/* ************************************************************************
*   File: world.c                                        EmpireMUD AD 1.0 *
*  Usage: World-related constants and functions                           *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*                                                                         *
*  Code base by Paul Clarke.  EmpireMUD Project, a tbgMUD Production.     *
*  Based upon CircleMUD 3.0, beta patch level 17, by Jeremy Elson.        *
*                                                                         *
*  Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University *
*  CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.               *
************************************************************************ */

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

#include "structs.h"

const char *building_names[] = {
	"A Small Hut",
	"A Log Cabin",
	"A Small House",
	"A Stone House",
	"A Large Stone House",
	"A Guard Tower",
	"A Tunnel",
	"A Mine Shaft",
	"A Flour Mill",
	"A Potter's Hut",
	"A Hot Forge",
	"A Noisy Stable",
	"The Bakery",
	"The Glass Blower",
	"An Advanced Guard Tower",
	"A Superior Guard Tower",
	"The Shipyard",
	"A Great Shipyard",
	"The Docks",
	"The Carpenter",
	"The Gatehouse",
	"A High Tree House",
	"A Hidden Watch Tower",
	"A Complex of Trees",
	"A Mud Hut",
	"A Pueblo",
	"An Underground Passage",
	"A Cliff Dwelling",
	"An Outpost in the Mountains",
	"The Entrance to a Mine Complex",
	"A Lumber Yard",
	"A Gravel Pit",
	"A Tall Granary",
	"A Cannery",
	"A Foundry",
	"A Rickety Old House",
	"A Strange Burrow",
	"An Old Pueblo",
	"An Obscure Cave",
	"The Arsenal",
	"A Tunnel",
	"The Tannery",
	"An Apiary",
	"The Baths",
	"The Utility Shed",

const char *building_descs[] = {
	/* Hut */
"   You are standing inside a small hut.  The walls and ceiling are constructed\r\n"
"from branches of various sides and are held together loosely by many smaller\r\n"
"branches.  The hut itself looks as though it could be dismantled with a\r\n"
"moment's notice and moved to another location.  It also doesn't seem to offer\r\n"
"much protection against the elements.\r\n",

	/* Cabin */
"   You are huddled inside a cozy log cabin.  It is made of large, stripped\r\n"
"trees from the forest and seems much stronger than the smaller huts found\r\n"
"elsewhere.  The cabin is also more permanent than the huts, it can't be taken\r\n"
"down.  It is, however, still susceptible to fire.\r\n",

	/* House */
"   You are standing inside a small, cozy house.  The walls are made of wood\r\n"
"and the ceiling offers superb protection from the rain.  It's also warmer in\r\n"
"here than outside because the better construction traps heat.  Even the ground\r\n"
"is planked with wood to trap in heat.\r\n",

	/* Stone House */
"   You are standing in the entrance to a stone house.  While its supporting\r\n"
"beams and ceiling are made from wood, most of the house is stone.  This offers\r\n"
"protection from fire, a feature which lesser buildings could never produce.\r\n"
"The house seems somehow colder, though.  Nevertheless, it is very inviting.\r\n",

	/* Large House */
"   You are standing inside a rather large house.  It's made of stone and wood,\r\n"
"creating a very strong, very protective structure.  This house is tall and\r\n"
"robust, cabable of supporting an entire family or more.  It is ideal for the\r\n"
"head of a plantation or as the seat of a small empire.\r\n",

	/* Guard Tower */
"   This is a well-constructed guard tower.  It is tall, allowing it to see\r\n"
"over most buildings and structures.  The tower shoots at any unescorted\r\n"
"trespassers it sees.  The tower is made from wood, so it is not well protected\r\n"
"against invasion.  Hopefully, it will be enough defense.  The tower may be\r\n"
"upgraded by typing upgrade here.\r\n",

	/* Tunnel */
"   The tunnel is cold and damp, but is the fastest way from one side of the\r\n"
"mountain to another.  A rat scurries past you, but you ignore him.  It's\r\n"
"rumored that giant snakes reside in the mountains and you'd like to avoid\r\n"
"meeting one of them.\r\n",

	/* Mine */
"   You are standing in a mine shaft.  The mine penetrates deep into the\r\n"
"mountain, allowing you to mine the natural resources which lie within.  Mines\r\n"
"are commonly useful for digging up iron to make armor, or other precious\r\n"
"metals to make jewelry.\r\n",

