#AREA	Satan   Newbie Area~

a munchkin~
A little munchkin stands here, growling
The munchkin is small and pathetic. You can kill it like a fly.
2|64 0 0 S
5000 50 -550 1d1+3500 1d1+55
0 0
8 8 1

a munchkin sword~
A munchkin sword rests here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 1 5 11 
5 0 0
a munchkin helmet~
A munchkin helmet rests here.~
9 0 1|16
0 1 6 0 
5 0 0

Welcome to Vampire Wars MUD~
There are several things that you need to know when playing
this MUD, so these rooms are designed to show you the basics
of playing Vampire Wars. The first thing you need to know
is how to move around. Type "exits" to see where you can go.
Then type the direction that you wish to go. North takes you
to the next room, where you will learn something about your
armour class. To bring up this description again, type "look"
7 0 1
0 -1 701
0 -1 3054
Your Armour Class~
Now type "score". This brings up a screen of information
about your character. One important piece of information
is your armour class - this determines how tough you are
and how resistant to attacks you will be. Basically, the
lower your armour class, the less likely you are to be 
hurt. In the score sheet, your armour class is represented
by the value next to "ac". To lower this value, you must
wear armour and other equipment. To see what you are 
currently wearing, type "equipment".
7 0 1
0 -1 702
0 -1 700
In this room there is a monster called a munchkin. 
It is a very weak monster, so you won't have any trouble 
killing it - type "consider munchkin". However, it is wearing a munchkin helmet that you 
might want to use. To kill it, type "kill munchkin". When 
it is dead, you will see a message saying "The corpse of 
the munchkin contains : a munchkin helmet". Take the helmet 
by typing "get helmet corpse". Now wear it by typing 
"wear helmet". If you type "score" now, you will see that 
your ac has gone down, and you have more exp. We will learn 
about this later. Now go north to the next room.
7 0 1
0 -1 703
0 -1 701
In this room is another monster. This monster, however, 
is equipped with a munckin sword. Kill it, and then you 
can take the sword from the corpse and wield it 
(type "wield sword"). Now when  you type "score", you 
will notice that your hit and dam values have gone up. 
These values mean that you will be more likely to hit 
your opponent and do more damage to them during combat. 
The higher these values, the better.

One more thing you might like to do is sacrifice the 
corpse. This will give you one piece of gold, and the 
satisfaction that your opponent - type "sacrifice 
corpse". Proceed north to the next room.
7 0 1
0 -1 704
0 -1 702
After you have read this, type "prac1" and then "prac2" 
(Remember you can view this description again by typing 
"look"). These screens show what you have practise - most
of them are spells. You will notice that they are all 
on 0% - you can increase this by typing "practise" 
followed by the spell name. This uses up some experience
points, which you have gained by killing the munchkins 
in the previous rooms. When you have done this, go north
to the next room.
7 0 1
0 -1 705
0 -1 703
Now we will find out some of the other things that you
use experience points for. Type "train". This shows 
you the things you can train, and for how many experience
points. Type "train hp" - this increases your hit points,
which means you will last longer in fights. To save you
time, you can type "train hp all", meaning that all your
experience points will be used to train your hit points.
If you now type "score" the you will see that your total 
hit points have gone up. Go north to the next room now.
7 0 1
0 -1 706
0 -1 704
Now try to go east. You will see that there is a door
blocking your way - this means that it doesn't show up
when you type "exits". To open the door, all you have 
to do is type "open door", and then the exit east will 
show up when you type "exits". Go east, and then you can 
return to proceed north.
7 0 1
0 -1 707
2 -1 708
0 -1 705
Time to enter the game...~
Now you are ready to enter Vampire Wars. You now know how
to move around and kill monsters, how to equip yourself 
and train yourself to a higher standard. These are the bare
basics that you will need to survive in Vampire Wars, but
there is much, much more to discover. A couple of things 
you might like to try are - ansi (this *may* give you colour),
autoexit (shows you the obvious exits to the room on 
entering), autoloot and autosac (these get all from a corpse
and sacrifice it automatically after a kill - be careful 
though, because you may sacrifice a corpse which has something
valuable in it, as you have a limit to the amount you can 
carry). Also, all commands can be shortened - for instance, 
"look" can be just "l" and "east" can be just "e". 

Now, type "recall" to enter the game!
7 0 1
0 -1 706
Just a room.~
Now you can return West to go on North.
7 0 1
2 -1 706
A room~
You are standing in room #12.
7 0 1
0 -1 700

M 1 700 2 702			a munchkin to Killing
E 1 701 100 6
M 1 700 2 703			a munchkin to Weapons
E 1 700 100 16
