 On-line file editing

  You may (currently with admin privs) edit any file in the dir files/
  You may add other directories to this by adding then to the
  char array at the top of glue.c, EditableDirs[]

  It is suggested you NOT allow editing of the files in soft/
  It is suggested you NOT edit .rooms files (its much safer with a real editor)

  Lower directories may not be accessed, for instance,
  altho the items in files/ maybe accessed, the items
  in player/files or rooms/files may not.
  To allow lower directories, they must be explictly added
  to the EditableDirs[] array.

  Only regular files (not dirs, symlinks, sockets, etc) maybe edited
  The command for this is
     edit_file <directory> <file>
  For instance, to edit the motd,
     edit_file files motd.msg

  Or to add a new whois file for 'nester',
     edit_file files/whois nester.who

  Most things youll edit will be reloaded automatically,
  but if you add more dirs, its possible youll have to
  add in reloading of those files as well.

  Records of editing are found in the 'edit' log.
  You may totally disable the ability to edit files in this manner
  by turning off the flag     can_edit_files     in soft/config.msg

                              ~phypor (6.11.98)