I put the room there for 2 reasons
1) so we had a less drastic method of dealing with ppl
   ie instead of slay, purge etc.
2) that out wonderfull coders would then give us the 
   JAIL/PAROLE commands, that i mentioned at the time.
quick reminder
syntax JAIL <victim> <blank or hours>
           eg  jail qui 72 <-- would put Qui in jail for 72 hours
           eg jail qui      <- would put Qui in jail till parolled
level 4+
effect transport <victim> #3
add JAILED to wholist
local echo 'You have been found guilty, sentence is passed'
global echo <victim> has been sentanced to penile servitude.
syntax PAROLE <victim>
           eg parole qui   <- would release Qui from prison if HOURS were not set.
level 7/8+ (wasnt sure where to to place this)
effect transport <victim> 3001
global echo <victim> has been released from Prison
with this type of system, we cant really freeze time, coz i think that will stop the jail timer working
but for each hour in prison, they could get 1 hour younger, as per the motd timer efect fom before
course its only a little thing, and not overly important, but just having it on the code idea list
would be a good thing.