Name        {  1-5 } New Mud School      Angi~
Levels      1 5
Builders    Thalador Angi~
VNUMs       800 899
Security    98
Recall      25000
Flags       144
Color       6
Sounds      &WLaughter and voices from afar fill your ears.~

warrior krenan storm protector~
Warrior Krenan~
Warrior Krenan, Protector of the Storm.
&W&YThis tall, massive warrior resembles more a godly type creature, an
odd glow forming about his body.  His kind eyes reveal his soul to you, as
he smiles lightly in your direction.  You start to realize that your long,
dreary journey to the Storm was well worth the effort.  
1966147 16777344 0 0 S
100 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>greet_prog 100~
bow $n
    say Welcome to our home, $n.  You have almost reached the Storm.
say Please have this tome, and read it carefully.
say It may just save your life someday.
mpoload 817
give tome $n
    say You must be tired after your long journey.
    say Would you like some food?
>speech_prog p yes~
mpoload 800
give apple $n
say You have almost reached Mudschool. Keep travelling south.
say Good luck $n!
helper newbie elven maiden savienna~
Savienna the Elven Maiden is here to help you.
&WThis beautiful maiden has appeared to help you through Mudschool.  She
will follow you during your travels until you reach level 3, helping however
she is able.  To get started, type &Rsay help&W and she shall inform you.  
2097155 16777216 0 0 S
2 0 0 100d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
>speech_prog help~
ember newbie helper~
Ember the Dwarven Mistress is here to help you.
&WEmber, a young Dwarf, has appeared to help you through Mudschool.  She
will follow you during your travels until you reach level 3, helping however
she is able.  To get started, type &Rsay help&W and she shall inform you.  
2097219 16777216 0 0 S
2 0 0 100d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
shara newbie helper~
Shara the Pixie is here to help you.
&WShara the Pixie has appeared to help you through Mudschool.  She will
follow you during your travels until you reach level 3, helping however she
is able.  To get started, type &Rsay help&W and she shall inform you.  
2097219 16777216 0 0 S
2 0 0 100d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
riddlemaster master riddle~
the RiddleMaster~
&YA mischievious fellow snickers in the corner.
&YThe RiddleMaster taps his foot to a beat only heard by himself.  His
bright eyes glitter with a glimpse of evil, his grin fit for only a fool
such as he.  If you watch him long enough, you will notice how he fades in
and out of view!  
1966147 0 0 0 S
113 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
>greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
   emote giggles like a child.
   say Hi, I'm the RiddleMaster!
   if level($n) == 3
      say Want a present $n?!
>speech_prog p yes~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      emote laughs.
      if rand(100)
         say First you must answer a riddle!
         if class($n) == 0
            say Here is your riddle $n..
            say It can be said:
            say To be gold is to be good;
            say To be stone is to be nothing;
            say To be glass is to be fragile;
            say To be cold is to be cruel;
            say Unmetaphored, what am I?
         if class($n) == 1
            say Here is your riddle $n..
            say A leathery snake
            say With a stinging bite,
            say I'll stay coiled up
            say Unless I must fight.
            say What am I?
         if class($n) == 2
            say Here is your riddle, you thief...
            say Voiceless it cries,
            say Wingless it flutters,
            say Toothless bites,
            say Mouthless mutters.
            say What am I?
         if class($n) == 3
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
           say Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
           say It lies behind stars and under hills,
           say And empty holes it fills.
           say It comes first and follows after,
           say Ends life, kills laughter.
           say What am I?
         if class($n) == 4
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say You must keep it after giving it...
            say What is it?
         if class($n) == 5
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say As light as a feather, but you can't hold it for ten minutes.
            say What is it?
         if class($n) == 6
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say Has a mouth but does not speak, has a bed but never sleeps.
            say What is it?
         if class($n) == 7
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say You break it even if you name it!
            say What is it?
         if class($n) == 8
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say You feed it, it lives, you give it something to drink, it dies.
            say What is it?
         if class($n) == 9
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say I go around in circles,
            say But always straight ahead
            say Never complain,
            say No matter where I am led.
            say What am I?
         if class($n) == 10
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say If a man carried my burden,
            say He would break his back.
            say I am not rich,
            say But leave silver in my track.
            say What am I?
         if class($n) == 11
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say My life can be measured in hours,
            say I serve by being devoured.
            say Thin, I am quick
            say Fat, I am slow
            say Wind is my foe.
            say What am I?
         if class($n) == 12
            say Here is your riddle $n...
            say Glittering points
            say That downward thrust,
            say Sparkling spears
            say That never rust.
            say What am I?
>speech_prog heart~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 0
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 808
         give wand $n
>speech_prog whip~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 1
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 804
         give heart $n
>speech_prog wind~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 2
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 809
         give sword $n
>speech_prog darkness~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 3
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 802
         give runes $n
>speech_prog p your word~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 4
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 810
         give talisman $n
>speech_prog breath~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 5
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
mpoload 805
give fire $n
mpoload 806
give water $n
>speech_prog river~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 6
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 801
         give cloth $n
>speech_prog silence~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 7
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 811
         give signet $n
>speech_prog p fire~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 8
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 813
         give flute $n
>speech_prog wheel~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 9
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 814
         give belt $n
>speech_prog snail~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 10
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 815
         give eyes $n
>speech_prog candle~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 11
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 812
         give claws $n
>speech_prog icicle~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) == 3
      if class($n) == 12
         emote gasps in astonishment!
         say That is correct $n!
         say For your ingenuity, a gift I give thee.
         mpoload 816
         give aura $n
protector zantir~
The Protector of Mudschool stands guard here.
&YTowering magnificently above you is a large man, Zantir.  He has been
chosen as the sole Protector of the entire Mudschool Grounds.  His job is to
keep the Mudschool Fighting Grounds safe from more experienced folks.  If
you think you can enter the Fighting Grounds after you have surpassed the
need to be here, think again.  
1966147 436207616 0 0 S
113 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
   if isimmort($n)
      say Welcome to our Mudschool Fighting Grounds, $n.
      hug $n
   if level($n) > 5
      say You fool, you are much to experienced to fight the small
      say creatures in our Fighting Grounds! Leave at once or you shall
      say be transported elsewhere.
      emote snarls in your direction.
      mptransfer $n 25001
   if level($n) < 6
      say Welcome to the Fighting Grounds $n! Tread VERY carefully here,
      say for you never know when an angry creature could pounce!
      emote gestures below, beneath the Fighting Grounds.
storm angel torinne~
The Storm Angel floats above a circle of mist before you.
&WTorinne, a beautiful creature encompassed in white flowing robes,
smiles delicately towards you.  Her wings are covered by layers of silken
silver feathers, and her long slender legs gather around the white material
swirling in the mist.  Torinne is the bearer of all that is Good, the
protector to every land, town and folk in the Storm.  
1966147 17318056 208 1000 S
113 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
    if level ($n) < 3
        emote smiles sweetly towards you.
        say I regret to disappoint you, my young one...
        say You are far too inexperienced to be travelling afar
        say on your own. Please return to the Fighting Grounds and
        say do come back when you have grown some.
        mptrans $n 816
        mpat $n mpechoat $n &WTorinne whispers from afar, 'Luck be with you my child.'
    if level ($n) > 2
        emote embraces you lovingly.
        say You do indeed wish to follow the path of &WGoodness&C and &WPeace&C?
        say &REnter&C this glowing circle of light to begin your travels.
        say You will then magically appear in my Arena, where you  
        say can further improve your fighting abilities and skills.
        mpechoat $n &WTorinne tells you 'Take caution my dear $n, be sure to read the writing on the &Rwall&W outside this room before deciding which path to follow.'
        emote motions towards the bright circle.
lord chaos darkness drauzen~
Lord Drauzen~
Lord of Chaos and Darkness stands ominously before you.
&wEncircled by hundreds of spinning blades and a burning ring of chaotic
fire, this eight foot creature does not look extremely friendly.  His sunken
eyes are like bottomless black pits, his skin resembling roughened bark. 
This is Lord Drauzen, the most EVIL creature from anywhere within the Storm.
Drauzen wears a long midnight black cape which hides his deformed horrid
body beneath.  
1966147 268435500 48 -1000 S
113 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) < 3
       emote glares about angrily.
       say You are merely a babe in the woods!
       say Go back to the Fighting Grounds and gain some more experience
       say if you want to survive in MY Arena.
       emote smirks.
       mptransfer $n 816
&G       break
&G    if level($n) > 2
       emote looks at you with a stern glare.
       say You wish to follow the path of &WEVIL&C?
       say If you choose to &Renter&C this black hole, you will be    
       say taken to my evil Arena in a town called Ravenwood.
&W       mpechoat $n &WDrauzen tells you 'Take caution and read the &Rwall&W outside this room before making your decision.'
>act_prog p steps into the black hole and is gone.~
mpat $n emote cackles evilly!
master jyle trainer~
Master Jyle~
Master Jyle awaits your arrival.
&YJyle, a Paladin Elder, has retired his days of battle to teach young
ones the ways of the Storm.  He's fairly old, having spent years training
and fighting with the now deceased Mikan Warrior.  His wisdom comes from
experience and culture, and the people of Bethaven put their faith in him to
guide you.  Jyle directs his deep gaze towards you, offering a welcoming
1966659 0 0 1000 S
100 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1
104 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if level($n) == 1
    say Welcome to the Storm, $n. Please be sure to read the sign posted here.
if level($n) < 5
    if class($n) == 0
        say Great work $n! You will become a fine Mage indeed.
    if class($n) == 1
        say Great work $n! You have the makings of a wise Cleric.
    if class($n) == 2
        say My my $n, I can see you chose a suitable profession as a Thief.
    if class($n) == 3
        say Strong and steadfast, you will make an honourable Warrior.
Master Staer~
Master Staer~
Master Staer awaits your arrival.
&YRed hair flows wildly over Staer's medium built body.  Her face
reflects a mixture of age old wiseness and young striking beauty.  Staer
might appear to be of a weaker kind, but don't fool yourself.  This fiesty
Necromancer has abilities you only pray to never discover.  
