 * defines for the dmalloc library
 * Copyright 1995 by Gray Watson
 * This file is part of the dmalloc package.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
 * NON-COMMERCIAL purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
 * that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear
 * in all copies, and that the name of Gray Watson not be used in
 * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the document
 * or software without specific, written prior permission.
 * Gray Watson makes no representations about the suitability of the
 * software described herein for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
 * without express or implied warranty.
 * The author may be contacted at gray.watson@letters.com
 * $Id: dmalloc.h.1,v 1.8 1995/06/20 22:37:20 gray Exp $

#ifndef __DMALLOC_H__
#define __DMALLOC_H__

/* this is dmalloc.h */
/* produced by configure, inserted into dmalloc.h */

/* the const operator */
/* const is available */

 * the definition of DMALLOC_SIZE
 * NOTE: some architectures have malloc, realloc, etc.
 * using unsigned instead of unsigned long.  You may
 * have to edit this by hand to fix any compilation
 * warnings or errors.
#include <sys/types.h>
#define DMALLOC_SIZE size_t

/* NOTE: start of $Id: dmalloc.h.3,v 1.15 1997/01/16 15:16:46 gray Exp $ */

/* this defines what type the standard void memory-pointer is */
#if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC__ == 1
#define DMALLOC_PNT		void *
#define DMALLOC_FREE_RET	void
#define DMALLOC_PNT		char *
#define DMALLOC_FREE_RET	int

 * malloc function return codes
#define CALLOC_ERROR		0L		/* error from calloc */
#define MALLOC_ERROR		0L		/* error from malloc */
#define REALLOC_ERROR		0L		/* error from realloc */

/* NOTE: this if for non- __STDC__ systems only */
#define FREE_ERROR		0		/* error from free */
#define FREE_NOERROR		1		/* no error from free */

#define DMALLOC_VERIFY_ERROR	0		/* checks failed, error */
#define DMALLOC_VERIFY_NOERROR	1		/* checks passed, no error */

 * default values if _malloc_file and _malloc_line are not set
#define DMALLOC_UNKNOWN_FILE	"unknown"

 * alloc macros to improve memory usage readibility...
#undef ALLOC
#define ALLOC(type, count) \
  (type *)malloc((DMALLOC_SIZE)(sizeof(type) * (count)))

#undef MALLOC
#define MALLOC(size) \
  (char *)malloc((DMALLOC_SIZE)(size))

/* NOTICE: the arguments are REVERSED from normal calloc() */
#undef CALLOC
#define CALLOC(type, count) \
  (type *)calloc((DMALLOC_SIZE)(count), (DMALLOC_SIZE)sizeof(type))

#undef REALLOC
#define REALLOC(ptr, type, count) \
  (type *)realloc((char *)(ptr), (DMALLOC_SIZE)(sizeof(type) * (count)))

#define REMALLOC(ptr, size) \
  (char *)realloc((char *)(ptr), (DMALLOC_SIZE)(size))

#undef FREE
#define FREE(ptr) \
  free((char *)(ptr))

/*<<<<<<<<<<  The below prototypes are auto-generated by fillproto */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* logfile for dumping dmalloc info, DMALLOC_LOGFILE env var overrides this */
extern	char		*dmalloc_logpath;

/* internal dmalloc error number for reference purposes only */
extern	int		dmalloc_errno;

/* address to look for.  when discovered call dmalloc_error() */
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	dmalloc_address;

 * argument to dmalloc_address, if 0 then never call dmalloc_error()
 * else call it after seeing dmalloc_address for this many times.
extern	int		dmalloc_address_count;

 * shutdown memory-allocation module, provide statistics if necessary
extern	void	dmalloc_shutdown(void);

 * allocate and return a SIZE block of bytes.  returns 0L on error.
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	malloc(DMALLOC_SIZE size);

 * allocate and return a block of _zeroed_ bytes able to hold
 * NUM_ELEMENTS, each element contains SIZE bytes.  returns 0L on
 * error.
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	calloc(DMALLOC_SIZE num_elements, DMALLOC_SIZE size);

 * resizes OLD_PNT to NEW_SIZE bytes and return the new space after
 * either copying all of OLD_PNT to the new area or truncating.
 * returns 0L on error.
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	realloc(DMALLOC_PNT old_pnt, DMALLOC_SIZE new_size);

 * release PNT in the heap, returning FREE_ERROR, FREE_NOERROR or void
 * depending on whether STDC is defined by your compiler.

