You may learn one or more of the following trades to become famous at: Cleric: A devout and holy person who believes in, and carries out, will of their god. Not every god has the same set of values... One god's Good is another god's Evil. Thief: The thief is the outcast of society. Any thief knows that the misfortune of others can be turned to a tidy profit! The true power of the thief is in the accumulation of wealth. Warrior: UNNNGGH! Me kill things! As you'd guess, the fighters of this place choose force as the answer to just about everything. Unfortunately for the rest of us, it often works! Mage: The mage believes that brute force is as useless as grubbing on your knees before some god. TRUE power comes from knowledge of the universe! Many a mage has died to prove that point. But, a few have lived... Ranger: The ranger chooses to take a little bit from all the classes. An outdoorsman, he is self-sufficient and has learned to fight very well. His closeness to nature has taught him some skills in magic and given him some understanding of the ways of the nature gods. Society has taught him trickery as well! Class [CTWMR?]: