The intercom is a way to talk to people on other talkers who also have the
intercom installed. All examples will use UberWorld (uber) as their

INTERCOM LIST   - Lists all talkers with the intercom and status
INTERCOM SLIST  - As above but a shorter (more compressed) list

Once you've found a talker you can communicate with people like so:

WHO @UBER                  - See who is logged into UberWorld
LOCATE <name>              - Searches for a user on all up talkers
TELL GRIM@UBER <message>   - Tell Grim on UberWorld something
REMOTE GRIM@UBER <action>  - Emote something to Grim on UberWorld
FINGER GRIM@UBER           - Find out about Grim on UberWorld
EXAMINE GRIM@UBER          - Examine Grim on UberWorld
IDLE GRIM@UBER             - Find out how idle Grim is on UberWorld

The intercom room allows you to communicate with lots of people from all
different talkers with normal room commands.

INTERCOM HOME  - To go to the intercom room

From the intercom room, you can talk, and have transmitted the following
commands: SAY, EMOTE, THINK

If you wish to stop certain intercom users from talking to you, this can
be done with the usual ignore or bar commands on your list, like so:

IGNORE REDNECK@FH  - to ignore specifically redneck on the talker fh
IGNORE @RESORT     - to ignore EVERYONE on talker resort
IGNORE CHRIS       - to ignore the name chris everywhere
IGNORE @           - to completely block all intercom communication

Sometimes, a link will be VERY slow, and instead of attempting to send the
message forever, it will be expired. Sometimes, the message has been
received at the other end, sometimes it hasnt, there is unfortunately no way
to tell.