1	 Start of Object
sword long longsword ~	names
a long sword
There is a long sword lying here rusting.
     You see a very utilitarian sword of bright steel.  It has two small,
curved hand guards and its grip is of tightly wrapped leather.  It's
pommel has a falcon stamped into it.
57 41 30 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 10 0 200 11 2 6 1 	extras
1024 85 1 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
7 3 8 3 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

2	 Start of Object
ring pewter ~	names
a pewter ring
There is a pewter ring lying here.
     The pewter ring looks pretty ordinary, but then looks can be 
deceiving.  It is a simple band of silvery metal wrapped in a pattern of 
interlinking loops.
40 38 37 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 3 1 0 0 1 	extras
1024 3185 2 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
23 10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

3	 Start of Object
corpse body ~	names
a corpse
You see a ghastly bug-ridden corpse!
This testament to the inherent violence of the universe saddens you.  You
ponder the sacrilege and then manage to rationalize your stealing of this
former being's belongings.  What would a dead person need with gold, anyway?

54 40 21 10 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 32000 150 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 3 0 	cur_stats
128 9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 200 100 10 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

4	 Start of Object
bag ~	names
a bag
A small bag lies here discarded. 
     You see a small bag sewn from canvas.  It is ordinary, but quite strong.
54 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 32000 5 0 0 1 	extras
1024 29 4 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 75 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

5	 Start of Object
gold coins coin ~	names
some gold
A pile of gold lies here. 
     You see a pile of gold lying on the ground, wish you could tell how
big it was eh? :)
55 40 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 32000 2 0 0 0 	extras
1024 0 5 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

6	 Start of Object
garland rose ~	names
a garland
A garland of roses lies here.
    You see a delicately woven garland of roses with the thorns removed.
56 40 22 10 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 5 2 0 0 1 	extras
1024 6500 6 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

7	 Start of Object
water ~	names
some water
Some water sloshes around here.
     Some water sloshes around, concentric circles marking it's
60 40 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 9999 1 0 0 1 	extras
1024 25 7 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
101 8 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

8	 Start of Object
skin ~	names
a ragged skin
A bug-ridden skin lies here.
You see a nasty, not-long-dead skin here!!

50 36 35 34 33 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 500 10 0 0 0 	extras
1024 35 8 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

10	 Start of Object
fountain ~	names
the fountain
A sparkling fountain gurgles and splashes happily.
     This marble fountain stands here providing water for all who are in
need.  The water pours down out of a sculpted trumpet flower into a shallow
pool and then cascades down into the main basin.  Although you might expect
the walls to be green and slimy, it is remarkably clean.  Perhaps this
is because the water is so cold!!
59 54 40 31 19 10 7 4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
-1 0 100 0 32000 985 0 0 1 	extras
1024 25000 10 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 2000 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
7 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

11	 Start of Object
canteen water ~	names
a canteen
A small metal canvas covered canteen sits here.
     This is a simple canteen with a canvas covering.  There is a metal
chain connecting the lid to the canteen so you will be sure not to lose
59 54 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 32000 5 0 0 1 	extras
1024 39 11 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 25 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
7 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

12	 Start of Object
wagon wheel wagonwheel ~	names
a wagon wheel
A wagon wheel lies on its side in the dust.
     This wheel has done its time.  It's metal band is pitted and scratched
and the oaken spokes are old and grey.  The hub is cracked, which is why
it is no longer on the wagon, and covered with black grease.
40 39 14 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 45 33 0 0 1 	extras
1024 149 12 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

13	 Start of Object
bread ~	names
a small loaf of bread
A small loaf of bread sits here.
     You see a small round loaf of bread.  It's crust is baked to a crusty
golden brown.  Just looking at it makes you drool!
61 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
10 0 75 0 9999 2 0 0 1 	extras
1024 25 13 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 8 101 -2 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

14	 Start of Object
pill green ~	names
a large green pill
A large green pill lies here.
	You see a huge green pill with a dullish sheen to it.  Looks
like it could choke a small horse!

63 61 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 1 	extras
1024 73 14 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 1 -1	stat_affects
3 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
End of Object.

15	 Start of Object
scroll yellow sulphur ~	names
an odorous yellow scroll
A smelly yellow scroll lies here.
	You see a scroll of coarse, yellow paper.  Some spidery writing
covers it almost entirely.  The whole thing smells like sulphur and the
signature reads Don Quemar.

66 65 63 53 40 31 13 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 20 1 0 0 5 	extras
1024 4500 15 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
219 22 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

16	 Start of Object
flight cap ~	names
a leather flight cap
A polished leather flight cap with ear flaps lies here.
	You see a nicely oiled leather flight cap.  It looks as if it
could keep your head warm even in extreme cold.

66 65 56 40 22 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 9999 2 0 0 1 	extras
1024 65 16 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
30 -20 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

17	 Start of Object
willow shoot ~	names
a willow shoot
A green willow shoot lies here.
	You see a springy green willow shoot.  It looks flexible enough
to be made into all kinds of neat things.

67 63 50 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 75 0 20 2 0 0 1 	extras
1024 15 17 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
19 17 18 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

18	 Start of Object
hide bull ~	names
a tough bull hide
A tough bull hide lies here.
	You see a tough hide rolled up tightly and tied with a string.

67 63 50 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 20 3 0 0 1 	extras
1024 15 18 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
19 17 18 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

19	 Start of Object
shield bull ~	names
a bull hide shield
A bull hide shield lies in the dust.
	You see a fairly inexpertly crafted shield made of a willow
branch and a bull hide.  