1967171 16384 0 450 S
100 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
kalin mudschool shopkeeper~
Kalin stands patiently behind his counter.
&W&YKalin is a slim built Elven Ranger.  He wears a piece of cloth about
his well defined chest, adorned with various symbols.  Kalin was once
awarded by the town of Bethaven for his amazing battle skills and speed. 
Aged some by the trials of his past life, his silken blonde hair turns
slightly white near the edges, and the fine lines of wisdom settle in on his
rugged skin.  
1966147 0 0 1000 S
100 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 349 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
jakkor healer~
Jakkor the Healer stands here peacefully.
&YJakkor is known as one of the wisest Clerics of the lands.  He spent
many years servicing the citizens of Bethaven with his magical healing
powers.  Now he donates his time here at Mudschool, enjoying the peaceful
atmosphere and helping young ones.  
1966147 67108904 0 1000 S
100 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
markos banker~
Markos the Banker sits behind his desk.
&YMarkos rests comfortably behind a large desk, concentrating on accounts
and figures.  His golden locks curl about his bushy eyebrows, shadowing his
deep green eyes.  He motions towards an informative sign he has posted.  
1966147 0 0 243 S
100 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
a snake~
A slimy slithery snake squirms in front of you.
&YCovered with a slimy substance, the snake is an annoying creature to
catch.  It &Rflees&Y away so easily while fighting, since it is so difficult
to keep a hold of it.  
1573057 0 0 0 S
1 0 0 10d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 3 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>death_prog 70~
if rand(10)
    mpoload 849
    drop skull
    mpecho &PHisssssss!
a frog~
A large frog hops about here.
&YThis frog looks as if it's had plenty to feast on by the size of it. 
It's slimy leathery skin is dark green with shades of brown.  &YHis beady
little eyes stare way up at you, wondering what's in store for him now.  
1572931 0 0 0 S
1 0 0 8d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 4 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
>death_prog 100~
if rand(8)
    mpoload 836
    drop stiletto
    mpecho &PThe frog croaks with pain!
a spider~
A creepy hairy spider stands here suspiciously.
&YThis strange spider is almost as big as you are!  He is what we call a
&PMOB&Y.  Whenever you encounter an unknown creature, you should ALWAYS type
&Pcon <mob name>&Y to see if you are capable of killing it.  CON is short
for consider, which you can find more about by typing &Phelp con&Y.  If you
are sure you can conquer it, type &Pkill spider&Y.  
1572931 0 0 0 S
1 0 0 8d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 5 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
salamander lizard~
a salamander~
A salamander slithers silently.
&YA baby salamander stares up at you with bright yellow eyes.  It's a bit
difficult to see him clearly, as he blends into the clay walls so well. 
Maybe you should &Pconsider&Y a bit before attempting to kill this lizard. 
In the event that he does die, you could have the fortune of owning a pair
of lizard gloves.  
1572931 0 0 0 S
2 0 0 15d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 3 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
a gopher~
A gopher skitters along the tunnel walls.
&YThis nasty looking gopher is a tough one to conquer!  He might even be
too difficult for you at this stage.  If your hit points get too low during
a fight, you can type &Pflee&Y to flee to another room.  If you want to flee
automatically when your hit points get to a certain amount, type &Pwimpy
<amount of hit points>&Y.  Typing &Pwimpy&Y by itself will set it to your
maximum hit points divided by five.  Then when your hit points reach your
wimpy amount, you will automatically flee.     
1572931 0 0 0 S
2 0 0 25d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 10 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
ogre monster~
an ogre~
An ugly deformed ogre grunts loudly.
&YThis massive creature can smell you from a mile away.  His bloodthirsty
instincts make him a wild savage beast, ready to kill anyone who enters his
abode.  To kill him is a great accomplishment for a young adventurer like
1572963 0 0 0 S
2 0 0 15d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 8 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
>death_prog 25~
mpoload 838
drop backpack
sparrow bird~
a sparrow~
A beautiful sparrow flies above you.
&YSoaring high in the air, the sparrow seems as if it's in a world of
it's own.  Perfect time to catch it off guard, it could make a great dinner.
Also, you can eat parts of the creature if they fall off when it dies, such
as arms and legs.  
1572931 524288 0 0 S
2 0 0 19d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 10 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
bee killer~
a killer bee~
A killer bee worker is looking for his queen.
&YYow!  This is a huge bee!  As it buzzes around you, you notice it's
large stinger pointed outwards ready to attack.  
1572963 524288 0 0 S
2 0 0 14d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 6 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
crow bird~
a crow~
An evil looking crow circles overhead.
&YAs the crow circles overhead, it prepares for it's descent upon you. 
Huge deformed claws stretch down, aiming directly for you!  
1572899 524288 0 0 S
2 0 0 20d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
mentor shyan~
&YA brilliant young Mentor stands here to advise you.
&YShyan's elegant chestnut locks fall loosely about her miniature face. 
She has a compassionate smile and deep hazel eyes.  You can often find her
here in the forest, for she gains much joy from spreading her knowledge to
those not yet familiar with the Storm's way of life.  Feel free to come to
her when in need of some advice.  
4063299 16777384 16 0 S
113 0 0 30000d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
>greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
  if level($n) < 5
    say Welcome young one, please stay and chat awhile.
    say If you have any questions $n, please ask me by typing &Rsay <keyword>&G.
    say I can respond to many keywords if you need advice about something.
    smile $n
    emote motions gently towards the bench, wishing you would stay a few.
&G  if isimmortal($n)
&G    smile $n
&G    emote curtsies in your presence.
&G    break
&G  if level($n) > 5
&G    say Oh my $n. You are much too experienced for my services.
&G    frown $n.
&G    mptrans $n 25000
&G  endif
if isnpc($n)
  emote shoos away a $n.
&G   mpforce $n south
girl lost little~
A young girl~
A lost little girl cringes in terror.
&YThis poor young girl seems to of lost her way.  She and her father were
taking a stroll in Mudschool in seek of fresh berries.  He must of turned
his back for one minute, and the two were separated.  
1966147 0 0 0 S
3 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 15 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
giant badger~
a giant badger~
&RA nasty giant Badger glares angrily at you.
&RIt's fur is matted and dark brown, it's eyes glow in the darkness. 
Razor sharp fangs show themselves as the badger growls angrily in your
direction.  It is apparent he won't wait long before making his attack.  
1966179 0 0 0 S
3 0 0 25d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 15 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
killer vine vines~
Some Vines~
Vines entwine themselves about the old trees.
Thick green vines slither their way around the trees, covering the bark
from the ground up.  These aren't just any ordinary kind of vines, they are
a malformed bunch who hunt meat to survive!  An ear-piercing hissing sound
fills your ears.  
1966179 0 0 0 S
3 0 0 25d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 5 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
a chipmunk~
&PA furry chipmunk stares up at you curiously.
&PA small furry chipmunk with dark brown eyes scurries on the ground
before you.  Not an extremely smart animal, or it would of figured out its
destiny by now.  
1573057 0 0 0 S
1 0 0 8d0+0 0d0+0
0 0 2 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

apple food~
&Wan &Rapple~
&WA plump, juicy red &Rapple&W sits here.~
19 0 0 0 1 1
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
apple plump juicy red~
&RAmazingly enough, this apple found lying on the ground has not one single
bruise.  In fact, it is oddly bright and shiny for an ordinary apple.  
cloth piece decorated~
piece of cloth~
&PA decorated piece of cloth lies here.~
9 1 8127 0 1025 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
17 3
piece cloth award~
Attached to this cloth made of animal skin are several designs made of
metal.  Pictures of assorted animals are etched into small round metal
discs.  They are fastened to the cloth by tough silken ribbons the color of
sunset.  There radiates a magical aura about this cloth.  It has been worn
with honour by many Rangers for many generations.  
>look_prog 100~
if rand(30)
   mpechoat $n &YSymbols dangling on a piece of cloth begin humming loudly.
   mpechoaround $n &YSymbols dangling on $n's cloth begin humming loudly.
>give_prog 100~
mpechoat $n &YYou dare give away this award of honour?
mpechoat $n &rDarkness shall follow your every move!
mpechoaround $n &rEvil and misfortune infest in those who betray this award of honour!
rune runes power warrior necklace leather crafted~
the Runes of Power~
A leather crafted necklace lies here.~
9 0 8183 0 5 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
rune runes power leather crafted necklace~
&WThis ancient symbol stirs the fires of action.  Years ago, when a
Warrior faced great trials or challenges, he sought the help of the Gods and
Godesses.  This rune was given as a talisman to inspire powerful actions. 
The crescent arms move outward, influencing all things around the wearer of
this ancient Rune.  &WIt is the symbol of Strength and Courage.  
candle friendship light cleric~
friendship Candle~
A colourful candle lies here.~
1 1 8189 0 1 3
0~ 0~ 100~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
4 804
0 -1
0 0 0
friendship candle colourful~
&WThis candle symbolizing friendship contains a hidden treasure.  The
treasure is a symbol of the qualities we all admire and aspire to.  May the
treasures of friendship always colour your life with warmth, success and
crystal heart pendant cleric~
a crystal heart~
A crystal heart is floating here.~
8 0 8189 0 5 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
4 803
0 -1
0 0 0
heart crystal pendant~
&WThis crystal heart has many facets which reflect a rainbow of colours
when held up to the light.  May it remind you that friendship can transform
a dull existence into a beautiful rainbow of life experiences - full of joy,
enthusiasm, confidence and love.  The heart has a little hole in it so that
it can be worn as a necklace.  
fire earth symbol druid~
the Symbol of Fire and Earth~
An oddly shaped symbol lies here.~
8 0 8159 0 1 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
807 0 0
symbol oddly shaped fire earth~
&WA magical symbol representing Fire and Earth glows bright red.  Written
on the symbol is the following: 
&R     I am Fire and I am Earth.
&R     I represent the inner flame
&R     and am forever married to the ocean.
&R     Alone, I am nothing.
