# Make_Pretty
# Written by Silver (15.12.97)
# Updated by blimey (09.08.98)
# This batch file makes a backup of your src files (just in case)
# and then formats every .c file nicely.
# You can change the flags that "indent" uses by editing the ident line
# although the one here should suffice

if [ ! -e -a ! -e $HOME/ ] ; then
  INDENT_OPTIONS="-bli0 -i2 -nbad -npsl -npcs -cli2"

echo "Make_Pretty 1.1"
echo "A batch file written by Silver (15.12.1997)"
echo ""
echo "Backing up your code (just in case)"

rm -f backup.tgz
tar -cf - *.[ch] | gzip -c > backup.tgz

trap "rm -f mp_temp" SIGTERM SIGHUP
for id in *.c
  echo "Tidying up '$id' ..."
  indent $INDENT_OPTIONS $id -o mp_temp
  mv mp_temp $id

echo "Finished"
echo " "
echo "It is recommended you do a 'make install' now to check that the code"
echo "still compiles fine. If in the unlikely event that it doesn't then"
echo "you can restore the src files from the 'backup.tgz' file with"
echo "the command 'gzip -dc backup.tgz | tar -xf -'"
echo " "

#they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... heres mine..
#  indent -kr -bad -bl -pcs -cs -di13 -i3 -nce -l75 -bli0 $id mp_temp
#                                                ~phypor