 * same as free(PNT)

 * log the heap structure plus information on the blocks if necessary.
extern	void	dmalloc_log_heap_map(void);

 * dump dmalloc statistics to logfile
extern	void	dmalloc_log_stats(void);

 * dump unfreed-memory info to logfile
extern	void	dmalloc_log_unfreed(void);

 * verify pointer PNT, if PNT is 0 then check the entire heap.
extern	int	dmalloc_verify(const DMALLOC_PNT pnt);

 * same as dmalloc_verify
extern	int	malloc_verify(const DMALLOC_PNT pnt);

 * set the global debug functionality FLAGS to debug (0 to disable all
 * debugging).  NOTE: after this module has started up, you cannot set
 * certain flags such as fence-post or free-space checking.
extern	void	dmalloc_debug(const int flags);

 * returns the current debug functionality flags.  this allows you to
 * save a dmalloc library state to be restored later.
extern	int	dmalloc_debug_current(void);

 * examine pointer PNT and returns SIZE, and FILE / LINE info on it,
 * or return-address RET_ADDR if any of the pointers are not 0L.
 * if FILE returns 0L then RET_ATTR may have a value and vice versa.
 * returns NOERROR or ERROR depending on whether PNT is good or not
extern	int	dmalloc_examine(const DMALLOC_PNT pnt, DMALLOC_SIZE * size,
				 char ** file, unsigned int * line,
				 DMALLOC_PNT * ret_attr);

 * dmalloc version of strerror to return the string version of ERRNUM
 * returns the string for MALLOC_BAD_ERRNO if ERRNUM is out-of-range.
extern	char	*dmalloc_strerror(const int errnum);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/*<<<<<<<<<<   This is end of the auto-generated output from fillproto. */

 * alloc macros to provide for memory FILE/LINE debugging information.


#undef calloc
#define calloc(count, size) \
  _calloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, count, size)
#undef free
#define free(ptr) \
  _free_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr)
#undef malloc
#define malloc(size) \
  _malloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, size)
#undef realloc
#define realloc(ptr, size) \
  _realloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr, size)

#undef xcalloc
#define xcalloc(count, size) \
  _xcalloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, count, size)
#undef xfree
#define xfree(ptr) \
  _xfree_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr)
#undef xmalloc
#define xmalloc(size) \
  _xmalloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, size)
#undef xrealloc
#define xrealloc(ptr, size) \
  _xrealloc_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr, size)
#undef xstrdup
#define xstrdup(str) \
  _xstrdup_leap(__FILE__, __LINE__, str)


 * do debugging on the following functions.  this may cause compilation or
 * other problems depending on your architecture.
#undef bcmp
#define bcmp(b1, b2, len)		_dmalloc_bcmp(b1, b2, len)
#undef bcopy
#define bcopy(from, to, len)		_dmalloc_bcopy(from, to, len)

#undef memcmp
#define memcmp(b1, b2, len)		_dmalloc_memcmp(b1, b2, len)
#undef memcpy
#define memcpy(to, from, len)		_dmalloc_memcpy(to, from, len)
#undef memset
#define memset(buf, ch, len)		_dmalloc_memset(buf, ch, len)

#undef index
#define index(str, ch)			_dmalloc_index(str, ch)
#undef rindex
#define rindex(str, ch)			_dmalloc_rindex(str, ch)

#undef strcat
#define strcat(to, from)		_dmalloc_strcat(to, from)
#undef strcmp
#define strcmp(s1, s2)			_dmalloc_strcmp(s1, s2)
#undef strlen
#define strlen(str)			_dmalloc_strlen(str)
#undef strtok
#define strtok(str, sep)		_dmalloc_strtok(str, sep)

#undef bzero
#define bzero(buf, len)			_dmalloc_bzero(buf, len)

#undef memccpy
#define memccpy(s1, s2, ch, len)	_dmalloc_memccpy(s1, s2, ch, len)
#undef memchr
#define memchr(s1, ch, len)		_dmalloc_memchr(s1, ch, len)

#undef strchr
#define strchr(str, ch)			_dmalloc_strchr(str, ch)
#undef strrchr
#define strrchr(str, ch)		_dmalloc_strrchr(str, ch)

