
todo, bugs:
- Removing equipment in the shadow plane makes it go odd...fix it.
- move shagged pfiles to another dir (with maybe a replacement to hold the place)
- shifting powers with disciplines are broken, you can gain stats while shapeshifting in combat

todo, developments:
- have one-time keys that disappear after they're used
- tidy up combat & make it table-based
- Remove the previous restrictions placed on gang-banging
- When a player is outcasted, they must not be allowed back into any clans, 'caitiff' flag (seen in sinbin).
- Have the ability to turn off any channel (earmuffs).
- Make exp 4x harder to get, make players appear to have spent 4x less on their stats (either in the load-code or with a parser prog).
- a spell to preserve body parts 
- ability to finger offline players (i.e. make pfile loading code more bulletproof to cope with shagged pfiles)
- change the illegal name code so it compares against names in a file, not a static array
- Sects
- Need something to put neutral and evil players on an even footing with a good player with protection.
- New balance code:  different ratios of stats should have different effects on combat.  Have a 'stamina' effect in combat that uses move when you dodge and parry.  Make spells more expensive during combat so that mana becomes more useful.
- Timers and reasons for all punishments
- Make jail a punishment

todo, out of game:
- don't show denied characters on the players league
- put the FAQs back on the website