Be friendly to 
other users, su's and newbies alike. (being a friendly person is a big plus)
Always be helpful. But don't stress too much about being helpful... you'll
just look like a kiss-up.

If you REALLY REALLY have an interest in being an su here, however, then
we suggest you send an email to the admin telling them why you'd think
you'd make a good su here.


SU_HI  - toggles highlighting of the su_channel.


PRIVS <name> - shows what privs someone else has


SUH  - recalls a history of the su channel

(originally written by astyanax for PG96)


SUICIDE  - Permanently deletes your character from this program.

Notes: * To confirm your desire to die, you must enter your password to
         prove you are who you are.
       * You must also give a reason for ending your life.


SUMOTD  - displays the super user message of the day.


SUWALL <message>  - send a message to everyone listening to the su channel


Superuser Channel

  SU <message>  - Say on the su channel
  SE <action>   - Emote on the su channel
  SS <song>     - Sing on the su channel
  ST <thought>  - Think on the su channel
  SW            - See who is listening to the su channel


The official language of <T:name> is ENGLISH. In public rooms and on
channels please stick to that.

You must not swear under any circumstances. The code automatically
monitors all swearing and will replace any "sensitive" words with
something more acceptable.

Some commands will only be filtered if you are in the main room (eg.
"say", "emote", "think" and "sing") others will always be filtered (eg.
"shout" and all channels).

PLEASE NOTE that this is "sensitive" as defined by the Admins not you.

Just because we replace these words doesn't mean you can still use them.
If you continually swear expect to have a Superuser dealing with you.


SWARN <player> <message>  - leave a saved "warn" message for someone who
                            decided to be bad and then leave. :P


SWHO    - a shorter version of 'who' - just shows you people's names and

SWHO -  - shows you same list, with no prefixes =)


TELL <player(s)> <message>  - private communications. You can tell
                              anything to anyone on the program, and only
                              you and the people you "tell" to will hear
                              the message.

-=> tell is aliased to > and .

eg:   tell alice what's goin on? =)     <M:name> tells you 'what's goin on? =)'


TINYFUGUE (tf) is a Telnet "client" -- and is the BEST client in existence
today. You can get it via ANONYMOUS FTP from, or from

If you need help setting up tinyfugue or have questions, you can e-mail


THINK <thought>  - puts your thoughts into a "thought bubble" and tells it
                   to everyone in the same room as you.

eg: think hmmm                    <M:name> thinks . o O ( hmmm )
    think ooooooooookay...        <M:name> thinks . o O ( ooooooooookay... )

Note: * THINK is aliased to ~


TIME    - displays the local time, and some program stats.


TIMEPROMPT <on/off>  - Turns your prompt into a clock or off again.

Note: * If you don't like the format of it you can always create one using
        dynatext (ie. "prompt [<^NM:hour>-<^NM:min>-<^NM:sec>]->".


TITLE <msg> - sets the title after your name.


TLIST <player list> <flag list>  - Toggle list entrys


so if Nogard is friend and grabme, and i type

  tlist Nogard friend,inform 

Noggie's new entry becomes 'grabme,inform' (friend was turned off by tlist)


These commands are for telling to other peoples friends
(see HELP FRIENDTELL for more info) 

	TFO <player> <msg>   - Tell to other players friends
	RFO <player> <msg>   - Remote to other players friends
	PFO <player> <msg>   - Premote to other players friends
	SFO <player> <msg>   - Sing to other players friends
	EFO <player> <msg>   - Echo to other players friends
	YFO <player> <msg>   - Yell to other players friends
	RTFO <player> <msg>  - Think to other players friends

To preserve compatibility with people who are used to the non-standard
PG96 friend-tells you can use TO, RO, PO, SO, EO, YO and RTO respectively.


TRACE <player>  - see where a saved player last logged on from.


TRANS <owner>.<ID>  - takes you to the room id owned by owner


TWHO  - shows you a list of people on, and their titles.


A <user list> is a list of users.  The list can be made up of
anyone you wish, and can be used in a variety of situations.