&R     The elements must join forces
&R     to regain their powers once again.
water air symbol druid~
the Symbol of Water and Air~
An oddly shaped symbol lies here.~
8 0 8159 0 1 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
807 0 0
symbol oddly shaped air water~
&WA magical symbol representing Water and Air glows bright orange. 
Written on the symbol is the following:&Y 
&R     &YI am Water and I am Air.
&R     &YI represent silence and mystery,
&R     &Ychange and versatility.
&R     &YAlone, I am nothing.
&R     &YThe elements must join forces
&R     &Yto regain their powers once again.
druid sword element~
the Sword of Elements~
A sword lies here, glowing vividly.~
5 33554433 8159 0 8193 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 3~
5 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 805 806
18 5
19 6
sword glowing element elements~
&WAn inscription carved into the sword reads:
&R     Fire and Earth&P,&Y Air and Water&P.
&P     United, we represent all Elements.
&P     Joined together we create a great force,
&P     For which only the beholder shall ever be aware.
wand flaming mage~
a wand~
&RA flaming wand glows vividly here.~
3 0 8190 0 16385 3
8~ 1~ 1~ fireshield~
2 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
wand glows flaming~
&RIt looks as though you'd burn yourself trying to hold this flaming
wand!  Don't be too easily fooled though, it holds strong magical
capabilities within.  Trust your inner instincts and discover what the wand
might offer.  
sword trickery thief~
the Sword of Trickery~
The Sword of Trickery hums loudly.~
5 67108866 8187 0 8193 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~
4 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
19 6
18 4
sword trickery~
&CThis magnificent sword has been passed down from many generations of
Thieves throughout Eye of the Storm II.  If you are so fortunate to possess
one, power and victory can be yours.  Sneak thy way to an innocent
adventurer, and let the Sword do it's work!  
talisman inner harmony psionicist~
the Talisman of Inner Harmony~
The Talisman of Inner Harmony radiates before you.~
9 0 8175 0 5 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
4 1
talisman inner harmony necklace~
&YThis talisman is a symbol of what every Psionicist is.  It's very touch
will send energy throughout your body.  Take great care while in possession
of this crafted jewel, for it can be very powerful if fallen into the wrong
signet truth justice paladin~
&Ythe Signet of Truth of Justice~
&YHere lies the Signet of Truth and Justice.~
9 4161 8063 0 3 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 0 0
5 0
3 3
0 0 0
signet truth justice ring~
&WThe Signet of Truth and Justice symbolizes a Paladin's true nature and
being.  It has been blessed by the wisest Paladins that walk the Storm, and
given only to those whose achievments have surpassed the expected.  Use
sparingly, for its magic is rare.  
claws raking glove werewolf~
the Claws of Raking~
A glove with long sharp claws extending from it lies here.~
5 0 6143 0 8193 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 5~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
18 3
19 4
claws raking pair gloves sharp~
&YBehold, the Claws of Raking.  Crafted for exceptional Werewolves of the
Storm, this glove emits a magical aura about it.  Creatures, animals and
people everywhere cringe at the sound of the Claws of Raking.  
bard magical flute~
a flute~
&YA magical flute glows vibrantly in the darkest of shadows.~
8 1 7935 0 16385 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
3 1
12 3
magical flute glows~
&YLulling music plays softly from this magical flute.  Only a Bard can
truly master the likes of this flute.  A companion to any serious Bard, it
should be treated carefully and kept from other no-gooders.  
>wear_prog 100~
mpecho A magical flute begins playing a familiar melody...
blood belt bloodbelt vampire~
&Ra Vampire's bloodbelt~
&r(glowing)&R A Vampire's Belt of Blood glows deep red.~
28 0 7679 0 2049 3
10~ 10~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
vampire belt blood red bloodbelt~
&RA mystical Belt of Blood is filled with a deep red substance.  It is
Holy Blood created by a very wise and ancient Vampire.  Drink with care, for
when the last drop has vanished, the belt disintegrates into thin air.  
eyes undead necromancer~
&PEyes of the Undead~
&pA Necromancer's &PEyes of the Undead&p have been left here.~
27 0 7167 0 131073 3
3~ 3~ 3~ armor~
2 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
eyes undead necromancer~
&pYou are looking at the Eyes of the Undead.  Eyes as dark as the
blackest pit.  These can be worn only by the most exceptional Necromancers
within the Storm.  They have the ability of offering additional protection
during a battle.  
aura mind power mindpower monk~
&Ban Aura of MindPower~
&BAn Aura of MindPower vibrates rapidly here.~
9 256 4095 0 32769 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
4 1
aura mind power mindpower~
&BOnly a Monk harnesses the power to control the Aura of MindPower you
behold.  A Monk who chooses to wear this aura shall unleash wisdom within
themself they never knew they had.  
tome guide eosii book newbie~
&zThe &CNewbie Guide&z to EOSII&w~
&BA book of newbie hints for EOSII lies here on the ground.~
8 805306432 0 0 16385 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 2
0 -1
0 0 0
&cThis book is for the benefit of those who either are just learning to MUD or
aren't well versed in it already, so those of you who are comfortable with how
to play you may wish to skip to number 7.  To look at any "chapter" in this book
you type: &B"&wlook &R#&B" &C(Minus the quotes.  # refers to the chapter)
&z--------- &WBeginners &z----------
&z1&w...&BPracticing & Training
&z2&w...&BStatistics -> STR, INT, WIS, DEX & CON
&z3&w...&BHP, Blood, Mana & Movement
&z4&w...&BHelpful starting hints
&z5&w...&BCommon Abbreivations & MUD communication channels
&z6&w...&BFighting players vs mobs & Aliases - Use and Creation
&z-------- &WGeneral Info &z--------
&z7&w...&BList of Equipment slots & Invokes on items
&z8&w...&BThe MUD's Rules
&z9&w...&BWizlist and Getting help
&cThis book is for the benefit of those who either are just learning to MUD or
aren't well versed in it already, so those of you who are comfortable with how
to play you may wish to skip to number 7.  To look at any "chapter" in this book
you type: &B"&wlook &R#&B" &C(Minus the quotes.  # refers to the chapter)
&z--------- &WBeginners &z----------
&z1&w...&BPracticing & Traniing
&z2&w...&BStatistics -> STR, INT, WIS, DEX & CON
&z3&w...&BHP, Blood, Mana & Movement
&z4&w...&BHelpful starting hints
&z5&w...&BCommon Abbreivations & MUD communication channels
&z6&w...&BFighting players vs mobs & Aliases - Use and Creation
&z-------- &WGeneral Info &z--------
&z7&w...&BList of Equipment slots & Invokes on items
&z8&w...&BThe MUD's Rules
&z9&w...&BWizlist and Getting help
&z10&w..&BOK, but where do I go now? & I'm lost, how do I get back?
&cThis book is for the benefit of those who either are just learning to MUD or
aren't well versed in it already, so those of you who are comfortable with how
to play you may wish to skip to number 7.  To look at any "chapter" in this book
you type: &B"&wlook &R#&B" &C(Minus the quotes.  # refers to the chapter)
&z--------- &WBeginners &z----------
&z1&w...&BPracticing & Traniing
&z2&w...&BStatistics -> STR, INT, WIS, DEX & CON
&z3&w...&BHP, Blood, Mana & Movement
&z4&w...&BHelpful starting hints
&z5&w...&BCommon Abbreivations & MUD communication channels
&z6&w...&BFighting players vs mobs & Aliases - Use and Creation
&z-------- &WGeneral Info &z--------
&z7&w...&BList of Equipment slots & Invokes on items
&z8&w...&BThe MUD's Rules
&z9&w...&BWizlist and Getting help
&cOn this mud, unlike some other forms of MUDs, you must train your primary
statistics (Str, Int, Wis, Dex & Con), plus you may also train your HP, mana &
move.  To do training you use "practices" that you receive each level based on
your Wisdom.  The higher your Wisdom the more practices you're able to get per
level.  To train a stat, like Str, it costs 5 practices per train, but to train
HP, mana or movement it costs only 1 practice.  Note: You can't train a statisti
c like Str past 18 regardless of class.  To train a stat you simply type: 
&wtrain <item> &R#  &C(&R#&C is for how many practices to use.  Ie: train hp 50)
&cPracticing is a bit more indepth where training deals with statistics,
practicing is how you aquire new skills and spells.  It only takes one
practice to improve a skill or spell, but how much it is improved depends upon
your Int statistic.  Plus different classes can practice to different amounts
such as a Mage's 95% and a Thief's 85%.  To practice a skill\spell you type:
&wpractice <skill name>  &C(don't put ""s around the name if it's 2+ words)
&cThe statistics I'm referring to here are &CStr&c (Strength), &CInt&c (Intelligence),
&CWis&c (Wisdom), &CDex&c (Dexterity) & &CCon&c (Consitution).  What they do is:
&BSTR&w:&c Increases the amount of weight your character is able to carry, allows you
     to wield heavier weapons & increases your damage in battle.
&BINT&w:&c Allows you to practice skills\spells faster.  25 Int that only Mages and
     Necromancers are able to acheive allows you to become "adept" in a skill or
     spell in one practice.
&BWIS&w:&c Determines the amount of practices you receive per level.  Normally you
     can't pass 22 WIS unless you're a cleric, druid or psionisist which can
     reach 25 WIS.  22 WIS = 7 Practices per level.  25 WIS = 8 practices.
&BDEX&w:&c Dexterity determines how well you dodge out of the way or how quickly you
     are able to parry an attack so it doesn't reach you.  Most classes can only
     reach 22 DEX, except thieves, bards & vampires, which are able to reach
     25 DEX.
&BCON&w:&c The "life" statistic.  Constitution adjusts how much HP per level you gain.
     The higher your CON stat is the more you receive each level depending on
     your class.  Each class earns a different range of HP per level.  Only
     rangers and monks can pass the 22 CON limit with their 25 CON.
&BI very strongly encourage you to train your stats in this order&w:
&CWIS&c,&C CON&c,&C INT&c,&C STR&c,&C DEX  (Dex & Str can be switched though)
&cThis way you max your practices gained per level quicker so you can train other
things faster and after that you get your con up so you gain as much hp per
level as possible.