	/* Mill */
"   This small building is wind-powered and uses a large grinding stone to\r\n"
"process large amounts of wheat very quickly.  The wheat is ground into a\r\n"
"coarse flour and then used to make bread elsewhere.  Many millers dedicate\r\n"
"their lives to perfecting their flour and pride themselves on their\r\n"

	/* Pottery */
"   This is a small, steamy hut.  In the center is a large oven used for firing\r\n"
"clay.  There are also other resources here which are used by potters to create\r\n"
"better pots and sculptures from their clay.  The clay used here is dug from\r\n"
"riversides and then sculpted and heated in the furnace.\r\n",

	/* Forge */
"   You are standing in a small building which is heated to well over any\r\n"
"bearable temperature.  A large oven against the wall is used to heat metal to\r\n"
"a controlled temperature so that a master craftsman can hammer it into a\r\n"
"useful shape.  The metal is then cooled in water.\r\n",

	/* Stable */
"   The air is thick here in the livery.  It smells strongly of animal manure\r\n"
"and feed, almost enough to make you flee out through the door.  There are many\r\n"
"stalls along the walls, and against the wall there is a sheering facility for\r\n"
"managing woolen animals.\r\n",

	/* Baker */
"   This building is filled with small oven shelves where many cooked or baked\r\n"
"items can be made simultaneously.  You can smell the rich pies and delicious\r\n"
"meats that have been cooked in these ovens since their construction, and it\r\n"
"makes your mouth water with envy of the person who ate them.\r\n",

	/* Glass Blower */
"   This hut is hot enough to be a forge, but it has a different purpose.  Sand\r\n"
"can be melted into molten glass here and then used to blow pots or panes for\r\n"
"various uses.  A huge furnace against the wall is used for heating, and the\r\n"
"glass is air-cooled.  Using water would shatter it.\r\n",

	/* Guard Tower */
"   This is a well-constructed guard tower.  It is tall, allowing it to see\r\n"
"over most buildings and structures.  The tower shoots at any unescorted\r\n"
"trespassers it sees.  The tower is made from wood, so it is not well protected\r\n"
"against invasion.  Hopefully, it will be enough defense.  The tower may be\r\n"
"upgraded by typing upgrade here again.\r\n",

	/* Guard Tower */
"   This is a well-constructed guard tower.  It is tall, allowing it to see\r\n"
"over most buildings and structures.  The tower shoots at any unescorted\r\n"
"trespassers it sees.  The tower is made from wood, so it is not well protected\r\n"
"against invasion.  Hopefully, it will be enough defense.\r\n",

	/* Shipyard 1 */
"   You find yourself in a large building, made from wood and designed to build\r\n"
"great ships right into the water.  Ships built here may be boarded by\r\n"
"passengers, but the shipyard lacks the facilities to load heavy equipment or\r\n"
"animals.  Ships may also not be brought back in once they leave.\r\n",

	/* Shipyard 2 */
"   You find yourself in a large building, made from wood and designed to build\r\n"
"great ships right into the water.  Ships built here may be boarded by\r\n"
"passengers, but the shipyard lacks the facilities to load heavy equipment or\r\n"
"animals.  Ships may also not be brought back in once they leave.\r\n",

	/* Docks */
"   The docks stretch out several yards into the water.  Ships of any size may\r\n"
"be docked here for easy storage.  In addition, the facility allows the loading\r\n"
"of larger pieces of equipment and animals into the ship's hold.\r\n",

	/* Carpenter */
"   The building reeks of carpenters' stains and several unfamiliar preserving\r\n"
"agents.  All around you are incomplete objects which are waiting to be\r\n"
"finished.  On the craft tables are the plans for several useful pieces of\r\n"
"furniture, as well as other things.\r\n",

	/* Gatehouse */
"   The gatehouse is a welcoming sight for weary travellers.  It signifies the\r\n"
"return home to a safe place.  While not effective against thieves and\r\n"
"infiltrators, it prevents access by common men and animals.\r\n",

	/* Tree house */
"   You are on a small platform high atop the trees.  This structure is well-\r\n"
"shrouded from the world below and very difficult to spot.  It is a favorite\r\n"
"hideout of the forest-dwellers, though easily found by those who know what to\r\n"
"look for.\r\n",

	/* Watch Tower */
"   From amidst the trees this tower can shoot at intruders before they even\r\n"
"know it's there.  The tower is well-crafted, though still very susceptible to\r\n"
"fire.  Unlike land-based towers, it can't support heavy ammunition.\r\n",

