 phypors code

  A few of the code bits installed are from phypor (
  and can be retrived in there original release form from

  A few of these release are:
      dynamic commands priv change
      command stats
      last site logging

   and they all have the same license which reads:
      freely distributable and modifiable,
      as long as credit given in appropritate
      places for any distrubitions (be it
      this alone or within another package)

   and the same disclaimer which is:
      non, the author <phypor> is in no way responsible
      for use, misuse, abuse, or any other actions
      misactions, reactions of this code,
      its provided as is.

ooo..btw here are a few lil things that are 'experimental'...that
is not exactly fit for being live in the release... 
but nifty nonetheless.....

   Try this indent...
indent -kr -bad -bl -pcs -cs -di13 -i3 -nce -l75 -bli0

   Try this in your Makefile (gotta tinker with displays to make it show right)
CC			= time -f" Total time: %E" gcc