% - indicates these ideas have been incorporated in EnvyMud

[Note from Furey: the following ideas were e-mailed to us by the Drool
Company.  We don't have time to do anything with them ... but if you do,
feel free!  Just please acknowledge the source.  Thanks Droolers!]

Merc 2.0 ideas- from Onethumb(Sith), Baka, and Penn
	the original DROOL CO!

Thief ideas:

	-* small chance to critical hit when backstabbing...(insta-kill)
	   restrict crit hit to monsters equal or lower level than thief

Warrior ides:

%	-* ability to wield two weapons at a time...

	-* make bash better...

	-* anti-magic zones...

%	-* warcry: self-bless effect...

	-* specialize in certain weapons...(this might be hard to code)

Cleric ideas:

	-* more spells-
		true seeing- sees secret doors and hidden thieves
%		group heal- heals everyone in the room

	-* spend pracs on a multiple attack (dual)...

	-* should NOT get more xp than other char classes..(even Penn agrees)


	-* more spells, more spells, more spells-
		find familiar- extra mana, hp...if it stays alive..
		fireball- make it into an area affect spell...
		power word kill- VERY high level- insta-kill monsters
			of levels below the caster-possibly 5 or more levels 
		chain lightning- lightning hits more than one opponent (or
		wish- ... NOT!
		conjure elemental- make this this WORK!
		prismatic sphere- high-level (28th, maybe)-- offers protection
			from breath, etc..
%		polymorph- change shape into a lower level monster's...keep 
			hp's and AC...could cause problems with other players
		meteor swarm- area affect- high-level...

General ideas:

	make all Drool Co. members GODS!--- NOT!

	-* Guilds would be cool- special abilities (Paladins, Necromancers)

	-* restrict groups to alignment(good cannot group with evil)...

	-* Martial Arts- cost more for Mages, Clerics than for Warriors and 

%	- better range of mobs for 13-18 level players...
	- better range of mobs for 27+ level players...
	- a new city would be cool...
	- better items to hold, instead of the diploma...
		(+AC, +HP, +mana...)
	- spiked shield- does extra dmg...
	- more mana stuff...
	- hirable mercenaries who will follow you and carry stuff...
	- castles(room) for players at high levels- players can recall
		to it and store items temporarily...
			castles cause chars to heal and regain mana
			at double the normal rate...	
%	- races....multi-class for non-humans...level restrict...
	- random abilities...cant see stats till 15th level
	- verify feature for new players- auto e-mail and reply to 				prevent multi playing...
%	- AUTO-REBOOT! - separate program for the mud..
		so the mud is never down for more then a couple of
	- Make money worth something!- make quality items for sale
		at really high prices... possibly the char could 
		buy a castle instead of leveling to get it...(50 mil?)
	- IF there is the castle purchase option- chars must own a 				castle before they can become immort...
	- gossip and auction channels are good...
	- get rid of recall...buy scrolls or recall items(more than
		one recall)...
		screwdrivers, magaritas, vodka sours, lemonballs
	- no-trip...players can either prac a no-trip skill or get
		a no-trip item(ring of free action)...
	- class restricted eq....
	- allow players to rename their own eq...	
			you could do a lot with this...
			make the eq exclusive to the player
			once he renames it--(this would cost
			money-the armorer or weaponsmith could
			do it)...
	- setmin and setmout (for chars)- set what other players 
		see when the char walks in or out...this 
		could also be done for money(small amount)

I think that's all.....we might come up with a few more later...

	The WhooPIe Drool Co.! 

				Merry X-mas!....well....