	/* Tree Complex */
"   Four trees are linked by an elegant set of sky bridges, creating a\r\n"
"structure which rivals any on the ground.  Its fatal flaw is that it is made\r\n"
"of wood and easily burnt, but it has the advantage of being very difficult to\r\n"
"spot from afar.\r\n",

	/* Mud Hut */
"   The walls flake around; this hut has a feeling of instability.  It is made\r\n"
"of mud and rocks and designed to withstand heavy desert heat.  It can't be\r\n"
"burned down, but provides little defense against invaders.\r\n",

	/* Pueblo */
"   Made of rocks and mud with logs for support, the pueblo is one of the\r\n"
"desert's finest structures.  It endures all seasons and conditions and is\r\n"
"difficult to destroy.  It is the favored home of the desert-dwellers as\r\n"
"pueblos can be very large.\r\n",

	/* Underground Complex */
"   A trail here leads down into the scorched earth and into a stunning complex\r\n"
"of underground tunnels which rival land-based structures both in size and\r\n"
"elegance.  The entrance is easily obscured and difficult to find, except at\r\n"
"night when light spills out.\r\n",

	/* Cliff Dwelling */
"   An entire home is etched into the side of the cliff!  This construction\r\n"
"rivals the pueblos of the desert and the houses of the plains both in\r\n"
"magnitude and design.  In fact, it is nearly indestructible, save for an act\r\n"
"of god.\r\n",

	/* Mountain Outpost */
"   Mountain outposts such as this are quickly constructed for mountain\r\n"
"dwellers on the run.  They provide quick shelter and warmth to passers-by in\r\n"
"need.  The outpost is erected of stone and carved in the mountain itself,\r\n"
"making it very durable and safe.\r\n",

	/* Mine Complex */
"   This mine has been expanded to create a complex which rivals those of the\r\n"
"desert and plains both in complexity and durability.  Nearly indestructible,\r\n"
"this is a mountain dweller's dream fortress.\r\n",

	/* Lumber Yard */
"   As you enter the yard, the scent of freshly cut wood is very strong.  \r\n"
"Different piles of wood are scattered about the floor.  Large racks for \r\n"
"storing wood are positioned along the back wall and one of the side walls.  A \r\n"
"worn out axe is leaning against one of the walls and a few chips of wood are \r\n"
"scattered around your feet.\r\n",

	/* Gravel Pit */
"   As you make your way down a steep incline to the bottom of this pit, you \r\n"
"almost gag from all the dust floating around in the air.  This is an old, \r\n"
"barren gravel pit that has been converted in to a storage area for rocks.  \r\n"
"There are make-shift carts sitting around full of rock and large storage bins \r\n"
"are scattered all around the place.  A pick that's so worn it looks more like \r\n"
"a mace is lying at your feet.\r\n",

	/* Granary */
"   As you enter this building you get a claustrophobic feeling, there is only \r\n"
"a small pathway through the center.  On each side of you are tall slatted \r\n"
"walls with large holes near the roof.  Near the back of the building and at \r\n"
"the bottom of each slatted wall is a small door that can be opened for access \r\n"
"to the grains that are stored here.  A large rat is munching on some stray \r\n"
"corn kernels.\r\n",

	/* Cannery */
"   You walk in and the smell of fruit overwhelms you.  Equipment for canning \r\n"
"apples and other fruit are lined up on the tables around the room.  There are \r\n"
"shelves lining the walls of this building for storing jars and cans of \r\n"
"assorted fruit.  Some empty jars have been left on one of the tables.\r\n",

	/* Foundry */
"   The room is warm from the hot fires which are used to melt the iron ore\r\n"
"into easily-stored iron.  You nearly trip over some of it as you wade through\r\n"
"the storage.  The foundry helps empires to clean up their untidy empires.\r\n",

/* House Haven */
"   You're in the entrance to a rickety old house.  The place is in poor\r\n"
"repair, and you have trouble believing anybody still lives here.  The facade\r\n"
"is fading and the entryway is faded from the sun.  The hallway leads back into\r\n"
"the house, though it looks very dark and uninviting.\r\n",

/* Burrow Haven */
"   You are just inside a large burrow.  It exits in a large mound above\r\n"
"ground, which basks in the sunlight.  Beyond that is the dark passage into the\r\n"
"burrow, which goes at such an angle that the sunlight doesn't penetrate it.  A\r\n"
"hollow echo follows you through the passage.\r\n",