56 40 39 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 0 0 25 6 0 0 6 	extras
1024 45 19 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -10 23 5 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

20	 Start of Object
toolbox wooden box ~	names
a rough wooden toolbox
A rough wooden toolbox filled with inconsequential tools sits here.
	You see a sturdy, if wrather small wooden toolbox.  If you wanted
to construct a true masterpiece, then perhaps you would desire something 
finer, but for simple projects this should do just fine.

64 54 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 250 15 0 0 1 	extras
1024 40 20 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 30 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

21	 Start of Object
gloves black leather ~	names
some black leather gloves
A pair of black leather gloves lies here forgotten.
	These gloves are soft, comfortable, and amazingly resistent to
stains and scuffing.

56 40 29 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 25 0 200 2 0 0 1 	extras
1024 50 21 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
30 -5 9 -4 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

22	 Start of Object
parchment blank ~	names
a blank parchment
A blank parchment lies here, tabula rasa.
	You see a fine piece of parchment ready to be written on.

69 63 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 20 2 0 0 11 	extras
1024 3334 22 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
End of Object.

23	 Start of Object
pen felt ~	names
a felt tipped pen
A felt tipped pen lies here with the cap on it.
You see a fairly nice pen.  It will serve for communications and
minor spells, but you somehow doubt that it would be worthy of a truly
powerful spell.

66 57 43 30 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 25 1 2 3 5 	extras
1024 50 23 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

25	 Start of Object
scroll fireball ~	names
a fireball scroll
A scroll in a delicate hand lies here rolled up.
	You see a scroll scribed in a beautiful but almost illegible hand.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 50 2 0 0 15 	extras
1024 400 25 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
219 22 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

26	 Start of Object
scroll armor ~	names
a scroll of armor
A tightly wrapped scroll lies here.
	This scroll makes you feel safe as you run your hands along it.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 15 2 0 0 10 	extras
1024 1200 26 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
203 21 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

27	 Start of Object
scroll sanctuary ~	names
a scroll of sanctuary
A softly glowing scroll lies here.
	You see a scroll that seems to glow with an inner light.  It does
not exude evil however, but gives off instead an aura of peacefullness.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 20 2 0 0 15 	extras
1024 3500 27 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
205 22 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

28	 Start of Object
scroll poison ~	names
a poisonous scroll
An evil looking scroll lies here.
	You see a scroll filled with poisonous words.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 25 2 0 0 5 	extras
1024 2000 28 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
226 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

29	 Start of Object
scroll illuminate ~	names
an oily scroll
An oily scroll lies here.
	This scroll is made of regular parchment, but a light oil of some
type seems to permeate the scroll where the incantations are written.
63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 25 2 0 0 5 	extras
1024 425 29 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
218 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

30	 Start of Object
scroll teleport ~	names
a scroll of teleportation
An scroll with a strange sort of map drawn on it lies here.
	You see a scroll filled with a fine map of the world.  It is 
covered with an overlay of intersecting vectors and the margins are 
filled with strange equations of some type.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 25 2 0 0 13 	extras
1024 400 30 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
179 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

31	 Start of Object
manual newbie ~	names
a newbie manual
A newbie manual lies here unread.
You see the keys to happiness and addiction.
It reads:
	Welcome to ScryMUD, coded by Ben Greear(currently 
greear@cyberhighway.net).  Please check out the web page for news and
information:  http://scry.wanfear.com
	ScryMUD is all original code and world, written from the ground up by
myself and our band of merry builders.  We would be honored if you
would join us in re-discovering the realm you now find yourself in.
	For a complete list of help commands, try:
  help commands
  help topics
  help rules
	I have written a special client, Hegemon for ScryMUD.  It has some nice
features, including color and a navigation panel.  Hegemon is a java
applet, and you may get to it from the page mentioned above.
Enjoy your stay,
-- Grock, Shamu and the rest

40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 9999 3 0 0 0 	extras
1024 50 31 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

32	 Start of Object
board bulletin cork ~	names
a bulletin board
A bulletin board hangs on the wall.
	You see a cork bulletin board hanging on the wall.  It is covered with
notes that other people have written.  To see the messages you should
'examine' it.  To write one of your own, try post.  To read a message 
try 'read <number>.

74 54 40 21 10 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 500 0 0 0 	extras
1024 5000 32 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 500 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

33	 Start of Object
bow locust ~	names
a locust bow
A yellow lucust bow lies here.
	This fine bow is made of a very fine grained piece of a locust trunk.
It glows golden in the light.

57 47 45 30 17 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 25 0 20 14 3 4 10 	extras
1024 6200 33 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

35	 Start of Object
board immort ~	names
the immort board
A cork board hangs here with messages posted on it.
This board is quite messy, but thats how we are!

74 54 40 21 10 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 35 0 0 1 	extras
1024 35000 35 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 100 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

37	 Start of Object
boots leather ~	names
black leather boots
A supple pair of black leather boots lie here.
These boots were well made and cared for.  They come about half way up your
calf and feel very supportive.  They are light and comfortable, but sturdy
enough to last a life time.

56 40 36 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 20 4 0 0 0 	extras
1024 495 37 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
25 10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

38	 Start of Object
tea ~	names
some dark tea
Some dark tea sloshes slightly in it's container.
This tea has a dark color and smells faintly of Sumaac.

60 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 200 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 12 38 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 2 101 8 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

40	 Start of Object
sash ~	names
a black silk sash
A fine black silk sash lies here.
You see a fine black sash of silk, embroidered with an emerald

56 40 34 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 895 40 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
2 1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

41	 Start of Object
juice grape ~	names
some grape juice
Some grape juice sits here.
Dark purple grape juice waits for it's transformation into wine.

