 How to convert from PG to PG+

[ DISCLAIMER: By following these instructions you agree that the author   ]
[ cannot be held responsible for loss or damage in any way. If you think  ]
[ that this method may do so, either stick with PG or do it your own way! ]

This file details what you need to do if you are already running a PG
talker (that is you have PG playerfiles). PG+ is 100% compatable with PG
so firstly don't panic!

The first thing to do is to configure and compile PG+ (but do not boot
it!). Once this is ready you will find a batch file in the PG+ bin
directory called "pg2pgplus". This is a simple batch file which copies 
all the required files from your "talker" directory (where you kept
PG96) to the "pgplus" directory. If you have (for some reason) renamed
this directory then you will need to mess about either with the script or
the directory name.

Note that you should only run this when your talker is down and NOT
running. If you do so whilst it is running there is a good chance that the
pfiles will corrupt.

 If you have added your own code

Socials: The socials format has been changed totally for PG+. It is
         recommended that you use this new format since it is ten times
         more flexable (and is bug free).

Normal code: If you have not adjusted the pfiles in anyway then you can
             simply cut and paste the new code into PG+.

Pfiles: If you have updated the pfiles then you need to edit "player.h"
        accordingly and then add the new variables into the load and save
        procedures AFTER the PG stuff but BEFORE the PG+ stuff.

Finally don't forget to update "clist.h" otherwise you won't be able to
use any of your new commands!

		Richard Lawrence (aka Silver)
		11th January 1998