
# IMC2 Freedom CL-2.2 Rom24b6 config file.
# This file can now support the use of tildes in your strings.
# This information can be edited online using the 'imcconfig' command.
LocalName      EotC
Autoconnect    1
MinPlayerLevel 10
MinImmLevel    207
AdminLevel     215
Implevel       215
InfoName       Eye Of The Cyclops
InfoHost       zeno.biyg.org
InfoPort       2850
InfoEmail      marcusironfist@hotmail.com
InfoWWW        Mud's webpage
InfoBase       Rom24b6
InfoDetails    it has cyclops and stuff.

# Your server connection information goes here.
# This information should be available from the network you plan to join.
ServerAddr     server01.mudbytes.net
ServerPort     5000
ClientPwd      xrakr0x
ServerPwd      xrakr0x
#SHA256 auth: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
SHA256         0