60 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 500 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 8 41 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 1 101 7 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

45	 Start of Object
rod ash ashen ~	names
a blackened ash rod
A charred limb of an ash tree lies here.
	You see a short section of an ash limb that has some how been
charred.  The fire has made it extremely hard, but the runes carved along
its length lead you to believe that it is more than just a handy cudgel.

63 57 51 42 31 30 14 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
3 0 25 0 20 8 4 3 1 	extras
1024 5100 45 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
End of Object.

50	 Start of Object
dagger steel ~	names
a gleaming dagger
A dagger of gleaming steel lies here.
A finely crafted dagger with a dark hangle and gleaming steel blade
fits nicely into your hand.  It is relatively simple, though well made,
and in the right hands, it could be deadly.

57 43 31 30 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 0 10 3 4 5 	extras
1024 3500 50 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

60	 Start of Object
goldenseal herb plant ~	names
a goldenseal plant
A goldenseal plant grows in the shade.
You see a Goldenseal plant growing here in the shade.  This powerful herb
is admired by many physicians for it's antibiotic healing properties.

40 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 25 0 5 2 0 0 1 	extras
1024 7500 60 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

97	 Start of Object
meat ~	names
a piece of meat
A piece of meat lies here.
You see small piece of meat recently hacked off some corpse.  It looks 
edible enough, but you remain convinced there are better ways to feed

61 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 200 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 15 97 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 6 101 -1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

99	 Start of Object
belt leather ~	names
a brown leather belt
A brown leather belt, creased and well oiled, lies here.
You see a nice leather belt.  It doesn't look too special, but it sure
would be a stylish way to hold up your pants!

56 40 34 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 2 0 0 0 	extras
1024 75 99 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

101	 Start of Object
leggings chain ~	names
some chain leggings
A heap of fine rings seems to be some kind of garment.
Some craftsman must have spent weeks constructing this fine
set of chain mail leggings.  Each loop of shining metal is looped with
three of its neighbors.  It is supprisingly light, and affords great
protection to piercing weapons!

67 63 56 40 35 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 12 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2100 101 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -15 -1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
463 462 101 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

143	 Start of Object
bench wooden ~	names
a wooden bench
A wooden bench is anchored to the pavement with large bolts.
This humble wooden bench often seats some of the finest magicians
in the realm.  It is simply constructed of iron and oak, but just
being around so much magic seems to have imbued it with an 
impervious sheen.

50 40 21 10 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 0 1 1000 0 0 	extras
1024 500 143 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

144	 Start of Object
staff runed ash ashen ~	names
an ashen staff
A staff of carved ash lies here.
This staff, made from the heart wood of an ancient ash split asunder by
lightning, has been carefully carved with runes of power.  The staff is
the symbol of the acadamy and the Grand Mage guards it closely, even as
it guards him or her.

63 57 51 42 31 30 15 11 10 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
4 0 50 0 0 5 5 5 20 	extras
1024 5500 144 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
24 10 -1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
217 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

145	 Start of Object
altar marble ~	names
a marble altar
A large, extremely heavy, marble altar stands in the center of the temple.
The altar contains many gifts that people offer as tokens to the
powers of good.  Fortunately, temple attendants regularly clean the
altar out, because food is a typical offering!  Flowers also can be
seen from time to time.

54 40 21 10 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 0 5000 0 0 0 	extras
1024 500 145 0 	cur_stats
9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 6000 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

146	 Start of Object
dagger fang maedon ~	names
Maedon's Fang
A beautiful dagger of blue steel inscribed with a serpent's image lies here.
This dagger has always served it's owner well.  Maedon Thane was
given this dagger as a gift of gratitude from Shiva, one of the
most well known blade makers in the realm.  Once, in a mighty rage,
Maedon struck a stone table with this dagger.  The dagger pierced
three inches of granite to it's hilt, itself hissing violently!

57 43 31 30 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 10 3 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 10 0 3 8 4 7 20 	extras
1024 500000 146 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
18 -300 23 25 35 2 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

153	 Start of Object
scroll healing ~	names
a scroll of healing
A scroll of healing lies here tightly bound.
This soft scroll is covered with healing words and smells of ointment.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 153 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

155	 Start of Object
key bronze ~	names
a bronze key
A large bronze key lies here.
This sturdy key is made of highly polished bronze.  It looks like it
goes to a door or a large chest.

50 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 0 5 1 0 0 	extras
1024 5 155 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

160	 Start of Object
scroll rainbow ~	names
a rainbow colored scroll
A rainbow colored scroll lies here.
A beautiful rainbow colored scroll lies here.  An almost invisible, and
cool, fire seems to burn around the edges...

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 160 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
39 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

162	 Start of Object
scroll dart darkness ~	names
a black scroll
A black scroll written in block letters lies here.
Looks like someone was just learning how to write scrolls when they
fashioned this one!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1500 162 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
139 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

188	 Start of Object
ringmail chainmail mail shirt ~	names
a ringmail shirt
A shirt of fine rings lies here in a glittering heap.
This shirt has been painstakingly created one silvery loop at a time.  It
looks quite comfortable, and would no doubt protect you very well!

56 40 33 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 11 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2500 188 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -13 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

190	 Start of Object
sword steel shortsword ~	names
a steel shortsword
A steel shortsword lies here.
This is a fine steel sword about two feet long.  It's
grip is made of wrapped leather, with a small guard to protect
the fingers.

57 41 31 30 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 200 8 4 3 5 	extras
1024 500 190 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
7 1 8 1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

193	 Start of Object
vest ~	names
a thick leather vest
A stiff leather vest lies abandoned.
This vest of thick bull-hide is not extremely comfortable, but it does
do a decent job of protecting it's owner.

