not able to heal someone if they in pk
not able to command person if they in pk(e.g. stance)
not able to follow fleeing person
no flee lag. (u could put in scan again)

(i actually like the flee lag but its playing to hard into groups hands, if its such that you have absolutely no chance to escape a gang its going to drive the good lone players away)

gives person a chance to escape a rigel/putty style ganging, but also allows clannies to help people out against big players for protection.  

What would be real nice is if person who initiated fight by spell or attack could not be rescued but i suspect that would be a bugger to code.

one other thing i would like to suggest is that someone in shadow cant cast spells in shadow on someone outseide shadow, and vice versa, latest one is to sit there and spam sleep etc spells.


ok..here's an idea..
how bout instead of making laws, or extreme code changes etc, we make some
subtle code changes to allow ganging/rescuing, but in a limited form.
For example, with group attacking, put a max number on the ammount of PCs
that can be attacking another PC at any one time..I'd suggest 2-4, this
adds a 'little' realism in that you can only crowd so many people around
someone, especially in a sword fight.
Also I have wanted for a long time to have a spell or skill for mobs that
deals out more damage to each person attacking it, depending on the numbers
attacking it, maybe we could do a similar thing for group attack ?
or possibly some sort of other bonus for someone being group attacked, or a
penalty for the attackers ?
make it so that group attacking works, but at a certain stage, becomes
Another thing that could be done is to have some sort of camparison between
strengths of the combatants, so that groups of big people, taking on
someone individually equal to them, would get a lot of penalties, but a
group of small people taking on a biggie, would have no penalties, and
maybe a few bonuses (helps clan spirit if the small guys can gang up and
effectivly defend against a big hero who is trying to wipe em out).

As for rescuing, a simple bit of code can help there..
1. make it so there is a little delay when you rescue (if you suceed, you
don't get any attacks first round ?), 2. make the chance of failing a
little higher, and add a chance that if you fail, you take a hit in the

in short, instead of using black and white rules or code changes, lets add
in some grey areas..then we can tell the players 'sure .. you can do that,
but it might not be as effective as you think..'
A little uncertainty should spice the game up a little too, just like when
combat was fixed so you could actually 'hit' stuff (and be hit :> ).