/* Pueblo Haven */
"   The dry, caked sides of the pueblo have begun to crumble.  Parts of the\r\n"
"roof are missing, making this a very bright place to be during the day.  In\r\n"
"the parts where the ceilings are intact, there are no windows and the caked\r\n"
"sides don't spill any light.  This makes the interior very dark and very\r\n"

/* Cave Haven */
"   The entrance to the cave smells.  It smells from years of rotting within\r\n"
"its halls, and years of emptiness.  When you call, there is no echo.  Either\r\n"
"the cave expands forever, or something is consuming the noise within.  A cool\r\n"
"breeze flows from inside, sending the hair on your neck to full attention.\r\n",

/* Arsenal */
"   You are standing amidst dozens of arrow-racks.  The building is full of\r\n"
"them, certainly a good place to prepare for warfare.  The racks group arrows\r\n"
"into quiver-sized packs, making it easier to retrieve and load them quickly in\r\n"
"the event of an emergency.  The building itself, however, does not seem as\r\n"
"though it would withstand the impact from a catapult.\r\n",

	/* Tunnel */
"   The tunnel is cold and damp, but is the fastest way from one side of the\r\n"
"mountain to another.  A rat scurries past you, but you ignore him.  It's\r\n"
"rumored that giant snakes reside in the mountains and you'd like to avoid\r\n"
"meeting one of them.\r\n",

/* Tannery */
"   Your first impression of the tannery is that it smells of leather.  It's\r\n"
"not a pleasant leather smell, but a disgusting leather smell.  All around you\r\n"
"there are skins being stretched and dried, and piles of prepared skins.\r\n",

/* Apiary */
"   The room is hot and you begin sweating as soon as you enter.  Bees swarm\r\n"
"around you, and the scents of pollen and sweet honey permeate the air.\r\n"
"Several unused hives have been dismantled, and are resting against the wall.\r\n",

/* Baths */
"   Steamy air fills your lungs as you approach the baths.  A pair of large\r\n"
"pools consume much of the floor space, and fires burn at their sides to heat\r\n"
"the water.  This is a place of cleanliness, so attendants regularly add fresh\r\n"
"water to the bathing pools.\r\n",

/* Utility Shed */
"   This small shed is designed for holding several types of tools.  The shed\r\n"
"is more or less just thrown together, however it serves its purpose.  It can\r\n"
"hold anything from a scythe for harvesting to a hammer for building!  The\r\n"
"hooks are even labelled with a small picture to tell you which goes where.\r\n",


const char *building_disp[] = {
	"&0????",		/* Generated */
	"&0????",		/* Generated */
	"&0????",		/* Generated */
	"????",			/* Generated */

const int building_capacity[] = {
	60,		/* Hut			*/
	120,	/* Cabin		*/
	240,	/* House		*/
	480,	/* Stone House	*/
	640,	/* Large House	*/
	60,		/* Guard Tower	*/
	60,		/* Tunnel		*/
	240,	/* Mine			*/
	240,	/* Mill			*/
	240,	/* Potter		*/
	240,	/* Forge		*/
	240,	/* Stable		*/
	240,	/* Baker		*/
	240,	/* Glass		*/
	60,		/* Guard Tower	*/
	60,		/* Guard Tower	*/
	2000,	/* Shipyard		*/
	4000,	/* Shipyard		*/
	4000,	/* Docks		*/
	1500,	/* Carpenter	*/
	60,		/* Gatehouse	*/
	60,		/* Tree House	*/
	60,		/* Watch Tower	*/
	480,	/* Tree Complex	*/
	60,		/* Mud Hut		*/
	480,	/* Pueblo		*/
	480,	/* Underground Complex	*/
	240,	/* Cliff Dwelling	*/
	60,		/* Mountain Outpost	*/
	480,	/* Mine Complex	*/
	60,		/* Lumber Yard	*/
	60,		/* Gravel Pit	*/
	60,		/* Granary		*/
	60,		/* Cannery		*/
	60,		/* Foundry		*/
	240,	/* Haven 1		*/
	240,	/* Haven 2		*/
	240,	/* Haven 3		*/
	240,	/* Haven 4		*/
	60,		/* Arsenal		*/
	60,		/* Tunnel		*/
	60,		/* Tannery		*/
	160,	/* Apiary		*/
	60,		/* Baths		*/
	60		/* Utility Shed	*/