56 33 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 5 0 30 2 0 0 12 	extras
1024 100 193 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -4 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

196	 Start of Object
scroll shadows ~	names
a scroll of shadows
A dark scroll reminding you of smoke lies here.
This scroll seems to absorb all light, and yet remain almost translucent.
When you are not staring straight at it, it almost seems to dissappear!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 500 196 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
140 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

201	 Start of Object
letter parchment ~	names
a letter on thin parchment
A rolled parchment, tied with a lock of hair, lies here.
Written in a shaky hand, or perhaps by another means altogether,
this letter reads as follows:
	Whomever shall find this letter, please deliver it to Shawna
	of Garland.  She is my only hope for salvation.
Dearest Shawna,
	I miss you so much!  I have been captured, overwhelmed by
such evil as you cannot imagine.  They, the dark ones of Mount Null,
would not kill me, but instead keep me bound in coils of their
vile magic as a warning to others.  I am almost completely severed
from the magics that used to course my body so readily, but I
believe I have found a weakness in their bindings.
	I fear this letter may never reach you, instead falling into
the hands of my captors or others who mean us no good.  You, and only
you may decipher the rest of this text.  If never do we meet again,
you must know that I will love and honor your memory untill the end
of my days!
With never-ending love,
	The letter continues in a script that weaves before your eyes,
it's meaning totally lost on your eyes and mind!

50 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 5 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 30 201 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

202	 Start of Object
medallion jade ~	names
a jade medallion
A medallion of a strange silvery metal encasing a jade stone lies here.
The medallion is of an almost white metal, encasing a well cut jade stone.  It
seems almost more than just a sum of it's parts though, and it's warmth against
your skin gives you a feeling of security.

56 40 24 23 10 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 0 5 1 0 12 	extras
1024 15495 202 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
27 -10 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

218	 Start of Object
potion fly flight ~	names
a potion of flight
A potion of flight lies here.
The fizzy contents of this little potion can make you able to fly above
the ground and over water.

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 12000 218 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
172 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

224	 Start of Object
hat leather ~	names
a wide-brimmed leather hat
A wide brimmed leather hat lies here.
This hat is sturdily crafted of bulls hide and sewn with sinew.  It
wouldn't stop an axe, but it shades the eyes from sun and rain, and
has been known to turn heads as the wearer walks by!

56 40 22 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 300 224 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
9 -3 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

246	 Start of Object
white potion ~	names
a white potion
A white potion froths slightly in it's glass bottle.
This potion seems to give off an aura of peace and protection.

63 52 40 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 35000 246 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
15 5 -1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
204 20 188 21 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

247	 Start of Object
green potion ~	names
a light green potion
A light green potion is confined in a small bottle.
This thing doesn't look like something you would want to drink,
but perhaps it isn't so bad!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2000 247 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
163 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

248	 Start of Object
golden potion ~	names
a golden potion
A golden potion sticks to the sides of it's container.
This thick, syrupy concoction looks like it would be good
for you!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 15000 248 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

249	 Start of Object
black pitch potion ~	names
a pitch black liquid
A pitch black liquid sloshes slowly in it's jar.
This stuff looks like tar, and smells evil!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 5000 249 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
228 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

251	 Start of Object
rose red stem ~	names
a red rose
A red rose lies on the ground.
It is small but has many petals.

61 50 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 15 251 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 1 101 -1 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

268	 Start of Object
clear potion ~	names
a clear potion
A clear potion smelling of alcohol lies here.
This powerful smelling concoction looks like it could purge you
of the evils of this world!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2000 268 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
176 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

269	 Start of Object
blue potion ~	names
a thick blue potion
A thick blue potion sticks to it's container walls.
This potion looks a little chalky, like you might want something
to chase it with, but you've heard it's good for your senses.

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2000 269 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
155 30 156 30 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

277	 Start of Object
potion honey brown ~	names
a honey brown potion
A honey brown potion is secured in a small flask.
This syruppy liquid looks like it could sooth your aches and pains.

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 40 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1000 277 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
189 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

281	 Start of Object
letter parchment ~	names
a letter on thin parchment
A lost letter lies here forgotten.
Written in a shaky hand, or perhaps by another means altogether,
this letter reads as follows:
	Whomever shall find this letter, please deliver it to Shawna
	of Garland.  She is my only hope for salvation.
Dearest Shawna,
	I miss you so much!  I have been captured, overwhelmed by
such evil as you cannot imagine.  They, the dark ones of Mount Null,
would not kill me, but instead keep me bound in coils of their
vile magic as a warning to others.  I am almost completely severed
from the magics that used to course my body so readily, but I
believe I have found a weakness in their bindings.
	I fear this letter may never reach you, instead falling into
the hands of my captors or others who mean us no good.  You, and only
you may decipher the rest of this text.  If never do we meet again,
you must know that I will love and honor your memory untill the end
of my days!
With never-ending love,
	The letter continues in a script that weaves before your eyes,
it's meaning totally lost on your eyes and mind!

50 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 5 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 30 281 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

282	 Start of Object
potion red bright ~	names
a bright red potion
A bright red potion looks a little evil!
This red potion sloshes angrily in it's container, waiting to escape.