Generally you can't get a statistic past 22, except the one statistic that is
your class' "main" statistic.  These main statistics are as follows:
&z                _______________&z______________________________&z_
&z                | Statistic    &z| Classes that have it        &z|
&z                |--------------&z|-----------------------------&z|
&z                | &BStrength     &z|&C Warrior, Paladin & Werewolf &z|
&z                | &BIntelligence &z|&C Mage & Necromancer          &z|
&z                | &BWisdom       &z|&C Cleric, Druid & Psionisist  &z|
&z                | &BDexterity    &z|&C Thief, Vampire & Bard       &z|
&z                | &BConstitution &z|&C Ranger & Monk               &z|
&z                |______________&z|_____________________________&z|
&cAside from Str and it's like-statistics there is &CHP &c(Hit points), &CBlood &c(A
vampire's form of mana), &CMana &c(Amount of magical energy available) & &CMovement
&c(one's exhaution rating.).  These are fairly simple really:
&BHP&w:&c       It's in your prompt like 20/20hp.  This is lowered with each hit you
          take from a player or monster.  If it reaches below 1hp you die and
          you must get your stuff back from your corpse.
&BBlood&w:&c    If you're not a vampire don't worry about this.  Vampires use "blood"
          instead of "mana" that they can't regain via potions, but "feed" off
          victims to replenish it.
&BMana&w:&c     The amount of magical energy available to you.  So when a spell costs
          say..50ma (ma = mana) then if you have 1500/1500ma you go to
          1450/1500ma.  Potions will revitalize this somewhat though.
&BMovement&w:&c This of course is the MV stat and lowers as you move between rooms,
          but it's rare that you ever run out of movement.  Usually people just
          ignore it completely.
&cI'd suggest you &w-&Calways&w-&c train HP.  You'll have enough mana with potions,
movement wears down slowly and blood can't be trained.
&cHere's a couple setting hints to get you started.  If you type "config" and
press enter you will see a list of "toggle" settings for your character.  A few
of these are as follows and as to how you might want them:
&w+&Rautoloot&w:&c Automatically take all equipment within a monster\player you have
           killed.  Handy at starting levels, but I'd suggest removing it after
           about level 10.
&w+&Rautoexit&w:&c Automatically lists available exits from rooms, except "door" exits.
&w+&Rautogold&w:&c Automatically take the money a creature had from it's corpse.
&w-&Ransi&w:&c     IF you don't have the ability to see color you want this off,
           otherwise leave it on and enjoy.
&w-&Rcombat&w:&c   This will take away seeing "you dodge.." "<mob> dodges...".  Reduces
           the spam a great deal.
&w+&Rkeep&w:&c     This keeps the MUD from autoputting in a new title for you each level
           so you can keep your own customized one.
&w-&Rfullname&w:&c This enables 'name completion' which allows you to be lazy and type
           only partial words.  To look at a salamander you might 'look sal' and
           it will take the first item\mob\player that begins with those letters
           it can find.
These are just to help you get started, but you're welcome to set them up as you
choose.  To set a "setting" like this you type: "config <+/-><setting>" so to
say set autoloot ON..you'd type "config +autoloot".
Another helpful feature of the mud is the PROMPT command.  Using it you can
customize your info prompt in color or appearance.  "help prompt" will show all
of the settings you can use, but here's a sample one that you can copy\paste in
the game for show:
&Cprompt [&&z%h&&c/&&z%H&&Bhp &&z%m&&c/&&z%M&&Bm &&w[%a][&&C%x&&wxp]:&&z
&cAssuming your a new character at level 1 this would look like:
&w[&z20&c/&z20&Bhp &z100&c/&z100&Bm &w[0][&C1000&wxp]:&z <whatever you type in game>
&C(The [0] is your alignment, which generally starts out at 0.)
&cThis is just for those who are truely new to mudding since there are certain
terms mudders use all the time.
&BAFK    &w:&c Away From the Keyboard (Could also just be not paying attention)
&BPK     &w:&c Player Killing
&BMob    &w:&c Short for Mobile..meaning "creatures" in the MUD.
&BNewbie &w:&c You :)
&BRP     &w:&c Roleplay or Roleplaying
&BCR     &w:&c Corpse retrieval (Asking someone to help you get your corpse back)
&cMany new players aren't sure how to communicate with others so I hope this helps
&POOC&w:&c      The general discussion channel..everyone sees it. Shortcut = ]
&RVent&w:&c     A form of OOC channel that isn't language censored.   All see it.
&CChat&w:&c     Role-playing channel..everyone sees it.  Shortcut = .
&RClantalk&w:&c ONLY those in your clan can see it.  Shortcut = cl
&CShout&w:&c    Everyone sees it, but it's an emergency channel, not a discussion one.
&CYell&w:&c     Everyone within the same AREA as you sees it.
&CSay&w:&c      Everyone in the same ROOM as you sees it.  Shortcut = '
&PEmote&w:&c    Everyone in the same ROOM sees it.  It's for actions not speaking.
&WTell&w:&c     ONLY the person you send it to sees it.  Tell <player> <message>
&cClass&w:&c    ONLY those of the same class as you see it.  Ie all thieves etc..
&GAuction&w:&c  Everyone sees it.  This is to sell items, not talk.
&GHero&w:&c     ONLY level 100+ characters see this, Champs & Imms.  Shortcut = -
&cMusic&w:&c    Everyone sees this.  It's for..whatever :)
&GQuestion&w:&c Everyone sees this.  Ask questions here or on OOC.
Btw..OOC stands for "out of character" and with emotes it is only for actions.
If you type "emote grins sheepishly" and your name is Arch others in the room
will see, "Arch grins sheepishly".
&c  For attacking normal mobs simply type &w'&Rkill <mob name>&w'&c to start a fight with
them or if you are a thief type 'bs <mob name>' once you have the backstab
skill.  If you want to attack an animated corpse (you'll know when you come
across one) or a player (when you &R_BOTH_ &care in PK clans) you type &w'&Rmurder
<player>&w'&c to attack.
  If a fight isn't going well for you and you're likely to die if you don't find
a quick escape you simply need to type &B'&wflee&B'&c until you escape.  You will lose
a little bit of experience in the process, but it's better to lose 10xp than
lose half of what xp you've gained towards leveling.  Btw..it's 1000xp per
level.  In some areas flee doesn't work though, such as Dragon Valley though.
  Also, there are numerous "aggressive" mobs in the game that will automatically
attack you the moment you enter the room regardless of wether you wished to
fight or not.  So be wary of exploring high level areas or new areas without
shielding yourself against possible attack.
ALIASES - Use and Creation&w:
&WSyntax&w:&r alias [shortcut] [task]  &C(Creates or modifies an alias)
&WSyntax&w:&r alias [shortcut]         &C(Deletes that alias)
&c  Aliases are common to many muds, but aren't found in all.  Basically these
are exactly what they sound like.  They're shortcut commands to preform larger
tasks.  &C(&BEx&w:&c having a shortcut command of 'fire' for performing the task, "cast
'fireball'"&C)&c.  This mainly just saves you on time and typing.  How it works:
<prompt> alias clb cast 'lightning breath'
Alias 'clb' added.
<prompt> clb
Cast spell on whom?
<prompt> clb dragon
Your blast of lightning MUTILATES the dragon.
&CLight                           &CShield &w(&z*&w)
&CFinger &w(&B2&w)                      &COrbit &w(&B2&w)
&CNeck &w(&B2&w)                        &CWaist
&CHead                            &CAbout Body
&CFace                            &CWrists &w(&B2&w)
&CEyes                            &CEarring
&CBody                            &CAnkles &w(&B2&w)
&CArms                            &CWield
&CHands                           &CDual Wield &w(&z**&w)
&CLegs                            &CHeld &w(&z*&w)
&z*  &w-&c Only usable if you're not dual wielding.  &C(Mainly for spellcasters)
&z** &w-&c Only usable if you have the "dual" skill.  &C(Fighter classes)
&cYou won't find many low level items with invokable spells on them, but just so
you're aware of their existance there are many items in the game that can be
"invoked" to produce a certain effect or spell.  An item may contain the spell
'fireshield' and if you invoke the item it casts that spell upon you or the
target you select.  These are primarily handy to the non-magical fighting
&cThese are the rules of EOS.  For other matters, use commom sense.
&z*&w foul and/or abusive language will not be tolerated on EoS, from anyone
  (including gods). Punishments range from deletion to NOCHANNELing.
&z*&w sexual harassment of any form will not be tolerated, punishable by deletion
&z*&w your presence here is a privilige not a right
&z*&w no multiple logins, multiple playing, or helping your own characters with
  other characters you own -- by any arrangment.
&z*&w no kill stealing.  This means you cannot attack a mob someone else is
  fighting, unless they ask you to. Also avoid attacking fleeing mobs.
&z*&w cheating will not be tolerated.  This includes accepting favors from gods
  and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.
&z*&w Absolutely NO summonsing any mobs to Bethaven, Ravenwood or Alor Raharo.  
  I do NOT wish newbies jeopardized.  There's plenty of room outside those 
  towns, use them.