const int max_damage[] = {
	1,		/* Hut			*/
	1,		/* Cabin		*/
	1,		/* House		*/
	2,		/* Stone House	*/
	2,		/* Large House	*/
	1,		/* Guard Tower	*/
	10,		/* Tunnel		*/
	10,		/* Mine			*/
	2,		/* Mill			*/
	2,		/* Potter		*/
	2,		/* Forge		*/
	2,		/* Stable		*/
	2,		/* Baker		*/
	2,		/* Glass		*/
	1,		/* Guard Tower	*/
	2,		/* Guard Tower	*/
	4,		/* Shipyard		*/
	4,		/* Shipyard		*/
	2,		/* Docks		*/
	2,		/* Carpenter	*/
	1,		/* Gatehouse	*/
	1,		/* Tree House	*/
	1,		/* Watch Tower	*/
	2,		/* Tree Complex	*/
	1,		/* Mud Hut		*/
	2,		/* Pueblo		*/
	100,	/* Underground Complex	*/
	5,		/* Cliff Dwelling	*/
	5,		/* Mountain Outpost	*/
	20,		/* Mine Complex	*/
	2,		/* Lumber Yard	*/
	2,		/* Gravel Pit	*/
	2,		/* Granary		*/
	2,		/* Cannery		*/
	2,		/* Foundry		*/
	5,		/* Haven 1		*/
	5,		/* Haven 2		*/
	5,		/* Haven 3		*/
	5,		/* Haven 4		*/
	2,		/* Arsenal		*/
	10,		/* Tunnel		*/
	2,		/* Tannery		*/
	2,		/* Apiary		*/
	1,		/* Baths		*/
	2		/* Utility Shed	*/

/* Multi-room, SECT_MULTI */
/* Set 0 = normal, 1 = forest, 2 = desert */
const char *multi_entrance_names[] = {
	"A Great Portcullis",
	"An Ascending Ladder",
	"The Grand Entrance"

const char *multi_entrance_descriptions[] = {
	"   You are standing beneath a great portcullis.  This is the entrance to a\r\n"
	"magnificent stone structure the likes of which are unrivalled anywhere.  The\r\n"
	"construction is superb, possibly the best you've seen yet.  The building is\r\n"
	"very imposing, and yet somehow welcoming -- that is unless you don't belong.\r\n",

	"   You are standing at the base of a massive tree structure.  The ladder here\r\n"
	"ascends to the sky bridges which interlink the buildings of the tree fort.\r\n"
	"The entire structure exists above the ground, cloaking it from those below and\r\n"
	"making it difficult to detect.  You feel safe here.\r\n",

	"   You are standing in the grand entrance to a giant structure, a massive\r\n"
	"architectural wonder made from mud bricks and rock.  It is mammoth, rivalling\r\n"
	"even the forts of the cooler lands!  It has excellent ventilation, making it\r\n"
	"much cooler than the desert surroundings.\r\n"

const char *multi_disp[][3] = {
	{ "&0/===",		"&2^/==",	"&3|==="	},
	{ "&0===\\",	"&2==\\^",	"&3===|"	},
	{ "&0\\===",	"&2^\\==",	"&3|==="	},
	{ "===/",		"&2==/^",	"&3===|"	},
	{ "====",		"&@====",	"&3===="	},
	{ "&0|   ",		"&2^|  ",	"&3|   "	},
	{ "   |",		"&2  |^",	"&3   |"	},
	{ "   =",		"&2  =^",	"&3   ="	},
	{ "&0=   ",		"&2^=  ",	"&3=   "	},
	{ "=||=",		"&2=||=",	"&3=||="	},
	{ "&0/=||",		"&2^/||",	"&3|=||"	},
	{ "||=/",		"&2||/^",	"&3||=|"	},
	{ "    ",		"    ",		"    "		},
	{ "\n", "\n", "\n" }

/* Room-related constants */

const char *room_names[] = {
	"An Unknown Room",
	"The Armory",
	"A Bedroom",
	"The Dining Room",
	"The Forge",
	"The Great Hall",
	"A Hallway",
	"The Kitchen",
	"The Sitting Room",
	"The Study",
	"A Magnificent Throne Room",
	"The Store Room",
	"The Vault",
	"The Helm",
	"On Deck",
	"In the Cargo Hold",
	"Below Deck",
	"A Winding Tunnel",
	"A Sky Bridge",
	"The Baths",
	"The Shield Racks",
	"Armor Storage",
	"The Closet",

const char *room_descs[] = {
	"Empty room.\r\n",

	/* Armory */
"   This is the armory, a large store room of arms and armor.  Its primary\r\n"
"function is to supply the empire with the best armaments available.  The\r\n"
"armory is slightly run-down as it's not the top priority for repairs.  Often,\r\n"
"the armory is run by an artisan of the trade.\r\n",