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1500 282 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
197 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

295	 Start of Object
scroll illuminate ~	names
a scroll of illumination
A scroll of illumination is penned in a fine hand.
This piece of parchment is covered with neat writing containing words
of power.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 200 295 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
4 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

296	 Start of Object
scroll firewall ~	names
a scroll of firewall
A scroll of firewall is penned in a fine hand.
This piece of parchment is covered with neat writing containing words
of power, traced in bright red ink.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2500 296 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
6 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

297	 Start of Object
scroll web ~	names
a scroll of web
A scroll of web is penned in a fine hand, and signed, Fat Basselope.
This piece of parchment is covered with neat writing containing words
of power, traced in bright red ink.  The signature, unlike any you have
seen before, reads, 'Fat Basselope'.  You can only wonder!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1500 297 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
10 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

298	 Start of Object
scroll entangle ~	names
a scroll of entanglement
A sticky scroll lies here gathering dust and everything else!
This piece of parchment is covered with neat writing containing words
of power.  The parchment, especially around the letters is very sticky.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1500 298 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
11 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

299	 Start of Object
scroll calm ~	names
a scroll of calm
A soothing scroll on fine parchment is tied with a white ribon.
This piece of parchment is covered with neat writing containing soothing
words.  A powerful argument for the pen, over the sword!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1000 299 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
12 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

313	 Start of Object
scroll identify identification ~	names
a scroll of identification
A piece of rolled parchment lies here.
This scroll seems to hold some sort of spell to help ascertain the
properties of any object.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 250 313 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
165 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

318	 Start of Object
scroll charm ~	names
a scroll of mass charm
A slick scroll begs you to look at it.
This slick parchment is covered with the words that cloud your
mind.  After glancing over it, you feel as if you would do anything
for the author!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 8000 318 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
14 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

319	 Start of Object
scroll typhoon ~	names
a scroll of typhoon
A damp scroll sends a gentle breeze as it is opened.
This parchment is penned in a fine hand, but the ink has mysteriously
bled into the paper making it almost illegible in places.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 319 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
18 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

320	 Start of Object
scroll tornado ~	names
a scroll of tornado
A small scroll creates a small whirlwind when opened.
This parchment is covered with wild, wavery writing, barely
legible in fact!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1200 320 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
18 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

321	 Start of Object
scroll quake earthquake ~	names
a scroll of earthquake
A small scroll shakes perceptibly as you stroke it.
This parchment is covered with wild, wavery writing, barely
legible in fact!  

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1200 321 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
20 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

322	 Start of Object
scroll distortion wall ~	names
a scroll of distortion wall
A scroll offers glimpses of other worlds as you peer at it.
This fine parchment seems to offer means to other dimensions!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 500 322 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
21 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

323	 Start of Object
scroll lightning ~	names
a scroll of lightning storm
A scroll crackles with electricity as it lies here.
This fine parchment is covered with a strange blue script that
crawls across the page as you try to read it.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1200 323 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
22 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

324	 Start of Object
scroll meteorstorm ~	names
a scroll of fire and brimstone
A blood red scroll of hellfire and damnation lies here.
This fine parchment look as if it has the power to call down
fiery wrath from on high!  One might even say, armageddon.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1200 324 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
25 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

325	 Start of Object
scroll restore ~	names
a scroll of restore
A scroll of a soothing blue color lies here.
This fine, baby blue, parchment is covered with the scrawl that
could only come from a doctor.  The scroll gives off a pungent odor,
reminding you of medicine.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 5000 325 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
30 25 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

358	 Start of Object
bag sack ~	names
a large canvas sack
A large sack lies here unwanted.
This large sack is by no means beautiful, but it looks like it could hold
quite a lot!

54 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 32000 5 0 0 1 	extras
1024 29 358 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 75 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
13 13 13 13 13 37 99 4 87 342 182 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

361	 Start of Object
scroll necromancy ~	names
a scroll of necromancy
A scroll of the undead lies here.
This scroll can reach across the boundaries of life and breathe a tepid
life into a corpse.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1000 361 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
149 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

362	 Start of Object
scroll faerie fire ~	names
a scroll of faerie fire
A scroll of faerie fire lies here.
This small scroll flickers with unseen colors at the edge of your

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 800 362 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
151 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

365	 Start of Object
board bulletin cork ~	names
a reading board
A bulletin board has been set up for adventurers to share tales on.
	You see a cork bulletin board hanging on the wall.  It is covered with
stories of the adventures people have experienced, and those they plan to
experience in the future.  To see the messages you should
'examine' it.  To write one of your own, try post.  To read a message 
try 'read <number>'   Example:  read 1.

74 54 40 21 10 7 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 45 0 0 0 	extras
1024 5000 365 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 500 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

366	 Start of Object
scroll invisibility ~	names
a scroll of invisibility
A scroll of invisibility lies here.
The scroll is filled with spidery text talking of shadows and unseen

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2500 366 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
152 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

368	 Start of Object
scroll detect hidden ~	names
a scroll of detect hidden
A scroll for the detection of hidden beings lies here.
This scroll promises to widen your eyes a bit!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 368 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
162 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

369	 Start of Object
scroll detect invisibility ~	names
a scroll of detect invisibility
A scroll for the detection of invisible beings lies here.
This scroll promises to open your eyes to powers beyond the
physical realm!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 369 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
163 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

370	 Start of Object
scroll sleep ~	names
a scroll of sleep
An extremely boring looking scroll lies here.
This scroll is boredom in words.  As you start to look at it your eyes
glaze over and your senses begin to drift!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 370 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
171 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

372	 Start of Object
scroll recall ~	names
a scroll of recall
A scroll of recall lies here.
This scroll is often used by adventureres who have no real idea of where
they are going, or how they might be able to get back!

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 4500 372 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
180 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

373	 Start of Object
scroll curse ~	names
a scroll of a horrible curse
A scroll filled with a horrible curse lies here.
This script calls down horrible luck on its victim.

63 53 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2000 373 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
196 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

374	 Start of Object
potion sight ~	names
a potion of sight
A potion of sight lies here in a small vial.
This potion may cure you from blindness, if you can find it to
quaf it!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1000 374 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
3 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

400	 Start of Object
pastry apple danish ~	names
an apple-cinnamon danish
A danish wrapped in a white paper lies here.
	This circular pastry is filled with a wonderful combination of 
cinamon, sugar, apples and some kind of nut.  It makes your mouth water just
thinking about it.