&cTyping &z'&wwizlist&z'&c will show you a "reasonably current" list of the MUD's
immortal staff.  Generally when you wish to seek help on something you should
begin at the bottom of that list and work upward, since those at the top
positions are often busy with things and will generally take the longest to
answer your question.  Also know that most immortals are busy doing something
even if it may not be immediately appearant so if they don't answer right away
give them time.  And if you ask for their attention and get it, don't tell them
"just a sec" if it's something you could have taken care of before calling their
attention.  These are just general notes of "etiquette" in dealing with 
immortals.  They're happy to help you out if you give them the chance and don't 
disrespect them.
a well~
A well made out of stone is here, filled with fresh stream water.~
25 0 0 0 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
&YA deep well made out of small stones and bricks raises above the
ground.  It's filled with refreshing cold stream water.  
tree tree2 fallen~
a fallen tree~
&OA large tree has fallen here, blocking your way.~
29 0 0 0 0 0
823~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
tree fallen~
&YSince the tree is too huge to climb over, and there is no way to walk
around it, you might just have to climb through it.  &REnter&Y the tree to
get to the other side.  
stream streamlet~
&CA narrow streamlet flows behind the wooden bench.~
25 0 0 0 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
tree portal~
a fallen tree~
&OA large tree has fallen here, blocking your way.~
29 0 0 0 0 0
824~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
tree large~
&YSince the tree is too huge to climb over, and there is no way to walk
around it, you might just have to climb through it.  &REnter&Y the tree to
get to the other side.  
a message~
&YIf you are new here, you should travel down first.~
13 0 0 0 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
sack leather~
a leather sack~
A black leather sack rests here.~
15 0 0 0 16385 1
45~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 8 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
sack black leather~
&WUse this sack to store potions, food and equipment.  Soon you might
notice that your hands can get rather full carrying around a whole bunch of
items, so a bag can be handy.  
canteen rawhide~
a canteen~
You see a canteen made of rawhide here.~
17 0 0 0 1 1
12~ 12~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 15 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
canteen rawhide~
&WDuring tough battles and long journeys, a basic need is water.  Use
this canteen to &Rfill&W it with water at a fountain by typing &Rfill
fountain brook tiny~
A tiny brook crosses through the clearing.~
25 0 0 0 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
tiny brook~
&YClear blue water trickles down the brook, offering a cool refreshment
to all.  Type &Rdrink brook&Y to quench your thirst.  
lizard glove gloves~
lizard gloves~
A pair of lizard gloves glow lightly.~
9 1 0 0 129 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 2 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
1 1
glove gloves~
&YThese gloves were created from the scaly skin of a salamander.  They
are not just ordinary gloves though.  Once worn, these gloves can be very
difficult to remove.  The lizard skin seems to meld to your own.  It might
be worth the risk though, if they improve your fighting abilities.  
buckler shield~
a buckler~
A wooden buckler lies here.~
9 2 0 0 513 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 3 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
shield buckler wooden~
&YThis buckler is a rather small round shield.  It is adorned with a
tough leather strap which fits onto your arm.  
scourge whip leather~
a scourge~
A wicked looking barbed whip~
5 64 0 0 8193 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 4~
3 0 0 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
19 2
scourge whip leather~
&YThis short whip has several leather tails along it.  Each tail has
metal barbs attached along its length.  This scourge can indeed inflict
great pain on it's victims.  
stiletto dagger~
a stiletto~
A sharp bladed dagger lies here~
5 0 0 0 8193 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 0 0 2 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
18 2
19 1
stiletto dagger~
&YA stiletto is a short dagger with a strong, triangular blade that
tapers to a sharp point at the tip.  
lantern hooded~
a hooded lantern~
A hooded lantern lies here.~
1 128 0 0 16385 1
0~ 0~ 12~ 0~
1 0 0 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
hooded lantern~
&YA hooded lantern projects light in 360 degrees and is capped overhead
to limit the radiation of heat.  This allows it to be carried with a handle
located at the top of the lantern.  
a backpack~
A large canvas backpack has been left here.~
15 64 0 0 9 1
40~ 1~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 3 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
backpack pack back canvas~
&YThis backpack isn't any ordinary kind of bag.  You can stuff it full of
food and items, and then wear it while you fight for extra armor.  Type
&Popen backpack&Y or &Pclose backpack&Y to open and close it.  By typing
&Pget <item> backpack&Y and &Pput <item> backpack&Y, you can store and
retrieve items.  &PWear backpack&Y to wear it.  
ogre boots~
a pair of Ogre's boots~
A large pair of Ogre's boots lay crumpled here.~
9 0 0 0 65 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 3 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
2 1
boots boot ogre~
&YThese boots might seem large and bulky, but they are made of a rare
lightweight material.  You will find yourself much more dextrous with the
aid of these marvelous boots!  
webbed cloak~
a webbed cloak~
A pile of webbing lies crumpled in the corner.~
9 256 0 0 9 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 0 0 3 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
webbed web cloak~
&YThis cloak is made of a special kind of spider's web.  It is very tough
and difficult to penetrate, making it an excellent addition to any
adventurer's armor.  
a bush~
&wLarge bushes gather on either side of you.~
15 268435456 0 0 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
bush bushes large~
&PAs you examine this bush closely, a glimmer of light blue inside
catches your eye.  Maybe there is something inside.  
blueberry blueberries~
a blueberry~
A delicious magical &Bblueberry&O hides here.~
26 64 0 0 1 2
2~ bless~ reserved~ reserved~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
berry blueberry~
a blueberry~
A delicious &Bblueberry&O hides here.~
19 0 0 0 1 1
5~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
a tree~
&OAn aging spruce tree towers above.~
15 0 0 0 0 0
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
tree aging spruce~
&YCarefully examining the tree for any signs of life, you notice a small
hole near the bottom.  Perhaps you should look inside.  
scroll giant strength~
a magical scroll~
A scroll of great powers has been hidden here.~
2 1 0 0 1 2
2~ giant strength~ reserved~ reserved~
1 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
scroll great powers magical~
&YThis magical scroll must have been hidden here by a careless Cleric! 
To find out what kind of power it offers, you must type &Rrecite scroll&Y
and hope for the best.  
potion crystal flask healing~
a potion of healing~
A crystal flask overflowing with a bubbly substance.~
10 268435456 0 0 1 2
2~ cure light~ reserved~ reserved~
0 0 0 25 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
a bench~
&OAn old wooden bench is here.~
12 0 0 0 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
necklace gem jewel~
a gem~
A sparkling gem has been tossed here.~
9 258 0 0 5 2
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 10 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
3 1
gem sparkling necklace jewel~
&YThe gem glitters of all the different colors in the rainbow, even
without any sunshine.  A melodious humming sound emits from within it.  This
necklace could make quite a conversation piece.  
earring skull~
a skull~
&WA miniature skull made of ivory vibrates.~
9 0 0 0 524289 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
miniature skull ivory earring~
portal circle white light~
bright circle~
&YA large circle of bright &Wwhite&Y light opens up before you.~
29 0 0 0 0 0
136~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
circle bright white light large~
&YA blinding light flashes before you!  This large opening of bright
light is the beginning of your path to Peace and Goodwill.  &REnter&Y this
light, and you shall be brought to &WTorinne's&Y Arena.  
portal black hole~
black hole~
&RA large black hole opens up before you.~
29 0 0 0 0 0
1270~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
large black hole portal~
&RGrey mist rises from the deep black hole.  This begins the path of all
that is &YEVIL&R.  &WEnter&R this hole and you will be brought to &WLord
Drauzen's&R Arena.  
band metal~
a metal band~
&WA &wsilver&W band of metal shines here.~
9 64 0 0 3 2
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 5 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
12 2
silver band metal ring~
&PShiny metal catches your eye.  It's solid and smooth, with a short
inscription written on the inside: 
&p          The password is &YCOMBAT&p.
belt degree~
a degree belt~
&OA long strap of woven material lies crumpled on the ground.~
9 64 0 0 2049 2
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 5 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
strap woven material belt degree~
&OThis appears to be some type of belt, approximately six feet long. 
When worn in the proper manner, wrapped twice around the waist and tied with
a square knot, it enhances a person's strength to fight!  A magical aura
lights the ground beneath it.  
anklet coral~
&ca &Ocoral&c anklet~
&OA coral anklet shimmers lightly.~
9 0 0 0 1048577 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
coral anklet~
&OMade of coral found only in the deepest of the seas, this anklet has
miniature symbols engraved on it.  For centuries, noone has ever been able
to figure out what they mean.  They look like some type of language made
from lines and dots.  
brass earring~
&Wa &Ybrass &Wearring&w~
&WA &Ybrass&W earring has been left here.~
9 0 0 0 524289 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 5 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
brass earring~
&YShining all over, this brass earring is beautiful.  The very touch of
it sends warmth through your body.  It attaches in the back with a tiny
golden clasp.  
twine bracelet~
&Ca &Ytwine&C bracelet~
&CLying on the ground is a tiny &Ytwine&C bracelet.~
9 256 0 0 4097 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
tiny twine bracelet~
&CThis bracelet was created from tough twine and decorated with beads. 
It is lined with hardened leather underneath, to add protection from the
rough twine.  
fur furlined scarf~
a furlined scarf~
A delicate furlined scarf lies crumpled here.~
9 0 0 0 5 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
delicate furlined fur lined scarf~
&PSofter than a baby's skin, this beautiful scarf would be a definite
asset to anyone's wardrobe.  It is lined with light orange fox fur to add
warmth on those cold evenings.  
rustic bracers~
a pair of rustic bracers~
Worn, rustic bracers lie here.~
9 0 0 0 257 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 5 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
rustic worn bracer~
These bracers look as if they've been worn many years.  Made of a mixture
of metals, their surface is slowly being worn down.  Although not brand new,
they offer plenty of protection and are a great piece of armor.  
quilted vest~
a quilted vest~
A colorful quilted vest has been left here.~
9 0 0 0 1025 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 0 0 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
quilted colorful vest~
Made of beautiful colored silk materials, this vest brighten's any young
girl's wardrobe.  It offers warmth during the chilly evenings.  
red jumper~
a red jumper~
A pile of red cloth lies in a heap.~
9 0 0 0 9 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
pil red cloth heap jumper~
You see a bright red jumper made of pure cotton.  It is adorned with two
large pockets in the front, great for storing berries during a walk through
the bush.  

The End of a Long Journey~
The mist is thick all about you, making it difficult to see very far.  It
appears as though a storm is coming this way just off in the distance.  As
you inhale the fresh cool air, you feel a great sense of accomplishment to
have finally reached this odd but fascinating world.  This world that many
call home, &WEye of the Storm II.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
0 0 801
Path of the Brave~
Off in the distance, you can hear the voices of people throughout the
Storm.  This path leads &Wsouth&c towards Bethaven, the central town. 
During your journey into Bethaven, you shall come across &WMudschool&c,
where you can learn all about mudding and beginning your life here at Eye of
the Storm II.  
