How to write a simple command

This file shows you how to write a simple command. This command is called
"whoami" and does exactly what the unix version does. It is not intended
to be a programming lession.

Okay, first we need to write the program. Pick a file - commands.c is a
good one and at the bottom add the following:

void who_am_i (player *p, char *str)
  TELLPLAYER(p,"You are %s\n", p->name);

Now in "clist.h" you need to add the following to the top:

extern command_func who_am_i;

This could be on its own or tagged to the end of the other externs.

Now look down the commands list till you find the line

{"who", who, 0, 0, 1, 0, INFOc},

and add the following:

{"whoami", who_am_i, BASE, 0, 1, 0, INFOc},

The format of this is as follows:

{"a", b, c, d, e, f, g},

a : The command name
b : The procedure that the code is in
c : Who can use it - 0 = everyone             BASE = residents only
                     PSU = Su channel         SU = Trainee
                     ASU = Superuser          LOWER_ADMIN = Lower admin
                     ADMIN = Admin            HCADMIN = HCAdmin
                     SPOD = Spod              WARN = People with warn priv
                     TRACE = People with trace priv
    (These are the options in p->residency)
d : THIS OPTION IS DEFUNCT - set to 0 all the time!
e : Whether the command needs to have a space after it to me run, ie.
    if this is set to 1 then you need to (ie. "say hello"). If it is a 0
    then "sayhello" is acceptable. For default use 1
f : Help file parameter (use 1)
g : Section - COMMc = Communication    MISCc = Misc
              SUPERc = Superuser       ADMINc = Admin
              SYSc = System            LISTc = List commands
              INVISc = Command will not be listed (good for aliases)
              SPAMc = Command if excessivily used will trigger spam code
And now compile - voila one command!

Finally edit the "help" file in "doc" and add at the bottom:


WHOAMI  - Find out who you are

This will make "help whoami" or "help me" should the above text.

Have fun.

		Richard Lawrence
		11th January 1998