61 21 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 100 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 75 400 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 5 101 -2 -1	stat_affects
End of Object.

401	 Start of Object
key gate ~	names
the key to Garland
The key to Garland's gates lies here.
	This is a large sturdy key, which is hardly ever used.  The guards
rarely lock the gates, as the citizens regard the inconvenience as being more
of a problem than a possible raid.

40 31 19 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 2 0 0 0 	extras
1024 435 401 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

454	 Start of Object
potion invisibility invisible ~	names
a potion of detect invisible
A potion that will show you invisible things lies here.
This potion is hardly liquid at all, but more of a thick air.  It can
allow you to see things that are invisible to others!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2000 454 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
163 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

455	 Start of Object
potion hidden brown ~	names
a brown potion
A brown potion that will show you hidden things lies here.
This potion is a thick viscous brown liquid.  Word has it that it will
let you see hidden things!

63 52 40 31 10 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 50 0 50 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2000 455 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
162 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

470	 Start of Object
knife silver ~	names
a silver knife
A silver knife is lying here.
It is small with a leather handle.  It has the word "Archibald" enscribed on
its blade.

57 43 40 31 30 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 2 2 2 0 	extras
1024 15 470 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

473	 Start of Object
bag goods ~	names
a bag of goods
A bag full of goods lies here.
It is a small bag with lumps of various sizes and shapes bulging from it.  A
chain is wrapped tightly around the open end and bound with a primitive keyhole

56 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 2 0 0 0 	extras
1024 10 473 0 	cur_stats
3 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 2 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

486	 Start of Object
canteen ~	names
CLONE OF:  canteen.
CLONE OF:  canteen.
This is a simple canteen with a cork for a lid.  From the scuffed
nature, you can believe it's seen a long life!

59 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
20 0 100 0 1000 1 0 0 1 	extras
1024 50 486 0 	cur_stats
2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 10 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
7 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

487	 Start of Object
canteen ~	names
CLONE OF:  canteen.
CLONE OF:  canteen.
This is a simple canteen with a cork for a lid.  From the scuffed
nature, you can believe it's seen a long life!

59 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
20 0 100 0 1000 1 0 0 1 	extras
1024 50 487 0 	cur_stats
2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 10 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
7 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

488	 Start of Object
canteen ~	names
CLONE OF:  canteen.
CLONE OF:  canteen.
This is a simple canteen with a cork for a lid.  From the scuffed
nature, you can believe it's seen a long life!

59 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
20 0 100 0 1000 1 0 0 1 	extras
1024 50 488 0 	cur_stats
2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 10 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
7 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

506	 Start of Object
potion purple strength ~	names
a dark purple potion
A dark purple potion in a jar lies here.
It has a slightly offensive odor and its murky, soupy appearance isn't too
appetizing either.

63 52 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 506 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
177 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

509	 Start of Object
scroll gate ~	names
a scroll of gate
A scroll which will open a magical gateway lies here.
You see a scroll which will let you travel to distant lands!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1200 509 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
159 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

510	 Start of Object
scroll portal ~	names
a scroll of portal
A scroll for opening a magical doorway lies here.
You see a scroll which will let you travel to distant lands...and back!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1500 510 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
160 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

511	 Start of Object
scroll passdoor door ~	names
a scroll of passdoor
A scroll that looks not entirely solid lies here.
It seems to slide right through your hands in places!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 2250 511 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
181 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

512	 Start of Object
scroll image mirror ~	names
a scroll of mirror image
A scroll which reflects your face on its surface lies here.
You see a shiny scroll which reflects your face on its surface as you look at

63 53 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 500 512 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
153 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

513	 Start of Object
scroll summon ~	names
a scroll of summon
A scroll which seems to pull you towards itself lies here.
You see a scroll which begs you to come closer!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1500 513 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
167 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

514	 Start of Object
scroll blade fire ~	names
a scroll of fire blade
A scorching hot scroll lies here.
Its words burn with intensity!

63 53 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1200 514 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
186 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

515	 Start of Object
scroll grasp shocking ~	names
a scroll of shocking grasp
A scroll which seems to grip your soul lies here.
It seems to grip your soul with some invisible magical grasp!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 515 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
136 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

516	 Start of Object
scroll blindness cure ~	names
a scroll of cure blindness
A scroll lies here very clearly in your vision.
Its words are very crisp and clear, moreso than is normal for your eyesight.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 516 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
3 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

517	 Start of Object
scroll infravision ~	names
a scroll of infravision
A scroll with a slightly red hue lies here.
It has a slightly red tint and seems to glow a bit.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 517 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
13 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

518	 Start of Object
scroll hands burning ~	names
a scroll of burning hands
A very hot scroll lies here.
You see a scroll which makes your hands burn!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 300 518 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
38 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

519	 Start of Object
scroll conjure horde ~	names
a scroll of conjure horde
A scroll of conjure horde lies here.
You see a scroll of conjure horde.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 519 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
147 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

522	 Start of Object
scroll illusion ~	names
a scroll of illusion
A scroll of illusion lies here.
You see a scroll of illusion.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 522 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
150 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

523	 Start of Object
scroll locate ~	names
a scroll of locate
A scroll which helps you in finding things lies here.
You see a scroll of locate.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 523 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
166 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

524	 Start of Object
scroll wizard eye ~	names
a scroll of wizard eye
A scroll of wizard eye lies here.
You see a scroll of wizard eye.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 524 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
168 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