0 394264 0
Rd     0
0 0 802
Path of the Brave~
You are obviously on the right track!  Keep heading &Wsouth&c and watch
out for any &Rsigns&c along the way.  Whenever there is a sign in Mudschool,
it will be in &Rred&c.  You should always read these descriptions and signs,
for they will help you discover more information.  Type &Rlook sign&c now as
an example.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
&P*** Example Sign ***
&WThis is just an example, for those of you
who are very new here.
&PWishing you great adventures,
0 0 803
Path of the Brave~
You are getting very close now.  The sounds of people hurrying about seem
clearer.  Soon you will be nearing &WMudschool&c, a place the folks of
Bethaven created to teach newcomers their ways.  Remember to keep an eye out
for helpful signs.  
0 394264 0
Rd     0
0 0 804
Path of the Brave~
You have finally arrived at the entrance to Mudschool!  To your south
lies the Main Grounds to Mudschool, where you will spend your first few
levels learning how to survive here.  Mudschool is surrounded by large brick
walls to protect you and keep the forest animals from roaming about the
0 394268 0
Rd     0
0 0 805
Entrance to the Main Mudschool Grounds~
A pebbled walkway leads west, where you can &Wtrain&c and &Wpractice&c
your skills and attributes.  You will learn more about these as you explore
and gain levels.  When you are finished exploring Mudschool, travel east to
decide your fate.  The path to Bethaven leads &Wdown&c, but it is
&Rstrongly&c advised to travel &Yeast&c when you are finished here, to be
brought to an Arena for more practice.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
0 0 853
0 0 811
0 0 806
0 0 25001
Pebbled Walkway~
To your west lies the &WTraining Grounds&c, where you practice skills and
spells and train your attributes.  Often times newcomers will see
experienced fighters in the Training Grounds as they reach higher levels and
gain even more knowledge.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
0 0 805
0 0 807
Pebbled Walkway~
A message board has been posted here for newcomers.  Citizens of Bethaven
often post messages here that might be of interest to someone new at the
Storm, or just to help in general.  Type &Rlook board&c to view what is on
0 393244 0
Rd     0
&Y---------------==========&P Messages&Y ==========---------------
&PJezabel: &WWelcome to Eye of the Storm II! I, Jezabel, am here
to protect every citizen of Bethaven from evil. Please feel welcome!
&PDesiray:&W Come and visit me at my Armory! I will set you up with an
entire outfit for cheap!
&PZak:&W They're all crazy! I can't make enough magic to keep you all happy!
&PMerc:&W Fairwell, friends of Bethaven. I must travel far away to help save
my loved ones' cherished city of Lassarin. Wish me luck!  
&PDukkoti: &WWelcome one and all. I can be found in Bethaven in my shoppe
where I take in and sell groceries and imports of the finest quality.

0 0 806
0 0 808
Training Grounds of Mudschool~
Surrounded by tall brick walls, the area here is well protected from
stormy weather and rabid animals roaming about.  Directly north is where you
must &Wtrain&c with Master Jyle.  To the south is where you &Wpractice&c at
level three.  Another &Rsign&c is wedged here between two large rocks.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
&WYou must travel &Ynorth&W at levels 1 and 2 to TRAIN.  Make certain to
read the signs posted.  You should train first before you venture further
into Mudschool.  Once you've reached level 3, you can travel &Ysouth&W to
PRACTICE with your Master.  Don't forget to read the signs first!  
0 0 809
0 0 807
0 0 810
Master Jyle's Training Area~
The atmosphere here is calm and soothing.  This is where venturers of the
Storm come to train their attributes.  Master Jyle will guide you as you
level, and help train you to survive in the most trying of times.  He has
taken the time to prepare an informative &Rsign&c for newcomers.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
&WEvery character has certain attributes that define how
strong and intelligent you are, as well as other things.
In order to increase your attributes, you must TRAIN them.
By typing &Rtrain&W while at a trainer, you can see what
attributes you can still improve. When you created your
character, you were given several practice sessions. 
Practice sessions are used for both training and practicing.
To view how many practice sessions you have, type &Rscore&W. By
typing &Rtrain <attribute>&W you can train each attribute. To get
more information about training, type &Rhelp train&W.
0 0 808
Master Staer's Practice Area~
The room is filled with many kinds of equipment to aid fellow fighters
and spellcasters.  This is where you will spend much time practicing skills
and spells you acquire.  Master Staer is very wise, and will be your mentor
throughout Mudschool.  She has posted a large &Rsign&c on the far wall.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
&WWhen you created your character, you chose what
class and race you wished to be. Along with this class
and race you get certain skills and spells. In order to
use these skills, you must PRACTICE them. To see a list
of skills and spells your character will get, type &Rslist&W.
You can only practice the skills and spells you receive at
each level. Do this by typing &Rpractice <skill or spell name>&W.
Once you have practiced it enough to use in the real world,
you will have to use the skill or spell in order to become 
better at it.
&WIf you wish to see the skills and spells available to you at
your current level, simply type &Rpractice&W. The percentage
shown is how well you've become at each skill or spell. Remember,
&Wyou can only start practicing at level 3. For more detailed
information about practicing, type &Rhelp practice&W.
0 0 808
Main Grounds of Mudschool~
The path leads south&c from here, deeper into Mudschool.  Pebbles and
dried leaves cover the worn path, but it is still easy to follow.  Tall red
brick walls line either side of you, offering protection from the evil that
you will soon discover.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
0 0 805
0 0 812
>enter_prog 100~
if level($n) == 1
    if rand(35)
        mpoload 800
        mpat 812 drop apple
Main Grounds of Mudschool~
A large &capple&R tree&c towers over part of the trail, dangling apples
almost ready to fall off.  Perhaps you are lucky enough to find one lying on
the ground.  The path continues south&c from here, leading you to a special
place in Mudschool where you can learn how to fight mobs.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
&R          @ @
&G          v v
&R       @ @   @ @
&G       v v   v v
&R    @ @   @ @   @ @
&G    vvv   vvv   vvv
&O          |-/|
&O          |-/|
&O         /|-/|\
0 0 811
0 0 814
>enter_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
   if level($n) < 5
      mpoload 800
      mpat 814 drop apple
Mudschool Shop~
The &Rshelves&c are filled with trinkets, food, and basic survival items.
The citizens of Bethaven donate food and items to the shop, always making
sure there is plenty to go around.  A crooked, wooden &Rsign&c hangs loosely
against the wall.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
&WIf you want to see what items I sell, type &Ylist&W and it will show
you items and cost.  To buy an item here, type &Ybuy <item>&W and if you
have enough money, I will gladly sell it to you.  For more detailed help
about shops, type &Yhelp buy&W.  &WThank you, &WKalin.  
shelf shelve shelves~
&WThe large wooden shelves are crammed with food and bags!  You see all
kinds of dried fruits and breads, making your mouth water with anticipation.
0 0 814
Main Grounds of Mudschool~
You have almost arrived at the &WFighting Grounds&c.  Exits branch off on
the west and east sides, leading to a small shop and the Mudschool Bank. 
Once you've been through the Fighting Grounds, you might have enough coins
to purchase some necessities, such as a bag and light.  Once you start
accumulating more money, you can deposit it east.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
0 0 812
0 0 833
0 0 815
0 0 813
Main Grounds of Mudschool~
&WSouth&c of here begins the Mudschool's Fighting Grounds.  That area is
well fenced in to keep the creatures out of the main grounds.  A helpful
&Rsign&c has been stuck on the brick wall, explaining some useful commands
and strategies for newcomers.  
0 393244 0
Rd     0
&Y**&W  Type &Rhelp&W and press enter to view help topics.
&W    Type &Rhelp <topic>&W to get help on a certain word.

&Y**&W  Type &Rconfig&W to view automatic settings you can
&W    adjust. Type &Rhelp config&W for more information.
&Y**&W  Type &Rchannels&W to view the different channels
&W    available to you at your level. You can also type
&W    &Rhelp channels&W for details about the command.
&Y**&W  Always remember to &Rlook <item>&W or &Rlook <mob name>&W
&W    as it can often give you more information.
&PA large gate blocks your way to the Fighting Grounds.  You must type
&Ropen south&P or &Ropen gate&P to open the gate south of you.  
0 0 814
&PDirectly south is an amazing view of a large fenced-in forest, home to
many animals and creatures.  
3 0 816
>enter_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
   mpat 816 close gate
Fighting Grounds of Mudschool~
You have finally reached the &WFighting Grounds&c of Mudschool.  Beware,
before you venture forth, it would be very wise to read every sign carefully
for hints and instructions.  A large &Rsign&c is bolted into the soft soil
by the edge of the trail.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
&WThroughout your journey in the Fighting Grounds, you will encounter
many creatures and animals to kill. These are called &Rmobs&W.
&R1.&W  The most &Rimportant&W command to remember before you attempt
&W    to kill a mob is to type &Rcon <mob name>&W.

&Y**&W  The &Rcon&W command is short form for &Rconsider&W, which informs
&W    you how well you will do against the mob, if you can kill it.
&R2.&W  Secondly, always keep an eye on your &Yhitpoints&W. These are
&W    shown in your prompt and should look similar to &w20/20&C hp&W.

&Y**&W  Your prompt is the text shown to the left of whatever you type.
&Y**&W  If your hitpoints are getting very low while fighting a mob,
&W    you can type &Rflee&W to attempt to flee away from the creature.
&R3.&W  There are Healers situated throughout the Fighting Grounds.
&W    When you are hurt and wish to be healed, these Healers can help you.
&W    You can also type &Rrest&W or &Rsleep&W to heal faster.

&Y**&W  If you choose to sleep, let it be known that you are less
&W    conscious of your surroundings.
&PIf the gate is closed, just type &Ropen gate&P &Por &Ropen north&P to
be able to travel north.  
&PBeyond this gate lies the Main Grounds of Mudschool, where you must
travel to practice, train, and visit the shops.  