For example, let's say you want to tell Joe and Bob the same
thing.  You *could* tell them both separately:

	tell Joe Meet me for lunch at noon
	tell Bob Meet me for lunch at noon

But wouldn't it be much easier to tell them both with one
command?  Ahh, the beauty of user lists. :)  The following
command can accomplish this task:

	tell Joe,Bob Meet me for lunch at noon

You can see from this example that a user list is simply a
group of users' names, separated by a comma (,) .  You can also
use the user list to emote to more than one person in a room:

	emote grins at you. | joe,bob

Bob sees:
	<M:name> grins at you and Joe.
Joe sees:
	<M:name> grins at you and Bob.

Neat, eh? :)


UNCONVERSE <player>  - take some poor clueless newbie out of converse


UNDUMB <player>  - make a player normal again =)


VAL <player> - view someone else's alias list.


VALIDATE <player>  - this sets a player to have NO email address. Ask an
                     admin before using this, if possible.


VERSION   - shows some info about the program, modules enabled, the last
            time updated, etc.

Note: * If this command is unavailable to you then the admin of
        <T:name> are breaking the licence agreement for this
        talker base code.


VIEW_FLAGS  - list everyone and the flags they currently have set


VIEWLAST  - View the last connections to the talker


VISIT <player> - go to players 'home' room 


VLIST <player> [entry]  - Check someone else's list (optionally just one 
                          entry on their list)


VLOG [filename] - view a log file.

Note: * Typing 'vlog' without any arguments will list all of the log files
        that are available.


W  - provides a more detailed listing of who is on the program along with
     their rank, location and idle time.

(Code written by tonhE)


WAKE <player>  - "wake" up another user by sending a beep and a 
                 highlighted message to their screen letting them know
                 that you wish to speak to them


WALL <msg>   - Scream an announcement
EWALL <msg>  - Emote an announcement
TWALL <msg>  - Think an announcement


WARN <player> <message> - send an official warning to (player). This is
                          logged and echoed to the su channel.

Note: * You can warn one person, a group of people (with commas) or a


WEAR <item>  - Wear an item that you have in your inventory.

Note: * This item needs to be wearable!
      * What you are wearing will be seen when someone examines you.
      * To remove a worn item, wear it again and you'll get it off of you.
      * You may wear as many things as you want.
      * The room will see you put the item on / take the item off


WHERE <player>  - shows you where a specific person is.
WHERE friends   - shows you where your friends are.
WHERE           - shows you where EVERYONE is.


WHISPER <player(s)> <message>  - sends a private message to 1 or a group
                                 of people in the same room as you.
                                 (as opposed to tell, which sends the
                                 message regardless of what room the
                                 recipient is in)

-=> WHISPER is aliased to =


WHO  - shows you who is on the program.


WHOIS <player>  - Find out some information about a player.

If you have enough login time, or you get permission from an admin, you
may have a "whois" page here. The only limits are that the page cannot violate
any rules, and it must be smaller than 20 lines (the 20 line limit may be
negotiable under special circumstances)


WIELD <item>  - Wield a "weapon" in your inventory.

Note: * You can bop someone with a wielded item
      * Some items have special effects when wielded
      * To unwield the item simply wield it again.
      * You may only wield ONE item at a time
      * The room will see you wield/unwield the item.


WITH <player>  - shows you who is in the same room as <player>


WORDWRAP [size/off]  - set the size of the word that you want to "break up"
                       rather than just shove it to the next line.


XREF <name>  - Check for similar names in saved files.

The use for this is to check if a newbie wants to ressie a name that
might be too similar to a name already taken by someone else.

If it is too close, just politely ask the newbie to pick a new name..
99 times out of 100, they will pick a new name and you can rename them
and ressie them then.


Y <player>  - An SU examination of a resident. Admin will see
              significantly more information.

Note: * In the original PG96 there was also a Z command. These two have
        been merged into one.


YECHO <message>  - kinda like a ECHO, except that it goes to everyone in
                   the program who isn't wearing EARMUFFS.

-=> YECHO is aliased to !+ and !-

Note: * If you yecho too much and/or with too many annoying characters
        then funny things may happen ...


YELL <player> <msg>  - Send a "loud tell" to your friends, or to other users. 


YEMOTE <message>  - kinda like a EMOTE, except that it goes to everyone in
                    the program who isn't wearing EARMUFFS.

-=> YEMOTE is aliased to !: and !;

Note: * If you yemote too much and/or with too many annoying characters
        then funny things may happen ...


YOYO <player>  - toss someone around like a yoyo... they get spammed by 
                 room descriptions before landing back in the main room
                 with a loud *THUMP* =)


YSING <message>  - kinda like a SING, except that it goes to everyone in
                   the program who isn't wearing EARMUFFS.