	/* Bedroom */
"   The wooden walls are laced with metal and stained a rich brown in this\r\n"
"bedroom.  It's roomier than you would expect, even for a structure like this,\r\n"
"and it makes you feel at home as you bask in the warm glow of the wood.  The\r\n"
"scent of fresh pine still emanates from the walls.\r\n",

	/* Dining Room */
"   This is one of the most important rooms: the dining room.  Here, guests\r\n"
"from peasants to nobles are entertained and fed the best foods available.\r\n"
"Around the dining table, all men are equal.  They sit and drink and brag about\r\n"
"themselves without a care in the world.\r\n",

	/* Forge */
"   You are standing in a small room which is heated to well over any bearable\r\n"
"temperature.  A large oven against the wall is used to heat metal to a\r\n"
"controlled temperature so that a master craftsman can hammer it into a useful\r\n"
"shape.  The metal is then cooled in water.\r\n",

	/* Great Hall */
"   This is the Great Hall, a room lined with magnificent suits of armor and\r\n"
"decorated with the best gold available.  The Great Hall is often one of the\r\n"
"most important parts of the castle as it shows the wealth of the king.  It\r\n"
"also leads to the throne room.\r\n",

	/* Hall */
"   This is a wooden hallway, devoid of decorations and with only one purpose.\r\n"
"Hallways are used as filler space when a builder does not want to directly\r\n"
"connect rooms.  With bedrooms, they also offer more privacy for the occupants.\r\n",

	/* Kitchen */
"   You are standing in the kitchen, a sweaty room where food is prepared and\r\n"
"cooked.  A large iron stove rests against the wall.  It is the latest\r\n"
"innovation in cooking technology, replacing the open fire which has caused so\r\n"
"many houses to burn to the ground.\r\n",

	/* Sitting Room */
"   You are now in the sitting room, second in sociability only to the dining\r\n"
"room.  This room is generally used when serving tea or light drinks, and when\r\n"
"guests are present.  The walls are made of wood and lined with a dull metal to\r\n"
"create a rustic, home-like feel.\r\n",

	/* Study */
"   This is the study, a quiet room with a soft glow and a dark oaken desk.\r\n"
"The room is generally used by scholars and merchants for reading, writing, and\r\n"
"quantifying acquisitions.  Many, however, just use it as a quiet place to\r\n"
"relax and rejuvenate.\r\n",

	/* Throne Room */
"   This is the castle throne room, the place where the rulers sit and address\r\n"
"their subjects.  The ceiling is high, so high that you wonder how it could\r\n"
"even be built.  The thrones themselves are set at the top of a small mountain\r\n"
"of stairs, placing the king high over his subjects.  The entire room is plated\r\n"
"with magnificent armor and gold highlights.\r\n",

	/* Storage Room */
"   This is the store room, a dank corner where goods are stored for later use.\r\n"
"It is expansive, large enough to hold months worth of supplies.  The walls are\r\n"
"moist and some fungus grows on them, indicating that this is not the most\r\n"
"well-maintained room.\r\n",

	/* Vault */
"   This is the castle's treasury, the place where all of its wealth is stored\r\n"
"safely.  The vault is virtually impenetrable, although some famous bandits\r\n"
"claim they've managed the daring task.  An empire's wealth is determined by\r\n"
"the money in its vaults.\r\n",

	/* Helm */
"   From here, you can see for miles!  You are at the helm, the place where the\r\n"
"ship is directed on its course.  This is one of the most important places on\r\n"
"the ship and the captain is generally found here.  Unfortunately, it's also\r\n"
"one of the most dangerous places.  Any pirate boarding the ship would come\r\n"
"here immediately.\r\n",

	/* On Deck */
"   The water expands around you as you gaze over the side of the ship.  From\r\n"
"here, you feel like you can see the entire world!  You are standing on the\r\n"
"wooden planks of this great vessel, but you feel a little queasy.  It must be\r\n"
"from all the rocking.\r\n",

	/* Boat Storage */
"   This is the cargo hold of the ship.  Here you can store innumerable wares\r\n"
"to be sold across the sea, and you're glad for that because that's one of the\r\n"
"most important functions of sea travel: trade.\r\n",