3 0 815
0 0 817
0 0 829
0 0 839
0 0 834
>enter_prog 100~
mpat 815 close gate
Eastern Grounds of Mudschool~
Large trees and bushes surround the Fighting Grounds, shading out the
burning sun.  This area is well taken care of, full of lively creatures
roaming about for you to challenge.  Remember to &Rlook&c at the mobs and
items for helpful information.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 818
0 0 816
Eastern Grounds of Mudschool~
Soon you might discover that grouping with another player would help both
of you achieve levels quicker.  To learn more about grouping, type &Whelp
group&c.  Although some are simply brave enough to face the wilderness
alone, having someone by your side usually has its advantages.  Beware of
&Wagressive&c creatures throughout the Fighting Grounds.  These animals will
attack you as soon as you enter the room.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 819
0 0 817
Eastern Grounds of Mudschool~
Eventually, you might find equipment from animals and creatures that you
already have.  Instead of just leaving it on the ground if you don't want
it, you can either &Wdonate&c it, or &Wsacrifice&c it.  By typing &Whelp
donate&c or &Whelp sacrifice&c, you can get a more detailed explanation.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 820
0 0 818
Eastern Grounds of Mudschool~
South of here you will find Jakkor, a Healer.  If you listen closely, you
might be able to hear him whistling a magical tune with the birds, or
perhaps he's busy healing another player.  By typing &Wwhere&c, you can see
who else is exploring the same area you are in, and what room they are in.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 832
0 0 821
0 0 819
Sanctuary of Peace~
You have arrived at a small central clearing, where Jakkor the Healer
awaits your arrival.  Tiny feathered creatures surround him, singing their
praise.  Tree stumps sit on either side of the healer, where you can rest
your weary bones.  Tall trees line the clearing, making it an ideal shelter
from the animals roaming about.  
0 394268 0
Rd     0
0 0 820
0 0 822
Southeastern Grounds of Mudschool~
The scent of pine needles and branches fill the air.  The path you travel
on is well taken care of, with plenty of room on either side.  This seems
like the perfect place to take a nap, especially if you've been fighting all
day.  Remember you can &Wrest&c or &Wsleep&c to gain back your hit points.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 821
0 0 825
0 0 823
>sleep_prog 100~
mpechoat $n You slowly drift to sleep, extremely tired from your battles.
if rand(100)
   mpechoat $n Tossing and turning, you suddenly stand up in your sleep and begin sleepwalking!
   mptrans $n 816
   mpat $n mpechoat $n &YYou should be careful about walking with your eyes closed!
A Fallen Tree~
A huge tree is blocking your way west.  There is only one solution to
bypass it.  You can probably figure out how if you &Rlook&c around.  It is
way too enormous to crawl over, and the forest around you is too dense to
walk around the tree.  A caretaker should of removed this old tree by now,
if they all weren't so busy keeping Bethaven safe.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 822
>rest_prog 70~
if level($n) < 4
mpechoat $n You can do many things while resting, unlike sleeping.
mpechoat $n You will gain your hitpoints faster while sleeping, but will be less aware.
A Fallen Tree~
A huge tree is blocking your way east.  You will have to figure out how
to get to the other side.  Maybe you should examine the tree more closely. 
Mudschool caretakers should be around eventually to clean up this mess,
although they have been extremely busy as of late.  It seems as though some
dirt near the opening in the tree has been disturbed.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 827
Southeastern Grounds of Mudschool~
An unusually large spruce &Rtree&c stands out from all the others
surrounding you.  It's probably the home of a tiny burrowing animal.  It has
been said throughout the Storm that Mudschool has a magical aura throughout
it.  Once you leave here and continue levelling, you will learn about
&Widentifying&c objects to reveal important information about them.  Maybe
there is something magical about this tree, it certainly is strange looking.
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 826
0 0 822
>enter_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
   if rand(75)
      mpecho &wA chipmunk scurries up the tree and climbs inside.
Southeastern Grounds of Mudschool~
A small trail eastwards will lead you back towards the Eastern Grounds of
Mudschool.  If you travel westwards, you will be sure to find more mobs
scattered throughout.  Once you have killed enough creatures, you should
have enough coins to &cbuy&c an item from Kalin at the Mudschool Shop, such
as a canteen to store fresh water.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 830
0 0 825
A Narrow Footpath~
Edging alongside the Southeastern Grounds is a tiny footpath.  Flowers of
all kinds have been carefully planted and tended to here.  This area of
Mudschool attracts many folks from the nearby towns because of its mystical
aura and simplicity.  Soothing feminine whispers float by you, being carried
away by the light breeze.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 828
0 0 824
A Narrow Footpath~
A narrow footpath leads north to a comfortable resting place.  Animals
and creatures travel freely all throughout the Fighting Grounds, oblivious
to the many adventurers preying upon them.  A kind-hearted soul seems to of
planted some &Rlilies&c bordering the path.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
lily lilie lilies~
&pDark violet lilies line the edges of this beautiful path.  They emit an
aroma so strong and heady one would think it magical.  
0 0 829
0 0 827
A Small Resting Site~
An old wooden bench occupies this clearing.  You can often find Shyan
relaxing here writing about her brave adventures.  A tiny streamlet runs
alongside, just enough to quench your thirst between battles.  Shyan is one
of the wisest Mentors at &WEye of the Storm II&c.  Ask her what it is you
seek, and she will do her best to inform you well.  
0 394264 0
Rd     0
0 0 816
0 0 828
Trampled Leaves and Branches~
Many bushes line the edge of the path you are travelling.  Sometimes you
can hear little animals scurrying within them, attempting to hide from those
of your kind.  Maybe you should take a look &Rinside&c the bush, you might
find something worth your interest.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 831
0 0 826
Trampled Leaves and Branches~
At &YEye of the Storm II&c, we like to promote &Wroleplaying&c with our
characters.  We have a channel called &Ychat&c, which is used for
roleplaying.  Type &Wchat <text>&c to talk on it.  If you want to learn more
about your class or race, type &Whelp <class or race>&c.  Be creative and
get involved!  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 832
0 0 830
Trampled Leaves and Branches~
As you travel south you will encounter more interesting creatures.  As
you conquer more and more mobs, you will soon advance to your next level. 
It is a good idea to head back to the training and practice rooms each time
you level.  Although you cannot practice any skills or spells until level
three, you can increase statistics such as wisdom and constitution.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 831
0 0 820
Mudschool Bank~
This is a rather small building branching off the main grounds.  This
isn't a typical bank with many tellers lined up to serve you, as it is
simply run by a local citizen donating his time to the Mudschool.  Any money
you deposit here can still be accessed from any bank in many of the towns. 
Markos has posted a large &Rsign&c explaining his services.  
0 17171468 0
Rd     0
&WThe following commands can be used at ANY bank:
&YDeposit:&W    To deposit coins, type &Rdeposit <gold/silver/copper> <amount>&W.
&W            Example: deposit gold 100
&YWithdraw:&W   To withdraw money, type &Rwithdraw <gold/silver/copper> <amount>&W.
&W            Example: withdraw silver 50
&YAccount:&W    To view how much money you have in your account, type &Raccount&W.
&YStore:&W      You can store items at a bank for safe keeping. This costs XX
&W            amount of TYPE coins. To view what items you have in storage,
&W            type &Rstore&W. To store an item, type &Rstore <item>&W. Then, to
&W            retrieve an item from your storage box, type &Rretrieve <item>&W.
&WTo find out how much money you are carrying, you can either type &Rscore&W or
&Rworth&W which both show you the amount of coins you have.
0 0 814
Beneath the Fighting Grounds~
This addition to the Fighting Grounds was created to help guide newcomers
in their quest of survival.  Underground, you will learn how to fight a mob,
make some money, find some equipment for yourself, and gain experience
points.  A huge &Rboard&c with detailed instructions has been staked into
the soil.  When you feel confident enough to fight in the main Fighting
Grounds, simply go &Wup&c from here and start exploring.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
&WYou must travel west until you can no more, then return here
when you have killed all the mobs. You should be very careful  
and remember to always &Ylook&W at mobs and items for more information.
Once you have learned all you can underground, travel upwards to  
the main Fighting Grounds.
0 0 835
0 0 816
Beneath the Fighting Grounds~
The clay walls on either side of you are damp and cold.  Torches attached
at various intervals throughout this tunnel provide sufficient light for
your purposes.  Your goal here is to kill this spider to gain &Wexperience
points.  &cType &Whelp exp&c for details on gaining experience.  Type &Rlook
spider&c if you are unsure of your next move.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 834
0 0 836
Deeper into the Tunnel~
Type &Wgroup&c or &Wscore&c to see how many experience points and hit
points you have.  Experience points help you reach your next level, by
killing mobs.  Hit points are like your lifeline, with zero hit points
&W(hp)&c you would die.  Each time a mob hits you, your hit points lower. 
By resting or sleeping you can regain lost hit points.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 835
0 0 837
Near the End of the Tunnel~
The tunnel is quite a bit narrower near the end.  The ground is damp and
cold.  Perhaps something to keep your feet warm would help.  Don't forget to
&Rcon&c any mob before attempting to kill it, &Rlook&c at items and mobs for
extra information, and &Rexamine&c a corpse after you've killed it for
equipment and coins.  There is a &Rsign&c posted on the door to the west.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
&RBEWARE!  &WTo your west resides an awful cruel ogre!  Note that you are
here forewarned of this evil animal.  Before venturing westwards, be sure
your hit points are full.  Type &Pgroup&W to see if you are at full hit
points.  If you aren't, you can either &Psleep&W or &Prest&W to regain them.
There is a door to your west that you may have to &Popen&W to get to the
creature.  Good luck adventurer!  
0 0 836
83 0 838
The End of the Tunnel~
You have finally reached the end of the tunnel.  This is the home of a
savage deformed ogre.  He is usually waiting here for his next victim,
gnawing away at the wooden door.  Once you conquer this creature, head back
east to find your way to the main Fighting Grounds above.  Be careful, he is
usually very hungry!  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
83 0 837
Edge of a River Bank~
An odd mixture of trees and plants breathe life into the Fighting
Grounds.  In the lands of the Storm, there is always an abundance of
wildlife and plant life.  If you strain your eyes towards the west, you
might be able to make out some sort of structure up in a tree.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 816
0 0 852
0 0 840
A Rope Bridge~
Water gushes ominously beneath you, splashing wildly against the soft
river bank.  The bridge is quite unsteady, swaying back and forth teasingly.