-=> YSING is aliased to !) and !(

Note: * If you ysing too much and/or with too many annoying characters
        then funny things may happen ...


YTHINK <message>  - kinda like a THINK, except that it goes to everyone in
                    the program who isn't wearing EARMUFFS.

-=> YTHINK is aliased to !~ and !*

Note: * If you ythink too much and/or with too many annoying characters
        then funny things may happen ...


This is a custom channel for people who want to talk about the same
subject without involving everyone else.

ZC <name>     - Joins a channel called <name>. If one does not exist it
                will automatically be created and you joined to it. If you
                are already on another channel, you will quit that one and
                then join your new one.
ZU <message>  - Say on the Z Channel (you can also use ZH)
ZE <action>   - Emote on the Z Channel  
ZS <song>     - Sing on the Z Channel
ZT <thought>  - Think on the Z Channel
ZC            - Leaves a Z Channel you are on (NOTE: just ZC on its
ZW            - See who else is on the Z Channel
LSZ           - Lists all Z Channels currently active and how many people
                are on each


ZDEL <channel name> <reason>  - Deletes a currently active Z channel.

Note: * A reason is required which is logged and broadcast to that channel
        before being deleted.


A builder is someone who can create items that can be bought on
<T:name>. Once an item has been created it can be bought by people
on the talker and then played with, worn, eaten or drunk depending on
how the builder wishes that item to be.


Once you become a builder you should read "help create"


All socials on <T:name> can be listed by typing "commands soc".
To use a social type its name and press [return] and see what happens.
Some socials ask you for a person to direct the social too, some don't and
some may even give you the option.

To create socials you need to have the relevant priv.


For more about creating a social see "help social-create"


To start the creation of a social:

CREATE_SOCIAL <command for it> <type>

Where <type> can be either "simple", "complex" or "private".

* Simple socials are messages which go to rooms only. They cannot be
    directed at anyone and only the people in the same room as the sender
    will see the message.

* Complex socials can go to rooms but can also be directed at people. If
    it is directed at a person and the sender and receiver are in the
    same room then everyone else in the room sees a message.

* Private socials are just that. Only you and the person you send the
    social to get any messages.

See "help social-simple", "help social-complex" or "help social-private"
for more details

See "help social-format" for special formatting characters


SETSOC ROOM_MSG <string>  - This is the message that will be shown to the
                            room when a player uses the social.

SETSOC USED_ROOM_MSG <string>  - The string the player who uses the social
                                 will see.

SETSOC FORMAT <string>  - If set then the social requires an argument and
                          the is the message that the sender will get if
                          he/she doesn't give one.
                          See "help social-format" for details.

SETSOC DONE  - Signifies that you have finished and the social is ready.

SETSOC ABORT  - Signifies that you want to abandon this social.


SETSOC ROOM_MSG <string>  - This is the message that will be shown to the
                            room when a player uses the social.

SETSOC USED_ROOM_MSG <string>  - The string the player who uses the social
                                 will see.

SETSOC DIRECT_MSG <string>  - The string a player sees who has had the
                              social directed at them.

SETSOC USED_DIRECT_MSG <string>  - The string the player who used a
                                   directed social will see.

SETSOC DONE  - Signifies that you have finished and the social is ready.

SETSOC ABORT  - Signifies that you want to abandon this social.


SETSOC DIRECT_MSG <string>  - The string a player sees who has had the
                              social directed at them.

SETSOC USED_DIRECT_MSG <string>  - The string the player who used a
                                   directed social will see.

SETSOC FORMAT <string>  - If set then the social requires an argument and
                          the is the message that the sender will get if
                          he/she doesn't give one.
                          See "help social-format" for details.

SETSOC DONE  - Signifies that you have finished and the social is ready.

SETSOC ABORT  - Signifies that you want to abandon this social.