525	 Start of Object
scroll recharge ~	names
a scroll of recharge
A scroll which will help you replenish wands lies here.
You see a scroll of recharge.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 525 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
173 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

526	 Start of Object
scroll dispel magic ~	names
a scroll of dispel magic
A scroll which will help you remove magic lies here.
You see a scroll of dispel magic.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 526 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
176 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

527	 Start of Object
scroll bless ~	names
a scroll of bless
A very holy scroll lies here.
You see a scroll of bless.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 527 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
191 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

528	 Start of Object
scroll harm scroll harm ~	names
a scroll of harm
A scroll of harm lies here.
You see a scroll of harm.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 528 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
197 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

529	 Start of Object
scroll flame strike ~	names
a scroll of flame strike
A scroll of flame strike lies here.
You see a scroll of flame strike.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 529 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
198 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

530	 Start of Object
scroll heal group ~	names
a scroll of group heal
A scroll for healing your group lies here.
You see a scroll of group heal.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 530 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
200 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

531	 Start of Object
scroll stone skin ~	names
a scroll of stone skin
A stony scroll lies here.
You see a scroll of stone skin.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 531 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
204 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

532	 Start of Object
scroll prismatic globe ~	names
a scroll of prismatic globe
A scroll of prismatic globe lies here.
You see a scroll of prismatic globe.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 532 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
0 3000 -1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
206 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

533	 Start of Object
scroll create food ~	names
a scroll of create food
A scroll which looks like it could be eaten lies here.
You see a scroll of create food.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 533 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
210 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

534	 Start of Object
scroll create water ~	names
a scroll of create water
A scroll of create water lies here.
You see a scroll of create water.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 534 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
213 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

535	 Start of Object
scroll icestorm storm ~	names
a scroll of icestorm
An icy scroll lies here.
You see a scroll of icestorm.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 535 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
215 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

536	 Start of Object
scroll lightning bolt ~	names
a scroll of lightning bolt
You see a scroll which crackles with electricity.
You see a scroll which crackles with electricity.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 536 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
217 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

537	 Start of Object
scroll firestorm ~	names
a scroll of firestorm
A scroll of firestorm lies here.
You see a scroll of firestorm.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 537 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
220 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

538	 Start of Object
scroll plague ~	names
a scroll of plague
A scroll of a horrible plague lies here.
You see a scroll of a horrible plague!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 538 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
227 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

539	 Start of Object
scroll flesh stone ~	names
a scroll of flesh to stone
A scroll of flesh to stone lies here.
You see a scroll of flesh to stone.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 539 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
234 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

540	 Start of Object
scroll detect resistances ~	names
a scroll of detect resistances
A scroll for detecting resistances lies here.
You see a scroll of detect resistances.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 540 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
235 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

541	 Start of Object
scroll tammuz ~	names
a scroll of tammuz
A scroll of tammuz lies here.
You see a scroll of tammuz.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 541 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
249 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

542	 Start of Object
scroll creat golem ~	names
a scroll of create golem
A scroll of create golem lies here.
You see a scroll of create golem.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 542 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
145 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

543	 Start of Object
scroll conjure minion scroll conjure minion ~	names
a scroll of conjure minion
A scroll of conjure minion lies here.
You see a scroll of conjure minion lying here.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 543 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
146 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

544	 Start of Object
scroll detect poison ~	names
a scroll of detect poison
A scroll of detect poison lies here.
You see a scroll of detect poison.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 544 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
156 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

545	 Start of Object
scroll detect alignment ~	names
a scroll of detect alignment
A scroll of detect alignment lies here.
You see a scroll of detect alignment.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 545 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
164 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

546	 Start of Object
scroll weaken ~	names
a scroll of weaken
A scroll of weaken lies here.
You see a scroll of weaken.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 546 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
170 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

547	 Start of Object
scroll fireproof ~	names
a scroll of fireproof
A scroll of fireproof lies here.
You see a scroll of fireproof.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 547 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
174 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

548	 Start of Object
scroll haste ~	names
a scroll of haste
A scroll of haste lies here.
You see a scroll of haste.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 200 548 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
175 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

549	 Start of Object
scroll strength ~	names
a scroll of strength
A scroll of strength lies here.
You see a scroll of strength.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 549 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
177 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

550	 Start of Object
scroll enchant weapon ~	names
a scroll of enchant weapon
A scroll of enchant weapon lies here.
You see a scroll of enchant weapon.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 550 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
182 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

551	 Start of Object
scroll enchant armor ~	names
a scroll of enchant armor
You see a scroll of enchant armor.
You see a scroll of enchant armor.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 551 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
183 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

552	 Start of Object
scroll rune edge ~	names
a scroll of rune edge
A scroll of rune edge lies here.
You see a scroll of rune edge.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 552 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
184 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

553	 Start of Object
scroll frost blade ~	names
a scroll of frost blade
A scroll of frost blade lies here.
You see a scroll of frost blade.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 553 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
185 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

554	 Start of Object
scroll cure serious ~	names
a scroll of cure serious
A scroll of cure serious lies here.
You see a scroll of cure serious.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 554 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
188 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

555	 Start of Object
scroll cure critical ~	names
a scroll of cure critical
A scroll of cure critical lies here.
You see a scroll of cure critical.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 555 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
189 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

556	 Start of Object
scroll protection scroll protection evil ~	names
a scroll of protection from evil
A scroll of protection from evil lies here.
You see a scroll of protection from evil.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 556 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
192 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

557	 Start of Object
scroll protection good ~	names
a scroll of protection from good
A scroll of protection from good lies here.
You see a scroll of protection from good.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 557 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
193 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