Perhaps you should quickly move onwards, before you fall in head first!  If
you stand here too long, a gale of wind might make you lose your balance.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 839
0 0 841
>enter_prog 100~
if rand(10)
   if ispc($n)
      mpecho &YA sudden gust of wind causes the bridge to sway wildly!
      mpecho &YBetter hurry and run to the other side!
      mpasound &RA huge gust of wind almost blows $n into the river!
Edge of a River Bank~
Sounds of water splashing against the river bank fill your ears.  During
a sunny afternoon, you can sit at the edge of the river and watch the fish
jumping.  If you happend across some old fishing line and a stick, you could
even catch yourself a fine meal.  Bethaven folks strongly encourage you not
to participate in such a sport though, as they are always trying to preserve
the forest creatures and plant life.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 840
0 0 842
An Old Oak Tree~
&RInitials&c carved onto the old oak tree are barely visible these days. 
A young couple must of engraved them here a long time ago.  If you look up,
you will notice a large treehouse made out of logs.  Tiny foot holes are
carved into the side of the tree to use as a &Rladder&c.  A frayed rope
hangs from an opening in the treehouse floor above.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
&OHoles are dug out for a pair of tiny feet, apparently once used as a
&R   @@@      @@@
&R @     @  @     @
&R @      @@      @
&R  @    K. M.   @
&R   @    +     @
&R    @  S. S. @
&R     @  xx  @
&R      @ oo @
&R       @  @
&R        @@
0 0 841
0 0 845
0 0 843
Inside a Treehouse~
A pile of leaves and brush are arranged on the left side of the
treehouse, perhaps used as a couch or place to rest.  The walls are covered
with cob webs and the floors creak as you walk about them.  It looks as if
there hasn't been anyone up here in ages.  Off in the right corner lies a
worn fragile &Rbook&c of some type.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
&CYou dust off the book, and see the title reads &RJournal of Kalin
Mikeira&C.  As you open it, you notice a small inscription written on the
inside cover.  
0 0 844
0 0 842
On Top of a Treehouse~
From this high up, you can see all of Mudschool surrounding you.  The
view is breathtaking.  The river rumbles below, otters and beavers swimming
about.  The landing you are standing on is not very strong, you should be
very careful you don't fall off.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 843
Behind an Old Oak Tree~
Flowers embrace the large oak tree, complementing its aging bark skin. 
There is a large boulder to the left of the tree, offering a comfortable
place to rest.  It looks as if a huge &Rhole&c has been dug leading under
the rock.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
&YYou look into a hole seemingly large enough for someone to crawl into. 
Listening closely, you can hear muffled growls from below!  
0 0 842
0 0 847
0 0 846
Beneath a Large Boulder~
This obviously isn't a most desirable place to be.  Bright &Yyellow&c
eyes glare at you hungrily.  This is the home of a giant wild badger!  He
rarely leaves his cold and damp abode, and is extremely agressive to
intruders.  If you aren't prepared for a nasty fight, you better scurry out
of here quick!  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 845
Southwestern Grounds of Mudschool~
Many trees tower over the trodden path, offering shade and protection
from the burning sun.  Berries and flowers grow wildly all over the Fighting
Grounds, which are tended by citizens of Bethaven.  They take great care in
preserving the natural life they cherish so much.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 845
0 0 848
Southwestern Grounds of Mudschool~
Folks from nearby towns often visit the Fighting Grounds in search of
berries and wild flowers.  Although most are friendly, they aren't inclined
to sit and chat for long.  Daily chores and responsibilities are always
popping up, leaving little time for leisure.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 847
0 0 849
Deep Within the Fighting Grounds~
You've travelled quite deep into the Fighting Grounds.  Here it is much
more quiet and dark, for many folks don't normally travel this far into the
forest.  The atmosphere is eerie and extremely silent.  Occassionaly one can
hear the wolves howling further into the Fighting Grounds.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 850
0 0 848
Southern Trail~
The southern trail leads you back into the main Fighting Grounds, where
it is much more lively and not nearly as dark and dreary.  Vines line the
old trees like snakes wrapping themselves about them.  Ruffling sounds get
louder to your left, as you turn around you notice the vines are moving!  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 851
0 0 849
Southern Trail~
Large rocks line the sides of the trail, colorful flowers planted
randomly about them.  You might want to take a &Wrest&c soon, the humid air
and burning sun can wear you out pretty fast.  Remember to keep a sharp eye
out for aggressive creatures roaming within the grounds.  You always want to
be prepared for a battle.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 852
0 0 850
Southern Trail~
Once you have completed Mudschool, and the creatures and animals here no
longer offer you a challenge, your next stop will be the Arena.  The Arena
was created also by the citizens of Bethaven.  Unlike Mudschool, it's
purpose isn't to teach and guide, but to simply provide younger folks a
place to practice their skills and gain a few more levels before venturing
out on their own.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 839
0 0 851
A Dim Walkway~
The walkway is covered with long silken grass.  From up ahead a soft
glowing light emits from beneath an entryway.  What is this odd addition to
the Mudschool?  If you dare to discover, continue your venture eastwards. 
Be prepared, and examine the rooms carefully.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
0 0 854
0 0 805
A Dim Walkway~
Directly &Rnorth&c from here a black mist seeps from beneath a large iron
door.  The stench from it is almost unbearable.  The door to the &Rsouth&c
is veiled in a bright white light.  Vibrations cause it to create a serene
humming sound.  Something quite detailed has been etched into the &Rwall&c
in front of you.  
0 393240 0
Rd     0
&CBeyond this room begins new worlds filled with new people.
You must make a choice once you have learned all you can in
Mudschool. Once you have reached level &Rfour&C, you will have learned
everything you need here. It is then that you arrive here to be taken
to an &RArena&C to fight tougher creatures and mobs. You will be given the
choice to follow the path of &WGood&C or &wEvil&C. The choice you make will
affect your &Ralignment&C. Typing &Whelp alignment&C will tell you more.
&RBlood drips through the edges of this large door.  Black mist
encompasses it entirely.  Beyond this door lies an EVIL man.  There are
those within the Storm that choose to follow his ways.  If you are one of
them, you will find your destiny beyond here.  
3 0 855
&PAncient myths reveal that a goddess Storm Angel is always near those
that are GOOD.  It is said that her spirit spreads across the many lands. 
South of you she rests, awaiting the next follower of GOOD and PEACE.  If
you wish to remain good, go to her and seek your destiny.  
3 0 856
0 0 853
0 0 857
&wA Gloomy Black Room~
You enter a pitch &zblack&c room, more resembling a dreary pit.  Lord
Drauzen stands eerily in the corner, eyeing your every move.  Dark mist
envelops you, blurring your vision and making it very difficult to breathe. 
One might reconsider sticking around here for long, it is not at all
0 394264 0
Rd     0
&RExtremely Important Information!
&YIf you choose to enter this black hole you will be transferred 
&Yto Drauzen's Arena in Ravenwood. Your &Ralignment&Y right now is neutral.
&YOnce you begin fighting in Ravenwood, your alignment will become EVIL. If
you happen to be in Ravenwood with a GOOD alignment, the guards can throw
3 0 854
&YA Brightly Lit Room~
&WYou have stepped into a heavenly room filled with flowers, tiny birds
and many rainbows.  Colorful lights splash against the white marble floor,
dancing playfully.  Torinne floats above you, her long blonde hair cascading
behind her.  
0 394264 0
Rd     0
3 0 854
The RiddleMaster's Lair~
Trinkets and collectibles dangle from the ceiling high above.  The walls
are covered from top to bottom with deformed looking mirrors.  This room
somewhat resembles a circus.  Huge stuffed animals are lined up starting at
each corner of the wall.  Books and loose papers are scattered all about.  A
circular bed is sunken into the floor, lined with purple and green dotted
0 394776 0
Rd     0
0 0 854

M 823 spec_healer

M 0 800 1 800
M 0 820 1 809
M 0 821 1 810
M 0 822 1 813
E 0 801 0 16
G 0 830 0
G 0 831 0
G 0 846 0
O 0 829 0 816
M 0 817 1 816
M 0 838 5 817
E 0 856 0 18
E 0 856 0 19
M 0 826 5 818
E 0 849 0 24
E 0 849 0 23
M 0 825 4 819
M 0 826 5 819
E 0 854 0 25
E 0 854 0 26
M 0 823 1 821
O 0 832 0 821
M 0 825 4 822
M 0 826 5 823
O 0 828 0 823
M 0 833 2 824
O 0 826 0 824
O 0 844 0 825
P 0 845 0 844
M 0 825 4 827
M 0 826 5 828
M 0 825 4 828
M 0 834 1 829
O 0 847 0 829
O 0 827 0 829
M 0 826 5 830
O 0 841 0 830
P 0 842 0 841
P 0 843 0 841
M 0 832 3 832
M 0 824 1 833
M 0 827 1 835
E 0 840 0 5
M 0 828 1 836
E 0 833 0 13
M 0 829 1 837
G 0 835 0
M 0 830 1 838
E 0 839 0 12
M 0 838 5 839
E 0 857 0 3
M 0 832 3 840
M 0 831 3 841
M 0 838 5 842
M 0 831 3 843
M 0 838 5 844
M 0 838 5 845
M 0 836 1 846
M 0 832 3 847
O 0 825 0 847
E 0 858 0 14
M 0 835 1 848
O 0 848 0 848
E 0 860 0 5
E 0 859 0 16
M 0 831 3 849
E 0 855 0 24
E 0 855 0 23
M 0 837 1 850
G 0 852 0
M 0 833 2 851
E 0 853 0 17
M 0 819 1 855
O 0 851 0 855
M 0 818 1 856
O 0 850 0 856
M 0 816 1 857

822 19 17 10 15 0 100 100 0 23