#undef strcpy
#define strcpy(to, from)		_dmalloc_strcpy(to, from)
#undef strncpy
#define strncpy(to, from, len)		_dmalloc_strncpy(to, from, len)
#undef strcasecmp
#define strcasecmp(s1, s2)		_dmalloc_strcasecmp(s1, s2)
#undef strncasecmp
#define strncasecmp(s1, s2, len)	_dmalloc_strncasecmp(s1, s2, len)
#undef strspn
#define strspn(str, list)		_dmalloc_strspn(str, list)
#undef strcspn
#define strcspn(str, list)		_dmalloc_strcspn(str, list)
#undef strncat
#define strncat(to, from, len)		_dmalloc_strncat(to, from, len)
#undef strncmp
#define strncmp(s1, s2, len)		_dmalloc_strncmp(s1, s2, len)
#undef strpbrk
#define strpbrk(str, list)		_dmalloc_strpbrk(str, list)
#undef strstr
#define strstr(str, pat)		_dmalloc_strstr(str, pat)

 * feel free to add your favorite functions here and to arg_check.[ch]

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * copied in from arg_check.h with IMPORT -> extern, all comments removed
extern	int	_dmalloc_bcmp(const void * b1, const void * b2,
			      const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	void	_dmalloc_bcopy(const char * from, char * to,
			       const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	int	_dmalloc_memcmp(const void * b1, const void * b2,
				const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_memcpy(char * to, const char * from,
				 const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_memset(void * buf, const char ch,
				 const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_index(const char * str, const char ch);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_rindex(const char * str, const char ch);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strcat(char * to, const char * from);
extern	int	_dmalloc_strcmp(const char * s1, const char * s2);
extern	DMALLOC_SIZE	_dmalloc_strlen(const char * str);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strtok(char * str, const char * sep);
extern	void	_dmalloc_bzero(void * buf, const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_memccpy(char * s1, const char * s2, const char ch,
				  const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_memchr(const char * s1, const char ch,
				 const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strchr(const char * str, const char ch);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strrchr(const char * str, const char ch);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strcpy(char * to, const char * from);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strncpy(char * to, const char * from,
				  const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	int	_dmalloc_strcasecmp(const char * s1, const char * s2);
extern	int	_dmalloc_strncasecmp(const char * s1, const char * s2,
				     const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	int	_dmalloc_strspn(const char * str, const char * list);
extern	int	_dmalloc_strcspn(const char * str, const char * list);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strncat(char * to, const char * from,
				  const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	int	_dmalloc_strncmp(const char * s1, const char * s2,
				 const DMALLOC_SIZE len);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strpbrk(const char * str, const char * list);
extern	char	*_dmalloc_strstr(const char * str, const char * pat);

#ifdef __cplusplus


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * copied directly from malloc_lp.h with IMPORT -> extern, routines trimmed
/* to inform the dmalloc library from which file the call comes from */
extern	char		*_dmalloc_file;

/* to inform the library from which line-number the call comes from */
extern	unsigned int	_dmalloc_line;

 * leap routine to calloc
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	_calloc_leap(const char * file, const int line,
			      DMALLOC_SIZE elen, DMALLOC_SIZE size);

 * leap routine to free
extern	DMALLOC_FREE_RET	_free_leap(const char * file, const int line,
					   DMALLOC_PNT pnt);

 * leap routine to malloc
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	_malloc_leap(const char * file, const int line,
				     DMALLOC_SIZE size);

 * leap routine to realloc
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	_realloc_leap(const char * file, const int line,
				      DMALLOC_PNT oldp, DMALLOC_SIZE new_size);

 * leap routine to calloc with error checking
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	_xcalloc_leap(const char * file, const int line,
				      DMALLOC_SIZE elen, DMALLOC_SIZE size);

 * leap routine to free
extern	DMALLOC_FREE_RET	_xfree_leap(const char * file, const int line,
					    DMALLOC_PNT pnt);

 * leap routine to malloc with error checking
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	_xmalloc_leap(const char * file, const int line,
				      DMALLOC_SIZE size);

 * leap routine to realloc with error checking
extern	DMALLOC_PNT	_xrealloc_leap(const char * file, const int line,
				       DMALLOC_PNT oldp, DMALLOC_SIZE new_size);

 * leap routine for strdup with error checking
extern	char 	*_xstrdup_leap(const char * file, const int line,
			       const char * str);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* ! DMALLOC_DISABLE */

#endif /* ! __DMALLOC_H__ */