You can add the following strings in which will be replaced when the
social is used:

%hisher      - The social executors gender (in form "his", "her" or "its")
%himher      - The social executors gender (in form "him", "her" or it")
%heshe       - The social executors gender (in form "he", "she" or "it")
%fullname    - The social executors full name (with prefix)
%name        - The social executors name (without prefix)

%t_hisher    - The social targets gender (in form "his", "her" or "its")
%t_himher    - The social targets gender (in form "him", "her" or it")
%t_heshe     - The social targets gender (in form "he", "she" or "it")
%t_fullname  - The social targets full name (with prefix)
%t_name      - The social targets name (without prefix)

%str         - The input string

You can also have random words or phrases incorporated in your socials
like so:


You can have as any options as you like and when parses only one of these
options will be shown. An example could be:

setsoc room_msg {runs|skips|hops|leaps} over to %t_name and
{hits|throws|punches} %himher in the {face|teeth|eyes|head}.

Note, you do Not need a % in front of the opening brace {
and putting one there will only get interpreted as a literal %
  (meaning, itll put a % there as normal)

Don't forget you can also incorporate dynatext for some really impressive


<T:name> supports dynatext, a simple yet clever system which allows
you to tailor your messages, descriptions etc. depending upon the person
reading it. This version of dynatext is an extension to masks (see
'help masks')

Nearly all dynatext is made up of either:

  <C:something>   Refers to the current player
  <M:something>   Refers to the player seeing the message
  <R:something>   Refers to a random player in the room
  <A:something>   Refers to a random player on <T:name>
  <P:something>   Refers to the target player within item actions.

Where something is one of:

  name         Person's name
  fullname     Person's name and prefix (depending on settings)
  time         Person's full local time and date
  stime        Person's time in HH:MM:SS format
  hour         Current hours
  min          Current minutes
  sec          Current seconds
  day          Day of the week
  month        Month name
  date         Date
  rank         Rank
  cash         Cash
  hisher       Gender in the possessive form - his/her/its
  heshe        Gender in the form - he/she/it
  himher       Gender in the form - him/her/it
  partner      Partner (engaged or married)
  lag          The time lagged, in seconds
  lagstr       Textual description of lag time, as shown in 'x'

You can also use <T:something>, where something is one of:

  name         The name of the talker (<T:name>)
  addr         The address and port of the talker (<T:addr>)
  email        The e-mail address of the admins (<T:email>)
  pot          The current slots jackpot (<T:pot>)
  online       The number of players online (<T:online>)
  staff        The number of staff online (<T:staff>)
  count        The total number of players (<T:count>)
  countstaff   The total number of staff (<T:countstaff>)

If you wish to ignore dynatext and masks then use the MUFFLE command. If
you wish to see all dynatext but know that it is dynatext then you can
use the "SHOW DYNATEXT" command.

For examples please see "help dynatext-examples".
You may also want to see "help masks".


To get the current time of the person reading it you would use:


To get the current time of a random person in the room you would use:


To run over to a random person in the same room and slap them in the face
you would use:

  emote runs over to <^NR:name> and slaps <^NR:gender3> in the face with <^NC:gender> hand!

Note that random names are preserved. That means that the random person
chosen with <R:..> will stay the same throughout the entire command and that
everyone will see the _same_ random person.

As you can see, dynatext mixed with socials, room messages, login messages
etc. are a very powerful thing!


EDIT_FILE <directory> <file>  - Edits a file from within the account.

Note: * Only regular files can be edited (not dirs, symlinks, sockets etc)
      * You cannot edit files in some directories (these are configured
          within the talker - ask the coder)
      * It is recommended you do not edit the following files:
          +  soft/*.msg
          +  doc/help
          +  files/main.rooms
          +  files/system.rooms


CHACCESS <log> <level>  - Change the permission required to view a log

NOTE: * <level> can be either "ad" (admin), "la" (lower admin) or "su"


CLOG  - List all the currently available logs and how long ago they were


VEMERG [name]  - View the emergency log of [name]. If no name is given
                 then all available emergency logs are listed.


vscript [name]  - View the script of [name]. If no name is given then all
                  available scripts are listed.


ASK <player(s)> <message>  - Politely ask one or more people not to do

Note: * This is a "lesser" warn


COMFY  - Take you to the Superusers comfy room


LSI [name]  - List where all people are connected from


NOMSG <name>  - Toggles whether the player is allowed to edit their X, F
                or PINFO.

Note: * This can be checked by looking at a player with "Y"


SHELP <file>  - View any additional SuperUser help files


VALIDATE_EMAIL <person>  - Set a logged on person as having no email


BECHO <message>  - Anonymously echo something to a room.


KILL_ANGEL  - Kills the guardian angel from within the talker.

