Ian      (Dec  5) create a form command so werewolfs can easily tell their current form
Lateralus (Dec  6) Make the skin point values uniform.
Lateralus (Dec  6) A command to see the last 20 or so OOC messages.
Phobos   (Dec  6) Restore command: if target is a vamp then fill bloodpoints
Lateralus (Dec  6) Make it so that the small and large wolf forms can't carry torches (they can avoid towers).
Phobos   (Dec  6) phobos [referencing the above idea: target goal is to prevent hispo and lupus from being used to torch buildings]
Anatta   (Dec 14) make bread fill you up a *lot* longer
Phobos   (Dec 15) werewolves: lose str when carrying silver (model after how heavy armor reduces dex)
Phobos   (Dec 15) silver items: create silver items, these will cause agg-dmg to WWs (model after dmg on vamps caused by sun)
Lateralus (Dec 16) Be able to store gold/silver in the foundry
Madhkon  (Dec 16) all Buildings should be able to be built on desert and not only field
Madhkon  (Dec 16) maybe add races like elves,dwarves,orcs and give them added bonuses like dwarves with mining,orcs with forging
Garion   (Dec 16) I think it would be good to transform a desert to fields for a high cost.
Garion   (Dec 17) Granaries should be able to store both flours and bread too.
Madhkon  (Dec 17) maybe have NPC that players could buy to dig,mine,chop and put everything they get into the store rooms such as lumberyards and such
Zyrilius (Dec 17) Plant TREE, there's already plant wheat, plant apple, etc, just put acorns around that let you plant trees
Zyrilius (Dec 17) make throwing torches into buildings an act of war that you can only do if your empire is at war with them, like fighting
Madhkon  (Dec 17) how about a camp command to make a little campfire/resting place which increases health/enudrance regen
Ian      (Dec 17) finish herbalism for humans
Zyrilius (Dec 18) Liftable Drawbridges and Closeable City Gates!
Lateralus (Dec 18) Triple the holding capacity of the canteen.
Zyrilius (Dec 20) A way to leave private IC notes?  like maybe parchments you can write on and leave behind for someone to pick up?
Phobos   (Dec 22) a way for ghouls to keep track of how much blood they have
Wise     (Jan  4) Yo.  Just had an idea: seasons.  Spring, Fall, Winter, Summer.  The biggest thing I can see this effecting right off the bat is just when the sun rises and sets.  Earliest in the winter, latest in the summer.  Although eventually, this could effect 
Sakura   (Jan  8) largehouses need vaults.
Sakura   (Jan 10) There should be an 'overthrow' command to allow a surviving member to become the founder.
Asher    (Jan 18) having a person's "tribe" in whois is a sure way to get them hunted down by vamps and humans
Asher    (Jan 24) I propose that a square that is near two or more ocean squares that was turned into a river by trench digging be also turned into an ocean square
Britnoth (Jan 28) In a small empire theres little point having resource storage buildings - you usually only gather resources and put them straight into the building you currently are busy on. Why not every reboot give each gravel pit/lumber yard around 10-20 free st
Morion   (Feb 15) I think harvesting apples yields too many resources. As it is, a smart player will never chop forests once he's planted a handful of orchard tiles. If you're presuming they take down the orchard with them, harvesting and planting should take more ti
Tedrick  (Mar 31) Make a granary building so that we might be able to store bread corn wheat and apples longer.