 kRad Soshuls System

   oks..... this is basically a way to create new socials
   from within the talker... the admin type commands
   that you need to know about are mainly delete_social
   and grant creator (thats the priv, similar to builder
   for items, that is required to create socials)

   notice this ...this system has both soft coded socials
   and hard coded add more of the hard coded
   type, go into include/socials.h ..pick the type you 
   wish it to be... and add it right into one of the
   arrays.... as for the soft coded ones (the ones added
   on the talker) consult the online help files 
   (you can start with commands soc, it not only shows
    the socials you have access to, it also shows, if you
    are a creator, the commands to build socials)

   please notice the license at the top of the file 
   if you get any ideas about using this code...;)

   its provided by me (phypor) just coz...