	/* Below Deck */
"   You are in the interior of the ship, a place where the sailors live and\r\n"
"socialize.  You're not sure if it's the disgusting smell or the rocking of the\r\n"
"ship that's making you nauseous, but you're becoming accustomed to it.\r\n",

	/* Tunnel */
"   The tunnel is earthen with tall logs supporting it, though not very well.\r\n"
"It winds back and forth through the hard land with torches keeping it visible\r\n"
"all the way.  Water drips precariously, echoing through the tunnels.\r\n",

	/* Sky Bridge */
"   A rope bridge is all that supports you as you pass from tree to tree.\r\n"
"Despite your best efforts not to, you look down and are suddenly frightened by\r\n"
"the great drop below.  Fortunately, the superior construction prevails and\r\n"
"you're saved the fall by the strong bridge.\r\n",

	/* Baths */
"   Steamy air fills your lungs as you approach the baths.  A pair of large\r\n"
"pools consume much of the floor space, and fires burn at their sides to heat\r\n"
"the water.  This is a place of cleanliness, so attendants regularly add fresh\r\n"
"water to the bathing pools.\r\n",

	/* Shield Racks */
"   All around you are racks for shields of various sizes.  Most are empty,\r\n"
"however the look as though they could easily prepare the empire for serious\r\n"
"warfare.  Shields are often useful in battle, more useful than relying on a\r\n"
"weapon to parry.\r\n",

	/* Armor Storage */
"   This large room has armor racks of all shapes and sizes.  It looks as\r\n"
"though it will hold a large amount of all armors, helping to defend the empire\r\n"
"in times of need.  Armor is often stored here, as it is too bulky to store\r\n"
"elsewhere or wear at all times.\r\n",

	/* Closet */
"   You are standing in a large, decorated closet.  It has hangers, racks, and\r\n"
"shelves for all sorts of clothing.  It looks as though it could hold a lot,\r\n"
"too.  The room is unusually deep and well-organized.  This is truly a rich\r\n"
"woman's dream.\r\n",


/* designate-flags (DES_NEVER = never designatable, others require a matching building unless 0) */
/* 0 = flags required, 1 = flags prohibiting */
const int room_designate_flags[NUM_RTYPES][2] = {
	{ DES_NEVER,			0	},	/* None			*/
	{ DES_ARMORY,			0	},	/* Armory		*/
	{ 0,					0	},	/* Bedroom		*/
	{ 0,					0	},	/* Dining		*/
	{ DES_FORGE,			0	},	/* Forge		*/
	{ DES_GREATHALL,		0	},	/* Greathall	*/
	{ 0,			DES_NO_HALL	},	/* Hall			*/
	{ 0,					0	},	/* Kitchen		*/
	{ 0,					0	},	/* Sitting		*/
	{ 0,					0	},	/* Study		*/
	{ DES_THRONE,			0	},	/* Throne		*/
	{ 0,					0	},	/* Storage		*/
	{ DES_VAULT,			0	},	/* Vault		*/
	{ DES_NEVER,			0	},	/* Boat			*/
	{ DES_NEVER,			0	},	/* Boat			*/
	{ DES_NEVER,			0	},	/* Boat			*/
	{ DES_NEVER,			0	},	/* Boat			*/
	{ DES_TUNNEL,			0	},	/* Tunnel		*/
	{ DES_SKYBRIDGE,		0	},	/* Skybridge	*/
	{ DES_BATHS,			0	},	/* Baths		*/
	{ DES_ARMORY,			0	},	/* Shield Racks	*/
	{ DES_ARMORY,			0	},	/* Armor Stores	*/
	{ DES_ARMORY,			0	}	/* Closet		*/

const int room_capacity[] = {
	2000,		/* No room		*/
	20,	/* Armory		*/
	60,		/* Bedroom		*/
	120,	/* Dining room	*/
	20,		/* Forge		*/
	20,		/* Great Hall	*/
	10,		/* Hallway		*/
	60,		/* Kitchen		*/
	120,	/* Sitting Room	*/
	60,		/* Study		*/
	120,	/* Throne Room	*/
	100,	/* Storage		*/
	20,		/* Vault		*/
	20,		/* Helm			*/
	750,	/* On Deck		*/
	2500,	/* Boat Storage	*/
	150,	/* Below Deck	*/
	10,		/* Tunnel		*/
	10,		/* Sky Bridge	*/
	20,		/* Baths		*/
	20,		/* Shield Racks	*/
	20,		/* Armor Stores	*/
	50		/* Closet		*/