Notes: * When killed the talker will not reboot the next time is it
       * Once the angel is killed it cannot be rebooted again unless the
         talker is down as well!


KILL_MULTI <multi number>  - Remove a multi entirely from existance


LOAD_SOCIALS  - Load the socials from the account into the talker.
SYNCSOCIALS   - Saves all socials to disk


SCREEN [on/off]
     used by itself, it will report if the talker is screening newbies or not
     used with on or off, it will turn screening on or off

ALLOW <name>
     allow the newbie <name> to enter the talker

DENY <name>
     deny the entry of <name> to the talker

     view those in the screening queue, and how much time theyve left

    If screening is on, any newbie attempting will be held up as soon as
  they enter their name, at which point the staff on duty will see a
  message informing the newbie is trying to connect, the site they are
  coming in from, and how to let them in or not.   At this time, any
  staff member may   allow <name>   to let the newbie continue to enter
  the program as normal, or   deny <name>   to disallow access.  If a 
  newbie is denied, they will see the 'no newbies at this time' message.
  There is also a timeout period, if no staff member allows or denies
  access before this period is out, the newbie is denied access and
  shown the message.   Finally, when screening is turned on and there
  are no staff members on the talker and on duty, newbies will be
  automatically denied.


AMMEND <log> <string>  - add comment to <log>, consisting of <string>


PSX  - execute the shell command 'ps' and send the results to the player.
       the options for this can be altered as needed in soft/config.msg
       one thing of note, this is executed syncronously, the talker
       stops everything its doing and waits for the command to finish.
       in normal operation, the execution time of the command is so
       quick that it wouldnt ever be noticed, however it is something
       of which to be aware.
    Explination of results ...
  USER       - username (owner of process)
  PID        - process id
  %CPU       - percent of the processor being used (as a guideline)
  %MEM       - percent of memory (ram) being used
  SIZE       - true size of the process, in kilobytes
  RSS        - realistic size of the process, in kilobytes
  TTY        - controling terminal of the process
  STAT       - state of process, (R) running, (S) sleeping, 
               (D) swapping, (Z) zombie, (T) stopped (trace)
  START      - when the process began
  TIME       - how much cpu time the process has used
  COMMAND    - with -c option, the name of the executable for the process


SEARCH <type> <query>  - search various parts of players in file <type>
                         for various strings <query>

  Type                      Action

  names <query>             search for <query> in players' names

  xref <query>              search for <query> at the beginning of
                                players names.

  sites <query>             search for <query> in players last host
                             (note, the last host is saved as alpha
                             if it has it, ip if not... so check both
                             if you are really looking)

  emails <query>            search for <query> in players emails

  urls <query>              search for <query> in players urls

  gits <query>              search for <query> in git strings
                             and in who made the player a git

  swarn <query>             search for <query> in saved warns
                             and in who set the saved warn

  resby <query>             search for <query> (usually the name of a su)
                             in who made players a resident.

  richest <number>          search for all those that have more than
                             <number> of money

  trouble <number>          search for all those that have more than
                             <number> of discipline commands used on them

  sstats                    show all staff and stats

    Note, not all priv levels have access to all types of searches.


LAST - Lists people who recently connected to <T:name> including
       when they disconnected and how long they were on for.


The intercom channel (ichan) allows you to talk to people on different
talkers without missing the conversation in your own talker. 

IU <message> (or) IH <message>  - Say something on the channel
IE <action>                     - Emote something on the channel
IS <song>                       - Sing something on the channel
IT <thought>                    - Think something on the channel
MUFFLE ICHAN                    - Muffle the intercom channel 

Notes: * People who are on the same talker as you will be identified by
         their name only ie.

           <ichan> <M:name> says 'hello!'

       * People who aren't on the same talker as you will be identified by
         their name and talker abbreviation ie.

           <ichan> skippy@uber says 'hello there'

       * You will be informed of people who go on or off the channel.
       * Treat the intercom channel as you would the intercom room. You
         must not swear, talk about drugs, pirated software (warez) or
         anything deemed offensive or racist.
       * For credits, please see "help ichan-credits"


  Intercom channel (ichan) for Playground/EW based talkers

  Author:        Richard 'Silver' Lawrence
  Original idea: Mike 'traP' Bourdaa
  Version:       2.1
  Author email:
  Release date:  8th July 1999
  Initial date:  30th November 1998