558	 Start of Object
scroll remove curse ~	names
a scroll of remove curse
A scroll of remove curse lies here.
You see a scroll of remove curse.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 558 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
194 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

559	 Start of Object
scroll dispel good ~	names
a scroll of dispel good
A scroll of dispel good lies here.
You see a scroll of dispel good.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 559 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
195 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

560	 Start of Object
scroll holy word ~	names
a scroll of holy word
A scroll of holy word lies here.
You see a scroll of holy word,

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 560 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
199 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

561	 Start of Object
scroll divine protection ~	names
a scroll of divine protection
A scroll of diving protection lies here.
You see a scroll of divine protection.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 561 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
201 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

562	 Start of Object
scroll heros feast ~	names
a scroll of hero's feast
A scroll of hero's feast lies here.
You see a scroll of hero's feast.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 562 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
211 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

563	 Start of Object
scroll magic shield ~	names
a scroll of magic shield
A scroll of magic shield lies here.
You see a scroll of magic shield.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 563 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
214 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

564	 Start of Object
scroll blindness ~	names
a scroll of blindness
A scroll of blindness lies here.
You see a scroll of blindness.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 564 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
221 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

565	 Start of Object
scroll cause sickness ~	names
a scroll of cause sickness
A scroll of cause sickness lies here.
You see a scroll of cause sickness.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 565 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
222 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

566	 Start of Object
cause critical ~	names
a scroll of cause critical
A scroll of cause critical lies here.
You see a scroll of cause critical.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 566 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
224 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

567	 Start of Object
scroll dispel evil ~	names
a scroll of dispel evil
A scroll of dispel evil lies here.
You see a scroll of dispel evil.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 567 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
228 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

579	 Start of Object
ticket construct token ~	names
a token for a small cat
A token lies here.
You see a small wooden token.

50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 100 579 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

588	 Start of Object
key amy ~	names
a key
A metal key lies here.
It has the name "Amy" enscribed on its handle.

50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 10 588 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

591	 Start of Object
ticket construct token ~	names
a token for a large dog
A token lies here.
You see a small wooden token.

50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 700 591 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

592	 Start of Object
ticket construct token ~	names
a token for a large attack dog
A token lies here.
You see a small wooden token.

50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 1000 592 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

601	 Start of Object
scroll orb power this_thing_is_freaking_nuts ~	names
a scroll of orb of power
A glowing hot scroll lies here, scorching the ground.
Its words glow with the intensity of pure energy, ready to be released!

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1000 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 50000 601 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
233 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

608	 Start of Object
potion strength iverunoutofgoodkeywords ~	names
a black murky potion
A blackish potion lies here.
Its black liquid oozes slowly in its container.

63 52 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 8000 608 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
177 30 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

609	 Start of Object
papyrus plant root paper ~	names
a papyrus plant
A papyrus plant grows here.
Its straight, flower-less steam reaches up over your head, and at intervals
along the stem are groups of small, flexible grasslike branches.

67 63 50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 50 3 0 0 0 	extras
1024 5 609 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
610 609 0 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

610	 Start of Object
bundle fibers papyrus paper ~	names
a bundle of papyrus fibers
A bundle of papyrus fibers lie here.
There are quite a few of the slender, flexible papyrus fibers, arranged
lengthwise and bound together.  There are almost certainly enough to make a
large piece of papyrus paper.

67 63 50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 50 610 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
611 610 743 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

629	 Start of Object
board notices bulletin ~	names
the development bulletin board
The development notice board is attached to the wall.
To see the messages on the board, type 'examine board'.  To read a message,
type 'read #'.

74 54 50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 1000 0 0 0 	extras
1024 0 629 0 	cur_stats
-1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 1000 0 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

632	 Start of Object
scroll absorb blows ~	names
a scroll of absorb blows
A scroll of absorb blows lies here.
You see a very tough scroll.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 632 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
208 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

634	 Start of Object
scroll bind wound ~	names
a scroll of bind wound
A scroll of bind wound lies here.
You see a scroll of bind wound.

63 53 40 31 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 3000 634 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
187 20 -1 spell#, level (casts)
End of Object.

730	 Start of Object
beehive hive ~	names
a beehive
A beehive hangs from a tree, bees buzzing in and out.
It's not very big and it looks as if some forest critter has been trying to get
at it, as there's a large hole in one side.

76 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 10 500 0 0 0 	extras
1024 10 730 0 	cur_stats
9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 1005 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
391 743 -1	inv
-1	stat_affects
-1  End of object proc scripts
End of Object.

737	 Start of Object
cauldron small iron ~	names
a small iron cauldron
A small cauldron, made of iron, lies here.
It is a small, slightly rusty iron cauldron.

65 59 54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 10000 25 0 0 0 	extras
1024 800 737 0 	cur_stats
9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 45 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

742	 Start of Object
box bin storage donation large big ~	names
a large wooden storage bin
A large, wooden storage bin sits here.
It is quite large and can probably hold a fair amount.  It has a hinged lid
which is left open most of the time, and many use it for more long-term storage
of items left in the donation room.

54 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 1000 0 0 0 	extras
1024 10 742 0 	cur_stats
10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 1200 100 -1 	 bag_stuff
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.

743	 Start of Object
honey ~	names
some honey
Some honey lies in a sticky glob.
It's probably not great to eat, but it's sticky and could hold things together!

67 63 50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 1 0 0 0 	extras
1024 10 743 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
100 4 -1	stat_affects
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
611 610 743 0 0 0	 target object, companions
End of Object.

752	 Start of Object
token penguin ~	names
a token for a penguin
A small wooden token lies here.
You see a small wooden token.

50 40 21 10 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0 	extras
1024 10 752 0 	cur_stats
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
-1	stat_affects
End of Object.