const char *open_monument_names[] = {
	"A Statue",		/* Generated */
	"A Stone Henge",
	"A Stone Henge",
	"A Stone Henge",
	"A Stone Henge",
	"A Gigantic Megalith",
	"A Gloomy Cemetary",
	"A Park",

const char *open_monument_icons[] = {

const int open_monument_fame[] = {
	2,	/* Statue	*/
	1,	/* Henge 1	*/
	1,	/* Henge 2	*/
	1,	/* Henge 3	*/
	1,	/* Henge 4	*/
	1,	/* Megalith	*/
	1,	/* Cemetary	*/
	1	/* Park		*/

const char *closed_monument_names[] = {
	"A Large Tomb",
	"A Shrine",		/* Generated */
	"A Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A High Temple",		/* Generated */
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",
	"A Great Pyramid",

const char *closed_monument_icons[] = {
	"&0    ",
	"&0[=  ",
	"&0    ",
	"&0  =]",
	"&3|   ",
	"&3   |",
	"&3=   ",
	"&3   =",
	"&3  -_",
	"&3_-  ",
	"&3  - ",
	"&3 -  ",

const int closed_monument_capacity[] = {
	60,		/* Tomb			*/
	100,	/* Shrine		*/
	200,	/* Temple		*/
	200,	/* Temple		*/
	200,	/* Temple		*/
	200,	/* Temple		*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	1000,	/* High Temple	*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100,	/* Pyramid		*/
	100		/* Pyramid		*/

const int closed_monument_fame[] = {
	1,		/* Tomb			*/
	1,		/* Shrine		*/
	4,		/* Temple		*/
	0,		/* Temple		*/
	0,		/* Temple		*/
	0,		/* Temple		*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	10,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* High Temple	*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	15,		/* Pyramid		*/
	15,		/* Pyramid		*/
	15,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0,		/* Pyramid		*/
	0		/* Pyramid		*/

const char *closed_monument_description[] = {
	/* Tomb */
	"   You are standing in a musty tomb which has been built into the ground.  It\r\n"
	"is made of large rocks which are loose and allow some light to peek through.\r\n"
	"The tomb itself is elaborate.  The person buried here must have been very\r\n"
	"influential, or else very popular.\r\n",

	/* Shrine */
	"   You find yourself in what could be construed as a small temple.  The shrine\r\n"
	"itself, a small stick figure atop an altar, is stained with the blood of many\r\n"
	"sacrifices.  That same activity leaves a horrid stench in the air, but that\r\n"
	"stench is what attracts patron gods.\r\n",

	/* Temple (4x) */
	"   The temple is impressive!  It is inset in the ground and constructed of\r\n"
	"fine stone.  At its center, an altar receives sacrifices to the gods.  Many\r\n"
	"have died upon the altar, and streams of dried blood run off the sides and\r\n"
	"down into the earth below.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",

	/* High Temple (9x) */
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This temple is nothing less than massive!  It rises high above the ground\r\n"
	"and from its ceremonial chamber, a viewer can see for miles.  A tall row of\r\n"
	"steps descend down the north side of the structure, as is tradition.  The\r\n"
	"temple altar is surprisingly clean, a state mandated by any god worthy of this\r\n"
	"magnanimous temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a temple.\r\n",

	/* Pyramid (8x) */
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",

	"   You are standing at the entrance to a grand stone pyramid.  It's gigantic,\r\n"
	"with four sides leading up to a single point.  But you can't see that now,\r\n"
	"because you're twenty feet underground, standing in front of a large door.\r\n"
	"Writings on the walls warn you of traps and an unending fate for anyone who\r\n"
	"breaks the seal on the door.\r\n",
	"   You are standing at the entrance to a grand stone pyramid.  It's gigantic,\r\n"
	"with four sides leading up to a single point.  But you can't see that now,\r\n"
	"because you're twenty feet underground, standing in front of a large door.\r\n"
	"Writings on the walls warn you of traps and an unending fate for anyone who\r\n"
	"breaks the seal on the door.\r\n",
	"   You are standing at the entrance to a grand stone pyramid.  It's gigantic,\r\n"
	"with four sides leading up to a single point.  But you can't see that now,\r\n"
	"because you're twenty feet underground, standing in front of a large door.\r\n"
	"Writings on the walls warn you of traps and an unending fate for anyone who\r\n"
	"breaks the seal on the door.\r\n",

	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
	"   This is an adjuct room of a pyramid.\r\n",
